Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Mfflwas Stores
A Limited
Assortment of
Smart Suits
Exhibiting Unusual
Quality and Style
In a Special Selling
Saturday Only
For such a season as this, in which the suit
is more than usually popular for general wear,
this opportunity comes most timely.
In this assortment of about one hundred
and fifty suits are: The new Box Coats with
rows of braid trimming, the new Loose Vestee
coat shapes. The newest belted effects, wide
and narrow belts. The smart plainly tailored
models. The new Russian Blouse models. Suits
finely tailored, of finest Serges, Poiret Twills,
Poplins and some of Tricotine, mostly Navys,
Blacks, Tan, Rooky and Gray; sizes for every
for Misses
TN THE Misses' Department
there are so many beautiful
things to choose from that it
is hard to decide which to tell
you about.
For Instance, wonderful pink
silk Marquisette Dinner Gown,
having a draped skirt and trim
med with silk and embroidered
floral design in self tone, with
a prettily rounded neck and a
small draped sleeve.
And then a coat dress of the
Russian Era Crepe, in oyster
white, silhouette skirt and a box
jacket, the lower portion of
which is embroidered with a
conventional design in the
white. The front of jacket is
open, showing a narrow box
pleated vest of white satin.
Another dress is a dainty
rose pink foulard, checkered,
marked with white, with white
organdy double collar and cuffs
piped with silk the same as
dress The skirt has patch
pockets of the silk with laps of
the organdy, piped, the same
as the collar. The waist has a
vest of tucked organdy with a
row of very small organdy but
tons, while the skirt is trimmed
with ball buttons of the silk.
THE finest, most beautiful line
of imported real cut crystal
and real Gallaith Beads shown in
Omaha in all colors, prices
29 to 5.00
T710R women; all hand embroi
dered on very fine linen ; beau
tiful floral designs in colors and
White, with Daisy, Rose, For-get-me-not
and Wreath patterns; val
ues 49c to 69c; special, each, 39
TVT ADE of good quality Lisere
straw, top facing of Pineap
ple braid in high colors, suclTas
Cherry, Jade Blue, Henna, Purple,
Negre, etc.; body of Hats are
Black, Brown and. Navy; they come
in Drop Mushrooms, Sailors, Side
Rolls, etc. Wonderful values.
Specially priced, 3.75
Italian Silk
BLOOMERS, reinforced, in Pink,
White or Black; Envelope
Chemise with band tailored top,
some slightly soiled and imper
fect; regular 2.95 and 3.50 values;
on sale at 2.59
Drug Section
Saturday Specials
Epaom Salts, 1-lb. package 8
Sloan's Liniment, 60c size 35
Milk Magnesia, 8-oz. bottle 19
Glover's Mange Cure, 65c size,
Pond' Cold Cream, 50c size,
Azurea or La Trefle Face Pow
der 1.39
Abonita, Vanithing- Cream, 35c
size 19
Milkweed Cream, 50c size, 39
Sampra Gloria, 60c size, 49
Cocoa Butter Maaaage Cream,
50c size 29
Emulsified Cocoanut Oil Sham
poo, 50c size 29
Lyons' ' Tooth Powder, 50c size,
t 19
Grave' Tooth Fowder, 50c size,
a 29
Pinaud' Eau De Quinine, 65c size,
at 49
Mennen'a Talcum, 25c size, 19
Woodbury's Soap, bar 18
Senreco Tooth Paate, 35c size
at 24
Yo Old Engluh Elderflower, 10
Vegetable Oil Peroxide Soap, bar,
at 8
Service Castile Soap, 4 lb. bar,
at 89
Attractive Blouses Just Arrived
To Accompany the New Skirts
Together they will have the effect of a chic costume.
For the Blouses, too, reveal the newest fashion fancies
hand embroidery and bead trimmings. Blouses may
be chosen in such soft tints as gray blue, bisque and sun
set. Also in a variety of smart suit shades.
Made of splendid quality Georgette ; a dozen different designs to
choose from. Values up to 7.50. Saturday, special, 4.95
Special Selling of Mesh Bags
Two Groups Saturday Only
MILADY of Fashion deems a neat, attractive bag
essential to complete the smart street costume.
These two timely offerings afford opportunity to
fill this need at a decided price advantage.
The First Group
Green Gold and Gun Metal Mesh Bags in all
shapes and designs; fine ring mesh and worth
10.00 to 18.00. Sale price 5.00
The Second Group
Silver Plated Mesh Bags; ring mesh and several
pretty styles. Regular 5.00 and 6.00 values.
Sale price 3.29
Smartest Gloves Vestees Are First
Of Kidskins and Silk
WOMEN who delight in refinement and good
taste in dress will appreciate our Glove
Section, where the words Perrin's and Kayser's
are hall marks.
Women's Gloves, light
weight Lambskin, with at
t r a c t i vely embroidered
backs, in self and two-toned
combinations, overseam, in
the wanted shades of Gray,
Brown, White and Black;
2-clasp style. At, pair
Women's Gloves; extra se
lected imported capeskins;
lightweight; seams are half
pique, in desirable shades
of Sand, Gray, Putty, Tan
and Black, attractively em
broidered backs; .1-clasp
effect; in all sizes. Per
pair, . 1.65
Kayser's Double Finger Tipped, Extra Quality,
Pure Milanese Silk Gloves; heavily embroidered
backs, with bandallet to match, in shades of
Silver Gray, Pongee and White; 2-clasp effect.
Pair 2.25
Another good quality, priced, 1.25,
In Neckwear Displays
FiOM sheerest net to heavy brocaded
satin, from filmy white to brilliant
color printing, through the entire gamut
of stuffs and colors one may go, and the
Waistcoat is there, and
so in our displays one can
see a most wonderful as
sortment of fancy weaves,
many gold and silver
embroidered effects, very
attractive. Hand em
broidered net and Swiss
Vestees and Blouse fronts
for the new Suits, at, each
1.50 to 5.00
Swiit Collar and Cuff SeU, dainty plain, hem
stitched, fancy embroidered and lace trimmed,
69 to 1.75
Oval Collar and Satin Roll and Georgette Roll
effects in Liberty, also Military Red and popular
shades, 98 to 1.69
ClhiilldlipM9g Day
And Children' Day will be Mothers' Day also, for then w demon-
cfrofo mil ohiHv n aam'af mnfViora in tVia mnnAi inninltni rf vila in " l
a manner pleasantly satisfactory from the standpoint of economy,
style and practicability.
Particular specialization in providing for the many needs of the
little tots, the young miss and of the growing girl is a part of the service
rendered by this store.
Springtime Brings "Cinderella" and
Her New Hats for Little Girls
y ES, INDEED "Cinderella," herself, will be here, and just in time for Chil
dren's Day, too; she will be in the throne room on the second floor, and we
are quite sure all the little folks will appraise her for what she has in store for them.
Anrl -Pat 1Tnf Vi eO-po whose interest is genuine,
i-illU 1UI lVlUUieib for her little daughter's
appearance, here is information quite timely.
The leading features of our new Cinderella Hats are
the vacumn-finished Milaji Hats. There are the three-end
Jap Hats, beautifully trimmed in satin ribbons, flowers and
ornaments and another line of hand made Dress Hats, with
shirred silk facing. s
These are dainty styles, every one of them, pleasing,
indeed, to every little tot and to mothers alike.
Always 2.50
Girls' Apparel as Smart as Any
Miss or "Flapper" Could Wish for
THE young girls who want to be as smartly clad as their elder
sisters, but whose garments must be of conservative, girlish
cut and serviceable, will find nothing lacking in our display of ,
New Capes, Coats, Frocks and Tub Dresses
GIRLS CAPES, ages 4 to 16. Very
smart models, decidedly new and
different, beautifully tailored in
the fashionable fabrics. Some are
shown in smart vest effect, others
are with yoke cut full. Priced
at 12.50 to 39.00
GIRLS' COATS, featuring new col
lars, some are tailored, other fancy
styles. Handsome materials, V
lour, Silvertone, Serge, Poplin, in
all the new shades. Prices
12.5Q 39.00
Charming Tub Dresses for Girls
Ages 6 to 16, scarcely makes any difference what styles you
want, you can find them here. School Frocks, such pretty
materials; there never has been a season when styles have
been daintier. Beautiful Linen, Ginghams, Percales and
Chambrays, in every new color. Price 2.50 $5
Drett-Up Frocki, a delight to any
girl. Pretty Taffeta, Chiffon,
Georgette, Crepe de Chine, in dark
and light shades. Prices
10.00 to 39.00
Frock for Party, Confirmation
and Graduation Wear. Pretty
styles in Lingerie, Organdit.
Voiles, Georgette
5.00 to 25.00
Gloves 1
Children's Glove ; sices 0 to
7 ; in Kayser double tipped, pure
silk. Tricot weave, in shades of
Pongee, Gray, Navy and White;
2-clasp fasteners; single row
embroidered back. Per pair,
Very Special Washable
Chamoisette Gloves for lit
tle folks, in white and gray;
sizes 1 to 7; 1-clasp style.
Saturday, at, pair 59J
Kid Gloves for girls and boy,
in the short broad cut, which en
ables the smallest child to ad
just them with ease, In service
able shades of Gray and Tan;
pique seams; in sizes 2-0 to 7.
Per pair 2.00
Children's Knit Union Suit in
low neck, sleeveless or elbow
sleeve, knee length, with pat
ented taped buttons; size 2 to
12 years; regular 85c values.
On sale 69
Children' "M" K n i tted
Waists; sizes 2 to 10 years.
On sale at 25
Boy' and Girl' Mumiaf
Union Suits; sizes 2 to 14 years.
Suit, 1.25 to 1.75
Of dependable wear
ing qualities and very
moderate in price.
Children's Thread Silk
Hose, in Sky, Pink, Black,
Brown and White; plain
flat stockings for misses.
Pair 1.25
Children's Black Cat
Brand Hosiery, in all
sizes; Black and White;
fine ribbed and good qual
ity; also boys' leather
weight, triple-knee hose,
including a silk lisle in
dark Brown. Pair, 59
Children's Hosiery, in
Black, White and Tan ; all
sizes; fine and medium
ribbed; good weight; fast
colors. Pair , 35tf
3 for 1.00
Infants' and Children's
Thread Silk and Fiber
Hose; black onry; extra
quality; sizes 4 to 7.
Pair 39
Sale of Boys' Wash Suits
Samples of Manhattan, Cadet and
K E Makes On Sale Saturday Only
$4, $5 and up to $6
T71VERY new color, every new
style and every new fabric is
represented in this wonderful as
sortment. Hand embroidered
styles, to strictly tailored man
nish suits. Scores of novelty
styles, not to be had in regular
assortments; sizes 2 years to 9
years. Choice 2.95
Misses' and Children's Shoes
Misses' All-Kid Lace Boot, rock-oak sola, stock tip, hand welted.
English or wide roomy toe; also made up in sizes from 2 ft to 7 for
growing girls; sizes complete.
Sisei from 2H to 7, at 6.00
Sizoa from 11 to 2, at 4.9S
Size from 8 to 11, at 4.48
Children' Shoei, in all
leather, White Nu Buck,
Black and Tan Kid, dull
leather in button and
lace. White Nti Buck;
sizes from 4 to 8, 2.45
Baby's First Stap Shoo,
in White Kid, Dark
Brown, Patent Vamp,
light turned sole; plain
toe; button style; sizes
complete from 1 to 5.
Priced at, pair,
Spring Hats
At 59c
in styles and colors
for spring and sum
mer; values to 1.00;
all in one lot ; Satur
day only 59
Other grades of
boys' Hats and Caps,
at 1.50 to 2.00
2.50 and 3.50