X 4 1 ft TTft R I E F If RIGHT R EE Z Y BITS OF NEWS PREDICTS ENGLAND , WILL BE IRISH PROVINCE. , New York, March It The will of Dr. Thomas Addison Emmet, grandnephew of -Robert Emmet, the Irish patriot, was filed in the surrogate's court today, dispos es of an estate valued at $1,000,000. The bulk of the estate is divided among his three children; and his granddaughter, "Miss Margaret Har ris, of this city, with whom he lived. A large collection of antique and curious objects relating to Ireland is bequeathed to his son, Robert Emmet, with the request that,it be kept itrtact by his descendants "until such . time as Ireland shall obtain local self-government." Dr. Emmet, commenting on the Irish question in his 'will, said: "Intellectually, God has favored the Irish people as individuals, and scattered them over the world at large. No other race has done more for the development and happiness of other people.' Comparatively, England is in the decrentitude of old age and living on the wealth of other people, while Ireland, after regeneration, will have, yet to gain the vigor of youth, and in justice England must some time become an Irish province. This belief is a family inheritance." POLAND TO HAVE ARMY OF 600,000 MEN. i Paris, March 11. The Polish na tional assembly, according to a dis patch from Warsaw, has aproved by a unanimous vote a law calling to military service the classes from 1891 to 1896, inclusive. It is ex pected that the measure will pro vide Poland with an army of 600,000 men. The deputes of the left, it . is added, strongly favored the law. J FOCH PAYS TRIBUTE TO GENERAL PERSHING. Paris, March 11. Cap. .Andre Tardieu, the French high commis sioner for Franco-American war matters; Marshal1 Foch and Robert Lansing, the American secretary of state, were speakers . tonight at a dinner given in 'honor of the ' American peace delegation by the French press at the interallied press club. ' . Marshal Foch received an ovation. He told of the situation in Europe a year ago, and after reviewing the movement of the American troops to France recounted the battles in which they had participated. - He paid a high tribute to General Pershing, who was present, and concluded with a toast to the entire American contingent. WOUNDED SOLDIER MOVED BY AIRPLANE. New York, March 11. Bound to a, stretcher aboard a naval flying boat, Lieut. David Gray, a convales cent officer, accompanied by a wo man aerial nurse, was carried through space today from the naval air Nation at Rockaway, Long Is !and to St. Lukes, hospital, Manhat an, about 18 miles, in 49 minutes. The flight was takei to demon strate the practicability "of trahsfcr ing wounded soldiers by airplane. Lieutenant Stevens piloted the sett plane and Mai. Helen Bastedo, of the woman's motor corps, who sugH gested the trip, was the nurse. The patient was transferred from the aircraft to a dory after a land ing had been made an the Hudson river. He was then rowed ashore and taken in a motor ambulance to a hospital. AUSTRIANS CONSIDERING BANISHMENT OF CHARLES Paris, March 11. Information has reached responsible quarters in Paris that the Austrian, government is contemplating the enactment of a law banishing former Emperor Charles. This report has aroused discus sion here as to what countryfthe ex cmperor would be likely to retire. It is said to be certain that he would .not go to Italy or Germany, while the Scandinavian "countries, with Holland's trouble over the presence cf former Emperor William as a warning, are not considered likely to receive him. The choice would seem to lie between Switzerland and Spair. ' ' Eit'ner of these two powers, how ever, would require guarantees from the great powers, it is thought, WOMAN APPOINTED TO HARVARD FACULTY. v Cambridge, Mass., March 11. The first woman to hold a, position on the Harvard university faculty will be Dr. Alice Hamilton of Chicago.' Announcement was mad tonight of her appointment by the board of overseers as assistant pro fessor of industrial medicine in the Harvard medical school Dr. Hamilton, who obtained her medicart-degree from the University of Michigan "jn 1S93, studied at sev eral other universities in this coun try and Europe, was professor of pathology at the woman's medical college of Northwestern university for three years and served as bacter iologist at the memorial institute for infectious diseases in Chicago for eight years. Since 1910, she has been "engaged in investigating in dustrial poisons for the federal De partment of Labor. EX-KAISER DTsiRES CHANGE OF CLIMATE . . Geneva. March 11. It is reported from Basle that the former Gewnan emperor has complained against his residence in Holland. It is asserted that he" has declared that the cli mate is disagreeable and that he de sires to go to the Riviera or to Egypt on account of his- health and that he has requested Mathias Erz berger, head of the German armi stice commission, to make repre sentations to the allies to this ef fect. - v FRENCH AIRMAN FLIES 1,180 MILES IN 4 HOURS - Toulouse, March 11. Lieut. Lemaitre, a leading French aviator during the war, has completed a flight from Toulouse to Casa blanca, on the western coast of Morocco, a distance of 1.960 kilo meters, (approximately 1,180 miles) in 11 hours actual flying time. The lieutenant and a passenger left Toulouse at noon Saturday and landed' at Casablanca at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon- " MAKE VOL. 48. NO. 229. fntr4 Omni ran3 Hft F1 BerlinUndergoes Horrors of Air Raid at Direction Of War Minister By H. J. GREENWAL. (Exclusive Cable by Universal Service and the London Daily Express. ) Berlin, March 11. The most terrible air raid of the war took place here Saturday. Throughout the day air men directed by War Minister Noske rained tons'of bombs on the Spartacan headquarters, gun emplacements, and underground stations where government troops and Spar tacists perished together. The central part of Berlin looks worse today than London or Paris after the most destructive Zeppelin raids. Huge craters gape on every side. Whole buildings have been leveled and five suftway stations are in ruins. Every appliance of modern warfare, including bombs containing tons of explosives, as well as tear provoking bombs, were used during the Jagt stage of the battle. The reds have been driven to the outskirts of the city where they are still bitterly fighting. COG TO JOIN HOST AT SHOW This Is Dealers' Day Also and They're on Way From Many States to See Auto Wonders. Members -of the Nebraska senate, headed by Lt. Gov. P. A. Barrows and other state officers will be guests of honor at the Omaha Auto show jtoday. The senators gladly accepted the invitation to come and wilf take a day off to see'"the won ders of the motor industry on dis play in the Gate City. The Lincoln party will be enter tained at a Charhber of Commerce public affairs luncheon at which Charles Perglcr, commissioner of the Czechoslovak republic, will speak" among others. An invitation was extended members of the house o'f representatives to come, but they found it impossible to delay their deliberations. . Dealers Day Today. More than 10,000 persons attend ed the automobile show in the Audi torium -and Annex Tuesday after noon aud night, making a total at tendance of approximately 22,000 persons for the first two days of the magnificent display of motor cars. Today being dealers' day, hun dreds of automobile dealers of Ne braska and Iowa are expected to ar rive here for the show. Local distributors of cars for Ne braska and Iowa have prospects of numerous sales. Though last night was designated as farmers' night, the hall of motor cars was conspicuous for the large number of society matrons, richer dressed in flowing- cloaks and at tractive veils. As far as could be learned. 28 cars were sold Tuesday, the majority ef them to farmers. One Peerless, a luxurious car, was sold to an auto show visitor. Carl Changstrom, president of the Stand ard Motor Car company, sold six touring cars out of his exhibit of Allen and Wescott cars. This- to be Great Yean" A prominent visitor to Omaha'si pageant ot motor cars is J. L,. Allen, president of the Allen Motor Car company, Detroit, Mich. Jlr. Allen will be here the remainder of the week to attend the show. He is on a tour of inspection of Allen distributing territory, and arrived here direct from Denver, where he attended an automobile show there. "This year will see the biggest year for the automobile industry the coun try has ever experienced," Mr. Allen said. "With the advent of peace and the return of labor and capital to commercial conditions of normal times, the country cannot help but break into a period of prosperity." Outstanding in class and attrac tiveness is the Roamer Special, of polished aluminum body, in booth B of the annex. For awhile last night, the aisles about the Roamer exhibit were jammed with an admir ing crowd, commenting on the splendid appearance and sturdy construction of the speedster. Many persons took the body of the car to be silver. Oleson's orchestra features the closing of the show each night by playing the "Star. Spangled Banner." Great Britain Ignores - the Irish Resolution London, March 11. In answer to a question in the house of- com mons C B, HarmsMiprth. Under-Secretary of foreign affairs, said . that the British government would not protest against the Irish resolution adopted by the American congress as "interference in domestic ati'airs of the United Kingdom USE OF THE BEE'S TlFfR 4 Mcomt-cliii mMtt May 5. 1906. 1 r, 0. uniu act at March 3. 1879 Committee Named to Makejnquiry Into Conditions in Mexico ew York, March 11. To re veal "the truth regarding condi tions in Mexico today," the coun cil of foreign relations has ap pointed a 'committee, comprising men of national prominence, to hold open hearings on the sub ject in this city. This announce ment was made here tonight at a dinner of the council, held to dis cuss subjects of mutual interests to the United States and Mexico, to which President Carranza de clined to send official representa tives. OUTSIDERS HOT TO TESTIFY IN AUTORING CASE Two Important State Wit nesses From, Another State Refuse to Come to Omaha on Subpoena. The state rested its case, yester day afternoon, after two days of testimony in the trial of "Red" Neal of Peru, Neb., in district court on a charge of aiding and abetting grand larcency. Two - important witnesses on whom County Attorney Shotwell had counted for valuable testimony, refused to come from Missouri to testify, i They , are James Clark and Emmett Clark, the men towhom William McKenna and L. C. Jones, automobile thieves and Star wit nesses in the trial of Neal, declare stolen Omaha cars were sold. 1 The two Clarks' are outside the jurisdiction of the district court and cannot be compelled to testify. Wanted Only Fords. L. C. Jones, one of the auto thieves, testified that after he and McKenna had taken a second stolen car from Omaha to Nebraska City in alleged accordance with instruc tions from "Red" Neal and Maurice Katleman and on - the promise of $150 for the car, Neal said he "couldn't use it." "He said the only thing he could use then was Fords," Jones testi fied. "He said the only .way he could handle the Oakland we had stolen and brought down was to notify the authorities that he had found it and get a reward. He said we could run it back to . Omaha. Finally, rather than do that we took $50 for it." Jones, on a question from Neal's attorney,- denied that immunity has been offered him for his testimony in the case against Neal and Katle man. Men Higher Up. Jones bore out the. testimony of McKenna that Neal and Katleman were "the "men higher ud." and tha. Jones and McKenna stole automo biles on the streets of 'Omaha and delivered them, in accordance with instructions from Neal and Katle man "at the east side of the court house in Nebraska City and with the cushions turned up." A peculiar teature ot the gang s operations is that they centered around court houses. Two of the three cars stolen bv McKenna and Jones were taken from in front of the Douglas county court house. They were delivered to the east end of the court house in Nebraska City. An alleged conference between Katleman and McKenna and Jones took place at the southeast corner of the Douglas county court house. The prosecution had some trouble in establishing the identity of the particular car mentioned in the complaint against Neal. Charles Pipkin, private detective and insur ance adjuster, couldn't remember the number on the car which he say after Detective Henry Haze haa brought it back to Omaha. V. C. Marsh of the' Marsh-Oaklffhd company said he identified the car as the one in questiij but that it (Continued on Pace Two, Column Five.) British Squadron at Libau. Stockholm, March 11. A British squadron" has arrived at Libau, ac cording to advices received here. On board the warships are members of a British commission.. NEW QUESTION Oma OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH, 12, 1919. COilTllf Spartacans and Government Troops Act Like Wild Beasts, According to - Eye-witnesses. London, March 11. Fighting is still going on in Berlin with great fury, -according to undated reports received in Copenhagen from the German capital and forwarded by the Exchange Telegraph company. Witnesses of the- fighting in the last few days say that both the Spartacans and the government soldiers acted like wild beasts. Hos tilities continue in the northern and northeastern sections of Berlin-and the government troops are killing all prisoners who fall into their hands. Women, the reports add. .participate in the cruelties with as much desperation as the men. Pillage Enormous. The reports estimate the loss in Berlin from pillage alone at 50,000, 000 .marks. Frankfurterstrasse. a well known Jewish business sec tion, suffered heavily. A Berlin dispatch received today through Copenhagen and apparent ly somewhat belated, says the Ger man government sent more than 20,000 troops into Berlin the end of last week, but that the work of driv ing the Spartacans from their strongholds was proving a severe task, it was believed, added the message, that the fighting would continue for several days. Many Murdered in Streets. Berlin, March 11. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Government troops were busy today in driving Sparta can bands from various sections of Berlin, and in preparing Tor a de termined effort against the Sparta can stronghold of Lichtenberg. a suburb to the east of the city. The Spartacans are reported to have large depots of weapons and am munitions in Lichtenberg. Govern ment troops sent to Lichtenberg Sunday to protect the postoffice and police station" were annihilated by the Spartacans. All the soldiers and police of ficials who were not killed during the fighting for the postoffice and police station or who did not es cape from the buildings were lnur dered by the Spartacans.Many were tortured and killed in the streets. At least one woman was among the vic tims of the Spartacans. The po lice archives in Lichtenberg were burned and 20,000 marks were stolen from the postoffice. Many Atrocities. ' No attempt yet has been made to ascertain' the number of persons killed in the present uprising, but the number is belieVed to exceed 150. Reports of Spartacan atrocities continue to pour in and resulted to day jn the issuance of an order by Herf Noske. the minister of defense that all found opposing the govern- j ment troops with weapons would be shot immediately. Many Sparta cans were taken prisoner during the forenoon and summary execution bega at once, the order or Herr began at once, the order of Herr bittered government forces. Armed civilian's "stopped a Red Cross ambulance today and killed and wounded all the persons in it. Another band of Spartacans clubbed two soldiers to deatlfvand killed a householder who attempted to in terfere. The independent socialist news papers Die Freiheit and DieRepub lik have been forbidden to appear. Although the independent socialist leaders protest that tliey are not connected with A. he insurrection, they continue to make attempts to embarrass the government and 'to (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) Queen Marie of Roumania Plans Early JVisit to U. S. "I Feel I Shall Be Almost as Much at Home in America as in My Own Coun- -try" She Says. . - Paris, March 11. Queen Marie of Fotttnania may soon visit the Unit ed States. Whether the trip will be made before or after the conclusion of the peace conference has not been decided. The queen is leav ing for London tomorrow. In a conversation with the As sociated Press today she said that for many years her most cherished hope had been to visit the United States and now she was looking for ward to the early fulfillment of that hope. , "I feel that I shall be almost as much at home in America as in my own country," said the queen to- ' day, "for 1 have come to know AND ANSWER COLUMN SEE EDITORIAL PAGE. HA BAELT SIR HORACE PLUNK ETT'S REJECTION OF IRISH INDEPENDENCE NOW RAISES STORM OF CRITICISM Boston, March 11. Opposition to the movement for Irish independence express ed by Sir-Horace Plunkett today in an ad dress before the students of Boston college, has aroused a tempest of criticism. Sir Horace, who was chairman of the all Ireland convention held in Dublin, was quoted as having said today that, self-determination would mean self-elimination. He was said to have added that England would be able to impose such an economic embargo that Ireland could not hope to succeed as an independent nation. Criticism of Sir Horace's remarks was voiced by Rev. Gerald Treacy of the col lege faculty, who said: "The faculty has taken violent excep tion to every single statement made by Sir BRYAN SUGGESTS AMENDMENTS TO LEAGUECOMPAdT Indorses Idea Which He Says Was Taken- From 30 Arbi tration Treaties Nego gotiated by Him. Washington, March 11. William J. Bryan issued a statement here tonight, endorsing the league of na tions, but suggesting amendments to the proposed constitution which among other things would preserve specifically the Monroe doctrine, enlarge the proportionate voting power of the United States and make ' it clear that each member nation might decide for itself wheth er it would support decrees of the league's general council. While-pointing to imperfections, Mr. Bryan urged that they should not be, allowed to lead to rejection of the plan, declaring that risks to be run in accepting the league were' less than those involved in rejection and returning "to the old ways of Blood and slaughter." Mr. Bryan dictated the statement from his sick bed at the home of friends, where he has been confin ed for nearly three weeks. He said the league of nations idea, "the greatest step toward peace in a thousand years," was taken from the 30 arbitration treaties negotiated by the United States while he was secre tary of state. It was not to be ex pected, he said, that so great an idea would be made perfect in detail in so short a time and added while President Wilson had done the best (Continued on Pnge Two, Column Four.) Park of Airplanes Sold to Bolsheviki by German Officers London, March 11. Lieutenant Porten, formerly an officer in the German aviation service, has been convicted by court-martial, accord ing to Berlin advices received in Copenhagen and forwarded by the Central News agency, on the charge of having sold an entire park of airplanes at Vilna to the bolshevik for 2,000,000 marks. The airplanes were valued at 10,000,000 marks. Porten, after making the sale fled to Koenigsberg and headed a con spiracy in the local workmen's council against the commander of the German garrison at Knovo. The plot was discovered and Porten was arrested. Taxi Drivers Strike. Seattle, March 11. When a local taxicab company today refused to discharge" two returned soldiers it had just engaged as drivers 36 union drivers went on strike. The com pany declared the union men abrogated their contract with it when they joined the recent general strike here. Americans as intimately as my own people. I desire to have the priv ilege of thanking in person the people of the United States for the great help they have given Rouman ia through the American Red Cross and the food administration. "It is a splendid thing," continued Queen Marie, "to see so many of your fine soldiers in' France. When ever I pass one of them on the street, I feel instinctively that there is one 'of my friends, and my im pulse is to shake overy one of them by the hand." The queen spoke of the wonder ful part played by the women of America and-England in the war and declared that it was their daunt less spirit which carried the troops on t victory. , ' "Woman's day has come," she continued, "and I believe that she will have an increasingly important part in the future lit'e-of the world." By Mall II raar). Dally. 14 SO- guediv Dalit and Sua.. KM: oulilaa Neb. aoitata aitra By UNIVERSAL SERVICE. Allied Troops Repulse Heavy Attacks Made by Bolshevik Army . Archangel, March 11, Operat ing 10 guns, the bolshevik forces yesterday shelled the village of Vistavak, on the Vaga, almost completely destroying it. Repeated heavy infantry attacks followed, but these were repulsed with heavy losses by the Americans, British and Riissians. The allies were greatly - out numbered, but fought bravely in the snow. The allied troops this morning still occupied the ruins of Vis tavak, and were ready for new attacks. ER TRAVELS UTMLLIJQT BE HERE TODAY Secretary of War and General March ; Change,, Plans; Leave Des Moines for Kansas City. , Word was received from Des Moines last night that Secretary of War Baker and General March had changed their plans and would not come to Omaha for the present. From the Iowa capital they went to KansasCity, to visit army posts in the vicinity of the Missouri citj. The original plans of the secretary of war contemplated an inspection today of Fort Crook and the balloon school at Fort Omaha. The telegram from Des ifoines did not state just when the party expected tof arrive here. . ' Robert H. Manley of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce wired Sec-' retary Baker inviting him and Gen eral March to become the guests of the chamber today at a luncheon, which was to have been given in honor of the distinguished members of the party fom Washington. Ran dall K. Brown was appointed chair man of the committee to represent the Chamber of Commerce in look ing after the reception and "enter tainment of the visitors while they were in Omaha. Banquet at Des Moines. Des Moines, la., March 11. An appeal for popular support of the league of nations plan and a promise of more speedy demobilization were voiced by Secretary of War Baker and Gen. Peyton C. March at a ban quet in Iheir honor tonight, winding up a busy 12-hour visit here. The war secretary visited Camp Dodge and Fort Des Moines this afternoon. They left over the Chi cago and -Great Western railroad shortly before midnight for Kansas City to visit Camp Funston and pro ceed on their tour of inspection of southern and western army camps. No Seats For Secretaries. The last two hours of the War department officials' journey to Des Moinqs was aboard a stuffy two-: coach local train from Ames, where tV'ey made -connection from their Chicago train. When Major Swing, aide to Gen eral March, rushed from the Chi cago tnajn over to the local and re quested the brakeman to "save a seat for the secretary of war and the chief . of staff," . he was met with: "Save nothing; I ain't got no au thority to save no seats for no body. If you got any secretaries with you, they'll have to take their chances on seats just like anybody else." One Seat Found. And the train one day coach and a smoker was jammed with the (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) Charged With Abetting Delinquency of a Child James Hafries, a salesman, giving his address as 414 South Twenty eighth street,' was arrested on a warrant signed by Juvenile Officer Vosburgh, and charged with aiding nd abeting the delinquency of ti 10-jear-old girl, V ' i TWO CENTS. P n 1 p J j IV L W ' S ljJ 9 Horace. The college wishes it distinctly understood that it deeply regrets his re marks and takes exception to all of them. The opinion of the faculty is that Ireland, in the light of American ideals, has every right to complete independence." Later in the day Sir Horace spoke in a ' similar vein before the Massachusetts sen ate. He said: "For America to make a fight for Irish independence would mean a split with Great Britain. The only hdpe of peace in the world is a mutual understanding be tween the United States and Great Britain. The idea of setting up an Irish nation at this time is impractical. Until the world is at peace Ireland must protect herself or be protected from the outside." mm. NAMED FLOOR LEADER BY REPUBLICANS Choice Made After Mann Is Re-Elected to Position by Conference and De clines to Accept. Washington Bureau, Omaha Bee. Washington, March 11. (Special Telegram.) The election of Repre sentative F. E. Mondell of Wyoming to floor leadership in the Sixty sixth congress by the committee on committees of the republican caucus today was inevitable after Repre sentative Mann of Illinois had been given a splendid vote of confidence by the committee, but declined to accept the responsibility. On the vote to make Mann floor leader, Nebraska cast 5 votes for Mondell and one voe for Long worth. Mr. Mann gave his ultimatum that he could not serve because his health demanded consideration. The second ballot-resulted in Mondell being elected majority lead er by a vote of 164, with certain states absent and certain other states withholding their votes. Nebraska on this vote gave Mon dell five votes, one vote being cast for Longworth of Ohio, the other Longworth vote being cast by Slemp of Virginia. Reavis for Longworth: ' ' Judge Kinkaid who is represent ing Representative Reavis as the Nebraska member on the committee on committees, while casting the vote of Nebraska for floor leader made it plain that he was carrying out the expressed wish of Mr. Rea vis in voting for Representative Longworth. Otherwise the delega tion would have cast a solid vote for Mondell. The votes which have been taken in the committee during the last week showed plainly that Mr. Mann could have the floor leadership if he wanted it. When he positively declined on account of his health to assume the responsibility the committee on committees considered other names, Representative J. Hampton Moore of Pennsylvania and Representative Frank W. Mon dell of Wyoming being" the most prominent. ' Finally Mr. Moore asked that his name be not considered, as it would be necessary for him to give up his place on the ways and means com mittee if he took the floor leader ship, and Pennsylvania did not wish to risk a new man in a place so im portant to that state. This gave Mr. Mondell a clear field, his election being urged by the people of the west as a tribute to the section that had made the republican majority in theSixty sixth congress possible. Mr. Mondell, visibly affected by (Continued -on Page Two, Column Five.) 32 Come to Trial for Plot Against U. S. Goverhment 'Wichita, Kan.," March 11. Ar rangements were completed tonight for the calling in federal court here tomorrow of the cases of 32 alleged to be members of tHe Indus trial Workers of the World, who are accused of implication in a plot to overthrow the United States gov ernment and institute a reign of ter ror similar to that prevailing in Russia. According to Fred D. Robertson, United States attorney for Kansas, who will direct the prosecution, in formation has been obtained to in dicate the alleged conspiracy had wide ramifications and the trials will be complete with sensations. "American bolshevism will be placed on trial for its life," the dis trict. attorney said today. Restore Death Penalty. Olympia, March 11. Capital punishment for first-degree murder, if the jury so wills in an individual case, was apparently made certain of restriction to Washington's criminal laws todav, when the house passed the bill. The measure al- 4 ready had passed the senate. THE WEATHER: Fair, continued mild tem perature Wednesday; Thurs day unsettled and colder. Hourly Teitiperriiiirr: Hour. Di'X.itloiir. ....ft I ... .SI' S . . . . So' ,1 .....Hi 4 J ,...! 1 ....411 H it. m. . in. . IS . 411 . 411 ,... . .119 . . . :i Lloyd George and Balfour In form Their Colleagues Con ference Hs Nearly Completed Its Work. Copenhagen, March 11. The German delegates are to start for Brussels Tuesday to learn the de cision of the allies concerning the turning over of the German mer cantile fleet and the conditions of the food supply that is to be given Germany in return. London, March 11. Premioi Lloyd George and Foreign Secre tary Balfour have sent word to their colleagues here that the peace con ference has nearly completed" its work, the Evening News says it un derstands. The draft of the peace treaty already has been finished and will be, signed before the end of MarcIT. When the Germans are summoned to laris, the News adds, the treaty will be reatf- to them and they will be invited to sign it. There will be no discussion with a view to altera tions of the principal articles of the treaty. If it is thought necessary, questions involving the adjustment details will be referred to a special commission. To Investigate Intrigues. Paris, March 11. An investiga tion of German-Austrian and Hun garian intrigues against the new state of Czecho-SIovakia, as soon as documentary evidence is received, was decided at the meeting of the supreme council today. The council discussed the conditions under which the powers with special interests and the states in process of formulation should participate in the discussions with the great powers respecting their frontiers. The decisions ''of the various boundary commissions of the. peace conference are being framed in ac cordance with the instructions of the supreme council for speedy action ' b the conference and it is expected all the reports will be presented by the end of the week. Attitude of Americans. The commissions have been told that when they could not agree they should submit the reports of various ' viewpoints, leaving it to the council , to make a decision. The American members, it is re ported, have been coldly judicial and without favoritism, thereby incur ring criticisms from partisan claim ents almost daily. The American members of the supreme council, it is understood, permitted the 'military experts to exercise their judgment regarding the proper size and character of the future German army. In order to have a basis of discussion, the Amer icans, it is reported, suggested an army of 400,000 men,( but unly be cause that was the number mention ed in the first armistice proposal. The decision of the council to limit Germany to a volunteer 12-year army is regarded by the Americans as likely to lead to consideration by the league of nations hen it takes up. the subject of- the limitation of armanTents of thispolicy of agen eral prohibition of conscript armies in all nations. This is on the theory that the great expense of regular longterm armies will be such as automatically to keep down mili tarism. Wilson May Shorten Visit On Board IJ. S. S. George Wash ington, March 11. (By W?ireles3 to The Associated' Press.) President W:ilson, feeling more vigorous than' at any time since his departure from the Lfnitcd States, devoted some time today to his approaching tasks in Paris. The progress made by the peace conference during his absence encourages the hope that he may be able to make his stay abroad shorter than he at first expected. The president is planning to do everything possible to expedite the work of the conference. For the first time in several days, President ' Wilson attended moving pictures in the ship's theater tonight. The new escort of destroyers fro? the Azores fell in with the Georgi Washington late today and took up convoy duty. New "194" Most Powerful Weapon of Size in Existence Troy, N, Y., March 11. The United States Rovernment has plac ed an order with the Watervliet ar senalor a gnu to supersede the famous 155-niillimeters gun. The new gun is larger, shoots farther and does more damage. It is called a "one ninety-four," and two guns were ordered as an experiment. The gun is eight inches in dia meter, 21 feet 6 inches long, weighs 12 tons, has a range of 10 miles and the projectile weights V pounds. It is the most powered weapon of its size in existcusjfc TREATY TO