Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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Na wtael ua drive my bark astray,
Ner chage the tide of eUetiay. Burraafha.
Tola day wa faaklea Deetiay, our web a( Fata we
pin. WhltUer. ,
i . Club Election.
, Mri. J. G. Hart wis elected presi
. dent of the Omaha Woman's club
of the railway mail service at the
annual meeting held Wednesday af
ternoon. The other officers include:
Mrs. C. T. Leigh, vice-president;
Mrs. J. N. Strand, secretary, and
Mrs. J. Harold Evans, treasurer.
The club is one of the oldest in
,f. the city, being organized over 20
years ago at the home of Mrs. F.
H, Cole, who was the first president
The object of the organization is
. to study and to aid an any move
ment for the advancement of civil
For Church Women.
Mrs. R. C Mcintosh entertained
at an informal afternoon Thursday
for the women of the First Bapt' t
church who have recently completed
work on 7,600 shirts for the sol
diers. This little group of women
has been working in co-operation
with the Service league for many
months. An informal program was
given by Mrs. E. B. Towl, Mrs. P.
M. Pritchard and Miss Florence
Rhoades, and tea was served.
Luncheon Party.
Mrs. E. P. Boyer entertained at
an informal luncheon party at the
Blackstone Thursday in honor of
I Mrs. George McElroy of Vinton,
la., who is the guest of Mr. and
. Mrs. George H. Payne. An artis-
tic basket of tulips formed an at-
tractive centerpiece for the table
and covers were laid for 10 guests.
Box Party.
Mr. Edward Cudahy of Chicago
was guest of honor at a box party
given by Mr. and Mrs. Ward Bur
gess ati the Boyd Monday evening.
The guests included Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Burns, Miss Elizabeth Davis,
Mr. Roger Keeline and Mr. C. T.
Americanization Work.
Italian students who attend the
' Mason and Train night schools will
: he entertained at the Union Pacific
r headquarters, Fifteenth and Dodge,
Thursday evening in the colonization
.v department. Products of the west-
em states are on exhibition and
" moving pictures will be shown of
this section of the country.
A small bottle of "Danderine"
keeps hair thick, strong, '
Girls! Try this! Doubles beau
ty of your hair in a few
- moments.
V Within ten minutes after an ap
. plication of Danderine you can not
find a single trace of dandruff or
falling hair and your scalp will not
itch, but what will please you most
will be after a few weeks' use, when
you see new hair, fine and downy at
first yes but really new hair
growing all over the scalp.
A little Danderine immediately
. Soubles the beauty of your hair. No
uuieicuiB uuw uuii, laucu, luillic
t ana Bcragy, just, moisten cioui
n Anth DnnHAinTiA and rarpfulW Hraw
- -
, It through your hair, taking one
ing your hair will De light, nuiiy
nnn iBirv a Tin nnvsa nri h nnpnrinpp
yjf abundance; an incomparable lus
, Are, softness and luxuriance.
Get a small bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine for a few cents at any
drug store or toilet counter, and
prove that your hair is as pretty and
soft as any that it has been neg
lected or injured by careless treat
ment that's all you surely can
have beautiful hair ard lots of it if
you will just try a little Danderine.
Now la The Time to Get Rid of
Theao Ugly Spots.
, Do you know how easy it is to re
move those ugly spots so that no one
will call you freckle-face?
Simply get an ounce of Othine,
double strength, from your druggist
. and a few applications should show
, you how easy it is to rid yourself of
freckles and get a beautiful com
plexion. The sun and winds of March
have a strong tendency to bring out
freckles, and as a result more Oth
ine is sold in this month. Be sure to
ask for the double strength Othine,
as this is sold under guarantee of
money back if it fails to remove the
t- . freckles.T-AdY, . ,-,;,.. :
rs tar. a
Beautiful Member of Old Family
Now Living Under New Regime
Wife of the New Hungarian president, and daughter of Count Julius
Andrassy, last Hungarian foreign minister under the old regime.
Underwood A Underwood.
Luncheon at the
Fontenelle for Mrs.
A. S. Best
The executive board of the Drama
league will give a luncheon on Fri
day at 1 p. m. at the Fontenelle in
honor of Mrs. A. Starr Best, vice
president of the Drama League of
America, who will lecture on "Com
munity Recreation vs. Bolshevism"
at the hotel at 4, following the
luncheon, under the auspices of the
Drama league.
Spring flowers will decorate the
tables. Members of the board pres
ent will be:
Kate McHugb
Warren Blackwell
Luther Drake
Myron Learned
J. E. Bummers
Victor Rosewater
E. C. Twamley
Arabella Kimball.
George B. Prim
A. W. Jefferlee
Howard H. Baldrlse
Samuel Burns
E. M. SyferL
Mrs. Howard Baldrige is chair
man of courtesies. ,
There will be no admission charge
and all persons interested in the
drama are invited.
Mrs. Best is the founder and first
president of the Drama League of
America. Actuated by a desire to
create a taste for good drama and
stimulate a keener appreciation of
the drama of the theater, Mrs. Best,
whose home is in Evanston, 111.,
organized the Drama club of Evans
ton. The doings of this club at
tracted the notice of other lovers of
good drama in Chicago and in 1910
the Drama league was organized.
The league now has a nationwide
membership of men and women aid
ing in this national movement to de
mocratize drama.
Unitarian Festival
Unitarian Men's club will give
the annual spring festival, cotillion
and dance in the common room of
the church building at Turner boule
vard and Harney street, on Friday,
March 21, at 8:30 o'clock. The list
of patrons and patronesses for this
party include some of the well
known men and women of Omaha.
Messrs. Mark Levings, P. W. El
dridge and Louis M. Mielenz con
stitute the steering and stunts com
mittee, while Mrs. P. K. Harlan and
Miss Alma Peters will have general
charge. AH Unitarians and friends
are invited to be present.
Miss Noble in Concert Work.
Miss Martha F. Noble, who is
studying in the Oberlin Conserva
tory of Music, is singing first so
prano in the Oberlin College Wom
en's Glee club, which gave the an
nual home concert in Finney Me-
j morial chapel, March 15. The club
win go on a tour aunng me spring
vacation, and will visit some of the
leading cities in the middle west.
Iodine stains can be removed by
means of liquid animonia. Pour
latter over the spot, then dab re
peatedly with the finger tips until it
disappears. Rinse in tepid water,
then wash in the usual way with
strong soapsuds.
Kitchen Kinks
Apples are delicious baked with
raisins and marshmallows.
For scraping dishes a small wood
en knife is very handy.
A little grated nutmeg gives a
pleasing taste to milk toast.
Oyster force meat for stuffing
vegetables is something new.
Food selection is a science and
should be studied accordingly.
Mint Tulip.
Five lemons, 1 bunch fresh mint,
1H cupsysugar, Vi cup water, 3 bot
tles ginger ale, ice.
Squeeze the juice from lemons,
add leaves from mint, sugar and
water. Let stand 30 minutes, add a
large piece of ice and ginger ale.
Serve in small glasses.
The sweets could be red and white
heart-shaped candies or anything
suitable. "
Stop Itching Skin
There is one safe, dependable treat,
ment that relieves itching torture and
skin irritation almost instantly and
that cleanses and soothes the skin.
Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle
of Zmo and apply it as directed. Soon
you will find that irritations, pimples,
blackheads, eczeraa,blotches, ringworm
and similar skin troubles will disappear.
A little Zemo, the penetrating, satis
fying liquid, is all that is needed, for it
banishes most skin eruptions, makes
the skin soft smooth and healthy.
The E. W. Rose Co Cleveland. O
Heart Beats
By A. K.
We sigh
As we see
Beautiful new spring
Appearing in
Every shop in Omaha
For never
In the world were
Styles more modish
More alluring
More antagonizing
To the slim pocketbook.
Last year we wore
Our old clothes
Because it was
And because there .
Was not much style
To the wearing apparel
And we consoled
Ourselves with the
Thai it was the
Right and proper
To wear a few
Cast offs
For every rag
Was patriotism's badge
And we could say
That our money was '
! Going overseas -
Or to the Red Cross
Or to the Y. W.
Or, to the Y. M.
Or some other
Relief for
And refugees
But every woman
Has her day
And last season was
The ragmuffin's day
This year
It isn't the fad
To wear old clothes
Or ragged shoes
Or homemade "lids"
So we go
And again we go
But each time we
Filially find
Our toes pointing
Toward home
With a longing in our
And a soul-sickness
Overwhelming indeed
So we women of
Limited purses
And cry
As we make our bow
To Dame Fashion
Who decorated us
Only last season
For threadbare garments
And this year tempts
Us with
Fascinating foibles
And never a cross
Nor a bar to
Compensate our rags.
Mr. R. W. Hall and Mr. D. T.
Hodson are stopping at the Hotel
McAlpin in New York City.
Plugged nickels are never counter
feited their value is not envied. N
So it is with breads in the "just as
good" class their merits are not
strong enough to permit them stand
ing alone and in most cases their
support comes in the form of s
lower price to the dealer as an in
ducement for his endorsement.
That's why we place the little RED,
WHITE and BLUE trade-mark on
every genuine loaf of
order your
loaf today.
One of the Many
The battle was raging fierce and
Mid the screams of the shot
and shell,
I tell you boys 'twas just awful
. A genuine touch of hell.
And there at my feet lay my
All wounded and bleeding and
In his hand he held a locket
Which close to his heart he
had worn.
He looked in my face with a lit
tle smile,
Come closer comrade, he said,
If you ever get back home again
Tell mother I am not dead
But just gone on o'er the river
To wait on the other side,
And ask her please not to grieve
for me
For my country and her I died,
And while at home she is waiting
And thinking all day of me
To remember that I, too, am
On the bright shores of Galilee
And some day I'll hold her hand
And caress her silver white
And I'll be waiting there to kiss
her ,
At the head of the golden
And comrade, just one more
Tell my sweetheart I died like
a man
And that when dying I thought
of her
And ask her please, if she can.
To go every day to see mother
And ask them to think of me
Now goodby, old comrade, I'm
Don't grieve, it is our Father's
And all I have left is this locket
And a sorrow as deep as the
sea 1
And the memory of you, old pal
Who would gladly Have died
to save me.
Then like a child tired out with
his play
He smiled put his hands on
his breast.
I gave one great sob, then I
turned away
He had gone to his last sweet
Now somewhere in France
there's a lonely grave
Marked with neither a flower
, or stone,
But God will know where to find
the lad
When at last He shall claim
His own.
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hamilton are
in Gering, Neb.
Miss Nina Hartsell has returned
from New York, where she has been
for the past two weeks.
Mrs. Martin Harris has returned
from a two months' stay in New
York and Atlantic City.
Major and Mrs. Nye F. More
house and baby daughter have re
turned from Camp Greene ,( Char
lotte, N. C.
Mr. Grant McFayden and Mr.
Alfred Munger, now in France with
the Nebraska base hospital, may re
turn to America in April.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Payne have
returned from their wedding trip
and are now at Albert Lea, Minn.,
where they will make their home
Capt. Edward Cudahy was in
Omaha Monday and Tuesday oa
business. Captain Cudahy returned
from France in September, and has
received his honorable discharge.
Mrs. Etta Turner and Miss Clara
Schneider, who are now at the Madi
son Square, hotel in New York, will
await the arrival of Miss Louise Din
ning, who is scheduled to arrive
erly next week. Mr. Dinning left
for the east Tuesday evening.
An appeal to auxiliary chairmen
is being made to return all finished
work to the Masonic temple by
Tuesday, March 25, that all pack
ages may be shipped. Mrs. Arthur
Mullen requests all auxiliary chair
men who have completed their
quotas to assist in completing other
work. Chairmen are also asked to
return all materials, samples and
patterns to the Red Cross. If they
will call Tyler 1076 these will be col
lected. Women are urged to assist
in the work at the Masonic temple,
if only for two hours a day.
Tetersen & Pegan
Baking Co.
Advice to the Lovelorn
Love Conies Unbidden and, "To Love or Not We Are
No More Free Than the Ripple to Rise and Leave
the Sea."
Write to Miss Gross. ,
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
The young people of my neighbor
hood are planning a box social, and
I thought perhaps you would give
me a few suggestions as how to fix
a box. Thanking you in advance, I
Write to Miss Irmy Gross, editor
of our home economics department,
and she will be glad to help you
through her columns. Box socials
and cooking are not among my spe
cialties. Rings.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
If a girl Is engaged and her friend
should die, should she continue
wearing her diamond? If a girl is
engaged and It should break up and
her friend refused to take It back
should she wear it and on which
hand? MAXINE.
Tou may continue to wear the
ring after your fiance's death. After
a quarrel change the ring to an
other finger If you wish to wear It
any other finger will do.
Soldier's Love Letter.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
As for beauty, I'm no star, there
are others more lovely by far. But
I do not mind It. for I am behind it.
It's the fellow In front gets the jar.
This explains my looks. Now, for
my question. I went with a young
man for several months when he
was drafted into the army. He
asked me to write, which I did. My
letters were only those of a friend,
while his became more like love let
ters, every time he wrote, which was
twice a week. As I do not care for
him ony as a friend I stopped writ
ing to him. He still writes, al
though I have not written to him
for five or six months. Do you think
I should write and tell him that I
want him to stop writing.
It would be more honorable to
write and tell him that you no longer
wish to correspond.
Mercy Me!
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
have often read your "Advice to
Lovelorn" and think you will hejp
me and my friend.
We are two boys of 16 and 17 and
are much in love with two widows
of 46 and 44. They are very rich
and we love them and know very
well they love us.
Now, Miss Fairfax, do you think
It is right to take them out riding
and kiss them? They are considered
very good looking. They are Cath
olics and we are Protestants. Is
there much difference in our religion
Deaf Write to the Deaf and
Dumb Institute at Forty-sixth and
Boulevard avenue and they will give
you information concerning the
school. There is no reason why a
deaf and dumb person could not
learn typewriting.
Two Lonely Boys Find some
other girls and Ignore these two for
a time. If they care for your
friendship they will soon show evi
dences of it.
William J. Boda If you will con
fine your ideas to 200 words I shall
be glad to print same.
Four Girls Remove your hats
when you take your seats and put
them on before leaving the theater,
and age? They each have one child
of about 8 years.
What does a half unpasted stamp
with the letters S H under it mean?
What should we do with the chil
dren? Should we keep them if we
get married or shall we put them
in an orphan building?
Thanking you in advance, we re
There seems to be every reason in
J. Ill 5UI11C
member of your
family is made ill
Are you going to wait 'orthatto
happen before you tearout that
old-fashioned, disease-breeding
bathroom equipment?
You've told yourself you would
tome day. But "some day"
may be too late.
Come in, TODAY if possible,
and have us show you tho
modern, sanitary Thomas Mad
dock bathroom fixtures and
leant how little it costs to give
your family the comfort and
sense of health security that
comes with new equipment
when put in the Maddoclc way.
United States Supply Co.
Ninth and Farnam Sts.
or Conmlt Your Plntnler
toot HlUltlftnhd
the world why you should not mar
ry these women old enough to be
your mothers and not one reason
why you should. I am not posted in
He Needs Protection.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
Am a reader of your lovelorn page
and like it fine. Sometimes when I
read those silly statements why,
they almost make me croak. I am
a boy of about 18 years old, am fond
of Jokes and good fun, also consid
ered a good fellow. What makes
girls hang on my neck? Now, I
don't seem to care much about them
and don't see what makes them
think I'm eo attractive; they Beem
to want to go with me. What can
I do to avoid this? Is it much fun
to tie a bachelor? ,How should a
fellow become one? How's the salu
tation of this letter? H ope to see.
In advance, sincerely, A. B. C.
After reading your letter I cannot
Imagine why the girls should hang
on your neck or even wish to go
with you. I don't know I've never
been a bachelor. Live single long
enough and you will become one.
Bolikens Why not continue to be
friends. The boy had not asked you
to marry him, therefore, you have
no claim other than friendship. You
should not permit him to hug and
caress you until 12 o'clock every
other night. He will soon grow dis
gusted and leave you for a more
particular girl.
Max and Climax What melo
drama have yourxtwin lovers been
reading they won't kill themselves
on your front door not at 22. Tell
them that if you marry them with
out loving them, the climax might
be even more tragic but they'll not
kill themselves that would be let
ting "some other guy" as they said,
have you.
G. VV. B. Sorry It Isn't In the
power of the "love page" to choose
your girl for you. It might be that
even with "father's quarter of a
million," a girl would need persuad
ing to give up her marriage already
planned. It doesn't seem to me you
are "in love" with either and you
don't know that they are with you.
Yes, money undoubtedly does "help
a good cause along."
X. V. Z. Ask your doctor about
your normal weight. Young girls
should be chaperoned when car rid
ing at least this is customary in
polite society. Reading Is splendid
recreation if your books are well
Blue Eyes Blue-eyed, blond
haired 14-year-old now shall you
wear your hair? Is it long, is it
short or curly or straight? The way
that it is most becoming of course
have you tried it down your back
with ribbons look at pictures of at
tractive hair In magazines.
"BUlio N." If Just you knew how
dangerous it was to doubt a wom
an's age. If she says 18 years 'twere
better you let it rest at that.
Mr. Wayland Magee has returned
from Chicago. ......
THE superiority of Atwood
Grapefruit is not an acci
dent. From the first planting
the Atwood Grapefruit Co.
has sacrificed everything for
QUALITY. An initial expense
of hundreds of thousands of
dollars was incurred, while
everything that scientific cul
ture and experience conld
suggest was dona to produce
QUALITY. Even then some
trees at maturity bore simply
good grapefruit, but not good
enough for the Atwood Brand.
These trees were cut down
and replaced by superior va
rieties. So through selection and
cultivation hat evolved the
delicious ATWOOD GRAPE
FRUIT "the Aristocrat of
the Breakfast Table."
Says Mrs. Frank Hau
ler, of Carbondale, HI.:
"1 was suffering terrible
cramps and pains each
month. I had used . . .
but it didn't give any
permanent relief. The
Jiains came back on me
ust the same as before
. . . After taking Cardui.
I was entirely relieved
from the pains, and have
never been bothered with
them since."
The Woman's Tonic
Cardul should help you
as it did Mrs. Hagler.asit
has helped thousands of
other women who suf
fered from the pains and
discomforts from which
women suffer. Many
medical authorities pre
scribe the ingredients of
which Cardul is com
posed for the female
troubles for which it is
recommended. Why not
try it for your trouble?
All Druggists
There are but three reasons
why your letters do not appear
in print because they are too
long (more than 200 words), be
cause you do not send your cor
rect address as a postscript or
because they are, not suitable for
publication.. '
THIS Spring
time, when all
the fashionable
world is seeking
slenderness, and
still more slender
ness, Rengo Belt
Reducing Corsets
are more than
ever a necessity to
women of medium
or stout build.
Slenderize the
Stout Figure
creating an instan
taneous improve
ment in one's
appearance. Ab
normal abdom
inal lines are gen
tly straightened
nut; heaviness nnrJ size are reduced.
figure is coaxed back to charming and youthful lines.
maintains its perfect style lines under the most severe
wearing conditions. Rarely need a "Rengo" model be re
placed until discarded for an entirely new style.
Trices of Rengo Belt Corsets range from $2 to $io
Crown Corset Company
170 Fifth Avenue
Wall Paper Cleaning
comes but once a year; but it always brings back
that old anxiety about smearing or spotting the
ARORFNF "brtterlinJ" of W.H Paper
Wall Paper Cleaner." ABSORENE work, eaaicr yarn
don't have to rub hard with ABSORENE, became it pick
the dirt right oS the paper, aa a mainet pick, up ateei
ABSORENE ia nerer mouldy, aotty or mear in th eea.
It ia alatfsjruk aod juat right and ready tor uta.
Try ona can of ABSORENE this tfrno, anal
laaxn how porfaetljr it doe the) work.
HUH the) wonderful water eoftenar
alater of ABSOREN2, and la aold hy ail ABSO
RENE daalara. . .
awes vi as Biiiwutia,
There Is a mnch closer connection
between the stomach and brain than
most people imagine. It ia because of
thia close connection that indigestion,
belching, sour, gassy stomach and
other stomach miseries all of which
are sore signs of acid stomach are so
often followed by severe attacks of
blinding, splitting headaches.
Nervousness, sleeplessness, f rritabll
Ky.mentaldepression.melancholiaand many other disorders which affect the
brain can also nearly always be traced
to the same sonrce acid-stomach.
So nftftn vnn haa, nannla can T
ao nervous I think f 11 fly to pieces;'
or 1 1 seems i never get a gooa nig
r s - v - , u j v . u. at, j u
ease." Little dn thev rironm tht
II on
stomach is the direct canse of their
troubles because very often there are
no pains in the stomach at all. So you
see, you can't always judge an acid
stomach condition by the way your
stomach, itself, feels.
If yon are weak, nervous, nnfit if
you are not up to your old time form
if you lack your accustomed enthu
eiasm, energy and pep make this test
and see if it isn't acid-stomacb that is
holding you back robbing you of
your health, strength and vigor. Get
a big box of EATONIC the wonder
ful modern medicine that so quickly
puts an acid stomach to rights. It u
in the form of pleasant tasting tablets
that you eat like a bit of candy.
EATONIC rids the stomach of excess
I f 1
Ml I
Worth Knowing
For grilling purposes you can sef
cure a clear fire quickly by Drinki!
ting a little powdered nitre over it l
If there are paint spots on th
window, apply a strong solution O!
baking soda. This will soften th
paint and it can be easily rubbe
off. Then rub with alcohol to polis
the glass.
No. ja
And, day by day, the
New York City
Biess gull
acid. Brings instant relief from Ind7
gestion, heartburn, eour belching, food
repeating, bloat and gas and makes
the stomach cool, pure, sweet and
Dentists warn as against the bad
effects of acid mouth, pointing out
that the acid eats through the enamel
of the teeth, causing them to decay.
You can easily imagine then tha
amount of damage excess acid will
cause to the delicate organisation of
the stomach! .
Thousands of people are osin
EATONIC and the result obtained ara
eo remarkable as to be almost unbe
lievable. Yet their letters of gratitude,
many of which are received daily,
prove absolutely that EATONIC does
all and even more than we claim. Tha
medical profession, too, recognises tha
5reat value of this wonderful remedy.
l learned Michigan doctor wrote re
cently: "I have bad such wonderful
success with EATONIC that I want
every one to know how quickly it will
neutralize the acidity of the the atom
ach (acid-stomach) and the stomach
will soon be sweet and normal again,
and the sick man well and happy
once more."
So be sure to get a big box ol
ft ATpMC from your druggut today.
If it fails in any way to give you tha
kind of satisfaction you want, take ia
back he will refund your money. Ha
doesn't wont one penny of your monew
onleao lTONIC helps yoa.