Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 191i.
170RK OF 6. 0. P.
Refusal to Add Four Members
to Committee Elicits Pro
tests From Longworth
and Johnson.
Washington, March 13. Efforts
to add four members to the republi
can steering committee of the next
house, which, in directing the gen
fral course of legislation in the next
congress, is regarded by leaders as
influencing the party platform of
192(1, were defeated today at the
final meeting of the committee on
ionimittees which framed the house
organization. The proposal was
oted down 15S to 36, but it was said !
an attempt might be made to reject )
the committee's action at the party ;
conference which will be held Just
before congress convenes.
After the action of the committee,
Representatives Longworth of
Ohio and Johnson of South Dakota
issued protests, the Ohio member
charging that the net result of all
the work of the committee was "the
most complete sort o a triumph for
reactionism," and the South Dakota
lepresentative declaring that the fail
ure to increase the membership of
the steering committee was "a
serious mistake." Both intimated
they would carry the fight to the
party conference.
Increase Proposed by Johnson.
The motion to increase the mem
bership of the steering committee
was presented by Jieprcsentative
Johnson. He nominated as addi
tional members Representatives
Anderson of Minnesota; Nolan,
California; Slcmp, Virginia and Rea
vis,' Nebraska, and said that such ac
tion "would secure representation
of the progressive sentiment of the
west" and also give labor a voice
on the committee. His motion was
opposed by Representatives Moore
of Pennslyvania, Mann, Illinois;
and Mondell, Wyoming, who said
that the committee on committees
was limited to the selection of five
men and that the west had been
fiiven fair representation throughout
the house organization.
The 36 votes in favor of the in
crease, were cast by the republican
representatives from Ohio, Massa
chusetts, West Virginia, Maryland
and South Dakota, while the 155 op
posing votes were cast by the Wis
consin, New Yorlt, Pennyslvania,
Illinois, Idaho, Iowa, Oregon, Cali
fornia, Kentucky, Michigan, Wyom
ing, Indiana, Montana, Rhode Is
land, Colorado, Minnesota, New
Hampshire and North Dakota dele
gations. Assignments Approved.
At today's meeting final approval
was given the assignment of mem
bers. Mr. Mann was selected as
chairman of the committee on wo
man suffrage. He announced later
he would introduce the Susan B. An
thony constitutional amendment in
the next house "on the first day it
meets" and would urge speedy adop
tion. Republicans membership af
the suffrage committee, as selected
today, showed a majority in favor of
the amendment.. The republicans
placed on the committee were:
Representatives Little, Kansas;
Elliott, Indiana; Nolan, California;
Burroughs, New Hampshire; Nel
son, Wisconsin, and McCrate, New
The republican membership pf the
merchant marine committee, which
will haye charge of the legislation
dealing with the policy for operating
the American fleet, also was selected
today, the new members being Rep
resentatives Currey, California;
Ricketts. Ohio; Chindbloom, Illi
nois; Crowther, New York; Randall,
Wisconsin, and Andrews, Maryland.
The hold-over republicans are
Chairman Green, Massachusetts;
lldmonds. Pennsylvania; Rowe, New
York; Scott, Michigan; White,
Maine; Lenbach, New jersey, ana
Burroughs, New Hampshire.
Attack Committee's Action.
Reoresentative Johnson, in his
statement, said he believed the com
mittees had been fair in the selection
of men for the standing house com
mittee, saying that with Represen
tative Fordney of Michigan heading
the house ways and means commit
tee and Senator Penrose of Pennsyl
vania the senate finance committee,
"we should hive the most progres
sive steering committee in the house
that we could secure." The liberal
sentiment of the country, he added.
1 !'! I!
Barley is mixed with
in making
No sweetening required. The
food is readu-cooked saving
fuel. About naif the milk or6
cream needed for the ordinary
cereal is sufficient for Grape-Nuts,
Ecohomical-every atom eatable.
A delicious, nourishing food!
There's a Reason 'for Grape-Nuts
Nash Sales Manager
Arrives to Attend
Omaha's Auto Classic
I'"'"' v - n
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'- 4 - y . .
l. i ... . :-'-l--:-Ay'-- ' 1
' 1
f V , w t. . 1
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C. B. Voorhis.
"The automobile industry is ex
periencing the most wonderful de
mand for motor cars the country
has even seen," said C. B. Voorhis,
general sales manager of the Nash
Motor company, Chicago, who ar
rived in Omaha Thursday to attend
the automoile show.
Mr. Voorhis is the guest of Thom
as II. McDearmon, manager of the
Nash Sales company. Tenth and
Howard streets. From here he will
go to Boston to attend an automo
bile show. The object of his trip
through the middle west and east
was to inspect the distributing sta
tions established during the past
two years.
should control the steering commit
tee because it "is the legislative com
mittee of the house" and "on the
legislative record we win or lose in
Representative Longworth, in his
statement, said the result of the
committee's work "was to make
James R. Mann the dominating fig
ure of the next house.
"If it had been deliberately plan
ed to restore the conditions exist
ing in the house 10 years ago," de
clared his statement "as a result of
which the. republican majority be
comes a minority, the plan could
not have been more successfully
After comparing the personnel of
the house leadership of 10 years ago
with that of the next congress,' Mr.
Longworth attacked Mann's record
during the war congress, adding
"if republicans throughout the coun
try want some other leader then
let them instruct their representa
tives to see to it that the program
is modified at least to the exent that
control of the house organization be
placed in the hands of men who
have stood straight on prepared
ness and on war measures and who
believe that the republican party
has progressed since 1910." ,
First Installment on
Tax Paid by Caruso
$153,198.10 Income
New York, March 13. Enrico" Ca
ruso, the tenor, will pay an income
tax of $153,198.10 for 1918, it was
revealed at the collector's office in
the second New "York district ' to
day. Caruso visited the office in
person late yesterday and taking ad
vantage of the instalment payment
system presented a check for $38,
483.42, one-fourth of the total
amount. Permission to print the
amount was given by Caruso, as the
law does not oermit the tax collec
tor's office voluntarily to give out
the information.
New Tariff Cuts Rate on
Ice Shipments Considerably
Effective until May 31 of this year,
the Omaha district freight commit
tee, acting under authority of the
general freight committee, has made
a rate that will move ice from
the north into Nebraska and the
states to the south, under a distance
tariff allowing a reduction from 10
to 25 per cent. It applies on car lots
and to interstate and intra-state
business. It also covers .single, joint
two line and three line hauls effec
tive to as far as 600 miles from
points of origin.
(Conllnufd from rg One.)
have .remedied but have been unable
to have them done through the
Board of Control."
"You set yourself upas the board,
showed that you would have done
different if you were the board, in
timated that the board used poor
judgment and criticised its actions?"
asked Attorney Strode.
"I don't know as to that," was
the answer.
"You don't expect the chief book
keeper to be the board; you don't
expect that tail to wag the dog?"
asked Strode.
"I don't know as to that," was
the reply.
As to Efficiency.
Attorney Strode then asked Weid
enfeld if it was his conception of
efficiency for an employe to be dis
loyal, to discredit his superiors by
destructite criticism and to try to
usurp the authority of the board.
He replied in the negative. He
elaborated his testimony by saying
that he would not have employed a
purchasing agent to have bought the
coal for state institutions had he
been the board and that Commis
sioners Holcomb and Gerdes had
said to him that they wished they
had never employed E. E. Howell
,as purchasing agent, lie admitted
be had never discussed the matter
with Commissioner Mayfield.
Will Make Statement.
The former accountant testified
that lie had other testimony which
he would offer at the hearing, but
that he wanted a day or so of time
in which to prepare his statement.
"What have you to present to the
committee, -facts, impressions or
views?" asked Attorney Strode.
"I can't tell now, I must have
time, it may take a day," was
the reply.
Truck Driver Talks.
Albert C. Blair, driver of a truck
belonging to the Nebraska state pen
itentiary and an employe of the
Handcraft Furniture company, testi
fied that he had moved six or seven
packages from the state capitol
building on the afternoon of January
15. He did so at the order of Weid
enfeld. who directed the driver to
take them to his home, and who ac
companied him there. Blair said all
the packages were carefully wrapped
in brown paper, that it was impos
sible to see the contents, and that
the packages would weight nearly
100 pounds apiece.
He testified there was one large
package, beneath the paper of which
he thought he could feel books, or
a letter file. He said it was a very
heavy package.
Asked to identify the packages
which were in the chamber and
which had been returned by Weid
enfeld in response to the order of
the joint committee and to the sub
poena of the sheriff of Lancaster
county, Blair looked over the pack
ages and said that none of them re
sembled the packages he had taken
to the Weidenfeld residence and
had put .in the basement.
, Blair testified that he was sus
picious at the time he moved the
packages and had so informed the
office of the Handcraft Furniture
company, but he had neglected to
report the matter to the Board of
Control. Warden Fenton of the
penitentiary had notified th mem
bers of the board.
Bookkeeper Loyal to Board.
Anna Yokel, bookkeeper, and a
subordinate , of Weidenfera, was a
very interesting witness. She had
some strong opinions on loyalty and
told the members of the investigat
ing committee, "this investigation
will not change anything because
you can't get anything on the
In response to questions as to
conditions in the office of Weiden
feld, she said: "Mr. Weidenfeld
wrote a lot of letters which, if the
members of the board knew, they
would not let out. He was dicta
torial and tried to make a foot ball
out of everybody. He tried to be
the board himself."
She said it was her duty to file
all letters in his department and
keep them in chronological order.
She knew of the existence of letters
which she alleged had been written
by Weidenfeld, and wheii instructed
by members of the board to find
them so that they could be present
ed at the hearing she said she had
found the files very much mixed up
and some of the letters missing.
She had noticed the letter on the
floor of the office of Weidenfeld in
the basement the morning after the
packages had been taken from the
capitol, but she had not remarked
at it at the time for she had never
suspected him of disloyalty.
She Was No Knocker.
Asked if the letters referred to in
her testimony reflected on the
board, Miss Yokel replied:
"They were letters he had no
right to write. They were letters
that were dictatorial in their tone.
All of them were not written to of
ficers of state institutions, but some
of them to business houses in Chi
cago and New York, directing how
they should run their business in ref
erence to the state of Nebraska."
"If you knew he was doing im
proper things," asked Attorney Wil
son, "Why didn't you report to the
"It was not my business," was the
"But you are telling of these
things now," she s reminded.
"I . am loyal to the board," she
"Why didn't you tell then?" she
was asked.
"Heads of businesses hate a
knocker," said she. "He was my
boss and I'd get fired if I did.
wouldn't I?" she queried.
In response to a question put as
to the attitude of Weidenfeld, she
"He was bossing everybody all
the time. The whole state house
knew that, and if the Board of Con
trol did notvknow it the members
were made to feel it.'
At the afternoon session H. B.
Miles, a Lincoln coal dealer, told
of a proposal that had been made
to him by Commissioner Holcomb,
verbally, that he act as purchasing
agent for the state in the matter of
After 10 days had elapsed, he said,
he informed the commissioner he
would do the work on the basis of
compensation at the rate of 10 cents
per ton. He was told the board
considered this too much. The
period of service was for 1918. He
told the committee that it would be
his plan to buy the coal at net gov
ernment price at the mine.
He testified that he thought the
method unusual, but had no idea it
was iot statutory, thinking that the
board knew what it was doing. His
first intimation that E. E. Howell
had obtained the position was
through a newspaper report and he
learned afterward by personal con
versations that other coal dealers
had been offered the same deal.
Used Unsuitable Coal.
Miles testified that he had check
ed up 25 cars of coal delivered at
the Geneva Industrial School for
Girls with the government mine
prices in compliance with a request
made by "Bat" Koehler of the Koeh
ler Lumber and Coal company at
He had found that mine run Ar
kansas semi-anthracite coal had
cost $4.25 at the mine and $8.85 per
ton delivered at Geneva. The mine
run coal, because it runs 60 per cent
slack and 40 per cent lump, was not
suitable to the uses of the steam
plant at Geneva, where the grate
bars were an inch apart and there
was considerable waste. He claim
ed that he offered the board coal of
equal efficiency, but of lower test,
at Geneva at a price which would
equal $5 per ton delivered at Geneva.
Miles testified that he called the
attention of this to Chairman Ger-.
des, who expressed surprise at the
difference of the prices and suggest
ed that Miles submit a proposition
to Howell, the board's purchasing
agent, which he did, but Howell had
notified him that the institutions
were all filled up.
Miles testified that in the fall of
1918 he called on Mr. Howell again
and the latter had notified him that
he had better take the matter up
with Mr. Swift of the National Sup
ply company of Lincoln, from whom
Howell said he was buying all coal
used by the state.
Board "Loaded Up."
Miles said that He had offered
Swift Missouri mine coal at 15 cents
per ton under the government price
and that Swift had purchased sev
eral cars of it from him for. the job
bing trade, but never for the Board
of Control, always explaining that
the latter wss "loaded up." t
The witness testified that when
he heard of the reappointment of
Howell to the place of purchasing
agent in 1919 he had protested to
the board because the other dealers
had not been invited to bid. He
asserted that Chairman Gerdes had
said that "Howell has given such
good service that he deserved a
continuance as purchasing agent."
Two Brunning Children
Witnesses Against Boy
Said to Be Auto Thief
Owetah Brunning, 13, and Fran
cis Brunning, 9 years old, sat on the
witness stand in Judge Redlck's
court yesterday afternoon and point
ed accusing fingers at Izzy Firscht,
on trial for the theft of a Ford car
belonging to Julius Brunning, Ral
ston. The car was stolen from Seven
teenth and Dodge streets, August 2,
1918. The Brunnings had driven to
the city and left the children in the
car while they went shopping.
Firscht is charged with having iold
the children to "go in the store and
help carry bundles."
When Firscht was arrested the
Brunnings went to the police station
and said theyrecognizezd Firscht.
Baker and March Proceed
West After Visit to Denver
Denver, March 13. Newton D.
Baker, secretary of war, and Chief
t Staff March, arrived here at 2:30
p. m. today enroute to the Pacific
coast on a tour of inspection. The
secretary's party was taken for a
motor car ride through the city,
and left for the west. ;
Secretary Baker said he would
reach Tacoma, Wash., Saturday
night. An inspection of Camp
Lewis will follow, the secretary
said. Then he will go to San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles. After visit
ing Camp Kearny, Cal., the secre
tary announced he would go to El
Paso to inspect Fort Bliss.
Chili Opposes Peace League
Plan of President Wilson
Washington, March 13. The
State department was advised to
day that Alejandro Alvarez. legal
adviser to the Chilean department
of foreign affairs, had published a
statement to the effect that the
league of nations would be unfav
orable to Chilean interests,
Greeks and Armenians
Refuse to Live Under
Turkish Government
Paris, March 13. The Greek and
Armenian patriarchs at Constanti
nople have sent a petition to
Premier Vcnizelos to be presented
to the "peace conference. Demand
is made that the Greek and Armen
ians no longer be compelled to live
under a Turkish government and it
is declared that the Greeks and
Armenians will not submit to such
The petition aks that Greeks be i
allowed to live in Armenian terri- j
tory and Armenians tu Greek ter
ritory in case they cannot be in
cluded in the limits of their own
countries. The Armenians ask for
the formation of a great Armenia
with access to the Black sea and
the Medittcrancan and say they
would like to see Thrace, Constan
tinople, the Vilayets of Smyrna and
Brotissa and the Sanjakstif Cnmedia
and Biglia incorporated in Greece.
Hope is expressed that the United
Greeks and Armenians may become
important factors in the peace,
progress and civilization of the near
Burglars Enter Scout Rooms
Twice Within Two Days
Burglars have put the Boy Scout
headquarters, Patterson block, on
their regular visiting list, and for
the second time in as many days
entered the place Wednesday night.
They stole nothing, but they made
a clean haul the night before. The
plunder Tuesday night was $50 and
an expensive watch.
The thieves Tuesday night over
looked $20 in postage stamps.
Alleged Auto Thieves Are
Held in Fremont, Neb., Jail
Two Omaha negroes, James Wil
son and Gradv Hord, were arrested
at Fremont, Neb., Thursday after
noon after they attempted to sell a
Ford car, stolen from L. V. Ken
nard, president of the Kennard
Paint and Glass company, on March
11, to a garage owner at Fremont.
Colds Cause Grip and Influenza.
move the cause. There is only one "Bromo
Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on
the box. 30c.
Absolute Reliance
Perfect Safety
Ease your mind when you
send a job of cleaning work to
THIS plant.
Not only is the grade of the
wprk BETTER than the re
quired standard, but your
clothes, while in our care, are
insured against FIRE, LOSS,
THEFT or DAMAGE of any
Fhone Tyler 345.
Dresher Bros.
Dyera Dry Cleaner
2211-17 Farnam St., Omaha
IS 7;r-
i OC V tfw s
Nuxated Iron Increases strength and
endurance of delicate, nervous, run
dewn people in two weeks' time in many
instances. It has been used and en
dorsed by such men as former United
States Senator and Vice-Presidential
Nominee, Charles A. Towne: U. S. Com
missioner of Immigration Hon. Anthony
Caminetti; also United States Judge G.
W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims of
Washinfton, and others. Ask your doc
lor or druggist about it. Adv.
To build yourself cp when
you feel Tun down to
kring lack health, appetite
J -X tl A - 1
ana sirengw is&s
Lwt ell Sale of Any Mvdicin In the World
S'yid orerywhoro la Boxes, 10c. 25c
Tells How to Stop a
S Bad Cough s
W Surprising results from this famooa jt
S3 old home-made syrup. Easily ,
g prepared and costs Uttle, (
If you have a severe couch, or chest
cold accompanied with soreness, throat
tickle, hoarseness, or difficult breath
inj, or if your child wakes up durine
the nipht with croup and you want
quick help, try this reliable old home
made coujrb. remedy. Any druueist
can supply you with 214 ounces of
Pinox. Pour this into a pint bottle
and till the bottle with plain granu
lated sugar syrup. Or you caa ut-c
clarified molasses, honey, or corn
6ymp, instead of sugar syrup, it
desired. This Ti-cipe makes a pint
of really remarkable cough remedv.
It tastes good, and in spite of ltd
low cost, it can be depended upon
to give quick and lasting relief.
You can feel this take hold of a
cough in a way that means business.
It loosens and raises the pklecm, stops
throat tickle and soothes and Wis
the irritated membranes that lint? the
throat and bronchial tubes with iucti
promptness, ease and certainty that it
la really astonishing.
Pinex is a special and hichly con
centrated compound of genuine Nor
way pine extract, and is probably the
best known mcann of overcoming severe
concha, throat and chest colds.
There are many worthless imitations
of this mixture. To avoid disappoint
ment, ask for "2i- ounces of Pinex" .
with full directions and deeffc accept
anythin(rlse. Guaranteed to give ab
solute satisfaction or monev promptly
refunded. The Finer Co- Ft, Wayne.
Charge Aliens Caught in Raid
With Being Anarchists
New York, March 13. Charges of
being "avowed anarchists" were
preferred by the police today
against three men and one woman,
the only persons held after a raid
last night on a building in East
Fifteenth street, in which 162 men
Ap a$iion CpntprbrJibnpn
sfa6isifd S66
lew Fashions for Early Sprig Occasions
New Umbrellas
for Spring Weather
Colored Umbrellas and "two
in one" styles which are both
sun and rain proof. Made
with attractive short handles
with loops of silk or ivory
rings for the arm. Blues,
green, gray, brown, purple,
red, plum and numerous
qualities in black. Folding
Suit Case Umbrellas in black
and colors.
To the Left As You Enter
Suggestions for
Embroidery Work
Luncheon Sets, Dresser
Scarfs, Pin Cushions, Center
pieces, Children's Toggery,
Bed Spreads, Pillows, Lin-
gerie. A well assorted dis
play of all of these articles,
stamped, ready for embroi
dering. Lessons without charge when
materials are purchased in
the Needlework Section.
Classes every day. Mornings.
10 to 12. Afternoons, 2 to 5.
Third Floor
A great many dainty new
styles are ready in the Cor
set Section and the prices
are decidedly moderate. Cor
rect lines, fit and good work
manship are features of every
Brassiere we offer.
59c, 69c, 79c and more.
Corset Section
Woolen Dresses
For Immediate Wear
The cool mornings of early Spring
call for a costume of some warmth
and nothing is more favored than a
smart appearing woolen dress with
Milady's coat or fur piece.
The fashionable fabrics are trico
tine, Poiret twill and serge, plainly
made or embroidered as you prefer.
This showing has been carefully
chosen and presents the best of
dresses for early Spring wear.
$25, $35; $97.50
No extra charge for alterations.
Individual display rooms for privacy
l i . r
and women were arrested on sus
picion of their being connected with
bolsheviki and other extreme radi
cal organisations.
The four detained arc aliens, ac
cording to the police, and it rests
as to whether thev shall be deport
ed. The prisoners are being held
subject to orders from federal officials.
New Spring Hats
Below Regular Price
Friday, $j.75
This sale was made possible by
very fortunate purchase.
Friday, Only
Belding's Silks
(Wear Guaranteed)
Here Exclusively In Omaha
Belding's Silks are so superior in
quality to the ordinary sort of silks
that it's interesting to know that they
are not more costly. Because of their
better quality they do, in every in
stance, outwear ordinary silks be
sides giving much more satisfaction.
Belding's Satin de Chine, a rich, lus
trous dress satin, in all fashionable
shades and black (36-inch), $2.75.
Belding's Nancette, a distinctive
twilled silk, excellent for wear and
obtainable in a splendid range of
colors (36-inch), $3 a yard.
Belding's famous Chiffon Taffeta, one of
the handsomest taffetas on the market
shown in all colors (36-inch), $2.50 a yard.
A Special Value for Friday-
Novelty Silk Skirting iold up to $2 a yard.
Friday, $1.49 yard.
You do not like to deal with
a one-time-over salesman
GMC Trucks are not one-time-over trucks. Any number
of Companies in our territory, after using GMCs for
years are now adding new GMCs to their fleet of trucks.
You will be mailed promptly on request, statistics on the
performance of GMC Trucks. The actual facts about
GMCs will convince you that they are a profitable in
vestment. Remember the once-over proposition in buying your first
Buick Auto Company
Cars. GMC Trucks.
Lincoln. Sioux City.
Glennon Replaces Usher, t
Washington, March 13. Rear Ad
miral James II. Glennon was assign'
ed today to command the Thirc
naval district, with headquarters i
New York, replacing Rear Adinira
Usher, who is to retire April 7. Capt
Harry Field succeeds Admiral Glen
non in charge of the Fuget Sounr
navy yards.
Two hundred new Hats
of unquestionably good
style and quality at this
price. Hats for every
one matrons, misses,
school girls. They
would be highly desir
able if the price was
greater and at Friday's
price they are extraordinary.