XHP BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1913. 13 r m (A n 1 if 4 0 (i ( L ESTATE. UNIMPROVED. Miscellaneous. f BARGAIN, $4,000 neauwui lota. West Hsrney. BARGAIN, $2,500 autlful Iota. 41d, near Davenport. -J ba G. P. STEBBINS, 11 CHICAGO 8T BUILD NOW. Is food bulldlnr lots, with all tmprova Prices from Itoo to 1900. Can five ttrni. Douglas 8S. T RAVER BROS. 11 Flrat Nat1rBl Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. . PRESSED BRICK BUNGALOW. All modern, E roomi and bath on one floor. ' Oak finish and floors In living and dlntnf room. Near I'ountrv club In Benson. Two blorks to car and school. Large lot. trees, chicken house, etc. A real snap at U,oV For fur ther Information call Walnut 1 "S0. Dundee. ARTISTIC HOME IN DUNDEE. , ! On Cntrago Bt.. nmr Slat, surrounded . Ly flij norma and close to car lino and achool, we have one of the-most artistic , and comfortable homes In all this fine . district; bit living room, with fireplace; dlnlnt floom with buffet, aun room and kitchen, with extra large apace for dishes and kitchen utensils. Hecond floor has four flue bedrooms, tiled bath, enclosed and heated sleeping porch; large attlc.vxould be finished off if de sired, . bacrnnt has laundry tubs and Ruud hot water heater; oak woodwork, oak floor. -throughout; fine, large lot, cement driveway und garage. Price at 19.000. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1536. 333. fnrjtlcJJVdg. BRAND NEW' OAK 'BUNGALOW in Dun dee, $5,260. Terms: $500 cash and 147.6 per month. Call days. Douk. 1734. South Side. A, W. J ON liS. South Omaha, buys, sells, exchangea all, kinds of property. For results, quick action, see us JAS J. FITZGERALD. 4931 South 24th Bt., "Insurance." Buy and sell property. Rtal estate mortgage loans promptly made. REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES Sli.oOO, the moat desirable and beautiful new summer home, pressed brick and stucco - construction; completely fur nished; with garage and lake front cor ner lot, at Carter Lake, club. L. J. Nelson, owner. Brown building. Denver, Colo. For Information call Albert Edholm, D. 1963. REAL ESTATE WANTED BUNGALOWS WANTED. ( W have cash buyers for well located bungalowa and realdencea worth the money. For quick results list with us O'NEIL'S R. E. & INa AGENCY. 632-6 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1024. SUBMIT your proposition for trade of Omaha property or farm (n Douglas Co. or western land for 800 aer-vi j-rs u-e land In Butler Co., Neb., B miles from good town. C. V. Nelsons 61 ii mahi National Bank. i I HAVE a man who will buy your Im proved property and pay cash for It, but the price must be right. ' GEORGE B. JONES, REALTOR, 926 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1946. HAVE INQUIRIES "for i good homes In good location Do you want to aell your property? V1"1 " with c- A- ORIM- MEL. 849 Omaha Net I. Bank Bldg. CIST your property Titfi us. We have calls for homes and Investments., McCAClUE 1NV. CO. Phone D. 415. 15th and Dodge WIS nave buyers for good homes. List your property with us. Call Douglas 43. D. V. Hholes Company, 915 City Nations!, For qulbk reaulm list your property with ' S. P. BOSTW1CK & HON. 3 00 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1506. LIST your property for sale with J. B Robinson for quick sales. 442 Bee Bldg pt""" Poug. 8097 WANT listing on your property. Have buyer. Eugene Thomas. 413 Karhach . Blk.. Douglas 3607 FINANCIAL. Private Money. 1 "HOPE" COMPANY. Doug. 422a. iTJi to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. dT Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. CONVERT that Installment loan on your home Into a straight five-year mortgage and avoid thoae monthly paytnenta. E H. LOUGEB. INC. 638 Keellne Bldg. MONEY to lend on improved Real Estate. Interest payable semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS A SON. 2S8 Keellne Bldg. GIT J and farm loans; 6',i and per cent; no delay. J. H. Dumont Co.. 418 Keellne Bldg, No Delay Closing Loans. W. T. GRAHAM. 04 Bee Bldg. . Doug. 1521. LOW rates withAut delay. C. O. CARLBERO, $13 Brandels Theater Bldg. OMAHA HOMES-EAST. NEB. FARMS O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO. 102$ Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. , P. 2716. Stocks and Bonds. WE BUY and sell Liberty Bonds. Mack's Bond House. 1411 First Nat. Bk. Bldn FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. -South Side' Acres on i Car Line and Paved Road $525, $650 and $850 $20 Cash ' $10 Per Month. Beat and cheapest acres offered are on West Q St., at 56th, In South Side Acres ' Addition. You can't beat these acres anywhere. Fine, rich, productive land. Ideal for gardening, fruit and poultry-raising. No Restrictions Build What You Like. Get started this spring on a home of your own. If you are not ready to build, buy your aero and raise what vou eat, but make the start before these tthe last cloae-In acres) are gone. Will Plow Wee.- any acre sold within the next 30 day's. .lust SO acres left (all choice) in .this 130-acre addition; three half acres tt an acre la too much. Call us up and let us take you out soon so that you ran pick out what you want and have it plowed so that you can plant an early garden. Hastings & Heyden, ISM Harney St. , Phbne, Tyler 50. 10 ACRES improved, close In; Immediate possession. Elef Nllsson, 423 Securities , r Arkansas Lands. APRIL 22ND. ' Our next round trip $30 excursion to McGehee, Ark. For horaeseekers only. W. 8. FRANK. $03 Neville Blk., Omaha. Canadian Lands. , CANADA LAND WANTED. Give legal descriptions, and best price and terms in first letter. Address 824 Metropolitan Bank Building, jflnneapolls. Minn. Colorado Lands. QUARTER of fine level land, 7 miles from Julesburg, Colo., all fenced, and 60 acrea fine fall wheat all goes with land. Land all level as a floor, but 20 acres on one corner. Price of land, $30 por acre, if sold before April"15. 191 . Write f!. L. Tate. 66 Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Neb. CHOICE Imp. or raw quarter, half sec. y or larger, Lincoln Co., bargains: easy terms. J. 1 Maurer. .Arriba. Colo Montana Lands. BUY OUR JUDITH BASIN MONTANA WHEAT FARMS On the half-crop payment plan after the first payment la made. Some have bldgs. and some are partly In Yop. Agents wanted. See Wm. H. Brown A Kens. IN. I4 Salle St.. Chicago, 111., or lfobson. Montana. Eee Want-ads pav big profits to ihc people who read them. BRINGING UP FATHER DO YOU fHINK a - MINUTfJ! FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. GOOD VALLEY FARM. 1:fi a'-re improved. 21 miles to Omaha 4 miles from Waterloo, Douglas county, Nebraska; 70 acres cultivated, 6 acres alfalfu. balance pasture and hay meadow, will rent $1,200; price, $1,800; owner will accept residence or Bunga low as part payment. HELD LAND CO., 6i4 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 9148. FOR SALE A 160-ac.re, well Improved farm five miles wesi. of Clarks, Neb.; 125 acres under cultivation, balance In hay and pasture; good loam soil. Wjjl make you an attractive price. Address Box Y-430, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Five' sections, fenced, living water; 1,000 acres tillable: long grass pasture. A real stock and grain propo sition. J. R. Carter. Bush ell.' Neb 320 ACRES Improved: western Nebraska wheat farm at $12,800. A mighty good buy. C. D. Armstrong. 826-6 Securities Bldg. DouglBS 12S0. FROM owner, 56 acres, well Improved, 2 miles from- FlorenSe. Walnut 1466, Or chard 2461, Fontenelle Boulevard, Oma ha. Neb. WRITE me for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In good old Datvtt county. Arab L. Hungerford. Crawford Neb. MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A LARSON. .Central City. Neb IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms Kimball Co., Nebraska. R. E. Holmes Bushnell. Neb. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. 301 Karbsch Blk. Tyler 684. Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLEY. Oregon, offers you a home in the land of sunshine, where conditions are right for raising alfalfa and cattle. Address. Jordan Valley Farms. Boise. IdnUu Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $50 mi a.. Including psld up water right. -lenry T,evl C. M. Rylander. 854 Omaha ' a WYOMING land; Inrnis and ranches all sizs, reasonable prices and terras. For Information, write Ben C. Blnns, Moor croft, Wyo. Miscellaneous. IF you are looking for land o-it west and want It at the right price, write to me about it. , D. W. Adams, 1441 Central Tramway Loop, Denver, Colo. Formerly of Nebraska and Iowa. KIMBALL County, Neb., Laramie county, Wyoming, farm land; particulars from O. V. NELSON, 616 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. FARM LANDS WANTED. WANT to buy SO to 160 acres eastern Ne braska or western Iowa. Must be a barsain. V. M. MICHAEL COMPANY. 510 Electric Bldg. Omaha, Neh WANTED To hear from owner of farm for sale. Mrs. Booth, H. P. Sta., Des Moines. Iowa. Wfc will sell your farm; timely sales; quick returns. Held Land Co.. 664 Brandeis Bide. FARM LANDS FOR RENT. FOR RENT Well improved 14 acres. Poultry, fruit and truck farm. Council BluffH. Webster 4074. AUTOMOBILES. FORD SEDAN DEMONSTRATOR In unusually Rood condition. C. E. PAULSON MOTOR COMPANY Am-s Ave r.nd Florence Blvd. Authorized Ford Dealers. Phono i.'ol. T 4 FORD SEDAN DEMONSTRATOR In unusually good condition. C. E. PAULSON MOTOR COMPANY Ames Ave. and Florence felvd. Authorized Ford Dealers. JTel. Col. 146 "RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MILE. YOU ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 60 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO., DOUG. 3622. 1314 HOWARD. WE WILL ship, subject to examination, ' our 3,600-mile guaranteed tires at thesi low prices: 30x3 $ 7.S0 30x3i 10.26 Express charges prepaid If cash accom panies order. STANDARD TIRE CO. 410 No. 16th St. FOR SALE One Ford truck, jiew, equip ped with pneumatic tires all around and enclosed commercial body. One Peerless limousine in first class running order. One Stearns Knight "8" in ex cellent condition. Will sell these cars at a right price or would exchange for desirable house south of Farnam St. G. H. BREWER. ' " South Side, Omaha. Neb. NW FORbVHlNEY-COMB RADIATORS SPECIAL PRICE WHILE THEY LAST. 1916 Model. $21.00; 1917 Model. $21.60 Write for prices on Dodfee-Bulck-Overland and other models, new and used. '' OMAHA RADIATOR TIRE CO.. 2064 Farnam. 181 Cuming St. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used care bought, sold and exchanged We buy for cash snd sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garage 1026-8 Farnam 8t Douglaa 4101. MEEKS AUTO CO. FOR SALE A 1917 Maxwell car. Has two bodies. Can be used for delivery, also touring In fine shape and a good looker. Has never had any hard use. Buy from owner, 2406 Leavenworth. 1918 SEVEN passenger Bulck touring car, model E 49, in first-class condition; newly painted , , NEBR. BUICK AUTO CO. Tyler 1760 Wth and Howard FOR SALE Milium electric In fine running order; looks like new, with charging rectfier. First $750 takes it. Louis H. Noble, Omaha, Neb., Douglas 1059. Re.f 778. Used cars of exceptional value. . GUY l:smith, 256 farnam St. D. 1H70. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICE8. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 2020 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. AUTO STORAGE 24-HOUR SERVICE. SERVICE GARAGE. 16th and Leavenworth. Doug. 7000. WANTED FOR SPOT CASK, 100" USE!" CARS: quick .1. tl'in: nn d'''V At!') i Eichange Cu, :vsS raluaui tu V. int.) y ' I I'M 40NNA. AUTOMOBILES. NEW retreader; latest and best cut; costs less; makes seven dltferent treada. Write, wtre or call. Duplex Tire Co.. 114 South .l 7th St. NEW and used Ford, Ames oodles, Im mediate delivery. O'Rourke Goldstrom Auto Co.. 3701 So 24th. So. 399. SLI.LING only privately-owned used cars. The Omaha Used Car Market, 2517 Leavenworth St. Tyler 2347. - , , THE DIXIE FLYER, W. B. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 2620 Farnam St. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. , MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Fnrnam St. $100 for rnagueto we can't fix: patentee Afftriity Spark Plug. O. Bays- dorfer. 210 N. 18th. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Bayfield carburetora and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. -XPERT Repairing Guaranteed service. SERVICE GARAGE. 16th and Leavenworth. Doug 7000.' FORD MARKET New Ford to out of town customers. Farnam St. BARGAINS IN USF" CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 15th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. S500 WHEN you think of used cars, think of Trawver Auto Co. 1910 Farnam St. BUICK-touringody for $45; is lngood condition. Wm. Pfeiffer Auto and Car riage Works, 2525 Leavenworth. GOOD' USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. 1918 Ford Sedan, fine condition. Cheap. Tyler 1592. NEW Ford touring bodies. $125. 2230 Cars tor Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive yourself; st very reasonable prices: no extras to pay. Nebraska Serv ice Garage, 19th and Farnam. Douglas 7390. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone, Congress. Lee Pullman. Flak. Write for prices. Mention slaes. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 F.VRN AM. TIRES ONE-HAIF PRICE. GUARANTEED $.000 MILES. $0x3 $ 7 60l!flx3tt $ .$. 32x3.Uj 10.25132x4 11.76 32x4 11.60134x4 12.00 We furnish the old tires. Agents wanted. 3 IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANY, 1516 Davenport Street. GAIN more miles; have your tires i treaded by G. & G. Tire Co. 2415 Leavenwortn. Tyler 1261-W. Repairing and -Minting. WE NOT ONLY REPAIR YOUR , RADIATOR, BUT CAN BUILD YOU A NEW ONE. RADIATOR REPAIR SHOPS and DEALERS: Write us for prices on new cores. No weeks of waiting for that new radiator or fender. Built to your order, any style, for automobile, truck or tra-tor, in 24 hours. Patronize your home Industry. The only Radiator and Fender manu facturing company In the west. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE COMPANY. 1819 Cuming. 2064 Farnam.' Omaha. Neb. F. P. BARNUM CO., 2125 Cuming. Doug las 8014. High grade automobile painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLE AND SIDE CAR 1918 TWIN CYLINDER, THREE SPEED. Electrically equipped, generator, amme ter, lights, horn, speedometer, three near ly new non-skid tires, leather air cushion tandon, pump. Cost $405 new, will take $325; run only 6.000 miles; engine In fine condition. Phone or write J. ('. Blissard, 509 South 31st St., Omaha. Thone Harney 6372. ' HAKLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos, the Motorcycle man. 27th and Leavenworth sts. PERSONAL THE SALVATION Army Industrial Home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaxines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home 1110-1112-1114 Dodee St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR SALE for $15 Pedigreed thorough bred fox terrier male dog coming 3 years old; perfectly marked; most intel ligent and home broke; safe for chil dren. Will sell only to party guaran teeing good home. Phone Walnut 291i. Address 706 North 501 h St. RUFUS RED BELGIAN HARES' for sale, from pedigreed and registered stock, ab solutely healthy and guaranteed, or money refunded. Write me your wants. A. J. Meduna, 214 So. Kimball, Gracd Island, Neb. BUFFINGTON selling eggs, $1.00 and $2.00 per dozen. Thoroughbred. Call Red 6476. PEDIGREED SILVER male cat at service. Mrs. Miller. 3103 Dorcas, Harney 4788. WHEAT screenings $2.00 per hundred. A. W Wagner. Si' N. 6th St.. Doug. 1142 WHITE ROCK hatching eggs, from Om aha show winners. Benson 288. Horses Live Stock Vehicles, HARNESS. SADDLES and TRAVELING GOODS. We make them ourselves and sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two profits fur Inferior goods when you can get high grade goods at first coat' ALFRED CORNISH & CO., 0 Phone Doug. 2314. 1210 Farnam. RECENTLY discharged fro) the servj.ee, must sell at once 2,700 lb. team of chunky Belgian mares; gelding, 7 years old, fat and used to farm work and other harness; one 6-year-old black geld ing; also 1,150-lb. mare, 7 years old, fat, gentle and sound, $100. 2225 Leavenworth. DON'T FORGET the big horse am" mulf auctions at stock yarda stables next Wednesday. Expect a good run of choice farm mares, matched teams of farm chunks ana one carload or farm, mules Sale atarts at 10 o'clock- L C Gallup. ' Auctioneer " V 1 . INCORPORATED S. W. Cor. 17th and Dcfuglas Sts., , ' Omaha. Guarantees yon 69'con your money in any amount from $1 00 up to $5,000. Litera ture sent-upoi: request. AMERICAN SECURITY CO., Fiscal Agents. 20? 3o. 17th S., Omaha, Neb. Copyright, 191T. International News Service. HEY ! LET HE HWE HAVE CUP OF COFFEE WHILE! I'M WAiTIN'FER THE REtT! Market LIVE STOCK Omaha, April 2, 1919. P.ereipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Stieep. Official Jlontlnv 6.620 13,149 7,966 Official Tuesday 7.239 16,718 15,08$ Estlmaio Wednesd'y. 4.800, 14,500 6.30U Three days this week ,18.039 SI. 218 20.S3 Same days last week.19,719 54,320 23,172 Same two weeks ago.21,040 47,254 34,274 Same a weeks ago.. 26,316 51.050 23.053 Same daya year ago. 26, 946 60,187 26,369 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 8 o'clock p. m., April 2, 1919: RECEIPTS CARS. Cat. Hogs. Sheep. H e. C, M. & St. P 2 2 Wabash 6 3 Missouri Pacific .... 4 1 Union Pacific .42 6 10 C. & N. W., east 16 12 C. & N. W., west 34 23 .. 3 C, St. P., M. & 0...23 22 0., B. & Q., east... 19 3 11 I'., B. & Q., west 20 28 13 C, R. I. & P., east. ..14 u ,. 1 :., R. I, & p.. west... l l Illinois Central 2 3 Chi. Gt. West 3 1 Total receipts . . . .186 203 24 DISPOSITION H EA D. Cattle. Hogs. Sh eep. Morns Co 648 Swift & Co 966 Cudahy Packing Co.1,014 Armour & Co 1,092 Schwartz & Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co. 37 So. Omaha Pack. Co. 6 675 480 70H 483 4S5 1,825 3,230 2,67:i 977 3,709 Omaha Packing Co. Hoffman Bros J. Roth & Sons Mayerowlch & Vail. fllDKahArv 17 10 23 , 30 6 2 76 1 P. O'Dea Wilson W. B. Van Sant & Co 29 F. P. Lewis 265 Huntzinger & Oliver 63 .1. B. Root & Co 61 .... J. H. Bulla R M. Burruss & Co. Rosenstock Bros. . . . F. G. Kellogg W'th'mer & Degan Ellis & Co Sullivan Bros A. Rothschild Mo.-Kan. C. & C. Co E. G Christie Baker lohn Harvey Jensen & Lundgren. Dennis & Francis... Cheek & Krebs Midwest Other buyers 6 10 74 94 21 66 17 42 13 ' 27 35 236 19 67 23 36 890 Total 6,999 13,889 3,131 Cattle Another very moderate run of cattle showed up about 4,800 head, anc? the three days' supply has been about re.000 head, or 777,600 short of the first half of last week and 15,000 short of the corresponding days a year ago. De mand was good from both packers i and shipping buyers, but, as was the case on Tuesday, all classes of buyers were fight ing any further advance and trade opened out rather slow. Anything attractive in the way 'of beef, regardless of weight, sold a little stronger, but for the most part it was a good, steady trade and reasonably active. Cow stuff ruled steady to a shade stronger than Tuesday, and while there was .not much activity in stockers and feeders, the tone to the trade was strong and the limited fresh offerings all' cleaned up In good season. Quotations on cattle: Prime steers, $18.00 1 8.25 ; Kood to choice beeves, $16.76 17.75; fair to good beeves, $1S.7516.50; common to fair beeves, $14 O015.6O; good to choice yearlings, $15,003)16.60; fair to good yearlings, $I3.2514.75; common to fair yearlings, $10.6013.00; good to choice heifers, $12.60)14.50; prime cows. $13 00 14.25; good to choice cows, $10.76 13.00; fair to good cows,: $8 S010.60 common to fair cows, $5.25)8.25; choice to prime feeders, $14.26 16.06; good to choice feeders, $13.0014.00; medium o good feeders, $11.6013.00; good lo choice stockers, $10.00(312:50; fair to good stockers, $9.0010.00; common to fair stockers, $7.00S.60$ stock heifers, $8.50 10.00; stock cows, $7. 60$. 00; stock calves, $8.001!.00; veal calves, $8.00 13.75; bulls, stags, etc., $9.5013.00. Hogs Receipts amounted to 20S loads estimated at 14,6000 head. Shippers en tered the trade early paying better prices than yesterday's close from 1026c higher than the general market. Packers were slow to follow this advance, and trading became draggy. Bulk of sales was $19.50 19.80 and top at $19.95, around 15c higher than yesterday's average market. Sheep Receipts amounted to 23 loads estimated at 6,800 head. Trading was a little slow in opening, salesmen asking a trifle higher prices than yesterday, most of the fat lambs selling from $19.75 20.15, with a few a trifle higher. The market was around 1015c higher than yes terdt y. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, $19.6020.10; lambs, fair to good, $19.0019.60; lambs, feeders, $18.0018.7o; yearlings, fair to good, $17.00(817.60; wethers, fat, $15.0016.50; ewes, good to choice. $14.0014.60; ewes, fair to good, $12.0014.00: ewe feeders. $7.O08.60. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, April 2. (U. S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 6,000 head; good and choice beef steers and jshe-stock, steady; bulls, slow to lower; calves, 25c higher: feeders, steady; heavy beef steers, $11.6O20.40; light beef steers, $10.00 18.60; butcher cows and heifers, $7.40 15.50; banners and cutters, $5.6510.00; veal calves, $13.00(915.25; Blocker and feeder steers, $8.25(6)15.50. Hogs Receipts, '17.000 head; market strong; mostly 6c higher than yesterday's average: top, $20.15; bulk of sales, $19.85 20.10; heavyweight, $19.9520.16; me dium weight, $19.802O.15; lightweight $19.3520.06: light, light. $18.0019.65; sows, $17.7519.50: pigs, $17.018.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,000 head: market mostly 25c higher; prime Colorado fed 'wooled lambs, $20.50; prime shorn lambs, $17.50; shorn ewes. $12.76; lambs, 8S pounds or less, $18.5020.50; 86 pounds or better. $18. 00(620.40; culls, $14.00 18.00; ewes, medium and good, $12.25(g) 15.50; culls and common, $6.0012.25. Chicago Potatoes, Chicago. April 2. Potatoes Stronger: receipts, 65 cars; northern white sacked, bulk, $1.651.80; western sacked russets, $2.20 cwt. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. BIG young team of mares, strong and healthy; also a lighter team; will sefT any ay to dispose of them. Come to my house at 1037 So. 24th St., near Pacific. MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND 11 Cf LIBERTY BONDS. O CI O w. C. FLATAU. EST. 189J. ,0 6TH FLR SECURITY BLDG.. TT. $50 Uigainzed by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, planoa and notea as secur ity. $40. 6 tnn , II. goods, totsl, $3.60 PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, , 432 Security Bldg . 16th & Farnam. Ty. 6 Lowest rates Private loan booths Harry rry n Maleshock. 1514 r nrtge. D 6619 Est. 18 DIAMOND AND JltWELRX LOANS, J SKi ' and Industrial News of GRAIN MARKET Omaha Grain Market, Omaha, April 2, 1919. Receipts of corn of 136 cars for yeste -day and today were fairly liberal i'id much larger than those of any . Iher grain. Other receipts were 19 cars of wheat, 63 cars of corn, 19 cars of rye Hnd 17 cars of barley. Corn had a ready sale at prices ranging from unchanged to 3 cents higher, the bulk showing en advance of about 3 cents. Oats were 3 cents highor. Rye advanced 11 to 12 cents and barley 3 to 4 cents. A statement by the head of the food administration that It v ould pur chase more rye, corn and barley flour for export to neutral countries was said to be a cause for the advance in these grains. Wheat was stronger, No. 3 h'ard bringing $2.62. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts Today. Wk. Ago. Tr. Ago. Wheat 19 Corn 4. ..13 Oats 63 Rye J 9 Barley '17 Shipments Wheat 221 Corn 84 Oats 91 Rye 2 Barley 11 4 49 17 5 18 mi 63 61 4 5 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. ' Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago 16 Kansas City 70 St. Louis 102 Minneapolis 404 Duluth 7 193 114 107 Corn No. 2 white: 2 cars, $1.5. No. 3 white: 2 cars, $1.66; 3 cars. $1.55: 2 cars, $1.54. No. 4 white: 3 cars, $1.62. No. 6 white. 1 car, $1.52 (old); 1 car, $1.61 (old). No. 2 yellow: 2 cars, $1.60 (old). No. 3 yellow: S cars, $1.58; 6 cars, $1.67: 4 2-5 cars, $1.56. No. 4 yel low: 4 cars, $1,56; 17 cars, $1.64; 6 cars, $1.63. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.50: 2 cars, $1.49. No. 6 yellow: 1 car. $1.60; 1 car, $1.4S; 1 car, $1.46 (sour); 1 car, $1.45 (sour). No. 3 mixed: 3 cars, $1.54. No. 4 mixed: 6 cars. $1.62; 7 cars, $1.51; J-5 car. $1.51 . No. 5 mixed: 1 car. $1.51 (oats); 1 car, $1.50; 6 cars, $1.48. Sample mixed: 1 car. $1.46; 3-5 car. $1.30. Oats No. 2 white: 1 car, 68c. Standard: 2 cars, 67ic. No: 3 white: 1 car, 670 (shippers' weights); 1 car, 67 c; 8 cars, 67c. Rye No. 1: 1 car. $1.67. No. 2: 1 car, $1.67. No. 3: 2 cars, $1.66. Sample: 1 car. $1.60. Wheat No. 3 hard: 1 car, $2.52. No. 4 hard: 1 car, $2,40 (yellow, smutty). No. 1 northern spring: 3-5 car. $2.45 No. 6 northern spring: 1 car, $2.38. No. 3 durum: 1 car, $2.18 (red). No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $2.18 (durum, smutty). No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $2.50; I car, $2.60 (durum); 1 car, $2.18 (smutty); 1 car. $2.15 liti'ut tv). No. 5 mixed: 1 car. $2.30. Sample mixed:, 35 sacks. $2.75. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, April 2. Sensational upturns In the value of corn took place today and were accompanied by an excited rush to the bull side of the market Notice that exports of wheat to neutral countries had been stopped by the food administration was chiefly responsible, as corn would therefore be expected to come Into greater request for shipment to Europe as a sub stlute. Besides, the election outcome In Chicago of a victory for the "wets" was held to Imply an increased demand for rye and barely by Interests which still looked for the defeat of prohibition. Open ing prices for corn showed a Jump of 1H to 6c, with May, $1.521.66V4, and July, $14114 1.44, and September, $1.35 , qoi T,,ii. miHa on advance of an other' cent, but then the market eased backed somewhat as a result oi prom t&Ktng Oats rose with corn. After opening lc, with May 6566, th'e market continued to harden. Provisions ascended to the maximum limit for one day. Strength in the hog market, together with the sensational bulge in grain, furnished the reason. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain Art. 1 Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y. CMa"y 1.5214 1.6814 1.6214 1.57 Vi 1B1 Vi J'y 1.4114 1.4614 1.41 1-46 1.39 Sp. 1.35 1.3814 1 35 ! 1.8714 1.32,, Oats ,., May .6514 -68 .6514 -6714 .64 jly .65 .66 -65 .66 .63- Sep. .6114 .63 .6114 -63 PMay 47.30 47.60 47.30 47.30 46.30 J'ly 44.55 44.65 44.65 44.55 43.55 Lard May 28.80 28.80 28.76 28.80 28.30 J'ly 28.30 128.35 28.35 28.35 27.85 Rtt May 26.15 26.15 2.x65 J'lv 25.00 1 125.00 24.47 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. Minn., April 2 Flour unchanged. Barley 4c$1.05. Bran $38. CO. Corn $1.6501.67. Oats 65146614c. Flax $3.763.78. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, jlprll 2. Corn May, $1.61 H; July, $1.47T4.' Oats May, 6914; July, 6614c. Kansas City Grain, Kansas City, Mo.. April 2. Corn May, $1.58Vi; July, $1.4714; September. $1.375. New York Cotton. New York, April 2. Mercantile Paper Unchanged. Sterling Sixty-day bills, $4. 58 com mercial 60-day bills on banks, $4.6714; commercial 60-day bills, $4.6614; demand. $4.61; cables, $4.62. Francs Demand, $6.05; cables, $6.04. Guilders Unchanged. Lire Demand, $7.15; cables, $7.10. Time Loans Steady; unchanged. Call Money Easier; high, 5; low, 41; closing bid, 414 offered at 414; last loan, 4', 4 per cent. Wool. London. April 2. Ten thousand three hundred bales of wool were sold at auc tion here today. The attendance was large and there was a strong demand. Good Msrlnos and fine crossbreds were 10 per cent, and other grades unchanged to 6 per cent over the government minimum price. All the allies except America were buyers Chicago Produce. Chicago, April 2. Butter Higher: creamery, 65Sjj63!ic. Eggs Lower: receipts. 31,759 cases; firsts, 381439i4c: ordinary firsts, 38M 3814c; at mark rases Included, 38tS39c' storage packed, firsts, 4114 c. Poultry Alive, higher; springs, $3c; fowls, 37c. ' New York Prod are. New York, April 2. Butter Steady; unchanged. Eitss Firm: unchanged Cheese Steady: unchanged. Foultrj Firm; unchanged Drawn for The Bee by it FINANCIAL New York. April 2. Regardless of the fact that many substantial gains were made and fairly well sustained, trading on the stock exchange today was the most perfunctory and least Interesting of any session in several weeks. The volume of trading kept pace with recent moderately large averages, but centered to an un wonted degree In special Issues which are expected to derive most benefit from the restoration of normal conditions in foreign countries. Newa from abroad threw little addi tional light on the course of the peace proceedings, but aome advices lost none of their promising character, the one ad verse development, a cut in the Mldvale Steel dividend, exerting virtually no ad verse effect. Steels and equipments as a whole were strong, United States Steel scoring sn ex treme advance of 1H to par, but yielding fractionally at the end with other leaders, including the Investment rails. Shipping, otls, coppers and the distilling and food shares commanded greater attention, how ever, at gross advances of 1 to 4 points, moderate Impairment resulting on selling for profits. Numerous secondary specialties, such ss chemical and paper Issues, also American Woolen, Hide and Leather preferred and Barrett company, were firm to strong, but motors and their subsidiaries reacted 1 to 2 pointb under subsidiaries reacted For the first time since the "unpegging" of rates, the market for exchange on Lon don was distinctly Btrong, Italian re mittances also steadying, but francs eased again. , . Bonds were quiet but steady, Liberty 'is sues varied slightly and domestic rails and utilities hardened. Total sales (par value) aggregated $13,150,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. Sales In Hundreds High, Amer. Beet Sug.. 9 7614 American Can... 96 52 Am. Car. Fdry.. 8 90i Low. Close 75 75 lj 6114 61L, 90 90 '4 Am. Locomotive. 12 66 K 66 -i, 70i Am. Smlt. & Rcf. 81. 70 1.9 Am. Mug. Ker... Am T. i T Anaconda Cop. . . Atchison Atl. G. & W. I. S. S. Lines Balto. A Ohio... Butte & Su. Cop. Cal. Pet Can. Pacific .... ("en. Leather ... Ches. A Ohio... C. M. & S. P Chi. & N. W C. R. I. & P., cfs Chino Copper . . . Col. F. & I Corn Pro. Ref. . . Crucible Steel . . Cuba Cane Sugar 15 12514 124t 125 104 1115(4 62 14 2 lt 92 13 ins 116 62'i 279 122 7 48 74 119 4814 12114 48 23 I 25 15914 76 58 3814 95 24 36 41 68 '5 66 23 63 16 15614 170 V, 9314 41 99 61 14 114 26 46 18 32 113 19 4 100 100 25 160 7714 6S 38 14 15914 75 68 14 38 13 63 350 20 60 2464 361b tl? 60 67 23 64 16 24'4 35 41 68 661? 23 63 '4 16 1514 1701 9314 41 Hist. Securities.. 82 Erie v. 3 General Electric 3 157 Gen. Motors 81 171 Gt. Northern pd. 30 93 tit. Nor. Ore Ctfs 13 4114 Illinois Central Inspiration Cop.. 231 61 14 int. Mr. Mar. pfd 475 1151, Int. Nickel .... 63 26 int. Paper 101 4614 K. C. S Kennecatt Cop... 79 32 Lou. &: Nash. ... Maxwell Motors 60 113 26 '6 Mex. Pet 325 183 Miamo Copper .. 14 2 4 14 181 182 23 2414 Missouri iJacinc. 20 Nevada Copper . 5 N. Y. Central... 12 N. Y N. H. H Nor. & West Northern Pacific. 23 Pacific Mail .... 3 Pennsylvania .. 7 Pittsburg Coal .. 10 Ray Con. Cop.... 18 Reading 49 Rep. I. & S 13 Shat. Ariz. Cop. 33 24 23 24 16 16 16 7514 74 75 29 105 92 34 44i 48 20 83 83 12 '4 93 34 4 49 20 84 83 92 34 44U 48 V4 20 83 81 12 11 Southern Pacific 141 102 14 Southern Railway 20 28 14 Studebaker Corp. 72 65 Texas Co 39 212 Union Pacific... 17 129M, 101 loia; 28 28 64 64 210 212 128 129 148 148 98 99 114 114 75 75 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 291 15114 U. s. Steel 1,567 1110 IT. S. Steel pfd. 2 114 Utah Copper . . West. Electric 68 75 19 46 46 46 70 70 000 shares. Beth'. B. 306 71 Total sales for the day, 865, New Fork Bond List. U.S. 2s. reg 98Gen. Elec. 6s.. .1 01 U.S. 2s, cou 98Gt. N. 1st 4s. U.S. 3s, reg 89 Ul.Cen. ref. 4s U.S. 3s, cou... 89 Int. M. M. 6s... U.S. Lib. 3s. . .99.08K. C. So. ref. 5s U. S. 4s, reg,.105i4L. & N. un. 4s. U. S. 4s, cou. . .10514M., K. &T.lst4s Am. For. Sec. 6s 98Mo. Pac. gen. 4s Am. T.AT.clt. 6s 91 Mon. Pow. 6s.. Anglo-French 5s 97 N. Y. Cen.deb.6s Arm. & Co. 4s 88No. Pac. 4s Atchison gen 4s 82No. Pac. 3s B. & O. cv. 4s 740. S. L. ref. 4s Beth. S. ref 6s 88 Pac. T. & T. 5s Cent. Lea. 6s... 96 Penn. con. 4s l ent. Pac. 1st.. 78 Penn. gen. 4s. C. & O. cv. 5s. 83Read. gen. 4s.. C .CD i la ttCSLatT P. G V C 65 79 98 82 83 63 58 91 97 82 58 85 91V 94 85 83 63 01 93 89 86 87 00 94 CM&StP cv.4 76 So. Pac. cv. 6s. 1 C.R.I. &P.rcf.4s 70So. Ry. 6s C. & S. ref. 4s 77'Tex. & Pac. 1st D. &R. G.ref. 6s 48 U. P. 4s D. of C. 6s '31.. 97U. S. Rub. 6s.. Erie gen. 4s.... 62U. S. Steel 6s. 1 Bid, Asked. 'Wabash 1st Liberty Bonds. New York, April 2. Liberty bond final prices today were: 3s, 99.08: first 4s, 94.80; second 4s. 93.54; first 414s, 94.80 second 4'is, 93.54; third 414s, 95.48; fourth 4s, 93.64. St. Joseph Live stork. St. Joseph, Mo., April 2. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,200; market weak; eteers, $13.00 0)18.50; cows and heifers, $6,000.15.60: calves, $7.0013.60. Hogs Receipts, 6,600; ' market slow; top, $20.00; bulk of sales, $19. 40(920. 00. Sheep Receipts, 8,500; market steady; lambs, $18.5020.00; ewes. $13.COlg15.00. Typewriters and Adding Machines All Makes For Rent Special rates to students. Central Typewriter Exchange D. 4121 1908 Farnam St. George McManus MEVER MIND THE - tr the Day Short Term Notes Dally quotation sheet furnished by Peters Trust company: IT. S. Liberty 1st 3s U. S. Liberty 2d 4s IT. R. Liberty 3d 41Js U. S. Liberty 4th 4s Am. Foreign Sec. (1919). . . Am. Tel. & Tel. 6s (1926).. Am. Telephone s (1924)..., Am. Tobacco 7s (1922).... Am. Tobacco 7s (1823).... .99.08 .93.64 .95.44 .93.60 . 99 .103 . 9914 .108 .103 . 98 .10014 .100 .100 .100 .101 .101 .10114 . 99 .101 . $614 .100 .103 .103 .119 .103 . 96 r" 99 103 99 103 104 98 100 100 100 101 101 101 101 99 102 87 100 104 103 134 103 Anaconda Copper 6 (1929) Arm. Conv. Deb. 6a Arm. Conv. Deb. 6s Arm. Conv. Deb. 6a Arm. Conv. Deb. 6s Beth. Steel 7s (1919) (1919). (1942). (1923) . (1924) . Beth. Steel 7s (1922) Beth. Steel 7 (1923) Canada 5s (1921) Cudshy 7s (1923) Int. R. T. 6s (1921) Kan. City Ter. 6s (1923).. Proctor & G. 7s (1923) Proctor & G. 7 (1922).. Russian Rubles 6Hs (1936). Union Pacific 6s (192$) Wilson & Co. (1928)..... REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Anna E. Cain & hbd to Viola Ryan, Ellison Ave. 72 ft.' w. of Florence Blvd, s. s., 40x126 ft Grayce C. Marsh & hbd. to Jennie May Young, n. e. cor. 43d & New berry St., 47x108 ft John H. Broomfleld, extr. et al, to Myrtle Crutchfleld, Patrick Ave., 120 ft. e. of 26th St, n. s., 66x. 126 ft Alice Quads & hbd. to William H. Russell, n. w. cor. 32d & A St.. 60x130, ft Richard R. Evans to Jfimlle W. Hickok et a I, 62d St.. 210 ft. a. of Dodge St., e. s 60x128 ft John F. Glebel & wife to Maude B. High, Florence Blvd. 400 ft. e. of 24th St.,. n. 0. 60x120 ft Evelyn B. Stamp & hbd. to George Martin Beck, Grant St. 100 ft. w. of 42d St. n s. 60x120 ft Security Land' & Improvement Co. to Gertrude Beatty, n. e. cor 27th ft, Janes St., 45x128 ft Mattle J. Wright & hbd. to Robert L. Smith, 16th St. 80 ft. n. of M St., e. s. 40x130 ft Frank H. Parsons & wife to Guy Liggett, s. w cor. 19th & Dodge St., 132x198 ft Charles E. Foster to John A. Palm qulst. 41st St. 150 ft n. of Califor nia St., w. s. 60x128 ft John Jankowski & wife to Immacu late Conception church, 24th St. 63.4 ft. n. of Elm st. w. s. 31. 8x 156 ft Frank Hennlng Anderson & wife to Antoinette Winans, Charles St. 81.5 ft. w. of 45th St. n. s. 50x 130 ft Carl H. Nordman & wife to S. M. Elwood et al, X St. 100 ft. w. of 41st St., s. s. 100x131 ft Dora Rothholz & hbd. to Adeline Murhan, n. w. Cor. 23 & G. St. 60x110 and other property....... United Investment Co. to James P. Slater, a. w. Cor. 49th & Hickory St. 100x132 ft $4,200 5,000 " 7,000 1,100 1,800 1,750 4,200 3,000 1,000 75,000 600 2,350 400 3,250 6,070 450 New York Coffee. New York, April 2. An opening ad vance of 4 to 15 points was checked by scattered realizing and a little selling for trade account in the market for coffee futures here today. Reactions followed with December selling off from $14,09 to $13.90. In the late trading on reports of a slightly easier tone In Brazil, July re acted from $14.63 to $14.51 but May was relative firm owing to the steadiness of the spot market, with the close net S points higher to 14 points lower on the lowest. May, $13.15; July, $14.50 Septem ber, $14.16: October, $14.07; December, $13.88; January, $13.93; March, $13.96. Spot Coffee Steady; Rio 7s. 16c; Santos 4s, 2!c. New York Generat. New York, April 2. Flour, firm; winter straights, 11.25fr 11.60. Wheat Spot, firm; No. 2 red, $2.36, elevator export. Corn Spot, strong; No. J white an No. 2 yellow, $1.86, tost and freight New York. Oats Spot, strong; standard. 7778c. Pork Strong; mess, $61,00; family, $54.0O?l65.OO. , Lard Strong mlddlewest, $29.4029.50. Tallow Strong; city special loose, llc bid. " Other articles unchanged. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City. Ia., April 2. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,000 head market 25c higher; beef steers, $12.6017.00; fat cows and heifers. $8 O014.O0; canners. $6.007.00; stockers and feeders, $8.5014.O; feeding cows and heifers, $7.00ifl0.00. Hogs Receipts, 8.00 head; market 5 16c higher; light, tl 9.36 19.60 ; mixed, 19.40(0 19.65; heavy, $19.60 19.70 ; bulk of sales, $19.4019.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts,. 609 head; market strong. Kansas City Lira Stork. Kansas City, Mo April 2. (U. S. Bureau of Markets) Cattle Receipts, 10, 000; market steady; steers. $9.8619.25: cows and heifers, $6.6516.10; calves, $10.0013.60; stockers, $12.4015.86. Hogs Receipts. 14,000; market steady; heavies, $18.9020.00; lights, $18.60 19.75: packing, $18.50 19.50; pigs, $16 00 19.00. Sheep Receipts, ' 7,000; market lower lambs, $17.20ig20.10; ewes, $10.6018.0i). Linseed, Duluth, Minn., April 2. Linseed $3.78. Give Your Insurance to MEYER KLEIN 636 First Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Telephone Tyler 360. Salt Creek Producers Assn. Bought Sold Quoted Full information regarding this important Wyoming Oil Security furnished upon request. LL.WINKELMAN&CO. 44 BROAD STREET. NEW YORK. Direct Private" Wira to Various Markets. CORPORATION TO CREATE LOADING STATIONJFORMED Business Men and Live Stock Shippers Organize Company to Establish Better Trans portation Facilities. Steps to organize a corporation for the purpose of establishing a central loading station for all aulc Iruck operators engaged in hauling on rural routes to and from Omaha and surrounding country, were taker at a meeting held in tle Chamebr oK Commerce Tuesday. . M. L. Henry, representing thr1 bureau of markets, Washington. D C, officers of the highway trans ports committee-and a number of auto truck operators attended,, A committee to draft articles ol incorporation was named. It's re port will be heard at an early meet ing. 1.. F. Langhorne, who operates a , line of trucks between Omaha and . Lincoln with headquarters it Elm wdod, between the two cities, offered to buy the first block of stock. The purpose of the loading station is to assist merchants and farmers in establishing better transportation facilities for live stock and merchan dise within a radius of 50 to 6(J miles from Omaha and to provide some means by which truck oper ators coming into Omaha may be assured return loads for the trip home. J. S. White, chairman of the Doug las county highways transport "com- mittee, presided. "Better road building, which is a '' prospect for the near future, will in crease rural' hiuling by leaps and bounds," he said. "In five years the largest part of freight moved in and out of Omaha and vicinity will be moved by auto truck," he said. Ure Looks Into Books o f Former Village, Now Part of Omaha , : f City Commissioner Ure of the department of public accounts and finance believes that he is a "minute man." He has been working overtime for several nights, going over the minutes of the. old village council of Florence, to get the .financial ends straightened out. He finds that when the assets, and liabilities are brought together there will be a net amount of $600 plus interest for Omaha to liqui date. "I observed," remarked Wr. Ure, "some queer transactions, but there does not appear to be any claim that would not pass muster in -court. The old council of Florence exceeded their general fund allow ances "for several years and there seems nothing now for Omaha to do but to pay the overdraft and let it go at that." . ,, . . Omaha Delegation Will Go to Lincoln for Hearings Commissioner Towl and Georgs T. Morton of the city planning board will head a large delegation of Oniahans, most of them repre senting improvement clubs, who will go to Lincoln Thursday for the hearing on the city charter and city planning bills in the legislature. We Recommend to the Conservative Investor A limited number of first mort-' gags bonds carrying" 8 interest, secured by income-producing prop erty, which we have for sale, This is a safe, sane and profit able investment and one which will bear the strictest investigation. Telephone Tyler 4311. 747-49 Brandeia Building. To Yield 6.65 A first and refunding mort gage 6 bond i of the Publie Utilities Co., of Evans Tille, Ind., at 95 M- Net earnings are twice bond charges. , In $100 and $500 pieces, also. Ask for Circular OB-212 The National City -Company Ctrriipondtnt Offices in 47 Cititt. Omaha First National Bank Bldg. Telephone Tyler 27P2 It lthe TRUST PRICE 52 CARLOADS OF LUMBER AT $22 Per 1,000 Feet PHONE J C. LINDEMAN Colfax 480. 20th and Boyd Stresti. (fili) I