Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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South Side
Congress Fails to Appropriate
Funds and South Side Em
ployes in Charge of Work
to Be Dismissed.
The federal employment bureau of
the South Side will cease 'to exist
aftet March 21 as a result of the
failure of congress to pass the sun
dry service bill, appropriating funds
for the continuance of this service,
Recording to P. J. Barrett, head of
the South Side agency. It was be-
' lieved for a time that the funds on
hand would be sufficient to maintain
the agencies until the appropriation
was made. This has rot proved to
h: the case and consequently only a
nucleus of the agencies will be re-
, tained, m this and other states.
' It is- believed that but two tin-
ivaus will be maintained in Ne
braska. Only four men will be em
ployed and it. is expected that this
will enable a skeleton of the agen
cies to exist on the funds now on
Shower Given for James
- Christ, Who Soon Weds
A miscellaneous shower party in
honor of James Christ, proprietor
of the Washington shining parlor,
and Miss Alice McConnell, whom
he is said to wed in the near fu
ture, was given Wednesday night
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Zocas, 4420 . South Twenty-third
street. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. V.. H. McConnell,
Mr. and Mrs. Neil T. Ryan, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Zocas, Mr. and Mrs.
George rage. Mrs. Mc'Conkle, Mrs.
J. Hogan. Mil? Hazel Hogan, Miss
Freda Grimm, Mr. Marsh Page,
John Marinos, Milton Marshall,
Brayton Page, Jessie McConnell,
Raymond Marshall, Ralph Marshall.
You can save money, buy it this
week. We have a large assortment
to choose from at all prices. Kout
sky Pavlik Co. '
Our entire stock must be sold.
Come in and make your purchase.
Koutsky Pavlik Co.
Christian Endeavor Union
to Give Musicale Today
Ortiaha Christhn Endeavor Union
will give a musicale this evening
in the First Christian church.Twen-ty-sixth
and Harney streets, pre
senting the following young, musi
cians; Miss Grace Slabaugh, organ
ist; Miss Grace Poole Steinberg,
violinist, accompanied by Miss Jessie
Cady; Miss Thelma Skeen, harpist;
Miss Charliene Johnston, vocalist,
accompanied by Miss Irene Sedgley;
Miss Ruth Gordon, vocalist, accom
panied by Miss Doreen Holden;
Miss Grace Burger, violinist, accom
panied by Mrs. Geil McMonies; and
Mrs. A. D. Bradner, and Hiss Mo
zelle Thomas, readers.
Apperson Nebraska
Motor Car Co.
2027 Frnra St. Omaha,
Prompt deliveries can now be made
Complete with case
Central Typewriter Exchange
Doug. 4121.
Horrors! The "Cootie Rag"
Is On: Its Way to This City
Supervisor of Public Dance Halls, Busy Suppressing
"Shimmie-Jazz " Hears That Latest Terpsichorean
Terror Is Headed for Omaha; Bandle Says He
Won't Permit It.
Unusual activity marked the day's
work in the offices of the Board of
Public Welfare, when Frank W.
Bandle, supervisor of public dance
halls, entered with unwonted alac
rity. He hastened into "the front
office." where he imparted in terse
terpsichorean terms to Superin
tendent Weirich the information
that the "cootie ra" has appeared
in New York City and is on its way
to Omaha.
Mr. Bandle looked around to
make sure that none of the women
of the office were within hearing
before he described the denatured
form of the "cootie rag."
Says It's Immodest
"We are on the lookout for it and
we wish to state that it will not be
permitted in Omaha. It is nothing
more than an excuse for immodest
movements of the body," Mr. Ban
dle explained. "I suppose," he ad
24th and O, South Side.
The fastest growing store in
"Watch us grow." "
The remarkable March day sale
on now.
One thousand men's high grade
shirts, "Ideal brand," on sale Friday
and Saturday at a remarkably low
These shirts are made in Omaha
with a guarantee of the highest
standard, enabling men to purchase
advantageously for now and future
needs. In this lot of shirts are neck
bands, collar attached, soft and
laundered, cuff styles, all sizes, good
quality, styles and workmanship,
specially priced at 79c. .
A special sale of boys' odd pants.
Knicker or straight styles, an extra
pair .of trousers lengthens the life
of a boy's suit. Here we have more
than 100 dozen for quick disposal.
Sizes from 3 to 18. They are made of
long wearing materials, including
heavy corduroys. Regularly sold up
to $2.50 a pair; our price now to
show you Philip's bargains at 89c
a pair.
Friday and. Saturday' specials' in
the downstairs store, 5,000 porcelain
plates, all sizes and descriptions,
manufacturer's name on every plate,
Edwin M. Knoles, Virteous, Smith
Philip's, placed on two groups; your
choice to as many as you want at
5c and 10c each. .
The well known Morning Glory
coffee, specially roasted and blended
for the Philip's Dept. store, 3 pounds
for $1.00.
Hammer laundry soap, 12 bars for
Palm-olive toilet soap, 6 bars for
C. M. C. crochet thread, in all
colors, at 10c.
Watch our windows for the big
shoe sale next week.
Philip's Store reminder: Maxine
shoes; Buster Brown, Humpty
Dumpty and E. C. Skuffer shoes.
Mina Taylor dresses and aprons.
Beau Brummel shirts, Corticelli
silks, ' Warner's corsets, Pictorial
Review patterns. Adv.
(Weight Bat 6 Pounds) 1 :
Personal Writing Machine
! O
The same service at half the price and
in a more convenient form.
1905 Famam St
ded, "that the dance was suggested
by the movements of a victim of
cooties, but I will say that if any
dancers in Omaha public halls have
cooties they had better remain at
home with them."
Mr. Bandle stated that he has
been suppressing the "shimmie," and
"shimmie-jazz," but as for the cootie-rag
it will not live in Omaha as
long as Supervisor Bandle retains
his eyesight.
Just a Few "Overstep."
"We are doing very well with our
publrc dances, and it is only occa
sionally that a dancer here and there
oversteps the proprieties," Mr. Ban
dle continued.
The manager of Dreamland rink
stated that he had been told of the
appearance of the cootie-rag in the
east. The appearance of the dancer
while doing this new step suggests
that he might have the ague or the
South Side Brevities
Wanted Sales lady at once. Koutsky
Tavlik company,
Lost Geese, one white, two fray. Re
turn to 3410 T. Henry Buttcus.
Hou!fchold roods for sale. N. T. Hah
food, 1509 Madtson. Phone South 1039.
The Free Milk of Rebekah lodge will
give a rard party at the Swedish audi
torium, Sixteenth and Chicago streets, this
Phil Kearney, Post 2, O. A. R. will meet
at the residence of J. W. Cress, 4427
South Twenty. third etreet, at 2 o'clock
Saturday afternoon.
Lloyd Loving was fined 112.50 and
costs by Police Judge Foster, on the
charge of speeding. Loving la employed
by a taxlcab company.
Phil Kearney Woman's Relief Corps No.
143, will meet at the home of Mrs. J. W.
Kaatman. Twenty-third and C streets, at
2 o'clock Saturday afternoon.
Roda Orllch, 4 years old, died at his
home, 2715 R street, Wednesday evening.
Funeral services will be held at o'clock
this morning. Burial will be In the Laurel
Hill cemetery.
Do not fall to take advantage of our
great sale on men's work shirts. One day
only, Saturday. March 15. at 73 -seme
each. These shirts worth $1.25 to ' fl.SV.
Wllg Bros.
Gertrude May, Infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. O. h. Rockstool, 1605 Harri
son street, died at the horns Wednesday.
Funeral services were held at 3 o'clock
Thursday afternoon with Rev. A. H.
Marsclen officiating. Burial waa in
Uraceland Park cemetery,
Mary C. Peterson, Infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peterson, 8727 Q
street, died at .the home Wednesday
morning. The funeral will be held at the
residence at 4 o'clock this afternoon,
Rev. R. L. Wheeler will officiate. Bur
lal will be In Graceland Park cemetery.
St. Marys school will give its annual
St. Patrick's entertainment at g o'clock
Friday, evening at the school hall. The
program was arranged by the Dominican
sisters of that Institution in conjunction
with ev. John Halllnan. The program
consists principally of recitations and
Irish songs. ,
F. O, Slmonson, assistant director of
the South Dakota Department of Market
ing, la gathering information pertaining
to the commercial movement of all farm
products and the price of these products
at the terminal points. Mr. Slmonson
will also 4nvestlgate the prices of these
products on the Sioux City. Kansas City,
St. Paul end Chicago markets.
Thomas E. Irwin, 42 years old, died
Wednesday evening at his home, 2902 8
street, after a prolonged illness. Mr, Ir
win has been a resident of the South
Heard at the
In order to eliminate any possi
bility of buckling or warping of
fabric, all Howe automobile tires,
guaranteed for 5,000 miles, are air
cured, after being baked with an ex
tra ply of fabric. The- Howe tires,
handled exclusively by the Lininger
Implement company, Sixth and
Pierce streets, were but recently in
troduced into the-middle west and
have made rapid strides in popular
ity to motorists. All Howe tires
are built over-sized, meaning tire
economy and heavy .wear-resisting
construction. All sizes except Ford
sizes are built in non-skid type only.
G. Kamms, former Omaha man,
during the last five years a resident
of Milwaukee, has returned to Oma
ha as local representative of the
Allis-Chalmers tractor. Mr. Kamms
has spent the last few years in the
interests' of the tractor industry and
with the taking over of the distribu
tion of the Allis-Chalmers machine,
predicts an extensive business
throughout the west. He will make
his home here.
Visitors at the show are spending
much of their time looking for a
display of the new Dixie Flyer
"d'Elite," models of which arrived
in Omaha by express too late to be
on exhibition. W. R. Nichols, 2520
Farnam street, local distributor for
the Dixie Flyer, has placed the two
models on display in the sales room.
Beauty, speed -and comfort are the
chief features of the caf, that has
gained great popularity throughout
the east and south.
A chassis of the powerful Stude
baker Six is the object of laudable
criticism of motorists at the show
this week. The vital working parts
of the car are in open view to the
spectator.' Because the Studebaker
manufactures completely in its own
factory at South Bend, Ind., its
bodies, axles, motors, transmissions,
steering gears, springs, tops, fenders
and other vital parts, middlemen's
profits are eliminated.
Clarke Powell, manager of Oma
ha's greatest automobile show,
could not even find leisure time
since grand opening to accept of
fer s of a drink of lemonade. His
conferences with automobile deal
ers, salesmen, visitors, and workers
at the show are kept up from "break
fast to breakfast."
The low, racy body, high radiator
an! hood, 32-inch wheels and bright
color effects of the Chandler "Dis
patch" tells a story of motor car
genuis. This model had its first sea
son in' the market last year and was
popular everywhere, the demand be
ing greater than the Chandler Motor
Car company, busy with its produc
tion of artillery tractors for the
army could supply.
The Card-Adams Motor company,
.local distributors, are displaying the
Business Men Meet and in
Telegram to Commis
sioner Roper, Voice
Associated Retailers of Omaha
Thursday noon, sent a telegram of
protest against the section of the
revenue bill, known as the "luxury
tax," to Daniel C. Roper, commis
sioner of internal revenue, Washing
ton, D. C. It goes through the 6ec
retary. James W. Metcalfe.
The telegranl expresses the belief
of the business interests the coun
try over, that the "luxury tax" will
prove a very burdensome, unjust,
and injurious section of the revenue
bill to all. It was requested of Com
missioner Roper, that if it be within
his power, he issue an order to all
collectors under the provisions of
the revenue bill to postpone the col
lection of the "luxury tax" until such
a time as congress may reconvene,
and act upon the motions that were
made to the membership of the last
congress, in the house by Chairman
Kitchin, and in the senate by Sen
ator Simmons.
The motions referred to, were
those made to strike out 'the "luxury
tax" section of the revenue bill.
The "luxury tax" will become
effective May 1 unless action is taken
by Commissioner Roper to postpone
Dean Ringer, commissioner of
police, was at the meeting to dis
cuss a proposed new traffic code1,
for handling traffic and parking cars.
A committee of three members, L.
C. Nash, E. N. Reynolds and W. S.
Stryker was appointed to meet with
Ringer Friday afternoon to go over
the new code and to offer sugges
tions. The Weather.
Comparative Local Record.
1919. 1918. 191". 1918.
Highest yesterday ..45 63 33 62
Lowest yesterday ....44 35 31. 34
Mean temperature ...4 44 32 48
Precipitation 0 T .36 .00
Temperature and precipitation depart
ures from the normal:
Normal temperature 34 .degrees
Excess for the day 15. degrees
Total excess since March 1....19 degrees
Normal precipitation 03 inch
T. prec. since March 1 11 Inch
Deficiency since March 1 39 inch
Deflc. for cor. period In 1918.. .50 inch
Excess for cor. period in 1917. ,.30 Inch
Reports From Station at 7 p. m.
Station and Temp. High Preo.
State of Weather 7 p.m. today 24 hr.
Cheyenne, pt. cloudy 46 64 .00
Davenport, snow ...34 .01
Denver, clear '...! 62 .00
Des Moines, cloudy 38 D2 .01
Dodge City, clear 64 .00
Lander, clear 50 54 .00
North Platte, clear .......38 42 .00
Omaha, cloudy 60 64 .00
Pueblo, clear 64 68 .00
Salt Lake, cloudy 62 60 T
Sante Fe, clear 66 68 .04
Sheridan, cloudy 80 34 .00
Sioux City, cloudy 40 50 .00
"T" indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Meteorologist.
Side for the past 30 years, engaged as a
foreman In one of the packing plants: He
Is survived by his wife and three chil
dren. Funeral services will be held Fri
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at St.
Martins church, Rev. A. H. Mar-den offic
iating. Burial will be hi Graceland Park
Auto Show
new models of the Chandler in their
exhibit on the stage.
The all-aluminum body of the
Roamer speedster on display in the
Annex is gaining such popularity
that Earl L. Scripps, sales manager
of the Victor Motor company, is
thinking of offering it as a box-office
attraction. He says he has not yet
begun to sell tickets for the oc
casion. ' ; f
Surprising to automobile dealers,
the automobile trucks on display in
the basement of the show offers a
certain fascination to women. Newly
designed bodies, built to meet every
need of the truck user, seem to be
special attractions to the women.
The huge S-ton bodies draw the
larger crowds of women.
Reckless People
TJake Warning
Don't Cut or Pare Your Corns
Every Spring hundreds of people cut
their corns and invite lockjaw and blood
poison. Don't do it again. Join the sui
cide club if you wish, but never cut a corn.
Here's a simple, safe and reliable way to
end your corn misery for good and it won't
hurt a bit. From your Druggist get a
small jar of Ice-Mint, rub a little on any
tender, aching corn or callous. Instantly
the soreness ends and soon the corn or
callous loosens and can be lifted out easily
With til finer..,. nn. . A ll T 1
... - . "u u. mere is no
pain and not one bit of soreness while ap-
viiiib jcc-aiini or aiterwards. It does not
even irritate the surrounding skin. It
makes the feet feel cool, easy and comfort
able and is greatly appreciated by women
who wear high heel shoes and by men who
have to stand on their feet all day. 'Iry it.
It costs little yet one jar is sufficient to
v'n,,,yfU,.?f.eVeJT co" or callou" -nd nd
There is nothing better. Adv.
Get busy with a bottle of Dr.
King' New Discovery
at once
Coughs, colds and bronchial at
tacksthey are all 'likely to result
m dangerous aftermath's unless
checked in time.
And how effectively and quickly
Dr. King's New Discovery helps to
do the checking work! Inflamed, ir
ritated membranes are soothed, the
mucous phlegm loosened freely, and
quiet, restful sleep follows.
All druggists have it. Sold since
1869. 60c and $1.20.
Constipation Emancipation
No more lazy bowels, yellow com
plexion, sick headache, indigestion,
embarrassing breath, when you use
as a corrective Dr. King's New Life
Pills." They systematize the system
and keep the world looking cheer
ful. 25c Ad v.
Three train loads of soldiers from
overseas- and enroute to Pacific coast
points for demobilization went
west Wednesday over the Burling
ton, crossing the river, at Platts
mouth. Pvt. Fred Heimrod, formerly of
Omaha, youngest son of Mrs. Louis
Heimrod, is with the 26th or Yan
kee division in France. He en
listed in Davenport, la., and was
transferred to this division from the
126th field artillery.
William Masden, who operates a
motorcycle at base hospital No. 1,
in France, writes his father, C. L.
Masden, of the municipal ice plant,
for sanction of his marriage to a
French girl, owner of 150-acre farm
and 50 head of cattle and horses.
Young Masden wants to marry
Two Hunters Charged
With Violating the
Federal Game Laws
Charged with violating the fed
eral game law, Albert and Fred Sny
der, of Waterloo,. Neb., were lodged
in the Douglas county jail Wednes
day by K. IJ. Holland, of Atchison,
Kan., federal game warden. The
prisoners were alleged to have shot
two wild ducks m violation ot the
federal law recently enacted pur
suant to the treaty with the En
glish government looking to the
protection of game in the United
States and Canada.
Under the new law ducks may be
shot only between December 16 and
January 1.
According to Mr. Holland, these
are the first arrests to be made un
der the new law, which carries with
it a penalty of from one to 60 days
in jail or from $1 to $500 fine.
TJhe prisoners were released on
Anna Mitchell ssys In her divorce pe
tition filed against Charles Mitchell, that
he ordered her to leave their home Febru
ary 22, 1619, after calling- her vile names.
They were married in Kansas City in 1916.
-Alive A. Penewlt asks a divorce from
Jesse H. Penewlt with alimony and the
custody of their child.
Esther I. Adams alleges nonsupport
against her husband, Clarence F. Adams,
in a petition for divorce. She asks that
her maiden name, Boone be restored.
Dorothy Lyon, In seeking a divorce from
William E. Lyon, says, he left her In 1915,
after 15 years ot married life.
Eva L. Ifodson was restored to her
maiden name, Griffith, In a dscree grant
ing her a divorce from Bamuel Hodson. .
Mae Bass waa restored to her maiden
name, Olbbs, and granted a divorce from
Carl H. Bass. ,
Helen Kusatyo waa granted a divorce
from Albert Kuaajyo and given custody
of their five children. .
Grace Wilson waa given a divorce from
Henry A. Wilson and restored to her
maiden name, Banks.
Beddeos Trounce Sokol A. C.
to Tune of 30 to 20 Score
The Sokol Athletic club basket
ball team lost a hard game to the
Beddeos Wednesday night on the
Sokol's floor by a score of 30 to 20.
The all around playing of Shanahan
and Friberg of the Beddeos and the
long distance shooting of Sterba of
the Sokols featured the contest.
, Buy Your Insurance
From .
Meyer Klein
636 First Nat'l. Bk. Bldg.
Cut Me Out
and'mail me to Carey ' Cleaning Co.,
2401 No. 24th 8t. Web. 892, iDept.
B.), with your name and address and
I will bring you free a small vest
pocket or purse aiie, "Guide to
Omaha," containing a Street Directory,
1919 calendar card and a business block
A Guaranteed Treatment That Ha Stood
the Teat ol Tim.
Catan-h cures com and catarrh cures
eo. but Hyotaei Continues to heal catarrh
and abolish" it disgusting symptoms
wherever eivilisation exists.
Every year the already enormous sales
of this really scientific treatment for ca
tarrh grow greater, and the present year
should show all records broken. 1
If you breathe Hyomei daily as directed
It will end your catarrh, or it won't coat
you a cent.
If yeu have a hard ruDDer Hyomei in
haler somewhere around the house, get it
out and start it at once to forever rid
yourself of catarrh.
Sherman a MeConnell. or any other
good druggist, will sell you a bottle of Hyo
mei (liquid), start to breathe it and no
tice how quickly it clears out the air pas
sages and make the entire head feel fine.
Hyomei used regularly should end ca
tarrh coughs, colds, bronchitis or asthma.
A complete outfit, including a hard rubber
pocket inhaler and bottle of Hyomei, costs
but little. No stomach dosing: just
breathe it. Soothing and healing the in
flamed membrane. Adv. -
Representative at Troup Auto Supp.
Also, just across from Auditorium.
1 1 For head or throat
Catarrh try the
" vapor treatment
Albert Calm
' 219 S. 14th St. .
For Shirts
New Silks
Are In
the Rirl immediately upon his. dis
charge and establish hi home. over
seas. He met his sweetheart a year
ago when he went to France. It was
a case of love at first sight. Yo.unn
Masden writes the " girl lost her
family in the war.
Lt. Harry .H. Robinson is visiting
his parents, Mr. anil Mrs. H. S. Rob
inson, 3005 Harney street, before
leaving for lloboken, N. J., where
he is ordered to report to the com
manding general at the port of em
barkation. Lieutenant Robinson,
who was commissioned nine months
ago, and who is .oue of the youngest
officers in the service, has been sta
tioned at the Texas Agricultural and
Mechanical college. Of a large group
of officers stationed at the school, he
is the only one who has not received
his discharge.!.
Plans to Aid Soldiers
i and Sailors to' Come
i t r r
Ud at Lonrerence
rians for aiding returned soldiers
and sailors will be discussed and
extended at the ' Y." M. C. A. readjustment-council,
to be licld in
Omaha March 24-27 inclusive. The
work will cover all Nebraska.
Leaders will be selected from each
community to start organizations for
the civic, social, economic and rec
reational needs of the returned men.
A free civic traiiiiiiR league in each
Y M. C. A. w:iH be established for
returned men, and -also a recreation
club will be formed.
The state ' conference held here,
will be foloWed by district and later
by local conferences, to carry out
plans for each Separate community,
and to discuss new conditions and
needs. Among the prominent speak
ers will be Governor Allen, Kansas;
Bishop McConnell,' Denver; Dr.
Medbury, Des Moines, la.; Dr. Har
vey Harmon, Lincoln and Rev.,
litus Lowe, Omaha.
Fifth Annual Banquet
of Paige Dealers Held Here
Nearly 100 dealers ;of.the. Paij?c
car in Nebraska and Iowa attended
the fifth annual banquet given by
the local Paige distributing officials
in the ball room of the Fontenelle
last night. R..M. Austin, general
manager of the -local branch, was
toastmaster. Cabaret entertainment
was the feature of; the banquet, to
gether with talks from several of the
dealers who are here to attend the
show,. Music furnished further en
tertainment for the occasion.
Bteatihtftti7E' ,,,'-J "saafcfaatattaaaiarflfcfcjrijfa ''Sdf
v American Lead Pencil Ox
Tomorrow, Mar. 15
Admission 40c
9:30 A. Me to
10:30 P.. M.
IV K O I sold In erlKlnal Daek.
agea onlyt lika picture above
Rata all substitute.
Thos who are weak and
reduced from an attack
of Influenza or Pneumonia
will experience wonderful .
recuperative effects from
the use of '
The Great General TcrJc
After each meal YOU eat one
and cet full food value and real stom.
ach comfort. Instantly relieves heart
burn, bloated, gatsy feeling, STOPS
aciuiiy. iooa repealing ana stomacn
misery. AIDS digestion: keeps the
stomach sweet and pure
EATON IC is the best remedy and only coati
1 cent or two a day to use it. You will be de-
ugniM witn result. Satisfaction guarantee
r money back. Please call and try it
Green's Pharmacy. Cor. 16th and Howard
J V - inn r,j
Sts., Omaha, Neb,
Phelps Called to Brookings
by Illness of Relatives
Russell rhelps. city editor of The
Bee. has-been called to Brookings,
S. D., by the death of his brother-
If it's good enough to be imi
tated, it '8 good enough to see
that you always get the genuine.
For your protection and ours,
we place the little red, white
and blue trade-mark label on
. every loaf of genuine
Tour Grocer Has It.
ExccptTasweTrefiiie ourjOwn
relinemetits and surpass ourj
own standards, the Cadillac of
ayearfivn today will he the
splendid Cadillac of today
Jones - Hansen
The Omaha Excelsior
An luvrraATio wucur ro tvj rudf
Mafcn, Kadley, .
Bee Engraving Dept.,
105 Bee Bldg., , '
lOoaha.''Kebr. .-
My dear Ur Hadley;
You have been a large factor
in helping us make the current issue of
the Excelsior one of the handsomest
numbers ever gotten out by a weekly
publication and we appreciate your . s
very generous patronage.
The comment that we heai
on this edition about town is most
Our aim is
f mi inhrnn n roYQfml M
interest in their
i. ,t rilirino- tVin Anfrt Rlinw
M " 4110UC uiuic engravings ior 'A
f Auto Dealers than any Engraving House in this section of the V.
fi country. There MUST be a reason. 1
1 ' i
Bee Engraving Department
? Phone Tyler 1000
lyler 1000. . 105 Bee Bldg.
in-raw,' Cecil Skinner and the serious!
illness of his sister, Ktrs 'Skihneri
Mr. Skinner 'died yesterday morni
ing of pneumonia. Mrs. Skinner;
is serioustv ill with influenza. Mr
add Mrs. I'helps left last night.
IVteraea A rrgaa Baking f o.
- Cadillac Co.
at 26th.
II, 4$19
to Satisfy our '
; t
w. T' 1 .
. ii""IJ
Yours nrely cLApf