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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1919)
4 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 17. 1019. l! i ? ! Want Ad Rate (Cash With Order.) a per word one insertion lc per word for S consecutive, insertions 10 per word for each additional insertion No ads taken for less than a total of !0e, or lest than 10c per day. CHARGE. I2e per line (count i words to line) 1 time 9a per line each time. 1 consecutive times e per lins each time, 7 consecutive tims 7t per line each time. SO consecutive time CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. 10 per line each insertion Minimum charge, BO cents. Contract Rates oa Application. For convenience of advertisers, want ads be accepted at the following offices: MAIN OFFICE Bee Building Ames Office 4410 North 20th St. Use Office 2518 North 24th St. Vinton Office 2467 South 16th St Park Office. ...... .2616 Leavenworth St. Walnut Office 819 North 40th St. Ooiith Side 2318 N St. Council Illuffe 14 Main St. THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad vertisement ordered for mora than one time. PHONE TYLER 1000. Evening K.I u ions 12:00 M. Morning Editions 10:00 P. M. Sunda Editions 1 0 P. M. Saturday. DEATH & FUNERAL "NOTICES VI I K FUNERAL of "William T. Holmes ivill In- held at the Masonic Temple. Thursday, March In, at 3 p. m. Th" , services will be in chars of the Knights Templar, and all KiiiKhts are requested to be in uniform by 2:,10. All Masons and friends are Invited. Ill L.i k.S wiiiiain F funeral at jia- sonlo Tewple, Tuesday at 3 p. m. Friends Welrome. fil'oM AS "N ESTHER Funeral Wednesday morning. FUNEl?AirDlTCTORS! HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and emblamara, 'TeL H. 1S. Office, 1611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Dlreciora. 701 J6lh St. Phone Doug. 1226. STACK &FALCONER" Independent Undertakers. 33d-Far, H. 409 "HUFFMAN FUNHRALHOMR ' Hoffman quality aervlce costs less. 24th end Dodge. Douglas 301. F: L. DODDER-COTi Funeral Directors T. I,. Fro. Mgr.. $2d and Cuming 3ta. Phone Douglas; 677. Auto ambulance JOHN A GENTLEMAN. Undertaker and Emba'tmer. Mlt Farnam St. Harney 392. FLORIST. . Fontanel!. ICT'T T A T1TrvT Florists. iiii u. xjn.ivii.vyiN 1S14 Dour-la ft Douglas 8244. liJHJS BATH. IHtli an.l Farnani. LV 3110(1. L. Henderson. 151$ Farnam. D 124s MONUMENTS &CEMETERIES. l'H laie'St display of, nonummti tn the United Slates. FRANK 8WOBODA. "31. S.lMh Phone iouglas 1W2-S31 FOR ARti0LESLo8T street ears, tele phone, Tyler s00. We are anxious to re store "lost articles lo rightful owners. OM AH A & CO. BLUFFS ST. RT. CO. r.OST Lady's pockethook, containing .. lodge card, book, noso glasses. Ro turn to billiard room,. Omaha Chamber of Commerce. Joe Hunter. .'IAMONH pendant from platinum lava , Her. Fintb-r return to Y. W. C. A. and receive reWfint. ' LOST JAmntain pen with name "Mela" engraved: Friday. Benson 3&4W. ..OSTOoid handled unibreliaTwlTn-in" Hints .1. J. Wagner. Phone Harney 3K70. LOST-"""H.7umt Eastern StnFllll" Re ward for flmler. Phone Tyler 4"0,1. f FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTION! Another big sale of furniture, rugs and f urnlMb lii.s ; sluo complete shooting gal lery, outfit, Including gas engine, guns, IN MY AUCTION HOUSE, SOUTHEAST CORNER 1STH AND WEBSTER STREETS rVednesduy, March 19th, alarts at It) t. m. Watch the paprr for details. JAMES L. DOWD, AUCTIONEER. IF VOIT HAVE FURNITURE TO SELL, CALL RED 3285 OR HARNEY UK. AUCTION AUCTION. STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN! On Tuesday, March 18, at 10 a. m. sharp we will throw to the merry of the- public, 41.01)0 worth of furniture, household goodH, piano, sewing machines, enamelware. hardware, raincoats, etc. We have, hundred of articles, too numer ous to mention, We will have somothing for everybody. Everything goes to the highest bidder. Don't miss this sale as -It will be a big event. One For tour ing car, 1917 model, will also go. Re member the address, 2421 Cuming St., Tuesday, March 17, at II) a. m. shnrp. Boost for Omaha and its enterprises. We will have something for every body. We thank you. MILTON H1RSCII, Auctioneer. OUR MARCH FURNITURE 8ALK Should suggest to you remarkable savings on your furniture requirements for spring. We are offering a great spe cial on 30 dressers at half price; also a remarkable sale In kitchen cabinets, strictly high clsss $45 values at 129.75. Wa specialize on complete outfits for the homo, rooming houses and hotels. We pay the freight.. Liberty bonds taken. STATE FURNITURE! COMPANY.n 1 4 1 h and Pod g Sts. Opp. U. P. Bldg VUKNITURE FOR SALE Quarter-sawed" oak. square extension dining room ta ble and china cabinet. Phone liar. !"25 for, appointment t YYK buy, sell and maka desks, cafes, show cases, shelving, ate Om$ha Fixture A Supply Co.. 11th and Douglas.' D ill 'H1KFONIKR arid mahogany library ta hie Phone Poug. 3964, Room 106. i'lMD oak finish Spanish leather daven port: fumed oak ltbrary table. Col. 1161. Pianos and Musical Instruments' phonographs; ; records, records in all languages, CHEAP. ' RIALTO MUSIC SHOP, 1418 Douglas St iAX nearly new m)Q player piano for sale or trade; would consider a good Ford runabout. Thone Harney- 5!UWt ( A. HOSPE CO. art anl music. Pianos for rent $4.00 per month. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES JJEW AND REBUILT The most complete llae of Typewriters and Adding Machines west of Chicago. Can furnish any mke at most any price you desire to pay. We fnt nd "t,l,t all makes and will buy or trsdc tor your old machine. Every machine guaranteed See us before you buy. V CKNTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over 15 years. I Douglss 4111 1 90 Farnam EL fYPE WRITERS "from -factory to you." s tha. wonderful new Improved 1919 Na tional Combination typewriter, with met traveling case. For office, home and traveling. Weighs 9H pounds. Will oo all that any large office typewriter will sells for lesa than one-half tha price the leader of small typewriters, Catalog mailed on request. Writ for our at tractive proposition to agents and deal era. J. C. Chapeck. 'director of satea, National Typewriter Company. Fond du Lac, VTs. ilSBUlLT. sold, rented, repaired. Carbon papen ribbons and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try oa. Phone Poug. 1031 OFFICE tSCJUlPMBNT CO 108 North 15th St. I i i'i:WKlTRs all makes, sold, rented and repaired. TUB W. N LONG COMPANY. ?S So. lth St . Tel. D. 3961 V 1; buy. sell and exchance typewriters, d 'sits ar.d office furn.tur-. lidiand of- tue Supply Co.. HiM Pndgs St IVJKHi JH7 ' , TeJ !,T an Oliver Tptw.ti;,r, three month. , 'or 0" Oliver Agency, 104 aarnam I uect, Ct , FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Nursery and Seeds. FOR SALE Quality nursery stock that produces results; catalougue free, Hutch inson Nurseries. Kearney. Neb. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Ws rent, repair, sell needles and parts MICKBL'8 ' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., tilth and Harney 8ts Doug. 1661 Miscellaneous. DRINK RELIABLE OLD PORT It has that good old spicy wine taale. In 10 and 16 gal kegs, only per gal. PURE APPLE CIDER. 10 and 16 gal. kega. 60 cents per gal. Porto beverage Co., 2444 'i Burt Su Omaha. Neb. Phone Doug. 3642. NO CHARGE FOR KEG WITH FIRST ORDER. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. Selling out harness stock at a great sacrifice, new and old. Quitting business- reason for low price. Call at resi dence, 2124 Lake St. HAVING sold our store, except one John 'Deere and one Oliver fhree-bottom-4rac-tor-gang-plow, we offer these at cost, at once. W. W. Jones 4 Co.. Maryvlc, Mo. Futures for Sale. Futures of up-to-dul department store, genuine mahogany partitions, sitting room bureaus, pedestals, railing, office partition, mil llnery table. Inlaid linoleum. T 4"80-W. ONE large safe, one National casK regis ter, large size; one oil pump and one 120-gallon oil tank underground; one meat sllrer and other fixtures. Phone Colfax 4T.B. OMAHA PILLOW CO.t-Matiresses made over In new ticking at half the price of new ones. 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2.467 7oR SALE Meat market. Ice box, almost as good as new. .Call at 4S57 S. 38th and 1, St., or phone South 25T7. SOME garden tools and Implements. CaH me up between 6 and 8 p. ni. Walnut 2621. DRIED kindling wood for sale. Acme Hex Co. IlnrneylSjl7. F(5oT7VaBLF.S T. F HaltDpU8J4t. ANNOUNCEMENTS. BAKKES TOP-NOTCH BREAD. NEW. -ON THE MARKET. ASK YOUR GROCERY MAN FOR IT. SOUTH 1-9-7 Accordeon Pleating. ACCORD EON. side, knife, sunburst, box pletlng. covered buttons, all sizes aiy) - styles; hemstitching, phot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. .300-308 Brown Btdg. Phone. D. 1936. HrlTrfCHlNoTPLBATlNO. BUTTONS O U VanArnam PleatlngN Co., 4127 Paxtoh Block. Phone Doug. 3105 Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE Auto touring tents and camping supplies SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNINO CO. Baggage andTExpress. 'The Only Way" ,k2V5 Omaha Transfer Co. Bath, and Massrtge. ' i Mlsg- Fisher. 379 Hrandeuj Theater Brass and Iron Foundries. PAX TON-MITCH ELL CO.. J7th and Martha Sts., Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze aluminum and machine Carnenters and Interior Decorators. I.ESf ARD & SONriiutrmigTy lsTlaT Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby, D. C 31 Bee Blag. D. 3072 Dr. J. (Lawrence, Balrd Bldg, D. 8461. SPINOGRAPH. Dr. Edwards 24tb. Farnam. Costumes. FULL dress suits for rent, 109 N. 16th St. opposite Postofflce. John Feldmsn Dancing Acaaemies. K K li-vJsUAKClSil A C A D SIyT' 2424 Farnam. Class and prlv. lessons. I- 7S50. Delicatessen. Special salad for sale Kialto Te!fcatessen. Dentist. Dr. Bradhury. No pain. 921 V. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Hental Urns. 3S Hos Bid. D. 216 Detectives. JAMES ALLEN dtmce secured In ll cases. Tyler 136. iTlo y u ' n Kl'K KH, 44 2lTsoT"l 2 1 h"5tT Historical Costumes. COSTUMES of all acs from Adam and Eve to the world war; costumes vfor theatricals and masquerades; In a nut shell, costumes for evervthing can be leased at Theo. Lteben & Son, 1616 HowardwSt. Omnha Film Developing. KODAK printing by mull, postage paid; send for price list, all questions an swered. McCullough, 6U6 S. 39th St. South 2608. FILMS developed, rolls 10c; packs. 16c. one-day service. Kase Studio. Neville Hlk, IF you would like to learn photo finishing apply at once. The Hopson Co., 209 S lath St. DEVELOPING and prinUHK. One-day . service Photo Craft Shop. 1408 Karnam FILMS developed free Mall orders so - llcited. THE ENSIGN CO.. 1607 Howard. Flags, flags, all size: to ordor fur church- es, clubs, 1- E. E. See. 119 No. 16th St Insurance. INSURANCE 300 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1506. Fop accident and sickness Insurance see Lawrenson. Jewelry. Or- niA MnMfsQWe paythe best price iiiiuvii LVkjwith privilege to Bey back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16tn. Red 6081 Lawyers T. J.-' M'GUIRE, lawyer, 698 On, Nat. Office. Tyler 759, R.B. 8. 8218 Osteonaths. DR. MAUEL WESSON, 614 Brandeia Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Patent Attorneys. PAT.KNTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co.. 6$8 Brandeia D. 6fi91. I'rinliiii;. Wedding Stationery . 8. Printing Co., ifee Bids., Phone U. 1178. Waters-Barnhart Ptg Co.. 414 8. 13th St. Restaurants. TRY or good m.'als at new Hungarian Kosher restaurant. 31fi fl. 15th. upstairs. Sates. BARGAINS K'12 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. SAFES Shoe Repairing WE do all kinds of shoe repairing; all work u.inteed; give us a, trial. Coal man & Danrerfleld. 1416 North -24th - Tailors. Dledelck. P L. 218 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 S. 11th. D. 682. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING aanouncements i Doualas Printing Co Tel- ind printing. DouglHS 44. WANTED TO BUY. LIBERTY BONDS WE PAY SPOT taah for Liberty bonds. PARTLY v x paid up receplts for bonds. LEWIS & CO.. BROKERS. 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. WE PAY CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS,- PARTLY P.4ID UP BOXDS. Room 319 McCague Bldcr. : L NT. W. COR. 15TH AND DODGE. DESKS DESKS DESKS N -w dvsUs; us,'il d-sks i,iui:hl, ?eid nni Udv J. C. Kd, 1211 faruaiu, JD. lil. WANTED TO BUY. LIBERTY BONDS, PARTIAL PAYMENT RECEIPTS - . will bring the highest , market with s. NATIONAL BOND CO., 610 World-Herald Bldg., loth and Farnam. Oices in four, principal cities.' Get our prices before ' You stll your . LIBERTY BONDS' and binds partly paid for. ( Wr pay hiphest CASH PRICES of any firm in Omnha, Wa add interest, and no commission charged. 542 Kcurlti Bidff. , WANT TO BUY HOMES H. A. WOLF CO. MBMBERS OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD. 512 ELECTRIC BLDG. TYLER 85. 11. DOLOOFF. Furniture and Hardware. Furniture, rugs, linoleum, Ice boxes, gas stoves; office furniture, show cases, trunks. Bull cases, bedding, linen, poultry netting and garden tools. Better goods for leas money. Credit If you wish. 1839 47 N. 24th. Web. 11107. WANTED TO BUY Watch the daily bond quotations In this paper and gt rhe market price for your Liberty bonds. Come to us. K. II. LOUOEB, INC. filiS-40 Kecllne Bldg. A FKW high-grade sinking canaries want ed, either imported or home raised. Write K. H. Culhrie, Box 877, Des Uolnes. la. ' we pay best prices for iurnlture, rugs, stoves, etc. All kinds of job lots'. Doug- las IM51. Web. 3045. JCNK1NS, 705 South Kith, will pay best price for old clothes, shoes, job lots of all kinds. Residence, Douglas 8032. Of fice. Douglas KII92 We pay the highest price for second-hand furniture In good condition. W Ml Franklin, 1 4 1 3 N. IMth Kt. Wctisler 42UIS, WE buy waste paper and pay good prices. Phone orxwrlte Omaha Paper Stock Co Douglas 1S I.1BFRTV loons bought 111 South 15th BUSINESS CHANCES. T1IKSK oil tractH aro Bnlling vpry fast; wo hiive sold ovr 9.000. Contract for -drilling 6 wells Is Kilned. Our driller, Mr, A. C. Irvine, lias been drilling in this famous WnyyiJu pool for 14 yuars. llo nays wo will gei good oil wells on thfso' tr;irts, and he has taken some tracts as part payment for drilling. Rtn- . .number every tract receives the full belief it spt out in 4he nprcmpnt as to oil. jtns r coal on the fiitire tract. For inn oall or write to Don Pe, Niow, Manager, 522 Paxton Bldg., Om aha, Neb. WANTKU To Bfcll or trade for farm or Homo go$d business, fino sftiali hotel; pood reasons for selling. Address Box "-Sxti. Omaha Bee. MY ct-ment block factory with up-to-date equipment, also for concrete, and mason work with plenty of business. Box Btt, fiihbon. Neb. FuTt SAL.K A variety stqre, good location, reason for selling, poor health. Address owrteiy Box W, Cedar Rapids, . KOU SaLk at sacrifice, dental equipment it) good south Nebraska town: account of death, answer Box 155, Beaver City,. Neb. FOR HALE Grocery and meat market. (Jood location. Reason for selling want to go on a farm. 4201 S. 3th Ht. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. Till': Li KB will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers, ""-RAilors and marines who will show their discharge papers at our office In the lobby of the Bee building Seventeenth and Farnara. i-UVNTEt) Position by rr-turned soldier, "7 years old; had 7 yenrs' experience in wholesalo dry goods house, buying, sifll 1ng:. Apply K V.Younff, Harney 470ti. I SCI f AR Uk lT 7so I L)I K fi v,i il repa ir your car at home, for a nominal charge. Experienced mechanic. Call Vinquist, at i. 9;' 10. EXPKK1K.VCKD coloced chauffeur wants position driving- private car; experience.! In all make of cars; can do own repair ing; furnish good references. Box-3 Omaha Hee. EXPEKll-NeKD automobile mechanic de sires position with, concern handling nigh-class cars; married man and strict ly sober. Address D-97. Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED man wants job running fraction engine. $5.00 and board. Chaa. Land. 231S S. 20th St. A-l AUTO machinist, gnerator and bat lery man. Can furnish reference. Box T-y4, Omaha Bee. WANT position a bookkeeper. 2 years' experience. References, H. E. Freid rirhs, Itloomfield, Neb. WANT work for ditch- machine; digs 22 inches wide by 10 feet deep Call Doug las 6U51. WANTED Position s bookkeeper, two Reference. W. E. yfflrs experience. Kretdrlcks Bloomfield, Neb. WANTED Window, woodwork and fur nlture cleaning. Phone Douglas 7892. PAINTING, Paper, carpet cleaning, paper hanging, odd .lobs. Web. 1302. MAN with one truck desires freight or other hauling. Douglas S711 CALL Red hangitifr. 6321 .for first class paper Female. BY refined, capable young womau, man agement of a home where no other woman presides, ddresa" D-98, Omaha Bee. CREDITS AND COLLECTIONS. . x SUCCESSFUL business wonian with sev eral years' cperience wants position. Also a stenographer. Call Walnut 2813. Laundry and L ay Work. BLANKKTS and bedspread washed. Private- homo In Florence." Work guaran teed, i Colfax 4423. COLORED girl wants washing or cleaning by hour." Webster 3980. EXPERIENCED colored work. Webster 2151. lady wants day BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Web. 4283. RELIABLE white woman wants piece bu'Mlie -ashing and Ironing. Red 6SY.. CUR'i AINS laundered. 2614 Dodge. Harney - 1130. BUNTJLE WASHING; reasonable. Best of care: soft water. Wrebster 6949. LADY want cleaning byv the day. Webster 184t. RELIABLE the hour. WOMAN .varus washing by Webster 3017. Re lady wis Ironing, day 'k Web 698. I HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices, MEN, 18 and over, desiring government clerkships, railway mall, poatoffice, customs. Internal revenue, census, war risk: $100 month. Write for free partic ulars of examinations. J. C. Leonard, (former civil aervlce examiner), Equit able Building. Washington. RAILWAY lAIL CLERKS WANTED $92 month. Sample examination ques tions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. , 230-N.. Rochester, N, Y. Professions and Trades. WANTED. " PRESSERS IN' ALTERATION DEPT. PERMANENT POSITION." APPLY SUPT. BRANDEIS STORES. MEN WAITED to learn the tire repair and retreading trade In one of the most up-to-date repair shops. Tr.Tee weeks tuition $26. Clyde Eller, Instructor, for ni"rly with- National Auto Training School. NATIONAL TIRE SHOP. 17th and Capitol Ave. WASTED Siiu.-tBe man who understands making ail klnos of sausege. curing and smoklnr; n, :it; no other need apply; middle eg- i'--ferred. A. R. ToutiO-uft, -upleluu, iNta, ' ' Professions and Trades. FIKEMEN, BliAKKMKN. I150-;tl0 month- , ly; experience unneccessaryj must study easy necessary Instruction. Rend stamp Railway Association, Box Y-STt). Omaha Dee. WANTED Iiarber; steady , Job, short hours, close 6 p. m. Wages, 130 to t-ii per week. Stock Yards JHnrber shop, South Side, l'hone South 811. MEN Learn barber trade. Make t"i to lid per week. Special rates to soldiers. Earn while learning. Moler Barber College, 110 South 14th St. WANTED Experienced wall and drapery hanger. Fare guaranteed. Send refer ences snd state salary expected. Ad dress Box Y35i. WANTED A wood turner who can alno operate a band saw; also a man for tenoner. Cedar Rapids Sash and Door Co. DRUG CLERK PATTERSON 10TH AND HICKORY. CYLINDER and Uordon press feeders wanted. Apply at Waters-Baruhart Printing Co.. 414-16 S. 13th St. ' STEADY Job for good all-round smith; must e good plowman. Schmidt ljros., Schuyler, Neb. black Apply WANTEI Honest, Industrious meat cut- - ter and saust er Mt Co.. sausage maker at once. Hoebeif1 Fremont, Neb. WANTED All around Printer one roan shop. Pioneer Prvs, Akron, Colo. WANTED Upholsterer for, furnitura de partment. Box 41405. Hee BARBER WANTED Uood salary and .ive meals; apply to Mgr., Blaekstone hctel. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN, Five high rlarts specialty salesmen to travel Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, North and Foutli Dakota. The work consists of calling on towns' of all sizes. Men willing to work hard and knowing how to get around can earn $100-$200 per week. Men owning auto mobiles will be given preference. 0 Remuneration Is on a conniiission basis, but men with satisfactory records will be advanced funds for traveling ex penses. The line consists of linoleums, floor coverings etc. Knowledge of line not necessary. Interviews granted in omaha March 15, 16, 17, 18. See Mr. W. Clayton, Hotel Fnntenelle, SALESMEN Real money for real, livo aalesmen. Article has thousands of friends; ad vance men ot men who are looking- for snaps, 'don't come near as we can't use you; but" men who are -winners, 'men who have made good in other lines, wt want vou. W. 13. SiriSTTLKMORE. Manager. 407 S. Irtth St.. "lyNan. Bk. Kldcr. V Tn D M I LT7S ALK SMAN WANT BD ' A large manufacturer ofl windmills and pumps is looking for an experienced man who Is acquainted with dealers in Nebraska. This proposition requires a high callbpV man who h;is had exper- ihiicw in i ii is iin" ui uuNiiitrna. uiueidi nii- ary will be paid to one who can pro duce results. State experience, age Hnd salary. Address llox Y 394, Omnha Hoe. TDK line saUsmen wanttd everywhere to sell Crown-Well tobacco pipes to retail ers; good commission; exclusive, patent ed feature and obvious superiority cre ate business; proved best by nine years' 'est; references required. Crown Pip, Co., Inc, Manufacturers. 10US Capitol Ave., Omaha, Neb. - NTKDiomlTeliable local salesman in each county in Nebraska and Iowa, to sell one of the best oil leases In Kl -Dorado district. $100 per month and ex penses or good commission. Will assist in selling. Address W. J. AVilllams. Fair bury, Neb., rare Mary Etta Hotel. ' HUSTLING- SALESMAN . for biggest line of signs, novelties an4 calendars; city and vicinity; can make $200 and up monthly; comhiission paid promptly. American Sign & Novelty Co., 1 2 1 S Harney St., Sirond Floor. WANTBl) Two good salesmen, men who have bad- experience with farmer trade preferred. Call Sunday morning. Ne braska Foundry and Mfg. Co., 3u0 Oma ha National Bank T!dg. f vW ANTED Salesman and assistant man ager for city lumber yard, uood salary and commission for man that can pro duce. No others need apply. The Rutly Lumber Co., Ltd.. ,Itegina. Canada. THREE soldiers or sailors who can harrtllo crews of men, local and traveling. See . Mr.'hamherlain, Henshaw Hotel. W ANT E D Tire Bakcman) sitlon to right party, Co., 410 Nq, Uth. liberal propo Standard Tire SOLICITORS wonted; 30R No. 16th fit. good pay. Apply Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Colored waiters and waitress es; good wages and fine meals. Apply to head waiter, Blaekstone Hotel. Miscellaneous. K. WANTED Number 1 garage man, go. id on starting and lighting systems. Statu wages and experience in first letter. No- students. John Adams Co., Onlda. b. WANTED Names of women 18 or vei wishing permanent government positions $1,100 year: vacntionsl answer Immedt ately Address Box Y-350. Omaha Be- HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young ladles to learn how to operate Comptometers an l Burroughs calculating and bookkeeping machines A good position absolutely guaranteed to every graduate. Time required to com plete course. 0 weeks to 3 months Day and evening classes. Call and see us or telephone Douglas "415 for particulars DWORAK SCHOOL OP ACCOUNTING Second Floor Wad Bldg.. 18th and' Farnam - WANTED Young women Avno' desire to learn bookkeeping to enroll In our short course of office training. You train at home at your spare time. By our method ' you will succeed. You learn In ftw months what would require years to ob- - tain tn office. Write at once for further particulars. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING. 18th and Farnnm Sts Omaha. OFFICE clerk, neat writ $12 $85; week, sten Stenographer, uptown, $75. ographer, automobile. $75. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. H07 W. O. W. Bldg. USE (.he Marti service In securing a class commercial position. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. high WANTED Names women wishing perma nent government position; $1,000-$1.600 year; near home or at Washington. Ad- . dress Box Y-380. Omaha Bee. STENOGRAPHERS, 100, $90. $W, $75. $65 WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Building. STENOGRAPHER,srnall insurance office, $85. Western Reference & Bond Ass'., 736 -First Natl. Bank Bldg Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED. EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES IN ' COATS. SUITS, MILLINERY, ' LADIES' NECKWEAR, RIBBONvDEPTS. ' PERMANENT POSITIONS. APfY SyPT., BRANDEIS STORES. WANTED Salealadvy ,or rbrset depart ment. Stein Bros. Co., .Hastings, Neb. Household and Domestic. WANTED Middle-aged lady with one small child, as housekeeper on farm: experienced and references ; STATE WAGES expected. D. E. CARSON, PISOArt, IA.- WANTED A good girl or woman to as sist with general housework. Small family; good wages. Call Harney 1631. M1DDLE.AGED lady to assist with gen eral housework. 1044 S. 32d St., Mrs. J. B. Blakeney. Harney 2649. GIRL for general housework; good wages; no washing. Mrs. A. W. Gordon, jsu Jackson. Phone Harney 1465. "' GIRL WANTED for general housework, three in family. Harney 6534. 614 South 31st St. NURSE MAJD for two children; ref. ences required. Best wages. Harney 6653. WANTED White girl for general house work; no laundry; references required. Harney 30S2. ' WANTED Girl for general housework. Can go home nights if desired. Call Harney 3120. WANTED An experienced second girl, references required. Telephone Har. 3011. WHITE girl 4ot general housework, no laundry, references required. Harney 388. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced dining room girl; In good small hotel. Write Box Y-387, Omaha Bee. Professions and grades; gTrL Fi77m INSPECTOri WANTED. . APPLY t'N' FILM KXeilANUE. U.0''jLlitXll SIlii-LT, HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. TELEPHONE OPERATORS PERMANENT . POSITIONS UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT Liberal pay while learning and fre quent Increase In salary. Work, la clean, pleasant and Inter- ""meals AT COST YOUNG WOMEN 17 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. ' APPLY TO C F. LAMBERT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO.. 613 New Telephone Bldg. i 19th and Douglas. GIRLS WANTED ' STEADY WORK. GOOD WAGES. Ws need more girls to Ice and pack Sunshine Tfiscutls. Working conditions are idoal. Factory Is modern and clean. Girls must be over 17 years of age. Oiir cafeteria offers you good, clean, wholesome food at a price you can af ford. , APPLY Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co., 12th and Davenport Girls Wanted. To pack Macaroni. Omaha Macaroni, Co., -1:;15 Howard St. HELP WANTED. Male and Fiemale. WANTED. MALE AND FEMALE IN ALTERATION DEPT.; l'ERMA-ENT POSITIONS. APPLY 8UPT. BRANDEIS STORES. WANTED Mu, ladies and toys to learn barber trade; big demand: wages while learnlne: strlctlv modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Til-City Barber Collegj rnone u zm EDUCATIONAL. DAIs. SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGK Students are ad mined at any time. Complete courses In accountancy, ma elilno bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil aerv lce and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Doug'as 1 55 for large Illustrated catalogue Address BOYLE'S COLLEGE, i . Boyles Building. Omaha, Neb. go. III. STOP work; learn a trade; fit yourself for the future; no book work; quick and easy; freev catalog. National Auto Training Ass'n, 2814 N. 20th. Omaha Neb. ' Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha Rational Bank Bldg. , Douglas 5890 LEARN Mosber shorthand and typewrit Ine. Day and night glasses. Omaha Shorthand College Bee HUB.. D ifi28 "Piano Instruction. 3d Floor M. BOURICIUS Arlington 'Block 151114 Podge. Phone D. 2471. Musical. ANNIE K. GLASGOW, voice end piano. En;l Karbach Hlk. Studio, phone Red 185, 209 South Fifteenth St... A SONG factory in Omaha. Two new numbers coming, .llmmy Sonaker FOR KENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. DESIRABLE front room for buainotes ladles, private home. Harnt'y 3170. Housekeeping Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished com nlete. Beautiful neighborhood. Rent reasonable. Webster 6949. PLEASANT well furnished housekeeping oms; best car service. Harney 6230. NICE LARGE ROOMS for housekeeping. Call Webster 802. Board and Rooms. RSOM for two; walking distance; break fast and dinner. Douglas 8339. .Unfurnished Rooms. HEATEDJrooms. Crelghlon Block, 16th and Douglas Sts. WORLD REALTY COMPANY. 1 Phone. Douglas 6342. I STEAM heated rooms In the Bromley building. Electric lights, water. I. N. Hammond, 210 S. 13th. Agent THREE HEATED, unfurnished rooms, close In, no children. Webster 2808. Hotels. HEATED rooms $2.50 week. .Apartments with kitchenette. Ogdea Hotel, 'Council Bluffs. la. FOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. GENTLEMAN with 4-year-old boy will share hia strictly modern, new bunga low completely furnished, Mfller Park district, with refined middle aged man and wife, or woman and adult daughter, under a mutual satisfactory financial arrangement. Call Colfax 231U FOR RENT HOUSES. Wfst. 2568 Douglas street, 9 rooms, $33; 1516 Sherman ave., 12 rooms, $30. JOHN N. FRKNZER. DOUG. 654. South HOUSES IN ALL PARTS V.F THE CITY CREIOH SONS & CO.. Bee. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management LISI your property for rent or sale wltb FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors Tyler 729 Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Ben Hur Hall, 28th and Farnam Sts.. Wednesday and Friday nights. Best dance ,floor In the state Call Tyler 3f.38 or "fyler 425 123 N. 37th St., ti-r., m. ex. ht... $18.00 1009 N. 29th St.. 7-r., m. ex. ht. 25.00 A. V. TOLAND & CO. ' Doug. 6707. . 594 Brandeis Bldg. BIRKETT & CO. Care of Drouertv and Insurance. M0 Bee Bldg Douglas 633 FOR PENT Business Property. Stores. $116 per mo., lit 8 13th St.. 20x60 ft., full basement, steam heat D 5342 WORLD REALTY CO WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses. WANT roorys In its. two a, three light housekeeping Call Wal. 192 Sunday or even- Office and Desk Room. DESIRABLE light stenographic phone service and storage space. . Central lo cation preferred. Box D 92, Omaha Bee. MOVING AND slORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 1CTH AND JACKSON DOUO. $81. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATE3. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE! LIST OF ALL VaCaNV HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. GLOBE VAN i AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or D 4338. auto or wairon service WE haul furniture, light and heavy huuliiK l ive stock hauling avspeclalty OA I. DWELL TRANS CO. Wiles Xylcr ii7 li--s. iuuijlaa 1131. - MOVING AND STORAGE. METROPOLITAN ' VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by Central Furniture store. Free rental limt. , Tyler 11400 ' F1K1CPROOP WAREHOUSB. Separate locked rooms for bour.ho.ri foods and pianos! moving, packl" ui ahipplng. ' OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. .0 S J h Oougl'is 1 1 M "real est ate-i improved" West. WEST FARNAM $6,800 Living room, dinjng room, den and kitchen on first floor; four bedrooms and bath on second floor: floored attic; oak finish and floors; hot water heat; garage equipped with gas tunk and pump; yard beautifully shrubbed. A bargain at the above figure. Kor fur ther information call GLOVER & SPAIN, 91S-20 City National. ' Douglas j!96 CLOSE IN S-story frame houso of 7 and bath, all mod., electric lights. 1 good repair, pavliiK paid, located weat of High school, price 14.000. Small cot tane or lot taken aa first pay or Liberty bonds. RASP HROS., 210 Keellne Bldg., Ty. 751. 'k have plans' and specifications fur several good homes tn Lockwood and Dundee Heights, to be built at once. See us. Shuler & Caiy, Realtors, 201 Keeline Bldg. A SPLENDID 11-room residence. Nllsxon. 42a Securities Bldg. Elof. North. Be 100 Per Cent American Own Your Home At 4720 North 4ft h Avenue wo can of fr you a fine, Rood as brand new five room modern lmnlralow, -on an east front lot, 1 40 fot wide; up 11 a hUh location; near (rood school, churches, etc.; one-hiIf block to car line and school; thlsbun phIow Ik In very good condition. Call Tyler 50 and uak for Mr. Manvillc. Hastings & Heyden, 1B14 Harney ST ' 100 OR $200 CAStTwlLL DO. $l,S0O 6-R. mod. ex. ht., cor. lot near 30th and Maple. v $1.200 4-R. city water, sewer, gas, cor. 35th ami Tarker. $1,750 4-R. part mod., 2Sth and Bristol. KASJnitOS,, 212 Keellne llldg. Tyler 721. STKU'TLY MODERN 6-room bungalow on Hamilton street, for sale at a bargain. Terms. Oiher hrgalns In homes. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1S02 Farnam St Douglas 629. WE have a dandy seven-room bungalow at 2S16 Franklin street, for $4,600. terms to suit. Douglas Washington,- In ' vestment company. 1413 North 24th St. Webster 420R NEW. 7-room. oak finish; large lot; dou ble garage: price $S."60f terms S137 North 24ih St. NORRIS & NORRIS Douglas 4270. 6-HOOM mod'rii house, first-clans con dition. $2,400; easy payments. Will syon vacate. 1616 North 28tH Tyler UI2-J. ALL MODIJRN, hot water heat, V rooms, first class condition, nesr school, churches and car; garage; choice loca tion. Webster &r.3o. RESIDENCE. 7 rooms, sleeping porch and garage. 4(128 Porker St. $7,000. Tel. Owner, Walnut 1579. MINNE I.USA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler l!i7. , 5-ROOM modern cottage except heat, $1,650; largo lot; $200 cash. For .colored. "Web, 1::02. CU.MI.Ntl Near 29th St., 22 or 44 ft.; must be sold to close an estate. s C. A, Grlm mel, 849 Omaha Nat. Hank bldg. , YOUNG & DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. S23 BRANDEIS THEATER D 1571.- 7-room house, newly papered 2424 Tarlter street. A bargain. South. FIELD CLUB STUCCO RESIDENCE . , 9 ROOMS s On one of the best boulevard corners In this delightful section. Thoroughly modern, with hot water heat, sun room, sleeping porch, gariiKS and many at 'raetive original features Owiusr has removed from city and wants to sell before- May 1. The house and ground ost over $16,000, but the first offer of $lyi00 takes It. Will show anytime by v appointment. Possession. May 1. C. D. ARMSTRONG Douglas- 12S0. 325Sceurilles Bid? OH SALE By owner, 7 rooms, all mod ern. Entry hall, living room, large din lng room and kitchen with built-iu cup boards downstairs; upstairs r.a.i 3 large and small bedrooms and bath; sp'endid hot air furnace; come and see it. H. r,r2. FOR RENT AND SA'.K HOUSES, COTTAGES ft APARTMENT AMERICAN SECURITY CD JfiJ S 17th St Ko'igias Knis WE SfiLL. rent, insure and -nake loans MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames Ave Col 217 A BARGAIN if taken soon; $1,500 will buy a furnished 6-room house at 231 Francis St. Miscellaneous. WE WANT TO THANK our many lot- owners and friends who have made hlr proposition a success. We have sold over 8,000 of these oil lota In the famuua Wayside Oil Pool, Montgomery county. Kansas. We have our own reliable. driller. We will drill not less than five wells. Now ready to start drilling on these lots. Our driller'says we should get good wells, and he Is to take 50 lots as part payment for drilling. Only a few more wiitNbe sold at $15 a lot. In vestigate now. Call or write for In formation, to Don De Bow, Mgr. Home office. 522 Paxton Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. ' CLE ANUPS ALE We have several oddWand enda in the way of unhnpruved properties, ilostrably located, and Improved properties capable of remodeling that we can close out at reasonable prices and favorable tt-rms. Come and' see us anoiit thm. BENSON & MYERS CO. 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldir. CHOICE HOUSES In all parts of the city. .Call for particulars. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 Farnam St. Douglas 529 WE BUY and sell real estate: we want some good houses to rent to colored peo ple Call and see us. THE DOUGLAS WASHINGTON INV CO. Webster 420S 1413 North 24th St. r'tv room stucco, oak flours throughout oak and white enamel finish. Fine lo cation Price 4.5B0 or terms. BENSON '& CARM1CHAEL Doug 1722 642 Panton Block BARGAINS In homes, Investm i-i. prct s-tles and acreage near Omibi. Hare in A Morton 916 Omsha Nt Hk H'da SUMMER COTTAGE and lot, lake club. A bargain, George K. Thompson, Wal nut 1450. ' REAL ESTATE-Business Property BUSINESS property and investments. A. P. Tl KEY & SON, 420 First Natlonil Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Two lots In Overlook addition, Ju5t outh- of Elmwood park. Full size lots. 60x160. For sal, or aa first payment with some cash, on a bungalow In the .south part of town. Address, Box Y-3S2. Omaha Bee. ' WE HAVE six 6-roera houses and one s room bouse; also two mighty good brick store buildings well, rented; In come $2,918 per jear: will exchange any part' or all of these for good farm or - ranch. Owner nonresident. S. 8. and R B. MONTGOMERY, 813 City Nat'l Bank Bldg Douglas 1313. 400 ACRES south of Seneca, Neb., grass and grazing land. Owner wants cltv property or might accept commercial stock as part payment. F M. MICHAEL CO., 610 Electric Bldg., Omaha, Neb. TWO houses bringing $46 per month; good renbir; 29th and Cass; paving paid in full; owner will sacrilce: good terms. Phone Harney 4iif,n. CI.ilSIMN 'INVESTMENTS. Leavenworth St.. Capltni ave., Cuming st. PAINE SLATEK COMPANY, Vf. lUlli. J REAL ESTATE. UNIMPROVED. West. fOK SALK SiUHhi'ast corner of 2Mb Ave. and l'jglaa Sts. 121,000. fct on lmvglaa. Si'llj ft. on 2Ktk Ave., beginning i;n feet from Kurnam Bt. Phone Wnl. 1301. South. UIO HA HO A IN LOTS. : 1 00 DOWN. 1 1.00 A W1CEK, buys fine garden tract, 47x132: only S blocks from West Center car line and one block to paved street; high and sightly black soil; prices $'-'95 and 1340 TUU HTRO.V RKKD CO., 1B1J Farnam. Douglas J97. Miscellaneous. ItUILD NOW. 26 good building lots, with all Improve- inents. . Prices from f lofl to 1900. Cau give terms. DoiikIks ahSh. TltAVKK HHOS., 81 First National Hunk Pldg. CtHtNEH lot on boulevurd, east front, liar. 191. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. SOUTH SIDE 1017 ARBOR ST. 6-room strictly modern homo, 4 rooms first floor, 3, rooms mid bath on second floor. Oak finish, clone to schools and nhurches, block to Farnnm car line. Property can be bought for $500 lesa than H would cost to build the houso alone. Trice $:l,flti, asv terms. J.X. HI ATT CO., QArt FIRST NATIONAL PHONE Q vl w 1 V U' 111 ml TV1 VD OO TYLER Dundee. THREE up-to-date medium priced resi dences, also some choice vacant lota. IS. Nllsson. 422 Securities Rldg. South Side. JAS J. FITZGERALD. 4031 South 24lh St., "Insurance." Huy and sell property. Real estate mortgage minis promptly made. A W JONKS, South Omaha, buys sells, exchanges nil kinds of property. Kor results, onieK action, see us REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED OMAHA PROPERTY. for 1,000 acres, of (might subdivide) the richest cultivated land; finely Improved; near the -station on a great trunk line railroad; -In a mild climate wttliin tt.e ralnbelt; capital market; will assume and possibly put in some money. See J. H. CAUSE. 7S2'; Tlrandels ltlilg., Omaha, Neb. WE HAVE CUSTOMERS to buy residence properties, acreage and farms. List your property with us. SOUTH SIDE LAND 0.. 0sf Brown Bldg. Doug. 38S. BUNGALOWS WANTED. We have .cash buyers for well located bungalows and residences worth the money. For quick results list with us. O'NEIL'S R. K. & INS. AGENCY, 2-6 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Tel Tyler 1024. WANT HI) TO BUY A five bungalow, strictly mod ern and well located. Prefer one with garage and with hot water or vapor heat. Give d.f rlption and location In answer to this ad. . Also price. D $4, Omaha Bee. ; -n. - i iiau a man who will buy your im proved property, and pay cash for It. but thQ. price must bo right. GEORGE V. JONES, REALTOR, 926 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 194(1 LIST your property with us. We have calls for homes and Investments. M.CAGU13 INV. CO. Phone BjUG. .ji") Ani Dodge LIST your property for "sale with J "i) Robinson for Quick sales. 442 Bee Bldg Phone Doug. 8097. WANT listing on your property. Have buyers. Eugene Thomsa. 413 Karbach Hlk.. Douglas 360T WE "have buyers for good hoines. 'l.lst your property with us. Call Douglas--46. D. V. Sholes Co., 615 City National. 5 7-ROOM Ileuses at once. Wehn2 FINANCIAL. Private Monejl SHOPEN & COMPANY Doug. 422. i $100 to $10,000 MAD "promptly K J) Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Real EstateLoans and Mortgages. WANTED To invest any part-of $15,000 in lumber, hardware, mercantile or au tomobile business with working interest; can handle office or road. work. Address D-51, Omaha Bee. CONV ERT thai Installment loan on your home l-to a straight five-year mortgage and avoid those monthly payments. E f l.OUCBB. INC 538 Keellne Bldg MONEY to lend on improved ItealEstafe: Interest payable seml-nnnuallv. W. H THOMAS ft SON. 228 Keeline Bldg CITY and farm loans; Btj and 6 per cent; no delay .1. H. Dumont It. Co., 418 Keellne Bldg. No Delay Closing Loans. W. T. GRAHAM, Sf4 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1523. LOW rates without delay C O CAULBERG, 312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB FARMS i) KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1026 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. D. 2718. Stocks and Bonds. WE BUY and sell Liberty Bonds Mack's Hnnd House 1421 First Nst Rk Bldg FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Arkansas Lands. MARCH 18. Our next round trip $30 excursion to Mcliejiee, Ark. For homeseekers only. w. . PKAINK, 202 Neville Blk., Omaha. .. Colorado Lands. -HOICE Imp. or raw quarter, half aec. or larger. Lincoln Co.. bargains; easy terms J L Maurer. Arriba. Colo Montana L?nds. KUSEHUI) COUNTY. MONTANA. wheat lands for sale. ;0n0 acres high-class rarm. lands, tracts from 320 acres up. For particulars write A. D. Ravmond, Forsyth, Montana. - Nebraska Lands, MERRB'K COUNTY BARGAIN FINE STOCK FARM. 160 acres located 3 mil'-s from Archer. the busiest LITTLE town In the state. one mile to school, on rural mall route, telephone In house. The Improvements tunsui ji a gooa r 10m nouse with wa ter In kitchen. Good barn, 24x32. with cement floor, room for 10 horses and 6 tons of hay. Cattle barn, 36xii0, stanchion for 15 cows and 10 calves, ex- tra room for 60 head of cattle, mow for 60 tons of hay, 14-foot driveway. Hog houso, '8x32. Two chicken houses. . one, 10x20, one 12x22, with cement floor New garage, 10x24. cement floor. Corn crib, 10x32. Granary, 14x30. Pnivor house with Alamo lijrht plant. House, stock barns arid garag'e equipped with electric lights. Place all fenced hog tight with woven wire. 60 acres under plow, 10 acres In alfalfa, balance the very best of pasture. Soil good, black loam, land lies level and can all be profitably farm ed. Priced to sell before March 20, at $100 per acre. This place has a mortgage of $H,500, dne in 6 years at 6 per cent annually, (""an give possession at once. Wire or phone when you are coming. M. A. LARSON. CENTRAL CITY, NEB., Owner. HOLT COUNTY BARGAINS. 120 acres 19-25-1 S KO acres 20-27-12 10 acres 21-27-12 mo acres 19-32-14 160 acres 22-32-14 160 acres 3127-13 160 acres 4-20-16 . 160 acres 6-31-16 . $1,M0 ...I. $2,670 ,...$2,170 ....$3.(120 ....$2,060 . ...$,000 ....$6,000 .$2,600 160 acres 13-27-13 $1,800 AU unimproved hay lands. For further psrtlculars see A. A. PATZ.MAN, 301 Karbach Block. FOR SALE Choice half section in Kim ball county, 300 acres of wheat on sod. " Priced for immediate sale, small cash payment. Wculd consider crop as part payment. Wire, John Lockwood, own- !?' I,n " ' J! h' MAKE YOUR old Ford new, O'Rourke Goldstrom Auto Co, distributors of Ames Bltt touring and commercial bodies. 3701 South 24th street, ph'ne South 309. 90H North loth, phone ?2:i. New snd used Fords. Time payment. FOR SALE-iialf section eastern Nebras ka land, partly tile drained, rest up land; 25 aores pasture, 60 acres meadow, rest firm l"ml: Jilr Improvements. Ad dress Bu Vis8, C'malia lit FARM ANR RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. FOR 8ALK Five "aecMi.nsT fenced. Tlviug water; 1,001) seres tillable; long grass pasture. A real stock sind grain propo Rl'lon. .1 R. Carter. Inmh ell. Neb VVIilTK ine for pictures and prices of icy farina and ranches In good old Danvtt county. A rah U llungerford. Crawford, Neb. , 820 AtMIFS inipntved; western Nebrnska wheat farm at IISOO. A mighty good buy. C. D. Armstrong, Sil-i Securities lll.lg. Douglas K0. MKH RH'k CtUNTY, Improvod corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. IL A. LARSON. Central City. Neb. IMPROVKD and unimproved wheat faryia. Kimball Co., Nebraska. R. It. Holme ltushnell. Neb. FOIiTn KU'lt 4SK A l.ANDS-SE A. A. PATZ.MAN, 901 Karbach Hlk. Tyler H4. Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLEY, Oregon, offeii you m home tn the land of sunshine. eher conditions are right for raising alfalfa - and cattle Address. Jordan Valley Farms, Molse. Idaho. South Dakota Lands. UNIMPROVED quarter section lu eastern Custer county, South Dakota, 10 mllca from station; sandy loam, practically all tillable; $12 per acre, cash. L. OLM STHAD, New 1'nderwood. S. D. Wisconsin Lands. OUT TIIKT lit) TO OUR HARDWOOD TIMBER Lands In Lincoln and Langlade Co's , Wis., 25,000 acres tu select a 40, 80 or more seres from. We have the best of land. You con pay $2 an arre down, halnnco quarterly or otherwise for 12 years. Agents wanted, William H. Hiown & Sons. I N, La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND WyowlrJT farms, $60 per a.. Including paid up water right, -lenrj . C M. Rylander. R4 Omaha '. PIN K i(itKlrs7"w7.. farms: irmd' crort and water; $40 per acre. C. V, Nelson, 51S Omnha Niitt. Hank Hldg. AUTOMOBILES; MEICKSAUTO CO. Used cars bought, sold and eschanned. We buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Oarage. 2026-J Farnam St, Douglss 4101. MKKKS AUTO CO XKW sjetresder; latest and beat out: cpr'a less; makes seven different treads. Write, wire or call. Duplex Tire Co., 114 South J7thSt. - AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; servlct station for Rayfleld. carburetors an Columbia stnrsge batteries Edwards. L'SKD CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. Used cars of exceptional value. GUY L,SMITH, 2.'r.3 Farnam St T. 1970. NEW andused Ford. Ames Douies. Im mediate delivery. O'Rourke Goldstrom Auto Co.. 3701 So 24th. So 399. BARGAINS IN U3F CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 18th and Jackson Ford Agents. D. 3500. WEA R ir"Tl 11 '.""US E D CA RM EN. TKAWVER AUTO CO., . HH Farnam. Harney 414. SLLL1NG only privately-owned used cars. The Omaha Used Car Market. 2617 Leavenworth St. Tyler 2347. ''IXFKRT Repairing Guaranteed service. SERVICE GARAGE. 11th and Leavenworth. - Doug. 1000. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2300 Fnrnam 8t GJ1 AA for magneto we can't fix; patentee p-s-v-- Affinity SparK Plug. O. Affinity Spark Bays- dorfer. 210 N. 18th. W ANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay, Autu Exchange Co. 2ofi9 Farnam St D soao. VEL1E light l, 5-pnssenger touring ira'-, tn first class condition. Good tires. Doug las 6700. BRA N I ilfliW CADILLAC, TY PE 67. Touring car; will sell at a sacrifice for cash. Phone T?'!er 480 week days. FORD MARKET GOOD USED CARS. -GUY L.- SMITH. FORD TOURING car for sale. Good con dition. South 69. NEW Ford touring Farnam St. bodies, $125. 3230 Tires and Supplies. WE WILL SHIP subject to exsmanation our 3, bOO mile guaranteed tires at these prices: ' - Plain Rib Tread Non-Skid S0x3 $7.26 $ 9.65 $10.00 SDxSH 9.10 11.26 12 00 Write for prices other sizes express, pre paid, when full amount accompanies or- STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 North Sixteenth Street. TIRES ONE-HAIF PRICE. GUARANTEED 8 ooo MILES. 30x8 $ 7 60!80x3Vi t.III 32x314 10.25132x4) 11.75 32x4 11 60134x4 ll.OO We furnish the old tlret. Agents wanted. i IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANT. " 1610 Davenport Street NEW TIRES ON, SALE. Firestone Congress. Lee Pullman, Flik. Write for prion. Mention sizes. K A I M A N Tl RB JOT-BRS. 2(ftt FARNAM. BARGAINS, new No. 1 tires and tubes. Tires 45 per cent off. List tubes 85 per cent, write or phons Webster 1031 Pay I SOS No. 24th.. GAIN more miles; have your tires if treaded by G & O. Tire Co. -' 141$ Leavenworth; Tyler 1261-W. Repairing and Painting. WS NOT ONLY REPAIR YOUft RADIATOR. BUT- CAN BUILD YOU A NEW ONE. RADIATOR REPAIR SHOPS and DEALERS; Write us for prices on new cores. No weeks of waiting for thai new radiator or fender. Built to your order, any style, for automobile, truck or tremor, in 24 hours. Patronize youi home Industry. The only Radiator and Fender manu facturing company in the west. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRB COMPANY. 1!19 Cuming. 20C4 Farnara. Oma ha, Neb. - EXPEitT radiators, fend-rs and auto bodies; repairing at reasonable prices. Prompt attention riven to garage work, ahlp your radiator direct lo us. NEBRASKA SERVICE GARAGE. Dong 7390 218 8 Hth Bt. j518 FORD SKDAN Electric starter, demountable rims, Kelly-Springfield tires. Excellent comii- "NEBRASKA BUICK AUTO CO. Phone Tyler 1760. 19th and Howard. F JP Barnum Co.. 2122-Cum:ng D J014. High grade Automobile Painting Motorcycles and Bicycles.. HARLE Y-DAVIDHON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos. the Motorcycle Man. I7tb and Leavenworth PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial Home solicits your -old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call Call and Inspect oar new horn 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Bt MRS. EMMA DISCUNBR, Route 6, Bot 61, St. Joseph, Mo., will be glad for at4' Information as to the whereabouts ' of her brother, Roy McAllster. Last heard from In Omaha In 1916. " IF Charles A. Eiledge or Daniel E. El- ledge will write to the Cash Grocer of Idaho Fails, I.iaho, they will he something of Interest fro them. "PURE GOLD" Marglne; fresh dally, de. llvered to your door once a week; worth more; coat less; also real buttermilk Tyler 2.164. LADY wants children to take care of. II. 6655. WANTED Desirable, young lady to share small apt. Phone Tyler 1942J. ULTRmTPETtCK. EGOS FOR HATCHING. Pure single comb Rhode Island Red eggs, $7.00 per hundred. K. S. Thomas, Co. Bluffs, la., H 8. FOR BALK Plymouth rocks or Reds. Pullets and roosters. Douglas 2740. Whitney Tyler 1021.1. Full 1'RICK, strictly frech, large selec ted, non-fertile country cxks, case lots; write N. P. 'Rchoclt, Wslnut, la. WHEAT screenings $2.2a per W Wiianer. sni N. 16th St., hundred. aT Doug. 1142. WHITE ROCK HATCHING EGGS from Omaha show winners' Benson 2S$. W H I TK 1 h mt h ate i r7g eg g i. ThtSl i-iudblau, Benson Hf W eveuinj I i r- f i eft ''is v.. : 7 1 n -1 -J Ir-. I i i I r i