THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH SO, 1919. Thtjr live to long whe happiness outlive, For Ufa and death are thtof indifferent. Each to be chose, aa aithaa brings content. Dryden. Oft expectation (ail, and moat elt thcra Whera most it promisee, and olt It bits, Whera hop la coldest, and dtapalr meat fits. Shakespeare. 4 B CLUBDOM Club notices will not be pub lished in The Sunday Bee if re ceived later than 5 p. m. Friday. MONDAY The Athletic and Glee clubs ' of the Y. W. H. A. will meet on Mon day in the club rooms at the Lyric building, at' 8 p. m. Miss Cecillia Seiler it in charge of the Glee club and Miss Mildred Le ley is director of the new Athletic club. Liberty chapter of Eastern Star will hold its final meeting under dis--pension for its 500 charter mem bers, on Monday at 7:30 p.'m. at the Masonic temple. ; - This will be a business and social meeting as well as special initiation. TUESDAY The Spanish club will meet on Tuesday at 8 p. m. in room, 505 of the McCague building. The Jewish Relief society will Fruit-Juice Essences Jiffy-Jell desserts carry real fruit flavors in es sence form, in vials. - A wealth of fruit juice is condensed for each des sert So you get a fresh fruit dainty, healthful and .delicious. . This is the' new-type quick gelatine dessert five times as good as the old kinds. . , Loganberry and Pine apple are two of the best flavors. Trytnem. They're found only in ... 10 Flavora, at Your Crow's 2 Package for 25 Cnf m Tell Your Boy About This! ; The Boys' Magazine Free Send today for a free sample copy. Splendid stories beauti ful illustrations handsome cov ers in colors. Ad tress ' THE SCOTT F. REDFIELD CO. 2843 Main St. Smethport, Pa. 1 TC ;osmeo Face Powder ' dheres well is delicate ly perfumed and is not affected by perspiration. - h Insures a fresh, clean velvety complexion and perfect protec tion from tan, freckles and sun burn. It cannot clog the pores or injure the skin. Three shades: .White, Flesh or Brunette. , : ;J At All Toilet Counter ' CEXVAISE GRAHAM tSW. Ifflnois St. Chicago HUB YOUR BACK! STOPS LUMBAGO Don't drug kidneys! Rub the pain right out with old "St. Jacobs Liniment", .... Back hurt you? Can't straighten up without feeling sudden pains, sharp -aches and twinges? Now, list en I That's lumbago, . sciatica, or maybe from a strain, and you'll get blessed reliez tne moment you ruD your back with soothing, penetrat- i .-.. 1 T ilfl XT-T-.' els takes out soreness, lameness and stiffness so quickly. You simply rub it on and out comes the pain. It is perfectly harmless and doesn't burn or discolor the skin. ' Limber up! Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle from any drug store, and after using it just once, foull forget that you ever had back ache, lumbago or sciatica, because f our back will never hurt or cause liny : more misery. It never disap points and has been recommended for 60 years. Stop drugging kid neys! They don't cause backache; because they have no nerves, there fore can not cause pain.- Adv. 7 y for Pains in the Sack Put a teaming hot level ever the painful spot to open the porei; then rob nth r;l n:L 1:- - aiwm una ""f ' J hold a meeting in the Jewish wel fare room on Tuesday. Aoril 1. The literature department of thev bouth Omaha Woman s club wr.l meet at the home of Mrs. N. M Graham, .4318 South Thirty-second street, on iuesday at 2 p. m. Chapter B. X. of the P. E. O. Sis terhood will meet with Mrs: W. H. Kearns, 104 South Fiftieth avenue, Tuesday, for a 1 o'clock luncheon. No. 104 of the United States Grant U. P. C will meet Tuesday at 2:30 p. m., in Memorial hall of the court house. Mrs. Millard Langfeld will give the fourth of a series of lectures on sociology Tuesday at 10, at Jacobs .Hall. The public speaking department of the Omaha Woman's club will give 1 program on Tuesday at 2 p. m. at the Y.W.CA. " The program will be in charge of Mrs. George Shield's division. Prof. Edwin P.ils is the instructor and Mrs. J. C. Lawrence, the leader. Many line parties have been ar ranged for the program. Mrs. Joseph Lawrence is among those who will entertain members of the executive board and leaders of the department. WEDNESDAY Nu Sigma will meet Wednesday at 9:30 a. m., at the home of Mrs. N. P. Feil, 502 South Thirty-sixth street. The program is in charge of Mrs. A. O. Peterson, assisted by Mrs. J. M. Patton, Mrs. A. Alstron and Mrs. George Thompson. The topic of the day is "Portraits of Women." ' THURSDAY , Home economic department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet Thursday, at 10 a. m., at the Y. W. C. A. After a short business session the meeting will adjourn to attend the district convention. Mrs. H. P. Stein will entertain the Pythian Sisters Kensington on Thursday at her home on 714 North Twenty-seventh. FRIDAY ,: War Mothers of America, as well as wives, sisters and daughters,, will meet at 8 p. m. Friday in the -City hall. Ladies' Aid society of the Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church will meet Friday, April 4, at 2:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. P. M. Conklin, 4160. Cuming. Omaha Woman's Club The parliamentary law depart ment of the Omaha Woman's club will meet Tuesday, at 2:30 p. m., at the Y. W. C. A. . The lesson will be a bill for a joint resolution petitioning our rep resentatives in congress to work for and favor the return of railroads to private ownership. Mrs. C. L. Hemple will act as chairman of the day; Mrs. L. M. Lord as clerk, and Mrs. A. E. Mer ryfielrf as chairman of the commit tee of resolutions. . Affirmative debate will be taken by Mrs. John Gill and the negative by Mrs. O. Y. Craig. Assistants are Gladys Shamp, H. J. Bailey, John Welsch, Mrs. U. F. Baldwin, Mrs. John Mullin, F. H. Ray and W. . Bentz. - Anthon H. Biglow will be " the director and Mrs. John Mullin, the leader. . Omaha Woman's club will meet in the auditorium of the Y. W, C. A. on Monday at 2:30 p. m., pre ceded by a short meeting of the board of directors at 1:30. " Delegates for the district conven tion in South Omaha will be elect ed. The tellers are, Mrs. J. O. Yei ser, W. H. Warwick, A. R. McFar land and Miss Gladys Shamp. The1 program will be in charge of the musical department under the leadership of Mrs. W. E. Shafer. The chorus with Professor Cox, as leader, will furnish selections; a stringed trio, and a quartet will give the remainder of the program. Com munity singing lead by Mrs. C H. Townsend will be a leading feature. WOMEN! DRY CLEAN ' ' THINGS AT HOME Try itl For a few cents you can dry dean everything. Save five to ten dollars quickly by dry cleaning everything in the home with gasoline that would be ruined by soap and water-t-suits, coats, waists, silks, laces, gloves, shoes, furs, draperies, rugs everything! Place a gallon or more of gasoline in a dishpan or washboiler, then put in the things to be dry cleaned, then wash them with Solvite soap. Short ly everything comes out looking like new. Nothing fades, shrinks or wrin kles. Do not attempt to dry clean without Solvite soap. This gasoline soap is the secret of all dry cleaning. A package of Solvite soap contain ing directions for home dry cleaning, costs little, at any drug store. Dry clean outdoors or away from flame. Adv. NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH AddIt Cream in Nostrils To Open Up Air Passages. Ah! .What relief! Your clogged nostrils open right up, the air pass ages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawk ing, snuffling, . mucous discharge, headache, dryness no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh is gone. Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it pene trate through every air passage of the "head; soothe and heal the swol len, inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Ely's Cream Balm is just what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seek ing;, r It'a just splendid Adv. Two, Women Speakers of National Distinction Presented by the . State Federated Clubs , With two women speaker of na tional distinction, Mrs. John Dickin son Sherman of Chicago, and Mm. Helen Harrington . Downing of Toledo, O., on the program, the an nual convention of the Second dis trict, Nebraska Federation of Wom en s clubs, will meet in all day ses sion Thursday in Grace Methodist church, on the South Side. On account of the serious illness of the chairman for this district, Mrs. William Berry, the meeting will be opened at 10:30 o'clock by the vice chairman, Mrs. George Herbert Boyer of Papillion. ,Dr. C. C. Wilson will give the invocation; Mrs. John B. Watkins, president of the South Side club, the address of welcome; Mrs. C. T. Pike of the Papillion club, the response, and Mrs. Clair F. King of Papillion, ac companied by Mrs. John Harrmann, will lead the patriotic singing. . Mrs. N. M. Graham, secretary of the district and a former president of the South Omaha club, will open the business meeting with the read ing of minutes and reports. Lunch eon will be served in the church. Mrs. Downing, speaking on "Con tinued Food Conservation," will de liver the principal address of the afternoon session. Mrs. Downing is a food expert from Armour &Co., and her talk for the federated club women was arranged by The Oma ha Bee, Departmental reports will be given as follows: Art, Mrs. Halleck Rose; civics, Miss Katherine Wor ley; civil service, Mrs. Harriet Mac Murphy; conservation, Mrs. Frank Dundee Woman's Patriotic Club to Give Benefit Dance at Rome- : Want t dance happiness into hundreds of. little childrens' hearts both here and in France? That is what the Dundee Woman's Pa triotic club has prepared for in its benefit dance to be given on Tues day at the Rome hotel. Besides financing canteen! work ers, these women make layettes for Omaha babies who otherwise would suffer for not the dainties that be long to baby days, but for the actual necessities. They provide glasses for little Omaha children whose par ents could not afford to give them "new eyes." j Mrs. H. B. Robinson is chairman of the reception committee, whose members are Mrs. James Chadwick, Mrs. George Waterman and Mrs. Harry Patterson. This is the first benefit dance that the club has given since the street dance in June. I Army and Navy Club. , Sergt. Howard Steberg of Omaha, recently discharged from the serv ice, will sing at the second of a ser ies of dances given at the Army and Navy club on Thursday. ' The Orpheum will give one of its acts also as entertainment. These dances are for soldiers both discharged and in active-service. Your Used Silverware Made Like New ' We re-plate your used Silver ware making it like new. Any thing of metal we re-plate in cluding brass beds and finish as desired. Bring us your used articles and save buying new ones. Eastern Plating Co., Mala Office, 70S! S. 16th. 1218 Farnam. Phones! Tyler 3649. Douglas 2S66. DON'T HAVE GRAY HAIR It's Easy to look Young and Fascinating by Use of " "La Creole" ' 'La Creole has made me look j$ years younger. O woman should be hand! ' capped socially by gray or faded hair. Every woman owes it to herself to look her best and avoid the appearance of coming age. Gray, streak ed with gray, or faded hair makes many a woman look old before her- time, and gray hair Is so very unnecessary. LA CBEOLE Hair Dressing Is the most popular Hair Color Restorer in use among society Men and Women of America today. It is a safe, delightful toilet preparation which uniformly restores gray, streaked with gray, or faded hair to its youthful beauty and lustre. . LA CREOLE , Hair Dressing will not stain the scalp, wash or rub off. or leave the hair with that greasy or dyed appear ance. You apply it yourself by simply combing or brushing it through the hair before retiring, and the results will de light yeu' surprisingly. LA CREOLE is sold by Sherman McConnell, and all good drug stores and toilet cpunters everywhere. Price..!. 00 . . . ' i'" ) y? rk J . I , f K.! J., r'-gf BaBaw,pfVf!Pr ' Odell; home economics, Mrs. Marion Webb, Valley; industrial and social conditions, Miss Gladys Shamp; legislative, Mrs. William Berry; li brary extension, Mrs. John Gill; literature, Mrs. C. M. Schindel; en dowment fund, Mrs. C. M. Hempel; reciprocity bureau, Mrs. N. E.John son, Valley; scholarship, Mrs. G. W. Wattles; education, Miss Elizabeth Hewitt; Fifth Victory loan, Mrs. L. M. Lord; Mrs. M. D. Cameron, general , federation director for Ne braska, will also speak. Mrs. Sherman is the chief speaker for the evening session which opens at 7:15 o'clock with community sing ing led by Harry Murrison, Mrs. Sherman is chairman of the conser vation department, General Federal tion of Women's Clubs and assistant director of the United States school garden army. Mrs. Addison E. Sheldon of Lincoln, president of the Nebraska Federation and Mrs. K. R. J. Edholm, chairman of the tuber culosis committee, public health de partment of the general federation will be the other speakers. Dr. R. L. Wheeler will give an invocation and musical numbers will be given by Ermo Clow, harpist; Miss Clara Henni, cellist, accom panied by Miss Lydia Henni, and Miss Jean Farrell, violinist. Still Found by U.. S. Marshal Tom Flynn, IT. S. Marshal, found a still in full operation at the plant of the Carey Cleaning Co., 2401 No. 24th St. Mr. Flynn pronounced same as of the best in the city for purifying and dis tilling gasolene. BREAD SKINNER BAKING COMPANY DOUOLAS-ISeZ TftAOe MAftK frs:? THE BEST' r v " " Get Back Your Grip On Health Physician GiVe. Practical Advice On What to Do To Help Build Up Your Strength, Power i and Endurance Explains How Organic Iron Nuxated Iron Helps Put Renewed Vim and Energy Into , the Vein of the Weak, Nervous and Run-down Thousands of men and women are impairing their constitutions, laying themselves open to illness and liter ally losing their grip on health simply Decause vieir blood is thinning out and possibly starving tnrougn lack of iron To possess he power, energy and endurance that win the blood should be rich in strength - giving iron. For this purpose phy sicians be low ex plain why they pre-. scribe organic iron Nuxated Iron which by enriching the blood and - creating thou sands of new red blood cells often quickly transform the flabby flesh, toneless tissues and pallid cheeks of weak, anaemic men and women into a glow of health. It increases the strength of delicate, nervous, run down folks in two week's time in many instances. In explaining why he regards iron as absolutely essen tial to the greatest devel cm. ment of physical and men tal power, and discussing the probability of building t op a stronger race of neo- Ple by increasing the supply of iron In their blood. Dr. George H. Baker, former ly Physician and Surgeon, Monmouth Me morial Hospital of Mew Jersey, saya: "Jron is absolutely necessary to change food into living tissue, muscle and brain. Refined foods and modern methods of cook ing have robbed us of much of the iron which Nature intended we should receive and for supplying this deficiency and in creasing the red bloooV corpuscles,' I know of nothing more effective than organic iron Nuxated Iron. From a careful examina tion of the formula and my own test of Nuxated Iron. I feel convinced that it is a preparation which any physician can take himself or prescribe for his patients with the utmost confidence of obtaining highly beneficial and satisfactory results. The fact that Nuxated Iron is today being used by over three million people annually ai a tonic. . strength and,, blood-builder, , la Spring Means New Togs for Americans and Rags for Refugees Spring Sundays mean discarded winter clothes and airy, fluffy sum mer "ones for us. Spring Sundays for European refugees will mean no clothes but rags unless the quota designated by the Red' Cross in its campaign for used clothing is filled. Omaha societies, business firms and individuals have given of their assistance. The street railway service offered space tor yu cards in its cars throughout the week. The city has given two trucks for delivery; J. P. Jerpe, one; Trimble Brothers, two; the Blackstone garage, two; the Board of Education, through Miss Belle Ryan, has taken care of the schools, hotels, boarding houses and private homes are urged to give for the Red Cross of every kind of cloth, ing or material. The headquarters at 313 South Seventeenth will yreieive packages until Wednesday. Shipment 'of Clothes for j Devastated France , v Has Gone The auxiliary of the allies of the First Presbyterian church Miss Jes sie Millard, chairman, has just made it first shipment of refugee garments to the American Committee for Devastated France. The list in cludes 932 pieces. In the women's clothing were 200 garments. To the children were sent seven aprons, 13 hats and caps, 50 drawers, 40 petti coats, 42 pairs of bootees, 50 under waists, 130 little babies' shawls and 100 nightgowns. In household sup plies were 220 pillow cases and 80 sheets. , Countless ruined villages in France are in the process of recon struction. The people needed most everything. It is pleasant to know that Omaha is responding in its usual generous way. HOSIERY OUR assortment of Phoe nix Hosiery brings ad miration from every one who gives us an opportunity to show it. Our Phoenix show ing is Phoenix all i-even to the unusual and out sizes in all colors. . Men's, 80c, $1.00 and $1.50 Women's, $1.10 up to $2.50 Mail You can tell' which people have a firm grip on Health , Strong Vigoroua Folk with Plenty of Iron In their Blood. itself an evidence of tremendous public confidence and I am con vinced, that if others would take Nuxated Iron when they feel weak and run-down it would help make a nation of stronger, healthier men and women." Commenting on the use of Nuxated Iron as a tonic, strength and blood-builder. Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.) New York, and the Westchester County Hospi tal, said: "Thousands are held back In life for want of sufficient iron in the blood. A weak body means -a weakened will power, and like the race horse beaten by a nose, many a capable man or woman falls just short of winning because they don't back up their mentality with the physical strength and energy which come from having plenty of iron in the blood. That irritable twitch, that fit of despondency, that dizzy, fearful feel ing these are the sort of signals nature gives to tired, listless folks When the blood is clamouring for strength-giving iron more iron to restore the health by enrich ing the blood and creating thousands of new red blood cells, . . , . " r& m KSl tSfcV C KvC- tffcsftCVJ .eaWV. .J" .jar VVf. 'Rl . MKI M m M E y';.:.:'.W Trtl Itself an evidence of tremendous " Mrs. A. G. Peterson, State Chairman Victory Loan Mrs. A. G. Peterson, state chair man for the woman's committe of the Victory Joan, was a guest in the city this week. She came up to con fer with T. C. Byrne and other workers in the drive and to address the opening meeting of woman workers held Thursday at the Ath letic -club." 1 ' - Old People's Home. Dean Tanock and the Trinity cathedral choir will "conduct a relig ious service at the Old Peoples home Fontenelle boulevard, Sunday after noon at 3:30. 508-10 So. 16th St. orders receive intelligent attention. "In my opinion the greatest curse to the health and strength of Am erican people of today is the alarming deficiency of iron in their , blood. It is through iron in the red color ing matter of the blood that life-sustaining oxygen en ters the body. With out iron there is no strength, vitality and endurance to com bat obstacles or withstand severe strains. Lack of sufficient iron in the blood has ruined many a man's nerves and utterly robbed him of that virile force and stamina which are ao neces sary to success and power in every walk of life. "Therefore I strongly ad vise ' those , who feel the need of a strength and blood build er to get a p h y s ician's prescript ion for organic iron Nuxat a d Iron or if you , don't want to go to this trou ble then purchase only Nuxated Iron in its original packages and see that thia particular name (Nuxated Iron) appears on the package." If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary Nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. Numbers of nervous, run-down people who were ailing all the whiir have moat astonishingly increased their strength and endurance simply by taking iron in the proper form. And this after they had, in some cases, been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. Manufacturers' Note: Nuxated Iron recommended ahni- is not a neoret remedy but one which ts well known to drugglHts everywhere. Unlike the older Inorganic Iron pniduets. It Is easily assimilated, does not Injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomach. The manufacturers guarantee successful and entirely satisfactory results to every purehaaer or they will refund your money. It Is dis lensed in this city by Sherman a, McConnell an' stlier druggists. r (aF- PHOTO) . 'ft Red Cross Notes The auxiliary was organized July 18, 1917. Since July. 1918. with a membership of 25 active workers, 320 hospital garments, 590 surgical dressings and 210 refugee garments, and manv knitter! carmpnts have been made. Every quota has been nnisnea ana every aemana upon this auxiliary has been met with a cheer ful and prompt response. Miss May Tobin. acting chairman of the knitting department, announc es that as yet only 120 sweaters and 140 mufflers of the knitting uota 9,020 garments to be completed as soon as possible are in the field. Eight of these sweaters and three of the mufflers have been finished and returned. Knitters are needed to make the completion of this quo ta possible; ' ' The Carter Lake auxiliary met on Thursday, March 27, and completed its last quota of refugee garments, and, with the money left m the treasury, decided to adopt a French orphan and care far it. Mrs. A. D. Chapman, chairman. announces that the auxiliary will not disband, but from now on will meet once every month in 'he homes of the members and keep in readi ness for any relief work that may come up. The first meeting will be held at the residence of Mrs. A. T. Gibson, 2552 Marcy street, the first Thursday in May. Work on the knitting quota will be taken up at once. ' Mrs. Edward L. Burke will be home next week from Excelsior Springs. - , Become Slender A Simple, Guaranteed Method If you would like to lose, weekly, from one to five pounds of burdensome fat while eating and drinking all you. need, also en joying life far better than at present, just follow this advice: Take seven deep breaths of fresh air each morning and evening ; after each' meal take a little oil of korein; eat all you need, but ehew thoroughly, and follow other simple directions of the guaranteed Korein system. , Men and women who were waddling around with heavy, sluggish bodies have, in many cases, reported a gradual, agree able reduction of thirty to eighty pounds, with wonderful benefit to health and figure. This very season is the time to become slender, attractive, vivacious and healthi er, very easily. Get oil of korein at the druggist's; it comes In capsules, conveni ent to use and is now sold at before-war low price. Weigh and measure yourself week to week. "You can scarcely realize the joy that awaits you in normal sym metrical figure, with good health and long er life. Show others this advertisement Adv. Advises "Corn Silk"! Extract in Treatment of Kid ney and Bladder Ailments. Allays Inflammation and Re stores Normal Action. Just a simple extract of green corn silk compounded with other simple, well-known' drugs, seems to bring re sults in the treatment of Kidney and Bladder disorders that might almost be classed as miraculous. Congestion and inflammation of the kidneys and bladder cause untold distress. Pains in back and hips, pain and pressure in bladder region, frequent desire to eliminate, causing restless sleep soon wears out the patient's vitali ty and more serious results follow neglect. The soothing, balmy effect of Balmwort Tablets are noticed quick ly as the , inflammation is allayed and the organs are toned up to act as nature intended. . ! Alexander T. Matya, 30 Elm street, Passaic, N. J., writes: ' "I have been taking Balmwort Tablets for Kidney and Bladder trouble and find they give me the most beneficial results." Stop your suffering and nightly distress by asking your leading druggist for a tube of Balmwort Tablets. Price $1.00. Adv. MUM MOT WATER IF YOU mWE A ROSY COMFLIEMOM Says we can't help but look better and feel better after an Inside bath. To look one's best and feci one's best is to enjoy an inside bath each morning to flush from the system the previous day'3 waste, sour fer mentations and poisonous toxins be fore it is absorbed into the blood. Just as coal, when it burns, leaves behind a certain amount of incom bustible material in the form of ash es, so the food and drink taken each day leaves in the alimentary crgans a certain amount of indigestible ma terial, which if not eliminated, form toxins and poisons which are then sucked into the blood through the very ducts which are intended to suck in only nourishment to sustain the body. If you want to see the glow of healthy bloom in your cheeks, to see your skin get clearer and clearer you are told to drink every morning upon arising, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it, which is a harmless means of washing the waste mate rial and toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, before putting more food into the stomach. Men and women with sallow skins, liver spots, pimples or pallid com plexion, are those who wake up with a coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, others who are bothered with headaches, bilious spells, acid stom ach or constipation should begin this phosphated hot water drinking. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate costs very little at the drug store, but is sufficient to dem onstrate that just as soap and hot wate cleanses, purifies and fresh ens the skin on the outside, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the inside organs. Adv. HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG Don't stay gray I Nobody can tall when you darken gray, faded hair with -Sage Tea and Sulphur. Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and attrac tive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appear ance, this simple mixture was ap plied with wonderful effect.' By ask ing at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this old time recipe, improved by the addi tion of other ingredients, all ready to use, at very little cost. This sim ple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known down town druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been ap plied it s so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it throueh vour hair, tak ing one strand at a time. By morn ing the gray hair disappears; after another aplication or two, it is re stored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beautiful. Adv. ; BEST WAY TO WASH THE HAIR We find you can bring out the beauty of your hair to its very best advantage by washing it with can1 throx. It makes a very simple, in expensive shampoo, which cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly of all the dandruff, dirt and excess : oil, leaving a wonderfully clean, whole some feeling. After its use you .will find that the hair dries quickly and pvpnlv. is never atrenkerl in nnnpnr- ance and is always bright, soft and fluffy; so fluffy, in fact, looks more abundant than it is, and so soft that arranging it becomes a pleasure. Just use a teaspoonful of canthrox, which yon can get from any good druggist's, dissolve it in a cup of hot water: this makes a full cup of shampoo liquid, enough so it is easy to apply it to all the hair instead of just the top of the head. Adv. . : , ' ; . ! -- - -- ' ' Adler-i-ka Again! "Adler-i-ka is the only medicine for gas on the stomach. I never had so much relief with any medicine. I would not take $25.00 for the re lief one bottle of Adler-i-ka gave me. l cannot get rone recommend ing it." (Signed) . H. L. Hicks, Ash ley, 111. Adler-i-ka spells ALL gas and sourness, stopping stomach distress INSTANTLY. Empties BOTH up per and lower bowel, flushing EN TIRE alimentary canal. Removes ALL foul matter which poisons sys tem. Often CURES constipation. Prevents appendicitis. We have sold Adler-i-ka many years. It is a mix ture of buckthorn, cascara, glycer ine and nine other simple drugs. Sherman & McConnell Drue Co. Adv. 2IMIIII!IMIIIII!IIIIIIII!III!IMI!MIIIIIII1III1IHIJ ' : You may need a J : little sulphur i- , ' "j " To Help Eliminate and Regulate the Function! of the Body. i Sulpherb Tablets a Boon to Woman- ' kind Who Suffer. i Not only a boon to womankind,-: but to men, women, boys and girls. Sulpherb Tablets have proven to be the simple, mild but most effective, in the overcoming of conditions pri marily due to constipation and inac tive kidneys. Women suffer period ically, and at such times suffer in silence, when if they could only know that the sulphur, cream of tar tar and herb extracts in Sulpherb Tablets would surely bring relief, 1 j u. :ii: j - l. . tueic: wuuiu uc imuiuiia maue nappy and free from headaches, backaches, languor, constipation, pimples, erup tions, etc., due to accumulated poi sons in the body. Mrs. E. Phelan, 189 Cambridge, St., Boston, writes: "In reading your good advice to others I have found relief. I was troubled with backaches, headaches and dizzy , spells so I started to take your Sul-r pherb Tablets which gave me grejat relief. May your good work gomxL. . etc." I .- .. ' Sulpherb Tablets areiveiy, very good and 'sold by all druggists, at 60c per tube. Adv. j ; lllll!!lllllllllln:lll!lmillli:ll!!!lllllUllllll, . I THAT TIREC) : 1 . FEELING! I 1 Do You Know What It Means? i It Means That You Afe Sick, 2 Says a Great Health xpert. i I Cadomene Tablets Will Help You. j i li:iiiniii:iii:iliii!iilMiiliii!iii!iiii;iliilliiiliilliliif You know you have the Jred feel ing, but you wonder why. It is be cause the various organs of your body are not doing thei r normal duties. You need a tonic tohelp them perform until natu re takes hold. And Cadomene Tab lets', are guaranteed by the manufai turers to be just the tonic you neec to over come the lethargy of poisoned Try them a week and see wfhat won ders they perform for yiur poor, tired aching body and iBistressed mind. Sold by all druggists I Adv. T i . . f . '. . t. ..u j Kti in or oui OI DUS11J1CJ3, puu- lish a Bee Want Ad and look for re- auus m me way 01 answe " auvcrusemeai. .