Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Fourth of the City's Quota of
. $20,0001or Palestine Col
onization FuncfRaised
at Meeting.
Before a representative assem
blage of over 2.000 Omaha Jews. Dr.
A. S. Wolf of St. Louis, Zionist lead
er, and for two years secretary to
Dr. Theodore Ilerzl, founder of the
Zionist movement, made an impas
sioned plea for funds to begin the
work of Jewish colonization in Pal
estine. He spoke at the Nineteenth
and Burt street synogogue Sunday
Omaha s quota was Set at $20,0(10
and immediately after the discourse
a fourth of the quota was raised in
the audience.
Dr. Wolf briefly described the
age-long struggles of the Jews of the
world for a homeland. The Zionist
movement is the concrete expression
of their aspirations, he stated.
"Every one' of the great world
powers has promised to do the ut
most for life, realization of a Jew
ish homeland," he continued. "The
Zionists have been the guardians of
the Jewish ideals since W)7. While
the. Jews of the world wercrfiink in
apathy and indifference, the Zionists
struggled for Palestine. We want
every Jew' to become a Zionist, then
Zionism can be eliminated and Juda
ism take its place.
Palestine Only Haven.
"Palestine is the onl land to
which the war-stricken Jews of Rus
sia, Poland and the Balkan countries
can emigrate. It is practically cer
tain that the gates of America, will
be barred to all emigrants for the
next five years. Lack of transporta
tion facilities alone will make it im
possible for emigrants to come to
this country. England, France and
Italy are even now advocating the
passage of emigration laws which
will make it impossible for Jews" to
settle there.
"Only Palestine remains and if
$3,000,000 is not raised by the UuiteM
States, that country also will be
closed to the Jews now being per
secuted in Russia. Poland and the
Balkan states. The $.1,000,000 .will
be utilized in establishing a respon
sible Jewish government in Pales
tine. It will also be used in relieving
the suffering among the 48 Jewish
colonies already established in Pal
estine;' - T
- Dr. Wolf was a member of the
Great .Actions Committee of the
Zionist organization and president
of the St. Louis Zionist .council in
1917. He is now chairman of the St.
Louis Zionist propaganda com
mittee. Dr. Lucy Tappan Dead.
Urbana, O., March 16. Dr. Lucy
Tappan, aged 72, niece of Edwin M.
Stanton, secretary of war tinder
Abraham Lincoln, is .dead here.
For 20 years she was an instructor
fit the woman's medical college,,
Philadelphia. J
How many times do you pet up
in the morning just as tired - as
when you went to bed the night
before? It happens to most of us.
We are loggy, sluggish, our sys
tems are not working right. The
bowels are clogged with foodwaste,
which is .filling the blood with poi
sons and robbing us of our vigor.
Stop it! Your druggist has a
product called SALINOS, which will
quickly and pleasantly, empty the
bowels, including the lower bowel,
where most qf the trouble starts.
Get a bottle. Take it first thing in
the morning and you'll feel better
all day.-
The Neusteter
of Lincoln, Neb.
Require the services of
experienced salesladies
for their 'suit, dress, and ,
millinery departments.
Apply in person or by
mail, state experience,
age, salary and references.-
Apply at once.
.', Dead
, Celebrate the birth of the Irish
Republic by attending the St. Pat
rick's Day Celebration, under the
auspices of the United Irish Societies.
Hon. E. G. Dunn of Iowa will
give the address of the evening. , Se
lect musical program has been 'ar
ranged. Louis D. Kavanagh will
Monday evening March 17
Creighton University Auditoriunr .
25th and California Sts.
8:15 Sharp.
Bnet City News
Kojal Swerper. Burtui-Grandeo Co.
Have Koot Print It Beacon Tress.
Dr. V. Douglus Burns has re
turned from the dental corps of the
army and resumed practice. 658
Brandeis Theater Bldg. Tyler 424SW.
Why Do Wc.Love ami Hate?
tn her lecture cm the subject, "Ue
incarnation: Its Answers to Life's
Problems," given before -the Omaha
lodge, Theosophica! society, at their
rooms in the John L. Kennedy build
ing by Mrs. Susan Silver, she said:
"Why do we love and hate? Ba
ca use of our past relations with the
people we now love and hate. Some
think that reincarnation means that
they will be separated from those
they love. That is not so."
Baker Favors League
to Make Safe Path for
His Boy in the World
Portland, March 16. At a dinner
in his honor here iast night, Secre
tary of War Baker made an ad
dress strongly pleading for tlc pro
posed league of nations. President
Wilson, he declared, was now in a
strange land, fighting for the
noblest cause ever striven for by any
"If the peace conference does no
more than to set new boundaries
for the nations we shall have the
world war to fight over again," he
declared. "Let America say to all
peoples that the powers have at
last gotten together , to free the
world from fear of such recurrences.
The league of nations is necessary
to do this."
Speaking of the horrors of war,
the secretary said:
"I have an only son. a boy of 10
years. He is the hope of my fu
ture, but I would as willingly see
him dead now as to know that he
must die in another world war. I
want to be able to tell him that I
have made his path as safe as I
could." Organ Recital Sunday
Attracts Large Crowd
An organ recital was given Sun
day afternoon by Mrs. Louise Shad
duck Zahriskic at the First Presby
terian church. Mrs. Zabrfckic was
assisted by Mrs. Mable Wood worth
Jensen violinist, from Council Bluffs.
Mrs. Louise JansenWylic was suf
fering front a cold and was unable
to assist with the vocal number an
nounced. This is one of a series of
organ recitals by Mrs. Zabriskie at
the church and interest in the organ
and in the recital continues with an
increase of attendance with each re
cital. More than a thousand people
were present at the recital Sunday
afternoon. The seating capacity of
the church was filled and extra
chairs were placed in the front and
in the balcony.
Mrs. Zabriskie played a varied
program opening' with a "Festival
Trjcatta" by Fletcher, and closing
with a brilliant "Marche Russe" by
Schminke. The important number
pit the program was "Piece Ifero
ique" by Ceaser Frauck, "Echo" by
Yon, was a small number in which
one" part truly echoed another and at
the request of Dr. Jenks it was re
peated. Mrs. Jensen plad the An
datino from Third Concerto by Saint
Saens in which the beaufTtuh violin
tone harmonized advantageously
with the organ. Dr. Jenkc made a
short talk, in which he welcomed (he
people at the recitals, and called at
tention to the fact that the Red
Cross unit which works in the
church on Wednesdays making gar
ments for people of devastated
France could use more workers. A
collection vas taken for the support
of this Red Cross unit.
WreckecJ Naval Transport
Survivors Adrift for Hours
London, March 16. The Ameri
can transport YselWaven, which
struck a mine early Friday morn
ing, was at the time;40 miles north
west of Harilepool. The survivors
ray that after the first explosion a'
second blew awayv the steamer's
stern and the vessel sank in seven
minutes. '
The" su'rvivors, of whom there
were 35, were adrift for several
hours before they were picked up.
Four were sent to the hospital.
An earlier report, on the sinking
of the Yselhaven placed the possible
number of casualties at nine sailors
drowned. The Yselhaven was bound
front Baltimore for Copenhagen.
'ALBERT SNARE, former sup
erintendent -of schools at Bellevue
and at Beaver Crossing died at his
home Friday, at Utica, Neb., after
an illness of four months of cancer. .
L. T. MCLINTOCK, 83 years old,
died Friday morning at the home of
his sonT W. C. McClintock.' editor of
Tabor Beacon, Tabor, la. He
leaves two sons and two daughters.
They are.C. M. McClintock, Ventura,
Cal., W. C. McClintock, Tabor, la..
Mrs. Grace Brewer, Enid, OkL and
Mrs. Maud McManagle, Kansas
City, Mo.
W. P. M'CREART, attorney, died '
att his home in Hastings, Jveb., Sun
day afternoon, after a brief illness:
He was 63 years old. He was an
ardent supporter of harness horse
racing and officiated of ten as starter
for such races at the state .fair and
at other race meetings throughout
the central west. -"
Admission, 50c.
Colonia Juarez Raided by
Mexican Bandits; Ransom
Forwarded for Cap
tured Ranchmen. .
Juarez, Mex., March 16. Bishop
A. L. Pierce, in charge of the Mor
mon .church affairs here, announced
today that he had received an un
confirmed report from a Mexican
that Bishop Joseph C. lientley,
Missionaries Joseph W illiams, Jos
eph Spencer and two others, one of
whom was believed to be 1'leasant
Williams, had been made prisoners
by Francisco Villa and Felipe An
geles at El Valle, Chihauhua and
were last seen in the custody of
Villa troops going toward Nany
quipa. Bishop Pierce said one of the ru
mors received here was that Bishop
Bentley and the missionaries had
been mistreated by the Villa band
and another that they had been well
Martin Lopez and Ramon Vega
took all of the work horses, with
them when they left Colonia Juarez
Wednesday after occupying it four
days. '
A train of cavalry troops in com
mand of General Zauzua left here
today for Casas Grandes and will
take the field in pursuit of the Villa
bauds operating in the Mormon
Ransom Money Forwarded.
Columbus, N. M.. March 16. Col.
James J. Hornbrook, detailed to the
temporary command of the New
Mexico sub-district during Villa ac
tivities below the border, left here
by automobile for Hachita to con
tinue his investigation of the Villa
movements near Ascension.
Nothing has been heard from
"Bunk" Spencer, the negro foreman
of the Ojitos ranch, who, with his
wife and 10 Mexican ranch famil
ies, waS being held at Ojitos for
ransom. ' ,.
Manager Moorehead of the Ojitos
ranch obtained $5,000 from .the
Hachita Mercantile company and
was reported to have left for Ojitos
to deliver the ransom money which
was ordered paid by agents, Warren
Brothers, owners of the ranch at
Three Oaks, Michigan.
. Fear Border Raid. x
Hachta. N. M., March 16. A re
port that Martin Lopez, Villa com
mander, had occupied the Palomas
Land and Cattle company's home
ranch at Nogales, 18 miles southf
the border, caused considerable ex
citement in Hermanas, N. M., four,
miles north of the border, last night
and several families left there for in
terior towns, fearing a repetition of
the Columbus raid. Colonel Seney,
commanding the One Hundred
Twentieth cavalry here, sent a de
tachment of cavalry to Hermanas,
but no Villa bands were reported
near the border last night or today.
The Palomas company is owned by
Los Angeles interests. Two of their
men arrived at the border and gave
the alarm.
Wilson's Covenant
Doomed to Failure,
Avers Col. Harvey
Chicago, March 16. Col. George
Harvey, editor of the North Amer
ican Review, in an address before
a gathering of bankers last night, de
clared the league of nations coven
ant as drawn "is doomed to failure,"
but that "the substance of the plan
has not been and will not be aban
doned." .
! "The president is so fully com
mitted to the project and so firmly
convinced of the support of the peo
ple that a test of the sentiment of
the country is inevitable," said Col
onel Harvey. "Whether he will
succeed in convincing the delegates
of the other powers of his ability
to so entwine the league notion with
the peace treaty proper as to en
able him to coerce the senate seems
doubtful, but failing that, there is
hardly a question of his fetching
home some kind of proposition up
on which to raise a definite issue
before the country.
Expefts Urge Expansion of
Farm Management Bureau
Washington, March 16. Expan
sion of the office of farm manage
ment of the Department of Agricul
ture has been recommended by a
committee of farm management ex
perts, appointed by Secretary Hous
ton to outline projects for more ex
tensive work. The committees re
port made public today said the of
ficers should include farm economics
aswell as management and that the
name of the bureau should be
changed td that of farm management
and farm economics.
Changes in the existing system
were proposed and the committee
recommended that the work of the
bureau include costs of production,
farm organization, finance, labor his
tory and geography. Foreign and
domestic agriculture relations, land
utilization and related subjects.
Another recommendation was that
men employed To carry on the work
should be of the calibre of those now
at the heads of the departments in
the best agricultural colleges of the
country and that the salaries offered
should be sufficiently large to attract
such men.
Relief Being Given ;
to Famished Peoples
London, varch 16. Herbert
Hoover, director general of the inter
allied relief organization, on his re
turn from Paris today, announced
that England was arranging to send
100,000 tons of potatoes to Rotter
dam under supervision of military
officers for. . distribution in central
"I am deeply impressed," said Mr.
Hoover, "by the effort the Unifed
States is making toward solving the,
great problem of relieving in time
these famished peoples."
South Side Brevities
Beet prices paid for second hand furni
ture aa4 alwtbiog. Call 8, 2'ilt, , -
tq Death in Caucasus;
No Bread Anywhere
New York, March 16. Thousands
of men, women and children are
starving to death in the Caucasus, ac
cording to the hrst report trom JJr,
James L. Barton, chairman of the
commission recently sedt to that re
gion by the American committee for
relief in -the Near East, received
at the headquarters of the committee
here today.
"There is no bread anywhere," said
the report. "The government has
not a pound. . There are 45,000 peo
ple in Erivan wholly without bread,
and the orphanages are in terrible
condition. '
"Thee is not a dog, cat, horse,
camel or any living thing in all the
Igdir region. We saw refugee wo
men stripping the flesh from a dead
horse with their bare hands today.
"Thirty deaths a day arc reported
from Ashtarag; 2S from Etchmiad
zin; Izeir and Sadabad certainly
more. Another week ... will score
10,000 lives lost.
Senator Chamberlain
Requests Publication
or LoL Ansell s Letter
Washington, March 16. Request
that the reply of Lieutenant Col
onel .Ansell, former acting judge
advocate general, to the recent let
ter of Major General Crowder,
judge advocate general, in the court
martial system controversy, ' be
given to the public immediately,
was made today by Senator Cham
berlain of Oregon in a telegram to
Secretary Baker, in which he said
he had been furnished with -a copy
of Colonel Ansell's statement for
the confidential use of the senate
military affairs committee and that
after reading it he considered the
statement "a complete answer . to
the published defense of the present
court-martial system."
The reply ofA Lieutenant Ansell,
Senator Chamberlain .telegraphed
Secretary Baker, "shows affirma
tively the necessity of court-martial
refornv a subject in which the pub
lic and congress sre now vitally in
terested." t m
World-War Veterans
Begin Forming Plans
for an Organization
New York, March 16. On receipt
here g( word from Paris that 500
members of the American expedi
tionary force had taken the first step
there toward organization of a world
war veterans' organization, Lieut.
Col. Theodore Roosevelt announced
tonight that a meeting would be
called, in this country about the end
of April for the,, same purpose. He
added that organization would nottte
completed until most of the' Amer
ican troops returned ,from overseas.
He said that on February IS a rep
resentative group of members of the
national guard and national army
overseas bld a preliminary, confer
ence in Paris to (consider plans for
the organization of an association
similar to the Grand Army of the
Republic, "with the general purpose
of promoting comraship and serv
ing the nation by keeping alive the
spirit which caused American citi
zens to make such great sacrifices."
Sergeant Ostronic Back From
Working for Uncle Sam
First Duty Sergeant Anthony Os
tronic has returned" from Camp
Dodge with his discharge papers and
will be back at his former position
in The Bee's composing room this
Sergeant Ostronic at Dodge did
work first as top sergeant in, a com
pany that was disbanded when the
armistice was 9gned and then as line
sergeant in the Third company. First
battalion, One Hundred Sixty-third
depot brigade. In this position ,fie
was in charge of one of the barracks
and had the overseeing of the men
brought backrom overseas for dis
charge. ,
Although but a few days in
Omaha, Sergeant Ostronic has had
a run-in on the bowling alleys and
he finds that his arm, while a little
erratic at the start, is likely to regain
all its former skill.
French Cardinal Pays
"Visit to Pope Benedict
Rome, Marcli 16. Pope Benedict
today received in private Cardinal
Ammette, archbishop of Paris. The
pontiff and the cardinal had a long
conference. In . diplomatic circles
here the meeting between the pon
tiff and the cardinal is considered
Education Eeforjn Urged.
Washington, .March 16. Adop
tion in American schools of more
modern systems of education was
Urged at The first open meeting of
the Association for the Advance
ment of Progressive Education.
Plans were made for conducting a
nationwide membership campaign
during which meetings will be held
in the principal cities of the east.
Postmasters Appointed.
Washington, D. C, March 16. (Spwlift
Telegram.) Postmasters appointed:
Iowa, Arnold, Humboldt county, Ve'.ma
R. Petersen, vice Wary A. Madsen. re
signed; Blanden, Pocahontas county,
Klmer H. Rasmussori, vice Charlie Woirte
man, resigned ; IMencoe, Monona count
Bertha Zadow, vice Harmon CUne, re
signed; Coburg, Montgomery county,
Charles M. Brooks, vice A.. Deloss War
ner, resigned; Hale, Jones county, Eiheg
B. Kruse. vice Vera O. Conley, resigned;
Ionia. Cttlcliasaw county, Anna Roths,
vice , Clara M. Meyers, resigned: Lang
don, Clay county, Ama I. Sprague. vice
Emit "Barglof, resigned: LIdderale, Ccr
roll county, Joseph H. Ptesrl, vice John
Rohan, resigned; Palm-.T, Porahontns
county, Anna A. Gough. vice Mary Han
sen, resigned; Plalnfield, Bremtr county,
lscaT Smith, vice James F. Watts, re
signed. Nebraska-: " McLean. Pierce
county, W. L. Bulterfield. vice Florence
Hanson, resigned.
The Weather.
Comparative local Record.
i ' Ut. 1918. 1917.
Highest yesterday ..62 62. 41
Lowest yesterday ...34 30 27
Mean temperature ..43. 46 34
Precipitation ....... T- . 00 2
Temperature and
precipitation depar
tures from the, normal:
Normal temperature 36
Excess for the day 7
Total -excess since March 1, 1919 47
Normal precipitation 04 Inch
Deficiency for the day ,04 Inch
Rainfall since March 1. 1919. . 29 Inches
Excess since March 1, 1919 17 Inch
Ieflc!ency cor. period In 1911. .47 Inch "
Excess cor. period la 1917., u .22 Inch
Troops lauded
bycen. persihm8
Thirty-Second Division In
spected Preliminary to De
parture From Germany
for Home in April.
Coblenz, March 16. Within -Sight
of the distant hills of unoccupied
Germany 20.000 troops of the Thirty-second
division today heard Gen
eral Pershing express appreciation
of their effort's at Chateau Thierry,
Soissons and on the Mcuse-Argonne
front, "which the ' commander-iiir
chief said made it possible foa. them
to stand where they were today..
The soldiers -assembled in a
small valley after being inspected
and reviewed. General Pershing
said he took the liberty of thanking
the soldiers for their services in the
name of more than 100,000.000
Americans at home whose hearts
had been with the soldiers all dur
ing the fighting a,nd since.
The Thirty-second division,-which
was composed originally of national
guard troops from Michigan and
Wisconsin, is scheduled to start
for home early in April. General
Pershing said he realized bow the
relatives and friends of the soldiers
were eagerly awaiting their return
and how proud they would be of
the part the soldiers had been play
ing in tile great war.
The review took place on the high
land east of the Rhine, beyond
Rengsdorf, the headquarters of the
Thirty-second division on a hill
overlooking the old castle of the
princess of Wied and a great vjrtlcy
stretching away towards central
After the review General Pershing
presented distinguished jrcrvice med
als to Maj. Gen. William Lassitcr,
commander of 'the division; Brig.
Gen. Edwin B. Winans, commander
of the Sixty-fourth infantry brig
ade, and Col. Robert Mc Peck, chief
of staff to General Lassiter and 18
distinguished service crosses to of
ficers and men of the division.
Presents Medals at Coblenz.
Coblenz, March 16. Four major
generals, three brigadier generals,
two colonels, one lieutenant and one
private were presented with decora
tions by Gen. John J. Pershing, commander-in-chief
of the American ex
peditionary forces, Saturday morn
ing in the square in front of the pal
ace formely occupied by the Ger
man emperor in Coblenz.
At the head of the line of those
decorated stood Lieutenant Cukela
Never before have people demanded and enjoyed so many modern
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A Puts 1DEAI HOT WATER HEATING comfort in workingman's '
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The IDEAL ARCOLA takes the place of a 'parior stove. But a stove wastes
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stationed in the adjoining rooms. Every bit of the big volume of heat developed from each
pound of fuel is therefore made useful in keeping ALL the rooms uniformly, healthfully warm. There is no coal
'wasted The IDEAL Arcola does not rust out or wear out will outlast the building is a gamine, permanent
investment! ,
. - r
Shipped complete ready for immediate operation
The beauty of the IDEAL ARCOLA method is that no cellar is needed. Everything is on one floor. The ARCOLA
is placed in qpy room that has a chimney connection. No running to cellar. If there are two or more tenants
in the building, each can have his own ARCOLA and make the tempcreture to suit his own needs can make his
own cltmatel If you do not wish at first to heat the entire building, buy a small size IDEAL ARCOLA and later
on buy extra sections for the Ideal Arcol, and two or three more radiators to warm more rooms.
Cleanly heating healthful heating free from fire risks!
Unlike stoves, there are no coal-gas leaks into the living rooms. The IDEAL ARCOLA de'ivers the soft, radiant
warmth of hot water not the dry, burnt-out atmosphere of stove heatir". There is n fir -risk to building no
danger to children fire lasts for hours! The Arcola burns hard or soft coal, cake, as, or wood. Brines cost
of heating down to the lowest notch and gives IDEAL comfort.
Put in quickly without disturbing your tov till ready to start
- fire in the new outfit. Sold by all dealers, fiend -or catalog
."IDEAL ARCOLA Hot Water Heating." Phone or write today t
Sold by all dealers
No exclusive agents
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St. St. Louia, Kauat City, Dei Moum, Oauba, Dearer. Su Ftucuco, Lo Aagtkt, Sc.ttl. Portland, Toronto. Bruttord (Out.)
tm tm M M M M an - - '
of Minneapolis and next to Cukela
was Private John J. Kelly of Chi
cago, both marines, who received the
congressional medal of honor for
bravery iti attacking German ma
chine gun nests. Distinguished serv
ice medals were presented to Major
Generals Dickman, commanding the
third army, John L. Hines, com
manding the third corps, William G.
Haan, commanding the seventh
corps, and Charles H. Muir, com
manding the fourth corps; Brig.
Generals Harry A. Smith, in charge
of civilian affairs in the occupied
area, Campbell King, chief of staff
of the third corps, and Malin Craig,
chief of staff of the third army;
Colonels George Tyner, of the third
army staff, in charge of transporta
tion, and John C. H. Lee, chief of
staff of the Eighty-ninth division,
the youngest chief of staff in the
American expeditionary force.
German Socialists
Would Bar Religion
From Public Schools
Weimar, March 16. Some of the
delegates of tli4f right and center in
the course of the debate on the in
terpellation regarding the attempt
by varrous.states to prevent religious
instruction in schools sharply criti
cised this and demanded legislation
to prevent a recurrence.
Clerical Delegate Mumm said:
"The revolutionary government at
Hamburg has retained the brothels
and ' abolished religious "Instruction.
In Brunswick the people's commis
sioners assembled 1,300 school chil
dren in the cathedral for anti-Christian
Hellman, ' majority socialist, ex
plaining his party's attitude, said:
"The church, like all social insti
tution, is subject to steady changes
and eventually will disappear."
Herr Bell, colonial minister, an
swering for the government, said
that the government was not yet
able to interfere in such matters as
against the -various states. The sub
ject, he added, would finally be ad
justed in the constitution.
Military Convention Between
China and Japan Made Public
Peking, March 16. The military
convention between China and Jap
in in 1918, with a hitherto undis
closed extension signed last month,
providing for the termination of the
agreement on the-, signing of the
peace treaty, was made public' sim
ultaneously today in Peking and
Tokio. More than 12 treaties are to
be published in the Chinese and Jap
anese (Capitals. Thestf include two
agreements between the Chinese
government and the British Marion
company and two with the Seims
Carey company of the United States
regarding railways and canals.
There are no .French agreements to
be made public. ,
leaf to all me
American Radiator COMPANY
A. E. F. Educational
System Explained
By Gen. Pershing
Washington, March 16. Regula
tions governing the arinycducution
al system now in operation in the
American Expeditionary forces were
explained in a general order issued
by General Pershing, and made pub
lic today by the War department.
The order establishes provisional
educational centers, to supplement
the post schools already inaugurat
ed and vocational training in car
pentry, telephone repair, telegraphy,
surveying, tailoring, cobbling, cook
ing, and other similar industries is
authorized in addition to post grad
uate'eourses in the usual scholastic
The number of students in each
center is limited to IS per cent of
the organization it serves. Courses
provide a minimum of five hours'
instructions and supervised study
per day, and one hour of military
training. Supplementing this work
the soldiers will have the privilege
of attending educational institu
tions of France and Great Britain
and will be allowed, $2 per day for
subsistance and $1 'per day for ex
penses. To accomodate the most advanced
students an -"A. E. F. educational
center" is to be established to pro
vide college and technical training
beyond that offered at the divisional
centers. Only carefuJly selected
men may attend this school, the
course being set at a minimum of
three months.
Beer Strike Condemned
By Jersey Labor Unions
Lrer-no work" strike proposed for
July 1 ,was condemned y 400 dele
gates of the New Jersey State Fed
eration of Labor antj State Building
Trades council at a joint meeting
here today. The delegates, however,
adopted resolutions urging cpngrcss
to repeal both war-time and permaiir
ent prohibition, and calling on Pres
ident Wilson for aid.
"A general strike for beer by la-,
boring men on July 1 would make
us look ridiculous' declared Henry
F. Hilfers, secretary of the labor fed
eration, one of the speakers. "A gen
eral strike always means a disruj
tion of organized labor. We must
express our protest by other means."
Chaplain Decorated. ,
New York, March 16. Rev. Will
iam T. Manning, rector of Trinity
church and former chaplain- of the
Three Hundred Second engineers,
today was made a chevalier of the
Legion of Honor by the French gov
ernment. Admiral Groult, com
manding the French fleet in the
North Atlantic, conferred the decoration.
Working Together in Both
Civic and Religions Activi
ties to Be Idea of Next
"Doing things together will be the "
cry of the next'eentury, both in re
ligious and civic life," said Mrs.
Janet Wallace Curtis at the First
Unitarian church, Sunday.
Mrs, Curtis was formerly teach
er in the Omaha High school and
has only recently returned from
Massachusetts. She filled the pulpit
in the absence of Rev. Mr. Leavens.
In her talk on "Active Tolerance."
Mrs. Curtis made a plea to all '
churches to overcome the bigotries
that had separated denominations
and people through these centuries.
"Each creed ca"n. learn something
from its neighbor," said Mrs. Cur
tis. "The Unitarian church was
founded in revolt against feeling
and beauty; music was barred but
re-admitted; form was abolished,
but one by one churches are again
adopting processionals and ceremon
ials, l-.veu the Unitarians, who re
volted against feeling in religion,
have learned that the function of
beauty is to arouse feelings and that
they had best stop before they do
exclude it. 1
''Tolerance of old cests and tra
ditions is not the only considera
tion in the new 'actively tolerant
"New sects, such as Christian
jcience find New Thought, are.
pringine up and have in their creed
and profession that which the older
churches should know, not only by
books but by exchanging congrega
tions with them at various times.
New evangical creeds express a vital
fellowship with God and humanity
that is lost in the older sects."
Woman Run Down by Auto
Convalescing at Hospital
Mrs. R. C. Deeter, of 3210 Faruam
street, run down by an auto driven
by Mrs. William W. Uoagland, of
520 North Forty-eighth, at Thirty
third and Farnam street, March 6, is
still convalescing at the Lister hos
pital. .At the time of the accident Dr.
J. E. Pulver stated that Mrs. Deeter
bad incurred a fracture at the base
of the skull and possible internal in
juries. Hospital authorities stated
last night, however, that her condi
tion is improving.
The IDEAL ARCOLA will look at.
tractive in any room paint it to
match any interior color acheaij.
Write Department 0-4
413-417 South Tenth St
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