Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
Th AKiard I'reaa, of artm-li The Jo ts a nitucber, la eiduiltfly
rulHltd to M um tot iml'ilraLtun of all tt?w dw-at.-hea rrtxi'twi
(' 11 or not cuirwta. errtiired in this pair. and aim the local
I'm r'iMuhM hmin. All rielita of publicatlue of our nwii
-I j! lie nra ae alao reserved.
rhlcaf Peenle'i 0l BtlUdliil. Omaha The BeeB'da.
Nw Yura S KlftU Ao. Boum OmahaMis N St. ''
Loma Ne B'na of Commerce, Council Bluffs N. tlala St.
WaUunalon UU O St. 'Liuoolu l.ittla Bul.'dlNl.
Daily 64.97G Sunday 63,316
Aferaae circulation for the month. subeerlbVd and swora to bf
t. B. fUiao. circulation Maoatar.
Subscriber, leaving thai city should hava The Be mailed
la them. Addreae changed aa often aa requeatcd.
There's only one tune for today.
Feace, but not at any price, is wanled.
St. Patrick will be heartily remembered in
Omaha today by friends of humanity generally.
The police are directing their manhunt with
7eal at least, and the wish of all is that !they get
the guilty.
Resurrection of automobile racing in Cali
fornia was quite successful, a driver having been
Killed in the first trial.
Champ Clark may never be president, but he
is giving one wing of the democratic circus
quite a bit to worry over.
Utah put the anti-cigaret bill on the whizzer
after having passed it. Second thoughts usually
divaway with impulsive blunders.
"The watchword of Germany must be work,"
jays the premier of Prussia. Yes, and, work like
hell, too, if they expect ever to get even.
Downtown corners are changing hands at a
rate that justifies any sort of prediction for
booming business in Omaha this season.
New York wets are lining up for a last ditch
battle against the dry laws. If Manhattan Island
ever turns into a desert, where will we look for
an oasis
A Chicago gent paid over $5,000,000 on Sat
urday as the first installment on his income tax.
Wonder whether he runs a newspaper or a job
printing shop? ,
Senator Chamberlain is starting another in
quiry into acts of the army. If he ever makes
one of his charges stand up, it will be a sorry
day for Newton U. Baker.
The government-built road in Alaska is now
termed a farce and a fizzle. However, it was
a beautiful bit of camouflage when the demo
crats were putting it over.
Glory bel New York restaurants and hotels
announce a cut in prices charged for meats.
Now if this will only spread, how happy the
Jjtingry American will be made.
Paying $4.50 for a pint of "squirrel" whisky
and then paying the fine of $100 for being caught
with it makes the sport come rather high, but a
lot of folks will take the chance.
The Bee's Rotogravure Section on Sunday
held much of local as well as general interest.
You are not getting the best unless you have the
Sunday with this section regularly.
"Flying .circuses" as advertisements for the
Victory loan may have reverse english, for they
are likely to get folks to thinking of the $640,
000,000 that disappeared in the first aircraft
fiasco. V ,
The local naval recruiting station is working
nights now t$ accommodate the boys who want
to get back into the service. And the navy
likes to get its recruits from this part of the
" world. ,
A course in road engineering at the state
university will help a lot, if it has the effect of
bringing people to understand that nowhere is
the best the cheapest with as much force as in
a public highway. I
Decks are being cleared for the code bill
light at Lincoln, and the reactionaries! outside
the legislature are getting much worried over
its prospects for passage. It promises a long
step ahead, and probably will be taken.
. ' Conviction of a "detective" who killed a girl
riding in an auto shows that juries do some
times hit a bullseye. This crime was peculiarly
atrocious, and was made the more so by an
attempt to blacken the girl's name after her
An Iowa section boss padded the payroll and
secured a small sum of unearned money. Uncle
Sam turned around and fined him $4,000. If he
had been dealing with the couyiaiiy alone, he
would probably have escaped by losing his job.
Another vote against government ownership.
Another Great War Decision
The United States supreme court's unanimous
decision of yesterday in the Debs case follows
with inexorable logic its unanimous decision of
last year upholding the validity of the Selective
Service act. As the nation, under the constitu
tion, was held in the one case to have the power
to command all of its resources in men and ma
terial to resist and overcome an enemy, so in
this later case the nation is held to have the
lower, as through the Espionage act, whose
. alidity is thus affirmed, to overcome and punish
esistance to the operations of the nation's re
quiting service.
While the court gives to Mr. Deb's defenses
x more respectful attention than they deserve,
t is idle here to go over that matter. He was
lot tried and he is not now judged on a "state
ii mind" or on his general attitude toward
socialism, as he contended. He Was tried and
judged by public speeches whose natural and rea
sonably probable consequence was to promote
)bstructioti to the government's recruiting of
irniies to fight Germany, and that this was his
ntent could not, therefore, be fairly questioned.
This decision is another landmark in con
stitutional interpretation under the stress of the
world's great war. It is worthy ef the preceding
decision which has been referred to. The con
stitution of the United States created a nation,
jqual in its powers to every supreme emergency
:hat might confront the nation. It is made im
possible by these twoolecisions ever to construe
that constitution as' having provided within it
self, whether in relation to the war powers of
congress or the right of free speech, thongs
with which to bind the nation's fighting arm
into helplessness or an individual license of re
bellion which can paralyze that arm when set
f.t ta utfika. New York World,
This will be the big week at the peace con
ference, both at Paris and at V-rsailles. Latest
news is to the effect tint thi tentative draft
of the main treaty has been handed to Presi
dent Wilson for his persual. As yet no inkling
of what this document contains has been jiivcn
the public.
"Open covenants of peace, openly arrived
at," may be all right in theory, but the present
practice is quite against it. No conclave of
peace or other delegates ever held has been
surrounded with more of secrecy than has at
tended the conferences of the subcommittees
to which were assigned the different topics to
be treated. What bargains have been struck,
what trades have been made in these confer
ences, we may never know, but we must realize
that many deals had to be consummated before
any treaty could be formulated.
Great Britain has swung back to the original
proposition that the peace treaty should be first
considered, and the League of Nations taken up
afterwards. This may be abandoned, if Mr.
Wilson insists on coupling the two, but the
British are moving with the thought in mind
that the senate of the United States will bo, in
a mood to ratify a peace treaty, whereas it may
delay if not wholly defeat the proposed con
vention if coupled with the League of Nations
plan as now formulated. Modification of the
draft of the submitted constitution may remove
the objections that now are lodged .against it.
What all the nations of 4he world now want
more than anything is to know the basis on
which peace is to be established, to have the
fact announced, and to be set at the work of
reconstruction without delay. Enough of time
in which to accomplish this has elapsed, and
plain folks are beginning to show impatience.
Gentle St. Patrick and His Day.
St. Patrick was a gentle man. On this one
point all his biographers agree. Likewise, all
legends agree that his mission to Ireland was to
convert to Christianity the pagan pirates who
kidnapped and sold him into slavery. His min
istry was marked by such zeal and earnestness,
such humility and generous piety, that not only
did he bring conviction to the heathen he sought,
but left so rich a, heritage that more or less
of controversy has raged about it ever sjnee.
For the present it scarcely matters whether
Patrick was a Roman Catholic, a Reformed Pres
byterian, or a Singing Baptist. The argument
as to this point is as futile as any of the windy
debates that swirl in irritating gusts over other
points as immaterial and as irrevelant as the
sectarianisni of the saint whose day we celebrate
today. He carried a gospel of love and kind
ness into a region where it was needed; he
taught lessons of forbearance aid mutual help,
and showed those who came under his ministra
tions a better way to live.
Differences of opinion over one or another
of points Su Patrick probably would have ig
nored as entirely outside and apart from the
great scheme o salvation have divided the peo
ple to whom he preached, as they have divided
the rest of the world. It might be well for us
all if we would only try to realize how well the
teachings of Patrick fitted his time, and how
easily they might be applied to ours, were we
inclined to accept them with as little question
as did the bare-legged bog trotters who idolized
him for his gentleness.
Building Material Prices.
The controversy between the lumber dealers
and the realtors over prices asked for lumber
directs attention to the general situation. A
great building campaign was adjourned in Oma
ha by the war, with the understanding that it
would be resumed immediately the emergency
had passed. Government requirements for
building materials no longer are urgent, but. the
plans of private building call for material to the
full extent of the supply. It is not a question
of the market. However, the prospective build
ers assert that they can not buy at present with
any hope of getting out even in the future. The
building is to stand for a long time, and its
cost must be distributed over a long term of
years. Unless it can earn enough in its reason
able lifetime to return not only its cost at a
normal rate of depletion, but also a profit on
that cost, it is urfwise to build it.
That is the problem to be faced at the mo
ment. Structures that are urgently needed may,
perhaps, be put up under existing conditions,
but the owners will know that the investment
is made at extreme- risk, if future profits are
looked to. The man who builds now is not
only at a disadvantage in Jiis relation with the
future, but also must compete with those who
built before the war, and who are in position
thus to control the rental question cn which
revenue must depend. These considerations are
elemental, bijt they control.
Judgment of prudent architects and contrac
tors is that extensive building operations can
not be undertaken at existing prices asked for
material. It is not lumber alone, but everything
that enters into the construction is high. One
well known architect lately informed The Bee
that he had completed estimates for, $2,000,000
worth of building, none of which would be put
through until material could be purchased Tuore,
cheaply. Whether the material dealers are ready
to make concessions is for them to decide. It
is very certain that no great activity will be
noted in building until lower prices are quoted.
Omaha and Its Auditorium.
Mayor Smith is to discuss the Municipal
auditorium before a committee of the Chamber
of dommerce this week, from the standpoint of:
"Shall Omaha finish the Auditorium, or do
without one?" This question ought to answer
itself. Omaha can not do without an auditorium.
It is either finish the one we have started, or
build a new one. Perhaps the present building
is not as advantageously situated as might be,
but it is all we have at present. Quite a lot of
work needs to be done to put it into first
class condition, but the money that is being
spent on frills and fripperies in other directions
might well be used to put the Auditorium into
such condition as will enable it to meet in a
measure the requirements of -such a structure.
In time, if found feasible, another building may
be erected, butr for the immediate future we
will have to choose between the one that stands
and none. Mayor Smith could do nothing bet
ter than to have the Auditorium finished.
Secret treaties 'solemnized between the En
tente Allies during the war. are likely to be
overhauled by the peace conference, but Lloyd
George has said they will all be preserved in
their integrity. This complication is likely to
make more trouble than the attitude of the
United States on the League of Nations, and
may be one reason why the Europeans are so
anxious to have us in and bound up with them.
Ireland in Song and Story
Cyril Arthur Player in Detroit News.
Ireland is the last eternal home of the fairies.
A strange destiny croons its story through
lilac tinted centuries of aching history down
to the hungry years of the present. It is a story
blended with the lore of whimsical supersti
tion and a urave, sweet beauty. In humor, in
passion, in gloom, in tragedy,it scents the world
with the perfume of its genius, this Ireland.
Where imagination ceases and dull circum
stance begins, no man can say; is it necessary
even to separate the two at all? Is it vot true,
perhaps, that this ancient cradle of culture and
nursing mother of inspiration is the living para
dox where fact and fancy meet?
Industry and art arc close akin. Wherever
women buy pretty things, they seek the Irish
products of hand knitting, hand embroidery and
lace making. These industries, truly arts, stretch
back into really distant days days when Ireland
seemed as if she would 'be the perpetual center
of all such arts.
Today Irish linen is a standard the world
over; the extreme moisture in the atmosphere
gives to Irish linen that delicate whiteness which
is unobtainable in any other country.
The Irish from time immemorial have
been boatbuilders, although the west coast
mackerel fishermen, or the hake coast to the
south, or the haddock fisheries on the southeast
must be visited to understand the real ingenuity
of the Irish native boat builder. (
In a larger way Belfast represents the high
development, of the shipbuilding industry, where
the principal yard, before the war, employed
ten thousand men, and was turning out a larger
annual tonnage than any other yard in the world
The whole of the White Star fleet was built
The evidences of early and medaevel culture
in Ireland are a multitude of beautiful things,
not only classics of literature but likewise won
ders of creative art. Thus at Cong Abbey, where
sleep many of Ireland's ancient dead, and among
them Rory O'Connor, the last king, there is an
exquisite cross with golden traceries and deli
cate beauty of silver and copper and enamel and
bronze, a proof of the civilization built up with
in Ireland long before the Normans ever crossed
to her shores. Such instances might be multiplied,
Throughout the older periods of Irish litera
ature nearly all the greatest works are anony
mous. In the modern Irish period it is possible
to begin the record of Ireland's great with such
names as Duald MacFirbis, the genealogist;
Geoffrey Keating, the poet, who also wrote the
standard classic, "History of Ireland;" Teig
MacDire and Lughaldfi O'Clery, Brian Mac
Giolla Meidhre, author of the remarkable "Mid
night Court," and Anthony Raftery, the blind
poet of Killeadan, to mention only a few of the
earlier Gaelic writers of the modern period.
But side by side with the dwindling Gaelic
group a new Irish literature in English made its
appearance at the close of the Eighteenth cen
tury. This era opened with songs and ballads,
songs of the sorrows of Ireland, generally
breathing a passionate patriotism. Others were
idylls of sentiment and peasant love melodies
convivial and humorous.
"The Wearin' of the Green" was One of the
first street ballads, and since has become a na
tional anthem. "The Cruiskeen Lawn" and
"Irish Molly O" are other early1 Examples.
Thomas Moore came along with his poems,
many of them fine, and in the same period came
Gerald Griffin and his "Eileen Aroon."
One of the notable Irish writers of the first
half of the Nineteenth century was "Father
Prout" (the Rev. Francis Sylvester Mahoney),
who wrote "The Bells of Shandon" "that sound
so grand on the pleasant waters of the River
Lee." Charles Lever's novels, "Harry Lorre
quer" and "Charles O'Malley," are .classics now.
and Samuel Lover contributed. "Rory O'Moore
and "Handy Andy."
Among the British national heroes of Irish
birth may be recalled the Duke of Wellington,
Earl Roberts, Earl Kitchener, Viscount French,
Viscount Garnet Wolseley, General Gough and
General MacMahon. Of course, the Irish have
a long fighting history, and their own particular
list of heroes, and a mighty list it is.
Then another part of the hall of fame would
include these: Daniel O'Connell, Charles
Stewart Parnell, John Mitchel (father of John
Purroy Mitchel), Thomas Francis Meagher,
Robert Emmet, John Blake Dillorf, Justin Mc
Carthy, stout old John Redmond and, when their
time comes, "Tay Pay" O'Connor and bitter
tongued Tim Healy.
And still there are scores left out, even such
names as Seumas MacManus, Shane O'Neill,
Edward Fitzgerald (translator of "Omar"), Ed
mund Burke, Henry Gratten and so the names
spring to the tongue, names of all the sons and
daughters of the land of all genius.
There is something in the soil of Ireland, in
its lakes and woods, it& rocks and hills that
carries a long, long memory. So it is that many
of its natural beauties have been chronicled in
legend or poem, and the world is familiar by
picture with spots unseen.
So the world forms idealized pictures of
Killarney, of the great Shannon, of Tara, of the
Rock of Cashel, of Galway of the Races, of Tip
perary, of Blarney Castle, cf Drogheda, Kerry,
Killaloe, Derry and the many sweet remembered
spots enshrined in the songs of devoted Irish
hearts. '
And ther is now a tragic memory for Old
Head of Kinsale with its grim ghost-ridden
cliffs and the ocean graveyard of the Lusitania
meaning ceaselessly at its black feet; forever a
monument to the women and children who
perished cruelly in a war which it was not theirs
to, wage.
There is Limerick, the City of the Broken
Treaty. Associated with its final surrender is
one of the saddening episodes in Irish history,
when the Irish soldiers, given the choice of
serving under either of two flags, French or
English, sailed from the Shannon, leaving their
crying women behind thein on the shores, sol
diers of fortune henceforth and a race of exiles.
Since that day in 1691, practically, the Irish
have been emigrants. In 1841 the population
numbered 8,000,000, and the decrease has been
steady, ever since, until now it is little more
than 4,000,000.
These exiles have'joined their songs' to those
of the poets who remained at home. Usually
there is a note of pathos and longingi a sob of
regret, reflecting at once the unprosperous, baffl
ed condition of the country itself and the cling
ing affection it inspires in all its children.
The Day, We Celebrate.
Patrick C. Heafey, undertaker, born 1862.
Owen McCaffrey, retired capitalist, born 1856.
Rev. P. J. Judge, pastor Sacred Heart church,
born 1858.
Lady Patricia Ramsey (formerly Princess
Patricia of Connaught), born 33 years ago.
Dr. Hans Sulzer, the Swiss minister to the
United States, born at Winterthur 43 years ago.
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, founder of the Free
Synagogue in New York City and leader in
many public-spirited movements, born in Buda
pest 49 years ago.
In Omaha 30 Years Ago.
Monmouth Park M. E. chinch was dedicated
by Bishop Newman. In the initial collection
$500 was raised.
For the first dry Sunday, the saloons were
reported closed "as tight as a drjim."
A new Omaha enterprise contemplates the
manufacture of adamant wall plaster, accord
ing to a patent formula.
All players on the ball team must report
before the 30th.
St. Patrick's day, was duly celebrated, the
oratory being furnished by Father McCarthy,
T. J. Mahoney and Hon. P. E. C Lally of Vail,
An exhibition and sale of artneedlework is
advertised by the Chicago Society of Decorative
Art to be held at the Millard
People You Ask About
Information About Folks In
the Public Eye Will Be Given
in This Column 1 ii Answer
to Readers' Questions. Your
v Name WtU Not Be Trlnted.
Let The Bee Tell You.
A. S. Miller. Sladison, Neb.
Available American biographies fail
to give the names of the parents of
Genaral Thomas Lyons Htuner,
"hio conKressman and brigadier sen
eral in the Mexican Wnr, who died
at Monterey. Mex., December , 2,
1S-T8. One volume refers to them
as "pioneer farmers of Pennsyl
vania," in which State General
Hamer was born, Subsequently the
fumily moved to th borders of Lake
Champlaln, where his boyhood years
were spent. According to ony auth
ority young Tlitmer was 17 years of
age when the family settled in Ohio,
lie was a lawyer by profession, was
elected to congress in 1833 and ser
ved three terms. Entering the Mexi
can war as a major of Ohio volun
teers he was promoted to brigadier
general July 1, 1846, and distin
guished , himself In the battle of
Monterey, a service which congress
recognized by voting "a sword of
honor to be presented to his nearest
male relative."
It is difficult to realize that we
have with us yet, with promise of
many years to come, the one Ameri
can who made the world brighter by
his genius, Charles F. Brush of
Cleveland, inventor of the first prac
tical electric light. Mr. Brush has
just turned 70 years. As a young
man, soon after completing a course
in mechanical engineering at the
University of Michigan, Mr. Brush
conceived the idea of employing
electricity for lighting purposes,
Obstacles blocked progress for sev
eral years. Capitalists scoffed at
what they regarded as an Inventor's
dream. Eventually scientists took
notice, backing appeared, and a prac
tical demonstration of the new lisht
at the Paris electrical exposition
made the world his patron. The
inventor became a millionaire over
night. France made him a chevalier
of the Legion of Honor.
Frank J. fioodnow, who is to as
sist in framing a constitution for the
Polish government, is president of
Johns Hopkins university arulv a
leading authority Bn government.
Some years ago he was selected as
an expert adviser by China's high
officials in putting the infant Chinese
republic on its feet and later headed
the Institute for Government Re
search. Dr. Goodnow had his cul
tural education at Amherst and his
professional education at Columbia
university, supplemented by studies
at Paris and Berlin. Returning to
the United States he became an in
structor In Columbia and in 1914 was
made president of Johns Hopkins.
Ite is the author of many books deal
ing with politics and administration,
taxation and municipal government.
Norman Hapgood, newly named
American minister to Denmark, is
well qualified to "tell it to the
Danes" as diplomatically as Maurice
Francis Egan,. whom he succeeds.
Born in Chicago in 18H8 and gradua
ted from Harvard in 1S90, Mr. Hap
good entered the ranks of journalism
and has been identified with new
publications all his, active life, lie
served as editor of Collier's Weekly
from 1903 to 1912 and later strove
to rescue Harper's Weekly from lit
erary and financial rocks. As a
bookmaker he has several biogra
phies and other works to his credit,
Missouri links arms with Massa
chusetts In putting a state budget
system into effect. The state com
mission charged with the work ha
just laid before the legislature a
roster of ledger bills totaling $18,
500,000. The sum represents hat
must be had to keep the regular
state machine goiing. Several addi
tional millions are available for dis
bursement by the legislature, which
surplus may save the budget from
the logrollers.
tin thla etnry Peggy? Billy and T,nr,e
soinfit Bear awaln encounter the Flying
t'gre, from whom In last week'a Mnry
Ihov suveu the. King of the Wild ticcso.
unci tho beautiful Illue Gooas.)
lonesome Itcur Ijnihs.
T) EGGY and Billy heard an odd
noise as they walked through
the grove near the river.
"Wn! Wa! Humph! Snuff! Yow!
Wa! Wa! Wa!" It wa like a laugh,
a roar and a stomachache all mixed
up together. At the same time there
Kenesaw Publshing company has
absorbed the Kenesaw Sunbeam and
promises a brighter career for the
Progress as a result. Retiring Edi
tor Maltman, after five years' exper
ience, concluded the town wasn't
big enough for two papers and wisely
quit the game.
Paving projects enliven affairs 5n
all the live towns of the state. Towns
which have paved some want more,
and those yet treading native soil
are anxious for a solid footing in
moist times. The spirit of the season
makes tor permanent roads in towns
and country. -
Two successive mass meetings of
property owners in Wayne unani
mously endorsed paved streets and
signed up for the urgent improve
ment. Not a whisper waa heard at
either meeting challenging the right
of property owners to initiate1 the
good work.
Page Adam Breede of the Hast
ings Tribune I Besides throwing a
shell of Parisian lingo ajt the snlons,
the scoffing scribe observes: "It be
gins to look as though some of the
members of the Nebraska legislature
would favor a bill making it obli
gatory for old maids to be chaper
oned." That's the old Adam for you.
Gering Is already preparing for
the next meeting of the Nebraska
Editorial association. Gering real-,
izes that the early bird nabs the
publicity worm, and promises enter
tainment and hospitality galore, un
less Will Maupin falls down on the
job. No doubt the association will
provide some lively entertainment
should it press for a decision on the
question whether the Wayne Herald,
the Fairbury News, the Harvard
Courier, the Aurora Republican or
the Albion News Is the Beau Brum
inel of the weekly press. That alone
would give Gering a circus worth
MY MPIil lifainMF
i ii ia vv iui
'Hit'-.' i. " L"1
-in i,fmTrmi nia-nmnaaii arnflaM if n lina jaainaia
lonesome Bear was IntiRhlns; so hard
he was all doubled, up.
was the sound of a heavy body
rolling violently about among the
Hilly drew Teggy quickly behind
a large tree.
"What do you suppose it Is?" she
whispered. "Maybe it is the Flying
"Maybe," Billy agreed. "And I
haven't a thing to fight him with ex
cept my bean-shooter."
Peggy and Billy still called the foe
of the Wild Geese the Flying Ogre
although they now knew that he
was only an enterprising naturalist
who was using an airplane to study
the Wild Geese and secure speci
mens for his museum.
Billy didn't w,ant to encounter the
Ogre, for the Ogre might have learn
ed that Billy was the one who had
disabled his airplane so the Geese
could get away. But as the odd
noiso continued and as the thrash
tng grew louder and louder, the
children crept closer to get a look
What they saw made them wonder.
There was Lonesome Bear rolling
around on the ground in a queer
kind of a convulsion.
"Oh, do you think he has a fit?"
asked Peggy.
"Perhaps it'a the colic," replied
Billv Belgium.
"Wa! Wa! Wa!" snorted Lone
some Bear, and he rolled about more
violently than ever. Peggy wonder
ed if something awful was wrong
with liia inside.
"I know what's the matter with
him," exclaimed Billy suddenly. "He
is having a tit a tit of laughter."
Yes, that was it. Lonesome Bear
was laughing so hard he was all
doubled up.
"Wa! Wa! I haven't had so much
fun in all my life!" gasped Lone
some Bear. "I chased the Ogre up
a tree and kept him there all night.
And I scared him oh, how I scared
him! I made believe I was a new
kind of a bear, worse than a grizzly,
I roared, I tore the bark from the
tere and I danced a war dance. It
was so dark that he couldn't see that
I was just a regular bear, so he
thinks he has discovered a strange
new tvpe of bear. Wa! Wa! Wa!
What fun!"
Lonesome Bear waa having such
a good time laughing and repeating
over to himself the funny adventures
of the night that the children
couldn t help joining in his mirth.
Soon they were rolling around,
laughing as heartily as he was.
Finally Billy sat up and wiped the
tears of glee from his eyes. Then
suddenly he started in alarm and
raised his bean-shooter to his lips.
Peggy, warned by his action, looked
quickly to the right, and her heart
jumped to her throat.
There was the Flying Ogre, rifle In
hand, looking eagerly at Lonesome
Bear, a triumphant gleam in his
eyes. Slowly he aimed the rifle until
it pointed directly at Lonesome
Bear's laughter-shaken body. The
Ogre's linger tightened upon the
trigger. In another instant it would
all be over with Lonesome Bear.
But in that instant Billy acted. A
bean went whizzing from his shooter
straight to tho 'tip of the Ogre's
nose. '
"Ouch!" yelled the Oere. "Bang!"
crashed the gun. But the bullet
Daily Dot Puzzle
I '
a .o
O ; t .5
V"' 9
What has Tommy drawn? '
Draw from ona to two and ao on to
the end.
went smashing harmlessly into a
tree. Another Becond and Lone
some Bear, the laughter scared out;
of him, waa racing for life through
the woods, while the Ogre danced
around in the bushes, holding th
tip of his damaged nose.
Tomorrow will bo told how Loriesomo
ear ftnda himself In aerloua trouble.)
"Words Written on Paper." ;
Stromsburg, Neb., March 14. To
the Editor of The Bee: Thomas
More was born in the year 1480; he
departed this life in 1535. He wrote
a book called Utopia. He pictured
an imaginary island, where everyone
lived in peace and happiness.
Where no wars were to take place
except by virture of great provoca
tion. Mr. More was a dreamer, his
visionary ideas were never realized.
We have many dreams now; the
rw.r n'hn urn cnlncr tn form the
league of nations are dreamers. They
are masters oi nanunng iaimuan
as to conceal inougni, aim uiue iuo
ultimate results should it be adopt
ed. Should it be adopted in its
present form, then England and
or, itaf allloci ivill rpan what, thpv
want, and our great and glorious
initen states win oecome u in
ternational police force to stand
guard over ' the petty kingdoms
across the water. Of course we
would have to pay our own ex
penses. Tha Iraiaaf lt lickfid and W6
thought that we were rid of kaiser
i. 'wr Vir,,n-t,t wft hnrl a free
country, purchased by the blood of
our forefathers; mat we comu uia
cuss political issues, that this was
out birthright, so to say. But now
an i itcllectual genius by the name
of Clearman tells us that if we utter
-,,.iv,i,ltT in nnimHitinn to the nlan of
the league of nations we should be
t Koiiovo the hible savs. "Can the
leopard change his. spots?" As long
as individuals will ngnt, nations win.
Human nature is what it was thou
r? irara a srn and will remain
ii, ..mi ,ntii timn Is no more, the
league of nations to the contrary not
The world had thirty peace trea
ties before this war broke out. What
did they amount to? Nothing. The
,,!tit.itinn of the league of nations
wilt meet the same fate. Nothing
but words written on paper.
Dealing with' Foreign languages.
i-v,.. Afav.T, A Tn the Editor
of The Bee: I note in your March 3
Issue an article in your iei'sr dui,
nf Wnrptcn Tnnsriies." bv H.
, a 111 V . a w. a '
hich is tho most sen
sible and logical argument in favor
of teaching toreign tongues mai
have had the pleasure of reading
for a long time. , . .
Judge Claiborne is right In his
contention that if we are to meet
u n.M In .nmntttinn that we
must train our children in foreign
languages, ana we cannot uegm nuj
. tnr tt to In nhUrUinod that
IUU OVU1L, " " ......
hew languages are the eastiest ac
quired, and most assureaiy me lan
guage or languages alone can be
taught without the teaching of any
Toreign propaganaa. j.imi mo a-i--mirinr-
In ftnvlv childhood, by an
American child of a foreign lan-
;uage or several toreign musuusca,
nfa hit that child's love or
patriotism to this country is pure
IUU per cent nonsense.
hna hppn
life-long advocate of the compulsory
tfaclilntr in all the countries of the
world of some sort of a universal
language, like Esperanto, lor in
stance, (in addition to the present
nqiu'0 tnntrne of paeh. and if some
such plan was put in force, in a
generation or two tne universal
lnnciiB would exaduallv sunersede
the native tongues of the various
nations of tno -wona, (ana mci-
lelitany tnis woum uu mui ii to pie
rtnf f"utii-o wnr hnr until sump
such plan is agreed upon by the edu
cational departments or tne various
nnHnna nf lllft HJirM WA milttt A 0.
pend upon our success or failure in
meeting tne nusmess, as wen as tne
social and educational, competition
of the rest of the world in direct
mtlr. mr nnr fhilrli'pn and nnr chil
dren's children acquire a fluent I
knowledge of other languages, and
the more languages they know the
more will America be able to keep
in the forefront among the world's
leading nations, and this talk about
a "one language country," thereby
isolating it from the rest of the
world socially, commercially and
politically, is all "bosh," is sui
cidal to our natiunal policies and
our international aspirations, and its
advocates have done the nation in
calculable harm by stampeding leg
islatures into passing senseless and
foolish laws Interfering with a per.
son's right to educate himself as he
sees tit. Just imagine our ambas
sadors n foreign countries com
pelled to depend on enemy, inter
preters. During the last year we have liad
many spectacular explosions about
"speak, rend, write, think nothing
but English or get out." and other
nonsensical propaganda, fostered
promulgated and publicly posted
(let it be said to the discredit of this
great vand patriotic state) by a few
fanatical and needlessly excited
members of our state councils of de
fense, particularly of Nebras
ka and Iowa, which posters and pro
paganda have needlessly insulted
and Injured the feelings of hundreds
of thousands of loyal and patriotio
of our foreign-born citizens of these
states and unjustly cast suspicion
upon them, a large number of whom
had their boys in khaki fighting the
battles of Uncle Sam. Now, since
America has again become "safe for
free speech," our citizens are begin
ning to sit up and take notice of the
tremendous harm that has been
wrought during the period of the
war by the idiotic chanting of a few
irresponsible, hypocritical Met
calfes, Hardings (of bribery fame),
and Kennedys, seif-styled super-patriots,
who have delegated to them
selves all the patriotism in the coun
try with an arrogance that would
make the kaiser and his six Hahen
zollern sons turn green with envy..
Judge Claiborne Is right. What
we need in this country, and par
ticularly in this state and our sister
state of Iowa, is more common sense
in dealing with the foreign-language
question, and less fanaticism.
More level-headed, clear-thinkingj
logical Claibornes, and less Are-eating,
foolish, fanatical Metcalfes,
Hardings and Kennedys. i
Numbers on Buildings.
Omaha. March 15. To the. Edi
tor of The Bee: In going into dif
ferent parts of the cty of Omaha, a
person who observes cannot help no
ticing that great numbers of build
ings have no numbers on them.
Whole blocks of dwelling houses and
even blocks of business buildings
have, scarcely a number on them.
Then there seems to be no system
in many places in numbering houses.
In the block where I live our place Is
number 2201. the next house to us Is
only about 20 feet from us, vet the
number Is 2205, then the next house
is only about three feet from the sec
ond house, yet the third house has
the number 2211 on it If those
numbers are correct, I miss my guess
on it. Then south of Q street one
house will be numbered 2925 and
the house next to it will be num
bered 3927, then the next house will
be 2931. In the district' in Omaha
between Leavenworth and Vinton
streets and Twenty-fourth and Thir
teenth are large numbers of build
ings with no number on them or they
are wrongly numbered.
We should not brag of Omaha be
ing an up-to-date city until we see
that every building has a number on
it, and that the numbers are correct.
This ought to be something to keep
some of the city commissioners busy
for a little while.
First Credit Man---How about Jonea of
PlKvilla Ontrr?
Second Credit Man IIo nlwnya pay
cash, bo wo don't know how honest he
is! Boston Globe.
Mrs. Smith They tell me one of the
girls nude a faux pas at the cooking
class lunch that everybody noticed.
Jlrs. Comeup (proudly) I guess It wej
my daughter. She can make any of
them French things Baltimore Bun.
any other girl and now I aee In the paper
thnt he has just been decorated for gal-
Inn trv. Detrnlt PreA Vrean
Jana Willis You look aa If you had
lost your last friend. What la wrong?
Marie Glllis I've Just discovered that
Harry 4 false to tne. . Ho wrote me from
Fr.-iin-e that ho., wasn't even looking at
Buy Your Insurance
Meyer Klein
633 First Nat'l. Bk. BIdg.
Telephone Tyler 360.
Did you ever hike mllllona of tnllos,
And carry a ton on your back.
And blister your heela and your ahoui.
dera, too,
Where the atrapa run down from your
In the rain or the anow or the mud, per
haps, In the, smothering heat or the cold 7
If you have why then you're a buddy of
And we welcome yon Into our fold.
Did you ever eat with your plate In your
With your cup on the ground at your
While cootlea and bugs of aperies untold.
Danced fox trots over your hide?
Did you ever sleep In a tent ao email
That your head and your feet played tag?
Then shake, old man, you're a pal of ours.
For you've followed the lame old flag.
Did you ever atand In front-line trench.
With Frltzle a few feet away,
With Jerries and Mlnnivs a whistling
And gaa coming over all day?
With No Man's Land a sea of ateel
And a tempest of bursting shell
Then, come in, old man, and toust your
For we're all Just back from hell.
J. K. M. in Stars and Strlpre.
Buy a Hazlett
Dandelion nnd
General Utility
Lawn Kalce from
your Hardware Dealer
and commence to clean
up your lawn. A little
early Bprintr work ht-lna
in the campaign against the
Dandf lion later. 1 he Haz
lett Rake is a combination
tool. You can also use it
in the earden.
"Be sure it is a Hazlett.
Two sizes. 16-in. and
C. A. HAZLETT Dandelion Rake
Mfg. Co., Kearney, Neb.
Albert Calm
219 S. 14th St.
For Shirt
New Silks
Are In
"Business Is Gooo.ThankYou"
-WHY t
LV. Nicholas Oil Company1
t 5 1
' v
Conveniently located outside of city limits (320 acres) west of
Florence, free from disturbance. Beautiful landscape: perpetual
care. Granite, marble and mosaic chapel. No profit tu anyone.
Street car terminal. Forest Lawn Cemetery Association. Office:
720 Brandeis Theater Building. '' Phone, Douglas 1276. Cemetery
Phone, Colfax 134.