Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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    9 X
Partial Report of First Quar
terly Collection Receipts
iv Amounts to $1,001 ,244,-
000 in 63 Districts. '
K .Washington, March 22.-
tions from the first quarterly install
I went of income and profits taxes due
vjast Saturday amounted to .$1,001,-
''244,000 in 63 of,.the 64 collections
'districts, Internal Revenue Co,mniis-
;tioner Roper announced today.
" I The figure probably' -will be in
f creased by late returns, since some
Z revenue coltsctors have not yet re
f ported their fihal tabulations. .
jf This. is more than the treasury
'J had expected from this installment
'payment and therefore officials be
' lieve that mn citizens paid their
f tax in full instead of taking advan
tage of the instalment privilege'.
ii An examination 'of records "will be
undertaken later to ascertain
the total yield from income and
profits taxes exceeds the preliminary
fj estimates of approximately $4,000,
SljOOO.000. Indicaions on the face of
?f'todav's reports were that estimates
ffmade at the timr of enactment of
ji the revenue bill weraf fairly accurate.
New Yr.rk Leads. i
; The Second New York district
?eport.ed $145,551,000, the '.biggest
Ifjrolleptiona of any district, and the
SThird Massachusetts, with $75,203,
rlflOO, was second. The First Illinois,
'Including Chicago, reported incom
plete returns ot .UHV.uoo. tne
pd Pennsylvania had $54,315,000.
I 'All but five, districts showed de
cided increases over the 25 per cent
ijof last year s income tax collection.
Expectations were Minnesota, New
i$ Mexico, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh
Und West Virginia. , ,
T Revenue officiate expressed the
" belief that final reports will put all
districts ahead of their 25 per cent
f recoirps iasi year, except x-msDurgn.
In that district many steel com
panies, which paid theif tax at
Pittsburgh last year, probably paid
ithis year in the New York district
1 The New Mexico district does not
txpcci to complete lauuianuus iui
Iwo or three weeks.
I The largest increase in 'collec
tions .over last year's record was
shown in North Dakota and the
Eighth Illinois districts, where there
was a 240 per cent advance. The
Third, Iowa showed 180 per cent in
crease. ' -
iffhomas E. McDonald,
U jn a A a Contractor,
Dies 1 of Indigestion
Thomas E. McDonald, widely
1 known Omaha and South Side con-
,v tractor, died Friday evening at his
' Jiorne, S615 Florence boulevard, : 6f
fi cute indigestion.
f' Mr. McDonald was 55 years old.
T3e had been a resident of Omaha
f lor more than '60 years. Most of
Vthe'., public building j' on the South
fide, including the city hall and
fjiostomce, were constructed by him.
sJMf. .McDonald's only surviving
4 relative is . a daughter,- Mrs. . Ella
Lawrence, who lor some time has
4 been making her home with him.
: The funeral services will be held
HSunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from
?the residence. Interment will be
PAin Forest Lawn cemetery.
aC;.-,r J '
Kriumphal March of
feCrack British Corps
Takes Place in London
' London, March ; 22. The first
triumphal march on a large scale
of British troeps which fought in
V France and ' Belgium occurred in
Lohdori today. Fourteen battalions
of the guards, representatives of all
r.rtnits ef Great Britain's crack corps,
ipxomiranied by their - bands, pro
Reded from their, barracks to Buck
ingham palace, where they were re
viewed, by King George. The line
;i .rnarcji thence through; the main
treets oi the city. . ...
The procession was led by the earl
of Cavan( the first, commander of
'the guards division, with his staff,
! which included the prince of Wales.
tTht icity was gaily beflagged and
the' troops received a tremendously
enthusiastic reception.,! . ,
1 :.
: Interned Germans : v- ;
' to Be Released Soon
1 1 Washington,- March 22! Between
$00 and 600 Germans no longer c6n-
sideVed dangerous " will be released
".6n parole from, internment camps
it Fort Ogelthorpe ,nd Fort Doug
las, within the next two .weeks, it
i vas announced today at th Depart
ment of Justice.' These are persons
5 ho never committed actual hostile
acts, but who were under suspicion
l iuring the war, or who violated reg
ulations restricting movement of
inemy aliens. ,..,,..
I i Including these persons and about
12,000 German seamen, approximate
I h- 4,000 Germans are interned. -
Churches to' Co-Operate
l i In Securing Soldiers Work
$3 .Washington, March 22. The gen
. 4rat 1 wartime, conimission y of the
.! (lurches representing ; more than
f A0OO.0OO "s church members an
r Aomcti today that it had undertak
linfthe organization of its 150,000
S-.hurhes for co-operating with the
l-United States, employment service in
vpbtaining job for returning soldiers,
Jiailors, marines and -civilian war
Workers. -;'.
f . ' -' Buy Certificates
v. : Washington,: March 21 Sutf
v Ascriptions' to the issue of tax cer
tificates dated March IS and matur-
" ing June 16 amounted to $337,516,
000, of which $130,000,000 were paid
br the turninsr in of tax certificates
,iof past issues, the Treasury depart
Germans Robbed Their Own
Allies Missionary Asserts
Canadian, Who Throughout the War Stayed in Bo
hemia, Tells How Huns Carried Foodstuff Out of
Rich Hungarian Territory Into . FatherlandCoffins
Used for Food Transport.
Albert Rose, 2722 North Twenty
fifth street, has heard from his
nephew, W J. Rose, who was in
central Europe during the whole pe
riod of the war. The nephew was
sent during the end of 191 to the
Czech university in Prague, as a
Student Christian Movement secre
tary. At the outbreak of the war
he was stranded in a village in
Silesia, near the ancient Polish city
of Cleszyn and not far from the
Prussian border. '
He wrote: "Friends were writing
to us from Prague, advising us to
stay in the country until autumn in
the hope that the war would soon
end. When I ventured in Decem
ber, 1914, to go to the country po
lice and ask for a pass to Prague,
they heard with surprise that I
was a Briton, for they thought that
Canada belonged to America. The
chief made a long face and told
me to be glad tjiat I was allowed
to remain where I was. This mis
take on the part of the police ex
plains why I was not interned from
the start.
"Until the spring of 1915, 250
schools in Vienna' were still occu
pied by the army; in the cities the
youth had become hopelessly de
moralized, and in the country the
Schools were free, but the teachers
were all at the front and when they
came back (and many of them did
not) they' were . put in charge of
the food control, which made their
lives a burden and kept them until
the end from serving as teachers
in the way they should have served.
Way to Bolshevism.
"The food control prires were al
ways set too low, with the result
that dealers appeared ; everywhere,
offering far higher prices for food
products. He who had money could
buv everything and that without
tickets; he who had not, might have
tickets for everything, but could buy
virtually nothing. Such were some
of the things that have, prepared
the way for bolshevism. .
"It was clear that the .Austrians
were meant to do the dirty work
and the Germans to get the credit
for it. The German soldiers'1 who
were sent home regularly every six
months on furlough, were allowed
to cross the boundary, coming for
example out of Hungary, laden with
all manner of foodstuffs, whatever
they could buy, or borrow, or steal,
to be taken home to their own peo
ple. While serving at the front
the German was expected to send
home a five or ten-kilo package ev
ery month, and provision was made
for this by the postal authorities.
Neither one privilege or the other
was allowed to the Austrian troops.
"Liying as I did near the railway
center- of Europe, ' I knew exact
ly of the great movement . of
troops and of the enormous impor
tance of foodstuffs into Germany,
which had been going on since 1915.
Every Prussian soldier belonging to
the armies of occupation in Poland,
Big Garden Meeting
Will Be Held in the
Auditorium Today
Mayor Smith will speak, a band
will play, and the audience will join
in community singing in the Audi
torium at 3 o'clock this afternoon
when a garden meeting will be held.
Joseph Ihm will speak on city
gardens and school club work
among boys and girls. Byron
Hastings will announce the list of
garden and canning prizes won last
season. J. C. Muerman of the
United States Department of Edu
cation will give an illustrated gar
den lecture. All are invited to at
tend the meeting.
Predict Warmer and Fair
Weather During NeWeek
Washington, March 22. Weather
predictions for the week beginning
Monday issued by the weather bu
reau today are:
Upper Mississippi and lower Mis
souri valleys: Rains probable first
part "Of the week; generally fair
thereafter. Temperature near or
above normal.
A Free Trial of Pyramid Pile Treat
ment WIU Be Jnst Like Meet
in Good Old Friend.
Roumania or in Serbia, sent home
on furlough twice a year, was laden
with all of. the foodstuffs he could
carry, sometimes as nucli as a hun
dredweight" He added that a consignment of
coffins supposed to contain German
heroes were examined at the boun
dary and found to contain hams,
bacon, butter, cheese, cereals ana
other edibles.
U. P. Leads All Roads
in Net Earnings With
$11,916,000 Surplus
Washington, March 22. The bu
reau of railway economics, a pri
vate institution maintained by rail
art analysis of interstate commerce
commission reports on railway
earnings last year, to show that of
the $214,000,000 government deficit
for the year $150,000,000, or 70 per
cent, was in eastern territory. West
ern roads showed a deficit of $72,-
000,000, while southern road had a
surplus, earning $8,500,000 above the
government guaranteed rental.
Earnings statements or individual
roads show the varying effects of
shifting of traffic and changes in
the character of Waffic. While 119
of184 large roads earned less than
ineir renin, a lew oi xne omer tines
earned surpluses -mounting to
about $80,000,000, as compared with
$294,000,000 in aggregate deficits.
Among the railroads earning a
surplus above the standard returns
Union Pacific, $11,916,000; South
ern, $10,691,000; Duluth, Missabe
and Northern. $7,343,000; Michigan
Central, $5,554,000; Big Four, $4,
570,000; Chesapeake & Ohio, $3,
815,000; Santa Fe, $3,114,000, and
Louisville & Nashville, $2,057,000.
The roads where the largest
deficits were:
Chicago, Milwaukee St St. Paul,
$23,511,000; Baltimore & Ohio, $18,
424,000; Great Northern, $16,687,
000; Erie,' $16,583,000; Chicago &
Northwestern, $10,759,000; Panhan
dle. $8,360,0000; Burlintfton, $8,344,-
000; Rock Island, $6,700,000; Penn
sylvania. $33.034,000.
Predicts Day When All
Senators ' Will Have
Union Cards in Pocket
"Many of you will live to see the
day when the majority of congress
men and senators will have union
cards in their pockets," said Frank
A. Hawley of the United States De
partment of Labor, speaking at Cen
tral Labor union Friday night.
"The war was a war of labor.
Labor fought the war and won it
and now must fight for an organiza
tion that will prevent future wars
with the sacrifices they imply for the
laboring class."
He declared strongly for the
league of nations. "The profiteering
capitalist," he said, "is opposed to
this league. The league will make
the world really safe for democracy.
"Turn a deaf ear to the bolshevist
for he attempts to disintegrate the
forces of organized labor. JOon't let
him trade you his policy of chaos
for your present strong organization
through which you can get what you
want in the way of government"
Bank Capital Increased.
Washington, March 22.-(Special
Telegram.) The Treasury depart'
rnent has approved the increase of
the capital of the Nebraska Na
tional bank' of Hastings, Neb., from
$50,000 to $100,000. ,
to sjell a small amount of 8 per cent, preferred stock
in an old established, strictly first-clas3 business.
State your experience.
, Box D 38, Omaha Bee , "
ft ', K
' T '
Havo yon tried Pyramid? It not
why don't you? The trial ! free
just mail coupon below and the
results may amaze you. Others are
praising Pyramid Pile Treatments as
thatr deliverer why not you? Mall
coupon bow or gt a fiOo box from
any druggist anywhera. Take I no
ubetltutt. !
m Pyramid Bid., Uanhill, Mich.
Kindly etd- ma Vn sampl of
Vyianid Kit T&tait,ln plsla wnppuw
eiu. .....
Terrible cam af BcseiBa contracted
when a mtn bey foncht disease far tea
yean, witb half doxen specialists. Both
le la terrible condition. Almost a
vma wrack. It took Josta bottles of
D. D. D. to clear tap this disease."
fhis Is the lata testinony of a pramtneat
aewipaper naa. Ws bae am es naor other
soflereri ralieVed by this marreloas lotion tbsl
we freely offer roa a bottle oo oar personal
faarsmtes. Try it today. Sic. toe and tljoa,
m. lotion for Skin Disease
The New Music
Can Be Enjoyed In Our Sound-proof Vic
toria Rooms Fifth Floor.
Decorate Early
414-416-418 South 16 th Street
But First Consult Our Department. This
Will Not Obligate, But Prove a Real Help.
The Birds go North again our lawns take on
a brighter hue the sap is rising in the trees bucls are ..swelling the air is
balmy with the breath of Spring and our homes so long under the
spell of the soft coal nuisance can be opened up, redecorated, ,
redraped and the fresh new furniture we have done
'without so long can now be bought and en
joyed Our increased capacity will
enable us to serve you well.
y i"
" . El Q
f i i,
8 g
I .
Walnut a
Beautiful in Chamber
Suites and Quite "the Thing."
The suite pictured above has that atmosphere of quiet refinement, ex
pressing both character and practical qualities a suite that is worthy of
more than passing notice, even when shown among many beautiful suites.
Dresser, as illustrated, in two sizes ................. . $48.00 and $58.00
Chest of Drawers, as illustrated $48.00
Triple Mirror Dressing Table ..: $55.00'
Twin Beds; each $55.00
0 ' s
A Fashionable Davenport Table
In Mahogany, Top 18x66.
The -style points about this unusually attractive
William and Mary design are the artistically turned
legs and bun feet, the shaped and pierced stretcher,
the carved heraldic emblems on the shieldlike panels
supported by the turned framing, and the broad bev
eled table top with a plaited edging underneath. The
proportions of this long slender davenport table are
graceful and the style value of the piece is decidedly
apparent.? Price 1
The group casement window
problem is successfully solved with
curtains shirred to a top and bot
tom rod, whether they open in or
out. A simple Lambrequin and side
drape that drops clear to the floor
This stately William and is generally to be recommended.
Mary treatment can be
carried out in almost '
any good drapery fab
ric, Velour, of course,
being the most aristocratic.
1 1 1
It is in our
Cretonne makes a bright
cheerful window treat
ment and the fact that
we can now get pat
terns and colorings suit
able for every room
makes it more usable
than ever.
, 1 ...
Drapery Dep't
that we solve the many perplexing problems that occur to home crafters at
this time of the year in reference to windows and hangings.
It is always advisable to see our sketches and get suggestions before
Inexpensive Curtains of quality
ruffled, scalloped and lace
edged,' drawn work and novelty
effects, from per pair, $2.85 to $12.00
Filet Net Curtains, per pair, $3.25
to 8.75
Duchess Curtains, from, per pair,
$6 00 to 30.00
Panel Laces, from, per strip, 85c
to 5.25
TT7 HEN unfading colors,' durable wear and re-
silient surface are considered among the
prime factors which guide you in selecting a floor
covering, we would have you remember that com
bined with these you may have beautiful oriental
designs such as Saruks, Kermanshahs, Mahals and
Chinese! in all their characteristic richness of tone in
Hardwick Wilton Rugs
Prices as follows: "
22V9X36 ...$ 7.50
36x63 .
9x12 ..
9x15 ...
10-6x12 147.50
10- 6x13-6 ; . . . 167.50
11- 3x15 ...147.50
11-3x15 .. 185.00
100.00. .
Curtain Nets, at, per yard, 40c,
60c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25 and up to 3.75
A particularly strong showing and
excellent values, at 1.00
Cretonnes New, beautiful,' effec
tive for every room, at per yard,
50c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 $1.25 up to 4.25
Drapery Fabrics Madras, Sun
fast, in new effects, from, per
yard, $1.50 to 6.00
MosU Room Fifth Floor
Genuine Chinese Rugs
are offered in a wide variety of sizes, patterns and
colorings. We have three excellent specimens
which we especially urge you to see at
$210.00 for size 6x9. ...$400.00 for size 9x12.
$550.00 for size 10x13-6.
Oriental Rugs should be cleaned
and repaired at this time of the
year. Our native expert renders
this service.
i, i '
Plays ALL Records
At Their BEST
Only on the Brunswick can you obtain this great
feature the Ultone all-record player.
With the Ultona you are not restricted to one
make of record. You can play them all. And each
is played as it should be, with the proper diaphragm,
weight and needle.
Another determining feature of the Brunswick
method of reproduction is the All-Wood Tone
Amplifier, made entirely of wood on the violin prin
ciple. All metal construction is avoided, bringing
out in perfect clarity tones hitherto lost.
Cabinet Type Brunswicks from $75 to $350.
Test Your Model in Your Own Home Before Pur
chasing by means of our FREE TRIAL plan.
Phone Tyler 3000, or write
Down Stairs
3-quart aluminum preserving kettles, special.. .39c
(Limited quantity only.)
Hand Vacuum washers 1 59c
75c "Stove Oil," for removing and preventing
rust, special 50c
In This Beautiful Room You See an
Overstuffed Suite of Merit
The Davenport
is fitted with loose spring cushions. The cover
ing is of rich mulberry velour. An expression of
refinement and character is in every line.
Davenport $168.00
Chair to match 82.00
Rocker to match 84.00
-Down Stairs-
We Direct Your Special Attention to Our New
and Excellent Showing of
The exquisite simplicity of the Adam and
Patrician designs are shown in complete sets or by
the dozen or half-dozen.
These designs are In the households of the
most prominent women on both sides of the Atlantic.
Illustrated and explanatory folders, giving
prices furnished on application.
Phone Tyler 3000 or write.