Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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    .1 1
v 7 A
Last of " What Is Love? " Contests!
VS? 909 W 2
These Answers Came After the Competition Closed But Are Too Good to Be With-
held From Our Readers.
No. noi.
r !A great love is a blending of
many adductive forms, a cable, one
uiight say, the various strands of
hich can not be segre. gated."
.w-- ' No. 11103.
"'"Love is a miracle. of God. Love
is one among the many branches of
ruling powers, of nature, of the
earth. It is natural for man
beast and all things if the earth that
breathe the breath of life. To
possess a certain amount of knowl-
. edge. This branch of ruling power
of nature, governs the mind of man
fid woman, that they will acknowl-
. edge the many different beautiful
branches of nature on earth. And
51 "Vet not all lust after the same branch.
This branch of ruling power of na
ture is known to man by different
nmes, such as love, fun, care, etc.
God is also known to man as love.
No. 1106.
.-JJeloved? The gates of sunset are
just ajar. The holy hour of twilight
has settled upon the earth with
magic tread, and I come to you to
whisper, soul to soul, what my heart
would say? It has been joy to me
throughout the day and every day to
know that the same sun shines upon
us both; that the same rising moon
lightens with silvery radiance our
pathway, that the same stars in the
vaulted firmaments shed abroad
their cheering light into your heart
and mine. You can never know, if
I spend the rest of my life in telling
you, just how much you have meant
to me in a thousand different ways,
1 liavejoved you so long. That love
lias become deeper every day. You
set my standard high in the begin
ning, and you have given 'my ideals.
Forty years ago we first looked in
one another s eyes. We knew, aian t
wc, at the first glance, that love
cCuld triumph over so -many difficul
fies that has been ours? The strug
gle has made us fondly cherish our
love, out helper and our consola
tion and tempting desire with ten
derness has fastened tenaciously up
on us, the sweetness of a kiss for
good night, a kiss on awakening and
a kiss for goodby. Beloved?, when,
with noiseless tread the years shall
lead us down the westward slope
arrrd through the gates of life's sun
sYt. I onlv ask that we may go (hand
hi hand into that eteriial realm of
happiness where Cod 'is LOVE.
Addressed by a wife to her husband.
No. ' 1108.
Love is an undescribable longing,
something that existed since Mother
Jive was in the apple tust, and will
exist until the end of time. Some
thing that no man has ever yet de
fined or ever will define. A some
thin that is past all description,
which will make aliired man forget
to do the chores and will make an
old man act boyish, and will make a
woman show herself tobe stronger
than the strongest man. Goshf durn
it, an undescribable Somethin' that
has never yet been described.
No. 1111. .
"Love is the flivine spark of hu
man' existence."
;: ". MoTnis. N
I want love. Give me, God.a
vibrant flame of a woman for a
mate. Make her, I pray Thee, a
woman of merriment. Fill her with
a master love for the strenuous. En
large her vision so that it will see
things and make her wise with that
wisdom which shall see naught that
demands her forgiveness. Give her
a, body compounded with strength
and ' symmetry. ' Send surging
through her a spirit elemental. Fill
hr with a love for the open air, the
hills, the winding streams, the
storms that send snow and sleet
across the wastes,. Make her vi
brate with the joy of the lightning1
flash and tha crash of the thunder.
Let her ever be a silent worshiper
rVwould have her frank and fear
less and gentle, fit to play her hand
in the game of life in the manner
of a master. And when, in Thy
goodness, Thou hast given this wo
man unto me, let me ever find in
her something elusive, . something
that shall ever keep me searching
joyously with wonder.
Give meGod,va woman who will
demand more of me than I have
ever dared to demand of myself.
Who will help me liberate that
cfeative energy necessary for the
realization of my dreams.
-If it be Thy will that this woman
be not given to me in the flesh, give
Iter to me as an ideal woman who
will lead me daily to render to my
neighbors the service most expres
sive of my great love for her, and
mjiy she never permit me to find the
final goal.
No. 1117. ,
Love is the foundation of all life.
Love is the consideration of the esti
mation of the mind that thrills in
one individual for another.
I Real love i the higher estimation
that cannot be false when sensations
I creep in and when sight beholds the
yjjeauty and the ear the sound in en
duing, tones. Love is providence
of tne intellect in many ways; as
love in friendship sweet, love in ex
change of views and of dealings as
, barter or trade. Lovefor the uni
verse, that we are created equal,
though wars ravage but cannot kill
the love spirit that .goes on. Love
may be separated bydistance but i
will continue.
?" No. 1152.
, LoVe is indescribable
Its holy flame burneth.
, From heaven it came ,
, To heaven returneth.
No. 1119.
"Love cannot be analyzed,
God cannot be analyzed; God being
the very essence of love.
We can only understand what
love is, as we understand what God
is, by the revelation He has given
us through His son,- Jesus Christ.
Love is undying. Love is cause and
the effect is belief and trust. Love
inspires sacrifice for the object of
our affection. Therefore, God gave
the best treasure in heaven to save
t lost world.
" FicVle affection is not love, for
ttfle love is God abiding in us. Hav
ing this love, we are in God and
God in us, for God is love.
" No. 1122.
Love is" a sense of v knowledge
which com;s to the conscience of a
human being, but try as long as we
can it never was nor absolutely cannot-be
No. 1126. '
Love is like Scotch snuff; ,
You get a pinch and that's enough.
Profit by this strange advice:
Before you fall in love, think twice.
. U29.
Love-is an eternal, immutable law
of vibration, and ' is scaled down
from the lowest to the highest sens
ing key. Sex love is on the physical
or animal plane seeking a reciprocal
gain, and if the higher ethereal vi
brations are not sensed by both or
by only one trouble is sure to arise
and make the anticipated heaven a
literal hell. Just in the ratio of the
higher sensing of the individuals will
the flower of love come to full bloom
and splendor.
No. 1131.
Love should bring happiness and
contentment. Certainly first love
does not bring it, for first lovers
often quarrel like cats. Certainly
marriage has no part in it, and is
not in separation, for absence alas,
does not make the heart grow fond
er, and it is only human that we
can become interested in another.
j Nor is it children, though the
good God knows that should help,
for they are love incarnate.
Certainly it is "not respect, for re
spect is a stale, cold comforter, and
love is deeper than irespect, and
often lives without it, let us whisper
the truth in shame. ' ;
No. 1136.
Love is the accidental meeting of
two hearts, or the aim and end of
fate. Hearts are heedless of warn
ings. Love goes where it is sent in
spite of all the warnings. Love is the
least conventional of passions. It is
the most unexpected and unaccount
able. Lovt steals into the heart un
aware. Love is surely a rapid im
pulse, a flame ignited in a moment.
You can't buy real love. You've got
to have it in your heart and sou!
and there is only one thing worth
while, the love of the one that loves
you, and to crush out that love is
worse than slow death, for it de
mands ijs rightful place in another's
heart, for life holds nothing dearer
than two souls with but a singl:
thought, two hearts that beat as one.
Hearts are happy that understand.
The strings of the heart are slender,
But so many they form a strand,
And the ties they bind, though terf
denf Areas strong as an iron hand.
Loyal the ties of friendship,
Precious .the faith and trust,
That a friend will help us in troubli
vine emotion which we feel, but can
not define.
WJiat lights the face of the moth
er contemplating her babe?- What
illumines the eye of the dying sol
dier as the physician, who struggled
to save him, grasps his hand? The
old, old emotion love.
One should be so broad-minded
that he will interpret attentions,
which are the result of proximity
or mere force of circumstances,
impersonal, they are not love.
Passion which influences a man
possess through marriage an attr
tive woman is not love, altho'
usually considered to oe sucn. i
may enter into such an emotioi
unless it be modified by frien
long acquaintance and forbea
it is not worthy the name,
True love implies "willingnt'
sacrifice all personal prejudice
cept such as wouldv deprive of
sonaltty or honor.
"Love is blind" to imperf((
and indifference, and
though unrequited.
It considers the feelings
loved one, vows not to beco
gry and wounds not, tnoi
heartstrings be well-nigh ,b
Love resorts to camouflage
the loverrTfTle s feelings.
greater divine love, the all inspiring
God s love, where the atmosphere is
ermeated with the flowers of affec
tion and holy love,' for love alone is
life, and without love, I would rath
er cease to be, than be without love.
No: 1138.;
Love is either the height of hap
piness or the deptrv despair.
As far as eat-
So love
Is love
Men Who Inflated Body
of Fellow t Worker Are
Released on Bonds
No. 1157.
Love is like a bunch of hiel
boys marching xlown I-arna
they look like American
God loves them all and th
love. And God bless the ed
all my heart and soul. G
those that lay in Flanders
No. 1160.
Love rocks the cradle a:
the world. The hand tha.
your cradle and that of n
love, bvery drop of no
that emanates from mothe
is love. With infinite co
and tenderness, mothers
lows us from the cradle to
When we grow to a sense
standing, she imparts to
A Confessiorj by
f sky
Al figils keep
natrr Ve
T ' W If
as- --
J 1
r i
4 r
if f
4 I
if M
r i
i f
ii i
t . In I
f us . the I
i is i
John Betroski and Jacob Kobie
lak, the two employes of the Cudahy
A Packing company, whb, Thursday
afternoon, in play, inflated the body
of A. Socha, a fellow worker, by
pressing a hose containing 180
pounds of atr pressure against it,
released yesterday in the
South Sid police court on cash
bonds of $1,500 each.
They are charged with assault
i tent to commit great bodily
tim of their "prank" is at
f death in the South bide
i Discussion of
Memorial Is Set
the Next Meeting
uccessfully maneuvering
two civic problems, com-
If the Auditorium and the
nd building problems, the
owship committee of the
of Commerce will at its
eting, April 7, held an open
k discuss a htting war me
or soldiers and sailors who
pir lives in the service.
rectl'Jay to
'aautify Skin
tuart's Calcium Wafers
Recommended to Re-
Face . of Pimples,
kckheads and Other
Such Eruptions .
II i Bowen's Value.Gmng Furniture Store?
Wonderful Is the Bowen Furniture
For the "Dress-Up" of the
Home This Spring
' '
Wonderful that we are able to have such a complete'show- J
ing of all that is new and beautiful for every room in the house;
wonderful insofar as the Furniture on display was purchased
at a price enabling one to buy what they want without feeling
they have had to pay an excessive amount; wonderful in con
struction, designing and finish. BOWEN . priced, quality and
guaranteed Furniture is ever the best value.
hi tor Fraa Trial Packaga.
ng to writers of medical
fia tl
fit of
- f , , I, i l"---'
From sympathy not
that he i
No. 1,154.
"The wind bloweth where it Jist
eth, thou canst not tell whence it
cometh nor whither it goeth." So
is love. It is that transforming, di-
Dear Editir: I stole five beans I v
a. is iiuvv ivpuauiB in 1113' jcaiia
ft strikes ie rather funny,
I am informed to my surprise
My little poem copped the prize
And I have won the money.
But lest my conscience prick me sore
And each bright day accuse memore,
I make this full confession:
I don't deserve the prize I've won,
I should not keep this "easy mon"
I have in my possession. , ,
Whatever was I thinking of
That I should try to define "loye"
And from the housetops shout it?
Why should my poem win the dough
When I confess I do not know
A doggone thing about it?
Edgar, Neb. "
certs peculiar influence in the
is thus consiaerea a necessary
cutaneous health.- And it
lbstancr that has given Stuart's
f&ftjmr sucn popularity, as a ruie,
Tackheada and other such facial
blemishes may be traced to an excess of
impurities being: eliminated through the
skin and it if the activity of calcium that
enables this ,oces of elimination ttf be
carried on moi. .ompleteljr. s
The results have been noted in a much
finer skin texture, the gradual disappear
ance of the blemishes and a really beauti
ful complexion. This is considered the cor
rect way to a handsome, lily-like skin. Get
a 60 -cent box of these wafers at any drug
store and observe how nicely the skin soon
clears. If you would like to first test
them, fill out the coupon below and mail
it for. a free trial package.
Free Trial Coupon
F. A. Stuart Co., 86 Stuart Bldg.,
Marshall, Mich. Send me at once, by
return mail, a free trial packaga of
Stuart's Calcium Wafers.
City State.......
Will .Open Tomorrow With
a Special Sale of Houseware
This Houseware Sale Presents an Array of Offerings That Should Appeal to Every
Woman in Oniaha Who is in Favor of an Economical Administration of Her Household
Standard Make, Hotpoint
' Electric Irons r-
Aluminum and
i -
Very Special for Monday
Our location in the Flatiron Building has prompted us to
offer a very special price on Mrs. Potts' Sadirons A ft
Sftt. 3 irons Vianrila ortA ofol . r X
J "f UWUUIV OUU 0UCVUU XJl UUiJf . . . . ,
x, . (Only one set to each customer.)
Paints and Varnishes
Specials for Monday
White House Paint,
per gallon . : $3.79
Screen Paint, Black or x
Green, per gallon. . . .49c .
Varnish, suitable for
all "purposes, per
gallon $1.93
per 5-lb.
.55 c
at I ' m m
j H. H. HARPER & CO.
17th and Howard Streets Mm,0Ui
Garden Tools
Specials for
Extra Heavy Spading
Fork ...r........$1.25
Artistic Bedroorh Suites
of the Bowen Guaranteed Quality Value, exceeding most anything we have ever
. before offered, but it's "Dress-Up" Week and the Bowen stoe will assist you to
the utmost. ' ' ' , '
This dainty Suite in mahogany, Queen Anne design, would add an artistic
appearance to your sleeping room.
Dressing Table, triple mirror. . . .$42.75 I Dresser . . . , . . . . . . . . ...... . .$47.60
Bed .,. ; ...$32.50 I' Chiffonette ... . $38.50
In this department of the Bowen Store one can shop with the comfort of
knowing that the offerings are of the best. Note these" values, then come in nd
take advantage of the prices. v
Golden Oak Dresser, large mirror, $12.50
Golden Oak Chiffonier $13.00
Mahogany Dressing Table $22.50
Ivory Dresser, very autistic
pattern, at , . .$25.00
Ivory Chiffonier to match $19.75
Golden Oik Dressing Table $13.00
Golden Oak Dresser with
- mirror, at .$10.00
Living Room Suites
that lend a dignified and dressy appearance to the home, yet withal moderate in
price, are for your choosing at the 'Bowen Store in any number of pretty designs,
as well as in all woods and finishe.s
High Grade
Hoe ......
V 1 .
This-handsome QUEEN
ANN Living Room
Suite in Mahogany,
with Mulberry Velour
upholstering, is an ex
ceptional value, ' whih
you will greatly appre-
.$89.50 V
Then, too, these values from trfe Bowen Store
buying judgement
Chair and Rocker flJOC
to match, each,
will appeal to ,your better
Mahogany Rocker, blue damask uphol
stering $12
Mahogany Arm chair to match. .. .$12
Mahogany Windsor Chairs and Rockers,
each $10
Mahogany Sofa, cane back, true Chip
pendale design, velour covering. .$95
Fumed Oak Bed Davenport; genuine
leather covering ........... $37.50
Duofolds in Golden Oak7 or Fumed 6ak;
guaranteed covering, $37.50, $45,
$52 and. ...... . . . . .......... .$65
Queen Anne Davenport Tables; 60
inches long $30
Library Tables In Mahogany, Fumed
or Golden Oak, $7.50, $9, $12.50 up.
ofttimes completes the furnishings for the living room
and finishes the "dress-up" of the home. The.
Bowen stock of Rockers is most complete, and while,
advising an early selection, we especially cajl your
attention to these four value offerings.
Mahogany Wing Rocker, Mulberry 'velour covering, similar to'."'
cut :.. V.. .$22.50
Mahogany Wing Chairs, in blue velour. ...-$17.50
Fumed Oak Rockers in Tapestry with leather seats. . . . .$12.50
Mahogany High-Back Rockers. $4.75
Our Showing of Buffets
for "Dress-up" Week
will lend an added charm to' your djjiing room.
Jacobean Buffet, in William and Mary design,
beautifully finished .$34.75
Golden Oak Buffets, handsome in design and .
finish, at ...$32.50
.Golden and Fumed Oak Buffets........ $24.50
Buffets, 45 inches long, plank top, Fumed Oak
quartered, at , $30.00
Mahogany Buffets, 60-inch top $47.50
Household Necessities
Interestingly Priced
Fumed Oak Foot Stools, leather tops,
v each 65e J
Aluminum Percolators ,..$1.25
Aluminum 6-quarJ Stew Kettles. $1.75
Aluminum 17-quart Dish Pans $2.45
Good quality Brooms, each. , . , . .35c and 45c
Bed Sheets $1.55
Bed Spreads, cut corners. -.-...$2.55
Pillow Cases, each ,.,.45c
Lace Curtains (odd) each ...5Sc
Curtain Stretchers 95c
Baby , Walkers , . . $1,25
Centol Furniiuiv Store
11 i.V
bowen's c
'1 :, s ., ., ;
-J 8.
v SI "
-1 1 1 ' 1 " 1 1