12 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1919. L VICTIM OF LETHARGY SHOWS RECOVERY SIGNS Though Physicians Say Danger Is Not Yet Passed, Present Condition, of Patient Is Favorable. Frances Bell, 17-year-old Central High school girl,' is showing signs of recovery from an attack of sleep URELY now, If ever, we should GIR lit n noma surroundings. Peace and splendid prosperity ana lam ' ilies reunited. ; ' . ...... For yonr home; , why not that most beautiful of Instruments A Piano or Player Piano "Ve can help you find the very instrument you want. Some Rare Bargains ii Sterling Piano, n114.l1. $ "I OQ extra fine for-, price. Cable Piano, walnuL$ 198 case ADDORF ; ' E. T. 1IA3DI0N, Manager 1807 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 4240 Resinol y6rchafed,blistered feet-; If you are footsore, and have to stand on one foot and then on the "other to get relief you need Resinol Ointment. For quicker results, first bathe the feet with Resinol Soap and warm water, then apply the ointment on retiring and bandage. , This treatment also brings heartfelt relief to uff erers from ecuma and other skin eruptions. Ffr fret trial of map and ointment - writ Resinol, Baltimore, Md. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The pleasant, sugar-coated tablets are taken for bad breath by all who know them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gently but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural action, clearing the blood and gently purifying the entire system. They do that which dangerous calomel does without any jf the bad after effects. All the benefits of nasty, sickening, jriping cathartics are derived from Or. Edwards' Olive Tablets without jriping. pain or any disagreeable effects. Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the formula after seventeen years of prac tice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint; with tha attendant bad breath. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are pure ly a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two every night for a week and note the effect 10c and 25c per box. All druggists ing sickness with which she wa strickena, week ago. She was awake for sevfral hour on Sunday, and although present indications are favorable, the attend ing physician is not ready to say tha all danger has been passed. Many friends and acquaintance3 called 'at the home, 4107 Lafayett avenue, on bunday, but tney were denied admittance to the room oi the patient, who must be kept quiet Omaha physicians are interested in this case,' which is one of the fe cases of lethargic encepha'itis to ap pear in this city. Miss Bell was asleep all of la it week, with the exception of a few brief intervals. Read The Bee Want Ads for the Opportunities You are T-ooking For. PP -YES- DRESS UP dress up; personally and in our Hospe Piano, ostkSOQQ case, nearly nev,'. . , Krakouer Piano, wal- $ 177 put case V Music House I DUPLEXALITE welcomes you into the home with its I 1 mellow radiance ; , - I v I sheds the soft luster of hospitality and refinement here- I I tof ore found only -in the table or floor lamp; I blends with, and accentuates the beautyof the home ' decorations; , I .. 1 placed in your home with absolutely no inconvenience ; I I Liberal terms can be arranged. ' I NEBRASKA POWER CO. I , "Your Electric Service Company" grL-. I J Phones South Thrcc j I I ' Tyler Three One Hundred. b I i "Pti:-k1--.1-;4- iSHHSf'VI Naming Baby Easy Compared to Naming New Hiking Club " Mass Meeting . in Public Library Called to Decide Whether New Organization" Is to Be Called Hikers' or Prairie Club or Neither Officers Already . Elected. x - Naming the baby (for those who have them) was a light task com pared Jo naming the new hikers' club, composed of leading Omaha men and women, who went on their first jaunt to Chijds Point Sunday afternoon, old clothes, pedometers, staffs and all. The momentous ques tion .will be decided tonight- at a meeting in the public library. Schism threatens to rend the fac tions, which favors the appellation Omaha Prairie club, and those who would have it known as "Oma- Jia Hiking club," and those who fa vor neither. Nof Dignified Enough. "Hiking club," while descriptive of the organization, is not dignified enough, some of the high school teachers who make up its member ship, maintain. "Prairie" club finds favor with some of the organizers of' the club because they' are familiar with the Chicago "Prairie club, an organiza tion of 1,600 members, who hike in the sand dunes of Lake Michigan each Sunday. . Others oppose it as deceptive of real conditions about Omaha. "Plenty of easterners think Oma- Style Show And Formal Spring Opening at The Union Outfitting Co. 16th and Jackson Thursday and Friday Living Models Will Dis play the Season's Lat est Modes in Wom en's Apparel. Flowers and Souvenirs Given to All Visitors This style exhibition - will be given in the now enlarged Cloak and Suit department and will present the most au thentic styles for the coming season. Our buyer made e special trip to New Yorl which assures you of seeing r wonderful show of Nev York's latest styles for Easter The living models will exhibit from 10 a. m. to 12 and in the afternoon from 2 until 4. A host of styles in smart milli nery will be shown as well as the newest and fashionable Capes, Dolmans, Suits and Dresses. Bring your friends to this opening beginning Thursday and enjoy the view ing of all that's new in wear ing apparel and direct from Fifth Avenue. Music, flowers and souvenirs. a prairie town anyway, they say. Announcement of the choice is awaited with bated breath. Miss Edith Tobitt has been named presi dent; Edwin S. Jewell, vice presi dent; Mrs. George Tt Morton, sec retary and Miss' Allie Houston, treasurer. The appointment of the last named officer aroused no slight curiosity. What's Treasurer's Job? "What do we need a treasurer for in a hiking club?" an irrepressible one wanted to know. So it was explained that dues of 50 cents per year will 4e asked to pay for printing schedules of pro posed trips. And some time there may lie "eats" or hot coffee on a cool day, like there was Sunday.1 Next Sunday at 3 o'clock the hikers will meet at Fourteenth and Farnam to bjgin their jaunt to Mynster Springs. Anybody who spurns limousines, touring cars, baby carriages or plain street cars, is in vited to join. Miss Bess Dumont will be leader. Bee Reader Praises 13th Engineer Regiment "There -cannot be too much said in favor of the Thirteenth engineer regiment, the first volunteer regi ment formed, which was trained in Chicago for only ..bout six weeks and then sailed for England, where it was reviewed by King George," writes a reader of The Bee. "Short ly after the review the regiment sailed for France and was attached to the Fourth French army. "From August 18, 1917, to Sep tember 18 the outfit served with the Second French army in the Verdun sector and later took part in the St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne, o.ffen- sives. "The regiment was decorated by the French and American. govern ments as the. first American unit to fight in France." Congestion of Kidneys is indicated by the pain over region of kidneys and following the pas sage to the irritated bladder. A constant and pressing desire for urination; the secretion scanty, highly colored and sometimes bloody. Then the constitutional symptoms are often headaches, eyes bloodshot and burning, slight nau sea, sometimes vomiting, nervous' ness, rheumatic pains and general discomfort. It is wholly wrong to neglect such conditions when can be obtained of any druggist for their action is to eliminate con gestion, allay inflammation, destroy bacteria and restore normal, nat ural secretions. HAVE RELIEVED THOUSANDS Sold by all druggists. v ha- is nothing but OBTAIN GLUE ON DISAPPEARANCE OF MISSING MAN Coroner in Iowa Town Re ceived Letter Which Was Mailed After C. W. Men-, denhall Left Home Here. Relatives of C. W. Mendenhall have not received any information which would explain the mysterious disappearance of this elderly resi dent of 4220 Cuming street. Mr. Mendenhall, who. is 70 years old, ate, his dinner at home last Wednesday noon and remarked that he would go downtown and would return at 6 p. nir-Sincejthat time 4iis family has been unable to trace his Avhereabouts. The case is just as much of a mystery as it was on the first day of MendenhaU's disappearance. Charles Smith, coroner at Mis souri .Valley, la., telephoned to the family to state that he received a letter from Mr Mendenhall, post marked at Omaha, 3 p. m., last Wednesday. The letter was relative to a pro posed visit of Smith to a farm owned by Mendenhall at Loveland, la. Private detectives are working on L the theory that Mendenhall is being held by a gang of crooks. Mine Workers Will Not Strike in Behalf of Mooney Indianapolis, Ind., March 31. The United Mine Workers of America will not participate in any general strike on July 4 in behalf of Thomas Mooney, convicted of complicity in a bomb explosion in San Francisco in a preparedness day parade. Announcement that the executive board of the mine workers had de cided against participation in such a strike was made here today through the United Mine Workers Journal, the official publication of the union. California Plans Welcome ' for Returning Soldiers New York, March 31. Plans for the welcoming celebration on Thurs day when the returning California regiments are due to reach port, were discussed at a luncheon here today at which Mayor Rolph of San Francisco was the guest of honor. Other guests at the luncheon were members of the California Society of New York and Col. Charles S. Hop kins and his staff of the advance party of the California dffision. Wife Says Her Husband's Words "Too Hateful" to Print The words which her husband used in speaking to her at times are "too hateful to be set down in this petition," declares Hilda J. Welsh in a petition for divorce from Ly man H. Welsh, filed yesterday in district court. They were married January 20, 1918, in Atchison, Neb. She says he possesses an uncontrol lable temper and lias threatened her. s . TT is in traffic that the flexibility born of ample power is most apparent and most grateful. It threads the crowded streets, - starting instantly, increasing speed at a moment's notice, slowing down without touch' ing a gear, springing through a narrowing passage, speeding ahead on a clear road effortless, noiseless. J J. T. Stewart Motor Co. , Distributors 2048-52 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. 4,000 Americans Are Identifying Graves of Killed in Action In the American Battle Area, March 31. (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) Four thousand mon nf tlii A. K. F. are now eneaeed in the registration of and search for tfte graves ot Americans wno died in battle. The work of seeking the resting nf American heroes is beinir undertaken by the section of graves registration, which is directing its efforts so as td be able to designate iIip oravp of everv American should congress authorize the return of the bodies of the tallen. . Tirplesa seeking for identification rarre mark- the ilaiiv task of the men of the graves registration section. I hey set out on their solemn mis sion equipped with , pick, shovel Announcing the Opening OF OUR NEW Down-Town Sales Room Tuesday, April 1st Athletic Club Building 1710 Douglas Street National Fur & Tanning Company Factory: 1921-1929 Tyler 120 PIERCE ARRO Dual Valve S and gas mask. Sometimes they pry down into the ground for the iden tity of the dead warrior, sometimes they ferret into the recesses of dis tunied dugouts and sometimes they clear away the' brush of the forest to tnul some trace of the victims of buttle. Each cemetery where Americans have been buried is fully plotted on maps. The graves registration serv ice is now extending every energy to complete the burying,' marking, re cording and classifying of the hero ic Americans. 1 Canadian Aviator Will Attempt Atlantic Flight Hallux, N. S.. March 31. Co! Ray Collishaw, a Canadian aviator, sailed on the steamship Olympic lor England today to bring back an air plane with which to enter the trans atlantic contest. He will attempt his flight from Newfoundland eariv F I OR the benefit of those shoppers who found the trip out to our factory in convenient and yet wanted to see our wonderful line of line furs and take advantage of the material economies our position as first-hand manufac turers make possible, we have opened a new downtown sales room, where the entire line will be on permanent exhibition, and where our custoniers can meet our head designer and our fur experts. S. 13th St. Salesroom: 1710 Douglas St Tyler 1793 in May, accompanied by Major Mc- Keevcr and a wireless operator. Colonel Collishaw expects to acv ..-.,v,-,liL.-1, tliA llttTnt i, (1 limit- l-fiv machine will be equipped with fiv motors of 400 horsepower each, cap able of carrying 50 people and ri maining in the air for 30 hours. : CHIROPRACTOR Ethel Thrall Maltby, D C. (Palmer Graduate) Adjustment $1.00, 12 for $10 312 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3072 WARNING In kMBlng your boweli regular do nnt twoome udtlh-lfd to weakening purgatives at, mineral lmatlrtts; Just lrv KOROLAX; life, leull. wholesome- Ktwt and giws farthest. Obtainable at tuuiv druitffisu. everywhere. Korolax la relief for many aUnnitit. Including conatt imtlim. haailachei, dluy spellt. balohlne, cat. heartburn, torpid liver. Iiad breath, uervoua iink, d.YMHM'Hla. tiidiguatiixi, olwaity, mental and iihyKii al dullnen. 3 ,pw id -i--- '-"TnnaaHai W M l. mSami A 'i