Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1919, Image 16

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    I' vl
' . THE OMAHA BEE ' v , . ' i i
! ' " II" " 1
rJi-nilnilHIIf f ll ' goodness knows the want has for" iS " -' 0 . ' . -i
:!;!!: !;;!. I nave it lined long ago. To insure a I v ' IT- im-f - ' . - . . V
i:::;;n5?iiin:-:-iri:-;? t I In Nebraska alone; sound financial linen I I U II B . I I II H I i WW, II I I II 1 I" B II II it U H
ii . . - - . . i ei m m r mi J a. J m m h w w v n n .at la u . n n
JilIiH!l!!l!U!II!II!Hir .
A ne"w enterprise now "In The Mak
ing" ist the American Live Stock In
surance Co.,, whose business, princi
pally, will be insurance of hogs. Other
live stock will, also, come within range
of Its activities. This concern and
such insurance, to use p somewhat old
ana nacKneyea expression, win cer
tainly 'FM a Long Felt Want." and.
goodness knows, the want has for
years been big and acute enough to
nave it ruiea long ago. To insure a
pig at a living rate from its sucking to
its market stage has been the dream
of hog raisers for years. Suol hopes
are soon )a be realized through this
company, which has been organized
in Nebraska along sound financial lines
and officered by some of the best and
most responsible business men of this
state. As evidence that this estimable,
project Is taking like vild fire it is
only .necessary to state that inabout
two weeks' time almost a third of its.
capital stock of $1,250,000 has been
subscribed. Under the sale plan each
person may buy but a limited number
of shares in order to distribute the
shareholders all . over the state.
Charles H. Mullin, a Cuming county
boy, and who recently left a lucrative
position to take x up this work, has
been given the sale of Cuming county's
quota. He is already meeting with
success here, for the proposition of
fers one of the best investments of-
recent yenrs. . v - i
Editorial taken from the West Point
Republican, January 17, 1919.
Into 'the Hog'
IIOU INSURANCE Something- New. in
the Farmer Can Legitimately Invest
both, from the standpoint of the results of protection offered, and the in
vestment feature that is bound to -be extraordinarily profitable.
The Hog has assisted in opening more bank accounts than any other farm product
, has lifted more farm mortgages than any other farm product has bought more farms
than any other farm product has done more for the producer than any single and many
combined products and, The Hog is the quickest money producer of any farm animal.
If your hogs are insured the boys' and girlsehool money is assured, and they will
be able to take their, place in the world of affairs With no handicap. There will be no
need to worry about your note, payments on farm or rentals. Your Hogs wilt be sold,,
or if they should die, the Insurance Company protects you. Your Hog venture will not
be a gamble but a safe and sound proposition. ' " .
". ::::"
A farmer should conduct his operations in an up-to-date manner the same as any
other business. In other words, insure his property; not" part of it, .but all of it. Enjoy
the peace of mind and satisfaction which is due him; be able to pay his obligations when
they fall due, or if-he should want additional money for financing a deal,' be assured the
hog can become first-class collateral. t With our undertaking the money is made and
stays in .the country. ' P
An Insurance Company is absolutely useless if it is not first and above all things,
safe and sound. With that idcain view, we will 'charge such rates as will enable us to par
our losses promptly, make good profits for our stockholders and at the same time bufld
up a good reserve. The American Live Stoc k Insurance Company, like banks, comes un
der the jurisdiction of a special department of the State Insurance Board, placing it in the
same class as other high-grade financial institutions and far above "the ordinary commer
cial investments. ,x j
During the last thirty years no old lin e legal .reserve insurance company has been
known to fail, whereas, hundreds of banks and railroads have" been in the hands of re
ceivers and hundreds of thousands of other businesses have faile'd.
Having received our .permit from the Insurance Department, and having deposited
$100,000 of our funds , with the state, you will be perfectly save in becoming a mem
ber and a stockholder of the American Live Stock Insurance Comany, not alone as a pro
tection against losses, "but as a business investment. Insurance investment is practically
the only investment wherethe proceeds of stock sales are immediately invested in higb
grade interest bearing securities, while with commercial enterprises the money is immedi
ately invested in buikfings, machinery or merchandise. - '
in i it wnm
m WM
dent Former Prealdent Alnmlto
Dairy Co.
W. A. nATHSACK-r-Fresldcnt
Security State Bank.
FRED I TV BBS. Vlee Preal
ilent Vlee Prenlrient nnd Knn
. nier Alamo Farm Light Co.
llrecor 1'renlrient Alamo Farm
l.lglit Co.
t I.YDK J. BAKER Live Stock
Commission Merchant. I ,
"TALE C. HOLLAND. Attorney
Mahone), Keimedr, Holland &
ROBT. B. ZAC HAY, Secretary
Insurance and Live Stock
yLoans. ,
Former Head Dairy Dept. Univer
sity of Nebraska.
F. K. PRATT Fremont. Neb.
President Golden Rd Cry. Co.
nnd Nebraska's Largest Swine
HON. ;EO. flm BALL, Direc
tor Capitalist and State Lesls-
' i Fremont, Neb., Januai-y 18, 1919.
rTo whom this may concern I have given the mat
ter of hog insurance considerable careful study and con
sideration, and after going into the matter deeper and
getting acquainted with the men behind the American
Live Stock 'Insurance Co. I became' more fully con
vinced in my own mind that there was a great future
for this company, and that the time was ripe to push the
work. i
Hog Insurance is something that is being asked for,
and Is .about the only insurance that farmers are seek
ing, all fire and life insurance agents have to hunt their
business, while hog insurance will work its own way
when once in action. t . s
I am interested quite extensively in the hog business
and know it is a business that has no limit, and knowing
the men as I do I see no reason that this will not be one
of the great insurance companies of the middle west.
Knowing "the above facts, and with the assurance
that any stock I took in this company (with the very
able men behind the gun)-would be a winner, prompted
me to strain a point and take the limit in stock.
(Signed) . ' F. B. PRATT, Proprietor.
, Gresham, Neb., Jan. 28, 1919.
American Live Stock Insurance Co., Omaha, Neb.
f.entlemeni Since making the investment with your company I na
ly take -more interest in the proposition. I dm more and more con
vinced thai your company has a large field for operation in making a spe
cialty of insuring the life of the hog. s . , , '
- You will not only "make the hog raising a safe proposition, "But by the
simple' fact that you give the hog producers protection which he has
heretofore been unable to get, you will in my opinion not only increase
the hog production but by your plan of protecting the man raising pure'
bred hogs you will encourage others to improve the quality of their stock.
It is gratifying to me to know that you have Interested so many of
our pure bred men in this vicinity to the extent of investing with you.
This shows co-operation.
If you can get the organization in 6ther parts of the state that you
haveln, York county, ou wilr unquestionably build up one of the strongx
est organizations in the central west.
I am glad to know that you are associating with you such men as
Dr. P. I.. Cady of Arlington; The councils of such men as Dr. Cady are
invaluable. Assuring you I will be gladto do anything I can to assist
you, I am, yours very truly, . .
(Signed) T. P. ROSE, Pres. State Veterinary Association.
E. N. Manley & Sons, Proprietors.
Lyons, Neb., January 22, 1919,
American Live Stock Insurance Co.,
704-l( World-Herald Building,
Omaha, Neb- '
Gentlemen: Being one of the largest producers of pure
bred Hampshire hogs, and having had twenty years of
experience in the hog producing business, I believe 1
can ably judge the value of hog insurance. In my opin
ion, a company offering a reliable policy on the life of
a hog will be the biggest assistance ever offered the
hog raiser. .
I have taken stock in the American Live Stock In
surance company to the maximum amount offered me
and have faith in the company and its management.
The field offers very unusual opportunities as a dividend
payer and the stringent laws of Nebraska governing old
line insurance companies give stockholders the utmost
protection on their investment.
. Very truly yours,
Producer or two World is hj uiHirv
Champion Boars. E. N. MANLEY.
All Voting Stock--No One Person Can Cqntrol-Limit on Purchase of Stock, $10,000
We are placing $1,000,000 worth of stock to give strength to this
, big Company, most of which is reserved for sixty hog counties, and
for the man who produces the liog on the farm and for our mutual
benefits Only ten to twenty thousand dollars ; is being - allotted to
each locality, depending upon the number of hogs. All preliminary
work and financing, insuring the complete . success of the f!ompan&
; has .been assured. Hog producers who are interested in receiving
Hog-Insuf ance should immediately signify- their intention of "becom
ing members of our organization. Membership is limited in each
town and county. '' '
With Omahi the second largest hog market
in the world, near the center of nine corn belt
states, with 45,000,000 hogs, over , one-fourth of
the world's supply worth approximately $1,
000,000,000 there are unlimited possibilities
as to premium incomes and profits.
Special Notice to Income Tax Payers: Insur
ance premiums paid on farm property, including
Live Stock, are tax exempt.
an investment ? POSITIVELY NO
Insurance That Insures the Hog, the Feed, the Farmer and the Banker
Liye Stock Insurance Company
704-10 World-Herald Building -
The American Live Stock Insurance Company issues but one form
of stock. All stock sold at one price. All common, and every Share
gets one vote. No preferred list or special class. All members
treated alike. - -
Investors know that all the work of the Company, every
feature nf its hnsiness. everv dollar of its exDendltfTTes. all sal-
aries paid officers or salesmen, and all transactions of every S llNr UK
nature must be reported to and supervised by the Insur- MATION
ance Department of the State of Nebraska. Can you oAnnAM
beat the possibilities and safety of this' Company as wuruil
American Ltv Stock
704-18 World-Herald Bid.
jmana, reo.
Please eend me full Partic
ulars regarding the American
Live Stock Insurance Company.
If satisfied that the investment
19 gooa.
t mlsrht invest $
This coupon obligates me in no way
to Invest.