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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919. All art arcfcJUcto ol Fate, Worfciag tat tM valla ! Timt, Sow with authft data's u4 fraat, Som r)t)i oruonti ( rhysM. Ua fallow. Why, what should sa ths furT I do not Mt mjr Ufa at a pla'a (a And, for my soul, hat tu II do to (hat, Bainc thing immortal a It sal f. Shaksspaat. I-' CAN w YOUR E From Globe, Arizona, comes this recommendation of Neolin Soles. J. B. Medlyn sends it He says: "I have never had my Neolin-soled ehoes repaired as the soles always out wear the tops. The position I hold keeps me on my feet most of the time, and I can 6ay that for comfort and wear Neolin is the only shoe sole." Millions of others who have worn Neolin Soles think with Mr. Medlyn that they are the only soles for wear and comfort. Moreover, these soles cut your shoe bills down because they make your shoes last so lon. They are waterproof too. Neolin boles are made scientifically by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron.-Ohio, who also make Wingfoot Heels guaranteed to outwear all other heels. LIME SALAD FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY 1 pkgr. Oma Lime Jello ' ' Va cup chopped cabbage xh cup chopped celery 1 green pepper cut fine or In strips .1 tablespoonful of vinegar Dissolve the Oma jello in one pint boiling water, and put aside until it begins to harden. Then add the other ingredients and let stand until hardened. Serve on crisp lettuce leaves with either mayonnaise, whipped cream, or a stiff salad dressing. Your dealer can buy Oma Lime Jello from the American Products Company. . ; A Big Special Sale of Beautiful Lingerie i At the Union Outfitting Co., 16th & Jackson Sts. One Day Only ' Saturday, March 15. i Billie Burkis, Envelope Cremise, Cowns, Camisoles, Bloomers. All Garments Are Made of Beautiful Washable Satins and Crepe de Chines. Vts wro fortunata whan we se cured thla big ahipmcnt from one of the leading maker of beautilul high-data Lingerie. There are pos itively no aaconda included In the big purchase. All garmenta are cut full and tailored and are the very lalsst'iuid mo wanted rtylee. Wa will have ample quantitiea of thia beautiful Lingerie, but to inaure your choice, wo would advise that you come early Saturday morning. Thia sureties ia another evidence of our big buying power combined with our Inexpensive location and careful or ganization, which enablea ue to make the lower prices. Coma to thia sale expecting big valuea and you will not be disappointed and aa alwaya you make your own terms. DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE if your goods are to be shipped, of packing them yourself, like some have done, but call us on the phone and let one of our experts do the work. We Pack, Crate, Ship end Haul r Omaha Van & Storage Co. Phone Douglaa 4163. " 806 So. 16th Street For Sprains and Bruises The first thing to do for sprain or a bruise is to cover the hurt with piece of flannel soaked with OmegaOiL Quick re lief usually follows this atmplc treatment. IT IS TIME TO CLEAN UP. Buy a Haalott Dandelion and General Utility Lawn Rako from jronr Hardware Dealer and commence to clean up your lawn. A little early epring work helps In the campaign against the Dandelion later. The Has lett Rake la a combination tool. You can also nse it in the rden. Be sure it is a Haxlett. Two sites, lS-ia. and !t-in. C. A. HAZLETT Dandelion Rake Mfg. Co., Kearney, Neb. LESS man i! When I'm ' Cranky There are days when I feel every body ii wronp;; I mean ev'rybody but me. They're all in my way as I'm walk ing along, . They're just where they oughn't to be. What's worse, all my friends want to say "Howdy dol" I cannot be pleasant that day. Vou'd think that my manner would show them I'm blue, Or all out of sorts, anyway. Such days only come about once in three weeks. Of course I'm aware I'm to blame. With hatred for people my whole nature reeks; It's really, a terrible shame. I guess ev'ry one is at times an old crank. Let's make a vow to be sweet. Let's kiss little Mabel and , kid Unjle Hank And jolly each fellow we meet. Harris-Miller Nuptials. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra D. Miller was the scene of a pretty wedding Wednesday afternoon when their daughter, Miss Martha Theresa Miller, became the bride of Earl E. Harris of Lincoln. Rev. M. R. Weaver read the marriage lines. The hride was attended by her sister, Miss Ada Miller, who wore a dainty gown of organdy and car ried pink sweet peas. The bride wore a white crepe de chine gown and carried brides roses. Mr. Orville Harris of Lincoln, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. A wedding supper was served fol lowing the ceremony when a pink and white color scheme was used on the table. Mr. and Mrs. Harris will be at home at 3145 T street, in Lin coln after April 1. The out-of-town guests at the wedding included Mrs. J. J. Dun lap of Boyd, Mont., and Mrs. Reu ben Springer of Bennett, Neb. P. E. O. Election. At the election for Chapter B. S. of the P. E. O. Sisterhood, held Monday at the home of Mrs. F. R. Vanderlippe, the following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Mrs. C. A. Tracy; vice president, Mrs. W. A. Wilcox; re cording secretary, Mrs. J. F. Wood; corresponding secretary, Mrs. A. W. Francis; treasurer, Mrs. R. C Person; chaplain, Mrs. E. H. Ltiik hart; guard, Mrs. R. A. Ralph. Delegates .who will attend the state convention at Lincoln in June in- Heart Beats By A. K. Hurrah! Said we of the Writing profesh When Richard Carle Appeared upon the Scene Without his actor Clothes. We looked And looked again And then we Shot those meaning Glances At various members of the staff For there went "Dick" Minus hat Minus coat Minus spats In shirt sleeves and With that "at home" Stride He Strode Into the inner Sanctum-sanctorium. Does Carle smoke?. Asked one damsel In green waist, Whose big blue eyes Followed the pipe. He didn't in the "Spring Chicken," Said another. - ( And he didn't in "Mary's Lamb" . Said still another. Not in "Furs -id Frills' Nor in "Tenderfoot." Beastly obesity ' Is taking a firm Hold on our Celebrated comedian. Ventured Brown-hair With-the-red-collar. But none of us Could figure out Why Richard Carle Should come Into a newspaper Office In this wholly Unprofessional Manner And march straight Into the "Inner Shrine" Without beyig Announced r'anything. We wasted a few Minutes in Speculation But before we had Decided whether We liked Carle best - Fat or thin Out walked the Man subject Of our debate And he grinned And drawled "Go'mornin' " And we looked again, Behind a brand new Tair of Horn-rimmed spectacles " We found Doane Powell, Our artist-writer Of Bug Page fame. SELAH1 American Woman Is a Representative at the Peace Conference $ " -sxer-- j . ; 'If ',V -;; ' f r ., l i,- i : "t - i " V Tj r: , M j;i i ' ; ;' ' . I i r it ' , s f; 4 P- i -J I The feminine sex is elated at the announcement made in Paris "that four of the five powers dominating the' peace council have assented to representation of women on all committees dealing with the inter ests of women and children. The American delegates are Mrs. J. Bor den Harriman, Mrs. Juliet Barrett Ribles and Miss Katherine B. Davis. dude Mesdames D. M. Wycoff, C. A. Tracey, A. S. Nerness, N. H. Tyson, Surprise Party. Mr. Frank Ekdahl was honor guest at a surprise party Wednesday evening at his home, the occasion being his birthday. Mr. Ekdahl has recently returned from the Universi ty of California, where he was a fly ing cadet in the army aviation sec tion. The guests included: Misses Misses Helen, Danlelson, Rreda Cllssman, Louise Raabe, rjuen aorg. Thereea BJornberg, Ella Ekdahl, Blanche Ekdahl. Judith Peterson, Teckia Petersen, Ellen Petersen, Margaret Ederer, Messrs. Arthur Enholm, EIroy Peterson, Walter Anderson, Messrs. Arthur Benson, A. Groh. NNIOVXB Messrs. and Mesdames Benson O. Ekdahl Club Activities. T.t F.arl VV. Porter, recently re turned from overseas, will address the general meeting of the Asso ciation of Collegiate. Alumnae, Sat urday at the Blackstone. the meeting ot the irain scnooi Mother's club, scheduled for Fri- A?v has Keen rinctnnned fnr two weeks when the meeting will be held at" the school. Mrs. J. fc.. Farrell will entertain the Extension society, at her home Friday at 2:30. Miss Dunlap at Y. W. Miss Florence Dunlap of Balti more, Md.f has arrived to occupy the position of etension and in dustrial secretary of the Y. W. C. A. Miss Dunlap will occupy the position recently held by Miss Helen Smails, who was forced to resign her position owing to illness. Miss Dunlap is especially qualified for the office she will hold, having taken special training in Y. . W. C A. work. Birthday Affair. Mr. Ben F. Marti was host at a box party at the Orpheum Wednes day, the occasion being Mrs. Marti's birthday. The party included the members of the Comus club and a lovely corsage bouquet was given each guest. The special guests of the afternoon were Mrs.- Arthur Kuhn and Mrs. J. W. Reece, For a Guest. Miss Phyllis Patton ' of Chata nQoga, Tenn., who is the guest of Miss Gertrude Stout was honoree at a luncheon party given by Miss Marion Turner at her home Thurs day. Women tourists carry the bag gage of tourists on the island ot Capri. For tidies' Hair Quinegg Slmnipoa If you want your girl or boy to have a thick, luxuriant growth of hair that will last, and to keep their scalps free from danflmff, fla sot shampoo their heads with soap, but use QUINEGO SHAMPOO. Tench the youngsters to be aa watchful of their hair at of their teeth. Quinegiar Shampoo costs but a trifle and keeps the hair oft, fluffy, vigorous and healthy. Try It yourself, at our risk. The druggist will gladly refund yonr money if It fails to please you. Shampoo your own head. Keep your fccalp cleaner and your hair more beautiful with a fraction of the money you spend at the barber shop or hair dresser's. Large bottle only 55c, everywhere Vosburgh Chicago If your druggist does not have Quinegg Shampoo, you wiU find it on sale and rec ommended by Sherman ft McConnell Drug Stores, Beaton Drug Co.. Merntt Drua Co. Aiv. Beatrice Fairfax's Lovelorn Advice letter Problems. Mies Beatrice Fairfax: I am com ing; to you for advice. I am It and am In the 11th grade. How long should I wear my dresses? I am light complexloned, have blue eyes and dark brown hair. I have a round face and' am small for my age. How should I wear my hair? I have a boy friend who lives in an-Q OLner iown snu no use won wiiwuf nice friendly letters to mo until about two weeks ago I heard from him and I answered hla letter, but he hasn't wrote since. Now Miss Fairfax do you think he is mad or doesn't he care to write to me? Is it wrong to accept a present from a boy and ia It wrong to wear a boy'a ring? Hoping to see this In Wednesday's paper. Thanking you a thousand times. I am, MART ANN. Walt another two weeks. There Is no reason why he should reply by return mall If your letters are Just friendly. He Is probably busy. It Is bad practice to wear a boy's ring, Freckles and Rings. Dear Miss Fairfax: I anl writing to you to ask your advice. I am 15 yeara of age, light complexloned, light hair and light blue eyes. How should I wear my hair? Is It proper to have an engagement ring? Is It proper to wear high heeled shoes? I am In the 11th grade. Can you give me a name of a lotion to re move freckles. MATHILDA S. I cannot tell you how to wear your hair. It la proper to have an engagement ring If you are engaged, but you are too young for that High heels are all right for dress occasions, but the low heel will keep your feet In better shape. High heels are very apt to spoil the arch for a girl of IB. There are several good- lotions for removing freckles, but I cannot give you the names through this column. Ask your druggist or someone In the beauty parlor. Difference In Age.' Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 25 yeara old, and am engaged to a man 36 yeara old. Do you thlnkll years too great a difference in rruVrrlage? LiOVENE. Eleven years? That is not too great a difference if you love. Magazines for Children. My Dear Miss Fairfax: Can you tell me of a child's magazine that buys stories? Thank you. GUINEVERE. P. S. Please answer in The Bee some time this week. Youth's Companion, American Boy, Girls' Companion, Boys' Com panion, St. Nicholas, Every Child's Magazine, Omaha,. Neb. An Unusual Letter. Dear Miss Fairfax: You have helped so many girls out of their dif ficulties that I am bringing mine to Personals Mrs. L. Widstrup is confined to her home on account of illness. Mrs. J. W. -Laub of Overton is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alice Wall, 2408 Cass street. Mrs. Ora Wallage of Chapman is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. James VirgiL Lt. Sanford Gifford is a member oi the staff' at a large military hos pital at Trier, Germany. Major and Mrs. Robert Hamilton are planning a trip to California when Major Hamilton is released from service. Mrs. William Archibald Smith, who is now in San Diego, recently met Mrs. Douglas Settle, who is wintering there. Colonel Settle has not returned from France. Omahans who are stopping at the Hotel McAlpin in New York City include Lt B. D. Wood, Lt. William F. Bruett, Mr. E. C Hartley, Mr. Guy H. Pratt, Mr. D. L. Vin cent, Arnold Edmonton, Mr. D. G. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byd left Wednesday for Jacksonville, Fla., where they will meet Mr. and Mrs. Arthur English, and will tour to gether for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs Boyd expect to return by way of New Orleans. Extreme Bfoom Values Do not miss this oppor tunity in securing one of these White Straw, Wire Wrapped 4-Strand Brooms. It will be impossible to du plicate such values in many years to come. 35c and 4.5c li it 1 1. 1 1 RfttfM iiistkiatiKlUtiOiWi saevTOnotarlTiiBS ITS ft H. R. BOWEN, Pres. Daily We Discuss Our Af fairs and Bring the Sad and Gay Together for Sifting, Assorting and Untangling. you. I am not a child. passed my 23d birthday and have been making my own living since I was 18. I have no sisters and only mother and one brother. Now Miss Fairfax I em not a rav ing beauty and still I am not so beastly ugly that it would hurt any one's eyes to look at me. I am just a common ordinary girl of the same size and height and build of hun dreds of other girls. The only claims I have to good looks are an unusual amount of what my brother calls chestnut hair. Large dark blue eyes, and two of the deepest and most persistent dimples that any poor girl ever had wished on her. No kidding about It, Miss Fairfax, I do hate those two dimples, for every time I let my face relax, even In the tiniest grin, those horrid dimples pop out and every one makes some comment on them. I do hate to at tract attention and those little pests are always on the Job. Is there any way of getting rid of dimples. Miss Fairfax? I am naturally happy and Jolly and smile most of the time so I simply must get rid of those dimples or stop smiling and there Isn't so much Joy In life that I could afford to look cross. Now, Miss Fairfax. I am not a "vamp" for I am not , built that way, being Inclined more to plumpness than to the snaklness required of a vamp, but Just the same men seem to fall for me. Now, that 8 slang, but it de scribes my sentiments to a finish. What I want to know is how to keep a man as a friend or a pal without their having to fall in love with me and spoil everything. Now I am not altogether heartless for I have been and still am In love. Was engaged to the man for over a year when along came one of those little clinging baby dolls and I lost my man. Well I am a good loser, although lt hurts me now aa much as it did four months ago when I first found it out. I will say that he was game to keep to his part of the bargain, but don't you think I did right to release him from his promise when he didn't love me any longer? still I am not going around weeping on anyone s shoulder or howling for sympathy. I am having one glorious time with my work an day and a dance or a show at night. Mother says I am ruining my health, but if I don't go all the time the longing and heartache that I have for him nearly drives me insane and I do not want him to know how much I care. You will wonder why I don't tell mother, but you see. Miss Fairfax, some of those little mothers are too sympathetic and sympathy and I do not get along very well to gether. A little sympathy makes a baby of me and I am a grown wom an. Now, Miss Fairfax, In my fever ish search for forgetfulness there have been three men whose lives have been mixed up with mine. None of them have known me before that time. One is 23, the other two are in the 3us. vve got aiong splendidly and were the best of pals. The first one proposed marriage after three weeks. He was the old est of the three. The second was a discharged soldier. He wanted me to marry him at once and go home with him for his parents were old and wished to see him settled. The third is a Nebraska man, also a soldier. I was the very image of a little girl to whom he was engaged for two years and who died two weeks before the date set for the wedding. Now Miss Fairfax, each proposal was sincere because I am not strong for the promiscuous loving that so often leads up to a proposal. I get along very nicely without any of this hugging or kissing that seems to worry so many of the younger girls and I have many good friends among the 'opposite sex. Miss Fair fax, I was totally unprepared for a proposal from any of those three men for we seemed to be Just good friends and I very much enjoyed their friendship. Each proposal came aa a bolt of lightning from a clear sky and each one hurt, for I honestly believe they meant what they said and I do hate to hurt any one's feelings, but they all know that I love someone else for I think it but fair to tell them the reason why I do not love any one of them. But each one has the .same plea that he can make me forget the man who has ceased to love me If I but give them a chance. Now, Miss Fairfax, they have given me references in their home towns and my brother, who ia a lawyer, has looked them all up..; He can find nothing against anv em of them so there Is no ave nue of escape In that direction. Now what eh all I do 7 I want tnem au as friends and no more. This is a long letter, but there Is ah kasoks vfft no Joke about It for to me lt Is a very serious business and I really need your help. Hoping that you win come to my rescue, I am sin cerely. TROUBLED. Your letter Is far too long and would never have found Its way into print except that lt Is unusual. think you are one of the best little "scouts" I know of to hanrlln anch a I haveVvital matter In the way you de scrlDe. I should like to know youj fitmnlv tAll th "nrninArtv" Ih.l -j - . . v . .. . ...... you do not love them surely that Is sufficient reason for not marrying tnem. However, If you no love one. why not marry him. This will be the easiest way In the world to for get the first love. Remember this, dear child, love is like ether the In fluence Is sthong while lt lasts, but one recovers completely with a little fresh air and diversion. He (and his memory) will fade Into the dim ness it only takes a little time and anothei- well, let's say, someone to care for you. Afraid. Dear Miss Fairfax: Tou certainly have some responsibility In answer ing these young and foolish boys and girls. I am Interested in "Afraid," whose letter appeared In last night's paper, and if she will Indicate through your column that she would In confidence make her identity known, I, the mother of a daughter, would be glad to talk with her and be a friend In any way possible. Surely lt should be pointed out to her that she is dealing with a scoundrel. A man who will threaten a woman and particularly to ex pose love letters. Is a coward, aa any body but a young and foolish girl knows. Kindly publish this soon that lt may come to the eye of "Afraid." M. L. In Doubt Certainly I should not continue to go places with a man I no longer cared for. Not even if for four years you had no other friends. He is very unreasonable to be angry If you merely talk to another. I should certainly not consider that Betty C. You do not give your age, therefore, I cannot advise. I see no harm in the young man in ques tion calling occasionally, or taking you to the movies, unless your pa rents object for some specific rea son. Troubled You are funny, foolish girls that is all. Perhaps it was a joke only in your eyes to run away from two boys who were taking you home. I should say that you do not know what love means, yet. It Is much easier to keep people's friend ship than to regain it Just remem ber that when you look at your list of "eight lost friendships." Better' explain to the whole eight and start a "new record." Helen Halei Your letter exceeds 200 words, therefore I cannot print it. I am sure that you are Innocent so far as any wrong thought Is con cerned, but In this -world we must consider others, their opinions and the world-regulated customs unless we wish to become a target for criticism. I judge this is not your aim. It was Indiscreet your kissing this young man, even though you had known him since childhood not wicked. Display of affection never interests the public and I advise you to keep your kisses for your hus band. Peggy and Dolly--I certainly could not advise you to marry those little boys 17 and 18. There is no particular harm In holding hands whije walking but what is the good? YeS, there is a reason . why you should not kiss all the boys. The preservation of your self-respect. There Is a letter on my desk now from a young man who will not consider girls whom he classes "out of the question" as he does not wish to be one of the "57," referring, I suppose to Heinz 57 varieties Gentlemen take the outside of the walk. How many times should you kiss a fellow in one evening? Oh, aren't you silly! Yes, you should see your callers to the door In a graceful, sweet manner, but not af fectionate. One way Increases pop ularity and the other kills lt. It's in the Grocery Stores r Maney Milling Co. Omaha's Big Mill SasjP IzMost tou ! LPJh ) J FEATURE Xnrj WEBBING Model No. J20 has a famous, eleven years' reputation for long service and hard wealing qualities. They retain their original beauty in a manner truly unusual in the experience of the stout woman who is proverbially "hard on corsets." Prices cf Rengo Belt Corsets range from $a to $10 Crown Corset Co, The Trade Mark here shown is on every wrapper of genuine The Grapefruit of Superior Flavor. TRIMBLE BROS. Omaha. Wholesale Distributors. TP" IT Vtlltj r l4 ' TH intuuuir CM A HA, NESa v SCTST FLO 0mh jp- wmrr as Our Regular Old Tims 1914 Quality That Good Old Original iWlUiatlaU WHITE FLOUR The Flour of Super Quality mads to . make Home Baking Delicious and every sack guaranteed to give tie most in real satisfaction. MMM""aJM"'JJfsi ii'ii'ilialWaiM lit ha"i sasaa 1 j 1 omen wearing Rcngo Belt Reducing Corieu since last Autumn.will discard them now only because the Spring Season presents allur ingnew"Rengo"styles to conform to a decid edly different til houette. Strong Rengo Belt, Double Watch-Spring Steels, Steelas tic Webbing are exclusive "Rengo, features that contri bute to the lasting grace and comfort of these wonderful cot sets earning for theta thje enviable reputa tion of "the most ecano micdreducingcorsets ever devised for wo men of stout and medium build." (Reducing 170 Fifth AveNew York Ilk To Gssro A Cc!J In Oisa Boy Talso (aasavatsiala' Be snre you get the Genuine Look for this signature on the box. 30c.