vmci OST ; MOB AND' ENT 1 i 1 2. THE SKINNER PACKING COMPANY is an established institution with assets today of over $4,000,000. The Company is now doing one of the largest produce businesses in the West" The progress made on the building of the Packing plant has been phenominal. The plant is now up to Uie fifth floor and is pronounced by experienced packing house men, WHO KNOW, to be the most modern and efficient packing plant in the United States. SKINNER PACKING PLANT GREATLY ENLARGED We originally planned the Skinner Packing plant to be four stories and basement We are now making it six stories, basement and large sub-basement The sub-basement, basement and the first four floors are completed. The plant when completed will have a total of eight floors. We have also added a by-products building of six stories, which makes the complete plant 430 feet long by 200 feet wide This does not include the loading docks, which on the East are 14 feet wide and on the north and south sides are 12 feet wide. In addition, we have an office building, 60x53, two stories and basement in which will be located the general offices of the Company and on the top floor offices for the government inspectors and dining room for the men employees of the plant, also garage 60x53, 2 stories; top floor superin tendent's office and dining room for women employes. The Plant has a total of 474,102 square feet of floor space. The present daily killing capacity of this plant is 3,500 hogs, 450 cattle and 1,000 sheep, but the first unit cold storage building will have dailv rarrvinu ranaritv of 1.200 to 1.500 hofirs. 250 cattle and 500 sheep. The plant now under construction will be complete in everv wav. 1 1 . . 1 t . t 1 m a .a. J 1,1. !l jmm. a lw lltA At1 Mft VllOrK af f lalaftVI f w ainf T AJ LuM.iHL.A A m duc is aiso designed on xne unit plan, ana so consiru vicu mai u van uc uwuuiu v ---- -j uianuaMrcu uuuuyuvuu an example: By adding the second cold storage unit, the total killing capacity given above can be maintained for 300 days in the year. THE OUTSTANDING FEATURES OF THIS PLANT ARE AS FOLLOWS: ( 1. A most complete modern packing house under one roof without the familiar "stock yards odor." Sanitary and fire-proof construction throughout, equipped to condense and burn all obnoxious vapors and gases. Could be placed in the downtown district without objection or annoyance. All departments are logically ' nirrrnrA ft irnr maTi'miim ffieiencv at minimum operating cost. Tk ..,k.Kn.m.n M .tno th nnlv aim in the United States. The high level of our building site above the South Side drainage system made this possible, requiring very little refrigeration and providing storage space for four million pounds of cured meats on the ground floor. This is pronounced by packing house men as a distinctive feature and very desirable. Enclosed concrete and brick refrigerated car loading docks for sixteen refrigerator cars with overhead car icing facilities. The finest wagon and auto truck loading dock and court in the United States. Large steel tanks in cold storage for carrying lard in bulk from a period of large production to a period of small production and large demand. Beautiful monotone exterior design, most modern and appropriate for industrial plants engaged in food production. Red matt face brick exterior with pilaster and , panel effect and white enamel terra cotta trim and coping. Killing floor and food producing departments will be finished with white enamel brick and quarry tile. Located on our forty-acre tract outside of the congested South Side district but ad joining the Union Stock Yardt to the south. Ur.ion Pacific, Rock Island and Union Stock Yard rail road and driving chute connection. Six-foot sewer running through our property connecting with ' the sixteen-foot South Side trunk lewer. Skinner Packing Company Organized on a Strictly High-Grade Basis The President and the Chairman of (he Board of the Skinner Packing Company built up and control the Skinner Manufacturing Company, the world's largest producers of macaroni products. All meat specialties of the Skinner' Packing Company will be marketed through the present national sales force of the Skinner Manufacturing Com pany, which reaches every wholesale grocer in the United States. All specialties of the Skinner Packing Company will be marketed through wholesale grocers. . The Company has already received hundreds of letters from wholesale grocers in every part of the United States, asking for our products and in many cases have sent us blanket orders, in fact, if our plant were operating at this time, we could OVER SELL OUR PRODUCTS FOR AT LEAST A YEAR IN ADVANCE. In addition to this support from wholesale grocers, the Skinner name is known to millions of housewives throughout the United States as a high quality food product brand. SKINNER PLANT LOCATED 0 The stock yards and packing house district at Omaha is rtj pany owns of this acreage, over 40 acres, which represerf ownership of this acreage is vital for expansion purpose a: be hamDered or restricted in anv way in the operating or ll THINK WHAT THIS MEANS Omaha is now the world' it is the opinion of men who know, it will be the first live large independent packing house at this point. Fifty per being reshipped to other packing points because of lack of f J 4. 6. J". I P1 I C W WW V JTX' v..,;A;.yA:' .ifw.'K-iv v' II I H jiff flSi j?2 ( u .v , y ' f ;V i S,. li'jj The Net Profit from the Operation of this Plant the First Unit is Conservative Our estimated expense and operating cost is regarded -by the highest and most efficient authorities in the United States as most conservative. Our estimate is based on only 55 per cent, of the maximum yield of cattle and 78 per cent, on hogs and covers only 300 days' run throughout the year. We have a fixed charge in our cost of 6 per cent, on $3,500,000, besides liberal allowance for depreciation in equipment, on plant, machinery, insur ance, etc. Every item included in the cost estimate is conservative. Millions of Dollars Have Been Paid in Dividends to People Owning Stock in Packing Companies This is your opportunity to secure an investment in the eight per cent. Guaranteed, Preferred, Fully Participat ing stock of the Skinner Packing Company at the present selling price of $125 per share. This stock is fully par ticipating in the entire profits of the Company and is preferred as to the first eight per cent. Authority has been issued the Skinner Packing Company to sell its securities in the states of Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas, Wyo ming and Colorado. van mi 1 JULES ROSENBAUM Manager, Produce Department Skinner Packing Company, 1116 1118 Douglas Street. Hat been in the produce buiinest all kit bui. life and tucceisful. PAUL F. SKINNER Chairman of Board, Skinner Pack ing Company, alto Pretidenb of the Skinner Manufacturing Com pany, the world't largett distribut or and manufacturer! of 'Maca roni Products. Pretident, Skinner Baking Company, wholesale bakert. OUR. FIRST ISSUE OVER-SOLD BY $330,000. This stock is being offered to increase the Company's working capital, in order that the Company may take care of a larger volume of business. The stock is fully participat- ing in that no other class of stock has an opportunity or possibility of earning in any year any greater dividends than the stock now offered. In addition to this stock being a fully participating stock, it is guaranteed and pre ferred as to the first eight per cent. Understand, that when you are offered stock in other packing companies, the stock is generally limited to 6 per " cent, or 7 per cent, and you do not have an opportunity of participating in the real profits of the business. This Company has over four million dollars asset at this time, has been managed successfully and organized on a ! clean, high-grade basis. 1 PACKING COMPANIES HAVE SHOWN G The following is from the report of the Federal Trades Commission on the meat n ripnf. tn nrnrliiro fnr -fiva nnmro-riaa o tntnl nrnfif nf $QR 189 flflrt monaiirad M plus surplus), they averaged, in 1917, 21.6 per cent.; measured by the capital stct THEY AVERAGED, IN 1917, 39.5 per cent. ; and measured by the packers' actual 1 this last figure. All these are minimum figures for the reason that the packers' &d than reveal them. " Statement by Mr. Wm. B. Colver, Chairman of the Federal Trades Commission', af Commerce of the House of Representatives, January 2, 1919. . "Neither the commission, the packers, nor anyone else are in a position to state-an by-products during the packers' history. The only certain thing is that on the anim( Starting with an initial capitalization of $160,000 in 1867 (and it is not certain tha Co. have an equity today valued on the books at over $160,000,000, or a thous out some twenty-eight millions in dividends and never having invested an addition mission can learn." In addition to the above, here are a few dividends earned: Wilton & Company ...29.6, 1917 Swift & Company -mvsw Morris & Company... 22.6, 1917 Armour & Company. . Cudahy Packing Company 23.2, 1917 Western Meat Company..... We could show many others who are making enormous profits, were their figures o for the reason that the accounts are so constructed that they conceal, rather than r Commission and other current reports that have come to our notice, and to our bes SPECIAL NOTE Owing to the segrations of the different subsidiary companies o bougnt last August has accumulated a protit ot 50 per'cent. on his investment, an only the initial yields of Swift International and Libby, McNeil & Libby gives a retl1 CVTMMCD D A PTTMr r Omaha's Daylight, Snowwhite. Ind P il f 1 t XT I 1 ' . . Douin aiae, umana, neorasito. w KR AN Jin d BnJ lb Jlno ROBERT GILMORE Secretary of the Skinner Packing Company, alto Secretary of the Skinner Manufacturing Company, the world't largett diitributora and - manufacturer! of Macaroni Producti. PLANT: GENERAL OFFICES: 912 First National Bank Bid finanai ha i.4 8 .I . U.S. !-,, office ' i- -'f - 1 3' : J" . 1