THE OMAHA BEE. 18 it-S PRINT V. LOAN BULLETINS TO REACH 60.000 Pamphlets Explaining Coming Loan Issued to Be Distrib uted in Industrial Plants A and Offices. '''The advertising committee of the Victory loan campaign jas appoint ed Earl Allep, chairman of a spe cial committee, to prepare and dis tribute a special bulletin service on the Victory loan for use in industrial plants and business houses. Seventeen, different bulletins ex plaining the coming loan will be mailed to the heads of each institu tion for Dostinsr on the Imllerin boards. ,To Reach 60,000 People. It is estimated that 60,000 people will read, 'he message which these bulletins will carry. ( The copy will be similar to the copy whicn is now bf ing inserted in l!ie advertising colunn ai the Oma ha daily papers. T. I, Davis, division chairman of Districts of the Victory loan cam pa'f??. has charge of Divisions 30 to 37. The following is his organization as it no-v stands with someNaddi tions to come: District 30 Fourteenth to Six teenth, rarnam to Howard. Major, H. B Whitehouse; captains, Ralph Russel, Bert Fowler. Ed Merritt, O. B Williams; lieu'enants, Frank Drcel, I. I.. Hess, C. V. Schultz. Dr. G. D. Shipherd, Paul Burleigh, Dr. F, J. Wearne, Dr. i'. 'ft liarber, Dr. A. F. Tyler, A. H. Ellis, A. B; Curne, F. S. Martin, Jack Webster, Samuel Glick, W. G. Spain, Ray Wagner, Sam W. Reynolds, C. T. Piatt, Harry Ryan, Charles Martin, Al Dresher, S. W. Napier, Al Bar dun, A. W. Elmer, Tom Keenen.'G. Hartman, J. B. Greene, Guy Mc Kertzie, R. E. Harris, Eugenie Du val, D. R. Mullin, A. B. Carpenter, A, E, Parmelee. District 31-Thirteenth to Four teenth, Farnam to Howard. Major, Gbrge W. Platner; captain, T. F. Kennedy; lieutenants, George E. Mickel, J. A. Medlar, T. L. Combs, F. B. Aldouf, Dan Johnson, A. M. Smith, Edward Creighton, Ralph , Peters, F. C Patton, Frank Pond, C. C. Wharton, H. T. Black, Frank McCaffrey, Bert Murphy, John Madin, Guy Furray, Charles Garvey, Will McCaffrey. For District 32., District 32 Thirteenth to Six teenth, Howard to Pacific. Major, W. B. Clift; captain, E. A. Rutledge; lieutenants, Clyde E. Knott, J. C. Allgaier. Mr. Bushnell, H. T: Cutler, Fred M. Hall, W. B. Hopson, E. S. Weatherly. District 33XTenth to Thirteenth, Howard to Pacific. Major, Roy T. Byrne; captain, A. B. Warren; lieu tenants, HA H. Dahlman, Harry Weller, George W. Summer, George Laier, E. G. Ward, W. J. Monaghan, Quentin Moore, W. W. Bingham, l-Va-ii; Hughes. Eugene Atkins, T. H.McDearmont. u.s. net o4 lenth to Thirteenth, rarnani to Howard. District 35 Tenth to river, Far--n to Howard. Major, F. S. Keogh; captain, T. B. Coleman. ' 0 "lenth to river, How ard to Pacific. Major, F. V. Roy; captain, H. T. McManus; lieuten ants, R. C. Hudson, Edward Doran." W. G. Smith, Gene Kohn, G. Sea hertf. J. H. Bugge, W. D. Williams, F. W.' Knebihler, District 37 Trench team. v "Unenlightened" Indian Stays in Alaska and Counts Money Jueau, Alaska, April - 4. The mart who believes the Alaska Indi ans are a poor, downtrodden, unen lightened race has but to glance at the recent reports of the operations of several companies in this terri- tory composed entirely of Indians to change hi mind. The Metlakatla Commercial com pany, composed of Indians on An nette island, recentlyffeclared a div idend of 20 Per cent cash on its cap ital stock, 10 per cent cash dividend on purchases by stockholders and a 15 per cent itock dividend fpr the 12 months - ending December 31, - 1918. The Hydaburg Trading company, composed of Indians on Prince of Wales iTand, declared an 8 per cent . cash dividend on its capital stock, 7 per cent on purchases to stockhold ers and a 4 per cent stock dividend on its capital stock for the x 12 months- ending December 31, 1918. The JClawock Commercial company of Prince of Weles island, also com- ' posed of lndians,"3?clared dividends of IS and 18 per cent. The Metlakatla" company last sea son furnished Indian labor to the , Annette island Packing company. " Chinese labor for the fishing can neries heretofore has been furnished by, special contractors. This x com pany's books show that it made sales amounting to $40,000 last year on which a profit of $9.o02.39 was , made. Hobble Skirts Add 17 Seconds to Train Stops By International' News Service. . Philadelphia,' Pa., April 4. That tight skirts delay the trains by add ing 17 seconds to the average stop is the allegation contained in a com plaint filed by the South Jersey Commuters' association with Charles Markham, regional railroad director, whose main offices are in this city. The protest explains that this ex tri time coftcession is necessary to the female sex because the steps of the old Pullman cars used on the t Trenton division of the Pennsyl vania railroad are of a height from the station platform that makes im perative a tortoise-like movement - on the part of the hobbled woman passengers entering and leaving the trains. According to hearsay of the Jer sey commuters the brakesmen are taxing considerable interest in their - work nowadays because of the fact that women must literally be lifted to the platform in alighting. Brooklyn club will train in Florida instead of Richmond, Va. That's 1 letting 'cm see America first, Charlie. Men's Lounging Room Where men can rest, read and smoke. Equipped with barber shop, manicurist and chiropodist Fourth Floor Children's Flair Cutting SPECIAL attention given to the cutting of children's, hair in the Men's Barber Shop. Fourth Floor EVERYBODY STORE' Friday, April 4, 1919- -STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- -Phone Douglas 2100 Rose Bttsh Sale i Saturday Morning 9 to 10 5 c No C O. D., no phone orders and no deliveries Here's an Unusual Value in Georgette Blouses Saturday at $5.00 IT been a long time since we offered 6uch exceptional values as these are at $5.00. Th,e material is of a superior quality. Made in slip-on, round neck, square neck and frill effects. Some are beaded, others em broidery and lace trimmed. Flesh, White, Sunset Tan and light Blue shades. Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor You'll Want Several Pair of These Women's Silk Hose at The offering includes Women's black or white pure thread silk boot hose, full fashioned. Women's black or white silk and fiber' hose, seamless. Women's pure silk hose in white, brown, champagne and navy, seam less. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor PAIR These New Spring Pumps Specially Priced for Saturday $6.95 THE reduction is made as a special inducement for "Dress-Up Week." Two new dressy pump models for street wear. A fine dark brown Russia calkskin pump with light welt soles. Perforated shield tip, 1 -inch leather Cuban heels, short tongue colonial. Black kid pump, low colonial pattern, plain toe, light welt soles, 1-inch leather Cuban heels. These are two of the newest street pumps and the value is very unusual for Saturday only. Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor Clever Billy Burke Style Pajamas Featured Saturday At $1.95 9 THERE are several dif ferent styles made up in Windsor crepe and ba tiste, naannishly tailored or femininely trimmed with lace and ribbons. The il lustration gives you some idea of the style. The price is very special, at $1.95. ' Women's Bloomers of Seco Silk at $U19 Prettily flowered and dotted designs with shirred knee ruffles. The material is very durable and the value is un usually large.- Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor Plant Gladiolus Bulbs Now 29c Dozen Hard bulbs, a ssorted colors, for home plant ing, will bloom this reason, 29c dozen. Cut Roses, 5c Fresh cut home grown roses, in assorted colors, special Sat urday, 5c each. Asparagus Ferns, 19c In 3-inch pots, at 19c each. 4-inch pots, at 29c. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor WOMEN'S Union if Suits at 59c Comfy cut style, low neck and sleeveless, cuff knee, good quality white cotton, sizes 34, 86 and 38. Women's , Vests, 50c Low neck and sleeveless, bodice, tops, also shoulder straps, fine quality white cot ton. Burgess-Nash Cor Main Floor A New Shipment of ' " French Jiid Gloves in the most desirable shades, have just been received. Brown, gray, navy tan, beaver, mas tic, beige, pearl, butter shades, with plain or contrasting em broidery. These are of excep tional quality fine kidskin, $3.00 to $4.00 pair. 1 Silk Gloves, $1.00 to $2.00 We have a most complete assortment of double tip silk gloves, in the newest shades, including beige and navy, $1.00 to $2.50. Children's Gloves Children's kid gloves, $1.25 to $2.25 pair. Children's silk gloves, $1.00 pair. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor 25c Clearaway of , BOOKS From Our Circulating Library Including a big list of the books you should read. Light of Western Stars, by Zane Grey. "Heart of Rachel," by Katherine Norris. "Mr. Brittling Sees It Thro'," by H. G. wens. -r i "Indifference of UOlCe Juliet," by R i c h mond. "Private Peat," by Harold Peat. "Cecilia of the Pink Rose," by Tay lor. "Penrod and Sam," by Booth Tarking-ton. Popular Fiction "Firing Line," by Chambers. "Garden Without Choke Walls," by Coningsby Uawson. J "Shorty McCabe rC On the Job," by Ford, at W i . , . l s f n f m v v v w w s j Book," by Burnham. "Andrew the Glad," by Davis. Children's Books "Boy Scout Book." " Alice's Adven tures in Wonder land." "Adventures of a Brownie."- "Gulliver's Trav els." "Tales Shakespeare." "Cruise of Sally D.'; . N "True to His Trust." "Lost Gold Mine." "Outdoor Chums." Burgess-Nash Co. Third Floor F,r o m the Choice 25c A Big Distributor's Surplus Stock of Coaster Wagons at Radical Reductions BOYS, here's your chance to secure a "dandy" coaster wagon. Well built and sub stantial at a very small cost. Three kinds featured Saturday. Fly A way Coaster $3.50 Like, illustration. Built for service, nicely painted green and trimmed with red, steel axles, bronze bearings, rubber tires. Yankee Flyer Coaster $5.25 Like illustration. 40 inches long, 16 inches wide, large steel wheels, .rubber tires, bronze bearings, well finished. Burgess-Nash Co. Fourth Floor Yankee Coaster $585 Like illustration. 36-inch body, 16 inches wide, corru gated pressed steel axles, Sc inch wheels, rubber tires, ad justable handle, $5.85. Most Interesting Is This 1 Display Saturday of The New Modes in Women's Ready -to -Wear for Spring A DISPLAY ,gay with Spring colors, " embracing suits, coats, skirts and, ' dresses that cleverly portray the latest -style touches, combining a certain dis tinction with moderate pricing that w appeal to the discriminating women' Omaha and vicinity. Women's Tailleur Suits, $25.00 and Upward We can promise you complete satis faction in our section for suits. The suits that come into the cases daily are the proud 'representations of well-known New York designers, closely in touch with Paris developments, with individual skill of. a highr'brder and noted for the originality of their models. New Coats and Dolmans, $25.00 and Upward , As in the suit fashions, so in these gar ments, the originators set the seal of their favor upon this particular style, not to the exclusion of all others, but cer tainly with greater emphasis. The use of two materials in combination, is often seen, gabardine, Evora, Bolivia, silvertone, satin, etc. The New Separate Skirts, Price Range, $8M to $45.00 The blouse and separate skirt have come into their own again much to the gratificition of women who like frequent .change of apparel. The fabrics favored include serge, tricotine, velour Among the more dressy skirts there's' a wide range of materials as well as styles many of them original in design and effective in finish. The New Dresses, ' Price Range, $25.00 Upward Dresses for every occasion, practical purposes, street and afternoon wear. The materials are plain or in com bination, in a variety of models, that you cannot fail to find just the sort of style you have in mind and most de sjre. There is originality and smartness in every one, which you must see to appreciate. , Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor MEN'S New Spring Hats $3.50 to $8.50 i ALL the new favored shapes, styles and shades are rep resented here in splendid assortment. Special at .ontion is di rected to the ;howing o f the popular light weight felts so de sirable for spring and V l summer wear. X I1C new-' onauco are green, brown and gray. Men's Caps, $U0 to $3.00 New spring style in smart novelty effect, plaids, plain colors and conservative pat terns $1.50 to $3.00. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor T I INCOLN Spark Li Plugs 39c Every motorist knows the merits of the Lincoln spark plugs. Saturday, in the Auto Accessory Section, 39c each. Burgess-Nash Co. Fourth Floor There's a Certain Satisfaction About These Burgess-Nash Spring SUITS for $25.00 to $6 THAT you seldom ever secure in merchant tailored garments. There's everything about them the material the fit the style the patterns that mean satisfaction to. you and, above all, a Burgess- Nash reception, which means genuine service when you buy and money back cheerfully if you're not pleased. Made to conform with the Burgess-Nash Standard of quality, which means the best possible at the price. "Ready-for-service" suits for men, in a' combination of dependable fabrics, cut to fit and hand-tailored by tailors who are masters in their art. ' We Feature for Saturday Young Men's Suits forAgesl6to20,$18J75 Featuring the new waist-line models. The materials are cheviots and cassimeres, in fancy fans, browns and stripes. Full lifted. Newest style patterns. Special! Men's New Spring Top Coats $18.00 Mixed gry with self collar, belted back or belt all around, Silk yoke and sleeve lining, taped seams. Exceptional values, $18.00. Others from $25.00 to $40.00. MEN 0.00 MM Boys' Corduroy Suits Featured for Saturday at $7.95 IN the new Spring models, belt all around, slash pock ets, full skirts. The pants are cut roomy, full lined, re-inforcd seams; ages 6 to 18 years. Exceptional values, at $7.95. Boys' New Spring Suits, $9M Models and weaves, belt all around, plain and slasb pockets, two v breast 'pockets with flaps. Pants full lined, fancy stripes, checks and mixed colors.,. Ages 6 to 18 years, at $9.95. Boys' Blouses at $1.00 The K. & E. quality, the kind that are cut to fit and guaranteed fast colors; serviceable materials used only; plain blue, chambray, candy stripes, fancy pin stripes in all different colors; ages 6 to 16 years, at $1.00 each. Burgess-Nash Co. Fourth Floor These Are Extreme Values In Men's Fine Silk Shirts at $6.45 THEY'RE specially priced for Saturday only. Made of fine tub and baby broadcloth silk, in the season's newest and most select patterns. Splendid assortment-of bright and attrac tive colorings, as well as neat hairline stripes. Silks that will give you unusual wear and the utmost satisfaction. All sizes, 14 to 17, and priced for Satur day, at $6.45. 'Other silk shirts of crepe de chine, and Jersey silk, $7.50 to $12.00. Men's Madras Shirts, $1.65 Splendid qualities of woven and psinted madras. All fresh, new and clean and of extra quality. Selected patterns of new and attractive designs. All sizes, 14 to 17, at $1.65. Men's Hose at 25c - Men's fiber silk and silk lisle hose in all colors of black, white, palm beach and gray. All sizes, '9 to 11. Some have slight imperfections, which will not effect the wearing quality. Saturday, pair, 25c. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor silk broadcloth, Empire I II ' ...... . . . . I