THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. APRIL 4. 1919. 18 Want Ad Rates (Cub With Order.) 7a per word Non Insertion ic per word for S eonsecutiee insertions Ic vt word (or each additional insertion No adi taken (or lese than a total o( 20c, or leai than lOe per day. CHARCE. 12e per line (count worda to linel 1 time a per line each time, 3 consecutive times Se per line each time, Consecutive times 7c per line each time, SO consecutive times CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. He per line each insertion Minimum charge, 60 cents. Contract Rates on Application. For convenience o( advertisers, want ads lll be accepted at the following offices: MAIN OFFICE Bee Buildinf Amee Office 4410 North 20th St. Lake Offiee 2618 North 24th St. Vinton Office ..2467 South 16th St. Park Office 2616 Leavenworth St. Walnut Offiee 819 North 40th St South Side 2318 N St Council Bluffs 14 Main St THE BEE will not he responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad vertisement ordered for more than one time PHONE TYLER 1000. Evening: Editions 12:00 M. Horning- Edition 10:00 P. M. Sunday Edition 10 P. M. Saturday. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. 'l"t: John Atiolph, born In Nlederstrltt, Germany, December 7, 1H89, died in tit. Joseph's hospital. April 4, 1919, of com pilations following Influenza. Funeral '' services and Interment In flower Hill cemetery at Bennington, Net., Sunday at 2 p. ni. Jl BBON MrsAnna, H834-CharirVtrect agvd s yeiirg. ' Services Saturday from Hoffman's Fu neral home at 3 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Deceased Is survived by two sons, Sam and Zed Gibson, and one slater, Mrs. Mary Acton. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our sincere thanks to all those who helped us during the elcknesa and death of our beloved baby. Bliss Vernnn; Hist for all the beautiful flowers. Mr. and "Mrs. A. M. Robblns. UN:tA,L Dt OCTORS HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and emblamera. Tel. H til Office. 2611 Farnam HTJLSE & RIEPEN - Pioneer Funeral Olrrctora 701 8 Itlth St Pnone Doug 1236. TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBLAMERS. Telephone Douglas 714. 2213 Cuming St. STACK &, FALCONER" Independent Undertaker, S3d-Far. H 40n HOFFMAN" FUNRmThoMR ' Hoffman quality aervlce coste less. 24th and Dodge. Douglas 1901 . L. DODDER CO. Funeral Dlrectois f L. F-ro. Mgr.. 23d scd Cuming Sta Phone Douglas ?7 Auto ambulance. JOHN A riCNTI.EMAN. Undertaker nil Fmbatmcr Farnam SI Harney .192 FLORISTs. Fontenelie LEE U LARMON Florists. lull Douglsa bt Douglae 9244 IUHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D Soon L Henderson. 1619 Farnam n m. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES TUB larg'St display of eonuments i th United SIMea FRANK 8WOBOD 1.15 R lth Phnne Douglas 1K72-521S. -FRATERNAL ORDERS. X DANCE will be given by Danish sls terhepd lodge. No. 67, at Odd Fellows' hall. Twenty-fifth and Lenvenworth atreets. Saturday night. April 6. Ad mission, for ladles, 25 cents; gents. 33 cents. Everybody welcome. 157 ? 1 IiISAN.D DE ATHST" Rirths .lieeph and Philomena Piccolo, . 1728 South !inlh street, boy; Perry and Marie Haworth, hospltalt boy; Harry and Mary Gallagher, 2103 North Klewnth street, girl: George and Ellda Byers, 147R Emmet' street, boy; Edward and Edith Carlson, 3408 Cass street, girl; Tlo flla and Jtawana lucres, 811 South Seven teenth street, boy; Charles and Mamie Ful ler, 4830 South Twenty-third street, boy; Clrlno and Carmela Vacant!, 1532 North Seventeenth street, sglrl; Gilbert and Joy McMunay, 216 North Twenty-sixth street, boy; Charles and Mary narrower, 4036 Nicholas street, girl; William snd Har rietts Truelsen, 3554 Howard street, girl. Deaths Htldred riatt, 20, hospital; Leonard M. Rowe, 4, 6017 Rlnney street; Barbara Safarlk. , 64. hospital; Andrew Trumann. 28, 214 South Twenty-fifth street; Esther J. t'ulnby. 24. 2206 Grand avenue; Mary F. Plunimcr. 71, 5023 Capitol avenue: Edith Fergus in, 8 months, hos pital; Katie Leubell. 42. 1162 North Six teenth street; Elenore Dalton. 41, hos pital; Winifred Johnson, 31, 2109 Evans street; Goldle BlonmflcM, 46, 984 North Twenty-fifth street; filllian F. Palmer, 48, 4408 Plnkney street ; Julia Gannon, 67, hospital; Arlo I. Greenlee, 4. Drexel hotel; John Karabatros, 18, hospital, 560 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, Ia.V Peter Karabatros, 47, hospital, 550 West Broad way, Counrll Bluffs, la.; Sophie Stine. 66, vtROS "Lnccst street "t?TAGE LICENSES. The f -liuig persons have been granted a license :o wed; Name and Address. .Age. Angelo Bruno, Omaha 20 Anna Rufflno, Omaha 16 Carl T. Wright, Omaha 29 Flossy 8. Coleman, Lincoln, Neb. ... 27 J. Clyde Park. Omaha 32 Lillian Wlnegard, Omaha 31 Clarence A. Atkinson, Dl Monte, Cal.. 47 Janette D. Morgan, Plattsmouth, Neb., 43 Reuben Rltthaler, Valley, Neb 45 Myrtle F. Joyce, Valley, Neb 32 Ed Meredith. Omaha over 21 Bertha Burkett, Omaha over 18 Lee M. Sherod. Omaha 27 " Osa Lester, La Prairie, 111 19 BUILDING PERMITS. Victor S. Tryborn, 2448 North Forty fifth Avenue, frame dwelling, $3,500. G. W. Megeath, 1931 South Thirty-third etreet, auto shed, 8500. Bohumll F. Flly, 1444 South Fifteenth treet, brick garage, $500. V Abraham Newman, 6449 South Twenty fourth street, addition, $1,000. F. Nelson, 927 South Thirty-sixth street, repairs, 500. Joseph Scalara, 2013 North Sixty-first atreet, frame dwelling. $3,000. Russell Condon, 2416 South Twenty first street, frame dwelling, $2,000. " William Bavlnger. 2314 South Thirty second atreet, addition, $900. Offerman Building and Construction . company, tile snd stucco dwelilng.$3,5O0. SPECIAL NOTICES. BIDS ARB ASKED FOR a Methodist -church In Silver Creek, Neb., by applying to the office of the architect. . Each bidder la required to deposit twenty-five dollars ($26.00) with the architect, for aafe return of blda and specifications. Each bidder la also required to de- posit with the architect with his bids af certinea cnecg, tor tne sum or rive hundred dollars ($500) ahowlng that he Is in good faith. These bids must all be In by April 13, 1919. Bids opened at 3 o'clock p. m., April 12. Each bidder Is asked to be present at the opening. B V, Cooley, architect. Silver Creek, Neb. TAKE NOTICE Seldom chance for buying the beat grade of home grown hardy shrubs and perennial flowers. Call evenings. Per sonal plans for planting furnished on request by myaelf, Joseph Hoeldobler, landscape gardener, 4843 Fierce ' St., Omaha. ' LOST FOUND REWARDS. "VORB CAR STOLEN $50 REWARD The1 following described Ford touring car Was stolen from Omaha today: Model year 1917, motor No. 1927119. Westlnghouse starter, instrument board with eight-day clock, Johns-Manvllle speedometer, nickel-plated bumper In front Lee tires, left antfeenter lights -Jn rear curtain broken out. $25 reward for return of car and $25 . reward for arrest and conviction of thieves. Wire or phone all information col eot to CHARLES W. PIPKIN. Dae. Adjuster. Arlington Block, Omaha, Neb. LOST Small black-leather pocketbook. . containing $109 Liberty bond, army dis charge papers, bank money " receipts. Iso business cards (Rogers). Finder ' leave at Beeoffice, receive reward. OST Leather wallet. Sat. a. m.. March ' 29Ttmtalnlng Insurance policies snd .paV checks; property of Woodmen of the y World. Notify W. O. W. Juvenile Dept.. '". Doug. 4670. LOST Lady's cameo broucb; Finder . v Mease call Douglas Mi LOST FOUND REWARDS. LOST At noon Friday, between Brandels and Benson-Thorne's atotes, gold wrist watch, oval shape. Return to Miss Allen Rt Benson-Thorne'a or phone Harney j 143. Reward. I LOST Lady's black purse, onHoward ; Mreet. between J2th ana 22d. contain- i ng money. Eastern Star, receipts nn papers. Liberal reward. Return to Bee office. FOR ARTICLES LOST en street cars, tele phone Tyler sOO. We are anxious to ee atore lost articles to rightful ownera OMAHA A CO. BLUFFS 3T RT LOST Last Sunday ulght, mink stole, near Omaha club. Liberal reward to finder. Call Tyler 2433 or Douglas 1447. LOST Amethyst rosary Wednesday even- Ing between 40th and Farnam and 40th nd Webster. Reward. Harney 4367. LOST Amlnkfur one-skin neck piece on West Farnam. Reward. Phone Hilda Bn hr, Harney 5 4 79. LOST Between 24th and il and 24th and D pair black rimmed nose glasses. Re ward. South 1076. LOST Airedale dog. Had collar with name Phone WebZiM LOST Eastern Star pin, Monday evening. Phone 1). 2390. LOST Black Marabou scarf on corner 14th, and Farnam. Call Douglas 2873. LcisfOoTd penwith two gold tassels at tached. Reward. Phone Colfax 353. LOST a bunch-of Tleys with a gold knife attached. Beward Tyler 40.19 LOOSTGilJ pin, small 'circle and castle design. Reward. Har. 4355. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods AUCTION ! A UCTION ! Extra high grade furniture, piano, large'slze victrola and complete furnish ings of 5 beautiful homes, WILL BE SOLD IN MY AUCTION HOUSE, SOUTHEAST COR. 1STH AND WEBSTER STS., SATURDAY. APRIL 5, STARTS AT 11 A. M. SHARP. This is one of the best salrs I have conducted for a long tlni", conslstlngof 1 extra good Upright Grand piano,' 1 nearly new $250 Victrola and about 1011 records: 1 very expensive Royal Bengal Oriental rug, size 9x12, and 1 Anglo Persian rug and 7 nearly (nev Axminster rugs, size 9x12; several smaller rugs and Hall Runner; 2 body Brussels rugs ami 2 Grass ruus: 3 beautiful library tables, 1 large library table, genuine mahog any: 6 massive leather rockers, 5 ex P"iis!ve mahogany rockers: lot of pic tures and costly drapes; several pedes tals and celerettes; 2 leather davenports and 1 bather dunfutd and 1 imitation leather duofold; 1 very expensive ma- hogany dining room set, like new this Is a wonderful dining set, 54-lnch table. 60-Inch buffet and 6 leather slip bottom chairs, all perfectly matched and 11ke new; 1 very expensive fumed oak dining room set, 66-Inch table, targe buffet and chairs to match; 1 Early English dining room set.i table, 8 chairs and matched buffet and 2 good golden oak dining room seta completer 2 very expensive mahogany bedroom suites complete; high Poster mahogany beds, large dress ers, beautiful chiffoniers, dressing ta bles and 2 Chairs each, and perfectly matched; this Is wonderful furniture; 3 massive bKtss beds, springs and mat tresses, 2 oxidized beds, springs and mattressea; 1 inaboginette bed, springs and mattress and 4 Vernis -Martin beds, springs and mattresses; 6 good oak dressers and several other good dressers: 2 porcelain high oven gas ranges and 4 other gas ranges; kitchen cabinets, dishes, cooking utensils, lawn mower, laundry utinsels and hundreds of arti cles too numerous to mention. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. If you hl(ve anything to sell, call Red 3285 or Her. 44!6. VOL'R housecleaning will not be complete until you replnce some of your old fur niture with new pieces. We have a fine showing of single pieces which will add to the comfort and attractiveness of your home. Extraordinary bargains of extension tables, kitchen cabinets, beds, etc. We can save you 60 per cent on a complete outfit. We take Liberty bonds at par. We pay the freight. See us first. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY, 14th and Dodge St. Opp. U. P. Bldg. FIX'f'L'HcJS tor sale, wall cases, show cases, tables chairs, partlons. panels. glss doors, all sizes, meters, fitting rooms, millinery tables, all genuine ma- '''ffany and oaks. Tyler 4090-W. FOR SA I.E Bed. bookcase,-couch, ,desk, chiffonier, chairs, taboret, rugs, laundry tulis, copper boiler, wash board. Har ney 6582. VIO buy, sell and make desks, eafes, show casea, shelving. He. Oinnba Fixture A Siinplv Co. 11th and Dnuglaa D 2724 FOR SALE Gas stove, $15.00; sewing ltiacnine,; kitchen table, $1.50; also framed pictures. Call Harney 3479. DINING room buffet, table and chairs for sale. Call Walnut 2853. Pianos and Musical Instruments RARE PIANO BARGAINS We hapflen to have on hand three dandy used planes and they are bar gains; one for $139, another for $149, then a dandy player for $360. AT MICKEL'S, 15th and Harney. Doug. 1973. PHONOGRAPHS All sixes and styles from $15 up to $500. RECORDS In all languages; latest hits from 25c up: old phonographs repaired as new. Open evenings. RIALTO MUSIC SHOP, 1416 Douglas St. a. hospe co. kzfsj: Pianos for rent $4.00 per month Bee Supplies. --BEE SUPPLIES KKKTCHMF.R MFG. CO., Co. Bluffs, ta Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, aell needles and parts f MICKEL'S , NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Harney Sta Doug. IMS Typewriters and Supplies, TYPEWRITERS AND ADDU?5 MACHINES . NEW AND REBUILT The most complete line of Typewriters and Adding Machines west of Chicago Can furnish any make at moat any price you dalre to pay. We rent and -spalr all makes and will ouy or tradr for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed See ue before you buy. v UENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE t Established over 16 years.) Douglas 4121 1905 Farnam St. REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired Carbon paper, ribbons and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try us. Phone Doug. 6011 OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. 106 North 16 1 h St. TYPEWRITERS all makes, sold, rented and repaired. x THE W. N LONG COMPANY. 205 So. lth St Tel. D. 3969. Vv t; buy, sell and exchange typew Mtera. desks and office turn t-r . Midland of fice Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge St. Tel v Douglas 2147 RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for $6.00. Oliver Agency. 1905 Farnam 8treet. C:;r , Machinery and Engines. FOR SALE A thirty and sixty . H. P. Almo oil engine, one fifty K V A West lnghouse generator sixty cycle. Write 0. C. Worden, OgaMala, Neb. Miscellaneous. CLEANS YOUR ALFALFA POCKET GOPHER TRAP. Send me $3 for one-half dnz. Ouar an:eed or money refunded. ? SUCCKSS GOPHER TRAP CO.. Harlnn, Iowa. DRINK RELIABLE OLD PORT." It has thai good old spicy wine taste. In 16-gatlrm kegs, $1.25 per gal: In 30 or 60-gal. bbls. only $1 per gaTT No charge for barrel. PURE APPLE CIDER. 16 gal. kegs. 60 cents per gal. Porto Beverage Co., 2444 H Hurt St., Omaha. Neb. Phone Doug 3462. Fixtures, for ''ale. Fixtures of up-to-dat i department store, genuine manogany partitions sitting i room bureaus, podestaltt, railing, office partittoti mil linery table, inlaid lltlclrnm T 4ii9:i V FOR SALE One i emlTi nation 4 -burner gas stove end cake griddle, used but a f,'W weeks: cort'$4. wl'l sell for $25. Hotel Conant. OMAHA PILLOW .?o. Mattresses ma-'e j over in new ticking at Half the pric f j new one 1?o7 Cinn'nw (Mucins -'46 I A 1. MOST new quality washer. Prfce $12. Walnut ISO, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Miscellaneous. CHAIRS, table and seed potatoes for sale at a bargain at 2509 Bristol St. - Web. :e7. BLUE WHITE perfect gem diamond for $500; over a karat Douglas WANTED TO BUY. We Pay Cash for x Liberty Bonds and Partly Paid Up Bonds. Room 319, McCague Bldg., N. W. Cor. loth &. Dodge. liberty Bonds. We want to purchase at once $2,000,000 worth of Liberty bonds, highest cash market prices paid. Quotations re ceived hourly. Dewey-Diehi Agency, 26 Securities Bldg. . Phone, Tyler Omaha, Neb. 58s. LIBERTY BONDS will bring the highest market price with us. Also PARTIAL PAYMENT RECEIPTS NATIONAL BOND 'r COMPANY 610 World Herald Bldg. Tyler 599. ljth and Farnam. WANT- TO BUY HOMES H. A, WOLF CO. MEMBERS OMAHA REAL KSTATE BOARD. 512 ELECTRIC BLDG. TYLER 5 ' LIBERTY Bt)NDS Including partial payment r receipts, bought for cash: immediate remittance .liade for bonds sent by mall. LEWIS & CO , BROKERS 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. 11 DOLGOFF, Furniture and Hardware Furniture, rugs, linoleum, ice boxes, gas stoves, office furniture, show cases, trunks, suit cases, bedding, linen, poultry netting and garden tools. Better goods for less money ' Credit If you wish. 18"S9 47 N. 24th. Web. 1607. WANTED TO BUY Watch the dally bond quotations In this paper and get the market price , for your Liberty bonds. Come to us B. H. I.OUGEE, INC. 63S-40 Keellne Bldg. WE lire in the market for an unlimited Humility of scrap iron, metals, rubber, etc. Writ for prices. . A. Ferer & Sons, SOS Douglas St. , . i iS. 705 Soutb 16th, will pay best price for old clothes, shoes. Job lots of all kinds Residence. Dnuglaa 8632. Of fice. Douglas H92 ELITE FURNITURE CO. We pay best prices for turnlture, rugs, stoves etc. ' All kinds of iob lots. Doug las 2451, Web 3045 DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded J C. Reed. 1201 Farnam D 6146 We pay-the hTghest price for second-hand furniture In good condition W. M Franklin. 1413 N 24th St Webster 4206 WANTED TO BUY 6.000 tons of country mixed Iron; also rubber and metals. J. Kntelman. Council Bluffs. WE . buy waste paper and pay good prices Phone or write Omaha Paper Stock Co Douglas 1 61 WILL buy second hand clothing, shoes and furniture Tyler 2598. A. Zavett, 705 No. Itith St. HAVE you any -fixtures for sale. Call Webster 6202. AUCTION SALES1 A BIG AUCTION OF AUTOMOBILES. Will be held in Omaha at an early late. If you have an auto for sale or you want to buy a car call and see me The auction will be conducted the same as a pure bred stock sale. Every car demonstrated and will be sold Just as represented. Watch the paper for the date. Sale will he held In the big sale pavilion, South Omaha. Call or phone F. D. VAN PELT, AUCTIONEER. Phone, Tyler 4492. Evenings Douglas 3218. 1419 Dodge St. SWAPPERS' COEUMN. FOR SALE OR TRADE Valuable patent: just issued. Can use car. What have you? Cull evenings, room 325, Hotel Loyal. . ANNOUNCEMENTS. BAKKES TOP-NOTCH BREAD. NEW. ONTHE MARKET. ASK YOUR GROCERY MAN FOR IT. SOUTH 1-9-7 Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all slies and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-J08 Brown Bldg. Phone, u. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BOTTONS O U VanArnam Pleating Co., 412-17 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 8109 Bath and Massage. Miss Fisher. 879 Brandels Theater Baggage and Express. "The Only Way" VA Omaha Transfer Co. Remodeling Contractors. LKS.-ARD & SON. 2021 Cuming Ty 1632 POOL TABLES T F. Hall. Doug. 7406. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXON-MITCHELL CO., 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Chiropractors. Ethel Slaltby, D. C. 812 Bee Blag. D. 3072. Dr. J C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg D. 8461 8PINOO R A PH . Dr. Edwards 24th. Farnam. Costumes. FULL dress suits for rent. 109 N. 16th 8t. opposite Postnfflce John Feldmanj. Dancing Academics. DANCING ACADEMY. KEEPS' Motel Rome Learn to dance for $5 Join our spring classes now so you can dance when clubs and parks open. Call .Mr. Keeps, Dg. 2581 or Har. 2792. K EL-PIN 12 DANCING ACADEMY, 2424 Farnam Class and prlv. lessons. D 7850. Delicatessen. Special salad for sale Kla.lto Delicatessen. Dentists. , Taft's Dental Rma 30s Rose Bldg. D 216 Dr Bradbury No pain 921 W O W. Bldg. DetectivesJ JAMES "ALLAN ; n- securWI Inall cn.-s. Tyler 1 1 :ii LLOY f)"Lt XO N BCK EK."442 So 12' h Si Winckler. 271 5 1 -we . Harney 57"t. Electrical Utilities. Dl I Vf l V JElectric washing machines U X f i iNpiertrlc Irons and reading lamps 2223 Cuming St. Douglas 251 Flags. SIlK flag, all sl.ev. lu order for ihunh es clnhs, et E F. Se 119 No St Film Developing. NIIW IDEA We come ami gt-t y-ur fiilns. dr-veli'ii 4.-in free and deliver flrislied print- at reas.iiialil price. Mail oi'd'in als-.i sjllWted. fail .Siuttl t'liiDi Add'iMs C McCullough. 512 j South "?'h Avm i i . . 'iN 'tv.i. tod printinv ulte da i'r:'ft Shop I4iik Ksrnatn FILMS ile.'loped tivw ..tall orders so licited. THC ENSIGN CO.. 1607 Howard. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Insurance. INSURANCE $.rB.,,dr For accident and sickness Insurance see Lawrenson. Jewelry. DIAMONDSwitn privilege to buy back at small profit GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N lth. Red 60S1 Lawyers T. J. M'GUIRE, Lawyer, 508 Om. Nat. Office, Tyler 759. Res. S 3218 Medical. FILES, fistula and other tectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. 614 Brandels Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. s Plumbing and Heating. DltDtJKON & SON. Harney B68K-6583. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co.. 583 Brandels D B91 I'mitiiiff Wedding Stationery U. S Printing Co., Bee Bldg., Phone D. 1178. Waterg-Barnhart Ptg Co.. 414 S. ISth St. Sates. BARUA1NS 1212 Farnam J J Derlght Safe Co SAFES Shoe Repairtnc WE do all kinds of stioe repairing; all work guaranteed; give us a trial. Coal man Dangerfleld. 1415 North 24th Tailors. DlfdMck. P 216 8. 20th. Tailor. D 2432 V ha 'Power owel Supplies Supply 2C7 8. Hth D. 682. Transfers. FISHER TRANSFER.' Tyler 4233. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcements and printing. Dmielas Printing Co Tel Douglas 644. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE One of the best Implement businesses In the western part of Ne braska great prospects big business. Reason for selling, too much other bus iness. Don't answer unless you mean buslness and can handle a big proposi tion. Could carry back part If pur chaser can show proper credentials. Ad jlress Box Y-439, Omaha Bee. jwODERN shoe repair Hhop for sale cheap on account of death; 20 years in present location free shop rent in shoe store. Fine opening, or will sell machinery and can move it. Be quick. F. W. Hill, Corning, la. FOR" SALE'ATA BARGAIN A small slore stock, consisting of groceries, school supplies, cigars, tobacco, soft drinks, soda fountain and fruit stand, living room In rear. Rent, $12. A fine lo cation. Can be seen at 1520 Cass St. :i:t!(. For sale, store building, with rooms modern, by A. W. Ferguson, Cdenbower, Douglas Co., Ogeron. $1,800. Glorious climate, lovely valley, 'green grass, roses till Christmas. Address Box Y-427, Omaha Bee. ..OOD OPPORTUNITY For sale, on ac count of sickness watch repair and Jewelry business, In big, fine tjwn, In southwestern Nebraska. Address Box Y-440, Omaha Bee. FOR BADE Clean, new afook variety store, good location, fine Business. Rea son for selling, owner deceased. Mrs. Lavina McVicker. ijouglajs, Wyo. WANTED "Live wire" partner in real es tate and insurance. One with money preferred. Confidential. Address Box E-8, Omaha Bee. CLOSE-IN apartment, furnished. Income $900 per month. Trade for land. A. W. Toland & Co., 594 Brandels Bldg. Phone, Douglas 6707. FOR SALE Attractive 8-rooni apartment. Beautifully finished; on car line, and walking distance to town. Phone Doug las;o. NEWSPA PER Paying newspaper and job office for sale cheap. Must sell this month. Terms reasonable. Money maker. Address, Record, Grimes, la. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. IDE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers, sailors and marines who will show their discharge papers at our office In the lobby of the Bee Building. Seventeeenth and Farnam. RET ll RNED SOLDIER wants Job as chauffeur for private family. Can drive Packard, Cadillac or Plerce-Arrow; can operate any make of machine. Call W'.-hster 51120. WANTED Young man, high school grad uate with business college training and four years' business experience, desires position with' reliable concern. Best of -.references as to character, training and experience. Qualified to handle account ing, correspondence and general office work without supervision. No salary less tlran $100 a month considered. Box 684, Hnsttngs. Neh. ENERGETIC young farmer, recently re leased from the service, wants position cn a farm Understands grain and stock raising and operation of all kinds of farm machinery. Send terms to R. E. Bock, Lebannon, Kan. WANTED Good miller and platen press man. Situation steady, shop union, scale $30. McKtt Printing Co., Spokane, Wash. PLOWING garden lots; call Dunton. Douglas 1526, at A. L. Dick Fuel Co., wood and coal. WANT work for ditch- machine; digs 22 lnchea wide by 10 feet deep Call Doug las5J51. CALL Red 6321 for hanging. first class paper PAINTING, paper, carpet cleaning, paper banning, odd Jobs. Web. 1302. Female. YOUNG colored girl wants to assist with housework from 9 in the morning until 5 in the evening. Webster 3343. GRADUATE nurse will give plain or Swedish maNsage or do other nursing by lpur Walnut 1S06 SITUATION WANTED To do housework, by a good cook and server In some nice family Address E-10, Omaha Bee. SA LESLADY. experience infhtitig ladies7 suits, dresses t Tyler 2004-W. Call eve. DRESSMAKING and remodeling wanted. Call Harney 11017. Prices reasonable. BT'NDLE IVASHTnG; resonabTeZ BestTof care; soft water. Webster 6949. Laundry and L av Work BUNDLE washing; reasonable; best care, soft water. Webster 6949. EXXP ERI ENCED la undress" wTnts-bundTe "Vashlng. V.'e'neler 3555. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants laundry work. Webster 4125 BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver Web42S3 EX I'ERIENCED woman wants day work. Cull Webster 5273. WANTED Bj competent woman, bundle washing at home. Webster 5921. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. CARPET LAYER ALSO SALESMAN FOR CARPETS AND RUGS. APPLY St.PT.. BALCONY. Kl UGUSS-NASII CO. RETAIL mr. imal company) $ir,0 li $200. AccouulHit. Insurance, $l50-$17u. Private secretary. Financial Co., $150. Office men. $75. -t.r. snd $loee Night clerk, Railroad Co., $95. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN., 13117 W. O. W. Bldg. FIRST-CLASS WINDOW TRIM M Kit WANTED BY WALKER BROS DRY GOODS CO.. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. WIRE REFERENCES, EXPERI KNCE, AND SALARY EXPECTED. MUST BE ABOVE THE AVERAGE. UIT man. A- No. 1. mali. $1Z.. iiiin 'inrk. 1"". en,, n-ul P.ttU .i- ffl (HI S' "Syck clerk.". ;-! HI. UMhldcl e , out of ell. $I2.-$1.".0. MAP.TI CO.. Il2i: w. w. WWFKil An t xpericr.epd i:l-,ii I'eri-OUIl- try general store, salary wanted. Omaha Bee, Give n f renc Address Box s and Y-43ti, HELP WANTEDMALE. SJe?nl Offices. . WANTED Government file clerka; Om aha examinations May 7. $1,100 year. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. S30 O. Rochester. N. Y. POOKKEEPER Experienced, married man preferred. $5 to $100. Employer's Ref. Co.. 605 Bee Bldg. . BOOKKEEPER wanted by wholesale au tomobile concern; must be first-class man. Address Box E-li, Omaha IVe. STE.N'O ftclerk, bank, out of town, $90. WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 1st NatBank. CDAIM cTerk and correspondent. $125. WATTS REF. CO.. 11S8 1st Nat i Hank. ill Ma WANTED -Mali clerk. Apply to Blackstone Hotel. nager. ' Professions and Trades. WAN T ED A T H O R 6 UGH L Y EXPERIENCED BEEF BON ER: MUST BE RELIABLE, S'PEADY AND WILLING TO MAKE HIS HOME IN- NICE MIDWEST CITY. GUARAN TEE 40. CATTLE PER WEEK. WILL PAY LIBERAL WAGES. Y-433, OMAHA BEE. MEN WANTED to learn the tire repair and retreading trade In one of the most up-to-date repair shops Three weeks tuition $25. Clyde Eller, Instructor, for merly with National Auto Training School. NATIONAL TIRE SHOP. 17th and Capitol Ave WANTED experienced operators to op erate power machines for oewir.g cotton and burlap bags. Wanted apprentices, good w-g,'sto b'. gin. Bemis Bro. Bag Co., lltti ami Joies streets. L DA KER FORE M AN WANTED First -class man can secure steady job out of town at $35 per week. Inquire of Flelschmann Yenst Co. MEN Learn barber trade. Make $25 to $50 Der week. Special rates to soldiers Earn while learning. Moler Barber College. HO South I4th St. PHOTOGRAPHER WANTED All-around studio assistant, at once; alve experi ence, salary, etc. Charles A. Sprout Lander, Wyo. ' EXPERIENCED ringer man wanted. Ap ' ply today between 12 and 2. Amerltan Wet Wash Laundry, 2808 Cuming. WANTED Platen pressman to run two Miller feeders. Steady position. Write Messenger Printing Co., Fort Dodge, la. DRUG CLERK PATTERSON 10TH AND HICKORY. , ALL round tailor wanted at once. By week or piece. Address Strutz. the Tailor, At lantic, la. WANTED Upholaterer for furniture de partment. Box 41405 Bee . Salesmen and Solicitors. TRAVELING salesman, food products, $150 and expenses; traveling salesman, automobiles, $200; traveling salesman, young man, staple commodity, $100-$125; manager for an established business, pre fer man with coal and building material experience, $250; aecretary for an es tablished business, prefer man who can take financial interest, salary, $160-$200; claim correspondent, auto firm, $85; ste nographer and clerk, manufacturing firm, $100. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n., 736 First National Bank Building. MAN with dry goods experience for coun try town. Good salary with opportunity to become manager of one of our chain stores. Apply at once. Ryan Co., 1102 Harney St. SALESMAN WANTED. Marj, experienced in steam, plumbing and heating line, for permanent, lucra tive position with old established manu facturing and Jobbing concern. Appli cants kindly give age, .references and experience. Man acquainted with deal ers and trade in South Dakota and Wyo ming preferred. Advertiser now has a long established business in this terri tory. Address Box Y-435, Omaha Bee. . I'ATE salesman wanted to sell the retail and Jobbing trade In Nebraska, Marvo Washing Compound. Will be extensively advertised with a well defined selling plan. Strictly commission, but a good one. References and full Information with first letter. Sales Dept. Bramwell Manufacturing Co., 723 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. ,,'ANTED Two high class magazine sales men. Those who have had some ex perience in bank selling preferred. Call for P. J. Ryan at the Wellington Inn. WE WAN5 LIVE SALESMEN for the livest proposition In the country a high-class Investment Address 824, Metropolitan Bank Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. " REPRESENTATIVES wanted to sell Wyo ming oil stocks. Address Box Y-434, Bee. , SOLICITORS wanted; Rood pay. 306 No. 16th St. A,PPly Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Agents, men or women. One woman made $17 one day. Articles used In every home; no competition. A good chance for soldiers. Call evenings, room 325, Hotel Loyal. ; Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Colored waiters and waitress es: good wages and fine meals. Apply to head waiter. Blackstone Hotel. Boys. WANTED A boy to deliver and worK in a grocery store. George Roffman, 30th and Miami. Webster 171. Miscellaneous. WANTED FREIGHT HANDLERS V APPLY AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS AT THE UNION STATION FREIGHT OFFICE CO- WANTED. 60 EXPERIENCED X SINGLE FARM HANDS. WAGES, $40 TO $76. COUNTY AGENT, COURT HOUSE DENISON, IA WANTED A gonod man to work on farm; 60 per' month; permanent posi tion. Neh. Write Newton Sager. Lashara, POSITIONS, locutions, etc.. for druggists, dentists, doctors, nurses, veterinarians. F. V. Knlest. 212 Bee Bldg., Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. MULTIGRAPH AND ' ADDRESSOGRAPH OPERATOR who can turn out a good volume of neat, clean, accurate work. Good place to work, eight hours a day, off at iioivH-SfcturdHy: cafeteria In build ing serves noon lunches at cost. In replying state age, experience, schooling and salary expected. v Address Box E-9, care Omaha Bee. WANTED Young women, who desire to prepare themselves for office work, to enroll in our short course of office training. We secure positions for our graduates; call and see us about It. Day and evening instructions, by ex perts. Personable tuition fee on montnly pament plan DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING. Second Floor Wad Building, tilth and Farnam Phone Doup 7415. STENOGRAPHER, private sic. $125. Stenographer, $101). $90. $85. $70. Stenos, 6 months exp., tin, $75. Fuxting muchinc operator, $l'.0. $75. Typist, $70. $75; P B. X. Opr., $75. Office clerk, $511; cashier. $lli. Jl'HE MAJfn CtV, IK'S W. O W. STF.NOGRAPilERS$lTn7$90, $S5r$s0. $75" $65: Diet Opr., $S0; Typist, $55; P. B. X Opr.,$75. WATTS RKF. CO.,' 113X 1st Nat Bank. WANTED Names women wishing perma nent government position: $1.000-$1 600 "year; near home or at Washington Ad dress Box Y-380. Ornnhn Hee CA S 1 1 1 P R A D I N S PFITfiRH W A N T ED 4Y P,lRli'.SS-.VASH I'll APPLY SUPT.. BALCONY. oTf..Mill.ll,HKX :urd IMctai :mne opera- j tor. $90- Tjpist, 'iu; Stenugrepher, KS. Operative R'f. ''n. 101. i'1'.v Nt. Uk. I Bee Vant-ads pay ll'.W lll'OlltS tO the people who read them. 1 ; HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WOMAN F i Aii perience nut ti will be given. 8upt.t Balcony. essary as in!ftrut.lon Burgess-Nash Co. Apply WANTED An experienced cashier; a meat wrapper and delicatessen worn- an. Apply ' Douglas St. Washington .Market. 1407 Professions and Trades "girl fi l m Inspectors " wanted. v APPLY UNIVERSAL FILM EXCHANGE, 1304 FARNAM STREET. UNtfSUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT. Permanent Positions. WORK IS CLEAN, PLEAS ANT AND INTERESTING. MEALS AT COST. Liberay pay while learning and fre quent Increase In salary at regular in tervals. The regular vacation given to our ex perienced employes each year makes It necessary that we employ a number of Intelligent young women to learn tle- Young women 17 years of age or over. Apply to C. F. Lambert, 613 NEW TELEPHONE BLDG., 19th and Douglas Sta. WANTED EXPERIENCED HAIR DRESSER AND MANICURIST, ALSO AN EXPERIENCED MARCELL HAIR WAV?!R. APPLY BENSON-THORNE BEAUTY SHOP, BENSON-THORNE CO., WANTED HELP IN ALTERATION DEPT. APPLY H ERZBERO-TOGGERY. 1517 DOUGLAS ST. WANTED Pressers Dry cleaning depart ment, Bluff City Laundry, Council Bluffs, la. Household and Domestic. WANTED Competent middle-aged maid for general housework in small town near city. Good home and excellent wages. References ' required. Address Box Y-442, Omaha Bee WANTED A. housekeeper on farm by three brothers, middle aged lady pre ferred; state wages wanted. Address Carl Jensen, Wakefield. Neb. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral house work; 3 In family; no wash ing. Mrs. E. A. Baird, 3316 Lincoln Blvd. Harney 1626. WANTED In Dundee, for general house work, competent maid, good wages, no washing. 6147 Davenport. Mrs. Carl Louis, Walnut 1246. A GOOD cook wanted at once; good wages and easy hours; also waitress wanted; good pay to right party. Burress Cafe, Carthage, S. D. . w'ANTE D Competent girl tor general housework, washing and heavy cleaning done. Mrs. W. W. Richardson. 3100 Chi cago St. Harney 5256. WANTED An experienced white cook, must have references, good wages. Mrs, Gen. Redlck, 63d and Chicago. Wal. 485. WANTED Good white girl to assist in a small boarding house. No cooking or washing. Douglas 6203. WANTED Experienced white "ook here second is" kept, no washing. -Jrs. W. D. Hoaford, 626 So. 37th St Harney 87. WHITE girl for general housework, two In family, $10. Phone Harnev 73. 6"? S. 38th Ave. GOOD white girl for general housework, small family; good wages. Call South 934. WANTED Girl for general housework. Telephone Walnut 354, 105 So. 49th St WANTED A competent house mafd. Ap ply Clarkson hospital. 2100 Howard St. WANTED Two floor maids. Apply Clark son hospital, 2100 Howard St. WANTED Cook and housemaid. Mrs. A. L. Reed, Benson 178. WANTED Good Harney 1519. cook Immediately. Call Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Pantry girl and sliver girl; Blackstone good wages. Apply Hotel. Chef. WHITE chambermaid at once. Brown Apts. 508 North 21st St. Red 8950. Miscellaneous. LLADIES Let us show you how you can earn $15 per week at home in spare time, addressing and mailing our music and circular letters. Send 25 cents In silver for music sample copy and particulars. The Ansonia Music Company, 250 Main St., Ansonia, Conn. WHITE WOMAN To do Janitor work In modern apartment house. Tyler 671. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or writs 1402 Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College Phnne D 2147 EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. 30YLES COLLEGE Students are admitted at any- time. Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand land typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil aerv lce and sll English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Doug 'as 1565 for large Illustrated catalogue Address . BOYLE'S COLLEGE. Buyles Building. Omaha. Neb go. III. STOP work; learn a trade; fit yourself for the future;, no book work: quick and easy; free . catalog. National Auto Training Ass'n 2814 N 20th. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business Day and Evening Schools. 820 Omaha National Bank Bids ' , Douglas 6890 LEARN Mosh-r shorthand and typewrit trig. Day and uignt classes Shorthand Collose Bee Bide Omaha D 6628 Piano instruction. M. BOUKK'IUS could take a few more piano pupils between 10 and 3 o'clock. Rm. 18. Arlington Blk 161 1V& Dodge St. D 2471 Musical. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano, 603 Knrbach Blk. Studio, phone Red 185 209 South lath St FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. BEAUTI'fUI.LV furnished rooju In strictly modern private home. Walking dis tance. Nenr ear. Harney 191:1. liuo.eS to lei b due or week; hot and cold water; telephone In each room. Tark Hotel. 15ns I'm us SI, FOR-KENT Two furnished rooms. Walk ing distiince. tee Linden, 2615 leaven worth, Hee Station NICELY furnished front room; yrivate ' family. Call Walnut 3290. FURNISHED rouM for rent. West Farnam district, '"all Harney 3411. Board and Rooms. Rllllll an home; , w a !kil-f s'i:n Iferie i U' : . .i ih Imai-d in h--au:iful modern very convenience; Farnam onr: distance. If you are looking I him; ultove the average, call v.7:;e nun, Mil. i or witnoul board. KeD l'-ill I'.i-imv '.':' loifflS i ...,,h l.-i,, I, , ie.,len ii.hbI Council Biuifs. i. FOR RENT-ROOMS. Unfurnished Rooms. L-l 111 ki'V i' C.-a I..... ,,r .uha mnm not light housekeeping nice location. Private family. Close to car line. Jlar- ney 6929 HEATED rooms, Ctelghton Bloek. 16th and Douglas Sts. WOULD REALTY COMPANY Phone. Douglas 6343 Rooms Wanted. TWO young business men desire room and board, prefer west or north part of city Place with garage for two cars If possi ble with pay $100 per month, fhone, Douglns 2x9s. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. each; modern; stood yard and trees; rent raaaonanie. military avb. FOR RENT HOUSES. North. S-ROOM oottage, $12. Red 683. 1529 V No. 21st St. South. SIX-ROOM house, with or without furnish ings; partly modern at 1009 South Twenty-fifth Ave. Call noon or even ings. 2663 Pierce St., rooms, $26. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., SSI Securities Bldg. Tyler 15J. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITT. CREIOH SONS A CO., Bee. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 72t Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Ben Hur Hall. 28th and Farnam Sts., Wednesday and Fday nights. Best dance floor In the stats. Call Tyler 8638 or Tyler 4251. , GARDEN, 4119 North 38th, 6 rooms. ...$15 3-room flats, 2033 North 21at..$7 and $9 2568 Douglas St., 9 rooms $33 JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 654. BIRKETT & CO. Care of property and Inaurance. 150 Bee Bldg Douglas 633 WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses. WANT A FURNISHED APARTMENT OR SMALL HOME. REFERENCES EX CHANGED. NO CHILDREN. AD DRESS BOX E-4, OMAHA BEE. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 28$. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATE3. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMHJVT8. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by Central Furniture store. Free rental list Tyler 3400. ' GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For ftal service In baulthg or storage call Tyler 230 or D. - 4338. auto or wagon service FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household roods and pianos: moving, packing aoc1 Jhlcpltit;. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 806 8. 16'h. Douglns 416$. WE haul furniture, light and heavy hauling. Live stock hauling a specialty CALDWELL TRANS. CO. Office Tvler 679 Res Douglas 9181 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. 10 ACRES. THE best ten-acre farm home buy In Douglas county. Highly cultivated, lots of fruit, fine alfalfa, four blocks from paved road, fully modern house, with Its own water system. No city taxes. H. E. COCHRAN, 700 Omaha National Bank Bldg. r 624 N. 41ST. 6 rooms, all modern, $2,700: cash. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, REALTORS, 1016 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2716. FOR SALE 706 South 52nd St., one block from rsr line. Ten-room stucco: garage for two cars. Owner W. M. RAINBOLT 1060 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg Phone Douglaa 7537 CLOSE In, fine 2-story home, strictly mod ern house, electric light; house not new, but In best of repair; rents for $30; paving all paid; close to Central High school; price, $4,000; easy terms, or small cottage as first payment. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. WE have plans and specifications for several good homes In Lockwood and Dundee Heights, to be built at once. See us Shuler & Cary, Realtors. 204 Keellne Bldg. NICE modern 5-room bungalow. In West Farnam district; full east front lot. W. H. Gates, 647 Omaha Nat B. Bldg. D. 1294. TWO modern six-room houses, hot water heat; terms reasonable. Inquire 323 N 37th St. 4 APARTMENT brick flats, choice, loca tion, good Investment. Elof Nllsson, 422 Securities Bldg. DANDY 7-room res., price $5,500. Elof Nllsson. 422 Securities Bldg. NEAR MILLER PARK, $1,000 DOWN AND $40 A MONTH. Six-room strictly modern bungalow; five rooms and bath on first floor; fin ished in oak; one room finished on sec ond; built in book rases, colonnade openings and window seat: full cement , basement; furnace heat; floored attic; "large lot on paved street, paving paid; garage: $4,400. If Interested In bunga lows don't fail to see this. PAYNE INVESTMENT - COMPANY, -REALTORS. 537 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. "BEST BUILT HOME KOUNTZE PARK 7-Room Home Hot. Water Heat $2,500 DOWN" PR. $5.500 $50 MO. lililll ny nay lauor, mmu uiv mur,,,, finest hot water heating system; solid Juick foundation; large living room, din ing room, real kitchun, refrigerator room, pantry; 4 large, light bedrooms. Located 1025 Evans St. Call Tyler 496. i is BOR N E, B5S Omaha NaTl Uk. Bldg. 5-Room Bungalow, $3,200. The neatest home on our list. Five large rooms finished In oak decorations and lighting fixtures In excellent condi tion east front, on pretty terrace; close to car, schools and churches. House number. 4720 North 40th Ave. About $1,(100 will handle. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harnev St. Vhone Tyler 50. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $3,950. Attractive 5-rnoin strietly modern ImiiKiiloH'. close to Kountze park. Oak throughout, full basement, furnace heat, corner lot. Property In fine repair Reasonable, 'erms. J. L. HIATT CO., QHfi FIRST NATIOI HANK BLDG FIRST NATIONAL PHONE (TO G TYLER $500 CASH and $;in a month for a 5-rooiii. modern buntralow. Located near Miller park. Posses-Ion at once. Price 20. W. S. FRANK, Phone Pi'i's :i'iii". 202 S'.-ville ts:u. WE have a dandy ev. n-r n uungalnw at 2S16 Franklin sir. et. tor It . Mill terms to suit Douglas Washington In vestment company, 1413 North 2Mb St Wobster 4206. REAL ESTATE- IMPROVED. North. ONLY $200 DUWN, EASY PAYMENTS. Look, $1,700 will' buy a rood, toea ern (except heat) 6-room cottage, only $200 eash. balance like rent. Possession at once. See me today. S. P. BOSTWICK & SON 300 Res Bldg. Tyler 160". MINNE LUSA HOME We have lust listed a fine J-itory stucco and frame bungalow of t-r. and bath, mod In every way; house only one year old; has every convenience on could expect In a home. Oak finish, rooms all decorated, one block to 14th Si Price, $5,600 terms. This boos was ' built at pre-war prices. RASP BROTHERS, REALTORS. 210-12-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler Til. FOR SALE Six room modern stucco; oak floor, fireplace, living room, mahoganlsed , birch, dining room oak. On Willis Avo.. between 17th and 18th Sts. Six room modern trams, fsclnr Kountie Park.' Owner W. M. RAINBOLT 1060 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 7537 NEAR 21ST- AND SPRAGUE 8T8. Fins two-story square home, ( large living rooms and a small den and sleep ing porch; oak and maple finish, beau tifully decorated, screened front porch; garage; fine, large east front lot, In fin neighborhood. Worth $5,000, but owner will take $4,600. About $2,000 cash needed. ' RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler T21, MINNE LUSA BARGAIN. 6-room and bath modern home; fin lot, almost new; semi-bungalow style; close to car; $5,000 $1,000 cash. 2882 Mary St. Call Mr. Browne. INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. 2620 Farnam St. Tyler 4S1. A NEW modern (-room bungalow, 2739 Saratoga. Price $3,600; terms. A. W. Toland, 694 Brandelds bldg. Phone Douglas 6707. NEW, upnto-date, 6 rooms, oak finish, fins location: price, $5,250; terms; location 611 N. 47th St. Nnrrls Norrls. D. 4270. 3621 HAMILTON ST., 6-room all modern: easy terms. John W. Robblna. 581 Pnunders-Kennedy Bldg. Doug. 629. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the hent nnnnrtunltv to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. FREE rent of 4 rooms In exchange for church Janitor aervlce. Call at 1821 Lothrop. FOR RENT AND SALE. BOUSES, COTTAGES A APARTMENTi. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. tOl 8. 17th St. Douglas (Oil. TOUNO ft DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. S23 BRANDEI3 THEATER. D. 1671. BEAUTIFUL new up-to-date 7-room. bungalow, 68 ft frontage. Call Colfax 694. FOR sale at once, my former home at 2624 Charles St. Call Colfax 1269. SIX rooms, all modern, owner leaving city. Call Webster 3249. South. SOUTHWEST BARGAIN. Just listed a nice 8 -room brick nous southwest of Hanscom park, situated on an east front lot; house has large liv ing room, library, dining room and kitchen pn first floor; four bed rooms and bath on second floor; front and back stair; fireplace and hot water heat; can you duplicate this for $6,500 In Omaha? D. V. SHOLES CO. 915-17 City Nat. Bk. Doug. 46. FACING HANSCOM PARK, $2,500. Good 6-room house, modern except furnace; good lot, paved street, all paid. House has been newly painted; rooms need decorating. Owner anxious for quick sale and has made a bargain price to do so. See me at once. -i P. J. TEBBENS CO.,- Phones: D. 2182, Tyler 3969-W. 605 Omaha National Bank. SEMI-BUNGALOW, $4,150; Hanscom Park, district, 8 rooms hard wood floors, beamed ceilings, full cement basement, fitted with screens, stqrm windows and doors; strictly modern home. Cash or terms. Liberty bonds accepted. Address Box T 437, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1030 S. 28th St., 8-room house, all modern, downstairs finished In oak, white enamel upstairs, lot 80x140, east front, beautiful sh'ade trees, garden and garage for two-cars. C. H. Riepen. 701 H. 16th St. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Six-room house at 4012 T street, 'In good condition. If taken before Sunday. This is a real bargain. See owner, and save middleman's profit. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. For sale, 8-room house, all modern; corner lot; large garage. Call Harney 3479. -ROOM house. 2429 So 17th St Call Webster 6719. Miscellaneous. $150 STARTS YOU , IN YOUR OWN POME. On a high sightly, well located and well laying aero, we have a small house, 16x36, which is In good condition to move right into, but Is not; complete. It would divide into three large rooms, 16x12 feet each, or possibly four rooms. Considering the low price of $1,360 and a small monthly pjjjment of $15, where can you better yourself? Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Manville. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60 WE HAVE six 6-room houses and one 8 room house; also two mighty good brick store buildings well rented: In' come $2,916 per year; will exchange any part or all of these for good farm or ranch. Owner nonresident S. 3. and R. H. MONTGOMERY. 213 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 181$. WE BUY and sell real estate: We want some good houses to rent to colored peo ple. Call and see us. THE DOUGLAS WASHINGTON INV. CO, Webster 4206. 1413 Nor t h 24th St. FOR SALE Owner leaving town, 6-room, oak finished, modern bungalow; one bloclt from car line. Walnut 2491. K. E. Riley, 2001 North 45th. FOR SALE 8-room apartment, beautifully furnished, on car line and walking dis tance to own. Phone, Douglas 6760. CLOSE-IN INVESTMENTS. Leaveaworth at, Capitol ave., Cuming St. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY. Dg. 10U. Flv room stucco, oak floors throughout oak and white enamel finish. Fine lo cation. Price 4,605 or terms. (. BENSON & CARMICHAEL Doug 1722 642 Paxton Block. BARGAINS In homes. Investments Droi ertles and acreage near Omiha. Hrr' I75 Morton. 916 Omaha Njt Bk Tods'. REAL EST ATE-Business Properry BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY A SON. 420 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT - HOME AND INVESTMENT A strictly all msdern double house of two apartments, 4 rooms and hall each, with separate bath rooms, large storage attic, full basement, hot water heat, screened In front porch: live In one and let rent of other apartment pay for the place. Owner took this In under foreclosure, and offers at sacrifice pries of $5,000. $1,000 cash, balance $25.00 a month, '6 per rent Interest. House could not be duplicated for $6,000. Lo cated 2920 N 2.',th St. O'KEEFE REAL f ESTATE COMPANY, REALTORS, REALTORS, s lOKjImiha Nat. Uk. Bldg. Doug. 2715 INVESTORS. 1 have an apartment house located In one of Omaha's finest residential sec tions which will net the purchaser 12 per cent on his Investment. For fur ther Infi.rniii t ion see GEO. F. JONES, REALTOR. 92H 'itv Bank. Phone. Doug. 14, 4 APAIlTMKNTSr bflr-k ' ?lat.rl.oie,uSit linn, good li vestment. Elof Nllsson 421 Sei urltl.-s Hldx REfL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. ;. I'tio worth of fain? Implements to" ex cxeivunite for land. Schwab Bros., mx Plymouth BUIg., Minneapolis. Minn y1