Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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- . ..u..,.mmU.UUwUvUHMtUUUVUMHUUtUlUVly
' '-: l Pumps li
ira3 rat crowing omaha . -, i Season s f i m
1 Store Hours,9A.M. toSP.M. , 1 raShlOli , g
ry Toilet Articles 1 bSW-1 1 1
These Sellinfajor Thursday
1 900 Pieces French I vo:
A Very Special Sale Thursday at, 1.25
Choice of These 1.50 to 6.00 Pieces
Every woman who loves pretty ' and practical French
Ivory Toilet Articles will be here Thursday morning
wnen tne store opens.
Mirrors All styles
and shapes;' Hair
Brushes, Combs, Puff
Boxes, Bonnet
Brushes, Powder
Boxes, etc.
Choice of the lot at
Every piece is
shapes, some
finely ! finished
of which are
Clothes Brushes,
Large Trays, ' Hair
Receivers, Perfume
Bottles, Jewel Boxes,
Nail buffers, Hat
Brushes, etc.
in artistic
Sale starts at 9 A. M.- Quantity is limited Early attendance is urged.
Pumps are destined to
be-the correct Spring
and Summer foot
wear for women.
The prettier styles,
three of the very latest,
are moderately priced '
and specially displayed
for Thursday's selling,
At 7.50
Plain tailor made pump,
hand turned soles full cov
ered Louis heels, long
vamp, patent kid, high
arch. T
1 w
I w
i m
Dull kid and patent kid, m
attractive tongue effects, jj
beautifully designed, full ij
covered Louis heel, hand j
turned sole, high arch, long I
vamp, plain toe. : - g
Sizes from 2 to 8,
width AAA to D. jj
As Compiled
By Our Store
Shopper . . .
Oh! Such
f I Pretty Suits!
Navy blu knitted lip-on s
Country Club Suit with deep 1
border cuff and t belt of g
"Rookie" colored angora. 1
There i a hand embroidered i
motif in one corner of the jf
collar and on the border of s
thn coat i a Greenwich
Village color scheme. Very fl
new and striking in effect. S
; There i a beautiful three- j
piece Street Suit in a "Lan- g
vin Model," having a Russian 9
slip-on blouse of navy blue f
silk with cunning little roses . 9
brocaded on the material. k j
The coat is sleeveless and is S
open down the . back, show g
ing the silk blouse very ef- g
fectively. A double shoe m
string belt finishes the waist- g
line. The narrow skirt is . ji
open all the way up the side
with a myriad of buttons. A
narrow patent leather belt g
holds the blouse in place at '
waistline. This suit is made 1
up in imported tricotine.One M
would surely feel very smart 1
and up-to-the-minute ' in
such a suit. . M
' - Still another smart street
Sui was made up n black m
silk Duvetjmo witli a long 1
straight line Russian Peasant H
coatwith narrow belt and M
hih collar. The long and m
narrow skirt has a deep bor
der of black and tan squares.
' Another suit, which is
particularly attractive is a
bisque colored suit with a
long tailored coat, heavily
trimmed with cable stitch
-and small tailored buttons.
This coat is lined with a"
wonderful shade of turquoise
blue. The skirt is per
fectly plain with the excep
tion of peckets on the hips,
which carried out the cable
stitching and button trim.
''' ,
Such a Smart
Sweater Coat
, For- sport 'wear is shown
in a plaid of green, navy and
red, with long ravers and
sash of mottled green and
blue. A wonderful garment
for country club wear.
Still another Sweater or
rather a surplice snuggler of
knitted silk in a scarlet red,
sleeveless and. with a long tie
sash, which, worn with a
white baronette skirt, com
pletes a remarkably attrac
tive costume.
In Going Through
the Lace Department
s. .:- ,
One's attention is imme
diately attracted to the beau
tiful Irish and Filet Laces.
Such wonderful trimming for
the new Spring and Summer
dresses, and we understand
lace trimmed frocks are
i featured quite extensively at
all of the souther .resorts
? tit! V.. w
Expressions of the 'Very Newest Ideas
in Millinery in Our 'Tin-on-Service."
Sometimes it is difficulty decide on the exact hat but not so in
the "Pin-oh-Service," for here one may have the very newest reproduc
tions of Foreign styles a few days after they have been adopted in this
country. ' V
( ,
Colored Man Testifies in. Fed
eral Court That-He Uses 1
1 1 Cocaine Capsules
Two Days.
Fifteen dollars a week for "coke"
and $7 td support himself and his
sick wife is the account of his $22
weekly earnings given by Dan
Smith, negro, on trial yesterday
before United States Commissioner
Robert Neely, for violation i of the
Harrison act.
The negro was arrested by Rus
sell Eberstein for illegal possession
of drugs. According to a law which
went into effect Tuesday, possession
of the drug without a revenue stamp
Try Thi! Brush Sags Tea and Sulphur
Compound Through Your Hair, Tak
ing One Strand at a Tim.
Discriminating women find that our
expert designers are in constant touch
with the world's style centers and re
ceive reports of the latest style ideas,
which are quickly reproduced in the
"Pin-on-Service" Section.
There are many new hats added to
the "Pin-on-Service" display each day.
The trimmings are pinned on ready for
your sewing. The noticeable differ
ence in the price of these hats is possible
because you do the sewing.
WE are particularly featuring this week the hat for the matron of mohair
braid, with pineapple straw edging ; in side roll effects, tri-corns, narrow
" brim sailors, etc., trimmetl in maline bows, sprays of lilacs, bow effects and
soft feathers? . x
" ; . .. . , , . v . ,,; ,
These models are very becoming to the matron, as T
they have been designed specially for extremely
"P- large head sizes and unusually small ones.
Includedare some very smart street and dressy Hats for misses and young girls.
, l' ' ' SECOND FLOOR .
Smart Spring Frocks
: '.Extraordinary Values
for Special Sale Thursday
WE offer one lot . Georgette, Taffeta, Satin and
Meteor Frocks, clever new models, featuring all
newest ideas. , 't '
Drapery, Tunics, Picot Ruffles, Georgette
Combinations, in sleeves and bodices, self
embroidery, braiding, all novel trimmings.'
New Spring shades, Silver, Foch Blue, Sand, Copen,
Navy and' including Black, also smart tailored Serge
Frocks. Women's and misses' sizes, atr-
At 33.75
in fill!-IF HI") 11 lii n
.ve v.v,
mi lift iu jiDi
"New Gloves
for Spring are here in a most
diverse assortment of style and
Real French Kid Gloves for women, in
the most reliable makes, all the new shades.
P. K. and overseam, attractively embroid
ered backs, in 2
clasp styles, pair,
(at 3.50
Light Weight
Imported Cape
Gloves for women
in the wanted
shades. Heavily
e m broidered
backs, in self and
black or white
combinations, 1
and 2-clasp style,
some are slightly
, soiled. . Very spe
, cial, pair, 1.65
Kayser Double Finger Tipped - Silk
Gloves, splendid quality Milanese, with
Paris point stitching on backs, in shades
of brown, tan, navy, mastic, white and
black, pair, 1.25
Sport Blouses
of Unusual Values
- "A new shipment of charming
blouses, specially purchased, makes
it possible for us to offer these at
tractive val
ues. One of these is
of tub silk,
dainty stripes,
new and practi
cal, convertible
collars, permit
ting the wearer
to adjust high or
low, as fancied;
turn-back cuffs;
very smart model
--Dainty Georgette Blouses, displaying
round, "V" or square neck, effectively
finished with filet laces, beading and em
broidery; all new dainty shades, flesh, tea
rose, peace blue and including white and
black, . 7 4.95
Smart Hose
For New Spring Suits and Frocks.'
The newest in colors and patterns.
Women's , fancy
Lace Hose, the lat
est and smartest
thing in the hosiery
line. We - have a
nice showing of
this class of mer
chandise;, pair, S3
Women's pure
dye Thread Silk
Hosiery in the much
wanted shades; all
full fashioned lisle
tops: ; reinforced(
joles. heels and toes;'
paiiv 150
Women's Silk
Hose, in colors, also
White and Black ;
all thread silk: fash
ioned and seamless;
all sizes; pair,1.15 '
. Women's Fiber
and thread silk Hos
iery in all colors,
bright and shoe shades; seamless lisle tops;
double heels and toes; pair 65
Women's Fiber Hose; Black, White and
colors; also lisle hose; all seamless; per
pair,. , 49
" When you darken your hair with
Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can
tell, because it's done so naturally,
so evenly. Preparing the mixture,
though, at home is mussy and trou
blesome. At little cost you can buy
at any drug store the ready-to-use
preparation, improved by the addi
tion, of other . ingredients called
Wyeth s Sage and Sulphur Com
pound." You just dampen a sponge
or soft brush with it and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. By morning all
gray hair disappears, and, after
another application or two, your
hair becomes beautifully darkened,
glossy and luxuriant.
Gray, faded hair, though no. dis
grace, is a sign oi oia age, ana as
we all desire a youthful and attrac
tive appearance, get busy at once
with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound and look years younger.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Baby Blinded
from Eczema
The child's head and face were almott
solid sore. The cyei perfectly blind.
Doctor (aid the wont case he had erer
seen. One sample of D. D. D. did won
derful work. A complete core fol- S
lowed." Tho. J. Dorminey, Jeniton, Ala.
Vou write, too, to the D. D. D. Company sf
Chicago for a sample and get immediate relief.
Or. come in and we will tell you what D. D. D.
has accomplished in your own neighborhood,
your money back nnlets the first bottle relieves
you. 85c, 60c and fl .00.
m. Iotion&r SWn Disease
. Sherman It McLauneil irug u. ,
2 Mr. Clyde Shearer, 722 East
- Seventh' street, Jamestown, N.
Z , writes: "I am using Cado-
- mene .Tablets and they are 1
making me fee; fine since tak- i
ing them. I have gained ten
? pounds in flesh and feel better
Z every day." 1 .
e Thousands of nervous, thin, s
weak, aching, impoverished
- men and women are daily get-
" ting vast benefits from taking f
Z Cadomene Tablets. They are
" not a "cure all," but juct a
Z .wonderfully effective tonic to
- the organs of ,the hody. Sold
Z by druggists everywhere.Ad. f
Eat less meat if you fee
Backachy or Bladder trou
bles you Salts is fine
for Kidneys.
Meat forms uric acid which ex
cites and overworks the kidneys in
their efforts, to filter it from the
system. Regularf eaters of meat
must flush the kidneys occasionally.
You must relieve them like you re
lieve your bowels; removing all the
acids, waste and poison, else you
feel a dull misery in the kidney
reeion. sharp pains in the back or
sick headache, dizziness, your stom
ach sours, tongue is coated and
when the weather is bad you have
rheumatic twinges. The urine is
cloudy, full of sediment; the chan
nels often get irritated, obliging
you to get up two or three times
during the night.
To neutralize these irritating
acids and flush off the body's urin
ous waste get about four ounces of
Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take
a tablespoonful in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine
and bladder disorders 'disappear.
This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with lithia, and has been
used for generations to clean and
stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop
bladder irritation. Jad Salts is in
expensive ; harmless and makes a
delightful effervescent lithia-water
drink which millions of men and
women take now and then, thus
avoiding serious kidney and bladder
diseases. Ady-
is subject for conviction the same as
the sale of the drug. m
DrWer in Accident.
Atl 'the hearing Commissioner
Neely recognized the negro as one
who was driving an automobile in a
recent collision on Leavenworth
street, near Twenty-seventh.
Were you under the influence of
the drug at the time you were driv
ing the car?"Neely asked him,
"The accident was not my fault.
The other, driver ran into my car.
1 didh t strike ium, the negro re
plied. "How do-1 know you are telling
"Well, the other fellow paid the
damage, that's the best proof," re
plied the dope fiend. .
Costs Three Dollars Daily.
Smitlusaid he paid $6 for 11 dope
capsules, a two-day supply for him.
On plea of a wife, sick in the
hospital, and a good job in an auto
mobile concern awaiting the
negro, Commissioner Neely releas
ed the negro on bond.
Doctors Say Man Who
Hugged Dyessmaker Is
Insane; Is Discharged
. v
C. B. Pugli, arrested by police yes
terday after he had attempted to hug
Miss Johanna-Giorig, a dressmaker
in the Saunders-Kennedy building,
was declared by nerve specialists
yesterday to be suffering from a
form of dementia
Pugh's actions are said by the
doctors to be the result of an emo
tional condition bordering on in
sanity. He was discharged in police court
by Judge-Jlolmes when Miss Giorig
failed to appear as a witness against
him. , " f
Pugh promised Judge Holmes he
would leave the city.
Pugh appeared early Tuesday
morning at the Saunders-Kennedy
building and embraced Miss Giorig
in the hall.
Witnesses said she beat him with
an umbrella. He ran into the ele
vator and, alighting on the seventh
floor, met two other women, whom
he hugged for a moment and then
Pugh told the police he was a
barber, and gave his address as 2013
Leavenworth street. ,
Funeral Services ,
for Mrs. Ida G. Smith'
to Be Held Thursday
Funeral services for Mrs. Ida Cf.
Smith, wife of Dr. Charles E.
tSmith, who died Tuesday at the
family ' residence, 3565 Howard
street, will be held today at 2;30
p. m. '
Mrs. Smiths was a daughter of
one of the pioneer Omaha families.
Her father, E. D. Dixon, was widely
known in .Nebraska through his con
nection with lumber interests -
A sister of Mrs.' Smith's, Mrs. H.
A. Doud, died three months ago af
ter a short illness.
Mrs. Smith was a familiar figure
in war work activities and assisted
energetically in the drives. She was
a member of the First Presbyterian
Besides her husband, Dr. Smith,
she is survived by three daughters,
Helen, Dorothy and Ida..
Buriaf will be in the family plot
in Forest Lawn cemetery.
War on Gophers to Start
In Douglas County March 31
A war on gophers begins in Doug
las county March 31. The armistice
will be signed one week later.
County Argricultural Agent E. G.
Maxwell yesterday morning an
nounced his declaration to go to war
on the alfalfa destroyers.
Poison bait prepared at a mod
erate, cost by the state university tss
the ammunition and weapons to be
used. .
. M. R. Mickel of Lincoln will fire
the opening gun in Irvington, Union
precinct next Monday by giving a
demonstration in the use of the
poison bait. ;
"We want every farmer in Doug'
las county to enlist in the battle
against gophers every spring and
fall until the pest is entirely eradi
cated," said Maxwell.
"The enemy has done ' $150,000
damage to alfalfa every year in this
county," is his charge against the
poor gopher.
Dedicate Tree to Memory
of Soldier, Dead in France
Washington, March 26. An oak
tree dedicated to the soldier-dead of
the Department of Agriculture was
planted on the. department grounds
today by secretary Houston, assist
ed by Cl Henry S. Graves, of the
forest service, who himself saw
service in France. Representatives
of the army and navy participated
in the ceremony.
The planting of the tree was in
keeping with the suggestion made
recently by Mr. Houston that the
memory of American soldiers who
fell during the war . pould best be
perpetuated by the nation-wide
planting of trees in their honor.
Says Wife Threatened Life
After 6 Weeks of Marriage
Within six weeks after thei-mar
riage his wife threatened to harm
him with a knife, Clyde W. Seabold
declares in a suit filed in district
court asking a divorce from Belle
Seabold whom he married February
10, 1918. On or about May 1, he as
serts, she "drew a dagger and
threatened to kill him." And about
August 1 she again drew a knife on
him, he says.
Reduction Announced in
War Tax on Pullman Rates
A reduction of 2 per cent of the
present war fax on sleeping car and
Pujlman car tickets on all railroads
is announced by the federal railroad
administration, to go into effect
April 1. The tax is reduced from
10 to 8 per cent, which is the same
rate of tax as is carriedyon railroad
tickets. No ,reason was given for
the change except that it is a mere
economical- nreasure. '
Dollar Above Par.
Washington, March 26. For the
first time since1 November, 1915, the
dollar is quoted above par in Nor
way, Lonsul General Letcher at
Chnstiania reported today,
1 : vyv v
Hike In
Dress Shoes
Suppose, for example,
you had a lot of walk
ing -tc do, day after
day, ' .
would you wear
flimsy-soled dress
shoes? . v ,
Of course -not for
you'd see to it that
your shoes were the
tough-spied, substan
tial, serviceable sort
. ....
The same holds with .
the "shoes" f6r your
- automobile. '
' You want your car to
Keep going on one set
of tires as long as possible.
the tires with the
red sidewalls,
are the tough-treaded,
substantial, serv- .
iceable tires that will
give you the long mile
age you have Jioped
Jor, v
plus a little more
for good measure.
If you want a tire that
will make you come
back for more, buy
The Diamond
Rubber Co: Inc
t Akron, Ohio.