1 THE BEE: OMAtA, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 26, v 1919. 'Tee jtht'i at tha tpriag Tee fay's at the aaora Moraiai'a at sevea. Brown Inf. Custom does aftea raaaoe vtrrula, And only serves (or reason to the feel. s . Racbsster. f 12" COLDS HEADACHE Grippe Influenzal Colds Toothache Earache Backache Rheumatism Neuralgia Sciatica Neuritis Aching Joints Lumbago Pain! Paint What else offers relief so quickly?; Don't suffer 1 Adults Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with witer; if necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. Acoirin lWl7tr&o?onCnuinaxTahUi !: . 20-eent pacluge Larger sizes. Buy uy regular Bayer packages. Owned f American Entirely t .' t .Aspirin h tha trade mark of Bayer Manufac ture ol Monoaceticacidestcr of SalicylicaCid OVEREATING ,n the root of nearly f31 (Kgeathre evils. If your digestion is weak or out to! kilter, better eat less and use iftHlQIDS the new aid to better digestion. Pleasant to 4take effective. Let Ki molds help straighten out your digestive troubles. '. ' vlADB BY SCOTT A BOWNE MAKERS or SCOTT S EMULSION DR. MABEL WESSON tl ' ' . usieopauuc I 1 - - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 14 Hrandaia Bldg. , Offico Hour: ; j A. M. to 6:80 P. H. . M 41. Offie Tyler 2960 Res. Har. 4741 n , Y , ine Aovemser wno uses me ee tWsnt Ad columns increases his MM A a. . " .business thereby and the persons ;who read them profit by the oppor rtunitiei offered. - II. ! I!: ' """i" ' if " ' fca aW ' - hi i ai wi n -a) 1 - " I fx i , u a ill iifl : French Woman's Labor Problem Looms Large . Equal Wages and Equal Treatment for Wom TV7 the and Men - of . French Nation. "America has social and industrial pioblems, but they cannot be com pared with those which France is facing todav," says Miss Kmnia Chapin of New York City, Y. W. C. A. industri.il secretary in France. "Before the war women sewed in taeu own homes instead of in a big fhop. Much of the silk woven in France was not made in great mills, as in the United States, but in homes where the looms have been handed down from generation to generation. "Mme, Harriot, wife of the mayor of Lyons, and Mme. Jusserand have done" a marvelous work in giving employment to many, women still in their homes but the situation fflili looms large. "French women are out in the industrial world and must be rec ognized, but the problem will never 'e solved hy shutting one's eyes to the truth and saying that they ought to go back home. Men in one industry' are urging equal wages for women theieby expecting to get their jobs as they feel that employ ers would rather hire men than wo men Women over here have learn ed independence and they will stand -together for equal treatment in the industrial world." Smyth-Duncombe Nuptials. A quiet wedding ceremony took place Monday afternoon at Trinity Cathedral .when Miss Alice Marie Duncombe became the bride of Mr. Approved Spring Full line of all wanted WMfte IPbhMc StoiEi Emm npHE. business of collecting, preparing and distributing foods so relates to the daily A life of all that it has close, personal interest for everybody. Sensation seekers have long realized this and capitalized on, it. Anattack on the packers could always be relied upon either -to draw notice to its instigator or divert too close investigation of some other question. Possibly we, are partially to blame for the lack of understanding which exists in regard to our business. In the past, knowing that . attacks upon us have been based on tissues of half truths, adroitly handled innuendo and misinform ation, we may have forgotten that the public were not in full possession of the true facts. Armour and Company have always courted proper inquiry into methods and operations. And, . in the past few years, because of so many ex-parte . hearings, we have, voluntarily put our case before the public. Through "pubjication advertising, we have met the misleading headlines through which people get impressions, headlines frequently con troverted by the text matter under them. Confident that fair-minded people will re spond to complete knowledge, we seek better under standing with them. Through newpapers, booklets, moving pictures of our processes and other similar methods, we are explaining the place Armour and S. E. Smyth. Dean Tancock read the marriage lines. The voung couple were unattend ed and only the members of the im mediate families attended including Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Saltzgiver, aunt and uncle of the bride. LAfter a short honeymoon Mr. and Mts. Smyth will be at home at the El Beudor apartments. Grinnell Glee Club Entertained. The members of the Grinnell Col lage uiee ciud wm oe entertained wit luncheon Wednesday at the Ath letic club by the Grinnell alumni. The Glee club will appear in concert at the First Central Congregational church, Wednesday evening and will be entertained at the homes of col lege friends during their stay in the city. Red Cross Note. Canteen workers are requested to wear veils and aptns and members of the motor corps their uniforms Wednesday afternoon, when Gov ernor Henry J. Allen will speak in the Auditorium. A special invita tion is given to all Red Cross work ers and there will be no admission charged. All women who have worked on hospital garments or sur gical dressings, members of th can teen and motor corps, are requested to be present at Z:45, or 15 minutes before 3, the hour scheduled for Mr. Allen's lecture. Lakewood Salad. Remove pulp from two grapefruits in sections, akin ana seea tnree fourths cup white grapes, cut one- third cup pecan nut meats in pieces. Arrange on bed of romaine, pour over dresing and garnish with strip of red pepper. tor the dressing mix lour table spoons olive oil, one tablespoon grapefruit juice, one-half tablespoon vinegar, one teaspoon salt, one fourth teaspoon paprika, one-eighth teaspoon pepper and one tablespoon finely chopped Rouqueiort cheese. Footwear for Women We are showing many desirable and sensible lasts in . Women's Footwear fo I spring tnat w know will please the most particular of dressers. Oxfords in lines as well OMAHA H A Striking Rig Spring fabrics show indications able lightness of weight in many of Finest French serges will form the early street frocks for the best dressed women. As the spring days grow warmer, the silken frocks will take first place, striped taffeta being expected ning getup, in which the black carried out. A black satin coat with waist and striped taffeta skirt about Personals Irs. W. A. C. Johnson, who is in New York City, will return the latT ter part of the week. Miss Katherine Worley, state chairman of publicity for the Wo man's Victory loan committee, who has been seriously ill, is now con valescing. ' Closing meetings of the Lfundee Community Center Red Cross auxil iary will be held Wednesday at the Dundee church. Due to the faithful work of the members a large quota has been completed. Lt. Alfred Millard, jr., who has been in a hospital in the east for several week owing to wounds re reived in action, is greatly improved and is now with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Millard,, in New York City. Omahans who are stopping at the Hotel Clark in Los Angeles include Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen, Mr. F. J. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Zora Hamilton, Company occupy in the world of human needs and the manner in which they fulfill their function. . We are putting our case squarely up to all parties who are interested to producer, merchant, consumer and labor and that each may realize how 'our obligations to him must, combine with our responsibilities to the other involved, we let all know the entire story as we tell it to the rest. We tell consumers , what we say to producers producers what we say to consumers. When all is said, however, the size of any busk ness dealing competitively in staples must remain he best evidence of its economic soundness. If our methods were no sound, Armour arid Company could not have attained size in proportion to v national needs. ' - Bearing this thought in mind, you will readily appreciate that your own self-interest and your right tofullest value for your money, both urge that you always ask your dealer for Armour Products. General Manager toward conservation. There is notice the materials, especially in the wools. to be quite the rage. Here is a stun and white scheme is very successtuly white satin collara crepe de chine four yards in width. Mrs. D. M. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Kranz, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Levy, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Beayers, M. A. Shackelford and W. H. Butts. Style. Talks. ' Mrs.. Clyde Baldwin ivill speak Wednesday afternoon at the Girls' Community house on the subject, "What and How fo Buy." Mrs. Baldwin is a designer of exceptional ability and has had a broad experi ence in this line of work. Miss Eliz abeth Chainberlin, home demonstra tion agent, is arranging these style talks, which will prove of great as sistance to the women who design their own clothes. Quiet Wedding. The niarraige of Miss Esther Bess Oardner to Mr. William Maines White was solemnized Monday aft ernoon at the rectory of All Saints church. Kev. i. J. Mackay per formed the ceremony. Miss Mar garet Vance was the bridal atten dant. The young couple will make their home in Omaha. loot Disguised Feathers Beautiful plumage comes from barnyard fowls; in fact, most of the plumage used is obtained in this way anH is cleverly camouflaged to conceal its origin. As the natural colors are beautiful without dyeing, here is a recipe for curling the feath ers which will enable you to make use of them: First, clean the feathers well where they have been severed from the body, removing all foreign sub stances with soft, tepid water. The length of time required for clean ing depends upon the condition of the pelts, as it may be necessary tj soak the ends of the feathers in Uje water a couple of hours or more. Then place the wings or pelts in a covered vessel containing benzine. Always remember that benzine is highly inflammable and must not be used near a fire or open light of any kind. Leave the wings in the liquid for about three days, when you will find that the benzine will have dis solved the fat and grease, prevent ing decay ,and the wings will be ready for use. After removing thenv from the benzine lay the wings on brown paper and the odor of the benzine will disappear. For Captain Morize. Captain Andre Morize was honor guest at a luncheon given by the officers of the Fine Arts society at the Fpntenelie Tuesday. Captain Morize, who is a member of the French military and high commis sions, spoke at the hotel under the auspices of the society at 3:30. This distinguished lecturer wears the Croix dc Guerre. t EJihJ ty Ibma H Gross HOUSEHOLD ARTS VBP'T CENTRAL Hi -"aBBSBaBSsaaBBaDB The Great Kitchen Game Nearly every woman is vitally in terested in the great kitchen game of making a little go a long ways. Last week one of my high school classes was astounded to meet the problem of making one chicken serve twenty-one people 1 The Idea was a staggering one most of them asserted vehemently the deed could not be done. I will grant that it can not be done practically but that one chicken can serve 12 to 15 people if it is judiciously mingled with other foods. In any of the recipes given below one feels he is really eating chicken, not just a sug gestion of the bird. The ideas are good for club and church suppers particularly. Chicken Au Gratin. Meat of 1 chicken 3 c. milk, scalded 6 T. butter 6 T. flour 1 t. salt 1 reen pepper, shopped Buttered crumbi Melt butter, add flour, then milk gradually and stir to boiling. Add chicken and green pepper and put nto a greased baking dish. Cover with butteredj crumbs and bake 20 minutes in a moderate oven. A small amount of grated cheese mixed with the battered crumbs will add a tang .to the dish. Chicken Scallop. Meat of 1 chicken Gravy or medium 2 o. broken white aaace, about macaroni 3 c. Pimentos Buttered erumba " Cook the macaroni in boiling -salted water, drain and pour c?ld water over. Arrange the chicken and macaroni in alternate layers, with v The Drexel Kid says: "Gee, here's a cinch, Steel Shod Shoes on sale at . leas than coat. My dad will buy me 3 It pain. at Remember! Boys' Button Shoes,' This is less than the makers' cost to sizes 1 to 6, regu- day, so bring your boys and save lar $3.50 values, money during this sale, while they last, at No charges, refunds or deliveries, but we will exchange them if re $2,50 turned within 24 hours after pur . chase. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Faram Street. Basket - WEDNESDAY, March 26th, we will sell at all our Omaha and Council Bluffs Stores RED ALASKA SALMON, tall can. 24c ALSO in Meat Departments HAM SHANKS, lb ..... . . . 19c Fine for Boiling. Above items are for Wednesday, March 26th, only. "DO AS MOTHER DID CARRY A BASKET." . Basket Stores U. S. License G28403 Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. Advice to the Lovelorrv Love Comes Unbidden and, "To Love or 'Not We Are No More Free Than the Ripple to Rise and Leave the Sea." By BEATRICE FAIRFAX Craay at Thirty -seven. Dear Miss Fairfax: Having- been reading your columns I coma to ask you for advice. I am a young man of S7 and arts In love with two sweat looking sis ters, 15 and 17, and they seem to pay much attention to me wnen tro out with them.. They tell me look like a spring chicken and this is what I come to ask you which one ehall I love or shall I continue to ro with both of them or not. I have asked both of them to marry me and they both were satUned and their parents told them that they can marry me any day of the- week. So what shall I do? 1 am getting tray hair already and they tease me about it. Hoping I will see this in your col uxnns.' Bachelor. Now Just what do you mean? Tou speak of loving,' and having pro posed, to both these "children." No man with honor does such things. You are either crazy or' Joking. Manuscript for Sale. Dear MIsa Fairfax: Can you tell me how and where to find a market for motion picture plays? I have written about four but don't know where to sell them. I believe you used to act for a picture corporation didn't you? All the plays I have attempted are emotional. Do you know the name and ad dress of any corporation? Can you tell me the address of the HIGH &CHOOZ. the macaroni for the first and last layers. Pour over the gravy or white sauce, to which has been add ed the finely chopped pimento. Cover with buttered ,crumbs and bake in a moderate oven 20 min utes. Chicken Pie. Fill a baking ish with ctibpped chicken, cover with highly seasoned gravy and place a roundof pricked biscuit dough on top. Bake in a hot oven till the biscuit dough is a golden brown about 25 minutes. Serve from the baking dish. An at tractive way of serving chicken pies is in the individual baking dishes. Chicken Croquettes. 2 c. cooked rtca l'-i e. thick white 2 c. chopped aauca or very thick chicken. gravy (cold) Seasoning Mix the above ingredients, shape into croquettes, roll in crumDs, then beaten egg, then crumbs and fry in deep fat. An easy substitute for deep fat frying is to dot the croquettes with butter (making them somewhat flatter than usual) and brown in a quick oven. Chicken Surprise Chopped chicken 1 egg 2 e. warm mashedGravy and seasoning potatoes Mix the potatoes and slightly beaten egg. The potatoes should be .well seasoned. Make a thick paste of the chicken and gravy. Ihis paste should alsj be well seasoned. Flatten out a Spoonful of the pQr tato, place a small amount of chick-' en on it, then gather together to make a potato ball. Fry in deep fat. A Drexel Sale We are overstocked on Boys' Button Shoes, in sizes 1 to 6. Beginning Wednesday and continuing until all are sold, we will sell 300 pairs of our regular stock of STEEL SHOD SHOES $2.50 per pair Stores Select picture corporation T Max this personal and X will be much obliged to you. LOLLETTB LANE. Tou might try the "Fox" 189 West Forty-slxth street. New Torlf City; Vita graph at Los Angeles; Hawthorne at Hollywood, Cal.; Metro, Long-acre building-, New York City; Universal at Universal City. Cal. The address of the Select Pic tures Is 729 Seventh avenue, New York City. Electric Needle. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Beer Will you please Inform me In these columns of lovelorn where one will go to have electrlo needle used to take out superfluous hair from one's' face and neck? Yours truly, A READER-OB OMAHA BEE. Read the classified list In the tele- -phone directory under "hair dress ers," call them and get first hand in formation. Missed Her Soldier, Dear Mtss Fairfax: I have Veen corresponding: with a soldier whom I have never seen, and he desired ts visit me. He was supposed to arrive on a certain train and I was there to meet him, but either failed to recognize him or he didn't come. I wrote and apologized for missing him, but have received no reply. He has always written quite regularly and I cannot understand why he does not explain. Can you help me? Sincerely, "PINK." Had you thought that he might have been displeased with your ap pearance and passed right on You say that neither of you had seen the other before. , She Likes the Bachelor. -' Dear Miss Fairfax, , Omaha Bee: t ; am a reader of your column and en Joy it very much. . I also am very much Interested in "Bachelor Farmer" and am anx iously waiting for the replies. I, too, wonder if a person could be happy and contented with a per son they didn't love, tnougn respected and admired. "Bachelor Farmer," you must be an exception to the majority to have reached the age or 30, traveled an over the good old United States of America and never fell in love. I, too, have been thinking that maybe I would like to hear from you. v INTERESTED MB. " Some day I shall become real peeved aid refuse to publish letters without signatures attached for my information not for publication. A Nice Little Girl. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: t always like to read your "Advice to Lovelorn." What you said to "Fourteen To day" perhaps made her mad. She certainly Is a little flirt. Maybe some girls do let men hold their hands at the picture shows, but I never have yet and I am 14, too, and I have never danced either, but mamma says lt Is sinful, too. I am Jast crazy to learn, but mamma won't let me, and she says it is Just as sinful as holding hands with men at the movies. Dear Miss Fairfax, now will you please tell me your opinion about dancing? Hoping to see an answer soon, sincerely your friend, BLACK EYES. You are a nice little girl and have' the right ides. Personally, I see no sin in dancing. The vulgar persons 1 have made a sin out of what should be art. When you are a little older1 perhaps mother will change her mind. You are very young now and should be conserving your strength! for maturity. Divided Love. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Beer' We are two young girls. We read your advice every day an,d take -great Interest in It. As to our knowl edge, we suppose you to be a wise person and very pretty. We wish to ask a few questions which have troubled us a great deal. There is a boy who three of us girls love and know he loves us, especially two, A and B, but don't know if he loves C, as ha says he don't like her. But what we would like to know is, who he likes best, A or B? As he seemn, to like A somwhat better. He will tell A things he will not tell B, for he fears she will tell. He has asked ' me (A) what winking meant. And I said it meant nothing but impo- v liteness, and B and C say it means love. I asked him why he did not ask B and C and he said he would not think of asking them. We would like your advice, as each one says she is right: Please print in next week's issue or we shall not see in ' print. Thanking you in advance, N CODY AND KEG. winking is Impolite. But I should not worry about a boy who divides his love between so many girlies. Perhaps he wishes only to be friends. Had you thought of that? Love is too serious and too great a -A thing to be tsjpsed from a pretty curl to a pair of blue eyes and then on to raven locks. KOSMEO CREAM Beautifies the Skin This dainty toil'et cerate cleanses the pores-removes blackhead! tan. freckles. nimnL. . aa roughness mTSi At All Toilet Counters - CaJeeea i OS 1 f j 1 DC OC DC DOC DOC 3C DC