Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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. ' - - ' ' : ; THE OMAHA BEE- ' J - 1 ' ' t x " 18 ,
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Oiplomat Urges Americans to
Send Discarded Clothing
Through Red Cross to
Destitute People.
, Old clothes Tiave found their day
and spring purchases need not be
censured as an extreme extrava
gance this year, since every cast-off
garment and piece of worn wearing
apparel will find a welcome from the
'American Red Cross which is col
lecting clothing for the- helpless
refugees of allied countries. '
Nearly every American has found
a sympathetic interest in the peoples
of at least one of the war-torn coun
tries.' The new campaign inaugur
ated by the American Red Cross of
fers an opportunity ipr help impar
tially to all allied nationalities, those
existing before the war and those
newly (treated.
Roumania in Rags.
One of the countries sending an
argent appeal to the United States,
and which will be relieved by the
Red Cross campaign, is Roumania,
a countryi in which even the upper
classes, alwaysj accustomed to luxuiv
ies of life,' are suffering w(ith ' the
poorer people for lack of the essen
tials of decent living. ,,V
"Women and children , of once
. -wealthy families,'' said T. Tileston
Wells, the Roumanian consut in
New York, "are in tatters. Some
. people are proud if they possess one
garment only.
"Roumania before the war had a
population' of 7,000,000. The greater
part of this -population, of which
700,000 were lost in battle, has been
driven into about one-third ,6f fheir
former territory The people have
been nearly isolated for a year, and
ire now without food, clothing and
shelter. Starvation and disease have
taken thousands of victims."
A call has corne to Dr. Wells di
rect from Queen Marie of Rou
mania, telling of the weeds, of her
people. Undergarments especially
are wanted and about 3,000,000
chemises for women and children
are needed. An old dress, warm
woolen stockings that you do not
rant to wear darned, a winter over
coat of which you have tired, sweat-
. trs whose colors have faded all are
essential and will be put to good use.
Even' bedclothes, and linens are
, needed, for many of the. families
have been routed out of their homes
ind have watched the Turks and
BulgarTraze their homes with the
entire household contents.
I Live in Crowded Huts.
"The fact that Roumanians have
lived with all the refinements oi ed
ucation and culture similar to ours,"
continued the consul, "should make
the tragedy of the impoverished peo
ple, now living in crowded huts,
sometimes without tbrmost meagre
' necessities, more poignant Jo the
Americans. We need only contem
plate what we ourselves would suf
fer without clothes and food and
homes to realize tlje horror in which
Roumanians of our own type are
Death in all forms has swept over
Roumania, says Catherine Olm
stead, a Red Cross worker who has
spent six months in Jassy up to the
time the country was compelled to
make peace, and who corroborates
the statement of the,, Roumanian
consul. ' '
"Everything was lacking drugs,
food and shelter, and above all,
clothes," she said. "I saw the in-
habitants of the invaded regions
thousands of families, .the old, they
The European relief commission is
sending food to satisfy their needs.
We must also send clothing and
household materials, to protect them
- from storms and cold and to permit
.'jhem to recreate their sense of self
respect. ' j '
Orphans Cry for Bread.
"Thousands of orphans were
rambling about, nearly naked, cry
ing for bread. I saw them lying in
the street, soaked to the skin. Roads
were churned into deep mud and
they were dying of sickness due to
lack of food and the scant clothing
they had." - ,. -The
nearest drug store is a ollec
tipn agency. : ;
Hosmer Details War
"Work Done by the
Tuskegee Institute
C. B. Hosmer, representative of
the Tuskegee institute, Booker T.
Washington's school for the educa
tion of negroes, is in Omaha. He
has spoken in the Unitarian, First
Baptist, St. John African Methodist
Episcopal and Pilgrim Baptist
churcres delivered an address
before the Ladies' guild at the, St.
Philip Episcopal 'yesterday. .,
Mr. Hosmer says: "Foj . the past
two years the Tuskegee school has
been the center for negro war work.
i)r. R. R. Moton, principal, has re
cntly returned from France, where!
hewas invited togo by President
Wilson to study the' condition of the
negro soldier and do morale work.
Prof. Emmett J. Scott, special as
sistant to the secretary of (ar has
done invaluable work irtjhf adjust
ment of problems growing out of
the enlistment of 400 -00 negro -soldiers.
. ' -''' " '
Tuskegee's service fiagcarries 633
stars. The Tuskegee men who went
to Fort Des Moines, '68 per cent
were commissioned aa officers.
Out of their poverty and meager
salaries the teachers nd students
contributed more than $2,027 during
the. last Red Cross dfivs. " .
Under special contract with (the
government the trade school trained
1,540 drafted men in auto mechanics,
blacksmithing and othei skilled
trades for war service 5
League Rejects Plan for
Permanent Military Staff
Pans, March 28. It was reported
last night that the amendment to the
league of nations covenant urged
by Leon Bourgeois, providing for a
permanent military and naval staff
for the league, ias been rejected
by the leagueof nations tommis-
U0 - I
Beaded Hand Bags
Exquisite in design, the handi
work of French bead workers. Very
new, $17.50 to $95.00.
Main Floor
everybody! store
Holler Skates
v Plain bearing, guaranteed, at
$1.85. Ball bearing, highest grade,
$2.60 to $3.50.
Fourth Floor
Friday, March 28, 1919-
-Phone Douglas 2100
Dolmans and Capes Are
Fa vored By All Stylists
PERHAPS the smartest and most stylish garment to wear over the suit or
dress is the dolman or the cape. , - ' v
A$vin thp suit fashions, to in these garments, the originators set the seal of their
favor uron this particular Style, not to the exclusion of all others, but certainly with
greater emphasis. ' x
For Saturday We Feature V
A Remarkable Value in . f
Dolmans and Capes $25
MADE of a superior quality of Navy.Blue and Serge, in a var
iety of styles. v Similar to the illustration, on the left. But
tons, braids and tailor stitching emphasize the stylo features
Once More We Call Attention to Our
Tailored Suits '$25. 00
Because We Feel arid Believe That "
They Are Supreme in Value Giving V '
Several new styles are making their appearance for
the first time, and to say that they are the most charm-,
ing, stunning styles shown so far ia but to say what the
women of Omaha will be saying after they see, them
and also, that it is a suit value unmatchable.
Buttons findwew ways of adding to the charm of the suit
they adorn. New vest effects, new ideas in silk over-collars
all adding its bit of newness. , , t
The materialsjare poplins, serges and tweeds, in the shades of navy, gray, tan,
green and French blue; also black. '
' , BurgeM-Nuh Co. Second Floor y
rkRESS-UP Week
P To Be Featured
In Omaha
Next Week
The week of March 31
to April 5, inclusive, has
been set aside by the As
sociatedRetailers of Oma
ha as Dress-Up Week."
- It will not only be the signal
that stores are ready for the
great demands that will be
made on them at this time of
the year, but it is done with
the thought in mind that it will
be of advantage from the com
munity standpoint, in that it
will educate the people to high
er standards, not only of per
sonal appearance,' but of the
home, the garden and com-,
munity in general.
'tpRArfCAlSE Bleu"
Costume Necklaces
Are now the vogue' in
Ne'w York. We are show
ing a very complete line,
of this- new necklace in
various styles and prices.
Also a splendid assortment
of "Victory Red," "Rus
sian Lapis," "Oriental
Jade," "Pearl" and com
bination necklaces." Buy
a tiecklac for each gown.
Priced, 50c to $5.50. i
Burffess-Nash Co. Main Floor
Your New Spring Suit Is
Here Ready for You to Put On
AND we assure you it possesses every requirement you can demand- The
clothes ideals of several countries' foremost designers are here, ready for
you to slip on and see their distinctiveness, and to feel their' comfort and to
give them the enthusiastic approyal which is- their desire.
The showing, which is remarkably complete, represents the skill and genius of
the highest class tailor shops, revealing the very newest ideas in Men's -Clothes.
avery garment is maae to coniorm witnout specmcations to tne
jBergess-Mash' Standard
which means thebest at any price, with a price
range of
$25 to $6 0
The fabrics new in weave, in color, in texture.
And each is guaranteed unqualifiedly as to fastness
and wear (important just now, you know.)
We Feature for Saturday Yenpg Men's Suits
For Ages 16 to 20, $18,715 "v
Featuring the new waist-line models. The materials are
cheviots and cassimeres, in fancy tans, browns and stripes.
Pull lined. Newest style patterns. "
SPECIAL! i v .
Men's New Spring Top Coats
Mixed gray with self collar, beited back or all around.
Silk yoke sleeve lining, taped seams. Exceptional values,
$18.00. Others from $25.00 to $40.00.
New Models in Welwdrth Blouses
Attractively Priced Saturday at
J 1 SjT
THIS is a day of co-operative en
deavor, and the more intimately
we can co-operate with the produc
ers ofv the things we sell, the better
can we serve our patrons. Our very
close and cordial co-operation with
what we confidently believe to be
the largest manufacturers of ladies'
waists in America, is merely evidence
of our desire to avail ourselves of
any method that is more direct and
economical; that eliminates needless
expense and makes greater values
possible. - .
Blouse Welworth Blouses in This
City Are Sold Here Only.
You'll be delighted with any Welworth you buy and surprised
to learn that. so much in good style, quality fabrics and service
value can be obtained for so modest a sum., . ,
. 1 Burrfsss-Naih Co. Second Floor
The Spring Line of
Nemo Cors
' " Healthful Construction, Durability,
Economy, Good Style .
The self -reducing servicV that Is an exclusive
feature of the Nemo Corset Company, is based,
opon body hygiene.
Nemo .corsets are not injurious, they give
support and yet graceful lines that are so essen
tial to the perfect garment. .
v It it well to choose your Nemo corset now
oeiore selecting ine aress or suit you nave m
mind for spring.
The Hygienic Wonderlift Bandlet
Strengthens the abdominal muscles-r-extreme-ly
comfortable another of tha hygienic features
that make Nemo corsets so desirable. ,
We have Nemo corset models for various types
of figures and the prices range from $4.00 to
Nemo Brassieres
Are intended to give stout women trim - fie-
1 ... court ures. Thev do for the unner nnrt of the fie.
smvici ure, what the corset accomplishes below.
With a Nemo brassiere and corset you have a smooth, unbroken 1
line from shoulder to hip. "They fit as you fasten," require no
alteration. Price, $1.50 and $2.00. Burjeii-Nah Co. Second Floor
A Most Extraordinary Pisplay of
New Trimmed Millinery Saturday
At $5.00
TXTE invite cnmnnriflriTl ff nnr cVinixrinrr -Fav vaq! of tt1q
and value giving. It's our c'onstant aim to give
the most in style and value at $5.Q0 that js possible to
produce and we believe that nur fHsnlav Affirinc
for Saturday is by far the best we've ever shown at
mis price. f y ' Y
There are
Plain Sailors, Pokes, Turbans,
. Transparent Hats, Jockey Hats) Etc.
In practically every favored color as well as black. Smart,
new individual styles which posesi that "diffcrentness," for ,
which the Burgess-Nash Millinery Section is so well known.
There's a style and shape to please every fancy and no doubt
the very" hat you had in mind is represented here at $5.00.
Burtf-Nli Co. Second Floor
Boys' Corduroy Suits
Featured for Saturday at
TN the new Springy models, belt all
around, slash pockets, full skirts. The
pants are cut roomy, full lined, re-in-forced
seams; ages 6 to 18 years. Ex
ceptional values at $7.95. '
Boys New Spring
Suits, $9M
Models and weaves, belt all around,
plain and slash pockets, two breast
pockets with flaps. Pants full lined,
fancy stripes, checks and mixed colors.
Ages 6 to 18 years, at $9.95.
Boys' Blouses at $1.00
, The K. & E. quality, the kind that
are cut to fit and guaranteed fast col
ors; serviceable materials used only;
plain blue, chambray, candy stripes,
fancv Tiit strines in all different, rnlnra?
ages 6 to 16 years, at $1.00 each.
Burgei-Nh Co. Fourth Floor
Natty Spring Ties Featured
In Worn en's Lo w Sho e s
EVERY detail of perfection, shaping of heel and selection of
soft, form-fitting leathers, combine to make these new Spring
oxfords the ideal Spring shoe of the season. " The assortment of
styles and designs is very extensive.
. And the price is moderate for such fine quality. $7.00 to
An Extraordinary Clearaway of Women's Boots
We must make room for the
new oxfords that are coming
in every day, hence, this re
markable price sacrifice.
The boots are all late Spring
styles and include:
Gray kid vamp -lace shoes
with English whipcord top to,
match, light welt soles and cov
ered Louis heels.
New fawn kid vamp lace
shoes with English whipcord top
to match, light welt soles, full
Louis covered heels.
Black kid vamp lace shoes,
with gray English whipebrd top
and Cuban heels.
Burf esi-Nuh Co. Second Floor
Again for Saturday This Extraordinary
Including Women's Pure Silk and Silk Fiber at
Or 2 Pair
For $1.00
EVERY; pair strictly perfect, the stock of a big operator who is changing
his branded line. Pure silk and fiber silk, seamless, full fashioned,
in white, black, hunter green, tan, bronze, champagne, pink, navy and
pearl gray. v." -
v Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose
With Slight Imperfections, at
QQ or 3 pair
for $1.00
Black only, seamless and oiockseam, wide garter tops, double sole.
Imperfections are so slight they are barely noticeable and will not af
fect the wearing qualities. - '
v . Limit of 6 paito a customer,
changes None sold to dealers.
No phone orders, no C. O. D's, no ex-
Burgesa-Naeh Co. Main . Floor
Genuine Cowhide TravelingBags
Similar to Illustration Saturday
THIS u the second
shipment of these
wonderful bag values
the sale of a week or
two ago is no doubt
fresh in the minds of
those who attended.
The bags are 18-inch
size. Made of genuine
cowhide with walrus
grain. Extra heavy sewed-on corners; leather covered
frame. Sunk-in lock; heavy, durable lining with three
pockets. ..
Very special Saturday, $6.95. ' '
, v , NOTE : No mail or phone orders. None to dealers.
Burteaa-Nash Co. Fourth Floor .
Golfers! Here's a Remarkable Offering of
TTTITHOUT doubt the trreatest oDDortunitv vou
VV have had in a long time, and we doubt if it
will come again soon. .
Every golf player in Omaha should be interest
ed i(j this remarkable offering. '
including: , ;
r i
urivers , ni.-:
Putters .
All these clubs have viscalized calf grips and are the
kind that would probably sell for double or more than the
price offered Saturday. . $
GOLF BALLS Taplow brand, 85c each.
GOLF HAGS In a variety of kinds, $1.95 to $12.
Heavy white canvas golf 1 Heavy canvas golf bags,
bags with shoulder strap and kyith leather trimmings and
pocket for balls, $1.95. I pocket for balls, $2.75.
Burgeea-Naeh Coar-Fourth Floor ,
These Are Extreme Values iri
Men's Fine Silk Shifts at
THEY'RE specially priced
for Saturday only. Made
of fine tub and baby broad
cloth silk, in the' season's new
est and most select patterns.
Splendid assortment of bright
and attractive colorings, as
well as neat hairline stripes.
Silks that will you give you un
usual wear and the utmost sat
isfaction. All sizes, 14 to 17,
and priced for Saturday at
$6.45. A
Other silk shirts of crepe de chine, silk bipadcloth,
Empire and Jersey silk, $7.50 to $12.00.
Men's Madras Shirts, $1.65
Splendid qualities of woven and printed madras. All fresh
new and clean and of extra quality. Selected patterns of new
and attractive designs. All sfres, 14 to 17, at $1.65.
Men's Hose at 25c
Men's fibersilk and silk lisle .hose in air colors of black,
white, palm beach and gray. All sizes, 9 H to 11. Some have
slight imperfections, which will not effect the wearine craalitv
Saturday, pair, 25c.
Bui-fM.-Naah Co. Main Floor