Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    n THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919.
Government Troops With Ar
tillery and Bomb Throwers
Drive Reds from Posi
tions jn Lichtenberg.
Copenhagen, March 13. German
government forces, after lively fight
ing, have succeeded , in driving the
Spartacans out of the east end sec
tion of Berlin, including Lichten
berg, according to a Berlin dispatch
filed Wednesday.
The occupation of the district, the
message states, was systematically
carried out by the government
troops. Considerable quantities of
arms were captured, the losses on
the government side are declared
not to have been heavy.
The bestial acts of cruelty by the
Spartacans have teen fully con
firmed. '
Spartacans Flee. '
Berlin, March 13. (By Associated
Press.) Spartacan forces, under
pressure from government troops
using artillery and mine throwers,
were abandoning their positions in
Lichtenberg this morning. The gov
ernment forces took a large number
of prisoners, many of whom were
executed summarily.
The government troops entered
'Bayer Cross
on genuine
Owned by
Aspirin ii the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of SalicylicicM
"Proved Safe by Millions"
Adults Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with
water. If necessary, repeat dose three timesa day, after meals.
Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache, Earache "
Get almost instant relief Much suffering is needless!
Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gout, Aching Joints
Quick relief with permanent beneficial results.
Lumbago, Lame Back, Soreness, Stiffness
Splendid! - Relief often follows the very first dose.
Neuritis, Pain in Body, Teeth, Face, Limbs
What else offers such ready relief with such safety?
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More efficient than quinine No discomfort or distress.
ThaDayer Cross'on Genuine Tablets
8u cent Bayer packages also larger Bayer packages.
Buy Bayer packages only Get original package.
Lichtenberg after bombarding the
main Spartacan nests. The Spar
tacans lied. The only chance the
Spartacans have of escape is by con
cealing their identity by mingling
with the peaceable inhabitants.
One group of 30 prisoners cap
tured included 10 women.
Torture Police.
In one Spartacan nest, it is re
ported, 20 Poles were captured. Gov
ernment soldiers report further de
tails of the torture and murder of
government soldiers and policemen
by the Spartacans.
The government has" issued a
notice that the seven depots of the
republican soldier guards have been
abolished and that any former mem
bers of these depots caught with
weapons will be executed. The gov
ernment is preparing to clean up all
Spartacan districts thoroughly.
Largequantities of arms and ammu
nition are' being discovered.
The Lichtenberg soldiers' and
workmen's council, which was com
posed wholly of independent social
ists and Spartacans, has been dis
solved. German Press Opposed to
Giving Danzig to Poland
Berlin, March 13. (By Associa
ted Tress.) Reports from Paris
that the peace treaty will provide
that Poland shall have Danzig and
that- a buffer state shall be formed
along the Rhine have stirred the
German press, both conservative
and radical.
"It-is to be hoped there is no
body in Germany who would suffer
such a treaty to be signed," says
the Tageblatt.
The Lokal Anzeiger says:
"We regard it a3 absolutely cer
tain that these demands will be re-'
jected if they are made." ' '
The newspaper says that if Dan
zig were given to the Poles they
would ect little enjoyment from it.
"This stolen property," it de-0
dares, "would burn their hands.
F.rmer German Emperor
Planned Asylum in Sweden
Washington, March 13. William
Hohenzollern, two months before
the armistice was signed, planned an
asylum in Sweden, but was pre
vented from going to that country
by the Swedish government, diplo
matic advices made public today dis
closed. The former kaiser's plans had.
reached the point, the advices said,
where a deal was virtually closed
for him to rent Castle Stora Sundby,
situated on one of the large lakes
in the center of Sweden. The castle
is owned by old friends, Prince and
Princess Wedel.
New Jersey Car. Strike
Now Up to War Labor Board
Washington, March 13. Hearings
on the controversy between the New
Jersey Public Service corporation
and its striking street car employes
will begin here tomorrow morning
before the war labor board.
Acceptance of an invitation to
both sides to submit their differ
ences to the board was received to
day from the public service corpo
ration and it was decided to pro
ceed with arrangements for the
hearings without awaiting a reply
from the men.
American Business Men View
With Alarm After the War
Economic Adjustment on
Manufactured Articles.
London, March 13. Free trade
newspapers, are sharply criticising
the government's policy regarding
importations as disclosed by Sir
Auckland Geddes, minister for na
tional service and reconstruction in
the House of Commons, Monday.
He said that all importations of
manufactured and semi-manufactured
commodities permitted to en
ter Great Britaifi will be controlled
by a system of special licenses un
til September 1, when the question
will be "reviewed."
The newspapers denounce this
proposal as an attempt to introduce
protection without any mandate
from the voters and insist that a
great majority of the voters are op
posed to a protective system. They
say that Great Britain gained its
commercial and financial supremacy
through free trade and can hold it
only by free trade."
Importers Uncertain.
From the viewpoint of importers,
the license system handicaps them
with all the disadvantages of a pro
tective tariff without the stabilizing
virtue of certainty. They say that
they do not know whether to plan
to do any business, because they
caniivi count on being licensed to
import any given quantity of prod
ucts. England is swarming with Ameri
can business men, who came over
fully expecting to re-establish their
old connections as soon as the vital
factor of tonnage permitted. They
have the tonnage now, but find that
official barriers have been erected
against their using it.
Some think they have a grievance.
They kept up their British establish
ments at loss during the war on the
expectation of doing business im
mediately after the close of the
struggle. The process of obtaining
important licenses is that each pros
pective importer must present his
case to the board of trade and to
the controller of imports.
Consider Each Case.
Each case is dealt with on its
merits, as the controller judges it
from the importer's standpoint and
thj board of trade's first consider
ation is whether the goods in ques
tion can be obtained from English
firms. If they can, the license is re
fused. Conspicuous among the American
products which find themselves
against what virtually amounts to a
Stone wall, are motors, boots and
The self-governing dominions of
Great Britain are exempt from the
difficulties the government's policy
imposes on foreign merchants.
The Associated Press attempts
merely to describe the situation be-
Easily Maneuvered!
Model 12
1800 Lb.
Cowpleta with Flareboard
Bmdy and Canopy Top.
Model 10
lVSt'Ton Chassis
Model 11
14 -Ton Chassis
Model IS
2-Ton Chassis ,
, $2150
Model 16
2-Ton Chassis
Ft mszmmmemm.-, msnsmmts 1 1. Mm J
ONE of the big advantages of Grant Trucks is their
handiness in tight quarters. We know of no other
trucks built that have so large a pay-load space as com
pared with the length of the truck, yet in the standard
models the body extends only 16 inches beyond the
rear springs.
In the modef 12 there is full seven feet, in Models 10 and 15
full nine feet, and in Models 11 and 16 full eleven feet of pay
load space back of the driver's seat.
Grant Trucks are built to give maximum loading space- with
out sacrificing convenience in getting into and out of narrow
alleys and driveways, badly placed loading platforms, crowded
yards, wharfs and warehouses.
Electric starting and lighting saves time and fuel, makes a
more serviceable, smarter and more efficient truck, and by en
abling you to get and keep a better class of drivers is valuable
insurance against accidents and carelessness.
Complete equipment means that first cost is
the final cost no extras to buy afterward.
Omaha Auto Sales Co.
2060-62 Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb.
cause it is a subject of greatest in
terest to business men everywhere
and a source of controversy be
tween different schools of British
economists. It is looked upon as the
beginning of an important chapter in
the after-the-war economic adjust
ment. The arguments of the free traders
have been roughly summarized by
th Morning Post, which is the
strongest protectionist paper -in
Great Britain. It also points out the
possible weakness of the temporary
licensing measure, saying: "Ve be
lieve the licensing system is a vici
ous system. It leads to favoritism
and corruption and leaves too much
discretion in the hands of the of
ficials. At the beginning of the war,
if the government had been honest,
it would have accepted the logic
of the situation and imposed a tarilT,
but sooner or later a tariff must
Rogers' Illness Postpones
Plans for Free Concerts
The war camp community service
meeting planned for Wednesday at
the Chamber of Commerce to report
progress on plans for free Sunday
afternoon concerts, was postponed
on account of .he illness of Herbert
Rogers, who had the arrangement
with local business men in charge.
"Gels-It" Peels Corns Off!
Any Corn or Callus Come. Off
Peacefully, Painlesiiy. Never Fail..
It'i almost a picnic to get rid of a corn
or callus the "Get-It" way. You spend t
or 3 seconds putting; on Z or 3 drops of
"Gets-It", about as simple as putting on
Us. "Gets-It", peel off corn this wny.
your hat. "Gets-It" does away forever
with "contraptions," "wrappy" plasters,
greasy ointments that rub off. " blood-let
ting: knives, and scissors that snip into the
"quick." "Gets-It" eases pain. Your
"jumpy" corn shrinks, dies, loosens from
the toe. You peel the corn painlessly
from your toe in one complete piece, f hat s
where the picnic comes in you peel it otf
as you would a banana peel. Nothing
else but "Gets-It" ran do it. Get peace
ful, common-sense Gets-It
"Gets-It", the guaranteed, money-back
corn-remover, the only sure way, costs but
a trifle at any drug store. -flj'fd by E.
Lawrence ft Co., Chicago, 111.
Sold in Omaha and recommended as the
world', best corn remedy by Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co. s Stores. Adv.
o n
IllftillM WTi rPPt
THE Basement shows evidence of Spring and every section is bubbling
over with cheerful Spring merchandise; Here are mentioned some of
those desirable Spring 'needfuls and in every instance the price is very
moderate. A splendid place is this big Basement to practice economy. Be
here Friday without fail.
Extra Special Friday and Saturday
Sill: and Satin Dresses
For Women and Misses
A few values even greater all at the small price, as long
as the lot of over 300 lasts,
3C3 AT - Cn ft) VALUES
THIS .Tl0J(ll)Qt) FRK.1
Just think of being able to buy good
Taffeta, Crepe ds Chins snd Fine Satin Dressss
At so small a price, all good up-to-date Spring styles,
many different styles, many are samples, others in a good
range of sizes and colors, etc.
Come Early for Best Selections. '
An Unusual Sale for Friday of
Tiiia Eft a rift Oianv'rt
HS i UU"i dill tJUilu
8 to 17
- Light and
Dark Fancy
These suits are priced very low and 'will sell fast. "Well made
Norfolk models, with belt all around, full cnt knlcker pn
pants, that are lined throughout. Sizes for all. Very -J2LJ
specially priced at ,
Men's Flannel Shirts
Made of Amoskeag domet flan
nel, in, brown and olive, all
sizes, 14 to Yl, 1.95 f .
valued, at onlv
Boys' Blouses
Fine colored striped Blouses
and plain blue chambray, with
collar attached, made of fine
materials, big values, EtP!f
all sizes,
Jtoys' Knlcker Tauts, faney mixed, full peg style, sizes fi
to 17, at 1.25
Corsets at Way
Below Regular Prices
Here's an opportunity quite out of the or
dinary to buy a splendid Corset at a price
that means a good, substantial saving. .
1 Warner Rust Proof
AI Corset Half Price
It may be that the Corsets you now have
are perfectly good, but when offerings like
these are available it certainly js wise
economy to buy a new Corset.
A low Cnt Corset
at 1.50
For slender fig-
ures, In White
Coutll, during
this I
sale at
A Topless Corset
at iS
For young girls, light
ly boned fancy white
material, rubber band
all around g Q
Sanitary Aprons, a
good size 25t
Very Smartly Styled,
Moderately Priced
Five-eyelet Oxfords, Spring's
smartest style, yet the most com
fortable. These Oxforda have a
very trim, smart appearance.
Come Friday, try on
our new models ;
priced at
5 New Models
Dark browu Kid, long vamp, plain
toe, light sole, 2-inch Cuban or
concave heel. '
Field mouse In, all-kid, medium
( long vamp, 2-inch concave heel,
plain toe, Vlcl Kid and Pat Colt,
light sole, Cuban heel, high arch.
Dull Leather, low walking heel,
stock top, all smart styles, five
eyelet Lace Oxfords, sizes com
plete from 2 to 8; width from
A to E.
An AtatsgEous Curtain
Byying CppsrtuJty
1 Big Table of Scrims, remnants
of 2 to 10 yards, RV?
special, yard ' U'S
100 Dozen Window Shades, 36-in.
wide, 6 ft. long, complete with
fixtures, ejj
at, each ;
00 Fain of Nottingham Lace Car
tains, 2Yi yards long, I
special, pair, J
I table of t)dd lace Curtains,
some can be matched, 5
special, each wli'it
Specially Prised Friday
Specially low prices tomorrow
on the season's latest and best
Plain 80-inch Oatmeal Tapers, In
all colors, on display, with
beautiful borders, very IQls
special, Friday, roll 'iC
Beautiful Bedroom Paper, all new
in designs and color effects, each
has a pretty cut-out border, in
two lots, 3 and yfa
Heavy Gilt Papers, in new effects
and colors, each has a border,
both 9 and 18-inch, f 01
special, ioll Ifc'Zy
A large selection of popular pat
terns, in light and dark effects,
appropriate for any room each
has a border to match (in
A large group of the latest and
best patterns for the living
room, dining room, parlor ,and
hall. These papers are worth
to vac roll, special J5
IVe fnmUh estimates and
firit-rlnss panerliansrer.
Quite Important Is This
jShowing of Spring
Every hat In this wonderful
showing is very smart and be
comingno doubt but you
can find just the hat that
suits your own particular fan
cy if you'll come and view
the new handsome shapes and
strikingly beautiful colors.
3.95 and 4.95
Silk and Cotton 1 Remnants
Likely another offering of this character is quite remote
and generous buying is considered wise foresight.
Lot No. 1
New designs and colorings. In
the lot are Silk and Cotton
Foulards, Crepes, Tub Silk, Bro
cades, Florals, stripes, scrolls
and oriental designs, etc. These
remnants are slightly Imperfect
lengths of 1 to 5 yards, k f
many to match, 36 flHI
Inches wide, yard "
Lot No. 2
Consists of assorted colored cot
ton dress Foods, Organdy, Japa
nese Crepe, Tricotine. Batiste,
Poplin, Voile, cotton Suiting,
white and colored, mercerized
Shantung; some of these num
bers in this lot are excellent for
drapery purposes, f r
06 to 40 inches MP
wide, yard fcVM
Specials from Various Depts.
Nankins of Mercerized Damask.
18-inch bize. hemmed IOC
Padding for Taliie Protection,
fleeced Quality, 50 inches wide,
yard 396
Dress Wrapper and Shirting Per
cale, light and dark colors,
yard, long lengths, 21
32-inch Zephyr (.Ingham, beanti
. ful plaids, Renfrew and Amos
keag makes, yd., 486. 30d
Mercerized Pongee, 32-lnch,
plain and fancy weaves, per
yard, 296
Dookfold and flat fold Percale,
plaid and gtngham effects,
yard 256
Irish Skirting Sateen, heavy
quality, 26-in, wide, black
only; yard . 256
Men's Mercerized and Lisle
Socks, in black, white and tan.
pair 256
Women's Itiack Cotton Hosiery,
at, pair 15j
Children's Black Cotton Hosiery,
In fine and heavy rib, at,
pair . 356
Women's liber Silk Boot Hosi
try, SOc quality, pair 356
Children's Knit Waists, In sixes
2 to 12, at each ' 296
Women's Fancy Lace Yoke and
plain top sleeveless Vests, at, 1
each 256
I'nion Soli for Women, Coff
knee style, sleeveless, per
suit, 756
Dnmask Remnants, tn desirable
lengths, 1.18