Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 19

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    7 B 1 4'
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Gnat aatura and good hsh aiutt avar jota,
Ta rr ia human, to forglva dlvina Pepa.
Foala, ta talking avar pnm, .
Ara aura to maka tkair (oil! known. Gay.
My Dears: Because "the beauty of spring's in a number of things,"
because in honor of victory we feel that it's entirely fitting to enter into
a happy indulgence of handsome garments, rich fabrics, bright colors,
after years of somber dressing, we're going to have a whole week given
over to the celebration of "Dress-Up" week, i-.
Everyone, absolutely and positively, is going to purchase new gar
ments and appear in their fresh becomingness to swell the crowds in the
show houses and hotels. Special features have been arranged for each
day of Omaha's gala week. . Bright
, -ii l 11 t t en i. i j lor ana jo-i spats to aaa a note
faces, merry vo.ces, will at all t.mes echo the joy which fills the land. of eclusiveneSS to the whole 'costume.
Fitting Service '
THAT assures corset satisfaction
is to be had in the fitting rooms
of Mrs. D. A. Hill, corset specialist,
second floor, Neville block, Six
teenth and Harney.
. She makes a specialty of fitting
the difficult stout figures a differ
ent handling of the problems pre
irntH hv Mrh fiffiirp. Low husts.
"-ivi.h top of back full enough so that
a doesn t crowd the nesrt, taking
care of the hips and thigh, giving
wonderfully slender lines, furnishing
.f.. Ja:., ,.ii
that's Mrs. Hill's business, and
wonderfully well dues she preform
Send for a measure blank and
catalog which make possible a most
excellent fitting. , ,
Words are almost inadequate to
describe the charm of the new
- gloves. Of finest kid, they're
stitched entrancingly, with smart
bandelets on wrist.
Unequaled Service.
SERVICE of highest quality is ex
tended to the guests at the Ho
tel Loyal, Sixteenth and Capitol.
It's always quite a bother to look
up train schedules, hotels, nievery
thing in the next city stop, isn't it?
There are people in this hotel to do
all that for you. They'll even make
Pullman reservations and purchase
your tickets if you wish. Included
also in this exquisite hospitality, is
. a booklet, published each week,
which gives a map of the city, show-
i ' 'ng the location ot snow-houses and
''Pfonvnent shops. All the attractions-of
the week are also listed. A
cuisine of excellence expressed at
all times in food of highest quality
makes this a hotel for your happi
' ness.
Anticipating the Needs of "Dress
-Uo" Week.
"A NYONE can dress beautiful
ly in new clothes, but it
takes an artist to make old clothes
look artistically new." said Mr. Lig-
gett of the Pantorium, 1515 Jones MA'thAM .Un...A4 ( - n o
awvvt. aav ...v... auvntu 111 iivvna,
suits and coats 'as thev come into
the shop, others which his workmen
had finished, cleaned, mended and
pressed. 1 m sure even the man who
invented "Dress-Up Week" would
appreciate the " work done in this
- Delightful flower holders for the
new spring flowers are the rainbow
?lass vases and bows at $1.25 and
Blouses of Dainty Loveliness for
Practical and Festive Needs
A RE the new blouse arrival? at
tne J-amond Shop of btyle Sur-
prises, second floor Securities build-
ing. The latest word in fashion,
they express beautiful colorings, lace
ii I1111IIUIB3, ucau auu nana cmnroia- wooa, eacn nanging irom tne otner s
ery. Every new style theme is more tail. An unusually novel decoration,
fetching than the last Prominent they're $1.50, $1.65 and $2.25. A
hi charm is the new peplum, or "be- card bearing the above verse accom
low the waistline blouse." panies these laree monkeys
lights, gorgeous color effects, gay.
An Exquisite Showing of Watches.
A RTISTIC designs in many odd
shapes and sizes are shotfn in
the watch collection of the Edholm
Jewel Shop, Sixteenth and Harney.
Wrought in platinum, fashioned
with superior artistry, these are
accessories to fascinate those 6f in
tuition, cultivated tastes, love of the
beautiful, and a subtle adoration for
the niceties and elegancies of attire
which en tn make a man nr woman a
dress connoisseur . Watches for
men and women, for dress, busi-
ni,; v.a
gold, goid-rtlled and sterling silver,
it's a wonderful collection from
which to choose, at a wide range of
prices. '
a -
The blouse suit in all its charm
has made its debut in the suitshoos
aoout town.
Alluring Dreams of Loveliness.
SWITCHES of lustrous beauty,
beautiful color, heavv. naturallv
wavy are those which Mrs. Margaret
Gunston of the Delft Hair parlors,
second floor, Baird buildinsr. has iust
received. All shades are represented
el jl
in this collection, brown, drab, light leaved plant, elephant s ear, or Ca
and gray. The difficult tints are es- ladium. 10c. These roots are ail
oeciallv siood: vou'll find here the carefully selected and are most
shade you had despaired of. These
are $35 switches and may be bought
for from $15 to $25. . Of the same
quality are smaller switches sold
1. nH "11?..... A f
as ly w as jjj vvavca alia WaVCS Ol
hair this vear ." savs Dame Fashion.
Over the door of the sacred Temple
"ey sit in tneir wisaom tnree
The little deaf monkey,
The lttlc dumb monkey.
The monkey who could not see. .
vvitn ears mat are ciosea to scandal,
With eves that see onlv the rieht.
Lips that speak no evil,
They sit in their silent might.
Quaint Reminders to Avoid Gossip
A RE the monkeys on sale at the
A Alia Shop, 207 South Eigh-
teenth street. Three little mon.
keys" in a row, cunningly fashioned
of tinted pottery, four inches wide
and three inches high are 25c. Grad-
uated in size are those carved of
lottCib dloppin vitlt Mly
I saw her just as she flitted by,
Little girl that I was;
Pale little face all sweet and shy,
Little girl that I was.
Nervous hands and a look that spoke
Of wonderful dreams that must be broke,
Some dark day when the dreamer woke,
Little girl that I was.
Softly Whispering Thoughts
Spring '
. .
A RE the new "Sentiment
new "Sentiment Lor-
arranged by the John
Bath flower Shop, Eighteenth and
Farnam. Costing no more than the
proverbial "box of candy" carried
by every gallant, from. $1 to $2,
they're rather a welcomely exquis
ite change from the accustomed
sweets. Daintily distinctive is the
arrangement of the season's blos
soms, sweet peas in wonder shades,
home grown violets, delicately
scented forget-me-nots of subtle
significance, and Mrs. Ward roses,
these flowers carefully arranged and
tied with knot of rich tulle or heavy
silken cord make an offering of bril
liant charm.' Just the thing for
dress-up week!
The Wanted Shoes for My ady
THE F. & M. Boot Shop, Six
teenth and Farnam, is show
ing high-topped boots of style dis
tinction, pumps and oxfords of
dainty loveliness in all the new fab
rics and colors, each and all of a
beauty to delight the heart of My
Lady Modish,
The return to pre-war feminized
fashions is emphasized in the ultra
modish lines and cunning little vog
uish touches added by the designers,
long, slender vamps, high arches and
French heels; unexpected headings
on dull kid oxfords, or. beaded buck
les on suede pumps, an artful com
bination. Very smart are the new corded
silk spats in black and black and
white they're showing in this shop
Sunset, that radiant and becom
ing color, is developed in many ex
clusive georgette blouses.
Spring Tailleurs.
SPRING'S smartest mode is the
tailleur of distinctive charm. The
F. W. Thorne Shop, Eighteenth and
Farnam, have just unpacked a num
ber of $100 suits, which you may
i e . eSTt, i afetrfc :c n
.purcnase ior ana y u youii
'1)r,n.S ynr Checkbook with you. It
'fany seems mar. sn customers
should receive som special con-
offer.ed. these as a votlvc of aP
Prclat0n- ...
An embroidery-appliqued vestee
of white faille" adorns a model with
braided and slashed scallops on the
back of its chic bloused coat A
I, n i
walking-suit blouse nearby shows
the "below-the-waist line blouse"
tendency of the season. High col
lared is the vest of a third model
with dainty boutonniere and quairt
buckles. Perfectly tailored is the
Enid Bennet model with the cut-a-way
front, tight shoulders and
almost "swallow tail" coat, which
that movie star wears with such
grace. ,
When a fur tippet adorns your
shoulders you'll be doing as spring
Garden - UP
TIT ' , , .
HE Nebraska i Seed Company,
offering splendid ideas for fancy
bedding of all kinds. Roots for
--. ' v T. ui u . i v.
plants most effective are on sale at
prices to tempt everyone: Cannas.
10c or $1 a dozen; Gladioli Sc or 50c
a dozen; Cinnamon vines 10c each,
three for 25c; Madeira vines 5c each
or three for 10c; and that great
reasonably priced. Please include in
your check or money order, postage
to cover mailing.
Coral beads seen this week have
i , , . , . , .
heavy co.rd at eacI? end which gives
a most toreign air. X hey re $2.98
wh'ch includes the removal of the
vjo it Boiu nasp.
u Will Be Surprised
A ND delighted to note the ravish-
-i ing effect of Chinese lines, dec-
orations and color effects. From
the delightful Chinese have come
the dainty jade jewel ornaments,
the sthaight lined blouses, widely
flaring cuffs.- The artist has shown
here a dainty frock of oddly colored
silk embroidered in soft silks and
metal combination with the skirt
buttoned most fascinatingly on the
long blouse skirt. The Ideal Button
and Pleating company, 305 Brown
block send out exquisite vork of
this kind every day. They'll be glad
to send you their new catalog de-
picting the newest evolution of ac-
cordion pleating. This book also
gives a chart of materjals required,
I caught in vain at her flying hair,
And the look of dreams in her eyes
Seemed to be more than ever fair,
For the fact that my own were wise.
I thought if Time for a Jit tie while
Would lift my lips with her wistful smile,
My heart would sing on the next long mile
For the little girl that I was.
Delightfully Distinctive Joy
What the downright "slangy"
people call "a grand and glorious
feeling" is the joy I feel when help
ing choose "that new car."
Such joy. was mine this week, for
a gy young "Polly person" from
out-of-town called up bright ' and
early Wednesday morning. "My
kingdom for a car, Polly, dear,"
. oalled this blithe voice, ' and we
fared forth up automobile row.
What an enchanting place it is to
be surel
In the Jones-Hansen Cadillac
show-room we found a four-pas
senger Cadillac Victoria, which we
. j r - , itf it
31 once votea a periect love, so
dainty its lines, so rich Us finish-
ings, so exquisite its coloring,
carle green.
For both summer and winter use
it is, of course, and you should
see how. very easy it is to convert
from a winter to a summer affair, a
change effected almost as quickly as
the shadow of a swiftly passing
cloud. '
And best of all, my dears, it's so
easy to drive, smooth and quickly
responsive, you feel confident at a"
times that it will go just where you
wish it to, yet it's a car whose
mechanism never intrudes itself up
on the occupants of the car. Onllver rHund tunic edge. Lhetu
the driver knows its wonder per-
formance and the passengers en-
joy a marvelous riding quality.
1 ''Baby Vamp" is the name they've
given the dainty blouse with points
and buttons in the back the same as
in the front. Why, well just be-
cause it's a mystery which is front,
which is back!
Winsomely Exquisite Spring
Inspired Frocks.
A SHOWING of spring dresses
worthy of wonder so ad-,
vanced so "individual" so deli
cately beautiful are the figured
Georgettes on display in the La
mond Shop, second floor Securities
building. There's a piquant grace
in their flowing lines, an . aesthetic
charm in the delicate tints. All the
new blues, taupe, henna, gray, gold
and black are represented in the
color range, while the new two
toned French ribbons offer chances
of brilliant color usage.
'' 1 jaa
Man-tailored is fhe coat of black
velvet for sports wear. Attractively
lined is it in white.
You Cannot Truly Realize
mHE a,tistic possibiIities of your
JL tinm until I,.,,.
new art paints they
showing at the Sam Newman Paper
Shop, Eighteenth and Farnam.
i nil ii I nn mnir PYnflt-f cffffatiAnd
as to the best color schemes for your
house, both inside and out. Lovely
art fresco work of all kinds is con
tracted for. Let's make this a
"dressup" season for our homes)
The Fountain of Youth.
IN ITS latest version are the Jazz
coats shown at F. W. Thome's
Short and jaunty, they seem to have
?vTU" spontaneously irom tne very
arf T ""u,.0"6 rookl.e
poirei twin nas an iMizaDetnan col-
'ar with 10-inch tassel throw-ends,
. , , , ...
raglan armholes and navy lining.
suede cloth, with great hanging
pockets sprouting forth from the
hems, there's a steel gray with mul-
berry lining, Jade grfen with short
shoulder ining and one in true
leather color, alt vividly lovely.
They're $29 75
In Becoming Light
OR the hostess who is proud of her artistic lamp shades
and delighted to hear her guests express admiration for
them, are the lamp shades becoming to both herself and
and her guest.
Maybe she has not stopped to consider that idea,
but it is one that is not to be overlooked, for a clever woman will make
her surroundings the best background possible for herself and her guests.
And some lamp shades are awfully unbecoming. A lovely mahogany
oedestal lamD with a shade of dull blue silk mav cast hues that suceest
Arabian Nights beauty, but it may also cast a pallor and unbecoming
shades upon the person near it. Yet a lamp of soft rose or palest shell
may make the same person quite charming under its delicate glow,
Springtime Whispers of Joy and
THAT moment of springtime
which whispers of sunshine and
flowers arid new clothes is here.
And when we picture sunshine and
gardens and the great out-of-doors
we long to fashion summer sheer
things. Thompson & Beldcn's are
showing a shipment of the new white
embroidered voiles. Woven of ex
quisitely dainty threads, some of
them are lace voiles, greatly re
sembling the drawn work now so others have groupings of
dots on a lacey background. Many
are very sheer with a dimity stripe
of inimitable charm which lends it
self fascinatingly to the artistic de
signs. Essentially feminine they've
a delicate daintiness entrancingly be
coming. .
Pigeon, the newest gray, has a
suggestion of blue, most effective.
New Frocks.
A GROUP of beauties frocks-aflutter
with anticipation are as
sembled in the F. W, Thome show
room. Eighteenth and Farnam. A
model of charmeuse developed in
browns and blues, has glittcringy
attractive motifs embroidered in
book price (is j wohu.wus
magic ol, color charm is a navy
Georgette with great white lacing
figures. A tiny "back collar of navy
charmeuse has lining of bright
American Beauty. The same color
forms an underbodice and lining for
the tiny turn-back cuffs on the
sweeping sleeves. A fine value for
Authentic Advance Showing
OF the latest creation in the hat
world are the Spanish Cocque
models just arrived at the Brandeis
Stores. Mr. Amsden took me up to
the stock room for the first peep.
Quaint watteaus and tire brim tur
bans, large brimmed hats, modified
and exaggerated tarns, they all of
them are possessed of a most fas
cinating feature a crown covered
with irridescent cocque feathers,
closely laid, with a long cascade on
the side back of these beautiful fash
ion feathers. The straws are in col
ors to combine well with the purples,
greens, blues and browns of the
feathers. Becoming, bewitching!
Lusciously Sweetly Satisfying
ARE the Keeley's Old Fashion
chocolates on sale at the
Jacobs-Lee drug store, Fifteenth and
as. Chocolate and vanilla
cream fillings, they're most delicious.
Stop in When you're on your way to
the pictures; you will always find
delicious "goodies" offered. There
is an appreciative gathering each
day for their luncheonettes. You'll
find this a shop of wonderfully con
venient courtesies chief among
them, their checking system.
At the Threshold of Spring.
OMAHA is summoned to a pa
geant of modern attire, begin
ning March 31. The brightest, hap
piest world in years is mirrored in
modes multUprm and many-hued as
nature's own dress. Of course you'll
be wanting to take kodak pictures of
all the pretty things, then you'll
want them finished at once. The
Kase Studio. 215 Neville building,
second floor, Sixteenth and Har-
j i .-p.- I
"ey',ls .aoinI "ui iui prinnng ...u
developing these brigh L spring days.
V ,V 'j .
',calJv satisfying, we 1 deserving the
handsome frame you 11 want, to place
on them.
She never dreamed she would grow to be
In the years that were drear and long,
Beggared of all her dreams like me,
With a soul too tired for song,
She never dreamed that the flying feet,
Passing me on Life's busy street
Would quicken my heart with a memory sweet,
Of the little girl that I was.
i Jane McLean.
Vogue, Phipps and Mode Chapeauz
Tres Charmantl
fFHREE magic names, you'll
agree 1 And such exquisite rep
resentations does each house- send
out, Mr. Robbins keeps the express
companies busy bringing new hats
from New York to Orkins, South
Sixteenth street, and you! Each
group of hats on display is worthy
of a separate paragraph, but Polly
sips the honey and flits by, from
one charming model to another.
Italian hair braid, that ravishing new
transparency, is evident in a num
ber of chic creations, great leghorns
of creamy beauty have swathings of
white maline. Sweet and swagger,
chic and captivating, they're at once
Aren't You Glad
TO HEAR that the Nippon Im
porting Company, 218 South
Eighteenth street, have just received
the shipments of caskets which has
been delayed for so long. These are
the charmingly lovely work baskets
beaded and tasseled, with trimming
of coins. Each lid has a handle of
bright jade, amber, or some color of
oriental glass to match the color
scheme. The price range is most
pleasant, 60c, $1, $1.35, $1.75 and
Designed to give a rich color note
to milady's spring suit are the new
Hospe's Hobby.
pRAMING is the particular and
especial hobby of the A. Hospe
Music and Art store. This makes it
more than a business! It means that
more are is taken to get the right
frame for the photograph, print or
oil painting that goes to them to be
framed. Their splendidly artistic
stock of frames is ready t6 meet each
new requirement.
Voguish Hosiery.
T? VERY style tendency of the sea
son demands voguish hosiery
slashed skirts, which, made long
round the heels, break in walking to
fold gracefully round the insteps,
showing the distractively lovely
hose creations of the season.
Lace designs of entrancing loveli
ness, drawnwork effects, achieved by
drqpped stitchings, embroiderey in
dots, lines, squares, and stripes both
perpendicular and horizontal, of con
trasting colors, in single and group
arrangements. For the girl who
needs heavy hose for driving and
tramping, there are the splendidly
heavy sports hose in ' leather and
green shades best adapted for wear
with sturdy walking shoes.
You'll find all of these hose splen
did values at the J. T. McQuillin
Shop, 1512 Farnam street. Of
course you'll want a few plain heavy
silk hose, in your selection, from the
of "Miss Victoria," the cleverly
fashioned new hose for $2.25.
A hauntingly, lovely fragrance,
witchingly subtle in its charm,, is
the Oriental perfume, Sandalwood.
Orange Blossom, Wisaria and
Honeysuckle. Three small bottles
or one large bottle in a box for 45
Spring Hath Indeed Charm This
Year Russian Blouse Suits.
NOWHERE is the charm of
spring more to be noted than
in the suit creations. Sparkling with
individuality is a bronze tan Russian
blouse suit just seen at Herzberg's
Women's Toggery, 1517 Douglas
Characterized by fine tailoring,
beautiful material (poiret twill), lit
tle graces and elegancies in the con
tour of shoulders, collar lapels, em
broidered satin vestes, niceties of
detail, buttons, buttonholes, wide
braided cord girdle, slashed in coat
skirt to give "slenderizing" lines, the
exact becomingness of the blousing
of the coat, all proclaim the highest
order of craftsmanship! It seems
hardly possible that one can get all
this loveliness for $49.50.
A. blue Georgette crepe has large
embroidered blocks of white. Richly
lovely; it's $6.50 a yard.
A Wonder-Style
A MONG the wraps that spring
sponsors is the dolman. "Made-in-the-mode"
is a wrap shown by the
Larriond Shop for Women, second
floor Securities building. Of heavy
duchess satin, .in taupe, it's ir
resistibly lovely. A great collar of
marabou crosses in the fremt under
a wide shaped belt. The great
sleeves are made with cuffs of
marabou, in one piece with the
back which hangs from a rounded
yoke. Side panels from the front
are held in place by satin buttons,
which weight the lower part of the
skirt to a desired "cuppiness."
Brown, rose, gold and blue glint in
the lining of pussy-willow taffeta.
Daring, Demure, Distinctive, Dis
tractingly Different
T'HE picturesqueness of the Gains
borough hat has been unques
tioned for years and for as many
years designers have sought to
create hats which would make this
shape the season's favored mode.
The ITne has arrived and every
womjfTi of fashion includes among
her hats of grace, the inimitably fas
cinating large-brimmed Gainsbor
ough. The Nebraska Clothing Company's
millinery department Fifteenth and
Farnam, is showing a case of these
droop-brim models, fashioned of
horsehair. Daintily glittering is this
fine hair fabric in every pastel shade
of the rinbow. Several show com
binations of orchid and mauve, with
just a touch of dark ' raisin. The
crowns have each and all chosen
Georgette, cunningly gathered and
.corded, the trims wee velvet roses,
buds and berries, are exquisitely
worthy of their distinctive settings,
hats as fascinating as they're wide
ly different. (
You Are Bound, at the Flatiron Cafe,
Seventeenth and St. Mary's Ave.
'PO FIND it pleasant to dine where
service is instant, dignified and
correct, and where good food in
plenteous portions makes the lunch
and dinner hours worth while. One
hardly realizes how they can afford
to serve such meals for 40 cents and
60 cents. There's always a gener
ous big pat of butter at the side of
the delicious bread and good, thick
cream in the coffee and on the var
ious puddings.
Blouses of Wide Diversity
MR. ROSEN of Orkin Bros., Six-A'-L
eenth and Harney, has just
returned from New York with hun
dreds of fascinating blouse surprises.
Two that I found most interesting
are of heavy georgette crep.e in
white, bisque, flesh and blue, and
are $7.50. Round necked is the first
of French blue, with showing of rose
crepe under yoke and cuffs. An
exquisitely developed motif in silk
rose steel and jet beads decorates the
yoke. Large tucks on each shouh
der form a panel opening at one side.
The other, equally lovely, has
picot-edged loose hanging yokes
open at each shoulder to form a
round neckline. It's a slip-on with
tiny tucks forming squares all over
it. Many georgette-covered buttons
contribute to the charm of this
model, which is also in orchid and
Hats Reblocked
A Paxton block, reblocks both
men's and women's hats, cleans and
dyes, repairs and refashions feath
ers of all kinds and renovates and
refreshes marabou pieces,
Picturesque Fabrics In New SkirK
A S her coat swings back in tht
r spring breeze, one notices hei
sport skirt, and what a lovely on
it is, in Deautitully blended colors olJ
rose, gold, blue, soft grcenaitotr 1
and bronze in fashion s fascinating
fabrics, Fan-ta-si, Victory and Wat
erfall silks. Self colored, two toned
and novelty striped and blocked,
they're of a curious, crepy loveli
ness. White crepe de chines, grace
fully clinging, have rich knee hems
of Waterfall silk, giving the effect
of Paon velvet. Creamy white Vic
tory cloth is dazzlingly lovely.
These are but a few of the capti
vating skirt creations shown at the
Lamond Style Shop, second floor
Securities building, Sixteenth and
Sunny Italy Charms the World
V UNNY ITALY is most interest-
ing in many ways. Noted for
aesthetic arts they've yet many of
the practical arts represented among
their people, chief among them their
cuisines. The tenor of the San
Carlos Grand Opera company at
spaghetti most delightedly at ths
Rialto delicatessan Monday night
after the opera. This shop is mak
ing a specialty of serving this de
licious dish. If you'll phone Red
4160, they'll .have it ready for you to
take home in your car.
The Power of a King
tJAS often been invoked to bring
--A before the court the' music of
the world, but even a king can do no
more than the New Edison, the in
strument of perfect re-creation.'
Through it you may wield the powei
to call before you the foremost sing
ers and entertainers and enjoy their
art in all its vivid realism.
Listen to soul-stirring martial airs,
to alluring love songs, speeches ol
famous men and women songs by
Caruso, McCormack, Galli Curci al
the Rouse Edison Parlors, Twentieth
and Farnam. Spend a delightful houi'
in one of the big easy chairs listen-'
ing to your favorite opera.
If you can't visit this shop to lei
Mr. Rouse demonstrate the instru
ment to you, I'll be most happy tc
send you illustrated literature of tin
New Edison. You may find it in-'
teresting to know that Mr. Roust
tests personally every machine
which leaves his shop.
Fashion Notes
Surely you'll want a slash in
some part of your new suit skirt
i Riotously colorful the new silk
"undies," double draperies, pointeo
in skilful lines, orchid, peach, apple
green, they're bits of the conjurer's
Even is you can't have your bead
ed bag direct from France, yo
needn't bewail your luck, for a local
hop has a wonderful selection.
Orchids in soft tints decorate the
sides of a charming "bittie" bag with
blue frame of shell and beaded arm
Chinese maidens, quaintly coy,
Look much like small wooden toys,
But they'll gladly be your go-betweens
, : ,..
These daintily, painted telephone