Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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DRIVE FOR $2,000
y mi
Mrs. Frances Parks, Evans-
: ton, III., Addresses Noon
Luncheon of Omaha
- Temperance Workers.- ,
'Mr. Frances Parks of Evanston,
-111., national secretary of the V. C.
r U., opened the Nebraska cam
paign for $25,000 of the million-dol-
lar jubilee fund to be raised thrcugh-
j-out the nation, at a luncheon given
by Omaha temperance workers yes
terday noon in the Hotel Conant.
jrOmaha's qpota is $2,000.
J "I'm heartily in accord with your
Ujtate director's goal that Nebraska
ihall be first to go over the top;
,aid Mrs. Parks. We have an espe
cially kind regard for Nebraska be-
i. cause it was the 36th state, the, one
necessary to complete the ratihca
tion of the national prohibition
.amendment." Dr. Jennie Callfas is
the state director.
f To Continue Work.
: , "Funds collected will be used in
continued temperance work , in
America that liquor interests may
'.not be able to repeal or nullify the
No Medicine-
I Its Family Laxative
From the baby to the grandparents a good laxative is the
necessary medicine in the little ills. It wards off serious
sickness and saves doctor's bills. Many a cold has been pre
vented from running into grippe and pneumonia by its timely
Many a racking headache has been quickly dispelled by it.
And it is a laxative rather than a drastic cathartic or purgative
that should be in every family medicine-chest, for a laxative
can be used at all ages.
Thousands of good American families have for more than
a quarter century used a combination of simple laxative herbs
with pepsin known to druggists as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin. It is a laxative-tonic that acts on the bowels end
stomach. Infants take it with perfect safety, and it is equally
effective for grownups.
Grandparents are now seeing their children give it to their
babies. It is excellent for all the family in constipation no
matter how chronic, indigestion, wind colic, biliousness,
headaches, dyspepsia and similar ills.
The druftist will refund your money it it tmitm
to do as promised.
r. .
In spite of greatly
Increased laboratory
costs due to the War,
by sacrificing profits
and absorbing war
taxes we have main
tained the price at
which this family lax
ative has been sold by
druggists for the past
2S years. Two i
50c and $1.00.
i,4 ' - 1 " ' 1 ' ; ' 1 ' '"' .":-?
What Makes Men
and Iron?
Any of These People?
Ignace Jan Paderewski, Pianist and Nation Maker
j United States Judge G. W. Atkinson, Former Governor
j- Dr. George H. Baker, Former Hospital Physician and Surgeon
H Hon. Anthony Caminetti, U. S. Commissioner of Immigration
;.. . Former U.S. Sen. Wm. E. Mason, now Congressman from Illinois
iRead What they Say about Nuxated Iron
t AS a Tonic, Strength and Blood Builder
'Physician Explains How It Helps Put Renewed Vim and En
ergy Into the Veins of the Weak, Run-down, Infirm and
K Aged -Often Increases Their Strength in Two
! Weeks' Time.
When widely known men of the highest calibre come out frankly and
; publicly endorse a product which they have personally found valuable for
building up the health and strength, it must arouse the interest of every
'thinking person in Nuxated Iron, which is today being used by over
'three million people annually to help create red blood, power and en- -
Dr. T. Alphonsus Wallace, a physician of many years'-experience
and formerly of the British Naval Medical Service, says: "It is the men
laf blood and iron on a par wirJi the war-hardened fellows returning
'from camp and fields who will forge ahead in the business and political
j lite or the country today.
J- "Living in the open, eating coarse
,fobdi and leading regular lives have
jmad blood rich in' iron for these
'strong, healthy vigorous specimens of
tmanhood. But ao such opportunity
'for building up their health is
' 'o thousands of Ken and
women in
V ivjl life whor ) wearing .tasks and1
iron-impoverish! food sap their en-jl
rgy and vitajitr, make them weak,
anaemic and run-down and often !
t-ause their bleed to literally starve
' !or want of iron. Without iron there
,:an be no atrong. red-blooded men or
I l.ealthy. rosy-cheeked women, and un
, 4ess this strength-giving iron is ob
' "ained from the foods we eat. it must
be supplied in some form that is eaa
jly absorbed and assimilated. For this
purpose I always recommend organio
sron Nuxated Iron which I have
sed so successfully both In eivil
life and for convalescing soldiers that
, i am absolutely convinced of its ef
. ectivaoess for helping build red
; Wood, strength and endurance.
Of great importance to the oublie
should be the strong endorsement of
Nuxated Iron as a preparation of great
Jmerit as a tonic, and blood builder,
given by former U. S. Senator William $.
tlason, who has the distinction of being one
pf the really big men of the nation. His
fhampionship of Pure Food and Drugs leg
islation, his fight for the rural free delivery
system, and his strong advocacy of all bills
favoring labor has made him a national fipr
ure and endeared him to the hearts of the
forking man and the great masses of peo
ple. Senator Mason says: "I have often
atd I would never recommend medicine of
any kind. I believe that the doctor's place.
However, after the hardest political cam
paign of my life, without a chance for a
V vacation, I had been starting to court v
ery morning with that horrible, tired feel
lag one cannot describe. I was advised to
try Nuxated Iron. As a pioneer in the pure
' food and drug legislation, I was at first
path to try an advertised remedy, but aft
er advising with one of :ny medical friends,
f-gave it a test. The results have been so
beneficial in my own case, 1 made up my
mind to let my friends know about it. and
too are at liberty to publish this state
joent if you so desire. I am now 65 years
af age and I feel that a remedy which will
build up the strength and increase the pow
er of endurance et one at my age, should
r e known to th world."
, ; Equally interesting is the opinion of
.Judge C. W. Atkinson of the United States
Court of Claims, at Washington, who for
twenty years ha been in the public serv
ice as Judge, Governor,' Member of ' Con-
gaa and V. S, DMariet Attarecy. Me say.:
is without W;Uat!on thht I recommend
huuued Iron ui persons who in the stress
prohibition law; '. for Americaniza
tion, child welfare, moral education
and to send missionaries and work
ers across seas in the work of world
prohibition," said Mrs. Parks
Thursday. March 20, the day set
for the formal opening of the 10
week drive, is the birthday anniver
sary of Neal Dow, often referred to
as the father of, the prohibition
movement. Through his efforts
Maine passed the first prohibition
Mrs. Mamie Claflin of Lincoln,
state president, was unable to at
tend the luncheon. Mrs. Paarks will
visit the Lincoln unions Thursday.
The Weather.
Comparative Local Board.
I91. 1918. 1917. 19K.
Highest yesterday ...7 74 it 49
Lowest ' yesterday ...47 43 33 30
Mean temperature. ...57 0 43 40
Precipitation ..00 00 00 '00
Temperature and precipitation depar
ture! from the normal;
Normal temperature. 31
Excess for the day IS
Totnl excess since March 1, 1919 85
Normal precipitation 04 Inch
Deficiency for the day 04 Inch
Rainfall since March 1. 1919. 1 29 Inches
Rxcess since March 1, 1919.. 65 inch
Deficiency cor. period J 1918.. 63 Inch
Kxcess cor. porlud In 1917 55 Inch
Reports From Stations at 7 P. M.
Station and Mate Temp. Hli;h- Rain-
of Weather. 7 p. m. st. fall.
Cheyenne, cloudy ....50 !i .00
Davenport, clear 56 54 .00
Denver, cloudy 62 66 .00
Dodge City, cloudy ...68 78 .00
Lander, eloudy 54 58 .00
North riatte. cloudy ..60 70 .00
Omaha, cteur, ...62 67 .00
Pueblo, cloudy 66 70 .00
Rapid City, cloudy 32 58 .00
I,. A. WELSH, Meteorologist.
SDr. Caldwell's
The Perfect Laxative
FREE SAMPLES If you haw never used
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin send for a free trial
bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 468 Washington
St., MontJceOo, HI. If there are babies at home,
ask for a copy of Dr. CaldweD'a book, "Tbe
Care of Baby."
Do You Know
iii s , j k-v s js i - - n t a . .
full WiM
of physical or mental labors have permitted
the system to become debilitated, the body
exhausted or the nerves run-down. It has
restored my appetite and my vitality. I
feel that I have dropped off the burden
of months of toil in the few weeka that I
have been following the very simple di
rections for the use of Nuxatd Iron."
Ignace Jan Paderewski, one of the great
est musical geniuses of the age, at a time
when his untiring work for Poland over
taxed his strength and impaired his health
had recourse to Nuxated Iron to help re-,
build his wasted forces and restore his old
time health and strength. He says : "I am
using Nuxated Iron very frequently .and
;onsidtr it as an excellent tonic." With the
strain imposed by two years of almost
ceaseless work in the cause of his father
land it is easily understood why he sought
the sustaining benefit of Nuxated Iron.
Then there is United States Commission
er of Immigration Hon. Anthony Caminetti
who. despite his 64 years and a life which
calls him to all parts of the country in all
climates and all seasons, is today more ac
tive and alert than many a younger man
would be in meeting the strain of his offi
cial duties.
Commissioner Caminetti says: "In the
heat of summer, and the rigor of winter
and the debilitating weeks of spring time,
I have used Nuxated Iron with unvarying
success and satisfaction. After weektt of
busiesf-eonfinement to office duties, I tfnd
in Nuxated Iron the true tonic qualities
which help bring one's physical being to
thnt . state, of fitneee which is the desire
of every healthy minded man or woman.
Nuxated Iron I recommend to whoever feels
Machine Was Stolen from
Minne Lusa Garage When
Watchman Was Robbed
and Kidnaped.
With the finding yesterday of
the Jordan automobile, stolen from
the Minne Lusa garage five days
ago, when masked bandits held up
and kidnaped the night foreman,
A. C. Ash, police believe they have
clues which will lead to the capture
of the robbers.
The machine, owned by Frank
Hughes, president of the Hughes
Wholesale Grocery companv, was
found?even miles east of Council
Bluffs, wrecked, and partly burned.
Sheriff Gronnewcg of Pottawat
tamie county found the car. A
farmer nearby, at whose house the
three bandits stopped, described the
men accurately to Grcnneweg and
other officers. Omaha police think
they know the men.
Ash, the night foreman at the gar
age, was first held up, and then
forced to enter the Hughes car. At
the Forest Lawn cemetery the rob
bers hurled him from the machine.
The Hughes car was valued at
$2,500, and was insured against theft
and fire. Omaha police notified
Mr. Hughes this morning that his
car had been recovered.
No Bloodhounds to Trail
Criminals in Douglas County
The county commissioners yes
terday declined to buy bloodhounds
to track dovn criminals. The ques
tion came up at the hoard meeting
and was reteired to Chairman Neble
with the request that he ask Sher
iff Clark his opinion of the idea.
Sheriff Clark says he doesn't want
any bloodhounds.
"I have Pat Welsh and Jim Lind
say and they'll track oowu more
criminals than a pack of blood
Hounds," the sheriff said. "This
bloodhound idea isn't practical, es
pecially in city. Supoosa a man
commits a crime and wants to es
cape from being tracked by blood
hounds, it would be a very simple
matter. All he'd have to do would
be to walk through the crowds, or
jump on a street car and the trail
would be lost."
Fanning Co. Will Now
Pave Leavenworth Street
Charles Fanning has given per
sonal assurance to City Commis
sioner Towl that the Fanning Pav
ing company will sign a contract
with the city for the paving of
Leavenworth street from Forty
eighth to Sixtieth streets. Mr.
Fanning explained that the street
railway company has shown a dis
position to place its tracks at an
early date and thus remove the ob
stacle which has stood in the way
ot paving.
of Blood
the need of a tonic restorative for debili
tation, exhaustion and overwork."
In commenting upon the' probability of
building up a stronger race of people by
increasing the supply of iron in their
blood. Dr. George H. Baker, formerly Phy
sician and Surgeon, Monmouth Memorial
Hospital of New Jersey, says: "Iron is ab
solutely necessary to change food into liv
ing tissue, muscle and brain. Refined foods
tnd modern methods of cooking have rob
bed us of much of the iron which Nature
intended we shoul'd receive. For supplying
this deficiency and increasing the red cor
puscles, I know of nothing more effective
than organic iron Nuxated Iron. From a
careful examination of the formula and my
own tests of Nuxated Iron, I feel convinced
that it is a preparation which any physi
cian can take himself or prescribe for bis
patient with the utmost confidence of ob
taining highly beneficial and satisfactory
results. The fact that Nuxated Iron is to
day being used by over three million peo
ple annually as a tonic, strength and blood
builder, is in itself an evidence of tremen
dous public confidence and I am convinced
that if others would take Nuxated Iron
when they feel weak and run-down it would
help make a nation of stronger,! healthier
men and women." '
M ANI'KACTL" RER8' NOTE: Kuisted Iron which li
recommended shove Is not a secret remedy but one
which is well known to druggists everywhere. Un
like the older inorgaulc Iron products It is easily
assimilated and does uot injure the teeth, muke
them black nor mwet the stomach. The manufao
urers guarantee suciftssrul and entirely satisfactory
results lo every purchaser or they will rfuud rour
money. It Is dispensed in this cltv hy Sherman A
atcCuumll drug Korea sud oliwr Uruttfisls
I I v ' 1
Blue Eyes Win
For Artillery Lieutenant
Lt. V. B. Redmond of Camp Shelby, Miss., and Scots
bluff, Neb., and Miss Agnes Katherine Coffey, Well
Known Omaha Girl and War Community Worker,
to Be Married This Afternoon.
Lieut. Redmond
When Lt. V. B. Redmond, sta
tioned at Camp Shelby, Miss., looked
into the big blue eyes of Miss Agnes
Katherine Coffey, War Community
worker, one day last fall, waiting
for information of a charitable na
ture, he was amorously hypnotized,
and at 4 o clock the couple became
man and wife at the words of Father
P. A. Flanagan, pastor of Holy
Angels church, Twenty-fourth and
Fowler avenue.
Though their wedding had been
planned to take place on June 17,
the bride s 19th birthday, the cere
mony was unexpectedly decided
upon for yesterday because of mili
ary orders that prevent the young
lieutenant from obtaining leave of
absence any other time. Special dis
pensation was given the couple to
have the ceremony performed in
Active in War Charity.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John S. Coffey, 2111 Lari
more avenue, and though she has
known Lieutenant Redmond , for
several years, it was not until their
tryst at the War Community office
last fall that Cupid flung a direct
hit at the lovers. Miss Coffey was
president of the Angelus club of
Holy Angels parish and was active
Masonic Initiation to
Be Most Elaborate One
Ever Held in Nebraska
The stage is completely set for
the initiation of 2S0 new members
into the Shriners' degree of the Ma
sonic lodge, The affair will be held
in the Masonic temple Nineteenth
and Douglas streets, Friday, and
will take up the entire day. T, L.
Cpmbs, illustrious potentate, is at
the head of the committee in charge
of the initiation. Following the re
galia ceremonies, beginning at noon
and extending into the evening,
speeches will be made by visiting
delegates. A banquet will mark the
finale of the ceremonies. Friday's
initiation will be the second held in
the new Masonic temple, and the
largest class ever initiated in Ne
braska. Elaborate plans have been
fulfilled to mark the occasion one of
Brandeis to Include
Fourth Floor in Store
Brandeis salesrooms will be en
larged to take up the full fourth
floor of their building, while ten
ants, chiefly medical men, will be
forced to find other quarters next
month. Elevator service to the
new fourth floor will be provided.
J. L. Brandeis & Sons will take pos
session of the enlarged quarters at
the expiration of the Jeases of ten
ants next month. The eighth floor
of the building is now taken up as
a stock room and it is believed that
eventually the entire building will
be used by the firm.
Officer to Tell Kiwanis
.of Reconstruction Work
Capt. H. B. Lemere, recently re
turned from France, will address
Friday's noon meeting of the Ki
wanis club at the Chamber of Com
merce on reconstruction work per
taining to the blind. '
J. A. Sunderland and W. B. Tagg
have been elected to fill vacancies
on the board of directors of the Ki
wanis club.
Bee Want Ads produce results
Try them and be convinced.
Stop suffering! Relief comes
the moment you apply old ,
"St. Jacobs Liniment."
Rheumatism is "pain only."
Not one case in fifty requires in
ternal treatment. Stop drugging!
Rub the misery right away! Apply
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs
Liniment" directly upon the "tender
spot" and relief comes instantly.
"St. Jacobs Liniment" conquers
pain. It is harmless rheumatism lin
iment which never disappoints and
can not burn the skin.
Limber up! "Stop complaining!
Get a small trial bottle of "St.
Jacobs Liniment" at any drug store,
and in just a moment you'll be free
from rheumatic pain, soreness and
stiffness. Don't suffer! Relief awaits
you. "St. Jacobs Liniment" is just
as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lum
bago, backache, sprains and swell
ings. Adv.
War Worker
and His Bride.
in war work. She was a leading
participant in the playlet given at
the Brandeis theater on February
8 for the benefit of war charity.
Lives in Scottsbluff.
Lieutenant Redmond, whose
home is in Scottsbluff, Neb., arrived
here Tuesday, unexpectedly, for an
early claimant to the title of hus
band. He enlisted in the heavy
artillery service in May, 1917, and
won his commission several months
later. It was while passing
through Omaha on his way to Camp
Shelby, Mississippi, last fall that he
renewed his acquaintance with his
bride with amorous vigor.
He was later assigned as an in
structor in the artillery school
there, which detained him from go
ing overseas. Following the wed
ding ceremony which was at
tended only by immediate relatives,
the young couple Were honored
guests at a dinner at the home of
the bride's parents. They left
on their honeymoon last night
the trip taking them to Chicago,
thence through the south. They
will make their home near Camp
Attending the bride at the wed
ding was Miss Mary Flanagan. John
Coffey, jr., was best man.
Has Gained Fifteen Pounds
Taking Tanlac Suffers
Fourteen Years.
"When a man has had stomach
trouble for 14 years, so bad he
couldn't eat anything without suf
fering afterwards and then finds a
medicine that fixes him up in a few
iveeks' time so he can eat just any
thing he wants, I think it is time
for him to talk for the benefit of
others. Well, Tanlac has done all
this for me, and more, for I am now
15 pounds heavier than I was before
I began taking it, and I have also
gotten rid of a case of rheumatism
of the worst sort."
The above remarkable statement j
was made by John Nix, a well ;
known miner, living at Edwards, !
III., while in the Sutliff & Case drug
store at Peoria, a few days ago.
. "Many a time after eating," he
continued, "I would bloat up as tight
as a drum and feel so tight all
through my chest that I would have
to gasp for breathe Everything I
would eat would sour and there was
a burning sensation, like fire, in my
stomach. My digestive organs just
seemed to be dead, as I lost and felt
tired out all the time. I also had
rheumatism along with the stomach
trouble, and suffered from it near
ly all the time, but during the past
Winter I began having it worse than
ever. My joints ached so bad at
times I thought I couldn't stand it
and I could hardly sleep at all for
weeks at a time for the pain. I was
in such a bad shape that work was
torture to me and I couldn't get
any pleasure out of living. I really
wasn't able to work and here re
cently my friends got to remark
ing about how fast I was going down
hill and how bad I was loking.
"I realized myself that I was
getting in serious shape and told my
wife that unless I could find some
thing to relieve my suffering I
would be unable to go very much
longer. Well, I finally got me some
Tanlac, as so many people were
telling how it had helped them, and
while my improvement wasn't as
rapid as some I read about, I
gradually got better. So I stuck to
my Tanlac and it has certainly paid
me well, for it has made me feel
like a new man. After finishing my
third bottle I commenced to climb
rapidly and my stomach trouble and
rheumatism soon left me entirely.
My appetite came back in full force
and I began to eat steak, potatoes,
gravy and just anything else and
now I never have a sign of indiges
tion no matter what I eat. If my
Tanlac had cost me $50 a bottle it
would have been worth that much to
me, for now I am feling perfectly
strong and well and can do a3 much
work as any man in the mines. My
wife says I look better than I have
in years and she must be right, for I
certainly do feel a man made over."
Tanlac is sold in Omaha by all
Sherman & McConnell Drug Com
pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy
and West End Pharmacy. Also For
rest and Meaney Drug Company in
South Omaha and the leading drug
gist in each city and town through
out the state of Nebraska. Adv.
Secretary of Omaha Team
sters' Union Arrested for
Alleged Defrauding Or
ganization of $1,000.
James Keasling, secretary of a
local teamsters' union, was arrested
yesterday by Detectives Baugh
man and Toland and charged with
The warrant for Keasling's arrest
was sworn out by Arthur M. Case,
a union official, who charges Keas
ling with having embezzled more
than $1,000 of the union funds en
trusted to him. An auditor is now
checking the i-nion's books.
Keasling denied the embezzlement
charge and said when the books are
thoroughly checked the funds will
be found intact.
Keasling has held office in the
teamsters' union for more than a
year. He lives at 4610 South Forty,
seventh street and is married.
Always Ask for , Genuine
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
Only Aspirin Tablets with the
safety "Bayer Cross" on them are
genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,"
owned and made by Americans and
proved safe by millions of people.
Unknown quantities of fraudulent
Aspirin Tablets were sold recently
by a Brooklyn dealer which proved
to be composed mostly of Talcum
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" should
always be asked for. Then look for
the safety "Bayer Cross" on the
package and on each tablet. Accept
nothing else! Proper directions and
dosage in each Bayer package.
Aspirin ia the trade mark of Bay
er Manufacture of Monoaceticaci
dester of Salicylicacid. Adv.
Remarkable Homa Cure Given by One Wbt
Had It He Wanta Every Sufferer
to Benefit.
Send No Money Just Your Address.
Years of'iiwfu suffering' and rnisery havi
(aught : this man, Mark H. Jackson, ol
Syracuse, New York, how terrible an enemy
to human happiness rheumatism is, anfl
have given him sympathy with all unfor
tunates who are within its grasp. He
wants every ihenmatic victim to know
how he was cured. Read what he says:
"I Had Sharp Pains Like Lightning Flash!
Shooting Through My Joints."
In the spring ni 1393 I was attacked by
Muscular and Inflammatory Rheumatism.
I suffered as only those who have it know,
for over three years. I tried remedy after
remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such
relief as I received was only temporary.
Finally, I found a remedy that cured me
completely, and it has never returned. I
have given it to s number who were terri
bly afflicted nnd even bedridden with
Rheumatism, and it effected a cure in every
I want every sufferer from any form of
rheumatic trouble to try, this marvelous
healing power. Don't sent a cent; simply
fill out the coupon below and I will send it
free to try. After you have used it and
it has proven itself to be that long-looked
for means of curing your Rheumatism, ynu
may send the price of it, one dollar, but
understand, I do not want your money un
less you are perfectly satisfied to send it.
Isn't that fair? Why suffer any longer
when positive relief is thus offered you
free? Don't delay. Write today. Mr.
Jackson is responsible. Above statement
is true.
Mark H. Jackson, B69E Burney BIdg.,
Syracuse, N. Y. :
I acept your offer. Send to:
Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
That is the joyful cry of thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive
Tablets, the substitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician
for 17 years and calomel's old-time
enemy, discovered the formula for Olive
Tablets while treating patients for
chronic constipation and torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, but a healing, soothing
vegetable laxative.
No griping is the "keynote" of these
little sugar-coated, olive-colored tab
lets. They cause the bowels and liver to
act normally. They never force them
to unnatural action.
If you have a "dark brown mouth" a
bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick
headache torpid liver and are consti
pated, youll find quick, sure and only
pleasant results from one or two little
Drjflwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Thousands take, one or two every
night just to keep right. Try them.
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
Us?d and New
(Slightly Shopworn)
"Two a Day"
Is our slogan for this week
We must sell 12 Grand Pianos this week
an average of 2 a day in order to make
room in our Grand Piano Dept. for a new
shipment that is on the way. 7
Will we do it? We will if 12 prospective Grand
Piano buyers see this ad and call at our store this week
we are bound to do it! Because every caller is sure
to be a buyer.
Never before have such splendid values been of- ,
fered in Omaha! Parlor Grands, Baby Grands, and
I Miniature Grands. Some of them brand new and some
' of the used ones can be made to look like new. .'
Read This
, Then Act
Mahogany, used but lit
tle ; a wonderful buy. . . .
$1,000 A. B. Chase
U3ed, Puritan model, in
ebony 'finish
$800 Sohmer
Used. Beautiful, dull
ty-own mahogany . . . . . .
$800 Smith & Nixon ( A T A
Used, Colonial model, fD3l
dull mahojranv V WW
$750 Lindeman f
Slightly shop worn, new
model, mahogany
Buys a $1,250 Knabe .
, Player Grand, Sheraton
polished mahogany.
Buys an $850 Steger
Used, Colonial model,
polished mahogany.
Buys a $700 Ludwig
Miniature Grand, in pol
ished mahogany.
Buys a $750 J. & C. Fischer
New, but slightly shop
worn. Mahogany.
EflE Buys an $850 Mehlin
lllal Sheraton model. A beauti
ful Mahogany case.
Your Old Piano Taken in Trade
If you can't call Clip, Sign and Mail ThU Coupon
to us today for complete information regarding any of
the instruments advertised. ,
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.,
1311-1313 Farriam St., Omaha, Neb.
Gentlemen: Without obligating me in any way, please send
me a picture and complete description of the
(write which one in this space)
Grand Piano advertised above.
Address ,
Phone No
Nebraska's Oldest and Largest Piano House. Everything in Music.
1311-1313 Far nam Street
The Japanese Way to Remove Corns
Doesn't Hurt a Bit-Easy and Simple f
The Magic Touch of Ice-Mint Does It. Just a Touch Stops
Soreness, Then the Corn or Callous Shrivels and Lifts
Off. Try it. Your Feet Will Feel Cool and Fine.
Just a touch of Ice-Mint and "Oh!"
what relief. Corns and callouses vanish,
soreness disappears and you can dance
all night or walk all day and your corns
won't hurt a bit. No matter what you
have tried or how many times you have
been disappointed here is a real help for
you at last. From the very second that
Ice-Mint touches that sore, tender corn
rour poor tired, aching feet will feel to
?ool, easy and comfortable that you will
iust sigh with relief. Think of it; just
a little touch of that delightful, cooling
Ice-Mint and real foot joy is yours. No
matter how old or tough your pet corn is
Use The Bee Want Ads
Partial List-
he will shrivel right up and you ohii nick
him out after a touch of Ice-Mmt. No
pain, not a bit of soreness, either when
applying it or afterwards, and it doenn't
even irritate the skin.
Ice-Mint is the real Japanese secret of
fine, healthy, little feet. 1'revents foot
odors and keeps them ci"!. sweet and
comfjrtable. lt is now selling like wild
fire here.
Just ask in any drug store for a lit tip
Ice-Mint and give vrur poor suffering,
tired feet the treat of tlie'.r Jives. There
is nothing better, nor nothing "Just 14
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