Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
fHE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1919. Small Pill Small Dom Small Price, I CARTERS ITTI IP J H IVER WW FOR COHSTIPATION hare food the teat of time. Purely vegetable. Wonderfully quick to banish biliousness, headache, Indigestion and to clear up a bad complexion. Gennlna hoara so y When Your liver is out of Order You know the signs a neavy head, sick stomach, bad taste in the mouth, latent dyspepsia. Pay strict attention to these symptoms and get prompt relief by usin? Beecham's Pills. A few doses will stimulate the liver, help the stomach, reg ulate the bowels and make a great difference in your general feeling. Nothing will put you on your feet so quickly as a dose or two of 5JS mm tana Sal of Any MadKctne in tha World. &ol4 avarywbara. la base. 10c 25c ATARRH For nead or throat Catairh try the vapor treatment LIEUT HUN ARMY T0 100,000 EN MALJEISION Supreme Council Completes Plan to Crush Militarism; Terms of Peace Treaty Near Completion. Paris, March 11. Military Ger many will go out ot existence as the result of the adoption by the supreme council of the military terms of German disarmament as GIRLS! BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR AND STOP DANDRUFF Hair becomes charming:, wavy, Iystrous and thick in few moments. 'ICICSVAPORUE "YOUR BODYGUARD" -30f.6Q,7UO Tor the best results in Omaha always read The Bee. Every bit of dandruff disap- i i pears ana nair stops coming out. For a few cents you can save your hair. In less than ten minutes you can double its beauty. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lus trous and charming as a young girl's after applying some Danderine. Also try this moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or ex cessive oil, and in just a few mo ments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thjn. Besides beautifying the hair, Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, puri fies and invigorates the scalp, for ever stopping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair, and lots of it, surely get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter and just try it. Adv. they will go into the peace treaty ihese terms provide tor a sweep ing reduction of the German mill tary establishment down to 100.000 men, with 4,000 officers, the army to be recruited by the voluntary sys tem for the period of 12 years. The effect of this is to limit Germany's military strength to less than the number of men Switzerland has in its army. Other provisions in the military terms limit the arms and munitions Germany may possess to a quantity sufficient for 100,000 men and all the remainder must be delivered over or destroyed. The German forts along the Rhine also must be destroyed. The imperial general staff is abolished as the result of reducing the force. Foch Makes Report. Discussion of the subject was re sumed by the supreme council fol lowing Marshal Foch's report on Premier Lloyd George's proposal to reduce Germany's armed force from 200,000. as had been suggested, to 140,000 men and to substitute voluntary for compulsory service. Marshal Foch favored the change, as the conscription plan providing tor ZUO.UOO men serving one-year terms would have given Germany a trained army of 2,000,000 men in 10 years. As against this Mr. Lloyd George proposed to fix the enlistment term at 12 years. Marshal Foch embodied this in his report, which proposed an army of 140,000 men, but the council finally adopted an amend ment further reducing this figure to 100,000. Prevent Conscription. One of Premier Lloyd George's main purposes in substituting vol untary service for the conscription svstem was to pave the way for the disappearance of the conscription system throughout Europe, as it was believed that the effect of the abo lition of the system in Germany would be that the other European countries would generally follow it; thus ending the menace of large standing armies and their provoca tion to warfare. The council has already adopted the naval terms of the treaty, ex cept for a few reserved provisions, which will be discussed tomorrow. The progress that has been made with the work of framing the peace treaty insures the completion of the task by March 20. The first rough draft will be in readiness when Pres ident Wilson arrives in France Thursday, and the revision will be concluded before the twentieth. It is the present purpose of the peace conferees to call the Germans to Versailles soon after March 20, prob ably from March 22 to March 25. The document then will be delivered to the German delegates and in case they are not prepared to sign at once they will be given the opportunity to return to Germany to consider it and return for the formal signing at Versailles This plan obviates the necessity NEW RECORD FOR RADIO PHONE IS fJADEJY NAVY Secretary Daniels Talks to Airplane Pilot 150 Miles from Washington Flying at High Altitude. Washington, March 11. Secre tary Daniels talked today by radio telephone with Ensign Harry Fa genwater in a navy flying boat en route from Washington to Hampton Roads. Communication was estab lished at a distance of more than 150 miles, by far the longest trans mission of radio telephone signals with an airplane in . flight ever achieved. The secretary used the ordinary desk telephone on his desk at the Navy department. Officers in charge of the development of radio signaling, including Rear Admiral Griffin, chief of the bureau of steam engineering, were grouped around the desk. Mr. Daniels spoke of his pleasure in making a test of the constantly improving navy apparatus and asked the ensign how far away his machine was. After a moment's delay, the officer replied that he was then more than 150 miles from Washington and flying at a high altitude. The officer's voice came very in distinctly toward the end of "the conversation as the distance in creased. The expert at the depart ment said the 150 miles was prac tically the extreme range of radio telephonic communication with an aircraft with present equipment and more than double any previous dis tance covered in a similar test. Massachusetts Towns Vote "Wet" on Liquor Question Boston, March 11. Returns from 11 towns that voted yesterday on the question of issuing liquor licenses show that eight changed from dry to wet. Two of the towns, Wey mouth and Hingham, have been no license places for more than a quar ter of a century. Denver Captain Urges Great Ovations for the 89th Division New York, March 11. That the 89th division, which will arrive in this country in June, should receive a great ovation from the middle west ai a whole, is the opinion of officers formerly with the midwest em unit, but who were transferred to the 27th division, which arrived here this week. Capt. John Newman of Denver, who was with the 353d infantry un til about three weeks ago, gives the men of the 89th the highest praise. "The 89th was a great division and its men were wonderful," says Cap tain Newman. "Whenever the 'Fighting Farmers' got into action both the other American divisions and the, bodies knew that the mid dle west was tearing right through. Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Mis souri and South Dakota should all be proud of the boys who put them on the fighting map and should wel come them accordingly." The suggestion is made here that the grandstands erected for 'the home-coming of the 35th division might be used again when the 89th passes through Kansas City, relatives and friends coming there to meet the men. Camp Funston is also mentioned as a possible point for an official welcome. Wherever it is to be, officers here say, the formation of a representative com mittee and the planning of a big reception to the boys who are now in Germany is but what they deserve. Double Censorship of Cablegrams Is Abolished Washington, March 11. Double censorship of cablegrams is abol ished under the terms of an agree ment between the United States and Great Britain made public today. Chamberlain's Tablets not only move the bow els, but also improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. milllllllllltlMlllliiliiliiliiiHl.iiiilijiiiiiiHiHiiiinliilitliilii .lulijrl' Inl'il' Renovate -Your Furniture Your Piano -The Woodwork of Your House -Your Automobile with r V I h Buy a CoroNA (Walghi But Poundi J The Personal Writing Machine The same service at half the price and in a more convenient form. Prompt deliveries can now be made Complete with case $50.00 Central Typewriter Exchange Doug. 4121. Corona Agency. 1905 Famam St of holding sessions for debate at Versailles and restricts the functions to be conducted with the Germans for the delivery of the document and the return for its signature or such other action as they desire to take. Wait for Wilson. It is known definitely that Count von Bernstortf, former German am bassador to the United States, will not be one of the German delegates at Versailles. Ivory Furniture Polish because it is BEST for any WOOD for any polished surface. Tha Orchard A Wilhelm Co. hivt owned tha aecret reelpa for Ivory Polinh, manufactured it, aold it, and used it on their own fina furniture for 26 yeara without aver injuring a square inch of surface. It is especially . recommended for furniture or automobiles that have apparently lost their . color or become cloudy. It will not only bring the color back but cause tha scratches and mars to disappear. A Child Can Use It. Sold by the Bottle at 25c and 50c ' or by the Vz -Gal. or Gallon Jugs at $1.50 and $2.50 - ASK YOUR DEALER ': Drug Store, Household Store, Furniture Store, Dept. Store, Etc. Z or get it direct from 2 1 Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 2 Omaha, Nebraska Miiiiiliili'tiiintiiliiiiiliiiiliiiiiS!iiiiiiitiiiiiHiniiiii'i!T 50 Basket Stores 58 Wednesday, March 12th, at all our Omaha and Council Bluffs Stores we will sell 10 lbs. CORN SYRUP., 67c Fancy Spanish Salt Mackerel, lb. ... 25c The above are for Wednesday, March 12th, only and the supply at each store is limited. "Do A Mother Did Carry a Basket" 50 Basket Stores 50 Bee Want Ads Bring Good Results D. C. ELDEEDG3 President diq Sfare of Specialty cMopb E. M. REYNOLDS Vice President There Is So Much Satisfaction in Choosing Your Suit With So Many Distinctive Styles Before You Each With a "Specialty Shop Exclusiveness" IT IS said there are some 5,000 suit manufacturers in New York City alone. Yet it is a fact that the majority of ready-to-wear retailers buy from one or two manufacturers to simplify ordering, to secure quantity price concessions and to take ur less time in the assembling of their stocks when in the market. The great objection to this,' of course, is that their customers are offered the Fashion trend as it is seen through the eyes of one or two Designers, many other fashions being overlooked entirely. Our buyers on their Spring trips inspected the full lines of a hundred or more of the most representative suit manufacturers and selected only those modes certain, through their own smartness and individuality, to attain a permanent success. Only such as have passed the experimental stage are now on exhibit Dashing little box coated suits with waistcoats for the tall willowy girls and misses; belted suits, more con servative and safe for all figures; becoming blouse back suits and the semi-tailleur suits are shown, faultlessly tailored of serge, tricotine, poiret twill, suede velour and gabardine. All sLsese from 16 to 52y2s Reasonably Priced From $25.00 to $95.00 pffllllllii Show Visitors Invited to Ride The most interesting car of the year In the Only New Car--the Essex $1395 There is just one new car to be s een at shows this year. It is the Essex, which combines the economy advantages of the light, cheap car with the endurance, performance, stability and rich detail of Appointment of the costly and large car.' It sells at the moderate price of $1,395. Essex qualities have been claimed for other cars and for that reason we rely upon demonstrations to prove its attractions. All show visitors are urged to ride in the Essex. The Essex wins all who see and ride in it. Note what men are saying about its beauty as they compare it with other cars of itsolass. They speak of the pride its ownership in spires. They talk of its performance in terms that are used to de scribe large and costly cars. Its freedom from squeaks and rattles and the way in which it retains its newness is a point that owners of light and low priced cars make much of. I : f 1 i S P -i w y IIU iuw jjiiccu v;cu.q mcuc muui ui. Not Only Stop to See the Ess A rnn(TP fr Rirlf In If l it 1 1 Ii i. J.1 - ex Then you will know it as thousands now know it. You will know how it rides over rough roads, how it goes up hills and how smoothly it responds to every call. ' Since you are goingto th show to see the latest de velopment in automobiles ft. i I I I i E.3 don't fail to see the only new car there. You will be asked if you saw the Essex. Men will tell you what they think of it. You should be informed con cerning this new type car that combines the advan tages of both the light cheap car and that of the large and costly one. r- II f i GUY L. SMITH "Service First." 2561-63 Farnara St Omaha, Neb. See the Hudon Super-Six and the Eiiex at the Auto Show Space 10. lull 11. iu. II lUjwet"" 'r-I'll i IliilillillillllliHtllliiiiiiiiilhliilrilllilliiiiiiHiililli ill i.i mm inij nndt lili)rn''ili;-ih-i-itLl:l-'-'T" Hi-"'1 n:...i-m. -i ' L.1i.l,..iiiij lktt;...i : tU.ii..!. i : .til li j j il.iati i wu .. tM.. -iui4,.4Mfa ji 4 ittU4.aUMMU-M i ,a. win it .iU4 i 3 IT-