Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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D A'
Permission Refused University
of Nebraska Graduate
to Plead for Korean
New York. March 15. "Right
now Japan has an economic stranale
hold upon Korea, the Alsace-Lor
raine of the east. It can annihilate
tlie Korean people by tightening
mis strangle Jiom without blood
shed, like the mediaeval-iron
woman who crushed her victim
without shedding a drop of blood."
a wiry nttie Korean who left his
native isle when it was still inde
pendent, and who has lived in Amer
ica for 14 years and won honors in
American universities, thus gave
voire today to the cause of his
countrymen, lie is Dr. Henry
I'liung. American representative of
the Korean National association,
who lias just lost a desperate battle
'' with passport red tape and diplo
matic rules to go to raris and rep
resent Korea's case at the peace
' Perused Passport.
"1 would rather be a 1113:1 without
. a country than a subject of the
Japanese emperor," was his plea to
the State department, and with that
status, a "a man without a coun
try," he pleaded for a Special per
mit to leave the country, willing to
take his own chances when he got
to France. He was told that, being
a Korean and Korea being part of
Japan, he must have permission
" from japan first. This he could not
obtain. Upon v his fervent pleas
Acting Secretary of State Polk sent
a cable to Secretary of State Lans
ing at Paris, whose answer, accord
ing to Dr. Chung, was, in substance,
. that "it would be unfortunate for
1 Korean representatives to come to
'Paris at this time." '
Associated with Dr. Chung in
the vain effort to go to Paris was
, Dr. Singman Rhec, graduate of Har
vard and alumnus of Princeton and
j a personal friend of President Wil-
son. Dr. Cluing is a graduate of the
University of Nebraska and kas a
i fellowship in Northwestern universi-
ty, being now on leave from that in
1 stitution to pursue his fight for Ko
rean iiulcpeffdence.
j Nebraska Student.
' Dr. Chung was the first person in
this country to learn of the declara
tion of Korean independence on
i March 1, before the world had an
inkling of e alleged Japanese
cruelties since reported from Pekin,
itMie report telling of Korean stu
dents being stripped and tied to
crosses. Today Dr. Chung received
J this exlusive information of the
Korean situation :
"The Japanese have sent out gen
darmes, soldiers and police who are
forcing the people to sign a docu
ment that they want Japanese rule
and have no desire of independence
i Those who refuse to sign are arret
' "ed and pnt into jail. Martial law has
been declared, in all Korean cities.
1 "All the people of Korea want is
? self-determination under President
Wilson's accepted doctrines."
Compare to PhillippineS.
A previous cablegram told Dr.
Chung that the Korean National
Independence Union, "composed of
,.1,000,000 people, including 3,000
Christian churches, and 5,000
churches of heaven worshippers,
all colleges, schools and other bod
ies, had declared the independence
of Korea at 1 p. in, March ls at
Seoul, Pyenzyaug and other cities.
(Note "Heaven worship" embod
ies the essence of Confucionism,
Buddhism and Toaism.)
- "Japan loves to compare Korea to
the Philippines. No comparison
could be more paradoxical and
fraudulent. The Philippines have
their own legislative assembly, in
which they can overrun the veto of
the American governor general,
i "The Japanese governor general
, of Korea is an absolute monarch,
while in the Philippines the Ameri
can governor general is the benevo
lent representative of America who
obeys the wishes of the people of
the Philippine islands.".
' American - Transport '
Sunk by Mine in North
Sea and Nine Drown
London, March IS. Nine sailors
ire reported drowned in the sinking
of the American naval transport
Yselhaven, which struck a rriine at
1:35 o'clock Friday morning, accord
ing to a report to Lloyds. The
Yselhaven was bound from Balti
more to Copenhagen.
Thirty-five survivors have been
landed at Hartlepool by a British
The Yselhaven measured 3,558
tons and was built in Rotterdam in
1916. It waa taken over by the
United States shipping board after
the United States entered the war.
It left Baltimore February 18 for
The sinking of the Yselhaven
probably occurred in the North Sea,
as Hartlepool, where the survivors
were taken, is a port on the jeastern
eoast of England. '
Soldiers on Toloa Are
Sent Home from New York
New York, March IS. Americans
and Britishers residing in the United
States discharged from the British
army, who rhade trouble aboard the
transport Toloa because they were
not put ashore and sent to their
homes from Halifax, arrived here to
day on the vessel.
Three officers and 349 men made
cp the contingent and they will be
dispatched to their homes with
transportation furnished by the
British consul in New York. . '
Bavarian Diet Will Elect
New Premier Next Monday
Basle. March IS. The Bavarian
Diet will convene on Monday, March
17, and will be asked to elect a new
premier to take the place of Kurt
Eisner, who was assassinated last
month. ' . ,
Ask Mr. Foster
about winter travel to Florida, Cali
fornia and other resorts. Full in
formation. No fees.
Mala Floor Balaoay
Grutid Opera
-t the Boyd, beginning March 25.
No doubt you'll want soma new ap
parel for this occasion.
Sunday, March 16, 1919-
-Phone Douglas 2100
Announcing for Monday a Most Exquisite
Display and Sale of
Q) M Tw
Featuring Thousands of Dainty Under garments in
The New Silks of the Season at Old-Time Prices
THERE'S a certain charm in Silk Lingerie that wins the heart of any woman. Its novelty
of design, beauty of coloring, exquisite hand work and lacey effects have an attrac
tiveness that appeals to the desires of every woman.
WOMEN are giving more attention to dress again since the days of coTiservatloir
over and our showing of Silken Lingerie with its varied styles and materials h
that will prove both pleasing and advantageous.
Heavy Quality Black Crepe de
Chine Bloomers, Special Monday
A most popular garment made of heavy quality
black crepe de chine, iittea elastic top, imisnea ai
the knee with double elastic cuff. Sizes 25, 27 and
Limited number to each customer.
Witchery Silk Crepe Envelope
Chemise, Daintily Trimmed
Beautiful envelope chemise made of shell pink,
witchery silk crepe, exquisitely trimmed in georgette f
bands, embroidered m blue floral designs, finished
with "Lady Fair" ribbon in rose deslffn. Sizes 36
44. . ...... i
IK, -1
2 $1.25
Limited number to each customer
Silk Envelope Chemise, Step-Ins, Chemise
Knickers at
$1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $5, $5.95 to $15
FASHIONED from "Lady Fair" satins, georgette, pussy willow, crepe,
de chine and witchery crepe in orchid, i violet,, yellow, turquoise,
coral, league blue, French pink, nile, white, black and victory red.
Pretty Silk Tsioomers Featured in the Display for Monday, at
$1.65,$1. 95, $2. 95, $3. 95, $5.00, $5. 95
INNUMERABLE models in satin, crepe .de chine, witchery crepe,
yellow, nile and black in ruffled, embroidered and tailored ef
fects. 1
i ' ' ' " .1 i f
Burgn.-Nuh Co. Secoad Floor
Silk Night Gowns in a Wide Variety
Of Styles Monday at
$3.95, $5.95J7.50, $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 to $25
YOU would never think that bo many beautiful styles could be
evolved In a night gown and colorings, orchid, turquoise, league
blue nile, 'wisteria, shell pink, sky blue, coral, black and victory red.
made of gauzy chiffons, georgettes, messalines, satins, crepe de
chines, crepe meteor.
Silk Camisoles Scores of Dainty Styles Offered Monday, at
95c, $125, $M0, $1S5, $2J50 and up to $7X9
SOCIETY satin,i georgette, chiffon and silk voile combined with
filet val torchon and shadow lace, ribbon run beading, in white
flesh, blue, victory red and black,
The New Junior Blouses That
Seem Part of Springtime Itself
A LITTLE hand embroidery, some smocking, and
much art and altogether you have some of the
loveliest blouses for juniors twelve to eighteen.
The display is most pleasing, including such ma
terials as : j
Dainty colored checked voiles.
Colored batistes. . "
-White voile and batiste with the daintiest colored
hand-embroidery and smocking. 1 ,
Some with low' collars,
i Some witlfBuster Brown collars.
Prices Range $2.50 to $5.95
Burgees-Naah Co. Second Floor
A Sale of Notions at Radical Price Reductions
FOR this sale we have planned to have enough of each item for
cannot be duplicated, however, so we suggest early selection,
Oriental Pearl Trimming But
tons; various colors. Dozen,
Zouave Dress -Shields; guar
anteed quality, in sizes 3, 4 and
5. Pair, 39c.
Mercerized Corset Laces, 10
yards; white or pink. Pair, 20c.
a full day's selling. Some of them
We reserve the right to limit quan-
J. & P. Coates best 6-cord
Sewing Thread. Limit of 6
spools to customer. Spool, 4c.
Pearl Buttons In four good
sizes. . Dozen on card. Per
dozen, 3c. '
Sharp Pins, in packages of
360 count. Package, SJJc.
Safety Pins, nickel plated,
various sizes. Dozen, 4c. ;
Dress Snaps, assorted style's,
black and white. Card, 3c.
Wave Braid, white, assorted
sizes. Bolt, 5c.
Dress Belting; good qual
ity; various sizes. Black or
white. Yard, 10c.
Kick-Rack Trimming
Braids, various colors. Bolt,
White Hook and Eye Tape.
Yard, 25c.
Petticoat Bands, all sizes.
Each, 15c. ,
Skirt Braid, black and colors.
Bolt, 25c. .
. Taffeta Seam Binding; black
and colors. Bolt, 25c.
BargCTi-Nah Co. Main Floor
Sewing Scissors;
sizes. Each, 19c.
Stella and Defiance Dress
Shields; guaranteed quality;
regular style. Sizes 2, 3 and
4. Pair, 19c.
Stickerie Edging; various
colors. Bolt, 9c.
Basting Cotton, 3-cord, doz
en,28c. Spool, 2c.
Sanitary Napkins, 6 in box.
Per box, 25c.
Twilled Taps, various widths.
Bolt, 5c.
Boys' Trouser Bands, all
sizes. Each, 10c
Silk Binding Braid. Black
! and assorted colors. Yard, 15c.
Pearl Buttons; white or
smoked. Dozen, 10c.
Pretty New Dress Patterns
Lengths of Wash Goods at
$2.69 to $4.69
THE lengths are 6 to 7 yafds In a pattern embracing a
wide selection of new weaves, styles and color
combinations such as : Silk plaid tussah, voiles in figures,
stripes plaids, dots and flowere'd effects; plain poplins,
ginghams, flaxons in- neat stripes, plain voiles in - all
light or dark shades. Three groups, $2.69, $3.49 and
$4.69 a pattern.
New Printed Voiles, 79c and $1J0.
Light or dark colored grounds, in very pretty and
unusual styles. Over 100 different styles. 40 inches
wide. Two big ranges of selection at 79c and $1.50 yard.
Burgosa-Nub Cow Mala Floor x
An Exquisite Collection of
New Silks Featured Monday
EMpRACING a wide and varied selection of the
newest weaves, patterns and coloringsi now in
greatest demand.
86-inch Stripe Chiffon Taffeta for skirts
and dresses.
36-inch Fancy -Plaid Taffeta.
36-inch Stripe Satin in pretty colors.
32-inch Tub Silk for men's shirts.
36-inch Figured Foulard in neat designs.
36-inch Silk Poplin; nice heavy quality; all
36-inch Black Chiffon Taffeta; firmly woven.
42-inch Chiffon Cloth in pretty plain shades.
86-inch Japanese Crepe in white.
t, 82-inch Natural Pongee; all pure silk; im
ported. On sale Monday, at $1.55 a yard.
Another Group of New Silks
Featured Monday at $lJ95
36-inch Plain Chiffon Taffeta; all shades.
36-inch Princess Satin; all shades, light and
40-lnch Crepe de Chine; all shades, light and
86-inch Foulard Silk; newest designs and
color combinations.
40-inch Satin Charmeuse in pretty shades.
40-inch Black Chiffon Taffeta; extra wide.
40-inch Georgette Crepe, in 75 different
shades. m
40-inch Silk Voile in all plain shades . '
86-inch Wash Satin in flesh and white.
36-inch Plaid Sousaines; silk gingham styles.
36-inch Plaid and Stripe Taffeta for skirts.
Faille Francaise at $325 Yard
A heavy silk made specially for suits
ill pretty shades, such as jap blue, navy,
quaker grey, grape, taupe and ivory,
also black.
86 inches wide, specially priced, $3.25 yard.
Guaranteed Spring Satin, at $1J)0
Guaranteed to wear. A full line of plain shades, 36 inches,
at $1.50 a yard.
New Sport Silks, $i0 to $SJ)5
For skirts, dresses and suits. The most wonderful showing
embracing the smartest weaves for the coming season in pretty
shades; also white, sylvette, tricolette, patrette, art satin, fairway,
$4.50, $4.95, $5.95 and $6.95 a yard.
BurftH-Nuh Co. Mala Floor
I 'Ms
In the Bureess-N ash Rahv Shon
- B
Once Upon a Time
"There was an old woman
Who lived in a shoe,
Who had so many children
She didn't know what to do."
But this was long before the Bur-gess-Nash
baby shop was thought of.
This dear old woman loved and
looked after her home and children
much as mothers do nowadays, ex
cept that in those days there were
no nice places to buy dainty things
like we have.
In those days people couldn't go
hunting exquisite hand-embroidered
clothes and fine bits of lace and all kinds of lovely things.
So the Burgess-Nash Baby Shop came into existence and the
buyer for that section gathered together everything to de
light mothers and bring baby comfort.
And as mothers learned of this clever little shop it grew
and grew and mothers now rely upon it greatly.
To show people" everywhere in what regard the Burgess
Nash store holds little children, we set apart one whole week
each season as
Baby 8 Own Week.
And every section that has baby things to offer is dressed
in best "bib and tucker" in honor of the occasion. Sweet
faced saleswomen are in readiness to give mothers assistance
in choosing.
So This is Baby Week. '
And we cordially invite all mothers to come and bring their little ones to see
the attractive displays and to choose from well assorted and complete stocks of fine
raiment and other things for baby.
A 'Trained Nurse in Attendance.
MRS. HUBBARD, a woman who has given years of study to the care of babies,
will be, here to explain and demonstrate how to dress baby in the most healthful and
comfortable manner. Co. S-eond Floor
all over the world
Novelties for
St. Patrick's Day
DINNERS, luncheons, card
parties, etc., can bs mads
so much more attractiva and
original with the use of novel
ties suitable for the day.
For St. Patrick's day we have
a large selection of party fa
vors, invitations and novelties
In a wide range of prices.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Potted Shamrocks
for March 17th ,
10c !
POTTED shamrocks, which
' are emblematic of St Pat
rick's, day, Monday will be on
sale in the cut flower section,
at 10 each.
Bnrcaai-Naab, Co, MaJa Floor
Madame hem Corsets
Form a Perfect Foundation for the
Wearing and, Fitting of Suits and Gowns'
THEY gradually give the wearer the outlines of the
corset and incidentally give her the best proportions
for her type of figure.
Types differ, but there is a Mme.
Irene corset design for each type.
The artists who create women's
clothes always model them on per
fectly poised figures. Perfection in
proportions is usually associated with
correct poise, and on the other hand,
correct poise gradually develops per
fect proportions.
Mme. Irene employs the highest
salaried corset designers in the world
to co-operate with leading-manufacturers
and designers of women's ap
parel. This is done that your corsets
may bring out to the fullest degree irr.
an tne lines ot style and beauty the fc:
designer of your
create in them.
gowns arid suits
Our corsetieres will advise and fit
you with a Mme. Irene corset free of
charge. You place yourself under no
obligations other than that of your
own incination to purchase.
Prices $5.00 to $47.50.
Buriaaa-Nkaa Co. Socond Floor