THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1919. I), MARKET TUESDAY CITY SLOGAN TO NEARBYJOWNS Local Jobbers arid Manufact urers tc Display Special Goods for Trade Resid ing in 50-Mile Radius. "Market Tuesday," April IS, i the'latest' beginning boost for Omaha lesiness evolved by the Merchants1 Market Week commit tee of the Chamber of Commerce,, beaded by Joseph Kelley. Kvery Tuesday henceforth will be a mar ket day in Omaha, with special in ducement! offered by local jobbers and manufacturers to merchants within 4 50-mile radius of Omaha, to come int;. town. A 12-week cam paign has already been outlined. Price concessions, showing new lines and special demonstrations arc f mong the inducements Omaha business men will offer to the vis iting mei-r.Hants. . Twenty-five lead ir.g jobber and manufacturers have already united in establishing the 'Market T 'esday" movement. Large Cities Included. Des Moines, Sioux City, Creston. Nebraska City,, Norfolk, Grand Island,' Hastings and Beatrice, are imong -tlis larger- towns -in the 50-mile trade zone. 'Merchants in smaller will especially be nrged to iome to Omaha to do their buying. ' "All big houses have plenty of salesmen on the road, but some of the merchants come into the market only two or three times a year. We believe it is better business for them to come to Omaha and see them selves what they are buying and make their own choice," said Mr. Kelley. - Iowa and Nebraska's improved road-building program, proposed for the next few years, will greatly aid in perpetuating the movement 'for "Market Tuesday," men behind the movement believe. Merchants own ing autolfrtobiles can more readily come into town, enjoying the pleas ure of an auto jaunt at the same time. , , Tornado Victim Still Misses Her Pocketbook Miss Bessie Davis, Sanford hotel, -who was blown out of an automo bile at Forty-ninth and Dodge streets during Sunday night's torna do, has not yet recovered a hand some black purse containing $6 and a Wise Memorial pin. Miss Davis suffered a sprained knee and minor injuries in the tornado. When she was picked up she -missed her black hand bag. 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief BELL-ANS WFOR INDIGESTION Shanahan to Be Secretary to Congressman Jefferis 1ST, - k X. is I. a Ms I x: ' i f 7 I dak tt l$,$hah&ft& in Former Newspaper Man and County Employe Named to Accompany New Lawmaker to Capital. Congressman A. W. Jefferis has announced that John B. Shanahan will serve as his private secretary in Washington. Mr. Shanahan is the eldest son of David L. Shanahan. The new secretary has been en gaged in newspaper work in Omaha and also worked in the office of the clerk of the district court. Ml SKY STILL IS FOUND NEAR CITY BY DETECTIVES C. C. Porter is Sentenced to 45 Days in Jail for Posses sion of Distilling Outfit. The first whisky still unearthed in the vicinity of Omalta was found in a dilapidated shack behind a huge bluff in Florence late Tuesday night. City detectives made the find and later arrested C. C. Porter, .607 1-2 North Twenty-first street as the al leged owner of the still. Porter rented the shed from Clar ence Elbert, 8806 North Twenty ninth street. No evidence of the "white lightning" whisky distilled by the worm was found. Jail Sentence, Given. In police court yesterday morning Porter was given a jail sentence of 45 days. The case was turned over to the federal authorities who are con ducting an investigation of Porter's alleged methods of making the li quor. Government authorities say that mere possession of a whisky still is a violation of a federal act. The still consists of a ten-gallon kettle made of copper and equipped w'ith a steel worm of circling copper pipe through which tht "corn juice" is distilled. ' Porter said he bought the still for $45 several months ago. He de nied having made airy whisky. I If M CLOTHING COMPANY I I K7 COKJ4 & DOUGLAS vfej I j Young Men! These Waist Seam ; - m . a m m m m . m Suite Aro iJAnfforfiil Valiioc I WUIIU niV J VIIHVI I Ml MIHWV THERE'S class written all over these stylish welt seam waist models featured exclusively in our young men's department. They are designed especially for smart, snappy young fellows and those with young ideals. The "Vincent," is one of these models that's in big demand now. Has the straight up English shoul der, which blends into a Raglan back effect; riew Bell-Dell comfort sleeve; high vent and flare skirt. Patch or slash pockets. All excep tional values, at i $30. i - ton Other value at $20, $35 and $40. $20.00 SPECIAL OFFER All-Wool Blue Serge Suit .... These suits are fashioned from all-wool fast color true blue serge, in all the snappy styles of the sea son. No matter how many suits you own, you need one of these Blue Serges. i Mothers! Here is a Bargain in BOYS' SUITS THE tremendous demand for these, Suiu emphasizes the importance of this of fer to every economical mother. These Suits are the newest models, including many of the welt seam waist styles, for boys 6 to IS years of age. Big variety of fabrics, in col ors and patterns for school and dress wear. Fxtra well tailored. Some Jiave extra knickers to match. . JQ 4iR A wonderful saving at POXO Boy' Blouse: Mother's Friend brand; neckband and collar attached styles; sizes 4 to 16 years; special, 7f this week, at V ... . . '"t 3oys and Girls' Black Cotton Hose, Blac' Cat brand, mill runs; all sizes, OC broken lines 50c quality, per pair-'' Little Tots' Koveralls; O. D. khaki, plain blue and striped chambray, blue denim, with red trimming; sizes 1 to 5j O E 8 years; special, this week, atP Boys' New Easter Neckwear, made of the 35c short ends of men's 75c and $1 kinds. Special, this, week, at Base Ball or Bat Free With Every $5 Purchase. Antanas Smetonas Elected President of Lithuania Washington, April 9. Antanas Smetonas was elected president of the Lithuanian republic on April 4, according to word received here to day by the Lithuanian executive council from its embassy at Berne. President Smetonas is a lawyer and formerly was president of the Lith uanian state council. Jowen's Value-Giving Storey Give Baby an airing at every opportunity. The little tot's future depends much upon the care and at tention it receives today. The Bowen store is display ing an immense stock of Reed Carriages rin ivory, brown, gray and black finishes velour and corduroy upholstering. Sun and rain proof tops wire and wood wheels, equipped with rubber tires. $26.50, $32.50, $35, $39.50 and $45 Go -Carts, Sulkies and Pullmans ' $2.50, $3.50, $4.75 $6.50, $8.00, $10.50, $12.50 and $15 Child's High Chairs in all finishes 57.25, $1.75, $2.50, i3.25, $5.50 Bahy Cribs Vernis Martin and White fin I .6.75, $8.50, $10.50, $16 As the warmer days are fast approaching and you plan the arrangement and refitting of your porch, let us suggest a visit to the Bowen store for the newer ideas in Porch Fur niture. . Porch Swings, Hammocks, Chairs, Rockers, Tables, Rugs. Etc. ' -"""" Otprts-Dnptries OMAHA WILL FORM ASSOCIATION OF WORLD WAR VETS C. of-C. Post-War Committee Issues Call for Rally of Men ' Who Served in Recent ' War. . A mass meeting of ali tien who 'served in the forces of the United States during the war will be held Tuesday evening, April 15, at 7:30 o'clock in the municipal auditorium, to organize an Omaha Association, of World War.Veterans. This is already a national movement. The post war activties commit tee of the Chamber of Commerce today issued the call for the meet ing at the request of many returned nin who were themselves reticent about taking the initiative. Only men who have served in the war will be admitted to the meet fng. Invitations, have gone out from the Chamber of Commerce committee to all men whose names are obtainable but all men who served are. invited to attend, regard less of invitation. s No definite plan of organization has yet been presented but the men will decide in the meeting just what they wish to do. A nonpolitical. organization, con trolled absolutely by the men elig ible to membership, not by any in dividual or small group, is desired. James J. Langan Buys Home of Pai'l Kuhns for $4(),000 The Paul W.-Kuhns home.'at the corner of Fifty-third and Farnam streets, was sold Tuesday for $40, 000 to James J. Langan. Glover & Spain made the sale. 'Mr. Kuhns expects to build another home in Dundee after he gives possession to Mr. Langan, May 1. The present Langan home in Fair acres Mr. Langan has given to his son, Cyril Langan. , The latter sold his home at 5 1 4 j Capitol avenue last week for ?7.250. Has New Affiliation. The Omaha Trust company, af filiated with the Omaha" National bank, yesterday" announced its af filiation with S. W. Strauss and com pany, investments and bonds, of Chicago, New York, Detroit, Min neapolis and San Franasco. The Omaha Trust company will repre sent the Strauss company in Omaha exclusively. S.'S. Strauss and company is one of the largest concerns of its kind in the country, and is noted for its strength and reliability. It has been in business for 37 vears. Mob Pillages Red Cross Storage Sheds in Nurenberg Basel, April 9 Storage sheds ol the American Red Cross were among the food depots pillaged by armed crowds in Nuremberg Tues day, according to dispatches received here. Goods to the value of 700,000 marks are said to have been taken from, various food depots. "Natural Elimination" That' tha Sacrtt of Our SuccaM In Treating All Allmant. Consult tha Drulass Payslciau DR. BENJ. ISRAEL Chiropractor. Bushman Blk., 16th and Douglas St. Oflica, Doug. 7639. a DUWin) -L ni SALTS FINE FOR ACHING KIDNEYS We eat too much meat, which clogs Kidneys,' then Back hurts and Bladder bothers you. x Most folks forget that the kid neys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing oc casionally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid I'ver, acid stomach, sleepless ness and all sorts of bladder dis orders. You simply must keep your kid neys active and clean, and the mo ment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before, breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged kid neys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad- Salts is harmless; inexpen sive; makes a delightful efferves cent lithia-water drink which every body should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoid ing serious complications. A well-known locaL.druggist says, he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. Adv, if SETS THE PACE ''llg s FOR CROWINC OMAHA in a 1100 Hyland Brothers' Famous Hand Blocked Shapes and Banded Sailors at Far Less Than .Cost I This is one of the most umi'sual millinery announcements we have made for some time. 1 hat it is ex traordinary sroes without saving. It is vossible because in moving from Chicago to New. York tne la- mars millinery house of Hyland Bros, disposed of their Chicago stocks. We fortunately ana advantage ouslv purchased entire -floor stocks of hand blocked shapes and banded sailors, which we place On Sale Thursday at 9 A. M. Early Attendance Is Urged )tjU totes J ""n" ' ' :'r' ' ' '''''' ' ii The Very Newest Styles-Eight Illustrated Above These are the very hats that are in the limelight of Pashion-euth hat is distinctly a Hyland SSSoTtS lasword in authenticated millinery. This selling will bUgfr b. largely tended, coming, as it does, in the height of the season and but a few days before Easter. Larly attendance is urged. Banded Sailors Are $3 Made to Sell at 7.50 to $10 Hyland Bros.' Banded Sailors are world-famous. We were indeed fortunate to secure about 400 of them Some are rough braid, basket weave hats, plain banded piping sailors, both large and small Java sailors. With natural colored tops and different colored facings, one of the very newest effects in these popular tailored hats. Every hat is new and shown for the first time Thursday. The Shapes Are 2.95 400 Only in This Assortment l Majority of 'these hats are of real Milan, then there are the box machine-sewn Lisere shapes, hand blocked piping" shapes. in black and colors, principally navy, dust sand, brown, purple and cherry. Come in large dress shapes with majority in tak lored and semi-dress effects. Women familiar with Hy land quality will immediately recognize the importance of this offering. As Compiled by Oar Stor Shopper . , . Blouses A SMAET new wals 1 Is or nary bine georgette crepe with a a dainty all-over design "In victory red, having a square yoke and apron front Teste of shirred net and val lace inser tion. The vestee shows a Grecian outline at the. bottom finished with crochet ball buttons. A really smart touch In added by the use of a unrrow string tie of the material, finished with crochet balls. A very dainty French model Is of baby-blue . georgette crepe, haying a square neckline of (hlrred white chiffon edged with narrow val Ince. The sleeves werr finished with the band of sliirred chiffon and lace. An unusual touch is Introduced by rows of hemstitching run ning In a horizontal group through the body of the waist. Another tery beauti ful blouse Is made of flesh colored crepe de chine, having collar and revers cf real Irish lace combined with hand embroidery, very simple ytt withal very elegant. SECOND FLOOR af SECOND FLOOR . .A Fashions for "Extra Size" Women Featuring the Service of Our Stylish Stout Sections NEVER in the history of Fashion have women who require Extra Sizes been able to dress so becomingly. No longer must they be satisfied with merely a large size garment. .We have scientifically considered both well developed and extra tall figures, and now the lines of the smartest new modes are elongated or rearranged, making our Extra Sizes as strictly in the height of fashion as the smaller sizes. One finds here clothes for stout women right up-to-the-minute in style, hav ing all the newest ideas of the season, styles included 1o reduce you in appear ance in size, and dress you correctly. The Suit Section Offers you a splendid assortment in the plu u 'tailored models as well as new belted de signs and vest fronts, of Tricotine, Poiret Twills and Serges, sizes 42 to 52, at 39.00, 49.00, 59.00 and up to 95.00 Separate Coats and' Dolmans Smartly tailored coats featuring all the new collars, belted effects and trimmings; cut correctly with long lines and perfect fitting, sizes 42 to 48, of Poplin and Serge, Trico tine and Poiret Twill, at 35.00, 39.00, 52.50 up to CT.00 THE NEW VOGl'ISH DOIMAXS, 'At $45, $55, $59, 62.50 up to 95.00 Stylish Stout Frocks Vouthful designs, embodying all the lale style ideas, dressmaker made, perfect fitting, correct lines, in desired shades, 22.50 to $49 Stylish stout sizes are also offerd in skirts, blouses, petticoats, house dresses, corsets, brassieres, as well as articles of lingerie. SECOND FLOOR i Exercise may be too strenuous, and to Fast may weaken, but A Nemo Self-Reducing Corset Knllds up health while It reduces excess flesh! The model pictured. Nemo Self-reducing No, 605, is intended for the large woman, short or medium height, requiring extreme reduction all around below the waist-line. It is particu larly effective In controlling and remoulding flesh that is soft and yielding. Semi-elastic bands and gores In skirt re duce large hips and back, while Self-reducing Straps support and reduce the abdomen. Thla model tends to correct "sway-back." Of fine vh:is coutil; in sizes 22 to 36, $J It, is double economy to wear a Nemo. You save both your money and your health. Nemo Corsets for extra stout figures, sizes 38 to 44, at 6.50, 7.50 and 12.00 Nemo Brassieres at 1.50 and1 2.00 THIRD TLOOR 61 ' s Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons You will see them every where this season partic ularly on dresses for daintiness. For the little miss, bro caded ribbon for sash and iair bow very smart. V inches, all silk - spe cial in white, pink and light blue. Thursday, per yard, 39c MAIN FLOOR. Perrins Gloves I "Eglantine", Brand . II Women's White Gloves, splen- iijll did quality, light weight, FrencIT kid over-seam, attractively em- )M bro'vdered backs, in self or black, 2-clasp style; pair . 2.50 'Ij Children's White Silk Gloves, good Jjjjj quality, Kayser double finger tipped, ; 2-clasp style, pair 85c Children's Mliitc "Wnslinble" Cham- oisctte Gloves. 1-clasp, neatly stitchPd backs, very special, pair, " 59c MAIN FLOOR Ten Victor Records ' Which Should Be in Every Home today. With so many new records bring constantly issued, people are apt to overlook many of the gems already recorded. We list below ten numbers you will be glad to know about. have them 4r,155Pm!le Murphy Radiance .'n Tour Eyes Werrenrath Rockln' the Boat, foxtrot Smith's Orchcutre Ctrl Behind the Gun. One met Smith's Orchestra 1!4?8 National Emhlom Man n U. y. Marina Rand Lights Out 1'ryor'i Band 1729 Darling Nellie Gray Alma Gluck COS-KIss Me AvrIii Mabel Garrison Better order non You will MAIN FLOOR 64633 Keep the Burning Home Fires McCormack 18512 Ja-Da, Arthur Fields Alcolioll'- l.lues Billv Murrav 1853:-Mlrkey ,nilth Trio Kisses fc'mtth Trio J5SS2 Head Over IfcfN Smith's Qrehestni I'm Altvnys Chasing Kain boivs .Smith's Orchestra 7455: On Wings of Kong Jascha iiclfetz White Slippers For Misses and Children m 1 an likeevery one of them. White Kid Oxfords. 6.00 Hand welted white Ivory sole, low 1 """""S "cei, nve-eyeiei lace Btvle, f3 f stock tips, up-to-date last, sizes from w ' u to 2. a ; Also made in growing girls' jjL ' sizes, from 2 to 7, "!M B ; White NuBuck Mary Jane 1 Hand turned or American welt solo wide roomy toe, ankle strap leather in- eU soles and counter. Sizes and Prices Sizes 5', to 8, ribbon bow, turned sole, f at . 'j El tl Ut1 .IVI . ... . . ' IS ,a "i nuuun bow, turaea sole, K at . ' JUli C Sizes 11 to 2, plain vamp, half double K " sole, at ' 4..-.0 g ' Same slipper in growing girls' sizes, & -'t to 8, low walking heel, wide roomv p top. at 6.00 ' MAIN FLOOR. feK