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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1919)
I I THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1919. OMAHA 111 TEAMS i PLAN CAPTURE OF STATE TITLE South, Central and Commerce Teams Confident of Making Tourney nn All-Omaha Test oj Skill. . Will the state high school basket ball championship in Class A go to an Omaha high school quintet at the annual state tournament that starts at Lincoln tomorrow? Local opin ion is divided on the question, but the dopestcrs seem to agree that the title will either fall to an Omaha team or to Lincoln, which team has made a hahit of trouncing all the visitini: quintets, Lincoln, Omaha Centi'il, Omaha "South High and Omaha Commerce High are regard ed as tiie chief contestants for the rag, vvitii Newman Grove lurking in the background as a dark horse. Omaha Central again took its place in the championship race yes terday, when it was announced that Art I'ay liter, who has been ineli gible during most of the winter nights, has again found grace in the sight of his teacher and is bouncing the sphere under Coach Mulligan's eye. More cheery news comes from Captain Art Logan, who says he hopes to have his leg in shape to hop around after the Nebraska teams. Old Man Learning, how ever, is reported to have left Art Paynter's trail only to pursue an other unlucky member of the quin tet. The name of the unlucky flipper has not been disclosed. On a par with Coach. Mulligan's men are the proteges of Coach Jim Pattern who runs his men ragged on the South high floor. Taking the recent game from the fast Pack ;r five by a mere point after an ex tra period was played has raised the .fighting blood of the meat men who ire planning to meet tlrt-ir local rivals in the semi-finals. Coach Pat ton's men are all in good trfni. Seven of them will board the Lin :oln train tomorrow morning. Coach Evans' Commerce high team is plumb out of luck. This is the first time they have been en tered in class A. They are booked S.'S. S. Greatest Blood Remedy Gives Results When Others Fail Nature's Remedy for Blood . Troubles. .- The purifying and curative prop erties of Nature's great remedy have made "S. S. S. for the Blood" a household saying. Thousands today enjoying perfect health owe their recovery from blood or skin diseases to this universally used blood puri fier. S. Sr'S. is made entirely from roots, herbs and barks, which pos sess cleansing and healing ingredi. . ent. You cannot be weliwhen your blood is impure; you lack strength and energy natural with health; your complexion becomes pale and sallow; your vitality is weakened. i When waste or refuse matter, which 41i. !l!if.itlliiimi.iliilNI!!!!i!!ltlUllllhlilNIIHINIhlilhlllUll!llliMjilllll:il New Sixes Mew in 1 OO Wavg The New Mitchell Six the only new Six of the season has arrived here for the show. At New York and Chicago this new-type Six was the Show sensation. It will be so here. s' This is more than a new model, as new models go. It fixes new standards it marks a new era in this type of car. The more than 100 important improve ments add 50 to the strength, 75 to en durance, 25 to economy and 20 to com fort So many remarkable' advances give to this new car an exceptional interest. Come see it at the Show. A New Criterion This new Six marks an entirely new con ception of requirements in this class. ' It is based on the fact proved by years of experience that the Light Six type has been too light.- Its standards were not high enough. Competition in weight and price too often led to stinting. s It is built to meet the new-day expecta tions. Men nowadays buy cars to keep, and they look for permanence. It corrects in a radical way all the com mon deficiencies, and gives to the Mitchell a unique supremacy. A Two-Year Result Two years ago the Mitchell factory de ided on this new-type car. They employed Tiany specialists men of wide experience to aid in its creation. They have perfected the car in two years )ecause of the war-time lull. The factory ATas devoted to truck building, and these jngftieers and experts had a unique oppor ;unity. I to meet the strongest team on their side of the drawings. However, despite the opinion the Capital City lads have on the question the Com merce high crew is out td vin. A victory for the locals will change the entire aspect of the tourney and change the meet into an Omaha tourney. Play starts Wednesday noon. Ten minute halves wi'l be played in the first two rounds. The 128 teams entered have been placed in eight classes with eight games on the initial day, four Thursday, two Friday and the finals Saturday. Finals in the lower classes will be played earlier in the day with the finals in class A 'tta big feature Sat urday night. Pes Moines Opposes Double "Umps" System Rourke Boosting It Des Moines, la., March 10. May or 1 om Fairweather, owner of the local Western league team, will fight a Amble-umpire system in the Western league. Fairweather favors the one-man system, with a fifth member of the staff in reserve. "Pa" Rourke of Omaha and Jack Holland of Oklahama City are said to be boosting the two-umpire system. Heydler Names Umpires for National League x New York, March 10. National league umpires of last season have been re-engaged for 1919, John A. Heydler, president of the league, announced today. ' Robert Emslie, who began umpiring for the league in 1891, will serve his 29th consecu tive year. The list of umpires fol lows: Robert Emslie, Henry O'Day, William Klem, Charles Rigler. William Byron, Ernest QuigTey, Peter Harrison, Charles Moran. N Referee Stops Fight. Loudon, March 10. -Jim Driscoll and Pedlar Palmer, two old-time featherweights, met in the ring at Hoxton today. Driscoll won the fight, which was stopped by the ref eree in the fourth round. Wisconsin Loses to Iowa. Iowa City, March 10. Iowa de feated Wisconsin, 29 to 27, in a west ern conference basket ball game here tonight. Berrien- and Cotton starred for Iowa and Knapp and Weston for Wisconsin. Nature intends shajl be thrown off, is left in the system, it is absorbed into the bloo4 and boils, pimples, rashes, blotches and other eruptions of the skin appear. S. S. S. goes into the circulation and removes every particle of blood taint or poison of every character. All skin diseases and eruptions pass away, and the smooth clear skin, erlowing with health, shows that the body is being nourished by rich, pure blood. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, all are deep-seated blood disorders and for their treatment nothing equals S. S. S. Get S. S. S. at any drug store. If yours is a peculiar case write Medical Adviser, 442 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. New Victory Model J. T. Stewart Motor Co. 2048-52 Farnam Street fw1 pimmMntrmtf m TiunrnMSTHE. next mm WITIirDUaSrmER TELEGRAPHED reports of scuffles with the taped knuckles are about as dependable as a wrist watch. But even if we dilute the account of the Leonard-Ritchie riot down to Beevo strength there is enough kick left to indicate that Ben was more thumped against than thumping. The east has created a lot of rough-eared chinbusters west, who were champs f. o. b. New York. But when they park their dogs in California their roughness disappears like rent going into a landlord's inside vest pocket. Leonard was supposed to have an epitaph in each mitt, but Wil lie acted as if he never read the newspapers. He hung a shanty on Ben's eyepiece and didn't charge him for the lumber. - - There nitist be something in the wonderful California climate that takes tht crease out of an eastern guy's trousers. Leonard isn't the only cuckoo who flat-wheeled 3,000 miles to the coast and arrived in San Fran cisco just in time to discover that he was at the wrong end of the trip. Ted Lewis battled Jack Britton more times than President Wilson's 14 points. Finally Ted jerked Britton away from the title and eased out to California, steamed up to a million. He invited Battling Ortega into the ring to iisten to a few sandman stories and the Bat hung him over t he hawsers like the week's .wash. When the referee labeled it a draw Jimmy Johnston hurdled trie ropes and kissed that nice, kind referee right on his benevolent chin. Ever since that date Jimmy has been telling the kids that there is a Santy Claus'. Seems that the kaiser ain't the only bird who tried to take in too much territory. 1 A sapp-who is champion of the world and fringes ought to be just as official in a branch ofiice as he is in the home factory. But it seems that every sugar bowl we lend to our California neighbors is returned all bent up. Eeonaid end Lewis both met irritable birds who had gotten out of bed that morning left foot first. x A flock cf other New Yorkers have gone out to the coast and re turned all punched up like a Yonkers commutation ticket. Black eyes grew biggers than sunflowers in that wonderful sun-kissed climate. They're so yflart to see an eastern champ that they slap him on the back so hard that his back collar, button pushes all the polka'dots out of his necktie. After one of those Californians slaps you on the shoulder blades you can button your vest on your backbone for the rest of your life. That's when they like you. Don't ever get 'em mad. You said it. Of course those San Francisco affairs are only four-round blizzards. Rut four stanzas with a mountain lion is only slightly more precarious than 50 rounds with lil' Lord Faunterloy. The kaiser "would still have his navy if Uncle Sam had launched charlotte russes instead of battle ships. Those Californians take their skirmishes in tabloid form. Tough birds. When they want their fingernails polished-they don't go to a man icurist. They go to a marble yard. ' There ain't any chance-of blaming it on a native son decision. A lot of slickers can juggle an adding machine so that the dope comes out in Babyloiiian hieroglyphics, but a punch on the nose is a wallop on the beak in any language. Why softshoe it through 20 or 30 rounds of tapping when one good sock on the dimpled chin will save freight on a carload of jabs. Admitting that a knuckle marathon hasn't got a chance with a fist splinter in a four-round tableau vivant, at the same time we would like to get hep to one California rebus. , What is there in the SGolden State climate that takes all the curl out of an eastern champ's toupee? Church League Completes Season's Schedule Tonight Teams in the Church their last games in the league this season tonight yo the Young Men's Christian association floor. The Pearl Memorials and J the Trinity Baptists will meet at 7:30, the Hanscom Parks will play the First Christians at 8:10 and the Calvary Baptists and Benson Methodists will stage the final encounter at 9 o'clock. The First Christians have won the championship, but hope to raise the average by tonight's game. Michigan Wins at. Basket Ball. Champaign, 111., March 10. Michi gan beat Illinois in a western con ference basket ball game here to night. 22 to 18. Part by part they brought the car up to these new standards. They employed larger parts, new heat treatments, more costly steels, more drop forgings. They spent $250,000 for new machinery and equipment, for more accurate work manship and more radical tests. And they trained a staff of 135 inspectors to watch this car's construction. ' Remarkable Advances s Remember that the Mitchell pioneered the Six. For many years the Mitchell Sixes have bee gaining world-wide respect. Yet they add to these sturdy cars 50 per cent more strength. To these .enduring cars they add 75 per cent endurance. And, while adding weight, they reduce operating cost by 25 per cent. r They have added new beauty, new com fort. They are adding new finish, new fea-' tures, new room. j Yet the price is below any comparable Six below the cars which have not been changed. That is the most amazing fact a Six of this class akits price. It is due to wonder ful factory efficiency. This complete car motor, chassis ancT body is built in the model Mitchell plant under scientific meth ods. . Come and see this new Mitchell idea of how good a car should be. f $1,475, f. o. b. Racine 120-Inch .Wheelbase. 40-Horsepower Motor. Three-Passenger Roadster, same pricfe. New-Type Sedan, $2,175. Mitchell Motors Company, Inc. Racine, Wis. i . IU Adams Field Secretary of Tennis Association Joe Adams, Nebraska tennis champion, has been appointed state field secretary by the American Lawn Tennis association, which held its convention recently in Chi cago. Mr. Adams held the state tennis championship for several sea sons past, and has been a represen tative to tennis tourneys in other state's. He returned to Omaha a month ago from military service. He is a'brother of Lieutenant Wil liam Adams. ! who won the state amateur tennis championship a year ago. Federal League Club Suit Comes to Trial March 24 New York, March 10. The $900, 000 suit of the former Baltimore Federal league club against organ ized base ball, recently postponed, will come up for trial in Washing ton, March 24. 'Sir Thomas to Award Cup. Boston, March 10. Sir Thomas Lipton cabled today to the Corin thian Yacht club of Marblehead that he would award a cup to the winner of the race to be conducted by the club this year for yachts in class H- . ' Boxing Bout Is Off. Milwaukee, Wis., March 10. The Mitchell-Dundee boxing bout ar ranged for tonight was this after noon called off on account of an ab cess in one of Dundee's ears. Pat Moore the Winner. Pittsburgh, Pa., March 10. Pal Moore SNMemphis, was a close win ner over Patsy Scanlon of Pitts burgh in their 10-round bout here tonight. ' Today's Calendar of Sports. RacinsJ Winter meeting at Jefferson park, New Orleans, Winter meeting at Havana, Cnha. fioif Annual spring tournament at Hot Spring)!, Ark. Huxket Ball Central A. A. V. cham pionship at Chicago. Boxing Pal Moore against Frankle Mason. 10 rounds at South Bend, Ind. Al ghubert against Chick Hayes, 13 round, at Manchester, Jf. H. Frankle Britt against Ralph Brady, 18 rounds, at Boston. Championship AUDITORIUM Council Bluffs VERNON BREEDLOVE Present World's Featherweight Champion, vs. CLAUDE SWINDELL of Lincoln, Challenger and Claimant. POSITIVELY A FINISH MATCH. Best 2 out of 3 falls. No time limit or money refunded. DENNIE RYAN, Referee, Boxing Instructor Fort Omaha AL FIORI, Promoter. TEDDY BROTHERS . Champions of Burlesque Wrestlers. ADMISSION Ringside, $1.50, war tax 15c; balcony, first 5 rows, $1.00, war tax 10c; balance of balcony, SOc, war tax Sc. Tickets on tale at Clark's Drug Store, Council Bluffs. tsUblisnea 1894. turt and have perfected the best treatment in existence today. I do not Inject paraf fin or wax, as it is dantrerous. The advantages of my treatment are: No loss of time. No detention from business No danger from chloroform, ahneli and blood nolson and no laying ur in a hospital Call or wilt Dr. Wnvy. SOB Be BLdit.. C CHAMPIONSHIP MAT 'GO' CARDED 'ACROSS RIVER Featherweight Title at Stake in Finish Match Between Breedfove and Swindell at Bluffs Auditorium. Promoter Al Fiori of Council Bluffs announces that he expects a record house at the Bluffs audi torium tomorrow night when Vern on Breedlove, featherweight cham pion, meets Claude Swindell of Lin coln in a finish mat natch, best two out of three falls. Swindell will bring a number of fans from Lin coln and the Bluffs "bugs" are all agog with interest in the affair. Omaha mat fans are interested as well, Ernie Holmes having quite a number of orders for tickets. Breedlove has been training in Holmes' gymnasium and the people who have seen him work out are out boosting the match among their friends by telling in what fine form Breedlove is. Judging from the reports from Lincoln. Swindell is thought to be just as fit by his Lincoln friends. He is said to have made the weight of 125 pounds easily and to be confident that we. will wear the featherweight crown after tomorrow night's match. The Lincoln wrestler has been work ing with some lightweight and wel terweight wrestlers to give him strength and endurance. The champion, too, has been work ing with men bigger than himself. Council Considers Question of Public Comfort Stations The city council coVnnjttee of the whole once again took up the pub lic comfort station question . by authorizing the mayor to appoint a special committee to investigate and recommend. The proposed locations are: Six teenth and Dodge, Sixteenth and Farnam, Sixteenth and Howard, Twenty-fourth and N. The city is holding in bank $50.- 000 which was received through the sale of bonds for this particular purpose. v City Commissioner Zimman is ir revocably opposed t-3 the ex penditure of public fufads for pub lic comfort stations. Man-Objects to Search; State Agents Club Him and "Shoot Up" Car After several shots had been fired and he had been clubbed into sub mission by state agents, William Sparks, a negro tailor of Des Moines. Ia.. was arrested on Mis- sou Pacific passenger train No. 105. He objected to being searched until he was shown a warrant. The state agents began to shoot out of the windows of the smoking car to intimidate Sparks, they said. When the negro continued to object to the search, he was clubbed. Sparks had 24 pints of whisky concealed on his person. He was lodged in 4he city jail on a charge of illegal possession of liquor. Doris Stevens Wires Father Here That She Is Not Seriously Hurt Doris Stevens, militant Omaha suffragette, has telegraphed her fa ther that she was not badly hurt in the scrimmage last Tuesday night in New York, when he was re ported to have been 'struck on the head with a banner pole while the womanx suffrage enthusiasts were seeking to get President Wilson's attention to their cause. "I am all right. Don't worry," says the telegram .to her father, H H. Stevens, 3647 Charles street. "Women attempting to petition the president were brutally handled by police, soldiers and sailors." r : Department Makes Run to Judge Crawford's Home The fire department made a run to the home of County Judge Bryce Crawford, 1812 Lothrop street, Mon day morning to extinguish a fire which was caused by the ignition of papers from the spark of a match. The occupants of the home sup pressed the blaze before the arrival of the firemen. Urcstling Patch Uednesdsy (light, mm 12 I have a successful treatment for Rupturt with out resorting to a painful and uncertain surgi cal operation. 1 am ths only reputabl physi cian who will take such cases upon a guarantee to give satisfactory results. I have devoted more than 20 years to the exclusive treatment of Rup Sport By KID President Jake Isaacson has call ed the directors of the new Munici pal Base Ball league to meet in his ofiice tonight to complete the details for the formation of the new ama teur body. Earl Higgins, president of the Greater Omaha League, will tender his resignation at the meet ing. Whether this will be taken as a withdrawal okhe Greater Omaha league from the amateur ranks is not known, but Higgins declares he is through with the ame, whether his league stays with the simon pures or not. The featherweight champion wrestler, Vernori Breedlove. will wind up training for his match with Swindell at the Council Bluffs audi torium with a light workout today and a long walk in the morning. Vernon reports that he is down to the weightKl2S pounds and feels as if he could -beat John resek. the Teddy Brothess announce that they will have a few new stunts to "pull" in their "Rube Rasslin" stunt which will precede the Breedlove-Swindell "go." Frank Ebe, lightweight cham pion of Fort Crook, has been train ing with Breedlove and will be at the ringside, ready to go on if he is needed to fill out the card. . The legislature of the state of Idaho has passed a 20-round boxing bill which was practically the house roll No. 88 bill of Nebraska. The sponsor of the Idaho bill wrote to 'Gene Melady and asked him for a copy of the Nebraska bill and, chang ing the number of rounds from 6 to 20, presented it just as it was. The bill went across with flying colors with few dissenting votes. 'This pre sents another possibility for the lo cation of , the Willard-Dempsey tangle. The members of those two .teams of Omaha bowlers that are entered in the A. B. C. bowling tournament at Toledo, O., are earnestly prac ticing their hooks and Urook lyns" every day on the local alleys and have every hope that a winning- team from this burg will come back after the tourney is over. The Omaha and Farnam alleys are hSunted by a crowd of bowling en thusiasts to watch the "big meet" men roll their practice games. The entrants are all High average men and should really land a creditable position at the big Toledo games. m m m Heretofore when a wrestler from Chicago, or one managed by a Chi cago man, has wrestled in Omaha, the Windy Citv fans have been sending a "raft" of money to be bet on their favorite. They are not so free with their fcioney on the match between John freberg and John Pesek. Freberg's friends are a lit tle wary of sending their "kale to the Gate City, for Pesek's jbreat mat work recently has caused the: Illi nois mat followers to hesitate about placing any great sums on anyone opposed o the Shelton farmer boy. It seems that quite a bit ot money was wagered on the Savage-Peso! match and the' Chicagoans took the short end of the money, so they are not in any rush to place any sub stantial bets on Freberg. Out-of-town wrestling fans are already sending in their reservation orders for seats at the Omaha Au ditorium March 21. Jack Lewis has a number of pigeon holes in v w See this new model and arrange for a demonstration at the show--"Space C-Annex, , , ' Standard Steel Car Co.J Pittsburgh, Pa. Keystone Motors Corporation, v 2203 Farnam Street. Telephone Douglas 2181. Shorts A GRAVES. his desk filled with letters from Pawnee county farmers ordering ringside seats. Those fellows want to be certain of having good seats when their favorite mat artist per forms. Mart Sltttery, Pesek's man ager, reports that he has a number of reservation orders 'rom Shelton men. We used to hear all about a new "white hope," but now a Chicago theatrical man has come through with a "black hope." Morris. Gest, before sailing for London, wired a representative in Chicago to chal lenge the winner of the Willard Dempsey match on behalf of Geofrge Bell, a gigantic negro, playing the part of the bean seller in a play being run at the Chicago auditorium. Bell is seven feet seven inches tall and out of condition weights 351 pounds. He has a reach of 91 inches, which, is 19 inches more than that of the late Bob Fitzsimmons. He is only 27 years old and lias been a freight handler and stone quarryman all his life until he was engaged for his present theatrical job. He doesn't drink, smoke or chew and admits that he has never been forced to show his full strength. He was rejected by the United States army draft board be cause a uniform couldn't be found to fit him. The only readymade gar ment he can wear is a handkerchief. Special made boxing bloves will have to be furnished him for train ing and boxing, his hands are so big If Dempsey should . win his scrap with Willard, what chance would he have with this monolith? Oh, what a whopperl It would be like watching Mutt and Jeff in a boxing match. , The Central Furniture's basket ball team has a kick to register. The Centrals traveled to Pierce, Neb., for a game of basket ball and the papers gave the credit for the trip to the Nakens. Get it right; it was the Central -Furniture team that went to Pierce, not the Nakens. f Mexican Government Refuses Permission "for Jack Johnson Show Mexico Citv. March 10. Th an- uuuiiccmeiii. uiai jactt juuusuu was scheduled for five bouts in Mexico City was met today by an announce ment that the government had re quested the municipal authorities td refuse licenses for boxing matched because previous contests have been of such an unsatisfactory nature as to cause disorder. It is expected that the municipality will accede to the request of the federal-authorities Typewriters and Adding Machines All Makes For Rent Special rates to students. Central Typewriter Exchange D. 4121 190S Farnam St. SPORT MODEL A Powerful Car , HEN you see the new Model with its long, center of gravity, its which conceals its eight-cylinder, 83 horse-power motor, you get an advance impression of the thrill that awaits you when you let in the clutch for the first time. 83 horse-power with 8-cylinder flexibility, 127-inch wheel base and light weight give to the motorist an idea of the possi ' bilities of this car. A demonstration will show even greater performance than your expectations. x When you drive in traffic, never shifting a gear or never slipping the clutch, you will realize its unusual flexibility. It is only when you try the hardest hills on high without straining the motor in the slightestNdegree that you can believe its wonderful hill-climbing ability. i t The name "Sport Car" describes this new Standard "8". It is a sport car from its trim, supple lines to its enappy, eager performance. v The Standard "8" is built by the sixth largest industrial Institution in the world The Standard Steel Car Company of - Pittsburg makers of world famous railroad rolling stock. 'ZIBBY'VIIJSTVO FALLS FROM JOE STECIIERATK.C, Dodge Lad Fails in Attempted "Comeback;" Is Thrown by Polish Champion Twice in Three Hours. Kansas City, Mo., March 10. Wladek Zbyszko, Polish aspirant ta the heavy wrestling title won from Joe Stecher of Dodge, Neb., also aspirant to the title after thre hours and fifteen minutes of wrest' ling here tonight. Stecher won tin first fall and Zbyszko the next two, Interned Sinn Fefners , Are Released in Batches London, March 10. Sinn Feiners who have been' interned in England have been released -in batches dur ing the last few days. A score re turned to Dublin on Sunday. Among those recently released is Countess Georgia Markievicz. IfipHEAlaTH Nuxated Iron increases strength and endurance of delicate, nervous, run down people in two weeks' .time in many instances. It has been used and en dorsed by such men as former United States Senator and Vice-Presidential Nominee. Charles A. Towne; U. S. Com missioner of Immigration Hon. Anthony Csminetti; also United States Judge G. W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims of Washinfton, and others. Ask your doc tor or jflrusrgist nbout it. Adv. Clean Up Your Lawn This Spring With a Hazlett Dandelion and General Utility Lawn Rake. This rake will take off the old grass and accum ulations! such as nails, stones, glass, etc. Old grass is the home of the cut worm and should be raked off. Start right this spring by buying now at any hard ware store. BE SURE IT IS A HAZLETT -SAKE -Two sizes, 16-in. and 23 in. Read directions on handle Thousands In Us Giving S.itlstac lion. C. A. HAZLETT Dandelion Rake Mfg. Co., Kearney, Neb. NATIONAL SPARK PLUG. Representatives at Troup Auto Supp. Also, just across from Auditorium.' Standard "8" Sport narrow body, its low long, straight hood mm 1 i 5k