Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
ftW EE: OMAHA, 'FRIDAY, APRIL ll,v 1919. 11 Washing Won't Rid t Hsad Of Dandruff The ony sure way to get. rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do thin, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid urvon; apply it at nijrht when retir ing; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the fin irer tiDs. Do this tonight, and by morninff, most u not all, or your dandruff will he ironp. anrl throe nr fnilr mnia n f - - - v....v v iuui i applications will completely dissolve ana entirely destroy every single sijrn and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itch ins and digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and foft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work. Adv. ' Give Your Tornado Insurance to MEYER KLEIN 636 First Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Telephone) Tyler 360. EXIEURALGIA a W ' or Headavhe A J Rub the orehead 'and temple with VICKS VAPOR "YOUR BODYGUARD" - SOT. 60 STOMACH TORN UP Indiana Lady Describes Conditio, Which She Says Was Due To Constipation and Tells of Relief Obtained Frosi Black-Draught. Scottsburg, Ind. Mrs. Annie Johnson, of this place, writes: "I well remembet suffered for a long time with constipa tion, which would get me down. I took doctors' medicines and any number oi purgatives. They would leave me in s I worse condition than I was before taking, ' and my stomach so upset ... I know once 1 suffered . '. . from constipation, I was so ill we had to have the doctor, Just so nervous and feverish. The doctor said I would have to quit medicines, mj stomach was so bad ... j My husband was reading and found something about Thedford's Black Draught and brought me a package tc fry. I used it regularly at first until 1 be gan to feel better, then I used just a dose occasionally. I was cured of this con stipation and am sure the Black-Draugh did it." If your stomach is out of order, yot will suffer from such disagreeable symp. toms as headache, biliousness, indiges tion, etc., and unless something is done, serious trouble may result. Thedford's Black-Draught has beet found a valuable ' remedy for these 1 troubles. It is purely vegetable, anc ; acts in a prompt and natural way, help ing to regulate the liver and to cleanse the bowels of impurities. Try Black-Draught EB-1! IS YOUR FAMILY i FREE FROM COLDS? Coughs and Colds don't linger when ; Dr. King's , New Discovery is used You owe it to your famiiy to , yourself to keep this standard rem edy in your medicine cabinet. For almost three generations it has been the first-choice cold and cough relief of millions of people, young and old. 4 Helps to bring quick relief ; loosen chest-stuffiness, reduce fever, ' sooth irritating throats, check cough- ing. Sold by druggists everyhere. ' 60c and 11.20. - Dixiy? Bilious? Constipated? Don't permit yourself to become constipated, as your system imme diately begins to absorb poison from the backed-up waste matter. Use Dr. King's New Life Pills and keep well. Try them. All druggists. 25c. Adv. 1 ClearYourScalpand Skin With Cuticura After shaving and before bathing touch dandruff and itching, pimples and blackheads with Cuticura Oint ment Wash.all off with Cuticura Soap and hot Water, using plenty of Soap best applied with the hands. One Soap for all uses, shaving, shampooing, bathing. Finally dust shaven parts with Cuticura Talcum. The Soap, Ointment and Talcum 25c. each at all dealers. Watch for The Bee's Rotogravure Section next Sunday. .who hae DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 mm NEBRASKA GETS NEW HIGH RECORD PRICE jOR HOGS Cornhusker Product Brings $20.70 Per Hundredweight at Kansas City, 5 Cents . Above Best Mark. Kansas City, Mo Apr'l 10. Vh:t is said by stock yards officials to be the highest price ever paid for hogs here $20.70 per hundredweight was received on the local market to day by a Nebraska breeder for 68 head of black Poland-Chinas, aver aging 255 pounds each. The highest previous price on the local market was $20.65, recorded September 11, 1918, according to officials. Bolshevism Described as Suicide of Proletariat Prague, April 10. In speeches made hv several IcaHere at iU Bohemian socialist conference here it was insisted that thr allino with the entente should be main tained because reconciliation with Berlin, Budapest and Moscow would mean Hano-pr (nr ti CUn- Slovak republic. . Bolshevism . was i1.a.!t..J .... ' ! . Jf . 1 uiawiucu s me suitiue oi me pro letariat and it was urged that the working DeoDle nf Bohemia ctmnlrl differentiate between exaggeration ana memoaic retorm. Smith Family Claims Honors in World War Washington. Aoril 10. The Smiths claim family honors in the world war. Fiftyone thousand of them saw duty in the several branches of military service. The Johnsons, 29,000 strong, ran second, and the Joneses, third, with 22.5Q0. The Greens, Browns and .Cohens came next in order. "And we didn't even miss 'em at the old homestead," said Robert Lee Smith, of Richmond, Va., who made the analysis of the family records in the war here today. Y. M. C. A. Workers Captured by Bolshevik! Well Treated New York, April 10. Bryant R. Ryall of Bloomfield, N. J., and Mal colm V. Arnold of London, O., Y. M. C. A. workers recently cap tured by the bolsheviki are safe and well treated, according to a telegram received here today by the Y. M. C. A. war work council from Acting , Secretary of State Polk, quoting advices from Archangel. Ryall's mother lives in Gladstone, Ore., and Arnold's family in Polk, Neb. Strike in Berlin Fixed for 10th Fails to Materialize Amsterdam, April 10. The gen eral strike at Berlin, fixed for April 10. did not materialize, accordinc to advices from that citv. Business is being carried on as usual, Form Cotton Corporation. Memphis, April 10. Organization of a cotton export corporation to be capitalized at $100,000,000 as suggested by Gov. W. P. G. Hard ing of the federal reserve board, was approved today at the conference here of planters, factors and bank ers from practically all the cotton growing states. , LEMON JUICE FOR FRECKLES Girls! Make beauty lotion for a few cents Try it!"...".....i'i Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing two ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complex ion beautifier, at vry, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweet ly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how. freckles and blemishes dis appear and how clear, soft and rosy white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless and never irritates. Ady. 3-Grain Cadomene Tablets Absolutely Restore Vigor, Vitality, Strength to Weak Men and Women. Sold by All Druggists. Adv. Stop Itching Skin There is one safe, dependable treat ment that relieves itching torture and skin irritation almost instantly and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask anydruggist for a 35cor$l bottle f Zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you will find that irritations, pimples, blackheads,eczema, blotches,ringworm aad similar skin troubles will disappear. A little Zemo, the penetrating, satis fying liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions, makes Hie skin soft, smooth and healthy-.' The E. W. Rom Co., Cleveland. Oi FISTULA CURED Ecetal Diseases Cored without sever sunrlcal operation. No Chloroform or Ether used. Cur maranUed. PAY WHEN CURED. Write for illus trated book on Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonials of more than 1,000 prominent people been permanently cured. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. KOREA IN REVOLT; PROVISIONAL REPUBLIC DECLARED According to reports' received here the people of Korea have revolted against the Japanese rulers and, have declared a provisional govern ment with headquarters in Manchuria., Serious righting is said to have broken out between the natives and Japanese troops. The photo shows the barracks at Seoul, Korea, and a military ceremony. taking place. . " 111 I - MM mi mi. i ii - ' ' f. "IT'' svssrtfliflia Revolt trxajeir out vn. Korean. !J, S, SOLDIERS REFUSE TO GO AGAINST RUSS (Continued from Par One.) ficial statement confirming As- sociated Press advices from Arch angel that what amounted to mutiny occurred among the American troops there on March 30. A com pany of infantry, the message staged, refused to entrain for the front un til personally urged to do so by Col. George E. Stewart, command ing the American contingent. Open threats were made of general mutiny unless a definite statement from Washington insuring early with drawal was forthcoming. The text of the paraphrase of the code message, dated March 31, fol lows, the department having elim inated only the identification of the company .and certain military in formation not bearing on the in cident. , "Yesterday morning, March 30, a company ot inrantry, having re ceived orders to the railroad fiont, was ordered out of barracks for the purpose of packing sleds for the trip across the river to the rail road station. Agree to Pack. "The officer, who was in charge of the packing, soon reported to the officers that the men refused to obey. At this, some of the officers took charge, and. all except one man began reluctantly to pack after a considerable delay. The soldier who continued to refuse was placed in confinement. Colonel Stewart, having been sent for, arrived and had the men assembled to talk with them.... "Upon the condition that the prisoner above mentioned was re leased, the men agreed to go. This was done and the company then proceeded to the railway station; and entrained there for the front. That they would not go to the front line positions was openly stated by the men, however, and they would only go to Obozerskaya. They also stated that immediately gen eral mutiny would soon come if there was not some definite state ment coming from Washington with regard to the removal ' of American troops from Russia at the earliest possible date." Cable for Information. The deoartment has cabled for more, information. (From the mes sace received today Otticials were unable to ascertain vVhether a condi tion of mutiny had in fact developed in the past ten days. Pending fuller advices, no comment was forthcom inar as to the course to be pursued. Presumably i it was said Colonel Stewart already had been advised di rectlv that it was the purpose of the supreme war council, in charge of the policy governing the movement, to withdraw the entire torce trom northern Russia, when the ice block adinfir the harbors goes out. The British relief expedition originally scheduled to be A4UU strong, nas sailed, as have the two companies of American railway engineers sent at the request of the British authorities to keep open the railroad south of Murmansk. The dispatch today did not show to what extent bolshevik propagand ists could be held responsible for the behavior of the troops, nor has any information reached the department tending to show the extent to which the rebellious attitude may have spread through the whole American contingent. No Action Probable. While the action of the company at Archangel undoubtedly is mu tinous under any strict interpretation of the military code and would ren der the men liable to severe dis ciplinary action, under ordinary cir cumstances, War department offi cials did not believe such action would result. It was pointed out that the men apparently obeyed their orders substantially when the situa tion had been made clear to them. Only in the event of a refusal which jeopardized the lives of other men, it was thought would any drastic measures of discipline be invoked. Officers here were frankly doubtful that public sentiment at home would permit any other course and many of them expressed sympathy with the feelings of the men. The Three Hundred Thirty-ninth infantry of the Eighty-fifth division forms the bulk of the American con tingent in the Archangel region. Launch New Labor Party. ' Springfield, 111., April 10. A new state labor party was launched in Illinois today.' It was said that about 2,000 delegates were in at tendance, including a delegation of women from the Women's Trade Union league of Chicago. Duncan McDonald, president of the IIlin6is Federation of Labor presided at the sessions which were held in the forenoon and in the afternoon. The convention will continue until Saturday, Peril of Army in Russia Puzzle to English Press Publication of Conditions in North Authorized Through . Official Channels Bungling by Army Heads Feared March Statement Complicates Situation. (1'nlversal Service Staff Correspondent.) Special Wireless Dispatch. London, April 10. An official ap peal has been issued for volunteers to join a relief force for the allied American Archangel front. . As regards the alleged mystifica tions as to the origin of the hints of an impending disaster which . have been filling the air here Jn the last few days, .Universal Service is able to state that the reports are not colored and not caught out of the thin air, but that on the contrary, their publication was allowed -from authoritative channels whence all war news emanates the sarns chan nels from which, came the state ment about the disaffection of Finnish troops in the anti-bolshevist force. The whole situation is further complicated by General March's cabled statement that the Ameri PRESIDENT MAY CALL CONGRESS INTO SESSION 'Continued from Face One.) ington and Paris"1 are so linked to gether that they are more or Jess dependent on each other. President Wilson attended the morning and afternoon sessions of the council today. . The council had under consideration the remaining details of the Saar settlement and the Rhine frontier. ' There were reports that the Ital ians were disposed to accept the plan for the Adriatic settlement, which had not previously been satisfactory to them. Should this compromise be effected, it would remove one of the last large obstacles to the consum mation of the treaty, though many lesser subjects still remain open. Interest in Labor Report. The plenary session of the peace coherence tomorrow for the con sideration of the labor report is awaued with much interest because of the dissatisfaction existing among the smaller nations. Indications are that there may be interpolations concerning the secrecy with which the big four is surrounding itself, and rumors that negotiations may open with the Germans Without ful ly advising all the peace, delegations of the terms of the treaty. Without exception, the smaller nations are said to be displeased at being kept in the dark. - The labor report is to be presented for open discussion and consequent ly there will be opportunity for gen eral debate unless steps are taken to prevent it. Opposed to Publication. The council of four is strongly opposed to official publication of the peace treaty before its submission to the Germans. It maintains that it is all6wing positive decisions to be announced and that consequently the public will be advised on all the main points before the treaty is signed. This piecemeal and incomplete publication is unsatisfactory to many of the delegates, who are urging that the people of' the allied countries shall have the text of the peace treaty from their officials before the Germans announce it with their in terpretations. League Commission Meets With Wilson in the Chair Paris. April 10. (Havs.) Pres ident Wilson presided 1 over the league of nations commission when it resumed its sessions today. The program called for discussion of amendments proposed by the French, American and Japanese delegations. Andre Tardieu. Viscount Morley and Charles H. fiaskins, the special committee on 'western European boundaries, were called before the council of four today. This gave rise to the belief that Premiers Lloyd George, Clemenceau and Orlando and President Wilson were LmWtf selling quality pencil in te world Amerl n Lead maws Pencil Co. to ririh New York V 1St ,". cans will be withdrawn-as soon as1 the passage? is ice free. "Is the Kut-El-Amara fcungljng likely to be duplicated?", is the ques tion on all lips here tonight. The Daily Express dares to tear the veil from the official reticence in an editorial saying. .. "There is something highly sus picious in the method of announcing the danger to the allied forces in northern Russia. For months there has been no hint of danger: now, with the twinkling of an .eye, the war secretary lifts the curtain from a totally different picture. "The British, who were said to be in no danger, are now shown to be in urgent danger, and new army must be dispatched. 'Why this belated discovery of a peril long existent? Is it a fact that Churchilrs colleagues in the cabinet were never informed and that the statement about the danger was made withouf theif knowledge?" considering the Rhine valley. problem of the President Wilson Calls Upon Queen of Roumania Paris, April JO. President Wil son, with Mrs. Wilson and Rear Admiral Grayson, his physician, called upon Queen Marie of Rou mania at her temporary residence here before this morning's session of the council of four. . American Delegates Oppose British Plan Paris, April 10. The publication iu Paris today of a statement at tributed to British sources lo the effect that the terms of the peace treaty would not be presented to a plenary session of the peace con ference until after they had been communicated to the Germans caused comment among delegates of the nations not represented on the council of four.- The publication brought out' from the American mission the state ment that Jt was opposed to such a plan. Prohibit Bate Raise Harrisburg, Pa., April 10. The public service commission today issued formal orders to the West ern Union Telegraph and Postal Telegraph-Cable companies to stop charging or collecting any rates for service rendered within Pennsyl vania "in excess of or different from the rates and charges contained in the tariffs and schedules" of the companies on file with the commis sion and in effect prior to April 1, 1919. Dear Uncle Bob: Your welcome letter received, and also' the generous birthday check. Thank you so much for it. No doubt you will like to know what I am going to spend it for. Well, you see, H. H. Harper & Co. have opened a dandy new hardware store in the Flatiron Bldg., at Seventeenth and How ard Sts., and they are having some wonderful sales which I am going to take advantage of. First, I am going to buy a fine big alu minum dish pan, which hey are selling for $1.95. I will not mind doing dishes if I have such a dandy pan. Then I am goinsf to be more practical than ever, and buy some interior paint and var nish. 1 intend to paint the kitch en all nice and white, and also varnish the floor. It will prob ably take me some days to do it, but the painters are all so bosy it seems as if I can't wait so long. H. H. Harper & Co. are selling an extra good grade of floor var nish for $3.15 per gallon, and it will certainly improve the looks of our floor. Our screens are rather thS worse for wear. The new store is having a special sale of screen paint. They are selling -it at 49 cents per aquart, so I thought I'd get a quart which will be plenty to cover our screens. , I am so glad you planned a visit here in the early summer; by that time we will have plenty of chick ens to fry for you. Buddy eot some new poultry wire at H. H. Harper & Co.'s new store and fenced in a good sized chicken yard for the 34 little chicks which hatched during the last few days. well, i must close now and hope you will come and see us soon. . Your niece. i - . , Mabel STRIKES AND RIOTS HOLD SWAY OVER THE WORLD . (Continued 'From Pane One.)' of violence and South Africa has seen several severe disturbances. Spain has been in the throes of disorder to such an extent as to call for martial law throughout practic a'ly the entire kingdom, while Por tugal, since the armed clash between royalists and republicans, has been perched on the top of a telcano which may break forth at any mo ment. Unrest in South America. South America has also felt the apparent unrest. Disorders in Bra zil and Argentina have been on an unheard of scale, while the fear of a war between Peru and Bolivia on one side against Chile' on the other, has augmented the passions of mobs in these three countries. Korea is at present the scene of riots, although these are riots which aim at independence and an escape from the heavy yoke of the Jap anese. Italy and Servia have seen march ing columns of inflamed, men and women in some of their principal cities, and France, too, .has been touched by the current of discon tent. In Lyons, its third city, it was necessary to call out troops to put down the disorder, and only last Sunday Paris saw a spectacle in the parade in memory of Jaures, the socialist assassinated at the outbreak of the war, which had more than a touch of the ominous. All of the above disturbances are exclusive of the "hair trigger" exist ence in the enemies" countries Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bul garia and Turkey-l-and also of Rus sia. Spanish Ships Will Carry Soldiers and War Material Madrid. April 10. It is stated that details of a - convention between Spain and the United States, provid ing for the importation of cereals by Spain, have been settled. The con dition is that the Spanish ships which are to convey the cereals shall stop at Bordeaux on the western voyage and take on board American troops awaiting repatriation, and also war material which is to be re turned to the United States. Spring Blouses Don't fail to visit the Blouse section Thursday; many un usual values. See Our Window 'Display Sale of -y . ' : Includes Regular $45.00 and Silvertones Wool Serges Gabardines Lightweight Velour Mixtures Check Velours These Boris Suits are of fine quality and workmanship, and are fashioned in the latest Spring styles. .They feature the Russian blouse, the box suit, the tailored suit and also belted models in silk soutache braid. WIFE HELPS HER HUSBAND MAIM MAN WITH RAZOR Victim in Perpetual Suffering From Wounds as Result of Alleged Attack in Lonely Spot. Wichita. Kan., April 10. (Special Telegram.') Although he has more than $15,000 in a Wichita bank, J. B. Payne.i who with his wife is charged with the maiming of J. H. Snell, a painter, has made no at tempt to give bond. . Payne says he fears Snell's friends. Sncll is in perpetual suf ferih; from wounds received after Payne and Mrs'. Payne tied Snell to three trees at Sullivans-Darn, three miles north of Wichita. -Payne used a razor on Snell. He says he maimed Snell because Mrs. Payne said Snell had enticed her to the same spot at Sullivans-Dam February IS and attacked her. Payne is a grocery clerk 46 years old, Snell is 33 and is married. . 1 Mrs. Snell says she .v i 11 stick to her husband. Postoffice Affairs. Washington, April 10. (Special Tele gram.) Ethel M. Sanderman is appointed postmaster at Hayes, S. D., vice W. A. Hopkins removed; James Tolstrup, at Man derson, Wyo., vice, W. E. Webb, resigned. POSLAM REAL TREAT FOR SKIN THAT ITCHES Only tho'e who have itched and scratch ed and still itched continually can appre ciate what it means when the aggravation is ended by the soothing, penetrating, an tiseptic influence ot Poslam. And what re lief to be rid of any eruptional blemish which has entailed prolonged embarrass ment! Turn to Poslam first for the qftick healing help which ailing skin must have. You do not have to wait in uncertainty for indications of improvement. It Boon SHOWS. . , ... Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th St., New York City.- Urge your skin to become clearer, health ier by the daily use of Poslam Soap, medi cated with Poslam. Adv. V V, shelchedfor Boris Dr Friday We Will Feature This f Remarkable Spirk Rheumatic , Pch ? ' Kick llolo in Shv! Th Greatest Fain in All; , to TVorld, "Ulypto Ointment." . A touch or two of wonderful "Ulypto Ointment" and glory you feel as though, you would go right "over the top." If you ever felt heavenly relief; you'll feat it then. "Ulypto Ointment" is. a blessing to' alt rheumatics, reducing inflammation, easing pain instantly. There's no muatardy odor or ingredient. "Ulypto Ointment" Is a solentlfie ur- prise, containing the essence of the euca lyptus tree. Try it- for sore muscles, stiff joints, back pains, neuralgia, earache, piles, chest in fact, for any inflammation oi congestion. , "Ulypto Ointment" ii sold at all drug stores at 26c and 60c a jar, or sent on rccelnt of crice by the MaeMillan Chemi. cai uo., r ails uity, meo. A few "Ulypto Cough Drops" . work msgic on any cough. or hoarseneaa. gold everywhere. For sale and recommended In Omaha by Sherman A MeConnelUstores, Merritt Drug Stores, Beaton Drug Co., Dundee Pharmacy, Green's Pharmacy. Adv. v DR. MABEL WESSON OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 614 Brandeis Bldg. - . J , Office Hours i 9 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. Evening by Appointment. The joy of feeling fit tsA fresh rewards those who ', heed the laws of health, and keep the haUts regu- - MU VftMl Large Safe of Any Medicine la tha WaaU. Sold Every where. In bosae. I0o Me). Just Received A beautiful, ship ment of new dresses, in tricolettes, moires and foulards. Styles for .... a UM women ana muses $50.00 Values Reindeer Sand Pekin Henna IPS