Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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. Wingless Giant Has Comfort
able Cabin to Accommodate
18 Passengers and Pilot
for Pleasure Cruises.
(loivoraal 6rvlr guff formpondent.)
Londcn, April 4. There is an ex-
hibition in London's largest depart
ment stjre of the first of the Hand
ley Fage fleet f aerial passenger
carrying- ,arg de luxe which are to
take the place of the old Wagon
, Lit company's continental palace
: railroad cars -when definite .peace
brings its ebb and .flow of travelers
acros Europe. Nothing has brought
I home to London the definite dawn
Yfcf a new era of travel as does this
chariot body of the passenger plane
whigh is only waiting the formula
t tion of international rules of air
. traffic to take to the clouds and
whisk its first fortunafc passengers
i icross the channel and down to
1 where the blue of the Mediterranean
'frames a picture of orange groves
an.d' red rooffed chateaux in the
J Riviera. '
;m View Wingless Giant.
The half assembled machine
wlich hundreds of invited guests
'viewed was necessarily minus its
wings which have a spread of 190
'.feet and could not be accommo
dated in even so spacious a place as
Selfridge's. It was a ; converted
jwarrior from the airplanes of
France, a "bomber" which had seen
'service on the western front and
, had dropped many a load of deadly
stuff on the Rhine towns. But its
'masters had remodeled it.
The fusilage measures feet
in length and provides for 18 pas
sengers besides the pilot. Its weight
."when fully loaded1 will be 6 tons.
Rolls-Royce engines of 030 horse
power each will drive ,the two
Jropellers of an 11 foot span at
,100 revolutions per minute and at
; a maximum speed of 100 miles an
Where the giant nose of the ma
chine tilts 23 feet above the ground
, the pilot has his seat with a,n, ex
tra chair behind him for one outside
passenger. The mairi body of the
fusifage back of the cockpit is en
closed in glass a comfortable and
tidy little cabin with a double row
of' swival arm chairs ranged along
the triplex glass windows.
Electricity Reigning Power.
' Electric fi caters and electric light
ing make the cabin of this air ex
press as comfortable as any first
, class railroad compartment. Tables
can be let down from the side walls
to accommodate themselves to
luncheons and an electric stove
guarantees the Englishmen's essen
tial tea and toast at any hour.
During the course of a luncheon
given to the guests invked to come
and. pick their seats for the first
'flight of this and similar skyskim
mers which are to be released as
soon as the British air ministry
gives its permission. Hartdley Page
announced that with the opening of
passenger service, arrangements
had been made with Cook's to book
air travelers to any destination on
the aerial routes just as in peace
times one used to stroll into the
agency's counter and purchase a
ticket to Cannes or Nice. Hand
-'baggage could be carried by the
passengers. Heavier luggage would
follow by a "plane van" if stipulated
or could be sent by train or boat in
the old earthly way.
Egg Rationing in Germany
Ceases by Official Decree
Berlin. April 3. (By Associated
Press.) The rationing of eggs in
Germany ceases today by official de
cree. Eggs ostensibly have been
costing 7'i cents apiece, which is
the official maximum price, but with
the increase in underground meth-
c: 4.: : "n : t n
oiiUauiuii in runs is so
Serious It Is Feared Peace
Conference Will End in Row
Sharp Difference Among "Big Four" Increased to Such
an Extent That American Peace Mission Attaches
Openly Discuss Possibility of Rupture Wilson Ex
pected to Announce U. S.'s Stand Soon Fullest
Publicity if Dissolution Occurs.
(By a Staff Correspond nt of Universal Service.)
(Special Cable Dispatch.)
Paris, April 4. President Wilson is expected to define his and
America's stand on the peace conference some time within the mjxt
few days, possibly before the week is over.
Acceptance of that stand by the other powers will mean that the
final formation of a treaty of peace is possible; rejection, it is feared,
may result in the dissolution of the peace conference, and in that case
the American peace delegation proposes to give the fullest publicity to
everything that has been said and done so as to let the world judge for
itself what forces are responsible for the failure of the conclave.
Situation Acutely Critical.
The situation is acutely critical.
Nine days have elapsed with the
"big four" in almost continual ses
sion, making the most strenuous ef
forts to get together. Yet they have
Tailed absolutely to reach an agree
ment on any of the biggest points
under discussion.
!-Jhe time of dark and anxious
hints has passed. Attaches of the
American peace mission are now
openly discussing the possibility of
the whole conference breaking up
in disagreement.
It is admitted that sharp differ
ences among the "big four" have
been increasing rather than dimin
ishing. To fix the responsibility for the
deadlock is impossible. An impen
etrable curtain of secrecy screens
'he discussions at the Quai D'Orsay.
Highly placed Americans, however,
promise that the world shqll know
all the facts when the proper time
comes. x
So far as is possible to ascertain
only on one day last Tuesday was
any sort of progress made. Thurs
day was devoted to the Polish prob
lem and minor matters.
Urge Announcement on U. S. Stand:
Cables from America are pouring
in at the president's Parisian "White
House," urging him to announce the
position of the United States forth
with and then energetically maintain
that position, come what may.
- The peoples of all countries rep
resented at the conference are de
manding action immediate action
to offset the growing unrest every
where. Immediate' decision is im
perative. The eyes of all the world
are hanging on President Wilson's
lips, aching for the saving word.
Reports from Germany show the
Spartacans are gaining steadily.
American plenipotentiaries are urg
ing' that speed alone can save the
situation if the peace congress ex
pects to find any semblance of a Sta
ble government in Germany with
which to deal.
Added to this problem is the con
fusion of views emanating from the
conference as to what attitude, if
any, should be adopted toward the
bolsheviki. The secrecy with which
the subject has been handled has
given rise to grave concern.
In the British House oi Commons
serious implications arf"being voiced
regarding the "subtle influence of
international financiers interested in
German concerns."
Albert Calls on House.
King Albert of the Belgians again
shattered all precedents of royalty
by calling on Colonel House today
instead of inviting the colonel to
come to him. American soldiers
and sailors attached to the Crillon
cheered the king on entering . and
Later King Albert discussed with
President Wilson Belgium's priority
claim to have Brussels made the
seat of the league of nations.
It can be stated with authority
that the time limit within which
positive action must be taken one
way or the other is not more than a
single week.
Incidentally, the British parlia
mentary attacks on President Wil
son have naturally created a feeling
of resentment among the American
peace delegates, and among all
Americans on this side. They have
given added impetus to the urgings
on the president for pitiless pub
licity regarding everything that has
happened to date and letting the
peoples of the world judge from
the actual facts upon whose shoul
ders rests the blame for the delay
in making peace.
Lloyd George Denies France
and England Are Near Break
Paris, April 4. In a statement to
the Petit Parisien, ! Premier Lloyd
George of Great Britain denies
there are disseitsions between
France and England regard
ing guarantees for France against
Germany. He declares that the un
derstanding between the two gov
ernments is complete and that Eng
land is "ready to make fresh sacri
fices, if necessary, to secure the
peace and independence of France."
The interview was sought, says a
Havas agency summary of it, be
cause of the rumor recently in cir
culation to the effect that Great
Britain would oppose in the peace
conference the French demands for
Although discussions were neces
sary to settle the knotty problems
frequently brought to the attention
of the conferees, Mr. Lloyd George
is quoted as saying the understand
ing between the two nations remain
ed absolutely unimpaired.
"We wish France to yknow that
it is the' will of the British people
that France should have complete
security for the future," the British
premier declared. "'
Even if were 50 years hence, the
premier added, England would be
ready at that tifne again to make
sacrifices for France if Germany
should let loose the scourge of war
on France for the third time.
ods of disposing of food, they have
almost disappeared from the market,
although easily obtainable at from 30
to 35 cents each from private sourc
es. Many eggs have been withheld
for the making of Easter bakes, and
it is expected by the optimists that
they will be somewhat less scarce
and less costly ' after the Easter
Full Army Equipment Shown.
Equipment of the various branches
of the army consisting of every ar
ticle from a soldier's daily food ra
tions to "rest" shoes will be on dis
play in a window of Burgess-Nash
store during a drive for enlistments,
scheduled to begin within three
. Featuring New Arrivals of
Capes for Girls and Flappers
Ages 8 to 16 Years; Selections from Best
Makers Practical for School and Dress
Price $10 to $39
POPULAR, indeed, are these stunning 'capes
and capable, too, of pleasing both Miss
and Mother. You will meet with a most de
sirable surprise when you view these attractive
And, too, for assurance of Fashion's lat
est decree, you wilLJ)e interested to know that
the very same kind of capes are jshown in the
specialty shops on Fifth Avenue.
Materials of Velour, Delhi JPoplhi
and Serge.
Colors are Overseas Blue, Henna,
Navy, Copen and Tan. .
We are displaying a most unusual assort
ment of Girls' Capes in ail the
Fascinating Modes
Some are fashioned in smart vest effects,
others made on round yoke, flared modes, some
are plain with brass buttons and silk tie,
with graceful lines.
Silk 4
( to IS .
10 to S3!.
for Ages
2 to 6
Years. -Prices
$10 to 17.5n.
conventional, distinctive and artis
tic gifts, such as
Incense Burners, "very quaint, from
50c to 6.00
Smoking Sets in nickel and brass,
from-2.00 to 30.00
Book Ends, in bronie, beautifully
carved, from 3.50 to 16.S0
n o
- Yl
;o.:s -
MARABOU CAPES are vary attract,
ive and smart when worn with the
. new Spring suit or dress. In such
becoming colors as Mole, the soft
Seal Browns, and the always be
coming Black. , Special at, 7.S0
to. ' 2500
2,000; Pairs of the Famous "0-G" Shoes, "Pumps Oxfords,
and Party Slippers at Far Less Than Prices.
A . Tf
ifo IEX
THESE shoes were secured in one of the most ad
vantageous Durchases we have consummated in
" some time. The offerings comprise the close-out of
' the entire surplus stock, discontinued lines and incom
plete sizes of footwear.
From the Costume Bootery of
O'Connor & Goldberg
Chicago. 111.
THE costume bootery of O'Connor & Goldberg has-a reputation for the selling of
high-class footwear second to' none other in Chicago, and equaled by very few
in the United States. It's wonderful, therefore, to be ablefo announce that we will
sell this superb footwear at far less thafa "O.-G." prices, and just before Easter, too.
The Slippers
300 pairs fancy evening slip-'
pers, White, Gold and Silver,
with fancy patterns, hand-turned
sole, full covered Louis heel.
The Shoes
Patent colt in mat kid and
colt tops, nine-inch leather
Cuban or concave" heel. Russia
Calf lace and chocolate kd welt
or turned sole, leather or Louis
covered heel. Patent and (hill
vamp, fancy cloth top, welted
sole. '
UST once a year O'Connor & Goldberg make a radical clearance of their surplus
stock, and because we were fortunate enough to obtain this finest footwear are we
able to announce this extraordinary low price ; every pair of slippers,
shoes, pumps and oxfords in this sale measures up to the standard of
quality and style set by "O.-G." footwear.
In the entire 2,000 pair lot Sizes are
from 1 to 8, and width AAA to D.
The Selling Begins at ,9 a. m. SESr
Early attendance is urged, as response is expected on a large
scale and the various lots inay not last throughout the day.
The Pumps
In patent dull Russia Calf,
White Kid and Canvas, tailor
made or colonial style, hand
turned sole, Louis covered heel,
aluminum plate.
The Oxfords
Fjve-eyelet Lace Oxfords,
patent colt chocolate kid, White
Nu Buck, Dull Leather, Russia"
Calf, welted and hand-turned
sole, the welted soles are made
up with leather heel, all turned
sole with full Louis covered heel.
Millinery for Easter
Many of the chapeaux are exact reproductions of direct
importations from France. Others from . America's best
ateliers and others copied by our own deft designers. All are
here in numbers to fulfill desires most diverse.
Basket Weave Sport, and
Street Hats
, As Illustrated Saturday
Special at 3.75
Made up in popular sweater combinations
such as Rose and Grey, Sand and Jay, Dust and
Cherry and Navy, Green and Navy. Also solid
colors such as Black, Cherry, Navy, O'Rose,
Sand, large droopy hats, smart sailors, both
narrow and wide brims, an especially good all
season hat.
Misses' and Juniors'
Milan Hats Special $7
Trimmed in long ribbon streamers, made of 4-inch silk ribbon
and a neat band around the crown. These wonderful values are
made of finest quality, real milan braid, sewn by experts and
come in a variety of smart pokes and mushroom sailors in Black
and Navy only, a regular 12.50 value. As Illustrated.
Springtime Dressy Frocks
Extensive showing of popular new ma
terials in Taffetas, Fancy Chiffon, Georg
ette, Satin, also Wool Serges and Jersey.
C$ MART headings, braided bands, con-
trast in combination of materials,
draped tunics, new three-quarter length
sleeves are all items of interest to those
who contemplate the purchase of a new
frock for afternoon or street wear; new
shades include Rookie, Beigez Pekin and
Navy Blues, Plum and Taupe, special
groups. ,
33.75 and 21.75
MEW arrivals of interest in the
Coat Section are the
Dolman andCape Wraps
of Velour, Serge and Tricotine,
novel new models shown at
35.00 39.00 to 55.00
1,000 Children's Bags
On Sale in our Basement Gift Shop
At Less Than V2 Regular Price
EVERY little girl wants a handbag and every little
girl will surely delight in selecting one from this
wonderful lot of silk bags), fancy leather bags and
combinations in the most beautiful colors. Allbags have
Choice, .29c Each
Utility and Individuality Distinguish
EVERY Nemo Corset is designed to accomplish a dis
tinct hygienic style service ; nothing adds more to
the style of a costume than an erect
carriage ; a poor carriage is a mat
ter of bad habit or weak muscles.
One of the principal purposes of
. Nemo scientific construction is to :
strengthen weak muscles and thus
properly support the body. All
v Nemo Corsets
Are fitted here free of charge. Let one
of our corsetieres fit you.
There is a Nemo Corset for every type
of figure. N
Nemo Self Reducing Coneti, 3.50 to $6
Nemo Kop Service, 6.00 to 10.00
Nemo Wonderlift, 6.00 and 12.00
Nemo Marvelace, 6.00 and 10.00
Nemo Brassieres, 1.00 to 3.50
The Annuial j
Rose Bush
Milady Rose .
Dorothy Perkins Rosea 1
Baltimore Belle Roses
Prairie Queen Roses -
Snow Ball Shrubs
Lilac Shrubs m
Spirea Shrubs 2
Hydrangia Shrubs ?
Dulcia Shrubs
Barberry Shrubs
These are all hardy, good
size bushes and are i
grown in this locality.
Each, 10c
Complete Assortment of Fine Qualities
W3MEN'S GLOVES, made of extra selected French
Kidskins, in Perrin's and other well-known
makes, in the wanted shades of African Brown, Tan,
Drab, Champagne, Oxford, ! White and Black; choice
of heavily embroidered backs or Paris point stitching,
2-clasp effects; P. K. and overseam styles, pair, 3.50
Silk Gloves for children. Kayser
double finger tipped, Paris
point stitching on backs, in
Navy, Gray, Pongee and
White, pair, 85
"Chamoiiette Gloves for children
in White and Gray. Abso
lutely washable. One-clasp
style; very special for Satur
day, a pair, 59
Pre-Easter Sale of
Boys' Blue Serge Suits
Here are pure all-wool blue serge
suits, in absolutely fast color.
Saturday Special $ 1 0
Smart new Spring styles and
sizes for boys of ages 7 to 16 years;
also special junior styles for little
Boys' Odd
K n ickers
Hundreds of pairs of odd suit
pants, hig showing of patterns in
all-wool and cotton mixed ma
terials; all full lined and excep
tionally well tailored $2 to 3.00
At 1.69 Pair
U 3B .. $
.a ' at - . - - I