Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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11 A
'Functions at Community Cen
ters, Where Boys Who
Joined Colors Will Be
. : Guests of Honor.
"Dress-up" week is also to be a
; 'Welcome Home" week, according
to the announcement of Commis
sioner Falconer, heaj of the city
recreation t department. He an
nounce the plans for welcome cele
5 vbrations to returned soldiers, sailors
and marines in all community cen
ters this week.
The first will be held Tuesday
.evening at Clifton Hill community
'tenter, which meets in the School
- fior Peat auditonuy. Here will be
an address of welcome by William
Hotz, and a response in behalf of
the returned fighters by Bob Janes,
who lost a leg in tfc Belleauwood
engagement, will be part of thero
gram. Refreshments will be served.
Other Celebrations.
Wednesday, Kellom community
center will hold its home coming
jubilee. Benson, Train and West
Side centers will have celebrations
Thursday evening.
An elaborate celebration. ith a
regular banquet for the returned
soldiers will be given by the Benson
center in Sorenson's hall. Civil
war veterans' quartet afld speakers
will be guests of honor. Former
Mayor Bailey, Benson, will deliver
an address of welcome. It is ex
pected that 150 returned Yanks will
.be present.
Clyde Sunblad will deliver the
address of welcome at Train center.
A sumptuous dinner will be served.
At West Side, J. J. Breen will de
liver the address of welcome.
One Big Program.
Friday evenings celebrations will
be held at Central park, Monmouth
park, Lincoln and Edgar Rosewater
centers. The Lincoln center is the
only one of these four to announce
its program. Frank G. Odell will
deliver the address of welcome and
responses will be made by Robert
Kutak and E. Hamren. Demon
strations by Boy Scouts will form
part of the program. . v
The , "Welcome home" programs
will i be the last meetings . of the
season for practically all of the
centers. The Community 1 Center
Athletic carnival, .to be held April
10 at the Municipal auditorium, will
be the last J)ig event of the season
in which the Centers will participate.
Bluffs Watchman Is- , ,
- Woundeti by Robber
John R. Lawrence, 68 years old,
yard - watchman " for Nels ' Jensen,
building contractor Council Bluffs,
was shot last night by two masked
holdups, who attempted to rob Jfim
as he sat in the little shanty in the
yards at Thirteenth street and First
avenue. The bullet -passed squarely
through his left ear. The men then
fled in the darkness, followed by a
couple of shots from Lawrence, who
was tiot stunnea or intimidated by
the shot, but seized his revolver and
rusbed after the bandits. - '
i ' .
Exclusive Specialty Shop-
; Will Remodel Paxton Block
Eldridge-Reynolds .Company Completes Plans , To Oc-
' cupy Entire Building andWill Take Over, Floor
; ? Space As Fast As Leases Expire.
Dress Up Your Table
"1 - I
t, ... - i ' . , - .i : . - ' " . ..
V ' '
l" Si
0 ' ; 1
'. The old Paxton block at ! Six
teenth and. Farnam streets, Omaha's
busiest corner, a land faark in . the
commercial section of thecity, rap
idly iabeing converted into the larg
est and most up-to-the-minute spe
cialty clothing shop west of Chicago.
The home of the Benson &
Thome company for years, with a
number of'other retail stores on the
ground floors "andofficee on the floors
above, the entirebuildlng soon will
be utilized as the headquarters of
the Eldridge-Reynolds --company.
which will supercede the older firm.
A little over two years , ago D. C
Eldridge, president of the JJenson &
Thome company, and ' E. M. Rey-
n61ds, general manager, began the
huge .undertaking of establishing in
Omaha an outfitters specialty shop
modejed-' after William F-ilene ' &
bons store in Boston, which is the
largest firm of its kind in the world.
Yesterday Mr. Reynolds, who has
been in active charge .of the details
of the "undertaking, announced, that
within a short while . the Paxton
block,, remodeled and beautified in
side and; outside, would presentone
of the handsomest ..indrnosj. atfrac-
uye stores in yie country., .
. l enants Moving.,.
There :are approximately ISO.ten-:
ants in the buildingr now. Their
jesses are rapidly expiring, however,
it was said? and - just, as quickly as
the rooms are vacated the work of
annexing them, and arranging them
as a part of the only clothine house
in the pity which rnakes a specialty
of furnishing - clothing for- infants
and for the aged, both male and fe
male. " . - ".. .(
A long-time lease has. been ob
tained on the property "and $W0,000
C. Eldridge.
will bejexpended in remodeling and
decorating the structure, declared
Mr. 1 Reynolds. The butlding prac
tically is fireproof now, he said, but
of this amount $30,000 would be
spent in installing a sprinkler sys
tem ; and $4,000. would be used in
filling in the court and outside work
on the edifice. v ' .
When ,the work of remodeling is
completed the , Eldridge-Reynolds
company's store will extend over
100,000 feet- of floor space. The
Benson' & Thorne company now are
using 45,000 feet- of floor space.'
When the company moved in sev
eral years ago only 5,0QO feet was
used. The : volume of business has
increased .from- $200,000 to more
than $1,000,000 annually, while prep
arations are; being made to double
the present capacity. -
" New Show Windows. ;,
The plans contemplate the instal
lation, of a handsome how window
in the-corner where the Unfted Ci-
ktrances. one on Sixteenth street and
the other on Farnam street, will 4
continue to be used, Mr. Reynolds
declared. , : , . - 1
A feature of the new arrangement
will be a beautiful tea room on one
of the upper floors, it was said. This
will be modeled after the Mary
filizabeth tea room of New York.
No meals will be served, but a spe
cialty will be made of refreshments.
The lease of the last tenant in the
building will expire in three years I
and a half, when the Eldndge-Key-nolds
company will be in complete
possession of .the building. TheJ
worK of remoaeung nowever, wm
continue as rapidly as the vacating
tenants will -permit, Mr. Reynolds
announced. ' ,
The Victory Liberty Loan
We Started a Job in April 1917
Now We Must Finish It:
A man said to us:
VThfc Government has been too
extravagant. It has millions of
dollars' worth of useless war ma
terial on hand that was not used."
Wear This Button
Show You Have Helped
Finish the. Job
We told him:
"Stop a minute right there!
. L
"All of this war material you call
useless has served its purpose.
y It was the gathering together of
4,000,000 men and billions of dol
lars" worth of . materials that
forced Germany to quit.
"Germany, of course, had full
knowledge of all of these prepara
tions, and was overwhelmed by
what she faced.
v "We were told by our military
experts, General Pershing, General
Wood, and General March, that
we were in for three or four
years o.f war.
" We' ha.d 4,000,000 men in uni
form when the war ended, and
had purchased or ordered equip-"
ment, munitions and ships for a
long war. -
"When Germany saw what we
were able to do, 6he quit.
. "If we hadn't made these vast
expenditures, we would still be
: fighting or whipped.
"Wasn't it far better to force the
war to a conclusion than to go
' ahead fighting?.
"General Pershing said another
year of .War .would", have meant
200,000 more American graves in
France." j ,
The Victory Liberty Loan will be the last
Liberty, Loan.
Short Term Notes will be issued for this Loan
instead of longer term Bonds.
Monday, April 21, the Victory Loan Drive Begins
W. O. W. Building, Ground Floor, y
Telephone Tyler S45a
Live Stock Breeders ;
of Douglas County ;
Ml 1 A
, meet ana urganize
The Douglas County Improved
Stock Brewers' association was or
ganized yesterday afternoon and the
following officers elected; -
President, Ernest Half, Waterloo;
vice president, William : Boetger,
Florence secretary, E (j Maxwell,
government agent, 412 Post Office
building, Omaha; treasurer. Way
land Magee, Bennington. .
Prof. H. B. . Pier of the Animal
Husbandry department of the uni
versity pointed out the livestock
situation and the prospects for great
prosperity in this line in the future.
He told of the success of similar
associations in Gage, Seward and
other counties oi Nebraska. arjd in
Wisconsin?, and other states.' ;
A board of directors was elected
as follows: . :
Hogs, Otto Pfeiffer, Elkhorn; beef
cattle, Sam Gelston, Elk City; dairy
cattle, Dr. B. B. Davis, Omaha;
"horses, W. H. Kerr, Bennington;
sheep, G., W. Hervey, Omaha poul
try, John Burgschatt, Florence.
; 'A tdur of the county is being
arranged for some time this summer,
to see the stock owned by the mem
bers. ,
Two Men File Suit
For Decrees of Divorce.
Joseph Zemunsky" filed suit! in
district court yesterday for a divorce
from Eleanor Zemunsky on the
grounds of crtfehy . They were mar
tied in 1911.
Benjamin Crossley filed: suit in
district couijt yesterday asking a di
vorce from- Blanche Crossley, to
whom he was marrie4-in 1911. He
charges cruelty" '
Philip Shields, a hauling contract
or, filed suit irr district court yes
terday against the Omaha Crockery
company for $51100 damages. He
alleged that a truck belonging to the
company and driven by ' Robert
Gillam struck him March 13 at Sev
enteenth and Douglas streets and
injured him severely.
Harper & Co. Open Stpre v
in Flatiron Building
- With the opening of the new
hardware store by H. H. Harper
& Co. in the Flatiron building Mon
day, another important business en
terprise is added to the commercial
activity of Howard street.
lhe store will be most completely
equipped, carrying a complete line
of builders' hardware, kitchen fur
nishings, paints, varnishes, wall pa
per and the variety of articles genei--aly
associated with the hardware
trade. Automobile accessories will
be added to the stock' at' an early
date, it is announced.
Byrne and Folda to Tour.
State for. Victory. Loan
T. C. Byrne and E. F, Folda,
chairman and secretary of, the Ne
braska Victory ; Liberty loan com
mittee will leave Omaha today for
a tour of the . state in the ' iriterests
cf the coming campaign.
..They, will meet-county ;.cbairmen
at Hastings April 1, Holdrege Aprit
2, and McCook April 3,
Byrne Tells Loan
Drive Workers Must
Have Faith to Win
Faith to win in the Victory loan
campaign is the first necessity, T.
p. Byrne, , state chairman, impres
sed on 100 members of the-speakers'
committee who "met for instructions
Saturday" noon at luncheon at the
Hotel Fontenelle. ' ' '
"You ntust have the same faith
in this-coifntry, the people' and in
God which brought us through the
war," he said, "in order to make a
successful appeal."
Mr. Byrne emphasized telling
points to be'made in disseminating
information as to the needs for and
use of the funds to be raised for loan
tathe government.
Lieutenant Wilkinson of the
Royal Canadian .flying corps, the of-
Ecer in charge of the airplane ex
ibit on th'e" courthouse lawn, spoke.
Raymond T. Young presided.
Bee Want-ads pay big profits to
the people who read them.
$6.0OO-i-TW moit dmlrabU and beau
tiful new summer home, pretaed brick
and. stucco construction, completely
furnished, with garage, and lake front
corner lot, at Carter Lake club. L. J.
Nelson, owner, Browa Bldg., Denver,
Colo. For information call Albert Ed
holm, D. 1962;
Save 40f to 50
We Show You How
Your Spring needs are many. We
have arranged (or the emergency.
Household cleaning always reveal the
need of a few new pieces.
of Extension Tables just received to be
sold at a 50 discount.
Vou cannot go wrong oa placing on
of our newly (elected j
In your home.' They are substantial,
best material, late designs and under
priced 60.. .,,,.
We ipecUItxa on complete outfit
ting of home, hotel, rooming houses,
guaranteeing big savings. W pay the
freight. We take Liberty Bonds.
State Furniture Co.
Odd. U. t.' BId' 14th 'A Dodge St.
Howard Steel Ranges
' aaaKBSsaBH .csscaaca ' ; 1 ;
Continuing All This Week ;
Given Away Absolutely Free; Friday
Evening April 4th, at 8 o9clock ?
Full information as to how'the-ange will be giv$n away can be obtained at
our store'. " A, ,
Who will explain to you the many out-of-the-ordinary features that are in
stalled in all Howard steel ranges. " " .
Howard Steel Ranges
Are Stoves of Merit
. ..... ,
- And are absolutely guaranteed to give you entire satisfactory service and to .
be splendid, first-class bakers. The bodies are made of polished sheet steel,
treated with Howard rust-proof preparation. Havejage fire boxes, fitted with',
duplex grates. They are trimmed with plain nickel, Vome- in different styles,
and all are very moderately priced. , t
' Delicious Advo Coffee With Rich . Alamito Cream and Hot Biscuits
and Cake Served Free Every, Day During Week of Demonstration. V
' V '' '"'.' ' " "
A restroom has been provided for the convenience of yourself and friends.
e ; r rr
S':X' I
, : " ' ;
Handsome Bedroom Suites
A wonderful assortment of, all the new designs in all the popular
woods and finishes, await your inspection. You will, be pleased and "
delighted with the new patterns, representing as they do, the pro-,
ducts of the leading manufacturers. Many beautiful complete suites,
Ironing Boards, fold
compactly; our
price 81.39
Ba b y Walkers, our
price ...... S1.69
4-foot Stepladders, our
price .79c4
Folding f Stepladder
stool, our price 79t
Bassenettes, white
enamej, our price,
only ......84.05
, . t ;
Homes Furnished Complete;
$125,00 j $175.00
The Wonderful
Plays any and all
makes of records. It
is all talking ma
chines in one. Many
styles to select from.
to $225.00
Dining Room Tables
An unusual higi quality line to choose from. Finishes golden and
fumed oak, walnut and mahogany. Special values, at
$12.75. 914.75. $19.50. $29.50
Splendid Buffets
The new designs are now sam
pled on our spacious floors.
Many period reproductions are
included. Prices are
Handsome Dressers
Many separate Dressers in the
new designs have been placed
on our sample floors. There is
a wide variety to choose from.
Moderately priced, at.
. it .''."rWiWttlUiij; . . -jT