THUi OxMAHA BEE For Book Lovers i .-a -. . IMPRESSIONS OF THH KAISER. By Ivld Jayne Hill. Harper Brothers. 13. 00. Former Ambassador Hill knows the kaiser as few Americana have ever known him. During the years when he represented this country at Berlin he was in almost daily contact with either the kaiser himself or with his ministers. And beyond this he has a full and scholarly knowledge of the background against which the world'i greatest tragedy has been enacted. To de nounce any man, however evil he may be, is as ineffective as it if easy. To let that man reveal himself through his own acts and words, is the more convincing method of showing the world what he really is. This is what Dr. Hill has done in these pages. BRITISH-AMERICA! DISCORDS AND CONCORDS. Compile by The Hletory Orel. O. r. rutnara a oons. . i Here w have a aummary of.the relations between Great Britain and America during the three centuries which have elapsed since Jtngiisn fir ttUH nn thr American continent. The statements in the text may be accepted as trustworthy, and will prove extremely interest ing to tne general reaoer. ESSAYS AND ADDRESSES W WAR TIMK3. By the Rt. Hon. Viscount Bryce. VacMUlaa Company. Followine the three esstye with which the book begins, are three addresses of a non-political charac ter, treating of the war in general, it rm.ra and soma of it ohetlO- mena, its social effects, and its re lation to human progress. The dis tinguished author says in hie pre face: "This it a war of principles, ml h rnnrtc nf events nil vindi cated the principles of morality and humanity that were at ataice. "it at wpyttdw M-TSINftel Trt Till fEO PLB. By Karl Llebknechl MacMlllao Company. 11.31. The philosophy o! TJebknecht at ' rva1fit In then cures leaves but a narrow ledge for heroes to stand on. To him the significant thing in his tory it and has always been the tf Vi viaa rif tnn at the bottom, tneir unconscious writhing!, their struggles, and finally tneir gi- ointii fearanma unthmst. which ntrartiirna all th little OTOUOl of clever men who have lived by hold . .i j t u:- t,:t ing tnese masses uuwij. in uia.yuii ha ia diametrically ODDOsed to the theories of Carlyle, as sum med up in the latter rneroes ana Hero Worship." , Fiction. STTLLmurS TRAVELS. By Dr. Jon- than Swift. J. B. Llpplneott Company. On the island of Ltlliput, upon ..Vilh rti.lllvtr wii east hv hlt wreck, dwelt a people to tmall that the most of them did not exceed six tn.ti in ViioViinrlee1 weu be neath thit stature. "Fifteen of the emperor t largest horses, eacn aoout four inchet and a half high; were employed to draw me to the metro- nnlia " nrfvit Contain Gulliver. In this land "like a garden," in which the fields resemblecLso many beds of DAiuan nnl1(vn hail tnanv atrance adventures, not the least of which was his prowess in carrying on au muif.war nf the enemv. nation and thut saving Lilliput' But what were these events compareo io nis .!11!nit -nrinr in Rrnhditlff- - nag, whether he traveled later? Whan hia Q.vear.nld nurse was "not An ft tiio-V heino- small far WYV ' v W. ' -.-"--O . I her age." It cannot be thought that any child s education is complete until ne nas mastered ws mosi in verting history. WUrellaneoiia Kvxrm control, AND HOW TO GAIN IT. By H. Adding ton Bruce. Funk I 'Wainall Company. SI. ' ' A very sensible and practical dis cussion of the whole question of nervous trouDiet ana xneir causes in a ehattv. non-technical manner that will appeal to he laymen the ...thn Jainfia a h1n Ttia hnrtk treats of foods, exercise, and habits io their bearing on the nervous condition of the individual; of irri tability, worry, timidity; the value r. that riirht outlook, the blessings , of relaxation, the curative quality of fresh air, and a host ot otner pnases of this most important subject Every man or woman who is nervous should make a point of reading this book, which can not fail to be of "real assistance to those who take its advice to heart HOW TO PREVENT SICKNESS. By O. L. Bowa, M. D. . Harper Bros. 11.26. Here s advice by aft expert who is medical director of the nastman Kodak company. . He states that more than half the diseases in the world micht be prevented, and gives oroven facts, enabliniz the reader to fake sensible care, of himself. It is " a book that anyone might read and follow with proht. ' EUROPEAN THEORIES OS1 THB DBA- MA. 'By Barrett H. Clark. Stewart 4b Kldd Company. 3.60. Nowhere else is so important a bodv of doctrine, on the subject of the drama to be obtained. It cannot fail to anneal to anyone who is n- tarested in the theater, and will be indispensable to stadents. The intro duction to each section ot tne dook is followed by an Exhaustive biblio graphy; each writer , whose work is represented is made the surjject ot a brief biography, and the entire vol ume is rendered doubly valuable by the index, which is worked out in great detail. THE SEVEN PURPOSES. By Margarat Cameron. Harper e Bros, f 1. This narrative contains a series " of remarkable experiences with . "automatic writing," into which the writer protests sh$ was drawn much ' against her will and1 contrary to all previous habits and prejudices. Her narrative, involving expressions and messages purporting to come from the other world, is extraordinary, to say the, least. - 1 ' -STT RED MONTHS IN RUSSIA." By IouW.Bryant. Qeorfa H. Coran Co. 13. The impressions of the author while living in Russia before and during the proletarian dictatorship. Her observations are of a kind to throw new light upon "a situation which has come to be regarded as hopelessly complicated. The por trait the draws of Kerensky revives emi of the interest once to keenly .'j Low Cash PricesrCoupled With Unusually Broad Assortments, Make Buying Here Both Pleasant andPrgfitable 9 Liberty Bonds -Accepted at Market Value in Payment for MerchandiseInquire at Cashier's Office, Third Floor i l A VH, Suits at $m75 , : , Two Special Groups of . " Spring Suits offered buyers here Saturday off,er most exceptional oppor tunity to secure really distinctive clothes at very moderate prices. You'll find the assortment of styles and qualities both sur prisingly pleasingr Suits at Hundred! to select from; made Bp In twenty smart new models In Twills, Men's Wear Serges, Tweeds SilSs and. "Wool Poplins, eto, all the newest shades and in all styles. Out $0.75 ....... J7- Clever models In Twills, Serges and Poplins j well tailored and come in all reg ular sizes,. 16 to 46 stonts, np to 53; you'll find them surprising ralues at, our cash price. cash price Scores of Exclusive New Models in Spring: Suits Shown at Most Attractive Low Cash Prices. 45, 59i '69, 79 and 98 Drugs and Toilet poods OFB CASH PRICES ARB HOMST SAV&Rt I5e Lathar Krera 194 10s wmiama 8havln Boap. at . .104 tSo Manatta Talcofc 1&4 Wllllami Talcum ........20 ISa Uatarln 174 J5o Woodburr Faca PwflN 1T4 SEs Woodburr Dtntal Craam at 174 Tanty Souk iurpaanM. It 1 the most adherent and produce! natural ton. Our price ...... ...... 504 too WalnutU 424 1 ' If jaa kara not tried ouf yreaerlptloii iepaiJnient ya avra loiln aneaer. Tom aaTlnga on preacrtptlena u rery motlo l able wbea pat p 7 nr aradnate rcglAered PhimeUt. ISa Jao Rota Soan .. loo Mard water caauie .soap t 74 ISo and 40o Tooth Bruahes, 194 Extra Bpeeial t large rolli Crepe Toilet ' . Paper, full weight, extra quality, our trice, ( rolli for i 424 ) 777 ' - W , , j,f;f-lv Special Saturday Offerings in Hosiery Hlgli Grade Pure Dye Silk Hosiery for Women In lace and embroidered designs; also plain colors; $3.50 Tal lies; Saturday t 2.50 Women's Silk Hosiery In all wanted eolors lor street ,and evening vear; $2.25 values; cash price 1.85 Women's Boot Silk "Hose Fashioned and seamless; black, white and colors, cash price 85c Boys' and Girls' Fay Hosiery All sizes; black and white at - 55c and 6oc Infants' lisle Hose In black, white, brown; 35c ' rhree pairs ....$1.00 Neckwear and Handkerchiefs at About Half Georgette Collars Trimmed with filet and Venice lace; worth np to $2.00; special cash price Saturday at $1.00 Pique Testees In -high and ' low neck; organdy collars and cuffs; trimmed with val and Venice lace; -regular value $1.60: our cash price Saturday at 69 Georgette, Organdy and Chiffon Pleating In all shades; worth up to $1.75;. special cash price Saturdty at, yard $1.25 Women's AU linen Hand- kerchiefs with embroidered cornets; regular valu4 25c; special cash price Saturday at V 10 Clrcnlarteils In black and' colors; with chenille bor ders; regular value $1.00; special Cash price Saturday at i 50 a x THE CASH STORE We Pay Cash for Fresh Country Butter, Ian n f r-i . . T- i r i, tj- ri; : hT in rresn aggs, uressea rouury, me, uive Highest Market Price on Day of Delivery ...m ,,,H,,WWwHw.mij.iiiwi ....'.iwi ..iii."!unpwi"''ranw'tHPrf mwM- igwKazgasj TheHomeofHartScKaffner&MarxClothesl Here's thfj new stylish Waist Seam Suits -one of the most popular styles for" young fellows produced in years, i Gives them that full chested, trim waisted, athletic ap pearance they want Comes in single or double-breasted styles, with many variation in pockets, lapels, etc. . - All wool, of course, and always I H miaanlaa1 Vitt 1-i4-1i aMifcjoltTiiC! an1 p tie makers. ... ) . 1 Many other classy models to I show you in this,' the most complete 1 stock of these guaranteed clothes I -shown west of Chicago. i . - -1 i. XI. - -i. 1 . a regular, uie puort, tue tsiout, uiev 1 slim in clothes we know will give I you penect sausiacuon. , y.iif.i'.i."Mi.., aia mil . iii.M.a;in.iu.iMiii.iiiai,ii.jaii .'T!'.gmaiH,ai t , - ". j I " ! N A" :i!!f v,a. 1 )i m 1: l ; n ml I 'I ! I t Ay - m i mm wm I w Newv iSpring Blouses Literally thousands ot them lor your selection tlic Seoond Floor. . N - Two Special Groups offered makes Saturday a most opportune time for diok-e. Blouses at $5.95 Dainty new designs in Georgettes., headed, braided, embroidered and tailored; all lie season's choice new color-" t rf . 9 5 Blouses at $3.95 Our Blouses at this price are the talk of Omaha. Scores of new styles shown for Saturday, both beaded and embroidered. $.83 Cash Prie I ings; cash price Other Splendid Blouse Values at $7.95, $10, $12.50 to $15 Copyright 1919 Hart Sdulfnct ft Uua i' Superior Value$ in Muslin and Knit Underwear Assortments good enough to insure erery customer's satisfying se-. p lection ; our low cash prices make? the ralues unusual. ; , Specials for Saturday s 1 Silk and Satin Camistles Worth to S2.00; Saturday, cash price , 98 Odd Lots of ladles' Grrrns, Enrelope Chemise, Skirts and Marcella Drawers Worth to $2.50; cash price Sat,'9S 1 Ladles' Outing Pajamas Worth to $3.00; samples; cash g price Saturday, all sizes S1.50 ri . Children's Princess Slips Dainty lace and embroidery trimmed; worth to 2.00; cash price VOC Children's Heayy Fleece Lined Union Suits Sold to 2.00; g Saturday, all sizes n S1.00 S v Odd lots of Ladles' Fleeced Tests and Drawers Worth to 1 11.25; cash price Saturday 50$ m 0dd Lots and Samples Of ladies' low seek, no sleeve, knee g and ankle length Union Suits; worth to $2.60; cash price 98 g Children's Black Sateen Bloomers ail sizes 75d f a . r Saturday in Children's and Infants' Section Girls' Gingham Dresses sizes 6 to 14; many smart styles , at 81.95.. $2.05. S3.95 Girls' Glngliam Dresses Sizes 12. 14, 16, lovely patterns, spe cial at ., ....$5.95 Girls' White Dresses Sizes 6 tor 16; at $3.95, $5.00, $7.50. $10.00 to $15 Girls' Spring Coats Large va- $7.95 $10 tos $25.00 . and $4, Saturday, at $1.05 Many other specials In Children's and Babies' section Saturday. Baby's Dresses. Long and short; elegant values, $1 .00, $1.95 $2.95 $3.85 Baby's Coats and Capi's Just rooelved fn SatiivHav at "$3.95. $5. $7.50. $ 3 10 Doscn Bailey's Bonnets In Bilks, poplins and wash, worth $1.00; Saturday at 69d Little Tots' Hand Embrol. dered Dresses Worth $3.00. Shirt Sale Extraordinary 7J V 1 7 1 IM - SAVING CASH PRICES ON HOME FURNISHINGS 6-lb. Electric Iron Complete with 15 ft. eord, our cash price 3.2o One Oil Mop, One Dust Cloth and One bottle of 0 Cedar Oil .... : ...7. 1.00 Food Chopper Family size, cash price SI. 25 8-Gallon Galvnnlzed Garbage Cans Our low cash price.. $1.50 Foldim? Iwninsp Boards Our cash price $1.39 Fonr 10c Bolts Toilet Paper Our cash price 25d 35-cent Flour SieTe-Cash price 20c Ball Bearing Roller Skates Our cash price $2.00 1 White Enamel Bird Cnftes Cash price $1.75 Brass Sqnnro Bird Cages Cash price.. $4.50 Hand Tarnnm dashers Our cash price 75e Lnnch Kits Yith Thermos bottle, cash price -$3.f5 2- Hole Oil Stores Our cash price..... .v,......S12.75 3- IIole Oil Stoves-Our cash. price ...$16.50 Special Shoe Sale Saturday Women's Dark Brown TIcI Kid Shoes Cloth top to match, with military heels; a good 16.00 value; Hay den's cash price 4.50 Hen's Gun Jfetal and Glazed Colt English Lace Shoes Also about 42 pairs Men's Gun Metal Blucher with wlds, comfortable toe, a good 16.00 value; Hay den's cash price " . 3.95 Women's Dark Brown Tlcl Eld Oxfords and Pumps Military and leather French heels, Haydeh's cash price 5.00 Little Gents' Satin Calf Bluchers Sizes 10 to 13. Hayden's -cash price 1.95 Extra Special Women's Fine TIci Kid Lace PInvi Toe Oxfords With French leather heels; a GOOD S value; Hayden's cash price 4.00 Stetson and Crossett Shoes for Wen. Grover and Qacen Quality Shoes for Women. Boys' Spring Suits A splendidly varied assort ment of Boys' Spring Suits now on display, ready for selection. Wefaeturethe-'Xtra-Good" L f make of all wool, hand tal- fKCyJ! lored.' as the best for sturdy, W ?JI' f healthy boys for dress or A k range of styles from the popular waist-seam model to tne Deueo coat witn nan-moon pockets. Prices $10 to $30 0 S ' Boys' Gaps Our Spring line ot Caps-Just in. One ot the new caps Is the one-piece top with flexible q-4 (f 1sor-in blue, green and khaki... ij)XvU LO qtJ) Boys' Department Third Floor. ' ii Over 50 Dozen Men's Regular $1.50 Shirts j soft cuff, neckband: style, in Pongee, Percale and Madras cloths; all good patterns; broken lines from regular stock, but all sizes, 14 to 171 included; some slightly soiled; special cash price. . 20c Men's, Hose ' 12c 100 dozen men's cotton hose, mostly tan and black, some navy, gray or Palm Beach. These hose are taken from our regular stock and, should be snapped up at this low cash price. On sale Saturday 12V?,$ '50c Suspenders, 35c Men's s u s p e n d e r s in heavy wide or medium v.-eb. Cash price Saturday, 35. We Are Headquarters for Barker Collars Barker linen collars 20 Barker Soft Collars, Cash Price, &U..2o$ to 35 Saturday's Big Special Price Cutting Grocery Sale - Highest Quality, Freshest Goods and-Largest Jjtock II Ifcc hmi pun m rui latd mifu H 41-lb. Mk but klah-crad N Diamond H Flow ,..TI 14-lb. md bMt k!fB-rd CluDond H Flour , .fl.SS It ban latmSir $ lb, beat whit corn S8 Th bait bulk Eoll.a Oatmml Se Ho. I Michigan navy t.ana, lb. lOo Fancy Japan rlca, par lb. ....Ho OaL cam Qoldta Tabl ayrup 1B9 "H-oa. cam oodanaad milk lt (-ottoc cam condensed milk t eanb tomato pasto (oar aonp 1S Cornflakaa, pkf. ., .....IHc Orapc Nntav paekacc Wi Loa Wuhlng Compound. flic The bait domutlo macaroni. nmiieelll, apajrh.ltl r , gt noodlM, pkg. THc Tall cane pink salmon ...... ..tic Oil sardines, per can 1 No. 1 cans fancy sweet sugar corn XSHc Ko. 1 casa solid packed toma No. I cam early Jnnc yu ..M No. 1 cam aaatd. Kama soups lc jell for dsssart. pkg. Us Teast rsaa. pkfc ' 4c I cans Snnbrlght cleanser ....ISc DRIED TROTS AND NtTS. Choice California prunes, lb. ...16c Fancy CaL prunes, lb. ..ItH-lSe Choice Cal. Apricots, lb. ....17 Vic Imported figs, lb S5C California seeded Muscatel raisins, lb. 5e, California seedless' raisins, lb. 15c California Mulr peaches, IK ..Mo Cleaned Currants, lb. ..30 Oal Irap. apples. IK OVa FAMOUS SANTOS COFFER. THB TALK OF OMAHA TBT IT. Per lb V....JC Ankola lend coffee, IK ,...iVA Diamond H spec, coffee, Ib...35e H. B. C. the highest stanflard of quality, lb M tcec .MHe The beet tea stftlngs, IK ,...Sc Choice basket fired cr sub dried Japan tea, lb. Breakfast coaecs, IK ,5 OMAHA'S OKKATEST VEGE TABLE MARKET. - DIRBCT FBOM THE GARDNER TO THB CONSUMER.' Large bunches freeb radishes. shalotg, beet, carrots or turnips Fancy new cabbage, per lb Fresh sDlnacn. per peck 30e Fancy ripe tomatoes, per lb. tCe Fancy large hothouse -cucumbers, eaen Sc IS lha fancy Red Triumph potatoes Sfte Large bunchee treeh parsl.y ..Se Anything yea ' want si freeb yegatables we bare It BOW GRASS SEED NOW. Saturday, per Jb. ...,38e t lbs. for Sl.H Ked or yellow onion eets. per quart Butter, Eggs, Pickles, Etc. A Strictly fresh eggs, dozen. 406 Creamery butter, best bulk, lb. ...6Q& Full cream American cheese ....34 Oleo (0m Nut or Lincoln) 30 Snowflaks Oleo, R-lb. pails ...VS1.70 8 No. 1 cans Heins Bake Beans . .. ,55d 8 quarts fresh kraut S5d The Choicest Meats bf Every Description in Sanitary Market Saturday Specials Fresh Skinned Hams half or whole lh. 32 Ete,er Pot Roast, lb. 224 Fancy Veal Roast, lb. 25c) Choice Breakfast Bacon, extra lean. per. lb. T ...454 All kinds of fresh, salt and pickled Fish for Ient 1'aea.i. ..;f -u r , , one, . ' ;IT PAYS TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST-IT PAYS. Yi H I n 1 1 5J .f ....... - ' ., - J M n i. - 1 i felt in that baffling n4 dreamy I