Ay THE BEE: -OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1919.' INFIDELITY THE DIVORCE CHAM AGAINST POWELL Mrs. Emma L Powell Wants Custody of "Minor Child and Monthly Alimony of $150.' , . Myrtello F. Powell, Superjptendent ofNtuildingi for J. L. Brandeis & Sons, waa sued by Emma L." Powell M divorce on- the grounds of al leged infidelity during theast year and a half. The suit was filed in district court Tfiesday. They were married September IS, 1890. v They have our children, one of whom is a minor, a boy, 8 years old. "Disregarding his duties as a hus band for the last year and a half, the defendant has been guilty of infidel ity toward this plaintiff by seeking the company and consorting with women of questionable character," the petition reads.' Mrs. Powell alleges that-Jier hus the' acts of cruelity," says the pe tition. ' She states that he earns $375 a month, as superintendent of buiVd ings for J. L. Brandeis & Sons and she asks $150 a month as alimony and the custody of the minor child, alleging that "the defendant is not a proper party to have the care and education of the child." The Powell home is at 2567 Fowler avenue. Colonel Bishpp Stricken preparing Tor Address band "has been guilty of extreme! Roanoke, Va!, March 18 i-Col crudity by acts other than personally.;-,,- A pi . t.,. r.-. violence." By reason of this, she I W,1Ilanl A-xBhoP famou Ca" says, her health has been permanent ly impired and she is on the verge of a nervou$ breakdown. - "If the defendant requires, the plaintiff will file a bill of particu lars, setting forth more specifically dian aviator, was operated upon for appendicitis here last night. Lt was stricken as he was preparing to de liver an address. Early today his condition was reported to be satis factory. -v7' &ew York Omaha Sioux City Lincoln- ' jH - .- f 318-320 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET Omaha's Most Sensational ft MI rtfraw.GM.n? iUJiJ. Starts Wednesday Morning at 8:30 Sharp MORE THAN 1,000 HATS fromsuch renowned, milliners as Bonhotal, Rawak, Mode, Glanskopf, Vogue, Gage, Fisk, secured at a tfrice concession less than half, fcvery'hat is brand new. This purchase as to be divided amongst our New York, Sioux. City and Omaha stores, but in .order to demonstrate the wonderful selling i power of this store to Omaha women, the entire purchase has been shipped here and will go into the greatest Millinery Sale of recent years. . K s' Real Hair. Milans. Leghorns. Liseret. "BIG FOUR" MEET TO HARMONIZE ON PEACE TERMS Representatives of Great Powersjo Discuss Phases . of Peace and Presenta . tion to 'Germans. Swiss' Delegation Leaves -for League Conference Berne, March 1& The Swiss dele gation to attend the neutral confer ence in Paris on the league of na tions left Tiere tonight. Thje memebrs are Felix Calender, former president and a member of the federal coun cil; Alfred Frey of Zurich, a member of the national council; Prof. Eu gene Huber of Berne university and Prof. William Rappard of the Uni versity of Geneva. - UnltedJline Workers Hold Reconstruction. Meeting Indianapolis, .Ind., March 18. A "policy" meeting of representatives of the 26 districts of the United Mine Workers of America began at the internatioiual headquarter? of the organization here today. The representatives will . discuss and probably decidtV on question., 're lating to unemployment, wage con-j tracts and general conditions, ex- , pccted 'to develop during the recorU st ruction period. - ' 1 1 i - " " j . Milans. Liseret. sZmSSBlBp ml Flower Trimmed. - ' Feather Trimmed. Y tSjSilliF S''' ' eamS ' .1 .v' . X - EVm Write DlM fTV T"vS?-' ' l W ; ' Worth Up to $15 r :jflpK sllj? Let nothing stop you from sharing in . ' v fe' "jj ' 1 these sensntiontri savings. g.t . . sV JiSX Fnr Hats Pasitimlv ' i.i , 7 ii SB I Worth. IJD TO AZll ' . JHttA ' j II ill WJ2MEmL lAl5!! Be here when the doors open 8:30 1 ss , ii m jrg r a - , w s wm a . m m w? " t .v. . For Hats Positively . -. , V if-' Worth Up to $27.50 7? ' ' r- ' t'yS' wiw Because of tim oxtteme Mw prices, O O Y S -ISee iflndow displays of thcrr Paris, March -(By Associated Press.) President Wilson will hoUl an important conference with Premiers , Lloyd George, Orlando and Clemenceau at the Paris White House today. This meeting ' of premieri representing . the, siJpreme directing force of the peace confer ence, takes the place of the session of the supreme council which has been posponed until tomorrow to permit the meeting. ' The question to be discussed is the large ne of securing accord between, the great joowers on all phases of the peace treaty and its early presentation to the Germans. It is expected an agreement will be. reached as to the inclusion of the league of nations, as an integral part of the peace treaty, in accord ance with the resolution vhich has already been adopted by the peace conference. i Special interest attaches to" to day s conference in view of reports x)f divergences between, the powers as to the inclusion ot the league plan in the treaty. The meeting is looked - upon as an earnest effort to reconcile all views into a common understanding for an early conclu sion '6$ peace in a comprehensive form, including military, naval, eco nomic and financial terms.'as well as the league of natitfns. Situation Clarified. The general situation as to the peace treay has been greatly clari fied during during the past 24 hours by discussion between the heads of various delegations ana American, commissioners took flie view today mat, tne attituaes ot tne American, French and , British governments would be brought into entire ac cord. The Conferences which have been held by Lord ,Robert'v6ecil of Great Britain, Leon Bourgois of France and Col. E. M. House of the United States, have reached a tentative-accord, and there is reason to believe that today's meeting will ap prove the action thus taken. Present plans, contemplate , the completion of hearings given neutral nations on ,the x league of nations during the present week, and dur ing the succeeding week attention) wil' be given to boundaries, repar ation and other" branches "of the treaty. M is believed that the re vised league covenant will be ready fcr afloption at the end of next week. - - ' ' Officials Believe Extra Session Before June .1 Is Certainty i .Washington, March 18. An extra session of congress before June 1 is believed to be a-certainty by many government officials and members of congress, although their predictions are without the support of evidence to show that President Wilson has changed his determination not to summon congress before his return from France. Cabinet officers ate known to be- feve that the- session vill begin in May. some expecting the date to be about the middle of the month, with others suggesting an earlier date, probably May 5. As far as known none of the cabinet members has specifically recommended anyv date to the president, but Secretary Glass s understood to have presented cer tain facts in regard to the govern ment s financial situation from which the president may make his own de ductions. Republican Leader Lodged of the senate, has senfe letters to all repub lican senators requesting them to record their addresses of May 15 with his office, but this was said to be without significance. Exports of Foodstuffs Show Increase This Year Washington, March- 18. Exports of foodstuffs from the United States to the allies, neutrals, Belgian relief, Red Cross and A. E. F. during the calendar year 1918 amounted to 5,005,987,010 pounds. . of which 2,500,000,000 pounds were pork prod ucts and l.Ziiauou.UUU pounds beet products, according to figures com piled by the food administration. During January of this year, the lat est figures available, 434,812,025 pounds were exported, an increase of '215,210,785 pounds over' January, V ONE MINUTE STORE TALK "Throughout the entiro period of the war I did not buy (ingle uit or overcoat, feeling thpt the welfare of Arnerice demanded com plete renouncement of eelf -interest. Now I feel justified in buying and explain to you my unusual purchase of three business suits and a top coat," said an Omana professional man. We're equipped supply every patriot with the clothes he needs for spring. TAILORED AT FASHION PARK c o i I I, '" ', - , - j, ..." T M F' 6 ' R T J THE BELL-DELL SLEEVE IS NOT ONLY A qESIRUBLI? - BUT A NECESSARY PART OF A PRACTICAL BUSINESS OR SPORT JACKET. IT AStyRES ABSOLUTE COMFORT AND IT HAS BEEN DEVELOPED BY THE FASHION , PARK DESIGNING ROOMS. ' FROM THE STYLE ANGLE TffE TRAPIEY NORFOLK, SKETCHED,1 HAS AN, A ALL 'ROUND RbBO WAIST SEAM, A STRAIGHT- UP ENGLISH SHOULDER FRONT AND A RAGLAN BACK J " READY TO-PUT-ON CUSTOM SERVICE WITHOUT . THE ANNOYANCE Of A TRY-ON AND MANY OTHER SMAHT STYLES IN New Spring Siiits at AJ tX)t)J STYLE HEADQUARTERS-PRICES RANGE - ' r SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY. M L NOLZMAM.T : CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN"AND WOMEN.- f i ' I COMPARE OUR VALUES ALWAYS. BANK STATEMENJ. Small Pill , Small Dose Small Price FOR CONSTIPATION have stood the tst of time. Purely vegetable. Wonderfully quick to banish biliousness, headache,' Indigestion and to clear up a bad complexion. WW'' CORNS ffij jfHonest John Corn Plasters irff tt sxethinandsoothing. Cause if no pressure. Stop pain. Ml J Draw out the soreness. Ik ta ii Kill and loosen the corn. MM gJB. , GornUT! to Hn wm tsarm SffMl Y4 B twu money bek jfit ga jji M lenuTDt-ts font Jfxn-iM Charter No. 209. rteserve District No. 10 OF THIS REPORT OF CONDITION FIRST NATIONAL BANK AX OMAHA, IN THE STATE OF NEBRASlA, AT THE CL03Z OF BUSINESS $11,873,608.48 4,3:a.2S LiO.OOO.OO 1,100,000.00 ;4,ooo.oo t 574,081. S2 62,2ti5.af) 45,000.00 S50.U0O.O0 2'Jj,5te.41 ON MARCH 4TH, 1319. RESOURCES. Loans .nd discounts, lncludine rediscounts, Overdrafts, . unsecured I : Customers' liability account ot "Acceptances" executed M this bank and by other, banks for account of this bank nd now outstanding , U S BONDS (OTHER THAN LIBERTY BONDS. BUT .. N . INCLUDING U. S. CERTIFICATES OF - INDEBTED- v NESS): - ' U. S. bonds and certificates of Indebtedness- pledged t. secure U. S. deposits (par value) $ 500,000.00 U. S. bonds and certificates of Indebtedness pledged as col lateral lor State or other deposltstr bills payable 1,300,000.00 U. S bonds and certificates of vlndebtedness owned and unpledged 400.M0.00- LIBERTY LOAN BONDS: - Liberty Loan Bonds, Shw, and 4 per cent, unpledged. 599.000.00 Liberty Loan bonds, 3t. 4 and 4 per cent, pledged to se- ure 'U. S. deposits 345,000.00 BONDS, SECURITIES, ETC.,V (OTHER THAN U. S.): Bonds (other , than U. S. bonds) pledged to secure poslal savings deposits , 137,000.00 Bonds and securities pledged as collateral for . Btate, or other deposits (postal excludfl) or bills ptfyable 75,000.0 Securities other than U. 8. bonds (not Including stocks) owned unpledged; 1 4.331.02 Collateral Trust and other notes of corporations issued for not less than One Year nor more than Three Tears' tino 49,750.00 Total bonds, securities, eto., other than U. S , - Stocks, other than Federal Reservu Hank stock Stock of Federal Reserve' Bank (50 per ctnt of subscription) Equity in banking house Real estate owned other than banking 4iouse Lawful reserve with Federal Heseoe Bank 1,565,634.00 1 Items with Federal Reserve Bank In process of collection " , 4not available as reserve) 1,593,147.87 Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks.. 3,984,030.74 Net amounts due from . banks, bankers and Trust companies 2,373,952.42 Exchanges for clearing house , 811,396.43 Checks on other banks In the same city or town as reporting bank - k- ' 28,257.17 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of report- ' j Ing bank and other cash Items 1 9,373.52 10,075,791.52 War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually owned .' 1,789 42 Other assets, If any payments actually made on Liberty Loan Bonds, owned 162.200.00 Total I Capital Stock paid In surplus tuna j. ' Undivided profits Interest and discount collected or credited, in advance of maturity and not earned (approximate)..., ' I Amount reserved for taxes acexued Amount reserved for all interest accrued Net amounts due to National banks .". . .$4, 74i.390.17 Net amounts due to banks, bankers and trust companies.. 8,568,206.45 Certified checks outstanding 15,042.44 Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding 180,809.53 IiKMAND DEPOSITSOTHER THAN BANK DEPOSITS) SUBJECT TO RESERVE (DEPOSITS PAYABLE WITH IN 30 DAYS): Individual deposits subject to check 6,955,458.09 Certificates of deposit due In less man- 30 days 1 (otner than for moneyv borrowed) 372,292.7 TIMW DEPOSITS SUBJKCT TO KEWEKVK (PAYABLK AFTER 30 DAYS OR SUBJEC'f TO 80 DAYS' OR MORE I NOTICE, AND KUSTAL AV1NIB): Certificates ot deposit (other than for money borrowed).. 781.41 97l 5 Postal savings deposits 90,140.90 other time deposits ' 1,016,461.01 UNITED STATES DEPOSITS (OTHER THAN POSTAL -SAVINGS): - ' , War loan deposit account ,..... Other United States deposits. Including deposits of U, S. disbursing offlicrs Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank. Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks sold for cash and outstanding .. ' , .. Acceptances executed by this bank for customers V. . Liabilities other than those above stated, customers' pay ments on Liberty Bonds Tota"l : .' Stats of Nebraska, County of DoaKlas, ss: .. I, F. W. Thomas, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the abewe statement Is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief. ' ' N F. W, THOMAS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day.of March 1919. CARL L. CARLSON1, Notary Public Correct Attest: ' C. T. KOL'NTZE, , JOHN W. GAMBLE, T I T. -L. DAVIS, Director BANK STATEMENT. , i,760,04.S7 1,262.02 647,500.00 141,250.01 LIABILITIES. 826,949.076.61 $ 250,000.00 144,451.70 86,658.56 16,000.00 . 13,750,00 92.7 600.000.00 P10.C00.87 23.568.81 1.3T, 1,300,000.00 1.3OS.0O ' 250,000.00 69,200.00 126,949,076.61 Charter No. 970, REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE - CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL, BANK ' AT OMAHA, IN THE STATU OV NEBRASKA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON 'MARCH 4TII. 1919. ' trsntTRrtRR Loans and . discounts. ' vi rdrafts, unsecured t , . . U. S. bonds (other Hum Liberty Bonds, but including U. S. certificates of indebtedness: i ' U S. bonds deposited to secufc" circulation (par value).... J 137,600.00 U. S. Bonds and certificates ot Indebtedness owned and un- pledged .... 610,000100- Liherty Loan Bonds: . , Liberty Loan Bonds, 8',i, 4, and 44 per cent, unpledged..' Bonds, securities, etc. (other than U. ft): Bonds (other than U. 8. bonds) pledged to secure TJ. fl. ' deposits 25,000.00 Bonds (other than U. S. bonds ploUjjed to secure postal ' savings deposits . 2&.000.00 Securities otlier than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) V owned unpledged 24 643 68 Total bonds, securities, ete., other than U. S. V. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 -per cent of sub- , seriptlon) , ; Furniture and fixtures . ; . ' Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank V Items with Federal Reaeive Bank In process of collection' (not available as reserve)... , , - Cash in vault net amounts due from national banks.. '. Net amount due from bttnkn, bankers and trust companies other than included in Items 13, 14, or 15... Checks on other banks in the same city or town' as 'iri- 1 porting bank (other than Meni 17)... Total or items 14. 15, J6, n and 18......... ;.. Checks on banks located outside of city or town' reporting" bank and otlier oafih items . i Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due frojn U. S. Treasurer Interest earned Uut not collected approxlmatei-on Notes and Bills Receivable not past due War Savings Certiflcatesvand Thrift Stamps actually owned Other assets .-.,.. 1,169,437.21 74j5i3.il 12.600.0r 14,00O.O 278,553. 4; 18L986.SI 038,670.01 Sro,787.1 '36,465.41 1,639.1' 23,138.' 6,875.04 4,433.34 418.86 2S.0 Total LIABILITIES. - ml jXrm $ 4. 1 3 4,0 4 X . 5 Jt i 61 664.01 ' 200.00S.06 ' 100,000.00 16,669.67 62,004.41 V - 16.53J.S4 lsT.600.00 , 294,580.67 1,662,685.42 650.88 11,424.75 (1.169,141 67 425,162.39' 1,277,474. SI 147-.677.64 Capital stock cald in Surplus fund , ; Undivided profits , Less ourrent exoeimAii. tntAraat ..nrf in. Interesrt and discount collected or crenlted, in advancs ot maturity and not earned (approximate) ......... ., Circulating notes outstanding Net amounts duo to National banks., !!!!",!! Net amounts due to banks, bankers, l arid trust companies (other than Included In Items 31 or 82).... Certified checks outstanding Cashier's cherke on own bank outstanding .... a'otal of Items 82, 33, 34 and 35 Demand deposits (other than bJnk deposits) sublect' to Kcserve (deposits payable within 80 days) : i Individual depot-Its subject to check..... , Certificates of deposits duo in less tharf 80 days (otlier than for money borrowed) Total of demand deposits (other than bank depoelts) subject to Reserve, Items 36, 87r38, 39, 40 and 41.... 1 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days' or more notice, ajid postal savings): Certificates of .deposit (other than for money borrowed).. Postal savings . deposits ; Total f time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 42. 43, 44 and 46 United States deposits (ather than Tostal savings): War loan deposit account . . . Other Culled States deposits. Including deposits of U. S." disbursing officers Liabilities other than thoso above -stated , - Total ': .'. ., - ,olaV 10 , "'1 llc,,"nt shown above, the amount on which Interest ant discount was charged at rates in-excess of those permitted hv law 18 tl7 It., waBH xcll",lv? of notes "" whlch totaf charge not to exceed 60 cents was mid State of Nebraska,- County of Douglas, as: , . I, L. M. Tate. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the ' ubove statement is truo to the best of my ktiowledge .ami belief I Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of Marchm's78, Chlc ' . . H. YATES, Notary ublie. Correct-Atteat: .. f 68,242.30 150,000.0a 24,143.09 61.449.9t 16,791.31 174,84?,.0! 625.09 14. 134. 041. 58 O. STORZ, H. S. CLARKE. E. .F. FOLD A. JR.. Dlrsciors. 1 1 t5 psii . :S.-U..r ; l ' ; - r . ' "V.- , " Use The Bee Want Ads to Boost Your Busbes