Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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Th bout of htrtldry, tha pomp el powar.
And all that btiuty, all that wnlth a'ar fava.
Await alika tha lnavlubla hour,
Tha paths of glory laad but to tha grave. Cray.
Fame la tha ehade of Immortality,
And In itself a'ahadow. Soon aa caught.
Contamn'd, It ahrlnka to nothing la the graap.
We Are Waiting Fondly
Waiting for Battle
Scarred Hero
We await with eagerness the ap
pearance of Prof. Charles Upson
Clark, who lectures Friday at the
Kontenelle under the auspices of
the Fine Arti society. We are all
prepared for a battle-scarred hero,
for the list of Frof. Clark's achieve;
merits quite makes us dizzy I
Kindly take a firm grip on your
nervous system and we will enu
merate just a few of the experiences
of tli i s noted lecturer. Just last
summer he visited the fighting
zone, making two trips, visiting
Venice, the lower Piave and the
'Adamello, where he spent a night
among- the glaciers and traveled
over the ice on a dog sled. At Pa
dua he was introduced to an air
raid. But wait! During Septem
ber, 1918, he was taken on a two
weeks' automobile trip through Al
bania and Macedonia, visiting all
the Italian fronts from above Fierie
and Berat, in Albania, to Saloniki.
Prof. Clark was in the last wild
bombardment of the Italian lines
in Macedonia, during which the
Bulgarians shot away the last of
their ammunition before retreating.
Not only will this distinguished
gentleman tell you of all these mar
velous experiences, but he has
slides and motion pictures which
show the fighting and conditions
along the Piave last June and many
other interesting events of the
great war. There is no doubt that
large and enthusiastic audience
will greet rof. Clark, for any man
who has survived all this will in
deed be worth hearing.
Sorority Affairs.
Pretty girls, rainbow-tinted gowns
and lovely decorations, made the
Kappa Kappa Gamma formal, given
Saturday evening at the Lincoln
hotel, one of the prettiest of the so
rority parties. About 115 couples
ittended the affair.
The dance was preceded by a
luncheon party given at the Lincoln
for the rushees, when baskets of
pink roses decorated the small ta
bles. The Omaha girls who at
tended the parties included:
Misses Misses
Margaret Fairish, Winifred Brandt.
alucev Allen,
Frances CI eland,
Jfan Kennedy,
Frances Pulton.
llukn AUeman,
LUzabe'h Kennedy,
Margaret Hoffman, Gerahline Johnson,
Alice Hunter,
Kllzabeth Gould,
XI lift ha Mtunllttv
Dorothy Collier.
For Miss Patton.
Miss Thyllis Patton, a charming
guest from- the south, was honoree
at' a delightful luncheon party given
at the Blackstone Monday, by her
hostess, Miss Gertrude Stout. The
guests, numbering 25, were sAted
at small tables artistically decorated
with baskets of the fragile spring
(lowers. Miss Patton, who will re
main for a week, will be honor
guest every day at a luncheon or tea
Wedding Plans.
Cards have been issued. for the
wedding of Miss Bess Levey, daugh
ter of Mr: and Mrs. 'Harris Levey,
and Mr. Michel Katleman, which
will take place Tuesday evening,
March 25. at the B'nai Israel Syna
gogue. The ceremony will be fol
lowed by a wedding supper at the
Rome hotel.
For Mr. Heifetz.
Jascha Heifetz, famous violinist,
who appears at the Brandeis in
concert Monday evening, was hon
or guest at a delightful supper par
ty at the Fontenelle Sunday even
ing. The party included Miss
Mary Munchoff, Mrs. A. V. Kins
Icr, Mrs. Heifetz and Mr. Andre
Benoist, Mr. Heifetz's accompan
ist. Red Cross.
Omaha Woman's club Red Cross
auxiliary meets every Wednesday at
the Masonic temple. The work is
urgent and Mrs. M. E. Miller, in
structor, asks for large volunteer
corps of workers to complete the
quota by April 1.
Omaha's Poptflar Priced
c .
Showing All the New Styles
in Oxfords, Pumps and Dress Shoes
Black Kid Lace Oxford, me
dium vamp, high QP
Louis heels pTWiJ
Black Kid, turn sole, covered
Louis heel, long vamps, lace
fords. $7.45
Ladies' Beautiful Dress Boots
and as
a Pair
Field Mouse
Gray Kid
Brown Kid
Taupe Kid
Covered and Leather
Louis Heels,
New Vamps
Black Kid Lace and Button
Boots, leather JJO QC
Louis heels priced V fUO
Shoe Market
320 South
16th St.
No Charge
No Discount
No Deliver!.
This checked and plain voile combi
nation Appears a very chic creation,
And is indeed in every way
Though simple, very distingue.
The narrow skirt, the wider sleeves
Are as they should be, Nance be
lieves. (Copyright Applied For.)
Mrs. W. C. t)ean will leave within
a few days for Excelsior Springs.
Judge and Mrs. George A. Day
have sold their home at 1310 South
Thirty-fourth street.
Miss Anna Eckert of Denison,
la., has been the week-end guest of
Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Muldoon.
Lt. Jules Greevy, who has been
in France for a year and 8 months,
has been promoted to captain.
Mrs. W. E. Thomas and Mrs.
John E. Logan, who are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Head, will re
turn to their home in St. Joseph
Mr. Walter Klopp arrived Sun
day from Kansas City to be
groomsman at the wedding of Miss
Marjorie ' Howland and Mr. Rich
ard Payne.
Omahans who are sojourning in
Santa Barbara" include: Mr. aiid
Mrs E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs, H. K.
Owen, Mrs. E. E. Calvin, Mrs.
James B. Austin and Mrs. W. H.
Dudley and Mr. Clark Deming.
Corp. Adolph Brandes left Mon
day evening for New York after
spending a month visiting relatives
in Omaha. Corporal Brandes will
enter the government service and
expects to return to France.
He'd Got Religion.
"Parson," exclaimed E,phraim.
"I'se got 'ligion 'ligion, I tell youl"
"That's fine, brother! You are go
ing to lay aside all sin?"
"Yes, sah."
"You're going to church?"
"Yes, sar-ree."
"You are going to care for the
, "Ah, yes, sah."
"You are going to pay your
"Sah? Dat ain't 'ligion; dat's busi
ness." St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Scottish Rite Woman's club will
meet Friday at 2 p. m. at the Scot
tish Rite cathedral.
Shoe Store
CUT, $4.95
Black Kid Military Oxfords,
Patent Kid Oxfords, tr.rn
soles, covered Louis heels,
long J7 nc
vamps V I J
Military Dress
and Street Boots
Brown Calf
Brown Kid
Field Mouse
Gray Kid Priced
$5.95 to $3.85
Growing Girls' heavy calf
school shoes, made for wear,
English dJO QC
last PJ.J
New Conant
Hotel BIdg.
No Spring
Oxfords or
Pump. Over
$3.00 Pair
.. . '
The Man Who is 12
Years Old
There's a man that I know, and
he lives near you,
In a town called Everywhere;
You might not think he's a man
from his hat
Or the clothes he may chance
to wear,
But under the jacket with many a
Is a heart more precious than
The heart of a man neath the
coat of a boy,
A man who is 12 years old.
He only is waiting to wear the
That is already made for his
And I pray that his mind will al
ways be clean,
His body as pure as now;
His heart always fresh and sunny
and warm,
And free from Life's canker
and mold,
And may he be worthy his wait
ing estate,
This man who is 12 years old.
We never may know what the
future will make
Of the boys that we carelessly
For many a statesman is doing
the chores,
And presidents play in the
The hand that is busy with play
things now
The reins of power will hold;
So I take off my hat and gladly
This man who is 12 years old.
Maurice Smiley.
Heart Beats
By A. K.
I would a word
With my sisters
On the all important
Of rivals
And vamps
And suffragettes
And sirens
And shrews
For verily I say
Unto you dear girls
There are traps
And there are snares
And all sorts of
Wiley devices
Being set
And laid
And planted
To capture that one
Grand prize
That croix de Guerre
Your husband.
It matters not
That his face
Red and swollen
From drink
And dissipation
Nor that his eyes
Are bleary
And his head bare
And his legs bowed
And his manners
Ohl His manners!
No, it matters
Not at all
For verily he is
The other woman's
Husband which
Makes him the prey
Of the female half
Of our race.
A man needs
And sympathy
And scolding
And above all
He 'needs change
And if he
Does not get it
At home
' He may find
Consolation elsewhere
And it would be
And a waste of time
To watch
. The suffragette
Or the ambitious
Or the one who
Is conceited
And thinks a lot
About her own
Charm and beauty
And who is interested
In her own life.
The dangerous one
Is the dear little
Soul who can gaze
And gaze
And gaze
Into his eyes
And act innocent
And above all
Act interested'
In his hobby
Whether it be
Cement or cinders
Or potash or politics.
The movie vamp
Is indeed all wrong
For they do not
Mix the matrimonial
Mush except in pictures
The honest-to-goodness
In real life
Is the interested -
With the baby stare.
Things to Remember.
Nothing is simpler to make than
a suet pudding, and it can be varied
with chopped fruit, nuts or dates.
Lamp chimneys washed with soap
are apt to crack. Steam them and
wipe them clean with a soft cloth.
All root vegetables should be
scrubbed before peeling them, so
that the peeling may be used for
A boiled custard can have the
milk heated before putting in the
eggs and sugar. However, it must
not boil.
Ammonia and warm water poured
on a grease spot on the rug will re
move the spot without changing the
Y. W. Sends Women to China.
An intensive study of social life
of Oriental women will be made
by Mrs. William Boyd of Philadel
phia, Mrs. Robert L. Dickerson of
Washington, D. C, and Miss Mar
garet Morgan of San Francisco, who
have been asked by the foreign de
partment of the Y. W. C A. to visit
China for this purpose. The party
sailed from Vancouver on the Em
press of Asia, February 27.
This is the third visiting group
which has been sent out out to for
eign countries this year by the Na
tional board of the Y. W. C A,
Advice to the Lovelorn
Love Comes Unbidden and, "To Love or Not We Are
No More Free Than the Ripple to Rise and Leave
the Sea."
Not a Wicked Girl.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
I've decided to ask for your advice.
I am a girl, 20 years old, and am a
etenographer and have become a
bad, wicked girl. I have worked
for my employer for 14 months. He
Is a married man, 38 years old and
has four children, the eldest a girl
of 12. At first I didn't know he was
married and I was crazy about him
and let him take me to dinner and
shows, but I never asked if he was
married, and I liked him so well
that I tried every way to get him
to like me. Sometimes he would be
out of town and I would write him
mushy, silly letters. Oh, I was a
little fool, I know, but couldn't help
it When I found out that he was
married I told him I was going to
get another Job, and he wouldn't
let me, and said he would show
those letters to mamma if I quit.
That was eight months ago and
I've stayed. Mamma Is a widow
and I am her only support, and my
employer also said he would fix it
so I couldn't get another Job. So,
what else could I do, and, besides,
I can't help liking him, even though
I know lt is wrong. But I feel that
something must be done or some
thing much worse will happen. I
feel so strange and helpless when
he kisses -me. Oh. I'm so afraid. I
don't know what to do. Please,
please tell me what to do and how
to do it AFRAID.
You poor, little girl. Tou Couldn't
be wicked or bad you are so hon
est. But let me tell you this you
are treading on thin ice. Your em
ployer either has not stopped to
consider your future or else he is
an unprincipled person. Explain
matters to him say that your fu
ture is hopeless and that if he loves
you he will help you to get back on
to the right path. There are many
positions in Omaha and you need
not be afraid of Idleness. He has
his family; also the pleasure of your
society but where, oh, where! does
your happiness figure In such an ar
rangement? Again let me say that
you are not wicked, but being out
rageously mistreated, and this man
is taking advantage of your affec
tion for him. Break loose at once
while you are yet young and at
tractive. Happiness, you will find,
is all outside this man's office.
What's in a Name.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
read your column in The Bee and
I do think you answer some of those
love-sick 13-year-olds just right.
And not all are young, either, for
some of the silliest letters written
you have been by people who are
old enough to know better.
Now, I am not bothered with ex
ceeding popularity, nor am I too
beautiful. But my problem is this:
I am engaged to a splendid young
man, for whom I greatly care. He
has a fine position and is well edu
cated. But, Miss Fairfax, his sur
name is simply impossible and some
how I Just can't think of going
through life with such an awful
name. No doubt this sounds like a
weak reason to you, but could you
only hear the name you surely
wouldn't disagree with me. Do you
think I should be frank with him
and tell him just why I hesitate? Is
it very hard to get a name legally
changed? Do you think if he loves
me as much as he professes to, he
will change his name for me? Or
do you think I had better not men
tion it, but take him, regardless of
name? But lt is certainly a horri
ble one, and I would hate to have
it if it was unnecessary. I would
very much appreciate your advice
on this subject Thanking you for
your trouble, I am, LENORE.
If the name is really an impossi
ble one the man can have it changed
at the court house. This is done
frequently by foreigners with un
pronounceable names. However, the
name doesn't make the person the
person makes the name. You could
make this one mean a great deal or
you can make lt horrid.
As to Blonds.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
am a daily reader of your "Advice
to the Lovelorn." I am coming to
you for a little advice. I am 'a
young man or 20 years. I am very
popular in the town of V. I love
a twin sister, who is very popular
with all the other boys and does
not pay very much attention to me.
But when she comes to my home
town she comes to my house and
stays for more than two days at a
time. Is it proper for her to do
this? We are not engaged yet. She
ir epasms all are signals of distress for a woman. She may be
growing from girlhood into womanhood passing from womanhood
to motherhood or later suffering during middle life, which leaves so
many wrecks of women. At any of these periods of a woman's life,
"Favorite Prescription" is the best herbal tonic and nervine pre
scribed for just such cases by a physician of vast experience in the
diseases from which women suffer. Then, for the liver and bowels
nothing is so good as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. These are little,
sugar-coated pills, composed of May-apple, leaves of aloe, root of
jalap things that Nature grows in the ground. All druggists.
You can write Dr. Pierce, Pres. Invalids' Hotel, in full confidence
and receive free medical advice,
has dark hair and brown eyes and
is 17 years of age. Please print this
in the Wednesday Omaha Daily Bee
in the evening paper. Thanking you
in advance, I remain. LEO.
Your friend is entirely wrong. She
should never, never, never stop at
your home, because she has dark
eyes and la good looking. It's all
right for blonds.
June and Elopements.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
We are twin sisters of a wealthy
family. At the present we are home
from school in New York attending
our sister's wedding. She is 21
years of age and we are 20. We
cannot understand why mother will
let her marry and not us, for we
met two young men of wealthy and
good families living in New York
who have asked us to marry them.
This being our last year in school
we Intend to elope in June on the
night of the graduation exercises.
Will you please advise us about
this matter?
We only hope to see our letter
and answer in print
Respecting your advice, we re
My dears, June and elopements
are dreams of March. You are very
young be careful.
All Mixed Up.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
was just reading your advice in The
Omaha Bee and thought I would ask
your advice about a very seriousN
problem which troubles me very1
I was married when 18 to a man
whom I thought I loved, but found
out I loved him as a friend, not as
a husband. A year ago this May
my husband sailed for France, and
since that time I have met another
man whom I really love, but who is
married. What would you do un
der the circumstances. I would
like to have thts answered aa soon
as possible in The Omaha Bee.
Be very; very careful. You
thought you loved your husband
and tired of him. You maye tire
of this man, too. Remember that
you would take him from his family,
which is a sin and we pay for our
Three Puzzled North Side Girls
Your letter is too long to print You
did exactly right and your compan
ions were decidedly discourteous and
Reader I don't know what you
are doing to curb your temper, but
a little high school girl should not
lose friends Just because of a tem
per that isn't under control espe
cially when she realizes as you do.
If the boy you are going with isn't
respected by anyone and you have
tried to make him see you did not
want him with you, I should cer
tainly tell him you can't help it if
it hurts his feelings. Does true love
ever die? The poets say not and
you need not be doubtful at 18. lt
is customary to return presents
after the engagement haa been
G. B. No, indeed, your letter did
not find its way to the waste bas
ket not until I told you that I'm
sure you may feel perfectly proper
in your buggy if you let the boy sit
at the right. That Is, if he is the
driver, for when last we saw a
buggy we saw the man there reins
In hand. Dresses are coming down
even for 16-year-old misses, and if
you weigh 145 pounds they best had
come to your ankles. How girls
should wear their hair? Just the
way it is most becoming. Yes, you
should speak first that is, Madame
Etiquette in her most particular
forms so says.
Troubled Ella. You are a mere
child and your hair should be worn
down and your skirts a little above
your shoe-tops You are many
years too young to be accepting the
attentions of boys. Your foster sis
ter is the best judge of her future,
and I feel sure that she needs no ad
vice. You are a little young to be
worrying about differences in relig
ion and I would attend the church
of my parents. Kathryn is a very
pretty name.
A. M. C. M. Do not let this sol
dier kiss you under any circumstan
ces. He will tell some one else that
"she is a sweet little girl," the next
night, no doubt.
L. T. H., Tekainah Yes, I know
the address of the Bachelor Farmer,
but could not send it to you without
his permission.
A Woman's Health
means everything to her. But so
many of our American women are
worn out, anemic, and suffering from
the peculiar weakness of womankind.
To build up, strengthen and cure
these weaknesses, there is nothing so
good as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. This is a woman's true
herbal tonic. It does not contain a
particle of alcohol, nor anything de
leterious to women's delicate consti
tution. For fifty years it has proven
its merit, and can now be had in
tablet as well as liquid form at almost
any drug store, or 6end 10c for trial
package of tablets to Dr. Pierce's
Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
Accompanied by pain here and
there extreme nervousness sleep
lessness maybe faint spells, chills
Japanese Envoy and Wife
Are Now at the Peace
.'V'" -"-.j ...
vjscojjnt cwi-Hiyi "wjr
Viscount Chinda, Japanese envoy
to the peace conference, and his
wife, who is with the viscount in
Paris. Viscountess Chinda studied
for some time in this country and is
active in Japanese circles for the
betterment of conditions for the
women of that country.
Mint Jell
Try Mint
with roast
lamb or cold
meats. It is
vastly better
than mint
sauce. Try
desserts with
their real
fruit flavors in essence
form, in vials. Each is so
rich in condensed fruit
juice that it makes a real
fruit dainty. Yet they cost
no more than old-style
gelatine desserts.
10 Flavon, at Your Grocer'
2 Package for 23 Cent
1 A V
LAI t-nV"1
Sharpens Vision
Soothes tnd hetU the evei and strengthen! eyesight
mitcldyj relieves inflimmttion in eyes ind lids;
narpens vision and makes glasses unnecessary in
many instances, says Doctor. Druggists refund
your money M it fails
"I prescribe grapefruit
for all my patients, and
tell them to be sure and
as other grapefruit to the
Atwood is as cider apples
to pippins,"
Sold only under this trademark.
Wholesale Distributors.
i y
'1 I
I - j (Tt i jz (wvw n l
linn nm im i m
Hundred Costumes Per
Annun Is Record of
Miss MacLaren
"It must be adorable to be a
screen star and have so many new
"I overheard this remark one
evening while witnessing a per
formance of my picture, 'Shoes.'"
said Mary MacLaren. "It was made
by a pretty young girl to her chum.
"So I suppose this is the general
impression among girls. Our life
must be just one round of gowns
after another. And so it might be
termed. But, did you ever stop to
think how much actual work it rep
resents to the actress?
"It is not unusual to wear IS or 20
different gowns, or "changes," as we
call them, in one picture. And six
productions a year is not an excep
tional schedule for a star.
"These gowns must be ordered j
and fitted between pictures. How
would you like to have fittings for !
a hundred costumes a year? Cer- 1
tainly it would be wonderful to have I
The Sensation of the New York and
Chicago Show
The Essex
Space 10 Auto Show
The Auditorium
Guy L. Smith
"Service First"
2563 Farnam Street. S. E. Corner of 26th St
MARCH 10, 1898
21 Years Ago
today I cast my lot with The Pantorium and with Omaha.
I take this opportunity to thank our many patrons and
friends for the generous support accorded us during all these
We have grown with growing Omaha and have striven al
ways to merit your patronage and confidence and will so con
tinue to strive for the next twenty-one years, because I never
expect to have any other "boss" or make my home in any other
I thank you, friends.
Guy Liggett
The Demand for
The demand for Cottage Cheese is to a consid
erable degree accounted for by the public's in
creasing appreciation of its extraordinary food
Specialists of the United States Department of Agri
culture say Cottage Cheese is one of the important
meat substitutes.
It contains a larger percentage of protein (the
chief material for body-building) than most
meats and furnishes this material at a lower cost.
In every pound of cottage cheese there is about one
fifth of a pound of protein, nearly all of which is di
gestible. As a source of energy also, Cottage Cheese is
much cheaper than most meats at present prices.
A 20-page booklet "COTTAGE CHEESE
DISHES" published by the U. S. Dept. of Agri
culture and containing recipes for
Uncooked Cottage dishes
Soups and sauces
Egg combinations
Meatlike dishes
Potato dishes
Salads and salad dressings
Sandwiches and breads
Pies and puddings
Uses of whey
may be obtained FREE FOR THE ASKING.
Simply Phone Douglas 409 or C. B. 205 and we
will either mail you a copy or have our route
man leave you a copy.
Alamito Cottage Cheese is creamed by us with
rich coffee cream and will please the most par
ticular palate.
The Alamito Dairy Co.
that many clothes, you gay, but
think of the time spent standing be
fore the modiste, for they must be
ready on time or the production is
held up with a loss of thousands of
"So you see, clothes may some-
times become a nightmare rather
than a pleasure.
"With a star of the legitimate
stage her play may come times run a
season or more and that means
costuming but once. In the pictures
it's very, very different. You work
on one picture and that's through as
far as you are concerned. Then it's
rush clothes for the next, and the
next, ad infinitum."
1921 FARNAM.
MARCH 10, 1919.