1 1 ome of Ifa X ji Alfa Jrthe World." is the wav th t their town and. community. ?ze, but there ia something in tf Sheridan county which Vj s alfalfa and corn and iricultural dependencies, facts live ones to the vicinity Md-timers on their tip toes flay and part of the night In sotner Nebraska nlac.ea Hay Springs the buildings' .autos are newer unrl tVio .its have the ATtrtPArnnno nf kr place, with a business ! atreeti are a little alka a little thicker, and -ttle brisker than in any town id M it is, in the best county reaping the benefit of the ttliaff bear there In the past triagr land into real produc ers jrtar sees more And more Oe day is rapidly ap ymt portion of Sheridan V balance being the imest sed by sunshiue .and rain. V effhandway that he f ax-, stoealhis year, it means that this 8ctioiu- In fact, Hay i ears from the 1918 crop. IS poker player in that it has Kad it is the direct connec Jtt surrounding community, 2ch a shipping center. jjppfrig business Is merely ,34 the surrounding, country, 1 from a cattle to an all Nprheat, oats, rye, barley, i Regarded as surei crops, otatoes and alfalfa in capital planted on every-farm each s one of the biggest in the in her job, may be gathered rings store shipped $1,500 . ........ v west is there a section which farmer that wants to build iere his chosen lifework will ward.; j $25 up, on being broken and Qduce the same return as the jense invested on $300 acre iound Hay Springs are being ager generation, who expect farms into $300 acre land, i land further east. From a ,1s little, if any dif f erence, and Sasnia chance to acquire for tthe high-priced district. It and womanhood that is i mswering the call for cheap to the owner with its devel iericanifim comes better psrything that goes to make a- u i ; : j j. 11 iu i live, aim uiciueiiiaiiy stor large returns from his I of Hfe, who wishes to build idSn County; Nebraska; of- iuty of it all is that thi3 land il working man. BWSW, . . . . , .:. ..... . (Wheat ym. ... . ... . ...... . 27 47 33 Seed . v. . .y. ...., 3 !p . ...-".:."..-TTrv. :! 3 V4 . v. .'iv . . -2 T' Twice this amount on hand Tin account of, car shortage. Anrip Production Per Acre. 1919 . Oorai rrv. .v. ....... f. 25 Oata 32 Winter Wheat 18 Spring Wheat Jly . . . . ... ... .......... 16 BarIey v .. . 80 f'Talfa w. IdHajr . tatoes v..135 Th figures for the year 1018 shown are the fierures of the rCJonnty Agricultural Agent 3RCIAL if- " ; Hotel D Town D County ilRONG, Prop. H- -- ' - apings, Nebraska Cora- Alfalfa -Hogs The Producer V Greatest Combination After farming in the best portion. of Iowa for 30, years, I want to say to all farmers, that Sheridan County presents the producer ''s greatest combination Corn, Alfalfa, 'Hogson land that costs " you' only $25 to $50 per acre. ' ' - Know I sold my $250 Iowa land afte trying snenoan uounty two years on tne same v; Hogs-Corn-Alfalfavcombination. WRITE ME ABOUT IT MainiiMen a:k. Hay Springs, Sheridan County, Nebraska President, C. F. COFFEE y , Cashier, I. A. GOFF Vice Pres., IRA B. RICHMOND v i First National Bank Capital $25,000 Surplus $2,000 v HAY SPRINGS, NEBRASKA -1 Sheridan -County - i83srg;!!jiasiiM!S!iio Deposits Jail; 1st 1909 $102,758.30 Surplus Jan. 1st 1909 2,000.00- Deposits Jan.. 1st 1919 $386,268.49 ' 'V. Surplus Jan. 1st 1919 25,000.00 i , " ' ' "... X' .... ' A Good Bank in a Good County Sheridan County topped the (South Omaha hog market 11 consecutive days in November Shftridaa County Hog Ar Immune from Cholera. SHERIDAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA Ha a class of people not equaled anywhere in the United States. They are possessed with true western spirit of "live and let live." Everybody helpsNhis neighbor. SHERIDAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA A Sheridan Countv farmer com plained that he had only a half crop J of potatoes last year. His potatoes went 300 bushels to the acre in 19J.6. Farmers don't have to fight potato bugs in thii county. SHERIDAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA- ... Potatoes yield from 120 to 200 bushels per acre sell from 90c to $1.40 per bushel. SHERIDAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA Our best paying crops are Alfalfa, Corn and Hogs. Never a known case bf cholera in Sheridan county.. We put our hogs on the railroad at a cbst of less than 2 cents per lb. Many of us ship from 1 to 10 cars each year. I - - J ... . The Pride of a Sheridan County Land Owner. . f w, BOWMAN s REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 4 ' I have listed for sale some of the best farms and ranches in .western Nebraska. Buy now, before thfe raise in price. The price of western land is steadily increasing. Invest your money in western Nebraska land and do it quick. ' - y , , I offer you your choice out of 10,000 acres. These lands are off ered you at $25.00, to $75.00 per acre, according to the improvments and distance from town. . , They will yield as much or more per acre in farm products, than any $300.00-per-acre land. - Moreover, the-land will double in value in. a year or two.7 v - 7 . No business pays like farming today, as you well know.- Mixed farming pays the , Jtesfc -Think of butter fat at 60 cents jr pound, and other products in proportion. Get a ticket and come and see the big crops we are growing. It will pay you. Let us know in advance when you are coming, so we can meet you with bur auto and show v you the country without cost. , i v , Bui let us tell you more about the country four free literature will interest you, and Nwm giaaiy man you mis ii yoiwm asK us. ' : , im I have been in business in Hay Springs, Nebraska for 25 years and will refer you ' to any bank or business firm in town as to my responsibility and square dealing. W. R. BOWMAN , x ' : e' Hay Springs, Sheridan County, Nebraska SheridaE" Gototy The County With Qpportunitfes and a Future It's not far to Sheridan jCounty, ; It's not far to gov It's not far to Sheridan County, But it's the best old place I know, Spuds grow as lig as pumpkins, Corn crop, Oh, m, The pigs, they think that they are in-lleaven, -IN ALFALFA waist high. " L ' - V Sheridan County, located in the northwestern part of the state, is devoted entirely to the raising of stock and farming, the C. and N. W. R. E. passing through the northern part of the county - and the C, B. & Q. R. R. passing through the south ern part. , Sheridan county has 960,738 acres in farms; of these acres 124,045 acres 'are cultivated, 137,016 ' acres of improved land with improvements valued at $158,047, unimproved land 1,270,664 acres. - Many : acres of this unimproved land is land that is owned- by ranchers or men who do not care to farm Hs-. This land is of the very best farm land in this county and is offered to the man that wants to make a home for himself. .This, land can be purchased in tracts to suit the purchaser, giving him as much as he wants, for farming and pasture. It all lays level to gently rolling, with very good graded Deads to town. " -We are giving you a few of the facts about Sheridan county that will be Worthy of due con sideration on your part in making a choice for a hjprae. Eighty-seven ter cent of our farms "are occupied by the owners; a new $40,000 court house, paid for; $125,000 treasury surplus drawing interest; our taxes are are the lowest of any coun ty in Nebraska. . We "have the best roads no sand, and mare automobiles per -capita than any county in Ne braska. We have more money on deposit in Sheri dan county banks for every man, woman and child' than any other county in Nebraska. Only 13 per cent of our best Agriculture land is under cultivation; that is why we want-ou to come and see us and live with us. Sheridan county haij,. the best schools; Hay Springs has Normal Training higTi schools. - Our best paying crops are Alfalfa, Command logs; hog cholera is practically unknown in this county. We put our hogs on the railroad at a cost of less than 2 cents per lb. Many of us -ship from 1 to 10 cars every year. Potatoes are a very good crop here; we'are the second county ih the state jn pud production. The figures appearing are compiled from the report of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture and the Sheridan Cpun ty Farm Demonstrator's records. They will stand the strongest investigation remember that we do not , claim to produce the most per acre of any county, but wi do claim to produce the most per acre in proportion to the price of land. Think it over. Fridayand Saturday were perhaps the'tw) busiest potato days of the season. On Friday all cars on track were filled and only the Ne braska Potato company's warehouse would hold more. At this place the unloading continued in to the nighty andstill a dozen or more loads were left oVer for Saturday morning. During thejiight,, however, more cars' arfived and the loading of wagons began early Saturday morn ing. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were equally busy days and there were from 20 to 30 loads waiting all day for their turn to unload Today there has been shipped from Hay Springs 130 cars of potatoes and the end is not near in sight.- Buyers are paying from $1.40 to $1.60 per hundred. ' ' - r ' Hay Springs News, October 10, 1918. Sheridan County is the Home of One-Fourth of "... All the Potato Flour Mills in the ynited States. - " i - - J 1- ft: T x V i -iff