Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1919, Image 3
SETS THE PACE FOR CR0W1NC OMAHA fy New'Arrivals in Navy Suits Featured at a Moderate Price "Dress Up Week" j . p OPIES of high class models re- " produced for special selling. Smart, boxy type and Russian Blouse models that are proving their popularity. We mention three pa tlcularly splendid models that may be found in these values for Mon day selling. At 3900 Model A. Very clever Box Type suit, eton collar, fancy stitched border, Tri . colette Vestee In Sand with Navy embroidered motif ; novel buttons, fancy Foulard lined, especially good from 16 to 33 size. Model B. Beautifully tailored, on button front, collar and notched revers, or namented pocket design on border of coat, buttons and embroidery mo tif; fancy Pussy Willow lined; In splendid styles, sizes 36 to 44. Model C. Russian Blouse, fancy scalloped button trimmed peplum, peau de cygne lined; fancy silk collars and Vestee, pleated border on Jacket Very clever, youthful mode, 16 to 40. SECOND FLOOR. : 1 1 ; I I ; Victory Time Peace Time Spring Time Away with the Old Clothes on with the New 'Dress ITp-its "Dress Up Week" Omaha' March 31st April 5th . IN The New Spirit of things, every man, woman and child and every home will want their appearances in tone with this wonderful Peaceful Springtime and new life and so Dress-Up week brings to the people of Omaha and vicinity a chapter of this new era and this new life in the way of special displays of new clothes for the person and the home. ' During this event we shall exemplify the phases of -our Superior Service in style and merchandise. The curtains to our Great Display Windows for this event will raise at 7:30 o'clock, Monday evening NEW arrivals that featur sea son's newest novelties, fancy Pompadour Taffetas and Georgettes, Trlcolettes, Satins and Meteors. New shades present. Henna, Fawn, Beige, Foch Blue, Navy and Grays, Taupe and Silver. Fascinating draperies, em broidering! in contrast or self tones, braidings and headings. New loose three-quarter length sleeves, combinations of Georg ette with all fabrics are notes of distinction. Special show ing for "Drees-Unl' Week 45.00, 60.00 to 95.00 Popularity of the Dolman increasing New models developed In Trlco tlne, Polret Twill, Evora, as well as Satins and Tricolette, beautifully lined, novel stitching and embroid ering, as well as clasps and buttons are style features. Colors fancied are Fawn, Navy, Castor, Henna and Cgyptla Reds 69.00, 79X0 to 12M0 , SECOND FLOOR. The New Sprifigtime Millinery Assembled in "Dress Up Week" Displays As interesting an occasion as has been announced in sometime is this showing planned by the Millinery Section to mark the "Dress-Up Week" presentations. , A Special Showing at 18.50 to $25 Transparent Hats. New large, droopy shapes with crowns of Lisere and brims of finest quality three-ply maline, in solid black or solid navy, trimmed in wide Satin Ribbons, Flowers or Glycerine Ostrich, in sweeping fancies. Ideal dress or afternoon Hats for club wear. And then Sailors, , Directoire and Watteau Modes for Tailored Wear. With crowns of Spanish Coques, trimming of self material; colors, black or navy with natural coque. New York's latest fad, first shown in Omaha by this store Monday. SECOND FLOOR. Again the Girls' Section Announces Girls' Capes at$15 Uncommon Style and Value Charmingly picturesque, and so practically modish, developed in the season's favored,' materials. Yeionrs, Poplins and Serge In navy, tan and blue. Smartly tailored, military style; some (with hoods, yoke effect, cut full; fancy silk lined, smart buttons Others Priced 17.50 to 9.75 KDCOND FLOOR. 4- OUR PARIS .OFFICE SENDS A Most Beautiful All Silk Duvetyne THE planning of a new Spring frock be comes an inspired pleasure when you view this exquisitely smart imported fabric. The shipment is very new, having been re ceived as late as Friday afternoon. The shades are Ivory, Steel, Sable, African Mole, Diable Bine, Mallard, Navy, Pinard. "Women appreciating the exclusiveness and dis tinctiveness afforded in the selling of this fabric are urged to avail themselves of the opportunity Mon day. Thr importation is limited and the fabric very scarce. 12.50 Per Yd. MAIN FLOOR Style N(Q)t8 . As Compiled 1 by Oar Store 1 Shopper ... , g Children j 3 Mothers most sorely see 1 the dainty confirmation and I graduation frocks. Lovely i white Georgette frocks made over lace-edged net founda- tfons, and trimmed with little ' 1 frilly ruffles of the material, and tiny hand-run tucks. . ff Another beautiful frock I that wonld do admirably for fj little sister's dancing dress is of flesii Georgette over I a white net foundation. "The baby waist is trimmed with little ruffles of the crepe and the entire waist is out lined with a Anted sash of narrow bine satin ribbon The skirt is made with a raffled 'orerskirt Just like big sister's. We are showing such smart 1 silk frocks for the school 1 miss. One particularly at g tractlTe model is of tan taf- 1 feta. The waist lias a simple i neck outline and has corded fl tuck-in a checked effect I These same corded tucks ap g pears in the check effect on the bottom of the skirt and in g straight lines forming a yoke g effect, and outlining the pock- 1 ets, which are made of pea- g cock bine silk.; if i -" g Still another smart dresr m is of navy bine Taffeta, hav- g ing an oversklrt finished with . m a double ruffle of the silk. It has a plain little waist with m the rounded neck line, which g is trimmed with a wide m band of wool embroidery in g Victory Bed and beige color, g It has bell-shaped sleeves in g Georgette Crepe with trim- g mine bands of the wool em- broidery. SECOND FLOOR g Mtjfitmm Charming Blouses For "Dress Up Week" Choosing COLOR seems to be the creed of many of the newest blouses color neither vivid nor sub duedi but a "happy medium" in tones, beautiful in themselves and flattering to wear Such are the colors in the blouses featured nere. At 4.50 Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine Blouses. in Nile, Tea Bose, Flesh, Nary as well as black and white. Self-tone embroideries, sailor and deep rever type collars, -with hemstitched border; very smart and moderate priced. ' ' SECOND FLOOR. Fine Kid Gloves For "Dress Up Week" Displays Ferrin's and other well known makes, made of finest se lected French kid In the wanted shades of gray, African brown, tan, champagne, white and black; P. K. and over seam; some have two-toned embroidered backs, others Paris Point stitching, in two-clasp styles, pair 3-50 Women's Kid Gloves, splen did quality desirable light weight, over seam style, single row embroidered backs; in white and black, with contrasting stitching ; 2 clasp effects pair 2.50 Silk Gloves for Women In the popular slip-on style, in novel combinations of gray and black, black and white, and white with gray and pongee contrasts. Especially adapted for wear with the id Dolman sleeves, pair 2.50 and 2.75 MAIN FLOOR. 1 J new Bell and i Misses' New Fashions Introduced in "Dress Up Week" Displays STRAIGHT lines vie with Blouse effects in Misses' Frocks. Gay printed Georgette and Taffeta Frocks, cleverly assume simplicity, but really they are quite, intricate with drapery and flowing over-skirts. They axe altogether charming and so in keeping with the fresh youth fulness of young womanhood. Tricotine and Serge Dresses are smart and very popular; they can be worn with dolmans and pretty capes now, and later with smart fur scarfs. Misses' Wraps are More Scant of Lines The line Is still drawing in at the bejttom; Indeed, some of the smartest wraps are tight up to the hips. This extreme yet graceful' mode is balanced by the increasing favor that conservative coats are meeting. Smart and Spring-like shert capes are coming out In many materials. SECOND FLOOR. Have Your Hair Dressed . for "Dress Up Week" Our Beauty Parlors are the most mod rnly designed and the most sanitary in the country. Five operators that do only Marcel "waving, and fifteen other operators who do shampooing, manicuring, singeing, henna tint ing, hot oil treatments for falling hair and give facial massages. HA1RDRESSINO SECTION ON THE 'SECOND FLOOR. Fine Lace Hose mmnmnnimmimnn Nothing Smarter W E have an excellent as sortment of colors as well as Black and White. They are lace boots and all over lace, and the styles are very effective, per pair 3.00 Start "Dress Up Week" by being Daintily Corseted Here You wear no other garment so continuously, why not have several corsets, by doing so, your corsets will wear longer and keep their shapes better, and you can have your "G. D." Justrite Corsets washed; they will not rust. Remember that on the Corset depends the style and effect of your costume. 4 Don 't buy your corsets carelessly Our corsetieres can fit you in a G. D. Justrite Corset that will make you look your best and feel comfortable. Our guarantee and also the makers' guarantee goes with eac corset, if it does not give the satisfaction you ex"" pect, we want, you to tell us. G. D. Justrite Corsets, 2.50 to 15.00 , JIave your corset fitted, its quite as necessary as fit ting your shoes. , No charges for ourfitting service. ; ' THIRD FLOOR. JUST WHEN - you are thinking of a different gift for someone, a gift of originality, individu ality and sentimental expressibn,. turn to the treasures in storp for you at "The Treasure Box" THIRD FLOOR. Smart- Oxfords, "Dress Up Week" Display hi Made of extra fine glazed kid, five eyelets; lace, long, slender last, plain toe. full covered Louis heel; bench made, hand-turned sole, one of Wright & Peter's makes; sizes 2M to 8; widths AAA to C. At 11.50 SltS, THI.PACB JQJp PMCMWINCOHAMA A Frocks-New and Different II Make "Dress Up Week" Selection Interesting m in I Ml ' MAIN FLOOR. ' , ,, ,,, ,, ,. , , , MAIN IXOOn' . .' J I 1.