. i 10 (J .. THE 0M..HA SUNDAY B&E: MARCH 23, i REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. BUNGALOW, $3,500.00 ' 1611 Laird street la a splendid ftve roem bungalow with built-in china cab- . tnels, oak floors and flnlah In living scorns; dandy floored attic, cemented 'basement; paved street. Only $3,(00; l,S0t cash and IIS per month. 'PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Usmbera of Omaha Real Kstate Board. th floor Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldf. Doug. ioi FOR SALE I , ..Lot nicely located for building pur- i poses. "i YJn,. la - II n,ra ,k- -l, '. Acreage tracts, unimproved. Call or .write E. M. Morgan. 1808 Sahler St. Phone Colfax 1668. REAL ESTATE-Business Property BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 420 First Nation! Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT DODGE STREET : INVESTMENT ' :"7 ft. frontage near 27th, Improved wtth three-story and basement brick building, now rented for rooming house ' at 1900 per year. Property Is in ex cellent condition and pays good big return on the price, which has been cut down to (7,(00. Building can be re ft M.fl.t.il - . t- I.I. P apartments which would produce more ; Ground la Increasing In value. It's close In. This Is a sure shot with splendid chances of substantial profit. Talk with us about It Haf cash will handle. , ; Armstrong-Walsh Co., til Securities Bldg. Tyler 1(36. 1 1 INVESTMENT ; TAKES $3,700 CASH ' I ' Business property;' income un- der present leases 7j4 per cent ab solutely net above taxes, insur- ' ance, repairs and all other outlay. I Price $8,600. Terms: $3,700 cash, balance easy paymentss at 6 per cent and pay for the property in ft few years and your $3,700 will be earning you 10 per cent net ' Let us give you full information. f DUMONT & CO., ' REALTORS 46-4& Keeline Bldg. Douglas 690. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - " Two lots la Overlook addition, Just ; south ef Elmwood park. Full sis lota, 10x150. For. gala, or ax first payment With soma cash, en a bungalow In the -south part of town. Address, Bos Y-161. 'Omaha Be. ' INVESTMENT - BARGAIN t-atory and basement, brick building, at 111 North 12th St., rented for $15 per month. Price, 11,(00. THE BYRON REED CO., ! Douglas 297. 1611 Farnara St VI HAVE- six l-room houses and ons I j room house; also two mighty good I brick store buildings well rented; In I come 13,916 per year; will exchange any ' part or all of these for good farm or ' ranch. Owner nonresident. , o. a. ana n. a. mkjss ruvaiiiini, a sia wny ibi l Danic Dial, uouiiu isia 100 ACRES south of Seneca, Neb., grass ..-and erasing land. Owner wants city , property or might accept commercial 'stock as part payment. .6 F. M. MICHAEL, CO., " sr J A I T1 M - L vV - W CHOICE HOUSES la all parts of th city. I Call for particulars. f JOHN W. ROBBINS, J-1809 Farnam 8t. Douglas (29. i Leavenworth at., Capitol ave., Cuming st PAYNE SLATER COMPANY. Dg. 1016. BARGAINS In hornet. Investments, proc- ertles and acreage near Omaha. Har"- -n A Morton. 016 Omaha Nat nk. H'ds JREA- ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FINE 10-acre suburban farm, 7-room house, barn, garage, chicken houses and brooders, stpek of hay, straw and feed, i horse, cow, 100 chickens, buggy, wagons, - harness and farming tools. All clear of i Incumbrance. Exchange for city prop- f erty. Call Mr. Browne. I INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 1520 Farnam St. Tyler 4116. EAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED, W.e ! OWNER WILL BUILD FOR A 'RESPONSIBLE TENANT 1 J STORY BUILDING ON A LOT, 1 40X132, ON FARNAM ST., EAST OF 24TH ST. FOR PAR f TICULARS SEE J. B. ROBIN JSON, 442 BEE BLDG. DOUG. 8097. (REALTOR.) i ' 80 FT., $15,000 f ' Just off Farnam on 11th. Rental value 1 $100 a month. Growing property. HARRISON & MORTON ; REALTORS til Omaha Nat Bank. Doug, ilt North. DON'T PAY RENT I I ALL YOUR LIFE BEGIN PURCHASJNG ' A HOME : ! BUY A LOT IN v ARCADIA COURT - . Located on the north side, where hun ' dreds of attractive homes have been built and are now occupied by contented ; families; price $700 and up; 126 caeh, i v$10 per month; pavtnir, rewer, water, gas, cement walks, ornamental lighting, , treea and shrubbery; buy now at present Jow prices. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1J20 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 664. 50 FT ON 24TH, $10,000 Near Chicago street, runs through to 13d, making double front. Double brick fronts on 234 renting for $140 a year. ' Room for store on 14th, the valuable ' -end. W thtnk this a strategic growing "property. , HARRISON & MORTON, REALTORS 16 Omaha Nat. Bk. t Doug. 314. FOR SALE 60-foot Idt on Ixard. Call Webster 1033. (1st and South. .66 FT., $250 A FT. On Leavenworth near 24th; fronts south, near strategic corner. HARRISON & MORTON, ; ' REALTORS '. 116 Omaha Nat D. 114. Miscellaneous. I BUILD NOW. p, xs ajooa ouuuina iuis. .iia mil luipiuva- j me nts. Prices from 140lnto '1900. Can I . I giva terms. Douglas 688. 1 ' TRAVER BROS.. V t 111 First National Bank Bldg. i REALEST ATE- SUBURBAN. t South Side. JA8. J. FITZGERALD, 4931 South 14th sit. "Insurance." Buy and sell property. Real aetata soertgage loans promptly saaae. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. South Side. FOR SALE. 7-room modern house, lid and G streets, 14,(00. 7-r-skm, modern, oak finish down stairs. 17th and M streets, 13,1(0. l-room, modern except gas, 1 acre. 1 blocks south of 13th and Harrison streets. (-room, modern , house, list and 8 streets, 12.1(0. J. H. KOPIETZ. 4711 8. 24th St. 10 PER CENT INCOME, SMALL, INVESTMENT. . (room, all modern cottage. Good lo cation, only 13,000. Can use a good lats model, I paaaenger car as part payment. Call Mr. Brown at Douglaa 416; eve- nlng, Harney 1141, A. W. JONES, South Omaha, buys, sells, exchanges all kinds of property. For result, quick action, see us. I ROOMS Modern, city water, one acre on Ft Crook and Albright Price $4,000; half cash. Bo. 2833. Benson, It BENSON SNAPS $2,650 All modern cottage, t rooms and bath, full cemented basement Oak floors, fine finleh. Lot (0x135. Cement sidewalk to car. Close to Cathollo church and school. Reasonable terms. $3,250 Five room all- modern house, close to car and school. In excellent repair. Terms, $800 cash, balance $30 per month. $4,500 ,6-reom all modern house, two years old. Oak floor throughout 4 lots, (Ox 136 feet each. 16 fruit trees, 116 berry bushes. Chicken house, 11x71 feet glass front electrlo lighted. Convenient to car and school. Cement sidewalks all the way. A bargain at the price. Rea sonable terms. For appointment to see these places, call Wal. 1(80 Sundays and evenings. Doug. 1722 week days. Benson Garden Home $400; Possession Now This Is a new home of four rooms on an acrs; electrlo lights and basement; , good well; south slope; two blocks of Jitney and paved road. The balance of purchase price Is payable $22.(0 per month. Including Interest Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler (0. Dundee. DUNDEE $4,200. For a very nifty, (-room strict ly mod. bungalow, oak flnlah all through; beam celUngs, beautiful elec trlo light fixtures, house well located, now vacant ahd can give Immediate possession. It's a bargain at this price. $6,000. For a stood 6-room, well ar ranged house, located on Capitol Ave. between 48th and 149th. House In ex cellent condition, oak floors; white enamel finish, strictly mod. $6,100. (-room house, excellent ar rangement, located on Webster St. be tween 60th and (1st St, south front House nicely finished In white enamel. Large garage for two care. FLORENCE $1,000, One of the most delightful home sites around Omaha; beautiful view In every direction, fine, strictly jnod. house; oenter recepUon hall, large diving room with fireplace, dlnlrfg room, den or library, complete bath, kitchen on first floor; second floor four bedrooms and sleeping porch, oak finish and enamel; complete bath. Hot water heat Two large lots. Wonderfully fin place. Great big bar. gain at this figure. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. $17,(00. ( acres lying right up on top of the hill, which Is bound to Increase In value, excellent garden, lot of fruit; 7 rooms, strictly mod. house, oak finish down stairs; arrangement first-class, hot water heat, garage, chicken house and other out buildings. Everything up In A-l condition. MUST BE SOLD. Make us a proposition. $7,(00. 6-room house,, strictly mod., very well' arranged, In excellent condl ' tlon, 1 lots, only short distance from Benson car line, north and east of Krug Park. This place Is a bargain. Lots beautifully Improved with all kinds of fruit, strawberries, asparagus, etc. A delightful outlying place. For a man who loves a garden and outdoor work this place cannot be beat for the money, D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. 115-17 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Poug. 46. DUNDEE SPECIALS $4,200 (-room bungalow, very neat; all modern; oak and white enamel flnlah with oak floors; corner lot Garage. JlflO cash. "J5.760 An excellent home on Under wood Ave., with living room, dining ..room, den and kitchen on the first floor; three nice bedrooms and sleeping porch 2d floor; finished attic; bullt-ln book cases, fireplace. House In excellent con dition throughout. $2,000 cash requtred. $6,100 Near the school; well built, modern home, conslattng of large liv ing room, dining room, den and kitchen on the first floor: fireplace: extra toilet; k oak floors and finish; three excellent DQurDoma, one an cnciuaeu icbiiiubi yuivu and bath on 2d floor; good basement, brick foundation lined with hollow tile; full size lot; paving paid. 16,100 Corner home, frame and stucco. Living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen 1st floor; three good bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath 2d floor; good attic; laundry chute, beam ceilings, bookcases, back stairway; fin ished In oak and white enamel. Owner leaving the city. First time offered. GLOVER & SPAIN MEMBERS OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD 118-20 City Nat'l Doug. 1162 FINE DUNDEE BRICK HOME, 8 ROOMS Large living room with fireplace, din ing room, sun room, white enamel kitch en conveniently arranged with spa cious cabinet work; toilet and lavatory on first floor. Four white enamel bed rooms, sleeping porch and tiled floored bath with shower on second floor. Sep arate toilet and lavatory connected to one bedroom. Maid's room with com plete bath on third floor. The house Is elegantly finished with large closets throughout. Vapor beat ing plant wtth laundry tubs and toilet In basement. Located In the best resi dential district of Dundee on a lot (6x 123 feet. Priced right. v A. P. TUKEY & SON REALTORS. 120 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Ph'one Doug. (02. Sunday call Mr. Huston, Har. 4763. DUNDEE DISTRICT A dandy six-room house, finished In oak. Just completed; has large living room across front, large dining room, paneled, with south and east exposure. Nice light kitchen wtth bullt-ln cabinets, white enameled, large rear vestlbuled entrance and enclosed back porch. Second floor consists of three nicely ar ranged bedrooms, one extending across front of house with two large, light closets, and neat bathroom wtth the lat est fixtures. This house has full base ment with good furnace, laundry tubs, toilet snd floor drain and Is situated on a large, sightly lot overlooking a great part sf the city and In a good location. Price 15,250. Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS 1502 Dortire St. Phone Douglaa 4270. BEST BUY FOR $9,000 IN DUNDEE In one of the best blocks In the ad dition; fine large living room with fire place, rfun room, large dining room and kitchen on first floor; four good bed rooms and a large sleeping porch; tiled bath; oak floors and finish; Rudd hot water heater and laundry tubs in base ment: garage with driveway; all the essentials and conveniences known to modern construction; arrange Inspection with us. Armstrong-Walsh Co., 333 Securities Bldg. Tyler 1536. DUNDEE NEW STUCCO HOUSE. South of Dodge street where every home Is brand new and built of brick, stucco or stone. Living room across front, fine dining room with built-in buffet Kitchen with all the conveni ences. Second floor contains three good bedrooms and enclosed and heated sleeping porch; good attlo; fine base ment; stucco garage; cement drive; east front lot; this Is a beauty and It's priced very reasonably. Armstrong-Walsh Co., $11 Seeurttles Bldg. Tyler 1(11. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE HOME Located In Happy Hollow addition, east of club grounds; I rooms; hot water heat and thoroughly well built; first floor has large living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen; 2d floor, 4 bed , rooms and sleeping porch, bathroom and extra lavatories; 3d floor maid's room, children's playroom and trunk or storage room; large corner lot 12 Hx 131 feet; garage for 2 cars; surrounded by high-class brick homes; only two blocke to car line. Don't buy till you see this. Price 113.600. ' s GEORGE & CO., . REALTORS, Doug. T56. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bide". NEAR DUNDEE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3,150 (room, modern near (1st and Jackson Sts. Oak throughout, furnace heat, large south front lot; 1 blocks to car Una and 1 block south of Dundee where lots are selling for 11,350. Best value la this district. Reasonable terms. . J. L. HIATT CO., QAA FIRST NATIONAL PHONE CO BANK BLDG. TYLER w DUNDEE, $12,000, BRICK AND STUCCO A very attractive home, new and thor oughly well built, located near (2d and Dodge, on th ridge. Has 1 largs rooms; living room arrangement, fireplace, sun room; three nice bedrooms and heated sleeping porch; tile bath room; bullt-ln features. Good house; good location; good value. GLOVER & SPAIN Doug. 2972. 11-20 City Nat'l. SIX-ROOM DUNL1EE HOME Modern, beautiful 6-room bouse, front ing south; has beamed celling, paneled walla In dining room, breakfast room, sleeping porch, fireplace, well venti lated sleeping roomieak finish. Every thing to make up a perfect home. Shown only by appointment. McCague Investment Co. ''Douglas 415. Evenings, i;oirax isi. w Jui NDEE BUNGALOW Just being bifllt, new bungalow with oak finish throughout. Living room llx 24 feet. Two large bed rooms and bath upstairs. Large lot. One block from car, $5,2(0. Terms: $600 cash and $47.(0 per month. Bedford-Johnston Co., 612 World Herald; Bldg. Doug. 1714. BRAND NEW OAK BUNGALOW In Dun dee, $5,260. Terms: $500 cash and $47.60 per month. Call days, Dong. 1714. THREE up-to-date medium priced resi dences, also some choice vacant lots. B. Nllsson. 421 Securities Bldg. Florence. I HAVE a nice home for sale cheap be cause of sickness. 8511 No. 28th ave. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED TO LEASE A LARGE SUITE OF OFFICES OR SMALL HOTEL BUILDING On account of the very large increase In the number of patients who have been coming to us from the Omaha ter ritory and because of the large number of prospective patients now under corre spondence, wo have decided to establish an institution In. Omaha similar to our large establishment In Kansas City, to introduce THE DR. A. S. McCLEARY SYSTEM OF CURING PILES WITHOUT SURGERY " Owners of offices or hotel buildings to lease please communicate with Dr. A. S. McCleary, Kansas City, Missouri BUNGALOWS WANTED. We have cash buyers for well located bungalows and residences worth the money. For quick results list with ua O NEIL'S R. E. INS. AGENCY. 632-6 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1024. WANTED TO BUY A five room bunga low well located. Prefer hot water heat and garage. Full lot east front Can make substantial payment E. R. RAGAN, 670 S. 28th St. Harney 1116. I HAVE a man who will buy ur Ira proved property and pay cash for It but the price must be right. GEORGE F. JONES, REALTOR, 926 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1946. LIST your property with ua Wo have calls for homes and Investments. McCAGUE INV. CO. Phone D. 416. 16th and Dodge. FOR quick results list your property with S. P. BOSTWICK & SON, 100 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1606. LIST your property for sale with J. B. Robinson for quick sales. 442 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 8097. WANT listing on your property. Have buyers. Eugene Thomas, 411 Karbacb Blk., Douglaa 1607. & to 7-room houses for sale or rent for colored. Webster 1302. FINANCIAL. Private Money. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 4221. 1100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Weed. Wead Bldg.. 18th snd Farnam. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. FIRST MORTGAGE FOR SALE. $50 DISCOUNT. I own a $600 first mortgage of $600 on Omalra proporty, given by party whose plain note is bankable for 10 times tiat amount. For Immediate sale I will live discount, above stated. If Interested, address Box D-41, Omaha Bee, aid full details will be given you. WRITK FOR FREE MAP Texas Oil Fleltls and Literature on our 12 per cent guaranteed dividend stock, controlling over 20,000 acres oil lands. Petroleum Securities Co., 610H Main, Ft. Worth, Tex. CONVERT that Installment loan on your borne Into a straight five-year mortgage and avoid those monthly payments. E. H. LOUGEE, INC. (38 Keeline Bldg. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. . Interest payable semi-annually. ' W. H. CITY and farm loans; 64 and 6 per cent; no delay. J. H. Dumont A Co.. 411 Keeline Bldg. No Delay Closing Loans, W. T. GRAHAM, (04 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1(21. LOW rates without delay. a O. CARLBERO, 112 Brandels Theater Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1056 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. D. 1718. Stocks and Bonds. WE BUY and sell Liberty Bonds. Mack's Bond House. 1421 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS at 11 per cent equals 1300 at 4 per cent. We are now paying' 13 per cent, and money paid In before March 25, will draw full divi dends for March. Write for particu lars on this unusual opportunity. It will not be open long. Box D-84, Oma ha Bee. Miscellaneous. "THE END OF THE RAINBOW." If you want the unbiased truth about the oik fields of Burkburnett, Texas, with list of companies, oil maps and report of conditions, send 11 to Jas. V. Duituer. Wichita Falls. Texas. ' FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. $300 Down Acre and 3-Room House ' Just south of Q street car line and paved road at (7th street we can offer you this new three-room house, acre, well, chicken house and some fruit This acre lays fine, Is sn east front, three blocks of car. Price $1,100. Balanoe payable 120 per month. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Uaraay it Fhsae Tyler It. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. ACREAGE, WEST ON DODGE STREET IMPROVED 20 ACRES facing south on ins Highway, slopes east and south, orchard one acre, pasture 1H acres, spring water; S rm house, large chicken house and 1 smaller hen houses, corn crib, garage and barn. Price 1600 per acre. ON PACIFIC STREET 20 acres, S miles out Improved. 10 acres, ltt miles out Improved; very choice, high and sightly, the best vlsw west of Dundee. 40 acres, 4 miles out, Improved. 60 acres, 1 Vi miles out, unimproved. We can quota attractive prices on above. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE .COMPANY, .REALTORS, 1011 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 8715 BIG GARDEN LOTS $10 DOWN $5 MONTHLY NEAR PAVED STREET AND CARLINE On 60th St, one block south of Cen ter, Just two blocks from car line, we offer a few choice tots at prices under market value, Developments now un der way In this district will greatly In crease the value of these lots during the coming months. Besides, you should be able to make the payments entirely out of garden stuff. Some of the lots have 4 to 6 full grown walnut trees. Prices, 32( and up. If you want to see these lots today, call Walnut 14(1 or Walnut 1636. Remember, there are only a few unsold. THE BYRON REED CO., Douglas 297. 1611 Farnam St FARMS FARMS FARMS All sixes, all prices, all terms; a few on whicb POSSESSION can still be giv en; 10 acres. Improved, macadam road, High school, church, etc.; 25 acres, well Improved, West Dodge street road, nice, neat, nifty; 20 acres, well Improved, rlose In, fully equipped for feeding, grain elevator, etc.; 40 acres near Dodge Street road, new Improvementa'and a bargain; 40 acres, close In, alfalfa farm; 111 acres, nice, neat, new Improvements, part of It rough but a dandy dairy farm, cheap; 168 acres, fair Improvements and a bar gain, but act quick. I have numerous others, 80 to 160 acres, smaller and larger, but on which I cannot give possession until next year. ACT AT ONCE. Fair terms on most all the above. ORIN S. MERRILL CO., REALTOR 10K-1016 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. One Acre $20 Down, $10 Monthly1 On west Q street and located on both car line and paved road. The ground lays well. Has 260 feet frontage. Price $860. Hastings & Heyden, ' 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. ACREAGE, 15 acres, unimproved, near Fort Crook line, $3,200. I acres, 24x32 building, well and pump, 7 lie south from city limits, $1,660. . J. H. KOPIETZ, 4781 S. 24th St. FOR RENT, FARM. II acres, 76 acros under plow, balance In timber, pasture. 4-roqm house, barn and other buildings. 1 miles from Ft Calhoun. J. H. KOPIETZ, 4713 S. 24th St. iii ACRES In Sarpy county on 18th St South of city limits. Well Improved. Close to the packing houses. Also Brown Leghorn cockerels. Address B. R. Te bault, route No. 1, Sarpy county, Neb. ihone South 2961. 2 ACRES BENSON GARDENS, the richest soil In Nebraska, level. Buy now, while the price Is low, and, line up for the future. Part easy payments. Douglas 7568. ACRE, 5-room cottage, good place for garden and chickens. Liberal terms. Colfax 1990. Arkansas Lands. APRIL 1ST. Our next round trip $30 excursion to McGehee, Ark. For homeseekers only. W. 8, FRANK, 201 Neville Blk., Omaha. California Lands. A REAL STOCK RANCH 2,160 acres north of Colorado Springs, Colo.; 260 acres farmed; (0 seres hay meadow; (00 acres timbered, well wat ered by springs and creek; sheds for 250 cattla In pines; good highway mall route; cream route; new 6-room bunga low; tenant house. i R. W. MARIS, COLORADO SPRINGS MOTOR ROUTE, No. 1. t Colorado Lands. 320 ACRES Improved, Yuma, Colo. 126 acres In winter wheat. 1-3 crop goes to purchaser. Price, $30 per acre. 1-1 cash. Balance good terms. Bargain. A. E. Tracy, owner, Fremont, Neb. FOR SALE By owner, 320 acres Improved farm, 80 acres broke; 7 miles from Ar riba, Colo. School house on land. Price $30 an acre; city property taken, up to $3,600. Arthur Bronemeler, Murdock, Neb. CALIFORNIA property bought and sold for cash. Give full Information In first letter. S. A. Scott, (68 N. Berlndo st, Los Angeles, Cal. HALF section Colorado wheat land to trade for residence in Wee Farnam or Dundee. Box 62, Albion, Neb. CHOICE Imp. or raw quarter, half sec, or largen, Lincoln Co., bargains; eaay terms. J L. Maurer, Arriba, Colo. Florida Lands. FLORIDA WE WILL BUILD YOUR HOME on rich farm near Jacksonville at only $5 per month. Write Jax. Heights Co.. Jacksonville, Fla. Iowa Lands. EXCELLENT 620 A. eastern Iowa farm at $150. E. Ollmore, Monmouth, Iowa. Minnesota Lands. FOR SALE Practically solid township hardwood cut over lands. Excellent top soli, clay subsoil. Several beautiful lakes on property. H. C. Hanford, Cedar Rapids, la. RED RIVER VALLEY FARMS 30,000 acres; selected wheat lands, 136 to $75 per acre; 40 bushels per acre. Want agents. W. M. Rybaskl, Argyle, Minn. Missouri Lands. LISTEN 80 acrs stock farm. $1,000; Imp. 40, $950; terms. McGrath, Mtia View, Mo. Nebraska Lands. BUY A FARM IN KIMBALL COUNTY "THE BEST WEST" Don't you think when you can buy land from $25 to $46 an acre, that will raise 20 to 40 bushels of wheat an acre, It Is a good buy? We do. A Few of Our Bargains 640 acres about 10 miles from good town, best of Improvements, fenced and cross-fenced. Can all be plowed. Over 400 acres in wheat, one-third delivered to purchaser at elevator. Price for immediate sale, $44.(0 per acre. Terms. 320 acres raw land. All good level land excepting about- 40 acres, $28 per acre. Terms. 160 acres ten miles from town. Raw land. Can all be plowed but about 10 acres. $33 per acre cash. 160 acres about 11 miles from town. All first class good raw land excepting about five acres. $34 an acre. Terms. SMITH LAND COMPANY Kimball, Neb. Operated by Frank A. Smith. (Court reporter for Judge Seara at Omaha for 16 years.) $100,000 MADE for my customers last year who bought land. Were you one of them t It not the opportunity still awaits you. I can sell you a fine Improved corn and alfal fa farm on very easy terms, and give possession at onoe. iL A. Larsea, Cen tral City, Nee. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. BROWN CO. $13.00 Listen to this It you want a real bar gain: 1.616 acres deeded land And (24 acres school land, located on the Mio brara river. 20 miles north of Johnstown, Brown Co.; m-mile river front; 100 acres good second river bottom land. 1(0 acres now in cultivation; some good bottom hay land; balance of ranch roll ing to rough pasture; about ten build ings, In fair condition; 70 acres fenced hog tight; good spring lust behind the house that can be piped Into same. Creek running through hog lot. Good bearing orchard. Plenty of timber for all time to come. Thle la the biggest snap we have offered this year. $13.00 per acre for deeded land and school leases thrown in. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. 40 ACRES, CLOSE IN. Good 40 acres, well Improved, situated near Dodge Street road; In good state of cultivation; Improvements worth con siderable money; practically new; six room bouse besides large pantry, trunk room and four clothes closets, hallway and good large cellar (double floors and double doors) ; barn, garage, chicken house, hog house; also small chicken house, cow barn; orchard of apples, plums, gooseberries, grapes and cur rents; six acres of good alfalfa, five acres of pasture, balance under culti vation; within ltt miles of Omaha aore tracts. Do not let It slip by. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION; MORE THAN WORTH THE MONEY. Only $325 per acre; terms If desired; also other good bargains. ORIN S. MERRILL, REALTOR 1015-1016 City National Bank Building NEBRASKA FARMS EASY,TERMS 160-120 or 640 tracts of level, dark, sandy loam soil, best part of Holt coun ty, eleven miles northeast of Atkinson; 26 feet to sheet water. Unimproved tracts, $40, and Improved tracts, $46 per acre; ten per cent cash, balance, nine equal annual payments, Interest ( per cent We have 2,000 acres In a body for you to choose from, and we are (olng to sell. J. O. PATTERSON CO., Owners. 1008 Walnut St. Kansas City, Mo. FOR SALE A 160-acre farm In Johnson county, Nebraska, 2tt miles from good town about 85 miles south of Omaha, all In cultivation except 10 acres of pas ture; land lays slightly rolling; new house, 28x26; barn, (2x54; double granary,- 10x32; cattle shed, 14x112; tool house, 20x32; stock scales, and all In good condition; 40 acres In alfalfa and 20 In native hay; price, $12( per acre on easy terms. Wrie or phone J. H. Langhorst, 26(1 St. Marys Ave, Phone, Douglas I486, Omaha. ' FRANK A. SMITH, Fifteen years court reporter with Judge Sears, Now , living in Kimball, Neb., operating the Smith Land com pany. I hava a largs Ust of rsal bargains In Kimball, Banner and Cheyenn county land. Write, for Information. FOR SALE 160-acre farm, close te state normal school, 1 miles out from busi ness section of Kearney, Buffalo county, Nebraska, iland lies rolling, all good soil, no sand; small buildings. Price, $65 per acre. $1,000 down, $6,006 when deed Is given, balance on time. A. NELSON, Route No. 2, Kearney Neb. (-SECTION RANCH. Lincoln county. Neb., 1 miles from Sutherland on the main line of the U. P. Ry. Land blocked solid, 404 acres good farm land. Will give good terms on sale. Write owner for Information. JOHN W. BAUGHMAN, LIBERAL. KAN. FOR SALE Half section eastern Nebras ka land, partly tile drained, rest up land; !( acres pasture, (0 acres meadow, rest farm land; fair improvements. Ad dress Box Y188, Omaha Bea FOR SALE Five sections, fenced, living water; 1,000 acres tillable; long grass pasture, A real stock and grain propo sition. 3. R. Carter, Buah ell. Neb 320 ACRES Improved; western Nebraska wheat farm at. $12,800. A mighty good buy. C. D. Armstrong, 325-6 Securities Bldg. Douglas 1280. FOR SALE, 160-acre, well-Improved farm In Merrick county; 125 acres under cultivation. Edw. S. Chamberlln, Clerks, Neb. FOR SALE 640 acres with Improvements, 30 miles east of Mascot, Harlan county; 150 per acre. Write H. W. Hawklnson, Upland, Cal. W RITE me tor pictures and prices of icy farms and ranches in good old Da r oounty. Arab L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A. LARSON. Central City. Neb. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms. Kimball Co., Nebraska, R. E. Holmes Bushnell, Neb. GOOD Improved Boone county farm; 160 acres; price, $175 per acre. F. H. Cook. Albion, Neb. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN, . 801 Karbach Blk. Tyler (84. New York Lands. $16,000 BUYS 403 acres 4 miles from town 1,700 population; 100 acres level; 101 acres rolling 176 acres valuable timber; good 14-roora house; good barn, 44x112; silo, 16x32; horse barn, 24x50; running water In buildings, also gas lights; abundance of fruit; 2 tenant bouses; cheess factory, etc. Including hay, grain, straw, 27 head registered cows, bull, 10 yearlings, 6 calves, 6 horses, 4 hogs, (0 bens, sugar tools, farming equipment To settle estate. Easy terms. Free list. Ellis Bros., Sprtngvllle, N. T." Texas Lands. The new Shattuck branch of the Santa Fe railroad will open for settlement and development a wheat and stock-farming section In Northwest Texas near Okla homa state. line. Thirty miles of rail road now completed. Land of a prairie character, ready for the plow, no stone, stumps, nor brush to be cleared, at attractive prices on easy terms. Climate healthful, rain falls during growing season. Write for free illustrated fold er giving experience and results set tlers have secured In short time on small capital T. C. Spearman, 950 Railway Exchange, Chicago, III. 5c AN ACRE CASH Texas school lands for sale by the state at 12 per acre; So per acre cash and no more for 40 years, but 1 per cent Interest. Send 6o postags for fur ther information. Investor Publishing Co., Dept. 25, San Antonio, Texas. Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLEY, Oregon, offers you a home In the land of sunshine, where conditions are right for raising alfalfa and cattla Address. Jordan Valley Farms, Boise. Idaho. WILLAMETTE Valley Farms Pleasant and profitable place to live. Informa tion and listings sent free. Write Mll ler & Walter, Corvallls, Oregon. Wisconsin Lands. LAKESHORE BARGAIN. 26 rich clay loam acres, bordering fine fishing lake, dandy (-room house with beamed ceiling, hardwood floors, fire place, etc.; barn for 4 head of stock and several tons hay, poultry house, machine ehedi good well, near school, on main road, 4 miles from large market town, near Shell Lake, Wisconsin midway be tween Twin Cities and Duluth. A dandy little farm and a big snap at $2,800, with (1,600 cash, balance to suit. Will Include a good rowboat In the deal If taken at once. Equity Realty Exchange, 806 Globe Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. OUT THEY GO TO OUR HARDWOOD TIMBER Lands In Lincoln and Langlade Cn's , Wis., 25.000 acres to select a 40, 80 or more acres from. We havo the best of land. You can pay $2 an acre down, balance quarterly or otherwise for 12 years. Agents wanted. William H. Brown & Sons, 5 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Wyoming -Lands. SOUTHEASTERN - WYOMING 2,880 acres of the most desirable steam plow land In the Golden Prairie district on the main Una of the Union Facifio railroad, eaat of Cheyenne, $18 an acre; $5.(0 an acre cash down, balance $5 an acre for 6 years, 6 per cent Interest. Will accept mortgages on separate sec tions. . O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, REALTORS, 1011 Omaha Nat'l Bask Bldg. Douglas 1711 FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Wyorning Lands. WYOMING land; farms and ranches all sixes, reasonable prices and terms. For Information, write Ben C Blnns, Moor croft, Wyo. , WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, (60 per a., Including paid up water right Jeur, tvl ACM. Rylander. 1(4 Omaha 'ai Miscellaneous. FARMS and lands for sale. New Wis consin corporation will finance worthy reliable farm seekers with best clover land, house and employment Money Is least consideration. Write Box 171, Waukesha, Wis. KIMBALL County, Neb., Laramie county, Wyoming, farm land; particulars from C. V. NELSON. (16 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. A SECTION or half seotlon, big bargain, best Canadian wheat land, Joins good town. C. E. Thomas, Bruen Webb Bldg, Tampa, Florida. SEND for our big spring bargain Hat of guaranteed Wisconsin stocks and dairy farms on easy terms. Hardy Ryan, Waukesha, Wis. " FARM LANDS WANTED. WANT to buy 80 to 160 acres eastern Ne braska or western lows. Must oe bargain. F. M. MICHAEL COMPANY, (10 Electrlo Bldg. Omaha, Neb, WE will sell your farm; timely sales quick returns. Held Land Co., (64 Brandels Bldg. ; AUTOMOBILES. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. NOTICE NOTICE To those who nre looking for a USED CAR that Is accurately put In the best pos slble condition, we will oater. You will pay no more for a used ear that has been conditioned In our shop by experienced mechanics and are com piste In every detail. Including new top's, seat covers and painted In good selection of color schemes. ' A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS WE HAVE TO OFFER Ford touring 1200 Ford touring, new top painted (22( Ford touring, 1916 $2(1 Ford tourings, 1917, lota of extras.. $$75 Ford roadsters, 1917, demountable rims, natural wood wheels, other ex tras $176 Ford coupe, 1917, starter heater, Yale lock, demountable rims 1(00 Dodge touring, 1917 $700 Bulck Six touring, newly painted. .. .$676 Buick, 25 C touring $371 Oakland Six, touring, like new $6(0 Allen touring, 1917 $(00 Oldsmoblle, touring $600 Pullman touring, newly painted $375 Saxon Six, touring, newly painted. .$8(0 Studebaker touring, 1917, 4-cyllnder.(400 Studebaker touring, 1917, (-cylinder $6(0 Overland roadster, 1917 $37( Mitchell touring, like new $4(0 Maxwell touring, 1917 $3(0 Maxwell touring $300 Reo touring $126 Overland touring $160 Overland Country Club $660 Monroe touring, 1(11, white wire wheels 1666 Mollne-Knlght, sevsn-passenger $6(0 LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN AT FACE VALVE. It you are dissatisfied with your old car, trade It to us for one you can use. OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TILL 3. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. 20(6 Farnam St, " - CONFIDENCE In our Judgment of used cars values Is the reason new ar dealers have us appraise all used cars for them. CONFIDENCE - In our buying ability and our way of doing business is ths reason we can sell used cars to dealers In other cities, Yesterday we sold a 1919 Bulck, 1911 Hudson speedster. 191! Oldsmoblle, 1917 Dodge sedan to a Des Moines dealer over the telephone, without his seeing them. ALL CARS ARE SOLD ON A 3-DAY GUAR ANTEE. Your money back If you are not sat Isfled. Tuesday we traded ears with Davtd B. Fitch, attorney In the Bee Building. Wednesday he made up his mind he was not satisfied and came back. We traded back with him. lilt Bulck New 11,(00 Stutx Roadster 1,200 1911 Chevrolet 400 1917 Maxwell 150 1911 Ford roadster 226 1919 Dodge 960 1917 Ford Sedan 675 1916 Dodge 625 85 Overland 600 1917 Ford Coupe 450 1917 Allen 400 1918 Moon Demonstrator 1,000 1917 Chevrolet 3(0 79 Overland Coupe 300 83 Overland Coupe 250 1918 Studebaker 650 1918 Lexington demonstrator 300 1918 Chevrolet 300 1916 Maxwell 200 1915 Paige -176 1917 Oakland Six 460 1911 Dodge ,800 76 B Overland Roadster 260 1917 Liberty .760 1917 Ford Touring 276 1916 Ford Touring 250 1916 Dodge 600 1917 Dodge Commercial 800 ALSO 55 OTHER USED CARS REMEMBER We carry the stocks and make the Pf AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, Pnuev 6383. 1912-14-16 Farnam St. DID YOU Ever Stop to Consider What Hlgh-Grade USED CARS We Are Offering at Most Attractive Prices Hudson Super-six Touring Car. Paige Touring Car. Hudson Super-six Sedan. , Liberty Touring Car. v Hudson Super-six Cabriolet Crow-Elkhart Sedan. , Hudson Super-alx Roadster, ALL NEARLY NEW Overhauled and reflnlshed with new tires and our guarantee that these cars are Just what they are represented td be. GUY L. SMITH -Service First." 2563 Farnam St. Doug. 1970. AUTO BODIES. Two Ford touring bodies; new Ford truck cabs and del. bodies, ready for delivery; ( special lVi-ton flare board express bodies, 6 Ins. wide, 9 ft 1 Ins. long; 150. Win, Pfeiffer Auto & Carriage Wks. 2(th Ave. end Leavenworth St Tyler 701. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. It NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 1(20 Farnam St, AUTOMOBILES. HERE THEY ARE ON CI A T T71 Come early and make your ehoic Hupmoblle (-passenger, lilt $75 Hupmobtls 2-passenger, 1916 4( Hudson 7-passenger, 1(16.,.,...... (0 rudBi. l-Dtusnsnr. ISIS k 60 your choice 7(0 (0 (00 Dodae. J-oassenaer. 1918. (00 Briscoe, (-passenger, 1911 460 Douglas (-passenger, 1(16 ti( Marlon, (-passenger, 1915 200 Oakland, (-oassenaer. 1916 ((0 VICTOR MOTOR CO. 252$ Farnam St Douglas (41$. $100 FORD $100 Balanoe In monthy payments, will bay .a ussd Ford ear of real value. New cars sold en time payment plan. Ford Repairing and Ford parts. McCaffrey Motor Co., Handy Ford Servloe Station. 15th and Jackson SU. Douglas 1(00. $ SAVE $ IT Premier, magnetle gear shift ' II Bulck I roadster. Ilka new. IT Patterson (, reflnlshed $611 II Studebaker 1, enclosed TOO II Chalmers t, dandy 676 16 Bulck light 6, renewed 675 II Briscoe touring 175 II Chevrolet, like new 676 17 Maxwell totting 285 17 Overland roadster 825 II Dodge touring 645 11 Ford sedan (75 17 Ford coupe 466 17 Ford touring, choice at 1(0 Money back If not satisfied. When you think of used cars, thtnk of TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. Douglas 9070. HERE THEY ARE ON SALE. Come early and make your choice. , Hupmobtls (-passenger, 1)11 1710 Hupmoblle 1-passenger, 191( 14(0 Hudson 7-passenger, 1111 $600 Dodge, l-passenger, 1116 $600 Briscoe, (-passenger, 1911 $460 Douglas l-passenger, 1916 $625 Marion, (-passenger, J915....1 $2(0 Oakland, (-passenger, 1916.... i $6(0 VICTOR MOTOR CO. 2625 Farnam St. Douglas I486. New Tires at Half Price. SECONDS DIRECT FROM FACTORY Rejected for alight blemishes or Im perfections. Perfect otherwise. Should give as good mileage as first which! are guaranteed 1,600 to 1,000 miles. 30x3, reg. price $18.(0, sale price $ 9.35 30x3, reg. price $21.(0, sale price $11.75 All sizes. $3 deposit on each tire with order, MID-WEST TIRE CO., 171 N. Michigan; Chicago THE AUTO SHOW was fine have yon aeen a better show ing of the better elasa of used cars, all late models T If so tell us, we want to know where they got them from. FOR THE BEST VISIT THE VAN BRUNT AUTO COMPANY, 2(61-64 Farnam. Phone, Harney Ilt. 10 PER CENT INCOME, SMALL INVESTMENT. (-room, all modern cottage. Good lo cation, only $3,000 I can use a good lats model, I passenger ear as part pay ment. Call Mr. Brown at Douglas 415; evenings, Harney 1241. MAKE YOUR old Ford new, O'Rourke Co., distributors of Goldstrom Auto Ames Bllt touring and commercial bodies. 1701 South 24th street, phone South 199. 90S North 16th, phone 2339. New -and used Fords. Time payment MEEKS AUTO CO. ' ' Used oars bought, sold and exchanged We buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Oarage. 1026-6 Farnam St Douglas 410L MEEKS AUTO CO. 1111 ELGIN SIX TOURING CAR used lor demonstrator, has been driven 1,000 miles; revarnlshed; look like new; bargain. Phone, Douglas 913 before noon. 2416 Farnam. 1911 SEVEN passenger Bulok touring car. model E 49, In first-class condition; newly painted . NEBR. BUICK AUTO CO. Tyler 1760 19th and Howard NEW retreader; lateet and best out; costs less; makes seven different treads. Write, wire or call. Duplex Tire Co., 114 South 17th St USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. 1 STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO, 2020 Farnam St Omaha, Neb. 1911 DODGE TOURING, excellent condi tion; new tires; finish and top like new; a real bargain. Phon, Douglas 711 be fore noon, 2415 Farnam St. Used cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 1661 Farnam St. D. 1I7. FOR SALE Five-passenger auto body .'to fit standard chassis; new top; genuine leather upholatery. Price) 1125. Tele phone Colfax 3383. NEW and used Ford. Ames bodies, Im mediate delivery. O'Rourke Goldstrom Auto Co., 1701 So 24th. So. 199. ABBOT DETROIT TAXI. This car Is l will good shape and Is priced to sell or trade. Call Douglas 4442. (-PASSENGER Sedan for lale or will trade for a smaller car. Call South 1179 or South 80. BARGAINS IN USE" CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 16th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 1500. THE best automobile that $300 or less will buy; cash. Address, D-56, Omaha Bee. SELLING only privately-owned used cars. The Omaha Used Car Market. 2617 Leavenworth St Tyler 2347. EXPERT Repairing Guaranteed service. SERVICE GARAGE, 16th and Leavenworth. Doug. 7000. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam St riOn for magneto we can't fix; patentee pj.UV Affinity Spark Plug. O. Bays- dorfer, 210 N. 18th. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick autlon; no delay. Auto Exchange Co. 2069 Farnam St. D. 6086 FORD TOURING car for sale. Good con- dltlon. South (9. 'AUTOMOB1LK electrical repairs; servloe station for Rayfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. NEW Ford touring bodies. (126. 2230 Farnam St FORD MARKET New Ford to out of town customere. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive yourself; at very reasonable prices: no extras to pay. Nebraska Serv ice Garage, 19 th and Farnam. Douglas 7390. Tires and Supplies. WE WILL SHIP subject to examanation our 3,500 mile guaranteed tires at these prices: Plain Rib Tread Non-Skid 20x3 $7.25 $ 9.(5 $10.00 10x34 9.10 11.25 12.00 Write for prices other sizes express, pre paid, wnen xuu amount accompanies or- STANDARD TIRE CO., . 410 North Sixteenth Street TIRES ONE-HAIF PRICE. GUARANTEED 1.000 MILES. 10x1 1 7 60110x1 A I t il, 12x34a. 10.26132x4 11.75 12x4 11.(0114x4 11.00 Ws furnish the old tire. Agents wsnted. I IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANT, 1616 Davenport Street NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone, Congreae, Le Pullman, risk. Write for prices. Mention slsee. (CAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1011 FARNAM. GAIN more miles; bave your tires i- treaded by G. 4 O. Tire Co. 1411 iVeaveawertsv Trier lltl-W, AUTOMOBILES. Tires and Supplies. BARGAINS, new No. 1 tires and tubes. Tires 46 per cent off, List tubes II per cent, write or pbone Webstar 1014. Day 1801 No. 14th. Repairing and Painting. WE NOT ONLY REPAIR YOUft RADIATOR, BUT CAN BUILD YOU A NEW ONH. RADIATOR REPAIR SHOPS and DEALERS: Write us for prices on new cores. No weeks of waiting (or that new radiator or fender. Built to your . order, any style, for automobile, truck or tractor, In 14 hours. Patronise your borne industry. The only .Radiator aad Fender manu Xaoturlng company In the west OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRX COMPANY, lilt Cuming. 1014 Farnam. Omaha, Neb. 7. P. BARNUM CO., 1125 Cuming. Dougi las 1044. High grade automobile painting. Motorcycles anr Bicycles. EXCELSIOR SIDE CAR Wanted te buy: Late model in, good oondlUon. Must be cheap for spat cash. Call Barney 1171. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES 1 Bargains In used machines. Vloter H. Root, the Motorcycle man, 17th and Leavenworth ets. PERSONAL GORDON'S TRAVEL ING COLLECTOR Open for all kinds of collections; -perlenoed and reliable ; we always get ' the money. OTIS GORDON, 117 Railway Exchange Bids;. Phone Doug. (881. TUB SALVATION Army Industrial Horns solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. Ws collect Wa dletrlbute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon wlU call. Call and Inspect our new home 11 10-1112-11 Id Dodge St MARRY Photos and descriptions of mar riageable ladles sent free. Address WlU Ham Murphy, 48 4th St, Elisabeth. N. J. - TOBACCO or anuft habit cured or no pay, II it cured. Remedy sent on trial. 8a perba Co., Wd. 117, Baltimore, Md. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. QUALITY CHICKS of egg-laying strains. In order to place a better grade of poul try on our middle west farms ana ranches we are offering at cost day-old chicks hatched from eggs selected from producing flocks of our Poultry Exten sion Department Experts. Write today tor particulars. M. C. Peters Mill Co., Omaha, Neb. Makers of Peters Quality Feeds for Poultry. - DAY-OLD CHIX. BOOKING NOW For spring; delivered alive, prepaid, . C. white and brown leghorns, lis. Rosa and single comb Uds, barred and white rocks, 20c Black Minorca, lie. Left- , overs, 1(0. Edward Stelnhoff, Leon, Kan. ' RAISE every chick you hatch. Many haw done so by using Pratt Baby Chlak Food, Insures rapid growth and free dom from disease. SatlsfaoUon guar anteed or money refunded. Sold by first-class dealers everywhere. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn and Buff Orphlngton hatching eggs for sale. , Extra good laying strain. Phone, CoL 4040. ROSE Comb Rhode Island Red egga from birds of superior quality. Prise winners Omaha shows. W. O. Schorls, 4101 K. 42d St. Colfax 2821. FOR SALE One R. L Red oockerel aad six laying hens at 1(11 M St Call South 1136. BARRED-ROCK eggs for hatching. $1.21 per setting, or $1 a hundred. Call South 2917. WHEAT screenings $2.2$ per hundred. A. W Wagner, 801 N. 16th St. Dong. 1141. WHITE ROCK hatching eggs, from Om- aha show winners. Benson 288. BUFF Orphlngton eggs, $1.00 and $2.00 setting. Thoroughbred. Red (47(. SETTING EGGS Single-Comb Rhode Is land Reds, Csll Colfax 8800. FOR SALE One new 300 egg Mandy Lee Incubator. Price, $15. Benson, $7I-W. SILVER Persian male cat for service. 1191 Dorcas. Harney 4788. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. FOR our regular horses and Mule auction next Wednesday at stock yards stables. South Omaha, we will have a special consignment of 121 head, 90 geldings and 31 mares, from C. J. Hysham and Jesse Trueblood of Gordon, Neb. These horses were brought for the United States government but were never ehown and are no rejects, all well broken and sound, six to eight years old and will weigh from 1,100 to 1,400 . pounds each. This Is an exceptionally good lot of horses; any farmer who wants horses should not fall to attsnd this sale next Wednesday; auction starts at 10 o'clock. I. C. Gallup, Auctioneer. NEW ZEALAND REDS"! PEDIGREED AND REGISTERED. Rich, red does, 4 mo., above standard weight 18; fine colored buck. 4 mo., above standard weight, 7; 2d senior doe (Omaha, 1919.), 7 mo., t lbs., regis-, tered, $40; 2d Junior buck (Omaha. 1919,), 4 mo.. 76 lbs., registered, 116; fine registered prize-winning buck, atud fee, $3, sale price, $40. ' E. O. HEIDEN, Dentson. Ia, HARNESS, SADDLES and TRAVELIN3 GOODS. W make them ourselves and sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you cava get high grade goods at first cost? ALFRED CORNISH A CO., Phone Doug. 2314. 1210 Farnam. DON'T FORGET the big horse aoV mule auctions at stock yards stable next Wednesday. Expect a good run of choice farm mares, matched teams of farm chunks and one carload of farm mules. Sale starts at 10 o'clock. L C Gallup, Auctioneer. GOOD all around horse, fast traveler. Plow, cultivator and harrow. Two seta of harness. Handy spring wagon and buggy. Just the outfit for suburban place. Walnut 2621. 3 HEIFERS, 2 aaddle ponies, Shetland, gentle for children, some fine poland brood sows. Inquire of Joe Johnston, 1810 St. Mary's, or Brlggs Station. Flor ence. Colfax 4361. WANTED AT ONCE Heavy horses for farm work. Can use horses whose feet have been lamed by pavements. F. W. Blankenfeld, Fort Calhoun. Neb., R. F. D. No. 1. NOTICE As I am not able to work my piece, i win eeu a nice team of young mares, 2,400 lbs., $290; young mare, 1.(00 lbs., $196. Mrs. Stanley, 1037 South 24th St., near-Peclflc St ' WANTED 16 head of stock to pasture. uaii uoirax 4ziz 3 rings. FOR SALE Onemllcb cow and on 3- Ja.-m nfiier. ti io. 1BIU Bt. GOOD heavy work horse for sale cheap. lotn ana Hamilton, call Walnut 1011. NEW farm wagons for sale at a bargain. zuu n. zntn Kt. Webster 6756. MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY ANI LIBERTY BONDS. OW1 A 2 10 W. C. FLATAU, EST. 1811. 'O, 6TH FLR SECURITY BLDG.. TY. tlk Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as secur ity, 140. 6 mo., H. goods, total. 13.(0. 431 Security Bldg., 16tb a Farnam. Ty. 661 Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleahock, 1514 Todge, D. (611. Est. 1811 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Arthur E. Callln and wf. to Ernst F. Otto. Fontenelle blvd., 100 ft. s. of Miami st. e. s.. 50x125 I 5.10 Josle E. Harrison and hbd. to Harry J.eroy Helnrlckson, Lake St., 156 ft. w. of 49th St., s. s 7x128.... Andrew Nelson and wf. to Anna Safarlk,vS St., 60 ft e. of 37th St., s. s.,60il68 and other prop erty 2,801 Floyd N. High and wf. to Lucy Thomas, Hoctor blvd., 143 ft a of Deer Park blvd.. e. a, 45x120. 2,450 D. O. Wrlgbt and wf. to C. C. Mary Kafka to Adolph Fechar and wf., 21st St., 223.3 ft. n. of U st, w. s., 60x130 1.109 Brown, Seward St., 399 ft w. of 40th St., n. s.. 50x130 2.506 John F. Flack and wf. to Howard R. Selden, 44th ave., 240 ft. a of Spauliilng St., e. ., 40x134 2,609 Jurgen Thomsen to John T. Jepsen, et al. -Cuming at, (4 ft w, of 25th St., n. , 64x116 W. N. Velrs. et al, to Frank Dewey, 6,771 za st., du xl, s. or Ames ave, . , 60x130 and other property,.., Herbert O. Hoel and wf. to Mar. guerite J. Fox, s. w. eor,t nth and eOt &mm sc., euxis Lillian E. Gallup aad wf, to Wilson MM i. uranam. ugasa St., lit ft w, f Flerenee blvd, a. a, rt. t