Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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One Hundred and Seventy
j. Five Thousand Dollars
j Added by Finance Commit-
j tee of the Senate.
By a Staff Correspondent
v Lincoln, Neb., April 10. Approx
mutely $175,000 has been added to
(he total appropriations of the gen
, tral maintenance bill, H. R. 581, by
the finance committee of the sen
ate. This will make an aggregate
1 of about $1,170,000 for the support
of the various state departments,
, boards and commissioners during
the two years, beginning April 1. .
;: The senate committee increased
the general appropriation for the
guard irom 550,000 to $75,000, mat
ing the total guard appropriation
For the expenses of the constitu
tional convention, the senate raised
the house estimate of $10,000 to
$50,000. The senate committee has
also inserted an item in the general
salaries bill to pay the members of
the constitutional convention, wno
are to recefve the same salaries as
members of the legislature.
' , For Soldiers' Voting Law.
The senate committee added
$10,000 for expense of administer
ing the soldiers' voting law in case
ihey are allowed to vote for con
stitutional convention delegates. v
The state legal department is giv
en $18,000 more than the house pro
vided,' for $38,000 has been tacked
on to the state superintendent's ap
propriation, for aiding the smaller
- consolidated high schools.
Provision has been made by the
house for an appropriation of $33,
000 to clean up' the cost of the new
state fair grounds and street car
tracks, but this is stricken out of
the bill by the senate committee.
Instead, new items aggregating
$47,500 for permanent improve
ments are allowed as follows:
Women's and children's building,
$25,000; sheep barn, $15,000; side
walks, curbing and guttering,
'; $5,000; general improvements,
The total state fair appropria
tion is raised from $44,095 in the
house bill to $58,500,
- State Railway Commission.
The railway commission's fund
for extra help and legal investiga
tion, which the house fixed at $45,
000, is raised to $50,000 in the sen
ate,' the extra $5,000 being added
nominally to pay Nebraska's share
' of the expense in rate cases where
this state joins with, others.'
The senate committee put in an
item of $10,000 for extra legislative
expense, chiefly to pay employes.
This included $1,700 for the cost of
Investigating the Board of Control.
Other changes made by the sen
ate finance committee are: , -
Printing state blue book amouat raised
from s$3. 600 to J5.000, to include cost of
' proofreading and pamphlet
Irritation Item of 11,000. ralmd from
1100, for state Irrigation association; also
raapproprlatlon of (4,000 that lapaed, out
c of 15,000 provided by the legislature two
rear ago for special Irrigation work.
( 8tat farm bureau Item of 11,000 for
traveling expense.
Auditor' office Item of tSSt for exam
ining Omaha metropolitan water district's
books.' The fe to be collected for doing
this will go Into the state general fund.
No Money This Year
; for State Historical
Society Building
l By a Staff Correspondent
r Lincoln', April 10. The foundation
of the state historical society build-
Ing at Sixteenth and H streets will
, o without a structure erected upon
it for at least two more years un
. lest the eenate revises H. R. 394.
That bill, which raised $250,000 for
the erection of a building on this
foundation, was recommended for in
' definite postponement by the senate
finance committee Thursday morn
Tib fandatioa has stood at that
corner for 12 years. '
Jft S. 407 aspropriatinff $100,000
for the purchase of a woman'a cus
todial farm, received more courteous
attention from the senate finance
ftommittee. Tie bill was placed on
tha general (11a.
1,500 lloise Dresses
i on Sale it About
Ililf Price Saturday
Th Union Outfitting Co.,
Enraging Extra Sales
; People) for Ertmt.
Sale One Day Only. See
Friday Evening Paper
for, Particular.
Thia big aale takes plaee in
the newly enlarged Cloak and
Suit Department and is another
evidence of Union Outfitting
Company's big buying power.
:K There will certainly be no ex
cuse after next Saturday for
'any woman in this vicinity to
be without one or several beau
tiful and most up-to-date house
dresses. It is a rare opportun
ity for women; both large and
small, to make selection from
more than 1,500 Porch and
House Dresses made of fine
Ginghams, Percales and Cham
. brays, in plaids, stripes and
checks at about half their reg
ular price.
Every dress is cut full and
the workmanship throughout is
perfect. There are no damaged
goods or .seconds among the en
ure assortment.
Remember, the Union Outfit
ting Company, located outside
the High Rent District, consid
ers no transaction complete un
til the customer is fully satisfied-.
Urges Nebraskans to Plant ,
Trees as Soldier Memorials
Governor McKelvie Issues
Proclamation in Which He
Tells Why Arbor Day
Should Be Observed.
By a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, April 10. A proclama
tion issued by Governor McKelvie
calling for the observance of Arbor
day, April 22. 1919, recommends the
planting of trees to commemorate
fallen Nebraska heroes in the world
war. This is the proclamation :
No day in the year means
more to the people of Nebraska '
in a material sense than Arbor
day. This grows out of the .
fact that the day primarily sug- 1
gests the necessity and ad
vantage of planting trees, there
by adding beauty to the land
scape and value to the land, fur
nishing shade for man and beast
in summer and protection from
the cold blasts of winter winds.
Over and above this, the trees
furnish a home and nesting
place for birds fof all varieties.
These greet us in the morning
and evening, making the air
vocal with song. The chatter
of the wren, the song of blue
bird and robin, the whistle of
the bob white are a means of
inspiration; to all and their pres
ence of untold value to the
farmer, the gardener and fruit
raiser. Insects of a thousand
kinds prey on the plants and
blossoms until at times our
crops are destroyed or in a large
measure made less 6n account
of their depredations. Birds de
stroy these by the millions and '
Caboose Struck by Snow
Plow and Three Men Injured
Fairhiirv Wh Anrif in
Telesram Tampe Smith rh,ri.
Fisher and Carl Crawford, Rock
Island trainmen of Fairbury, are in
a hospital at Lebanon, Kan., as the
result of injuries received Thursday
morning when their caboose, stuck
in a snow drift, was struck by a
r otary snow plow.
' Soon after the accident the wires
went down with sleet and iee so that
nothing definite can be learned here
as to the extent of their injuries.
Nebraska Town Will Turn
Clocks Back to Old Time
Redcloud. Neb. A nril "in Cru
cial Telegram.) After two weeks
oi aayiignt saving time, local busi
ness houses will turn thehir clocks
back an hour Sunday morning.
vy nine proven SO ODjeC-
tionable to the farmers and many
others that a paper was circulated
by one of the ministers in which
THE fact that there is only one-of-a-kind and all with a "Specialty Shop" ex
clusiveness and still to be had at this very moderate price, is sure to cause
much surprise among those not accustomed to this store's values. ' Developed of
merited fabrics in this seasonVmodels and colorings.
' ,
Serge-Tricotine Poiret Twill-Gabardine
j Balkan Blouse-Box Semi-Tailleur
Navy Blue , Green
Brown Copenhagen Blue
These suits, especially featured for Friday, are extremely smart and possess
those individual touches that every fashion-loving woman eagerly desires.
Suit Shop-
' 1 f
Benson & Worm
hii-ij-i njLTLf
are, therefore, the friends of
mankind. These should be en
couraged and protected and fur-,
nished with places for propaga
tion. Trees supply most birds
with this opportunity and, there
fore, we should plant and pro
tect trees, not only on Arbor
day, but at all proper seasons of
the year. Plant a tree it will
be there long after you have
gone, a monument to your sin
cere desire to be a blessing to
the world.
I would urge ' that schools,
public and private, and our state
institutions, as far as possible,
take an interest in the day and
organize for its proper observ
ance; that each family plant at
least one tree. It may be for
fruit, shade or ornament, but
plant and cultivate it, for it will
be a source of pleasure and prof
it in after years.
Arbor day this year is the first
to occur after the great war, and
may be fittingly observed by
planting a tree that will develop
in strength and beauty, in com
memoration . of some one or
more who gave all they had that
the world might be made free
from autocratic rule and mili
tary despotism, and we trust the
beginning of an era' of universal
peace. Thus, the day may' be
made more sacred tljan any that
have preceded it.
To the end that all may the
better observe the day, I hereby
proclaim the twenty-second day
of April, A. D., 1919, a legal
' holiday. In testimony whereof,
I hereunto set my hand and
caused to be affixed the great
seal of the state of Nebraska,,
this, the ninth day of April, 1919.
the signers agreed to resume the
old time.
Table Rock in Need
of High School Teachers
Table Rock, Neb., April 10.
(Special) At the regular meeting
of the school board the following
grade teachers were elected for the
ensuing year: Miss Minnie Kerns,
Adams; Miss Elizabeth Barrett,
Miss Callie Barrett and Miss Dor
othy Phillips, Table Rock. The
superintendent, Prof. E. D. Trump
of Blue Springs, was elected pre
viously. There is a dearth of ap
plications for positions in the high
Dodge Pioneer Dies.
Freuior.t, Neb., April 10. (Spe
cial) J. Martin Uehling, pioneer
Dodge county settler, is dead at the
home of his sister, Mrs. John Erb,
at Atkinson, at the age of 71 years.
Mr. Uehling located on a farm,
Hooper, in the early 70"s. He re
tired 15 years ago. Four daughters
and two sens survive.
Friday "Strikingly Different
Tailleur Suits
At 39.50 c
Second Foo"
The Store of Specialty Shops
'"ij'ij"'-Tu i'i.!' j .j u njLfi,,.ri.rij'i.riri rt.r . r . . 1'
Attorney Reisner Would Use
Testimony of Convicted,
Man for Grammer, Who
Seeks Rehearing.
' By a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Neb., April 10. After
holding a conference at the peniten
tiary yesterday with Allen V. Gram
mer and Alson B. Cole, under sen
tence of death for the murder of
Mrs. Lulu Vogt in Howard county,
Attorney F. A. Reisner of Thedford,
called upon . Governor McKelvie
Thursday afternoon to ask a further
reprieve for Cole, in order that he
may be a witness for Grammer, if
the latter secures a rehearing and
reversal of sentence in the state su
preme court and is granted a new
Should there be a new trial, Cole s
part in it is to be reversed, as his
testimony will be used to clear
Grammer. Cole has three times
been reprieved, twice by Governor
Neville, and once by governor Mc
Kelvie. The time of his execution
is now fixed for Aoril 25.
The reprieves heretofore allowed
were at the request of the prosecu-
tion, wnicn aesircs to nave vuw
a witness if the supreme court
should reverse Grammer s sentence.
Reisner is reoresentine Gram
mer' two brothers. They are ready
to furnish funds for another legal
fight. Reisner is acting in conjunc
tion with Sterling Mutz of this city,
who is representing Grammer him-
seit ana nis tamer.
Mr. and Mrs. Raitt, Wedded
Sixty Years, Hold Anniversary
David City,' Neb., April 10. (Spe-
HIrriJ at Arhrnath. Seot-
land, April 8, 19S9, Mr. and Mrs
John Raitt, sr., of David City, at the
home of their son, Archie C. Raitt,
Rising City, celebrated their 60th
born in Arbroath, Scotland, in 1837.
In 1889 they came to jNeorasica,
moving onto a farm which Mr. Raitt
had purchased, locaiea two ihuco
east of Rising City.
Winter Wheat Prospects
Fine Around Table Rock
Table Rock, Neb., April 10.
(Special A steady cold rain fell all
last night and nearly all day today,
measuring three inches or more, and
the creeks are bank full and over
flowing. Winter wheat never
looked better. Rain has checked
the planting of potatoes and early
gardens tor a Drier pcrou.
nrxJTn n n.n " " n nri.r . rin.n r. nr. r .r
FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1919.
City Commission of ''
Beatrice Votes Issue
of $50,000 in Bonds
Beatrice, Neb., April 10. (Spe
cial) At the session of the city
commissioners an ordinance was
passed for a bond issue of $30,000
for the paving of a number of dis
tricts in Beatrice. Another ordi
nance for a bond issue of $20,000
for the construction of a new sewer
district was also passed.
Fred Dickson, alias Fred Ander
son, who served terms in jail here
for intoxication and for bringing
liquor into the state, was arrested by
United States Deputy Marshal Tom
Carroll at Wymore on a federal
charge and taken to Lincoln for a
hearing. In default of $500 bond he
was lodged in jail.
Anna Wittulski yesterday filed
suit for divorce from Paul Wittul
ski of this city on the charge of
cruelty and nonsupport.
Captain George H. Brash, who
has been stationed at Camp Custer.
Mich.,, since last summer, returned
home from the service. He will
resume the practice of medicine in
this city. v
Bills Passed
8. F. lit Increases maximum bonds
that may ba Issued by city of 1,000 to
5,000 population for sewer construction
from 10 to 11 per cent of assessed valua
tion, IS to 0.
S. F. 189 Requires state school super
intendent to hold highest teachers' cer
tificate authorised by law. 81 to 0.
8. F. 116 Provides for extension of area
of sanitary drainage district In cities.
83 to 0.
8. F. 107 Requires heads of Institutions,
sheriffs and police chiefs to report to gov
ernor record of aliens In their custody.
85 to 0.
8. F 180 Prohibits publlo utility from
acquiring franchise on grounda of estoppel
or Implication. 87 to 0.
8. F. Civil code bill. 60 to 33.
H. R. 583 Authorizes governor to co
operate with federal goverument In reclam
ation projects to furnish land to return
ing soldiers. 73 to 2.
8. F. &8 Provides method of asaesslng
cost of Improving county roads to abutting
property. Emergency, SI to I.
B. F. 134 Lowers speclflo gravity of
kerosene minimum test from 42 to 40 de
grees. SI to 0.
S. F. 204 Fixes salaries of employes of
county comptroller's office In Douglas
county. C9 to 20
8. F 263 Allows state booze hounds
to be employed to chase automobile
thieves. Vote, 26 to 3.
H. R. 662 Allows mutual Insurance
companies to write other Insurance now
confined to stock companies. Vote, 26 to 0.
H., R. 429 Gives state game and fish
commission power to establish fish and
game reserves.
H. R. 296 Provides for pest eradloaUon
districts for extermination of grasshoppers
to be established by county commissioners
upon petition of 25 per cent of the voter.
Vote, 12 to 5.
s President
Dainty White Easter Dresses
For the Very Young Miss
When one is very
dresses as featured m our Tots' Shop. Damty, frilly, summery frocks for Easter. They
come in soft, sheer voiles, dimities and organdies. The exceptionally smart models have
touches of hand work in French knots and fancy new stitching effects in gay colors.
Children's Silk Coats
$8.75 to $22.50
To wear over the daintiest of frocks, poplin and
taffeta, yoke styles, clever shirring and smocking
ideas. Colors of league blue, old rose and sand.
Sizes 2 to 6 years.
For Children
Trimmed millinery to be
comingly frame youthful
Children's Sailors,
$3.95 to $5.95
Large black milan sailors
with streamers.
Children's Hats,
$2.50 to $2.95
Dress and semi-dress hats
of fine-end milan, trimmed
with ribbon sashes. Excep
tional values. ,
Children Shop in Floor
i -
Names of Men Who Have Re
turned From France With
363d and 340th In
fantry Regiments.
New York, April 10. (Special.)
Following i..e recent Nebraska ar
rivals from overseas of men in the
363d infantry regiment:
Private Carl DroefVr, Norfolk.
Private John I. Xaggart, R. F. I, t,
Private Carl J. Thompson, Wlnnetown.
Three Hundrey Fortieth Infantry:
Sergeant Paul E. Noack, Bhelton.
Private Alfred Pearson, Mead.
Private Carl E. Carson, Santee.
Private Frank L. Abbott, Lebanon.
Mechanlo Peter Stlrts. Sutton.
Frank R. Peterson, Bnrprlse."
Private William F. Eckenburg, Benkel
man. Captain Sterling M. Bwanson, Syracuse.
Private Peter Averman, Concord.
Private Frederick A. Gretzner, 440 South
Tenth atreet, Lincoln,
Private Lloyd L. Carlson, Gibson.
Corporal Wm. Thorne, Emerson.
Private Harry A. Samuelson, 2115 Maple
atreet, Omaha.
Private Arthur Summers, Cambridge.
Private Floyd L, Spencer, Broken Bow.
Private Chan. J. Mostyn, 1308 Park ave
nue, Omaha.
Private Floyd Lenoxx, Allen.
Private Otto J. Lledtke, Hampton.
Private Wm. H. Hammerlun, Oakland.
Private Cecil Cummlngs, Red Cloud.
Private Frank K. Bell, 808 South St.
Joe avenue, Hastings.
Bed Cloud Without Light.
Red Cloud, Neb., April .-(Special
Telegram.) The town is with
out light and power as the result
of a fire which destroyed ' che roof
of the power house Sunday morn
ing and damaged some of the ma
chinery. More -than
one kind
of com
. or "ttxj best
i 1 ii
Benson & "Ofotm
The Store of Specialty Shops
v For the "Little Folks" Under 8 Years
IN these days of increased cost of merchandise of all kinds, and this necessarily includes
children's wear, it is essentially necessary that the youngsters be outfitted with as
much care as yourself, and at a children's store, where parents have confidence in the mer- .
chandise. . '
Every garment listed below is of such good quality, so tasteful and well-made that
it serves as a safe guide for mothers.
$3.95 to $9.50
young one wears on the great
Second Floor
One of the most attractive places in this store is our Tots'
Shop, where all the pretty, dainty things for babies are shown.
Infants' Long Coats
$3.95, $5.95, $8.75
Made of cashmere, crepella and wool batiste with large braid
ed or hand-embroidered capes.
Infants' Bonnets
$1.75, $2.25 to $3.95
Exquisite hand-made bonnets of organdy and lawn, with de
signs hand-embroidered in colors. -
Creepers $2.95 and $3.95
For the "wee" small tot. Unusually attractive in cross bar
dimity with hand-embroidered designs in colors and pretty sashes.
Miscellaneous Items
Infants' Merino bands, 39c.
Infants' silk and wool bands, 75c.
Infants' long nainsook slips, B5e to $1.95
Infants' dainty dresses, $1.50 to $3.95.
fof s Shop
Nebraska Boy Arrives
in U. S. from Overseas
Beatrice, Neb., April 10. (Spe
cial.) Corp. Alfred Menke arrived a
an eastern port yesterday from over
seas, according to word received
by his mother, Mrs. Pauline Menke.
Hi,s brother, Edward, died a few
months ago of influenza at Camp
Funston, and Julius, another broth
er, is still in France. George Lang
dale, also a Beatrice boy, and the
last of three brothers to return from
France, arrived yesterday at Boston,
and is stationed at Camp Devens.
His brothers, Ernest and Christo
pher, arrived home a few days ago.
They left here as members of old
i f
The finest polished surfaces are
treated with IVORY POLISH
with almost magical results and
without the slightest fear of in
jury. It does not require expert han
dling or undue effort A
Your furniture) r automobile that looks shabby as
spring approaches can be made to shin like new.
The Orchard & Wilhelm Co. have owned the secret recipa for
Ivory Polish, manufactured it, sold it, and used It oaf their
own fine furniture for 25 years without ever injuring: a
square inch of surface. It is especially recommended for
furniture or automobiles that have apparently lost their
color or become cloudy. It will not only bring the color
back, but cause the scratches and mars to disappear. A
child can use it .
25c and 50c Bottles
Drug Store, Household Store, Furniture Store, Dept. Store, Ete.
or get it direct from
1 Orchard & Wilhelm Co. I
, . Omaha' - Nebraska. f
if ing
Easter promenade -such .white
Girls' Play Rompers
Choice $1.95
One, ever so little, likes comfy, yet pretty play
togs. These rompers come in plain or small
checked ginghams. High waisted, with full skirt
and Charlie Chaplin pockets. Sizes 3 and 4 years.
-mss ""-" r Ti irii - ii
Company C and all were gassed or
wounded. ' " -
Cambridge School Board
' Re-Elects Teaching Stall
Cambridge. Neb, April 10,-Tht
Cambridge school board met las'
night and reelected the followini
teachers: Miss Effie Johnson, prin
cipal; Miss Mabel Correll, Enghs!
and history: Miss Gladys Hart, com
mercial; Miss Gail Enlow, junioi
high principal; Miss Ruby Huff, aec
ond grade; Miss Hazel Kelly and
Miss Inez Burnworth were elected
to places in the, grades.
The board decided to put in Smith
Hughes' agriculture and domestic
science if possible. '
Used ea Our Own Furniture for II Teats
$1.50 and $2.50 Jugs
i is
Vice-President ,
A Specialized
Children's Underwear
Service '
Featuring an exceptional
selection of garments made
of good quality material, al
lowing comfort as well as
freedom of mqvement Each
garment well made and fin
ished with the utmost care.
Trimmed with dainty, ex
quisitely fine laces and em
broidery, in designs suitable
for their ages.
Drawers, 39c to $1.25
I Cambric, knickerbocker
style. Sizes 2 to 12 years.
Princess Slips,
$1.00 to $5.00 '
For girls 2 to 16 years.
Tot'8 Shop
2nd Floor
Trade Mark uniisiisiiiiitni
, . i
... 9
- innnri i run r nnnniyiruyuwyiru-iutrw
Zammmmmmwimmmmmw - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- - - ------- - - ----- nnnj-Ln-n -