THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 23, 1919. ON JV- 1T1 T Tit s!6 Mo Play ot All Time iBBBBBBB ! nonaflaflaflsflsflflHaesiBsfls IL NOW PLAYING 7 WAME OF ADVERTISER I - : - - NAME ADDRESS ''' : lie SIB ifrCe.5iS H si 77ie 5fory of eart of Humanity" in order that you may have a fair idea ii it. -J - JL. f . J I t tur w puiy oerore you see i the east ana story are here told THE CAST . , 7 Nanette. ....... DOROTHY PHILLIPS John Patricia. William Stowell Paul Patricia.. Robert Anderson Jules Patricia. Lloyd Hughes Maurice Patricia ..... Frank Braidwood Louis Patricia George Hackathorn The Widow Patricia. . . .Margaret Mann, Father Michael .Walt Whitman Clancy .Pat O'Malley Lieut, von Eberhard . . Eric von Stroheim Soldiers, Marines, Refugees, Civilians. STORY OF THE PLAY- "The Heart of Humanity" ia anything but a p 'Tar picture, although it contains brief acenes of fighting: in France. It's central theme ia love, a mother's love for her five sons, a wife's love for her huaband and baby, a rear man's love for his country and flag. The few battle scenes it con tains are the moat realistic ever made for the screen, although they really are only a background for the main story. The picture deals with Nan ette, ward of Father Michael, who lives in a Seaceful Canadian village. She ia engaged to ohn, oldest son of the Widow Patricia. John ia one of five brothers, all of whom adore the little gh-L - " John returns from college, picking up on the way as a traveling companion Oscar Strang. John and Nanette are overjoyed to be reunited, but their happinesa Is clouded by Strang, who is attracted to Nanette and makes love to her. Nanette, however, remains true to John and re- the attentions or Strang. r ml XL. XT .J J.V. . S L..i:i!4-1. At,- nr. A Al J- . T-V- -J . men comes tnej war. nvwi uav vpvmug vi uubwuucb vuuica vh wiv -nuuuig uojr vi vvuu oiiu Nanette. John and four other sons enlist for service with the Canadian forces. On after another all but John are killed, and misery comes into the (home of the Widow Patricia. Then Nanette's child comes to soften the grief of the mother and the anxiety of the wife. Finally, the fifth son of the widow enlists. John's letters home tell of the sufferings endured by French and Belgian children in the war and Nanette finally determines to go to their aid. She enlists in the Red Cross and is assigned to duty in a con vent in France. She sees her husband, now an aviator, but soon afterward he ia brought down inside the German lines and is made a prisoner. In the meantime Oscar Strang becomes aa officer in the German army. In the advance on Paris the Germans take the convent in which Nanette is on duty and Strang meets Nanette again. He attacks her and a terrific fight develops. She succeeds finally in escaping to another room and bars the door. Meanwhile John escapes from the German war prison and, in the uniform of a German soldier, whom he has killed, starts for the convent Nanette, safe for the time being behind a barred door, stands in horror, aa Strang pounds on the door outside. She grasps a knife, determined to plunge it Into ber bosom if the door yields. . John, after killing two German guards, leaches the room in which Strang ia struggling to open the door. There is a fight and he kills Strang. Then he forcea open the door to find that his wife has stabbed herself. She does not die, however, and recovers after several weeks in a hospital. Nanette ia persuaded to go back home, which she does after John urges that their boy now needs her. There is a happy reunion in the little Canadian village between mother and child, but their joy becomes still greater when John, one day after peace is signed, walks back to the arms of his mother, wife and child. mm - w m m WTO O a w 1 It's Helpful to You and Your Friends. Cut Out the Story and c A f m , I II IX X H r r I Either MaU 11 to Friend or-Put ' Your Scrm Boot it KjAM. V Lm4 X JL lAkJ Ji Aisle' M. Represent the Bltfest Thlnf the SUje Has Ever Unfolded. ft V Ye. .ii:.-f d"- is ttXA Z HCAMT humanity i 1 1 I I The Best of Everything in Jewelry , Watches Silverware Cut Glass It's best in every way for you to buy from us. 37 Years of Satisfaction. Out of the High Rent Distr ct. John Henrickson The Loyal Jeweler. 201 North 16th Street Hotel Loyal Building. 66t rFAMNA of this "Sioux City" Tires and Jh er Tubes To Introduce Our Tires to private auto mobile ownersin Omaha and Council Bluffs We will give one tube with each tire sold, for this week only. We have all of the standard sizes. We quote a few of the sizes and prices below: ' Non Slie Drivfcw Skid Gry Tread Tread Tubes 10x3 ...$16.80 $18.06 $3.19 SOxSVi ... 21.48 22.94 3.80 32x3 ' ... 28.33 27.14 4.13 31x4 ... 33.42 36.23 S.17 S2x4 ... 34.02 36.86 S.34 S3x4 ... 36.00 38.99 8.56 14x4 ... 36.84 39.68 B.67 These tires are built in the west, With the western character and the sin ews of the west. The fabric is the best and the rubber the toughest, insuring a longlnn for your money. Sioux City Tire Sales Co. 214 S. 18th St., Omaha. 238 W. Brdwy., Council Bluffs, ' Factory Branch Sioux CItr Tire 4 Manufacturing Co. 7 V The) reputation earned by the Harley-Davidton Motor cycle in helping to win the treat war is wall known to the boys who were in the service. Ask them, they know. Motorcycles v ' HARLEY DAVIDSON Bicycles VICTOR H. ROOS "The Cycle Man" 2701-03-05 Leavenworth St. The Harlay-Davidson bicy cle, too, has a reputation a one; hundreds of boys and girls who now own one. Ask one of these proud own. ere and they, too, will tell you. "0 WANTED Competent stenographer and file clerk. Pleasant surroundings and good par. Address, this office. Were You To Read the above advertisement in today's paper would you make application for it, or do you lack the necessary t qualifications to properly fill a position of this kind? Hundreds of Positions similar to the above are open for those who can fill them to the satisfaction of the advertiser. This School Teaches you Mosher shorthand in, 5 mont s time and fits you to fill a position of responsibility and trust. Enroll now. Our Extension department will teach yon by mail. Writs for particulars. Omaha Shorthand College A. M. GEBELT, Pres. 7th Floor, Baa Blag. Douglas 6528. . Illustrate Your Advertising With Cuts That Print Clear and Distinct These are the kind of cuts you get when they are made in the Bee Engraving Department Phone Tyler 1000 Now And our Engraving Service Man Will Call On You New Ideas Are a Part of Our Service It Costs No More and Helps Your Business Wa-LJS I I Jill.- . , jriaj 14 PEOPLE GENERALLY Consult a Chiropractor when all other doctors agree that "this" case, whether it be chronic or not, is beyond their diagnosis and cure. FAITH in one's family Doctor is ofttimes more beneficial than the medicine prescribed and taken. CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT is proven faith faith that the treatment will Cure faith in the fact that the system is not, filled with medicine of "this kind and that kind." n 85 PER CENT of all chronic cases treated by CHIROPRACTIC Get Well 9D per cent of all Acute cases are Safe and Successful. Whatever your ailment, check it at its inception. LEE W. EDWARDS, Chiropr ctor J. A. MARKWELL, Spinographer. 2328 Farnam St., 24th and Farnam. Upstairs. Palmer School of Chiropractic. IT PAYS TO BE HONEST So we charge you no more for a Ford on Sundays and Holi days than we do on any other day. Our New Schedule 1st Touring and Delivery Cars, per half mile Minimum Charge per hour .50? Sedan, Ton Truck, Bus, per half mile V Minimum Charge per hour 1 No car rented for less than S100 All gasoline and oil extra. JITNEY LIVERY COMPANY DOUGLAS 505. 12 "Tk Heart of Humanity" Which has swept the country with wonder ful success since its release a short time ago, is a UNIVERSAL FILM CO. production --one of many to which we point with pride. The Universal Film Company 1600 Broadway, 1304 Farnam St., New York City. Omaha Office. Carl Laemmle, Pres. E. J. Calvert, Mgr. is ts .t . at J. -C Il,.mu1i nt th i-nnnmii. rkie e1 wSII Um fliHinl.,) U. L C U Tl :11 I i .' it f hJM mat UUI IllVU.auu. w " wvwmmm - - r - - - w w w B mm w w . aiw..wa w. v-.s. m a.w v " . nviii-.iA sell I . . -t i ! . i -I- 1 1 ! Aw -1 1 I t U!i! J 1 r i i . i ,i t uays anu WW y r to a. uv r - 0 ----- . o " uaujr auiiiicu iiuin uui ucautiuaticr in new i .. . a J a! : tL. V i Z- - mxm m t m m. TTL I . r .1 . . ... Come in! Look around I Make your selections at oncet me economies commana tne attention or tne enure motoring public. . ALE OF TIE AMD FTT3 aMBBasBaBeBsasaaBHKneBHeBBKaKeBaBaejeaaaasBseBsaMBasasBaSBaaasaasaaeaaBi T7 "7in ir pa n Special on Factory "Second" E8x3 plain, special sale price, $10.75 28x3 non-skids, special sale price, $11.95 30x3 non-skid, special sale price, $10.80 $0x3 plain, special sale pnee, $12.50 Wx3y2 .non-skid, special sale price, Blx3V, Dlain. snecial sale price, $12.27 41x3 non-skid, special sale price, $12.99 4cxjy2 piain, special saie puce, t.- J-rll. nnn-aVirl BnPinl Ralft twice. S15.79 33 plain, special sale price, $17.43 WkM-W Jm. . J A 1 1 1 1 ism iV III. Ml ITI Y1 iwl W m m IRfWA nloir. cr.niQl cqIa nnVp 5519.91 - Special on Factory "Seconds" 30x4 non-skid, special sale price, $20.95 31x4 plain, special sale price, $19.91 31x4 non-skid, special sale price, $20.95 32x4 plain, special sale price, $20.05 33x4 plain, special sale price, $20.23 33x4 non-skid, special sale price, $21.87 34x4 plain, special sale price, $22.59 34x4 non-skid, special sale price, $25.40 35x4 plain, special sale price, $24.23 35x4 non-skid, special sale price, $25.84 33x4 non-skid, special sale price, $26.70 34x4 plain, special sale price, $27.72 Special on Factory "Seconds" 35x4 plain, special sale price, $28.50 35x4 non-skid, special sale price, $32.50 36x4 plain, special sale price, $27.96 36x4 non-skid, special sale price, $33.85 37x4 plain, special sale price, $42.14 37x4 non-skid, special sale price, $44.32 plain, special sale price, $31.47 non-skid, special sale price, $33.03 plain, special sale price, $35.07 non-skid, special sale price, $37.32 plain, special sale price, $33.33 non-skid, special sale price, $34.95 35x5 35x5 36x5 36x5 37x5 37x5 enue aild Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb. These Are All "Brand New Tires" and Not "Retreaded" or "Rebuilt" Casings. In remarkable distribution you have an opportunity to save money on such famous makes of tires as Imperial, Pullman, Paramount, Portage, Marathon, Goodrich, Batavia, Firestone, McGraw, Norwalk, Mason, Defiance, Savage, War co, Keystone, National Speedway, Firestone Cord, Ajax, Gryphon, Kelly-Springfiela, Lee, Diamond, McLean, New castle, Victor, Springfield, Congress, Federal, Globe, etc. Order at Once, 2 Per Cent Discount When Cash Accom panies the Order.