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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1919)
v 15 THE BEE:- OMAHA; FfilPAY, APRIL 11, 1919. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. I1! ELD CLUB STUCCO HOUSE Fin raft front house located on 1.14 St, near Poppleton avno. Ha large t llTinf room with fireplace, dlnlns room. ki Rood Bandy kitchen on tint floor three well arranred bad room with food losers, bath on cond floor. Every hln In eseellent condition. Mce IT.989. . D.V.SHOLES CO., Realtor. 9ig-lT City Nat'l Bank BM Dou 4. DUNDEE HOME On of th moat complete homes; large living room with fireplace; dining room. den. breakfast room, vary com lete kitchen: four aleeplng rooms and keeping porch: attic; largo complete baaement; cament driveway to the gar age; aouth front lot with plenty of shrubbery; price, 910,809. W. H. GATES, 1 On. Wat. Bank Bldg. D. 1194. South Side. JAS. X FITZGERALD, Oil South I4tb St.. "Insurance." Buy and aell property. Real aatata mortgage loana promptly maae. A. W. JONES, Booth Omaha, buya, aelle. exchangee all klnda of property. Tot results, quick action, aea ua REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES VOR SALE. MODERN HOTEL. ZD rooma, newly remodeled and paint ed and papered throughout. The only hotel In town of 700 population. In east central Nebraska. Thin house la doing a nice business. If you want a good bualneae do not paaa thla up, but come and Investigate at once. Can be bought on very attractive terms. Good reason for aelllng. Addreaa Box 786, Central City, Neb. REAL ESTATE WANTED. BUNOALOWS WANTED. We have caah buyers for well located bungalowa and residence worth the money. For quick resulta Hat with ua. O'NKIL'S R. E. INS. AGENCT. 9S3-8 Brandel Theater Bldg. Tel. Tyler 10Z4, 1 HAVE a man who will buy your Im- . proved property and pay cub for It but the price moat be right. OEOROB r. JONES. REALTOR. 938 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1946. WANTED To buy a five-room bungalow In good neighborhood. Can make 13.600 flrat payment Call E. R. Ragan, Mar nay 9199, or Tyler 1000. Am not a dealer. IjST your property for aale with J. B. Roblneon for quick sales. 443 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug, 9097. REAL ESTATE WANTED. HAVE INQUIRIES for good homee tn good location Do you want to aell your property T Ltat It with C. A. GRIM MER, 849 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. LIST your property with ua. We have call for home and inveetmenta. McCAGUB INV. CO. Phone P. 4. ' nth and Podge. TOR quick sales list your propety with W. O. SHRIVEB, 1J4T-9 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg Doug. 1638. FOR quick result list your property with a P. BOSTWICK & SON. 809 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1806. WANT Hating on your property. Have huyere. Eugene Thomaa, 419 Karbach ' Blk Dougiaa 8607. FINANCIAL. Private Money. 8HOPEN COMPANY. Doug. 4221. 1100 to 110,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Weed. Wead Bldg., lgth and Farnaro. Real Eitate Loans and Mortgages. CONVERT that lnatallment loan on your home Into a ntratght five-year mortgage and avoid those monthly payments. B. H. LOITOKE, INC., 838 Keellne Bldg. MONET to lend on Improved Real Estate. Intereat payable (eml-annually. W. H THOMAS & SON. 228 Keellne Bldg. CITV and farm loans; 6ft and ( per cent; no delay. J. H. Dumont A Co., 411 Keellne Bldg. No Delay Closing Loana, W. T. GRAHAM, 999 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1521. LOW ratea without delay. CO. CARLBERO, til Brandela Theater Bid-. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS (VKEEFB REAL ESTATE CO. 1038 Omaha Nal, Bk. Bldg. P. 2718. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. ABOUT 38 aerea of high, sightly, wooded land overlooking the Missouri river, with vlewa that cannot be excelled In tbia port of tte country. Five blocks from , car line. Water main and cement side walk laid along nearly 200 feet of prop erty. Ideal aite for a country home with posaibllltlet) for platting and aelllng off a portion so aa to realise considerably more than the price asked. No trades. Caah only. Telephone Dougiaa 2277. 40 ACRES Improved, close in; Immediate possession. Elof Nllsson, 433 Securities Bldg. Arkansas Lands. :APRIL 16TH. Our next round trip 130 excursion to McGehee, Ark. For homeseeksrs only W. S. FRANK. to Neville Blk.. Omaha. Canadian Lands. CANADA LAND WANTED. Give legal description, and beat price and tcrma In flrat letter. Address 834 Metropolitan Bank Building. Minneapolis. Minn. Colorado Lands. EAST payments, 180 acres In co-operative reserve, takeup, own land under ' pre emption or homestead; Cattle' range; on 1 auto road. Hotel Plaza, Rogers. CHOICE Imp. or raw quarter, half aec on larger, Lincoln Co., bargains; for terms, J. L. Maurer, Arriba, Colo. Iowa Lands. 0 A. POULTRY and hog farm, good 6-R house, 6 A, choice garden land, balance : rough timber paature, near school and R. R. station, 14 ml. Co. Bluffs, on fine level road. Price 23.000; encumbrance $900. TO A. Wills Co., Iowa. 28 A. cult..' balance rough timber pasture; atl fenced hog tight; good cottage, well and barn. , Easy terma. Possession both places at once. Chas. F. Davis, Paclflo Junction. Iowa. ' ' Kansas Lands. CHEYENNE Co. I offer 84-14-48. 4 and See. 9-18-45, 1,20 acres, all with in four miles of First View. Price, 211.60 par acre. All must be sold together. H. C. Wear. 61 4th Nat'l. Bank Bldg., Wichita. Kan. KIOWA Co. N 11-19-53 and S 14-19-81 (40 acre good land, two sets of Improvements, located tan miles south west of Haswell. Price, 14,600. H C. Wear, il 4th Nat'l. Bank Bldg.. Wichi ta. Kan. Nebraska Lands. MY TIME NEARLY OUT PRICE GOES VP APRIL -28TH IF I DON'T SELL IT. The 3.480 acre ranch' on east Pine Ridge, 30 miles from Crawford; II miles from Marsland. with Its 300 ncres under, culti vation. Its 2400 acres farmable. Ita most excellent aotl and all its Improvements, at only 118 en acre and only 811.000 or 220,000 down, and th balance back on long time at per cent, la all off in just a few day. I have already been legally notified, to take this off the list if I do not sell It. That meaae a big jump , In price. If yon can'$ aea your way clear to control aa big a ranch aa this yoarself, come and buy it anyway, out out 1,000 er 1.80 acres that you do want to keep, and turn the rest of it back to .me to sell In smaller tracts. I rill Hat it back at bom 120 to 223 and 134 an acre, it yon will let. me aell It in half section tracts. Tou could pick out your choice and sell oft the rest It ; is located In the best farming section of all the west Everyone will admit that Don't wait and let the prtce go up. It la abselutely all oft on April :8th. Please act today. If I waan't tied up in so many places, I would buy It In v myself. It is a dandy. I hate to eee my Its Orient run eat I would like to band It to a client. I. could stretch a point and handle 1-3 or H Interest In it until we could sell off enough to pay me cut, 1c you wasted me to. Come at once and look thia over. Aran L. Hungerford, Crawford, Nebraska. 9 r fOK BALE Five section, fenced, living water: 1,000 acres tillable; long grass pasture. A real stock and grain prope- uun. ,j. n. larier. Busn an. Men 12 ACRES improved; western Nebraaka Wheat farm el til 1AA A mlt,w buy. C D. Armstrong. 325-6 Securities a j. T-i i . -. - 139 acre good Toil north of Atkinson, Neb 146 acres broke: smsll improvements. Terma easy. Apply to P: W. Duffy, Sheriff, O'Neill. Ne BRINGING UP FATHER ID LIKE TO iO TO OOTIN' TONI4HT IP 00'L TELU ME HOW 1 KIN. 1T OOT? FARM ANR RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. A BARGAIN. 820 acres all In winter wheal, good black soli, clay subsoil, level land. Near Sidney, Nebraska. No Improve ments, except some fence. Prtce 2K0.00 per acre, terma. Cash (8,000.00, balance easy terms. One-third of wheat goea to buyer of land. Good roads. Seven miles to market. Addresa Her man C Dlerks, 1101 Lincoln Blvd.. Oma ha. Nebraska. WRITK n.e for picture and price of my farms and ranchea in good old Dawes county. Arah L. Hungerford, Crawford, Neb. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN, 301 Karbach Blk. Tyler 684. MERRICK COUNTY. Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right, price. M. A. LARBON. Central City. Ncfr. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms. Kimball Co., Nebraska. R. E. Holmes, Bushnelt, Neb. Oregon Landa. JORDAN VALLEY, Oregon, offer yon a home In the land of sunshine, where oondltlous are right for raising alfalfa and cam?. Addresa, Jordan Valley Farms. Boise Idaho. Wyoming Lands. WHE ATL aND Wyoming farms, 80 per a., including paid up water right Henry Levi & C. M. Rylander, 864 Omaha Nat. Miscellaneous. 131 Acres, $3,800, With Pair Horses, 10 Cows and ' All farming Implements, wagons, car riages, hay, fodder; near railroad town, easy drive city 100,000. 76 acres heavy cropping tillage, 28-cow pasture, mile creamery, wood, timber, fruit, berries. Oood IS -room house, large bsrn, ello, granary, corn houses. To settle, quick buyer gets equipped money-making farm 83.800, easy terms. Details page 42 Spring Catalog 1 States, copy free, Strout Farm Agency, 402-A, Bee Bldg. Omaha. FOR SALE, CATTLE RANCH. 1,760 acres, 160 acres under plow, (0 acres in crop, 30 acres alfalfa; barn 40x80 and 6-roora house; 10 miles fence; running water. Price, 318 per acre; one third down, balance good terma at rea sonable rate of Interest. Address, Moras A Wright. Ryegate, Montona, P. O. Box 104. IF you are looking for land out west and want it at the right prtce, write to mn about it. D. W. Adams, H41 Central Tramway Loop, Denver. Colo. Formerly of Nebraska and Iowa. KIMBALL County. Neb., Laramie county, Wyoming, farm land; particular from C V. NELSON, 618 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. TWO rare burgatna In Red River valley land, 828 ar.d $30 per acre; not an agent. V, 11. Ogden, 2031 Fowler Ave. C-238. FARM LANDS WANTED. WANT to buy 80 to 160 acres eaatera Ne braska or weatern Iowa. Muat be- bargain. F. M. MICHAEL COMPANY. 610 Electric Bldg. Omaha. Nab. WANTED To hear from owner of farm for sale. Mrs. Booth, H. P. fits-, Des Moines, lows. Wb will sell your' farm; timely salea; quick returns. Held Land Co.. (84 Brandel Bid. FARM LANDS FOR RENT. Iowa Lands. FOR RENT -Well Improved 1 aores; poultry, fruit and truck farm In Coun cil Bluffs, wenster 40(. AUTOMOBILES. AUTO TIRES? IDEAL TIRE SERVICE IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS. We Do First-Class Work Only. Our tl-e rebuilding and retreading la success;ul because of particular work manship, ibe quality of our retread gum and the DKY CURE PROCESS. DRY CURE PROCESS .has solved he retread and rebuilt tire problem No steam-soaked carcass, which create defective treads and cause the eeparatlon of the bead. IDEAL TIRE SERVICE 2578 Harney Bt. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MILE. TOO ARB COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING, FROM ACCIDENT. 69 NEW 1918 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO.. DOUO. 8622. 1314 HOWARD. WB WILL shlpj subjsct to examination, our 3. 600-mile guaranteed tires at these low prices; , 30x3 I T.80 30x3 1 10.26 Express charges prepaid if cash scconv panles order. - . STANDARD TIRE CO. 410 No. 18th St ' NEW FORD-HONEY-COMB RADIATORS KVECIAL PRICE WHILE THEY LAST. . 1918 Model, 121.00; KIT Model, 121.60 1 Write for prices on Dedge-Bulck- 1 Overland and other models, new and used. OMAHA RADIATOR TIRE CO.. 2064 Fa mam. 1819 Cuming St. MEEKS AUTO CO. j Used cur bought sold and exchanged. We buy for cash and sell one time. Full linn to svlect from. Middle SVate Garage. 2028-1 Farnam St Douglas 4101. MEEKS AUTO CO. 1918 seven-passenger Bulck touring car, model E-4t, in first class 'condition, newly painted, a bargain. NEB. BUlCK AUTO CO. Tyler 1780. lsth and Howard. WE WALNT TO BUT your used car for ""TRAWVER AUTO CO., ' 1910 Farnam St. Used cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 2563 farnam St. ' D. 1979. FOR S ALE A Hudson 8-40, t-paseengaf touring car.iln first-class condition. A bargain for' quick sale. Phone Tyler 837. ' Call for manager. FORD Sedan Demonstrator In unusually good condition. C. E. Paulson Motor Co., Ames Ave. and Florence Blvd. Authorised Ford dealer. Tel. Coj, 148. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAB CO.. 2020 Farnam Bt. Omaha, Neb. HUDSON SII'FR SIX Seven pasaengsr. equipped with new cord tire; run about? 3.000 rail.' will ell for 31.500. .Tyler IS69. 2514 Vamam St. ' NEW retreader; latest and beet cut; coats ieee: anehee seven different treads. Write, wire or call. Duplex Tire Co lit Seutb 17tb 8' i v i i i jam mm utn i sSawrn J0VT PRETCNO VOO HAVE A TOOTH ACME AN MOST SO TO THE OENTlVr- l ; Y AUTOMOBILES. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 2620 Farnam St. CADILLAC touring car, 1917; in best of order; 92,000. Phone D. 9433. 2623 Fsrnam St. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co. 209 Farnam St. D. 8035. NEW and used Ford, Ames bodies, lm- mediate delivery, o Rourke uoutstrom Auto Co 3701 So. 24ih. So. 389. AUTO S OR AG E 2 4-HOUR SERVICE. SERVICE GARAGE. 18th and Leavenworth. Doug. 7000 SELLiNG only privately-owned used cars. Tha Omaha Used Car Market, 2617 Leavenworth St. Tyler 2347. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2300 Farnam St ffl AA for magneto we can't fix; patentee ylW Affinity Spark Plug. O. Bays- dorfer. 210 N. 18th. AUTOMOBILE electrical repaira; service station for Rayfleld carburetors snd Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. EXPERT Repairing Guaranteed service. SERVICE GARAGE. 18th and Leavenworth. Doug. 7000. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 18th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 3600. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. New Ford touring bodies, )126. 2 230 Far'm. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive youraelf; at very reaaonabie price: no extras to pay. Nebraska Serv ice Garage. 19th and Farnam. Douglas 7390. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone, Congress, Lee Pullman, Fisk. Write for prices. Mention sizes. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 2016 FARNAM TIRES ONE-HALF PRICE. GUARANTEED 3,000 MILES. 30x3 $ 7.60! 30x3 3 9.26 32x34 10.25 22x4 11.76 32x4 11.60! 84x4 12.00 W furnish the old tires. Agent wanted. 8 IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANY. 1618 Davenport Street. NO need for steam soaked carcasses. We retread and rebuild tires by Dry-Cure process. Ideal Tire Service, 2578 Har ney St. GAIN more miles; have your tires re- treaded by O. G. Tire Co. 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-VV. Trucks PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS. Mgr., Tyler 1767. 1407-21 Capital Ave. Repairing and Painting. WE NOT ONLY REPAIR YOUR RADIATOR, BUT CAN BUILD YOU A NEW ONE. RADIATOR REPAIR SHOPS and DEALERS: Write ua for prloea on new cores. No wseks of waiting for that new radiator or fender. Built to your order, any atyle, for automobile, truck or trrtor, in 24 hours. Patronize your home Industry. Ths only Radiator and Fender manu facturing company In the weat. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE COMPANY. 181 Cuming. 20C4 Farnam. Omaha. Neb. F. P. BARNUM CO.. 2125 Cuming. Doug las 8044. High grade automobile painting Motorcycles and Bicycles. EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLE AND SIDE CAR l8 TWIN CYLINDER, THREE SPEED. Electrically equipped, generator, amme ter, lights, born, speedometer, three near ly new non-akld tires, leather air cushion tandon, pump. Cost 9496 new, will tske 8335; run only 8,000 miles; engine In fine condition. Phone or write J. C. Bllssard. 609 South Slat St.. Omaha. Phone Harney 6372. HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain In used machines. Victor H. Roos, the Motorcycle men, 27th snd Leavenworth sts. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial Home solicit your old clothing, furniture, magasinea. We collect We distribute. Phene Doug. 4115 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new bom 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. LIGHT BRAHAM eggs for hatching, from premium winners. G. S. Robertson. 46th snd Saratoga 8ts. Phone Colfax 2938. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR sale, 180 Giant Belgian Carneau pigeona, worth 32.60 to 24 pair; secrl. flee price, quick sale. . Address, Box , Y 449, Omsha Bee. FOR SALE Pet stock. Thoroughbred registered male Fox Terrier. Phone Walnut 8918. WHEAT, screenings 13.00 per hundred. A. W Wagner. 8"1 N. 16th St. Doug. 1142 WHITE ROCK batching eggs, from Om aha show winners. Benson 288. ' Horses Live Stock Vehicles. HARNESS, SADDLES and TRAVELING GOODS. We make them ourselves and sell them direct to consumer; Why pay two profits for inferior goods when ou can get high grade goods at first coat? ALFRED CORNISH CO.. Phone Doug. 2314. 1210 Farnam. i KCENTLY .I'rcuargtd from the service, must sel. at ones, one 1.700 team of 7-year-old nnres, en in foal, fat ami gentle and used to farm work, 9376; me tean- of 4 and 7 years old bay geldlnc; a good aet of farm har ness and wagon. Residence 2225 Leaven worth 8 . , DON'T FORGET the big horse an.' mult suctions at stock yards stables next Wtdneaday. Expect a good rua of choice farm mares, matched teams of farm chunks and one carload of farm mule. Bale starts at 10 o'clock. L C Gallup. Auctioneer. . Notice to Farmers and Teamsters: Twenty-five sets of double harness at less than cost; quitting business reason for low price. Call at reeldence, 2124 Lake street. WILL aell at a sacrifice or trade for late model Ford car, apan mules, 7 and I years old, 2,500 lbs. Have no use for them. 2226 Mason St. FOR SALE At halt value, two young teams of mules; one team 2.800 lbs. aad one team 2.200 Iba. Mr. and Mrs. Peat 2218 Dodice.O MOlvSY TO LOAN. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND 11, LIBERTY BONDS. OCT 2 ',Vr. C. FLATAtT, EST. 1898. 1 8TH FLR. 8ECURITY BLDG., TT. 96. Cepjrriffht, ,91T. International Newa Service. "WHAT v THE OH! l HAVE K I , MATTER -DEM5? TEftROL,E, J . - . . -J TOOTH ACHE Atj : I MOST o RWHTTOA DEfiTlST- . , Market and Industrial News of LIVE STOCK Receipts werai Official Monday Official Tuesday.., Cattle. . 9,791 . 8,686 . 7.219 . 2,300 .24,876 .22,772 .23,307 .25,971 .23.960 Huga. 10,955 13,912 15.733 6,000 46,680 56,676 67,908 64,244 60.742 8 neep. 8,988 8.887 8.466 2,000 27,899 35,035 29,235 40,761 87.991 Official Wednesday Thursdsy estimate , 4 days this week... Same last week.... Same 2 weeka ago. Same 2 week ago Same year ago.... Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 2 o'clock p. m., April 10, 1919. RECEIPTS CARS. Cat. Hogs. Sheep. H'a. Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific ..... 2 1 Union Paclflo 82 27 , 9 C, N. W east 8 4 C. 4 N. W., west 21 24 . 3 C. St. P., M. O... 8 11 C, B. aV Q. east 17 .. .. C. B. & Q., west 6 4 Illinois Central 8 2 .. Chi. Gt. West 1 Total receipts 93 77 9 DISPOSITION HEAD, Cattle . 237 . 253 Hogs. 292 1,330 1,369 1,690 846 Sheep 1,068 438 ' 898 1,600 Morris & Ca . . . Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co... 1,020 861 Armour & Co J. W. Murphy ......... Lincoln Packing Co.... So. Oman. Packing Co Hoffman Bros Glassburg P. O'Dea Midwest Benton A Van Sant... F. P. Lewis Huntzinger & Oliver .. J. B. Root ds Co J. H. Bulla F. G. Kellogg Werthelmer & Degen., Mo.-Kan. C. & C. Co.. Faker John Harvey Jensen & Lundgrcn... Dennis ee Francis Cheek & Kregs 8 34 ..... 2 . 17 8 . 88 . 66 9 . 34 . 11 14 . 38 . 31 . 27 . 169 . 30 . 34 4 ..... 4 . 292 .2.594 6,428 lOmaha viner DUeni 1,190 3,609 Total Cattle On a rather light run of 92 cars of cattle or 2,200 head, trading opened up very active and 10(J15 eenta higher on steers and fully a quarter high er on fat yearlings. Compared with a week ago beef steers are 6076 cents a hundred lower and yearllnga are around 50 cents lower. Butoher stock was ac tive and a quarter higher on a light aupply and feedera were very scarce and steady to 25 60 centa lower than a week ago. Quota! tone on cattle: Prime steers, J17.75Hi.25; good to choice beeves, 216.60 17.25; fair to rood beeves, 916.001016.60; common to fair beeves, 213.75 014.76; good to choice yearlings, 1 1 6. 26 1 8. S6 ; fair to good yearlings, 913.2516.00; common to fair yearlings, $10.00$12.00; good to choice heifers, $13.00 15.00; prime cows, $12.7514.00; good to choice cows, $10.75 012.76; fair to good cows, $9. 0010.60; common to fair cows, 95.25)9.00; choice to prime feeders, $14.0O16.60; good to choice feeders, $13.60 J3. 60; medium te good feeders, 811.00(913.60; good to choice stockers, $10.00 11.75; fair to food stock era, 99.004J10.00; comnfon to fair stockers, $7.008.60; stock heifers, 98.50010.00; stock cows, t7.60O9.00; stock calves, 98.00 O13.00; veal calves, 98.00OI4.00; bulls, stags, etc., $10.00 12.00. Hogs The effects of the storm was noticeable In tbe reoetpta of hogs today, only 82 loads being received, estimated at 6,000 head. Tbe light supply waa soon cleared at prices steady with yester day's general market there being an ab sence of tbe early week start yesterdsy. Most of today's aales were from $20.00 20.26, with a top at $20.86. Sheep There was s fairly light run of sheep and lambs here today, only nine loada estimated at 2,000 head. The smli supply, however, waa apparently sufficient to meet the demand. A few lamba sold early at around steady prices, from $18.76 O19.00, with a possible top of $19.26. , Quotations on Sheep Lambs, good to choice, $19.26019.75; lambs, fair to good, U8. 60019.26; lambs, feeders, $17,000 18.00; yearlings, good to choice, $16.00 17.00; wethers, fat, $15.00 16.00; ewea, good to choice, $14.00 14.75; ewea, fair to good, $12.0014.00; ewe feeders, $7.00 O8.60. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, April It. Cattle Receipts, 9, 000; good and choice weighty steers, strong; others alow, steady; stockers and feeders, steady; calves, steady at 25c low er; estimated tomorrow, 3,000. Heavy beef steers, $11.60080.26; light beef steer, $10.00019.50; butcher cow and heifer, $7.40015.00; ranners and cutters, $5,760 10.00; veal calve, $14.60017.80; stockers and feeder steers, 98.26O15.60. Hogs Receipts, 82,000; market opened 10c lower than yesterday's best time, closed with decline practically regained; estimated tomorrow, 20,000, Bulk of pales, $20.16020.40; heavyweight $20.25020 60; medium weight, f20.20O20.45; light weight $19.80020.40; light lights, $18.65020.10; sows, 819.25 19.76 ; pigs, $17.60 18.75. Sheep and Lamba Receipt, 11,000; good and choice handy weight wooled lamba, fully steady; all other classes alow to 26o lower; estimated tomorrow, 5,000. Lambs, 84 pounds or less, 917.76019.66; 85 pounds or better, f 17.60019.60; culls, f 14.00017.60; ewes, medium and good, 912.00 15.50; culls and common, 26. 00O12.00. St, Loul Llv Stock. St. Louis, Mo., April 10. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,300; steady. Native beef steer. 911.60 919.60; yearling ateera snd heifers, I9.60O19.09; cows, 8l9.60O18.S9; stockers and feeders, f 10 00O13.50.; fair to prime southern beef steers, 910.00O19 90; beef cows and heifers, 97. 6(1016. 00; eariners and cutters $1.6007.25; natlvs calves, $7,760 16.60. Hogs Receipts, 12,000; steady. Lights, 919.90O20.46; plga, $15.00019.60; mixed and butchers, f 19.90020.60; good heavy, f20.45O20.50; bulk. f20.00O20.40 Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 200; steady. Lambs, f 20.0020.25; ewes, $11.00014.80; esnners and choppers, $4. 60O11.00. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., April 10. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,600 head; market steady; steers, tlO.60O19.50; eows snd heifers, $4,500 16.60; calve, fl0.2SO14.90; stockers, $8.60 16.00. Hogs Receipts, 8,000 head; , market higher: heavies, f20.96OI0.S0; lights, $19.90029.25; packing, 910.00O20.2B; pigs, $16.00 019.90. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,100 head; MONEY TO LOAN. Lowest ratea. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock, 1514 Dodge. D. 6619. Eat ls9l. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Organised by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, planoe and note as secur ity. 940, 8 mo., H. goods, total, $3.69. PRnviniTMT l)iM aftmwrv 422 Security Bldg., 16tir te Farnam. Ty. 989 MTIU Vrul .t-T. binv rN. wuutUN'T LIKE That- 11 1 vcKir rv DENTIST- j Short Term Notes Daily quotation sheet furnished by Fetera Trust company. First Liberty 8Hs ;...99.02 ... Second Liberty 4s 93.72 ... Third Liberty 4Vis 95.70 ... Fourth Liberty 4 Us 93.88 ... Amor. For. Sec. (1919) 99 9-16 99 Araer. Tel. Tel. 6s (1925). . .102 103 Amer. Tel. 6s (1924) Amer. Tobacco 7a (1922) . Amer. Tobacco 7a (1923) . . 99 99H ..103 103 ...103 103 ... 98W, 981, ... 96 96 ...100 101 ...100 101 ,..100 101 ,..100 101 ,'.'.W'A ioi ...101 101 1015-19 101 ...101 102 A-aconda Cp. 6a (19291 Anglo-French 6a (1920) . Arm. Conv. Deb. 6s (1919) Arm. Conv. Deb. 6s (1922) Arm. Conv. Deb. ts (1928) Arm. Conv. Deb. 6s (1924) Beth. Steel 7s (1919) Beth. Steel 7a (1922).... Beth. Steel 7 (1922) Canada 6a (1921) Cudahy 7 (1923) lilt R. T. in (l2l) Kan. City Ter. 6a (1923) Proctor G. 7 (1923) .. Proctor & G. 7a (1923).. Russian Rub!-. 0, (1936 ..88 ,..100 S8 100 ...103 104 ...103 103 121 126 Union Paclfio 6s (1928). ..i 104 104 Wilson & CO. 6s (1928) 95 96 market slow; lambs, $16.40 19.60; ewes, $10.60017. 75. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City. Ia., April 10. Hogs Re ceipts, 6,500; market steady to strong; ilBht, f 19.8020.15; mixed, fl9.8020.16; heavy. $19.80(8 20.16; bulk of sales, $19.96 O20.10. Cattle Receipts, 1.200; lower; beef steers. $11.60 15.60; fat cows and heifers, $7. 0008.60; canners. $5.0007.00 stockers and feedera, $8.0013.00; feeding cows and heifers, $7.00(6 1.60. Sheep Receipts, 500; market weak. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Charles W. Martin and wife to Francis E. Peterson, Redirk ave,, 86 ft. e. of 25th St., n. ., 44x120. .$ 7,100 Most Rev. J. J. Harty, bishop, to Rebecca Gladwin, 45th st., 120 ft. a. of Wirt at., w. s., 80xi23 3,000 Eva J. Carson snd husbsnd to Dora A. Carroll and wife, Pratt at., 87 ft. w. of 27th St.. n. ., 60x125 3,509 John J. Gustln and wife to Shourd C. Bekins, n. e. cor. i0th and Leavenworth sts., 100x142 2,009 Walter J. Palmer. and wife to Daniel J. Johnston, n. e. cor. 50th and California sts.. 100x128 2,400 Carl J. Moenck and wife to Anna B. Beachler, Brown st, 120 ft. w. of 37th at, s. s., 120x125 1,300 Louis Harris and wife to Harry Weinsteln, Charles st., 66.6 ft e. of 21st St., s. s., 66x60 '. 2,200 William Faber and wife to Etta Helme, Florence ave., 85.9 ft. n. of Spencer st, w. ., 40x85 2,900 Edward H. Howland and wife to Alfred E. Squires et al, 7. St., ' 100 ft. e. of 15th at, . ., 50x130. 1,000 Ha2el M. Dunbar and husband to James L. Cooksey, 32d st, 150 ft. s. of Poppleton ave., w. ., 60x181 4,800 Persts M. Painter and husband to William T. Wehner et al, H st, 135 ft. w. of 41st ave., s. s 40x120 1,460 Louis M. Gwin to Linn Campbell, California at. 260 ft. w. of 61st at, n. ., 50x128 1,800 Robert E. Hodgen and wife to Wes ley M. Hooper, . . cor. 18th and I st.. 48x180 2,025 Horn Real Estate Investment Co. to Thomas W. Hazen, n. w. cor. 16th and Leavenworth at., 24x98.3 17,600 Thomaa W. Hazen and wife to Anna Cole Leflang, n. w. cor. 16th and Leavenworth St., . 24x93.3 17,600 Method J. Hruban and wife to Mary Urzandowskl, L at., 40 ft e. of 42d st. n. s., 180x110 3,346 Oneonta Investment Co. to Stand ard ' Development Co., n. w. cor. ' 42d and Center sts., 49 acri'.... 40,009 Charles W. Martin Co. to Stand ard Development Co., a. w. cor, 45th add Paclflo sts., 49 acres.. 5,690 Joseph H. Klausner and wife to Ellen M. McNamara et al, 60ttr ave., 225 ft a. of Dodge at., w. ., 50x135 8,260 Elizabeth Kuhlraan to Leo A. Kauthold, 25th at., 120 ft n. of K st. e. s., 30x180 2,009 C. D. Braun to Lottie G. Plckrel, Turner blvd., 824 ft n. of Far nam at, e. a., 48x68... 4,760 Frank S. Richardson et al to Brad Roberts, 18th st., 135 ft. n. Of M t, w. ., 45x130 2,860 Watson B. Smith to Elmer H. Hess. 35th St., 63 ft n. of Poppleton. w. s.. 68x125 1,000 Martha J Bogua to Roy M. Hut ton, Locust st., 80 ft. . of 19th st. n. a. 40x124 1 Grovs Wharton Construction Co. to Bert B. Gilbert, 60th st, S20 ft n. of Wirt St.. e. s., 60x146 4,000 M. A. Pease to Edward Qulnn, Mill. ave.. 80 ft. e. of 90th St., n. s., 26x100.... 18,000 M. A. Feaae to Edward Qulnn, Military ave.. 30 ff. . of 60th St., n. s.. 29.4x100 10 000 Dundee Realty Co. to Ellen M. Sohleler. aw. cor. 62d and Dodge at, 76x123 2,(00 Ida B. Chlsara to Anna May Hazsn, nw. cor. 20th and Larl inore, 128x230 , 10,000 Jacob J. Partridge to Jake Good binder, 26th st., 120 ft n. of M St., e. .. 60x160 6,000 Edna E. Blttlnger and husband to Leila C. Phillips, 21st et. 12$ ft a. of Sahler at, w. a., 43x124.... 4,250 Matt J. Murphy and wife to Frank ' Weare and wife, Hascall st, 140 ft. w. of 32d ave.. s. a., 60x128.3 3,100 Juliana Toth to Mike Toth, 17th St., 168 ft, a. of Ames ave., w, s. 40al28 140 Robert C. Strehlow and wife to Wb. G. Harding et al. L at, 93 ft. e. of 27th at. n. a., 30x120.. 1.400 Louis D. Vogel to Joe Flshberg, Burdette St.. 45 ft. w. of 22d St., n. s., 46x130 3,300 D. A. Baxter and wife to Elsie Smith et al, nw. cor. Slat, and Hamilton st, 40x136... 4,950 William i. O'Neill and wife to . John F. O'Neill, ne. cor. 81st Snd Oak at, 39.3x99.9 2,(00 Lottie G. Plckrel and husband to Frances K. Clarka, ne. cor. 4 2d and Dodge st, 60x85...., 9,100 Coffee) Market. New York, April 10. Yestorday'a ad vances waa followed by rather nervous and irregular fluctuations In the market for coffee futurea today. The opening waa unchanged to three points higher on some further scattered covering or trade buying of tbe late months, but there waa considerable realizing and after sell ing at 14.42c early, Deoember reacted to 14.28c, while July sold off to 16.18c. or about ten to twelve polnta below laat night's closing figures. Talk of an easier tone in the cost and freight market was not confirmed by the offers actually re ceived, however, and part of the iosaea were recovered with.' the market cloalng 1 to points net lower. Closing bids: May, 19.80c; July, 13.24c; September, 14.73c; October, 14.64c; December, 14.36c; January, 15.36c; March, 14.37c , Spot coffeet, quiet; Rio 7'a. lfQc; eanoa t s, Ji 0- Drawn for The Bee by ... 5AV. THAT THINK - v LEFT THE i uu t : : S - - f W GRAIN MARKET Omaha, April 10, 1919. Receipt of grain were approximately the same as week ago for all gralna, corn the bulk of the arrivals with 97 cars Wheat receipts were S cars, oat 39 cars rye 1 car, and barley S ear. Corn sold at prices ranging from unchanged to 8 centa oft, with considerable st a decline of f to 3 centa. With a break In Chicago options during the latter part of the session offers were still lower snd Ss a consequence om was carried over. Oaia were lie up to o off the bulk at s half cent decline. Rye was f cent loner and barley a cent off. Only a few cars of wheat were sold, which brought about unchanged price. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts Todsy. Wk. Ago. Tr. Ago. Wheat 5 8 20 Corn 67 67 157 Oats '. 29 34 71 Rye 1 2 6 Bsrley S 7 5 Shipments Wheat 118 81 10 Cyn 63 49 152 OaUs 36 41 62 Rye S" 2 4 Barley 9 23 1 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago 14 86 66 Kansas City . 40 47 17 St. Louis 32 63 . 6C Minneapolis ,...181 Duluth 1 Winnpeg 114 ... ... Corn No. 2 white, 2 cars, fl.64: 35 car, $1.62. No. 3 white, f cars, $1.62; 1 car. $1.61. No. 4 white. 2 cars, $160; No. 5 white, 1 car, $1.60; 1 car, tl.68; 1 car. $1.57 (old) No. 2 yellow, 2 cars, 3161. No. 3 yellow. 1 car $1.60; 4 9-0 cars, $1.59. No. 4 yellow, 2 cars, 31.69; 1 ear, $1.67; 3 cars, $1.66. No. 5 yellow, 2 cars, 91.55; 2 cars, $1.64; 1 car. $1.62; 1 car, $161. No. 3 mixed. 1 car, $1.68; S cars, $1.67. No. 4 mixed 1 car, $1.67; 1 car, $1.(6; 1 car. 1.54; 1 car, $1.68; 2 cars, $1.62. No. S mixed, 1 car, $1.52. No. 6 mixed, 1 car. 91.50. Sample mixed, 1 car, $1.50; 1 car, $1.45 (heating) Oats No. 8 white, 1 car, 69 c (choice); 1 car, 69 Vic; 2 cars, 69c; 1 car, 68c; 8 cars, 68 Vjc. No. 4 white, 3 cars, 68c. Rye Sample, 8-6 car, $1.60. Barley No. 9 1 car, $1.07; sample, $1.06. Wheat No. 1 aprlng, 2-5 car, 22.44; No. 2 Spg., 1 car, $2.43: No. 6 mixed, 1 car, $2.05; sample mixed, 1 car, $2.18 (smutty); 1 car, f2.10. Chicago Grain Bevlew. Chicago, April 10. Increased competi tion from Argentina made the corn mar ket today average much lower. Prices closed unsettled at 2 net decline to c advance, with May fl.66 to $'..66 S, and July fl.60 to $1.51. Oats lost c to c, and provisions 37c to 76c Word that cargoes of Argentine corn were being bought at 13 cents under July, c. I. f New York, for April-May ship, ment, gave aggressiveness to tha bear side of the corn market, especially after midday when ths newa became gener ally known. In thla connection, a big in dustry announced that one of the com pany's plants would be devoted to grind ing Argentine corn exclusively. It was es timated that corn shipments from Argen tina to the United Statea during April and May would total 2,600,000 bushel. Nearby deliveries of corn here, however. showed relative strength a a result of wet weather, car shortage and the fact that yesterday'a break In prlcea had stop ped dealera from paying a much aa $1.60 a bushel to rural holders, th price which apparently a number of producer had de cided upon aa a minimum. - Oata weakened With corn, despite wet weather delaya to seeding. Selling on the part of stock Vard In terests sent provision down grade. Im petus came chiefly from bearish senti ment as to corn and hogs. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock snd grain brokers, 31S South Sixteenth 8t, Omaha. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Corn j May 1.69 l.Sf 1.55 1.55 1.59 J'ly 1.60 1.62 1.49 1.49 1.60 Sep. 1.45 1.46 1.43 1.43 1.46 Oats May .68 .68 .67 .67 .68 J'ly .67 .67 .66 .66 .67 Sep. .63 .63 .62 .63 .83 Pork May 49.60 49.60 ' 49.28 49.25" 60.00 Jlly, 47.00 47.00 46.60 46.SS 47.00 La'rd1 May 29.59 39.69 29.90 29.0! 29.57v J'ly 29.50 28.65 28.05 28.12 38.70 Rlba May 26.82 27.25 26.87 27.02 27.40 J'ly 25.40 25.47 26.07 25.07 28.80 New York Grain and Provisions. New York. April 10. Wheat Snot. firm; No. 3 red, $2.38 elevator export Corn Spot, easy: No. 3 yellow and No. 3 white. $1.78. cost snd freight' New York. Oats Easy: standard, 77c. Lard Week; middle west. $29.(90 29.70. Local StecHS snd Hoods. Quotstions furnished by Burns. Brlnksr A Co., 449 Omsha National Bank building. Name of stock Bid Aaked Armour Co., pfd 101 American State Bank, Omaha TS 101 100 '98 100 77 100 61 85 60 101 80 99 100. 8 87 99 100 97 101 97 109 80 Burgess-Nash 7 per ct Dfd..100t4 Deere & Co. pfd Oooch Food Prod, pfd 99 Oooch Food Prod. Com...... 60 Harding Cream 7 per ct. pfd. 9991 O. & C. B. Ry Bridge pfd....... Omaha Gaa Co. pfd Omaha Gaa Co. com O. & W. 7 per cent pfd lit Standard Ptah Co. SO Union Stock Tarda. Om 99 Un. P. Lt 7 per cent pfd BONDS. C R. I. p., fa, 1922 93 ntJ G. ft E. let 6. 1929 98 Dom. of Canada 5s. 1937 97 (Jaind Island 4s lows r-oniana cement OS L. Lt. Ht. ft P. 6a, 1983 93 Lincoln Joint Stock Land Ss.101 Oklahoma Gas 7s, 1920 97 Om. Othletlo (, 1921-33 Om. C. B. St. Ry 9. 1923..... 73 Omaha School Om. C B. Ry. ft B. 6s 1928 Omaha City Southern Railway 6. )92... Trinity Port Cera. Com Wilson Co., 6s, 1929 4.80 per ct. .... 78 4.70 per ct. 99 99 99 99 99 99 St. Joseph Live stack. St. Joseph, Mo., April 10 Hogs Re ceipts, 3,600; market ateady; top, $30.40; bulk o sales, $20.06020.25. , CaUiB Receipts, 1,900; market strong; steers, $18.00018.26; cows snd heifers, 86.60O1S.00; calves, f8.00012.00. Sheep Receipts, 1.900; market alow; lamba, flf.60O19.50; ewts, fl4.9901S.29. New Tork Cotton. New York April 19. Cotton futures closed steady1; May. old. 24.80ci sew. 26.00c; July, old. 11 48e; new, 34 14c; Oc tober, old, 21.95c; new, 23.48c; December, old, none; new, 32.00c; January, eld, none; new, 21.82c. Iondon Money. London, April 10. Money and Discount Unchanged. t Georfge McManus VUZ. A FINE IDEA I HOUSE - HE PULLEO ' : n the Day FINANCIAL New Tork, April 10. The most signifi cant feature of today'! very lively atock market, as Indicating lt extremely peo ulative character, waa the free buying of United State Steel at an extreme ad vance of 2 points, snd the abrupt r verssl of the last hour, when realizing for profits effaced most gains and left many net loaaes. Steel'a rlae was the more surprising since It followed the publication of th March tonnage figures disclosing another large Increase In unfilled orders, draw ing the total down to the lowest level tn over thres years. The maximum of 11 for V. 8. Steel represented the year's best price, but sll this snd a smsll fraction was forfeited at the cloae, when reactions among other leaders ranged from 2 to I polnta In other respects ths markki dlsplsyed none of its recent extrsvagant aspects, further substantial, but temporary ad vances tn motors and shippings providing the chief diversion of ths early and In termediate sessions. Chandler Motors rose an additional 14 polnta before noon, but only 1 points remained at the end. Stutz and aome of (hi low-priced motors made extreme galna of 2 to 6 points, but these, too, were partly forfeited. American International corporation dropped about 6 points from Its best on announcement that lt had -been decided tn call tbe remaining 40 per cent due on the stock, but Atlantio Gulf, also Gen eral Elei'tflo and other equipments, as well s food Issues and utilities retained pert of their 3 to 4-polnt advances. Ralls lapsed after occasional fractional advances, and oil, metals, tobac:os snd cigars were most often reactionary, lead ing 1 to 8 points. Sale amounted to 1,400,000 ahares, ths largest total thus far this year. Bonds, including Liberty Issues and In ternationale, were irregular within re stricted limits. Total sales, par value, aggregated til, 875.000. Old United Statea bonds were unchanged oa call. Number of sale and range of prices of the leading stocks: Closing Low Bid. 78 76 .50 60 92 94 66 6 70 70 128 106 106 62 62 92 92 123 127 48 48 21 31 26 26 169 76 76 69 28 38 95 95 24 24 86 36 48 43 67 67 66 66 25 25 16 16 169 161 177 178 92 92 41 42 99 61 62 111 IU 26 26 46 45 32 32 114 39 89 . 182 182 24 23 24 13 16 74 74 29 29 109 109 93 93 44 44 43 49 31 21 34 84 32 82 13 103 104 , 38 38 66 86 213 213 129 129 1SS 168 8 98 119 119 79 79 36 99 46 46 72 . 72 Sales. Am. Bt. Sug. . . . 4,200 Amer. Can 7.600 Am. Car ft Fdry.. 2.800 Am. Loco. ...... 3,100 Am. S. ft R 3,000 Am. Sug. Ref. .. Am. Tel. ft Tel.. . 660 Anaconda Cop. . . 8,900 Atchison 1,090 At. G. ft W. I. 8. S. 36,100 Malt ft 0 800 High. 78 51 94 67 71 105 62 93 128 43 21 26 7S 38 95 24 36 44 68 68 . 26 18 164 179 99 4 52 114 27 46 32 40 186 24 16 74 20 106 94 4 49 21 95 8i 105 28 88 216 139 159 100 316 76 86 47 74 Butte & Sup. Cop. 1.000 Cal. Pet 600 Can. Pao Cen. Leather 14,700 Chen. & O Ohl. M. & St. P... 8,700 CAN .- 700 C R. I.ft P ctf.i. - 900 Chlno Cop 600 Colo. F. ft 1 3,800 Corn. Prod. Ref.. 13,700 Cruc. Steel , . 4.700 Cuba Cane Bug. . . 8,000 Erie 1.000 Gen. Elec 3,200 Gen. Mot 23,800 Grt Nor. pfd. ... 1.800 Grt Nor. Ore ctf 4,600 III. Cen Insplr. Cop 8,100 Int. Mr. Mar. pfd 42,000 Int. Nickel 14,000 Int Paper 3,200 Ken, Cop 2,100 L. ft N Max. Mot 8,500 Mex. Pet , 30,709 Miami Cop Ml. Pa 1,709 Nsv. Cop. ...... 200 N. T. Cen 700 N. T.. N. H. ft H. 1.700 Nor, ft We - 800 Nor. Pac. 2,409 Penn 1,300 Pitts. Coal xd ... 1,400 Ray. Con. Cop. . . (00 Reading ' 11,200 Rep. I. ft 8 3.809 Stmt. Ariz. Cop. . South. Pan. 37,400 8outh. Ry 1,400 Stude, Cor. .... 28,900 Ter. Co. 4.800 Utllon Pac 1,909 U. 8. Ind. Al. .. 24,100 U. S. Steel 299,809 U. S. Steel pfd. .. 300 Utah Cop 1,700 Wes. Union 400 West Elec 8,609 Beth. B 33,800 New Tork Bond list, 1 U S, 2. reg.. 98Gen. Elec. 3.. 98 U. E. 2s, cop.. 98Qr. No. lat 4a 85 U. 8. 3s, reg... 89 III. Cen ref. 4s 99 U, 8. 3s cou.. 89 Int Mai. Mr 7s U. 8. Lib. 3S..99.10K. C So. ref. Ss 99 -u. o. , reS's'"''. at XV. un. ft, 4 U. 8. 4a. oou..l0SM. K. ft T. Am. For. Sec. Ss 99 lit 4s 99 Am. T. ft T. Me. Pae. gen. 4s 68 U clt Ss 90 'Mont. Pa. Ss.. 91 Anglo-Fr. Ss... 66 N. Y. Cen deb Arm. ft Co. 4s 87 9s 97 Atch gen. 4.... 91No. Par. 4s 92 b. os u. ov. m, us'tij. rso. 1. Beth. Bt. ref. Ss 39 Or. Bh'rt Ln. Cen. Leatb. 6s.. 99 ref, 4s .... Cen. Pac. 18t... 78p. T. ft T. Sa 89 34 1 C. ft O. cv Ss.. 36Penn. con. 4s 94 C. B. ft Q. Penn. cen. 4s.- 95 Erie. gen. 4sNN S8Read. gen. 4s.. 83 Jt 4s ., 9Sst L. ft S. F. C M. ft Bt f, sdj. 9s 2 ... So. Pae. cv. 6s.. 104 738o. Ry. Ss 93 77 T. ft P. 1st., a C. R- I. ft P. Ry. ref. 4s... ov. 4s ... C. ft 8. ref. 4s 77un. Pae. 4s.... 86 D. ft R. O. rf. Ss 49u. s. Rub. Ss.. 97 uom. or can as u. B. 8t. Ssv.,.190 (1931) 97Wbash lstV.. 93 Bid. , New Tork Money . New York, April 19. Mercantile Paper 5 OS Pr cent 1 Starling Unchanged. I Franca Demand, 38. ST, Guilders Demand, 49e; cables. 46 t-19e. Lire Unchanged. Mexican Dollars Unohanged. Time Loans Steady: unchanged. Call Money Strong; Sll at 6) per cent. We Recommend , to th Conservative ? Investor A limited number of first mort gsga bonds carrying interest, s (cured by income-preduc lag prop erty, which we nave for sals. This is safe, sans and profit sbls Investmsnt and an which will bear th strictest Investigation. Telephone Tyler 4311. 747-43) Brand is Building. r-y 1 ' OMAHA PR0DU6E Wholesale selling prices ef beef cuts: . No. 3 loins, 49c; No. t loins. 39o; No. 3 ribs. 38s: No. f ribs, S4o; No. t ' rounds, 36c No. rounds, 34e; Ne, I chucks 88o; N f chucks. Ho: No. 3 plate. 18c; No. 3 piste. 18e. - Quotations furnished by Glllnsky Fruit eompsny. Fruit Orange: 30-99-180, fS.M; 129, $6.60; 180-334. $6.35; 178 and smaller $7.00. Lemons: Golden Bowl, 300-369, $6J8; Silver Cord. 300-380, $5.50. Grap Fruit: Dr. Phillips. 36-48, $6.00; 14, $6 SO; 64-80, f7.09. Bananas: 7 ' Apples; CsL Newton Plppens (4 tier), $4.60; Ex. Fey. Wins Sepe, 98 to 178, $5.00; Barrel apples:" Ben Davis, tl3 00. Vegetables Potato: Cola. Wbtt V. 8. . Ne. 1 owt, f2.26; Minn. Early Ohloa, $1.28; awset potatoes, par hemp., $8.69. Red Onions: Sack lots. So; Onion;, seta: Red and Yellow, $3.90; White. 83.69. Cabbage: CaL Wlnnlngstaadt. per ert.. $6.00; Texas Cabbage, , per lb., 7o; head , Isttuoe (about 3 dosen), $8.00 art bead lettuce, $1.60 do.; leaf Isttuoe, fOe dos-s shallott, carrots, turnips, 7So do,; beets, parsley, TSo do.; southern radishes, 76c" do.; egg plants, 33.80 do.; artichokes,. 33.90 do.; hot house eukes, ex. toy., 32.66 dos. ; Brussels sprouts, tOo lb.; eptnech. 13 a lb.; green pepper, SSe lb. t celery washed, Florida, 83.04 dos. ; calory, rough, Florida (3 to 9 dos.), $6.80 ert$ cauli flower. 93.99 ert; CaL asparagus, 35a . lb.; Cel. rhubarb, $4.00 box; Florid to matoes (( bskt crte.). 86.(6 box. Old Koots-k-Bsets, parsnips, 9o Ib.i tur nips, carrots, 3o lb. t rutabagoes, 3 lb, Strawberries Market price. Nuts Eng. walnuts, ek. lota) 34o lea 86 lb.; Jumbo raw peanuts, 13a lb.; Jumbo roasted pesnots, 16o lb,; No, I rat nsanuts. l9o lb.; No. I roasted ieanuts, 13o lb. . ' Miscellaneous Cracker racks. Checker Chums, per case, ft.ff; case. IMS; . airline honey, I dos, f as. case, f4.$0; i dos. 14 eg. case. 38 70. , , Bar Market. . Receipt ef both pralrl hay aad alfalfa good, and the demand is good for the better grades of hay, which is causing the market to be ateady on this grade ef Kay. A good deal et hay which has been com lng to this market la wet and in a heated 1 ten dltlon and the demand for this grsd of bay la poor snd Is very hard te aell. v Per Ton, Choice upland prairie fay.... $36. 00 No. 3 upland prairie hay.. No, 3 upland prairie hay.. No. 3 upland prairie hay.. 91.0084.06 38.90030.00 30.000 33.99 31.00034.96 No. 1 midland prairie hay. No. I midland pralrl hay..., No, 1 lowland prairie hay..,. 37.00OI909 No, 3 lowland prairie hay.... 30.00033.00 No, 3 lowland prairie hay.... 16.00016. On Packing hay ... Choice Alfalfa . No. 1 Alfalfa .. Standard alfalfa No. 3 alfalfa ... No. 3 alfalfa .. Oat atraw Wheat atraw ... 14.00019.00 i is.oo 38.00O3S.90 ,80.00033.00 37,00 039.90 38.00O3S.00 11.00013 ll.00913.or i Chicago Produce). Chlcage, April 19. Butter Lower; creamery. 56081c. Kgga Hlghwr; receipts, 87,774 ease; firsts, 39O0c; ordinary first. 39 ft e; at mark, cases Included, 88039( ; storage packed firsts, 41 H ft 2c. , . Poultry Alive, unchanged. . . Chicago, April . 10. Potatoes Steady; receipts, 63 car northern sacked ad bulk whites, U. S. grsde 1, fl.03.0iu western russet, f 2.360 3.40; new ock Florida No. I. f 16.00 per barrel. ! New York Sugar. New York, April 10. Sugar Un changed. . New York Produce. '. New York. April 10. Butter Firm; . creamer, higher than extraa, 66 067c; extras, 66c; firsts, 6466c. Eggs Steady; unchanged. Cheese Steady; unchanged. ' Poultry Live, easier; stags, 28c; fowl. 3 41c old roosters, 24c: turkeys. ".St ' 4Cc; dress'-d, steady; chickens. 2S41c: fowls, 30O38o; old roosters. 262C' ;. turkeys, 4148c. . ; , . .. .,. . Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., April 10. Turpentine- i Firm, 72c; sales none; receipts, 116 lbl: , shipments. 12 bbls.; stock, 17,304 bbla. Rosin Nominal; sales, none; receipts, 39.. bbls; shipments, 117 bbls.; atock. 57,561 bbls. Quote: B, f 13.10; D E, $13.15! F, $12.20: G, $18.26; H. $13.30; J, $13.66; K. flS.78" M, $16 26; N, WG, 318.30; WW, $16 76. New York Dry Goods. Now York, April 10. Cotton goods tr-, day were firmer with the demsnd broad ening steadily. " Ginghams and iwrialos tended toward higher price In the im mediate future. Yarns were In better de mand. Burlap were steady with a firm- er tendency. Silks showed aome Im provement In demand. , New York Metal. New York, April 10. Lead Easy; spot and June offered at $5.00. Spelter Steady; East St Louis, spot, $6.1006.30; May, f6.1206.3l At London Copper, spot, 77 5s; elec- trolytlc, 82 10s; tin, 227 2s (d; spelter. 29 10a. Liberty Bonds. New Tork, April 10. Liberty bond final prices today were 8s, 889.10; first 4s, (93.70: seoond 4. 993.74; first 4s, 396.84; second 4s, 393.74; third 4s, $5.2; fourth 4, 998.64. Dried Fruit. New York, April 10. Evaporated apples quiet; prunes, Btrong; apricots and peach -ts, firm; raisins, ateady. a. Salt Creek Producers Ass'n This company controls in terest ia ovary part of tha fa mous Salt Croak Field, Wyoming, which suppltss Mid-West Refin ing Co. with the greater part ef its daily requirements. Fall particulars upon request. BOUGHT, SOLD, QUOTED L. L. WINKELMAN& CO. STOCK BROKERS. 44 BROAD ST NEW, YORK. Inclement Weather never stops us when wt have the order for your moving; neither do your things get the least bit vret, as they are fully protected from the weather by coverings. , " OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO, Phono Douglas 4163. 806 South 16th Street. BKirVJNEIRJ PACKING PANY 0ULTQV QfJTTGR EOOS fAOf MAM 1116 -1116 - Doudla Doudlasf Tel -Douglas. ! 1521 i.