Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 17

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    Guilt is tha sourcs of sorrow! Tia tha fisnd,
Tha avanglnf fisnd. that lollowa us behind, ,
With whips and stints. Rowa.
- f
Far farms ! ovsraaMat itt foola coats t
Wbata'er U kaat arfmialstaretl ia bast.
- Chiropractic
McFadden's Methods.
Regenerative Diets scien
tifically combined will pull
your disease out by the
roots. '
Let Nature Get You Well
Bushman BIk., 16th and Douglas
. Street.
. -' Office, Douf. 7S39.
All Standard
Makes for Sale
and Rent
The W. N. Long Comparr
20S So. 18th St.
Phono D. 3969.
Investigate my metnods for
the relief of pain in den
tistry. 403 Brandeis Building.
The Advertiser who uses the Bee
Want Ad columns increases his
business thereby and the person
who read them profit by the oppor
tunities offered.
Famous In A Day For Her
; Beautiful Complexion
Oatmeal Combination Does It
A Frea Prescription Doe Its Work
Overnight. You Can Prepare
It At Your Home.
New York: It is my own discovery and
it takes just one niirht to get such marvel
ous results, says Mae Edna Wilder, when
hr friends ask her about her wonderful
complexion and the Improved appearance
of her hands and arms. Yon can do the
same thing if you follow my advice she
says: I feel it my duty to tell every girl
and woman what this wonderful 'prescription
did for me. Just think of it. I never tire
of telling others just what brought about
such remarkable results. Here is the iden
tiraj prescription that removed every de
fect from my face, neck, hands and arms.
Ui'til you try it you can form no idea of
the marvelous change it wiH make in just
one application. The. prescription which you
can prepare at your own home is as fol
lows: Cio to any grocery and get ten cents
wi.rth of ordinary oatmeal, and from any
drug store a bottle of derwillo. Prepare the
.oatmeal as directed in every package of
derwillo and apply night and morning. The
first application will astonish you. It makes
"Old Soldier- writes : "I would like to
know what to do for rheumatism, as I am
so crippled that I cannot walk. Please
answer at once."
Answer: Here ia the best remedy for
rheumatism that is knowa, and if taken
according to directions you will soon
be out again and be strong and well.
et 2 drams of iodide of potassium; 4
drams sodium salicylate; 1 oi. wine of
rolchicum; 1 os, eemp. essence eardiol: 1
ox. comp. fluid balmwort and 5 on. of
syrup sarsaparilla comp. Mix and take a
teaspoonful at meal time and again before
going to bed. ,
"Poorly" writes: "Being past middle
ace and observing that my nervous system
is in bad shape. I write for a prescription.
I do not gain strength from my food, am
weak, listless, forgetful, sleepless at times,
tired and unable to set the part of a strong
man of health, such as I waa at one time."
Answer: Get from a well-stocked
.pha rmecy a sealed tube of three-graia
Cadomene Tablets, which are especially
made for those needing a strong, harm
less, rejuvenating tonic Astonishing and
pleasing results will , follow and life and
hope are renewed.
e a
Mias Beatrice asks: "Will you please
prescribe for one who is too fleshy so
. that about SO pounds can be taken offT"
Answer: Obtain of any well-stocked
druggist a tube of (-Grain Arbolone Tab
lets and take regularly as per directions
accompanying same. Many of my patients
have reduced at the rata of a pound a day
without any ill results.
a . a
"Unhappy May writes: "I suffer con
stantly with constipation, headaches, indi
f srf' 1
Club notices will not be pub
lished in The Sunday Bee if re
ceived later than 5 p. m. Friday.
Omaha Woman's Club.
The Omaha Woman's club will
meet at the Y. W. C. A. auditorium
on Monday at 2:30 preceeded by a
meeting of directors at 1:30.
Officers of the club and chair
men of the auditing, courtesy, con
struction, house and home commit
tees will be elected. Three mem
bers of the library committee and
five of the membership will also be
chosen. .
The tellers are Mrs. T. H. Tracy,
chairman; Mesdames Raymond L.
Young. J. T. Johnston, S. A. Col
lins, William Burton, George W.
Munger, E. F. EasterlyT-Cearge A.
Magney, W. E. Shaeffer and Dr.
Katherine Sullivan.
The Dundee Woman's Patriotic
club will meet on Monday at 1:30
with Mrs. Harry Patterson, 301
South Thirty-eighth street.
The Fellowship club, with Miss
Beth Howard as leader, will meet
Monday evening, for a special gym
class, with Mrs. Charles Musselman
as instructor. '
The parlimentary law department
of the Omaha Woman's club will
Tired Feet
Nothing comforts tad soothes aching,
tired feet like Omega Oil. Bathe the feet
in warm water, then rub with Omega
Oil, this simple treatment stops the pain
and makes the feet feel like new.
the skin appear transparent, smooth and
velvety. I especially recommend it for
freckles, tan, sun spots, coarse pores, rough
skin, ruddiness, wrinkles, and, in fact, ev
ery blemish the face hands and arms are
heir to. If your neck or chest is discolort-J
from exposure, apply this combination then
and the objectionable defect will disappear
It is absolutely harmless and will not pro
duce or stimulate a growth of hair. No
matter how rough and ungainly the hands
and arms, or what abuses they have ha
through hard work and exposure to sun an .
wind, the oatmeal-derwillo combination wil
work a wonderful transformation in U
hours at the most. Thousands who have
used it have had the same results I have
Sole: To rt the brat effect be sure to follow the
complete dlrwMoiia contained in every package of
derwillo. You hate only to get dtrwlllo and oat
meal. You need nothiui else and It la so simple
that anyone can use It: and la so Inexpensive that
any slrl or woman can afford It. The manufacturers
and (lrumrtata guarantee that there will lie a notice
able improvement after the nrst application or they
will refund the money. It la sold in this city undi-r
a money rerund guarantee by department stores and
all up-to-date druggists Including the Sherman a
McConnell, the Jlealon and the Merrltt stores.
r:- ) THE BEST
The questions answered below are gen
eral in character; the symptoms or dis
eases are given and the answers should
apply to any ease of similar nature.
Those wishing further advice, free, may
address Dr. Lewis Baker, College Building,
vuiicBc-uu.uwj ,uma, iaytoo, vj., en
closing self-addressed, stamped envelope
for reply. Full name and address must
be given, but only initials or fictitious
name will be used in any answers. The
remedies can be obtained at any well
stocked drug store. Any druggist can
order of wholesaler.
gestion and kidney trouble. My skin is
pimply and oily."
Answer: Three grain Sulpherb Tablets
(not sulphur tablets) ia the best known
remedy for the blood. They are made
from sulphur, cream of tartar and herb
medicines which act directly on the blood,
purifying it, thus causing the pimples to
disappear and the skin to become fresh and
healthy looking,
a a e
"Essex" write: "What should I do
to relieve a severe ease of kidney and
bladder disease? Urine is dark, foul of
odor, and passage is irregular, painful,
etc. Have depression, fever, chills, pains
like rheumatism and soreness in region of
Answer: For such symptoms as you
describe I prescribe my favorite formula
under the name of Balmwort Tablets. This
is a splendid efficacious remedy for such
abnormal conditions. Begin their use as
per directions on each sealed tube,
e a a
'Sorrowful" says: "My scalp is cover
ed with dandruff, my hair is oily and
straggling. Please help me so that I may
look like other girls."
Answer: You can very easily "look
like other girls" if you will get at the
drug store a 4-oa. jar of plain yellow
Minyol and use it regularly according to
the directions given. It will stop your
dandruff and make your hair soft and
fluffy and make it grow. This treatment
differs from all others and I have actually
aee it the most wonderful transformations
when people have used this only two or
three times. - ,
a e e
"Ann" writes: "Could you prescribe
something to increase my weight T I am
tall and thin to such an embarrassing de
gree that I am frequently subjected to
slighting remarks."
Answer: Hypo-Nuelane Tablets have
been prescribed with great success as
indicated by gratifying., letters from hun
dreds of girls who suffer as you do. These
tablets ran be purchased in sealed pack
ages from any well-stocked drug store and
full directions are given inside. These
should be taken regularly for about two
months, -
meet on Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. at
the Y. W. C. A.
As the last regular lesson there
will be a short review in parlia
mentarp practices, with Ensen JI.
Biglow as director and Mrs. John
Mullin, leader.
Preceding the lesson there will be
flection of officers and final arrange
ments for the last social function.
fontenelle Kensington will meet
with Mrs. Arthur Dunbar, 1314
South Thirty-second street, on
Tuesday .
No. 140, West Branch Relief
corps, will meet on Tuesday at 2:31)
in the Memorial hall of the court
The public speaking department of
the Omaha Woman's club will meet
on Tuesday at 10 a. m. at the Y. W.
C. A. Prof. Edwin Puis will speak,
followed by electfcn of officers.
Mrs. John Mullin's and Mrs. George
Shield's divisions will be hostesses
at luncheon.
The Omaha Spanish club will meet
Tuesday at 8:15 in room 505 of the
McCabe building.
Music department' of the Omaha
Woman's club will meet on Wednes
day at the Blackstone. Chorus re
hearsal will commence at 1:30. The
program, arranged by Mrs. J. R.
Trevis, will follow at 2:30.
The last number of the concert
series, sponsored by the music, de
partment, will be given Monday,
April 21, with Henry Cox violinist,
assisted by the Woman's club
The Jewish Ladies' Relieff society
Beautiful Locket
Send photo and we
will make a genuine
hand colored repro
duction by a new
and permanent
The miniature wilt
beeet in a goldplated
Roman finish locket
and wa famish both for S2.SO. The minia
ture alone at any jeweler would cost many
times this amount.
Remit $2.50 with order. Give color pf eyes, hair,
and complexion we reproduce perfectly.
Makes a handsome Bid that will be greatly ap
preciated by all.
Photograph will be returned promptly
175 Fifth Ave. New York
The latMt discovery for the relief or cure of Colter by
mild electrical treatment. Worm wane yon aicep.
Wriaa today ior oarriculara end Free booklet oo Cotter.
Cemaa fkamacal Ce. 51 Coagttl Ht..Waustre,Wb.
People Notice It Drive Them
Off with Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
A pimply face will not embarrass you
much ioneer if you get a package of
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin
j should begin to clear after you have
' taken the tablets a few niehts.
Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver
with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the
successful substitute for calomel; there's
no sickness or pain after taking them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that
which calomel does, and just as effec
tively, but their action is gentle and
safe instead of severe and irritating.
No one who takes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed with "a dark brown taste,"
a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good"
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or pimply face.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil; you will know them by their
olive color.
Drr Edwards spent years among pa
tients afflicted with liver and bowel
complaints, and Olive Tablets are the
immensely effective result
Take one or two nightly for a week.
See how much better you feel and look.
1.0c and 25c per box. All druggists.
How to Reduce Your Weight
Get rid of that burden of obesity
this very season. Become lithe and
active. Stop suffering from over
stoutness. You may even eat ice
cream, cake and candy if you like.
Enjoy yourself while getting thin by
korein system approved by physi
cians. Mrs. Clarence Cash reports 'that
she reduced her weight thirty-five
pounds in six weeks by using oil of
Many other reports made by de
lighted women, who were unable to
fret rid of their burden of fat until
they adopted the new method.
Get a small box of oil of korein,
in capsules, at any drug store; fol
low the plain directions of korein
system. Guarantee of reduction or
money back. Nothing drastic or
harmful a safe self-treatment thut
has improved the figure, vivacity,
beauty and health of legions of
ladies. For protruding hips, unduly
large neck or bust, double chin,
pursy abdomen, etc., this simple, .re
markably effective reduction sys
tem should be tried. A book, "Re
duce Weight Happily," may be had
free, postpaid (plain wrapper), by
writing to Korein Company, NE-69,1
Station F, New ork, N. Y. Adv..
j, ,
. - -
mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm
will give a social card party on
Thursday at the B'nai Ami club
club rooms in the Lyric building.
The Dundee Woman's club will
meet on Thursday at 2:30 with Mrs.
W. T. Johnston, 5013 Chicago street.
Discussion of next year's work will
replace the current topics usually
considered. "The City of Comrades '
by Basil King, is the book for
study. Mrs. H. B. Howard will be
Omaha Collegiate alumnii will
hold a general meeting on Satur
day at the Blackstone at 2:30. Re
ports of the biennial convention will
be followed by a play given by the
drama section.
An executive meeting will be held
Friday at 3:38 at the Fontenelle.
The girls' work committee will be
held Saturday afternoon, April 19, at
1:30 o'clock, instead of April 12, as
formerly announced.
The group of which Margaret
Bliss is guardian held a council fire
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Irene Carlson. Mildred Shields
tcok her desire to become a Camp
fire Girl. Irene O'Brien took the
Wood Gatherers and Virginia Os
tenberg the Firemakers' rank. The
candle-lighting ceremony was part
of the council fire. The Candle of
Love was lit by Irene Carlson, the1
Candle of Health by Margaret and
the Candle of Work by Marion Per
kins. Mrs. Ryan's group met at her
home Wednesday evening for a reg
ular business meeting.
The Raos'u -group held a council
fire at the home of Margarette Rix
Friday afternoon. The meeting of
the preceding week was held at the
home of Ruth Keebler.
The Chiskhanay group, with their
guardian, Ann Erickson, visited the
county hospital last Sunday. The
members of this group brought
c&ndy and gave a program of songs
for the people at the home. Dur
ing the week these girls are going
to make scrap books and dress dolls
for the Child Saving institute. A
hike is planned for the near future.
The Waha group postponed their
last meeting. Their guardian, Zo
Schalek, was visiting in Chicago.
Mrs. Helsey's group met Tues
day night at the Y. W. C. A. At
this meeting two girls from Centra'
High school helped the group with
the songs. In two weeks this group
will hold their first ceremonial.
The Alahi group, with their guard
ian, Mrs. 'McDougal, will hold tlieir
fgular meeting Friday. The girls
in this group are rehearsing for a
olay and program to be given it the
Y. W. C. A. m a few weeks.
Mrs. Hoyt with her group met
Wednesday. They hope to have a
week-end hike soon. They are
planning their council fire. At this
ceremonial most of 'the members
will take the Fire Maker's rank.
I The? Minnehaha group met with
Dorothy Horn on Friday. At this
meeting they gave a program of folk
stories. " . .;.
. The. Iyego group met Tuesday
with Ruth Allen. The girls are col
lecting yarn and will knit an afghan.
The members of this group plan to
sew rags for rag rugs. These rugs
are sent to the needy people in
France through a relief committee in
New York.
Esther Ellinghusen's group took
a hike to Child's Point, Saturday.
The Abanakee group at its last
regular meeting which was held at
Beatrice Rupright's home, decided
to have a newspaper to be called
the "Abanakee Semi-Monthly."
Phyllis Weiberg and Arlene Shamp
are the editors-in-chief, while . Mil
dred Ayre has charge of the want ad
columns, Maxine Wilson the story
section, Agnes Bexton the jokes,
Alice Ayre the sport section, Mira
Lehmann the fashions, Beatrice
Rupright the Cynthia Gray column,
and Marie Tomson society section.
Mildred Foster's group will have
a candy sale at the Y.'W. C. A.
on Saturday, April 19.
The Lexi group, of which Mrs.
Beebe is guardian, held a ceremonial
meeting on Wednesday. The Fri
day of last week they hiked to
Another, group enjoying a hike
during vacation week was Mrs.
Edith Chantry's.. They chose Sat
urday for the day to walk to Irving
ton, where they enjoyed a camp sup
per. .
' Mr. Scott of New York City, who
was here in the interests of Camp
Fire, addressed a meeting of the
Omaha guardians held Friday eve
ning at the Fontenelle hotel.
Swiss Flag Reversed Is
Official Red Cross lag)
Known by All Men
It is pretty generally known that
the red flag on a white background,
the emblem of the Red Cross is,
the Swiss flag reversed, the emblem
being adopted by the ed Cross of
all countries, as a tribute to Henry
Dunant and the country which did
so much to stimulate interest in re
lief work throughout the world.
With the country hemmed in by the
armies of the belligerents, the Swiss
Red Cross occupied a , delicate posi
tion for more than four years, and
the acceptable manner in which it
disposed of the many problems that
arose will always stand as a tribute
to its efficiency. The organization
has about 50.000 members.
The Spanish Red Cross has a
n.embership of more than 60,000.
Headquarters is in Madrid. Portu
gal's ed Cross society was not
founded until 1908. Holland, Den
mark, Norway and Sweden have
Red Cross societies operating, as a
general rule, along the lines of the
other Red Cross organizations.,
The president of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union in Ja
pan is Mrs. Yajima, who at the age
of 85 years gives her entire time to
the work of the organization.
The first accomplished woman
etomologist il the world was Char
lotte dc Bernier Taylor, daughter of
the Savannah merchant who sent
the first steamship across the Atlantic
Woman's Club Meetings
The Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs, witth a membership
of over 10,000, is divided into six districts, having the same
geographical boundaries as the state congressional districts. These
districts have annual spring meetings. They will meet this year as
follows: t , . '
District No. 1 Table Rock, May 6, 7, 8, Altruian club, hose;
Mrs. Hugh LaMaster, Lincoln, district president
District No. 2 -South Omaha, April 3, South Omaha Woman's
Club, host; Mrs, William Berry, Omaha, district president.
District No. 3 Neligh, April 22, 23, 24, Federated Clubs of
Neligh, host; Mrs. E. B. Pennsy, district president.
; District No. 4 Ashland, April 29, 30 and May 1, Ashland Wo
man's Club, host; Mrs. Warren Perry, district president..
District No. 5 Superior, April 9, 10 and 11, Superior Woman's
Club, host; Mrs. H.'E. Goodrich, district president.
District No. 6 Broken Bow, April 15, 16, 17, Broken Bow Wo
man's Club, host; Mrs. T. J. Wilburn, district president.
Mrs. Cyrus Mason is press chairman, Nebraska Federation of
Woman's Clubs.
"Don't" Is the Advice of
Movie Actress Who
Girls, don't be deceived by these
school announcements purporting to
teach you how to become movie
actresses. They'pe as impossible as
the mail order institutions profess
ing to teach you how to write suc
cessful plays for Movieland. It is
a grand old scheme in this town to
take your money for tuition and
then give you a "course" in the art
of motion picture acting. All is grist
that comes to the mills of these
sharks. The domestic hands over
her money in return for fair prom
ises as readily as girls in higher
walks of life.
You would be surprised if you
could visit some of these so-called
schools. The enrollment embraces
the high and the low, the rich and
the poor. The society lady with a
husband and five children seemingly
is just as anxious to become a movie
star as the next one. The schools
play no favorites. They put 'em all
through a certain line of work and
then inform the victims that they
areeady to accept employment at
any movie studio." Of course, it'
is up to'the graduate to get the em
ployment! To you girlies who are ambitious
to become movie actresses, I would
say, don't I The woods are full of
movie actresses, real and near!
Every studio has a long waiting list
composed of those experienced in
both dramatic and motion picture
work and what chance has the lone
amateur against such experienced
competition? It has become an un
certain life, too. Directors are en
gagingly the picture these days and
the halcyon period of stock com
panies and long time contracts has
gone by.
A new government ruling in Bur
ma requires all Burnian girls 12
years of old and over to attend a
girls' school, if one exists in the
town, rather than the mixed school
as heretofore.
More than 1,000 societies of wo
men in Great Britain are arranging
for celebrationsto be held 'next
month in honor of the Queen Vic
toria centenary.
The Hat You Will Want
to Wear Easter Sunday
You will find it a very easy task to locate it here.
For never have we had so many beauties in so many
stunning shapes, styles and trimmings to offer you
for selection in any Easter showing. Come and look
them over; you will be pleased with both the styles
and prices.
F M. Schadell & Co.
There is a lleracdy, -
an, for Your
M sl fsasW ss1sb ' I I m MW
Tou hawk and spit and have a hacking: cough.
Tour breath Is foul, digestion is bad, appetite poor.
Homing laoies rignc, sour stomacn, Deicn gas,
bowels constipated, pains in the back, sides and
loins, ringing In tha ears, brain not clear and you
feel generally rotten. It Is catarrh. The poison Is
working through your system and sooner or later
some of the many complications will put you down.
Do not wait Tou need a reliable remedy and you
need It now.
For Catarrh and Catarrhal Conditions
Regulates the digestion, aids elimination, purifies
the blood, soothes the diseased and inflamed mucous
membranes and stimulates every organ to do Its
work. The nerve centers revive under the invigorating-
Influence of PE-RU-NA. Health and vigor
dlSDlace the old lassitude and mlaerv. PF.-RTT-NA
instantly brnaks up
unp ana epmiiBn iu ana nastens ones recovery
from an attack.
As Dr. J. H. Wagner of Skate, Ky., says: TE-RU-NA
has proven a success with old and young,
men and women. It la the best of all tonics."
Tablet! ar Llatild. Said Cvsrvwhara.
First Contribution to
Joan of Arc Play By
Mrs. McKnight
In appreciation of the faithful
services of the Sisters of Mercy
during the illness of her daughter,
Irene, Mrs. W. C McKnight gave
$50 to the Joan of Arc club as a
contribution to the play, "An Irish
Musical Comedy," which will be
staged some time in May. '
The proceeds from "An Irish
Musical Comedy," under the direc
tion of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Connor,
will be added to the fund for the
erection of a working girl's home,
'lhe Joan of Arc-club has pledged
$5,000 toward the total.. The ladies
it: charge are Miss Cassey Riley,
Miss Mary English, Miss Gertrude
McAuley and Miss Margaret Welsh.
A unique honor has been bestow
ed upon Mrs. Louise Clayton, of
Jenkintown, Pa., who has been elect
ed an honorary member of the local
fire company.
Grape Fruit
Soft Cooked Eggs Bacon
Muffins Coffee
Roast Beef Mashed Potatoes
Brown Gravy
Cauliflower Butter Sauce
Bread Butter
Spiced Pears
Sponge Cake Dessert "
Tuna Salad ,
Bread Butter
Oatmeal Cookies Tea
Sliced Peaches
coughs and colds, wards off tha
Ml SICNATuMt . j i
NEW YORK, December 81. Ac
cused of having manufactured and
sold to influenxa sufferers thousands
of boxes of aspirin tablets, princi
pally composed of talcum podeT,
Joseph M. Turkey, bead of th
Verandah Chemical company, of
Brooklyn, was found guilty yester
day of violation of the sanitary code
and sentenced" to three years In pris
on with a One of $500. The sentence
was the moet severe ever imposed
In the country ior
Don't buy Aspirin in a pill
"3 : t
The genuine American owned "Bayer tablets of
Aspirin" have Seen proved safe by millions for ain,
Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache, Earache, Rheumatism;
Lumbago, Colds, Grippe, Influenzal Colds, Joint Pains,
Neuritis. Proper dosage on every "Bayer" package.
Boxes of 12 tablets Bottles of 24 Bottles of 100 Also Capsules.
Aspirin is4he trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monosceticacidester of SiJicylicaciJ
Let the South Side Chiropractor locate the cause of your1 ail
ment and remove it. If your case needs sulphur baths, massage,
electro or any other modern method of treatment, come to us.
Dr. Knollenberg and Ella Boos, Directors
4718 South 24th Street.
For Tired Feet, Sore Feet, TenderAching, Swol;
len Calloused Feet and Painful Corns
Just take your shoes off and then
put those weary, shoe-crinkled, ach
ing, burning, corn-pestered, bunion
tortured feet of yours in a "Tiz"
bath. Your toes will wriggle with
joy; they'll look up at you and al
most talk and then they'll take an
other dive in that "Tiz" bath.
When your feet feel like lumps
of lead all tired out just try
"Tiz." It's nrrand H's tflorious.
Quit Meat Wken
Kid neys Bother
Take a glass of Salts
No man or woman who eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by
flushing the kidneys occasionally,
says a well-known authority. Meat
forms uric acid which excites the
kidneys, they become overworked
from the strain, get sluggish and
fail to filter the waste and poisons
from the blood, then we get sick.
Nearly all rheumatism, headaches,
liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness,
sleeplessness and urinary disorders
come from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull ache
in the kidneys or your back hurts or
if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full
of sediment, irregular of passage or
attended by a sensation of scalding,
stop eating meat and get about four
Imposed on
of Tablets.
such an offense.
Hereafter say, "Give me gen
uine 'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin.' "
Insist you want only the Bayer
package with the "Bayer Crow"
on the package and on the tablets.
box! Get Bayer package I ...
Phone SoutfeKl79.
"Can't beat 'Tie for
aching, swollen (eet.
Don't stay (ootsick !"
Your feet will dance with joy; also
you will find all pain gone from
corns, callouses and bunions. .'.
There's nothing like "Tiz.", It'j
the only remedy tfiat draws out. al!
the poisonous exudations which pufi
up your feet and cause foot tor
ture. : . , .
Get a 25-cenUox of "Tiz" at anj
drug or department store don'l
wait. Ah ! how glad your feet get:
how comfortable your shoes feel.
- 4
if your Back hurts or j
troubles you
ounces of Jad Salts from any phar
macy; take a tablespoonful in a -:
glass of water before breakfast and
in a few days your kidneys will act
fine. This famous salts is madt .
from the acid of graces and lemon
juice, combined with lithia, and has
been used for generations to flush
and stimulate the kidneys, also to
neutralize the acids in urine so K
no longer causes irritation, thus
ending bladder weakness. N
Jad Salts is inexpensive and can
not injure; makes a delightful effer
vescent lithia-water drink which ;
everyone should take now and then
to keep the kidneys clean and active
and the blood pure, thereby avoiding
serious kidney complications. Adv.
s f
I is!
: i