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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1919. You Oimht To Know! Your druggist has a preparation called SALINOS which you ought to know all about. It is the ideal lax ative because it combines all the pood effects of the three essential salts Glaubers, Epsom and Ro chelle, and eliminates the bad ef forts such as nauseating taste, in solubility in cold water, etc. SALINOS has been tested by 25, 000 doctors all over the country with splendid success. It is a thor ough laxative that completely emp ties the bowels, including the lower bowel, where food-waste lies, fer ments and fills the blood with dan perous poisons. It is wonderfully pleasant to use, pleasant to taste. Get a bottle of SALINOS. It is a preat aid to good health. Get it. Be safe. Adv. AUTO SHOW , y . CLOSES MARCH 15TH M Q W OPEN AUDITORIUM Admission 40c. 9:20 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. i ) -v -J vV - f ' j r c SCOUT LEADERS TO HAVE FIRST MEETTOIIIGIir School Superintendent Beve ridge to Speak on "Worth . whileness of the Boy , Scout Movement." Boy Scout enthusiasts will re ceive their first lesson in scoutcraft tonight when the scout leaders' training course, under the auspices of Creighton university, will be for mally opened by President YValter V. Head, representing the Omaha council, and F. X. McMenamy, rep resenting the university. One hun dred of Omaha's boy leaders are ex pected at the first session. J. H. Beveridge, superintendent of schools, will speak on the "Worthwhileness of the Boy Scout Movement." and F. J. Gould, chief carpenter s mate, U. s. in., will give a practical lesson on "Rope and Its Uses." The course will be conducted in the court Foom of the Creighton law school, 210 South Eighteenth street, Tuesdays and Thursdays tf each week for a period of four weeks. The faculty will be made up of the best talent obtainable in Omaha and the middle west. Gilbert H. Gendall, scout executive of Pes Moines, la., will present seme successful scout games and will also lecture on troop meeting programs. Miles Green leaf of tlie local Audubon society will give an illustrated lecture on birds. William F. Riggs of Creigh ton university will introduce scout leaders to the wonders of astronomy. Outdoor Program Included. - The outdoor program will not be overlooked. Dr. Robert VVolcott of the University of Nebraska will pre sent nature study in its relation to scouting. Joe Mills, well-known ath lete and coach at the University of Colorado, will act as guide and in structor in camping. He will tell . c?ill . ' , I Clear Sparkling . Glassware 1 To beautify your table. Use Classic Soap in ihe dish water. is si white laundry soap containing cocoanut and other vegetable oils. It- works easily and quickly in hard or soft and in hot or cold water. Put it on your grocery list today and try this better laundry soap. Swift & Company Makers s of IV ool Soap j2 ' v -V V about a personally conducted tour to Camp Gilford. Principal J. J. Masters of Central High school will acquaint scout leaders with the problems of adoles cent psychology, while, Principal D. E. Porter of the High School of Commerce has prepared a talk on the subject of leadership. Princi pal R. M. Marrs will show how the scout movement makes use of the 'gang" instinct among boys. Dr. J. Frederick Langdon of Creighton Medical college will pre sent "fir'St aid" in theory and prac tice. This training course is given free by the Omaha local council under the auspices of 'Creighton university. A certificate will be given to all com pleting the course successfully. Scout xifticials extend a hearty wel come to all men interested in boys' welfare. ", Fourth Meeting of Song Leaders to Be Held Wednesdav Eve The fourth meeting of the Song Leaders' school will be held Wed nesday at 8 p. m. in the Y.. M. C. A. under the direction of Harry Mur rison. Darrel Healy, discharged soldier, is the "walking information bureau" that greets thesoldier, sailor or marine paying )maha his first visit. Healy is from the War Camp Community service at the soldiers', service. He tells them where to find the Army and Navy club, where baths, pool tables, writ ing materials, pressing facilities, oc casionally theater tickets and a good time are to be had. C. E. Van Cise o," Kansas City district representative of War Camp Community Service, is visit ing the local headquarters. Wife of Druggist Awarded Home and $2,500 Alimony Mary E. Pope was .granted a di vorce from Edward F. Pope, Thir teenth atd Farnam streets druggist, on the ground of cruelty. She was also awarded the home and $2,500 alimony. FRENCH POTASH IS EASIER tO GET THAU FRQL1 U. S. Lieutenant Boyer of French High Commission Says Al satian Potash Mines Left Intact by Germans. Competition between AmeYican and French potash is forecasted in statements made by Lt. Morris Boyer of the French high commis sion, former secretary of the Bank of Paris, who spoke to members of the Chamber of Commerce on for eign trade possibilities. "French .potash can be extracted direct from the ground whereas yours has to be reduced. The potash mines of France were not destroyed by the Germans, as were the coal mines, because they are located in a territory, which the Germans thought they were going to be able to hold," he said. German Monopoly Broken. "The return of Alsace-Lorraine to France breaks the German potash monopoly. France can now pro duce as much potash as . Germany. Just when we will commence export ing potash cannot now be deter mined. We will need a great deal of it at home. "Whether we will enter the Amer icanNnarket remains to be seen. You have a potash industry of your own which your, government may wish to foster by protective measures, just as we -have new industries which we wish to foster." Twenty-One Smallpox, 12 . Cases of "Flu" Are Reported The health department reports 21 cases of smallpox and 12 cacs of in fluenza for the week ended Satur day, March 8. "VIRTUOUS WIVES" Sffiffis CHAPTER L. "Andrew, I shall never forget your chivalry toward me," she said, clasping her hands. "I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you've done and all you're going to do for me. He stiffened abruptly, and the old demon of pride seized him. He would not be pitied by her. "That is nothing nothing more than a gentleman must do," he said quickly. "No, no; don't say that! I mean it," she, cried passionately. "There was so much that you .tould have reproached me with and you didn't. I've been such a failure l" His face softened. "Those art such little things now, Amy, with what we have both got to face. They're all forgotten, believe me. There is no bkteTness in me. No, it isn't fair to blame all on yourself. I've been all wrong too all wrong!" He stopped, again caught by his pride, and added, "Just one thing when you smarry Monte Bracken pray God to send you a child soon! It will make all the difference. The other thing isn't marriage!" She stood fingering the papers on the table, her eyes blurred with tears. He saw her head bent over, and belijving she was reading what lay there, said hastily: "I don't kndw whether you heard I have been rather badly caught in the stock market." ' She raised her head indifferently money was such a trivial thing at such a moment. "I'm sorry," she said mechani cally. "Not too badly, I hope?" "Well, yes. The bottom, you know, dropped out of everything, and everything I had was margined and, well, I guess it's a pretty clean sweep." "Do you mean, Andrew, you've lost everything?" she cried, wrink ling her forehead. s Yes. that s about it. fortunately, he said wearily, "there's my salary, you know. There's always that. Try to be a little careful next few months until you get the divorce." She was staring at him incredu- Our "What Is AWARDS WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER. So manjf good answers have been bubmitted in this contest that we will continue to print them from day to day as space permits and announce awards at the conclusion, not later than March 20. No. 844. " "Love is life and light and joy and sweetness. Love sis comrad ship and fatherhood and mother hood and all dear kinship. Love is the joy of service, so deep that self is forgotten." Manual of the Camp Fife Girls. No. 855. As to the auestion of Love, 5n the first place, we must understand that God is Love. Then when we recognize that, we recognize that Love is the mightiest power and 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-AM! S 'for indigestion An Invitation TO everyone to YOU particularly during the time Qf Omaha's big N Auto Show we extend an invitation to make this your downtown home. We are excep tionally well equipped to care for you at luncheons the little evening din ners refreshments during the day or evening. Delightful surroundings ex cellent service and the very best of foods and confections. The Walnut Room We have established a-reputation of which we are justly proud in serving -"people who discriminate who demand the better things. ; YOU will find this quite THE place to meet your friends. Can Just Below Sixteenth Street We Also Operate The Crystal Candy Company Sixteenth and Capitol MftrtKia' 1 m mil? Wv-Lm J.) "(Copyrlftht, 1918, by Littl.. Brawn Co.)' lously. Andrew bankrupt! Andrew, who was the breath of success itself 1 Andrew bruised and overthrown! "Fortunately, I placed a certain sum of money in your name when I realized that we would separate," he began. "It's not much, but" "Oh, don't talk of that!" she cried indignantly. She took a step toward him. "Does this mean that you that you have nothing left?" "Not in the bank," he said.tshrink ing, "but there's the salary. Half of it'll have to go to squaring up debts, but I can't starve on the rest," he added with the simulation of a smile. "But if if yo;i didn't have that?" "I'm not worrying about that," he said, frowining, though the very suggestion brought s5ch a panic to his nerves that he bit his knuckles without noticing what he did. "Gun tljer knows my worth." "But then you are starting over all over again," she said, bewildered. He nodded. "Other men have done it. Don't worry about me. I'll win out, too." The news overwhelmed her. An drew bankrupt! What was the world without money? What could he do, all alone, without money? She watched him, dazed, unable to re adjust her conception of him all at once, and slowly drew off her cloak. She looked around helplessly, still striving to seize the full import. "I think Vli go to my room," she said, her brain in a turmoil, "I'll come back in a moment. bhe went out and up to her bed room and stood in the middle of the floor, thinking. What had happened changed all. Before her were two I doors, both open, one into the ob scurity of. the hall and the other into the riotous glow of the flower ing porch. That was her choice, and she was free to make it: Monte, and all the pleasant things of life, the luxuries she had learned to crave, ease, brilliancy, the jewels of exist ence spread before her; and below, through the other door, her hus band and struggle Andrew, strick en and staggering, under all his as sumption of bravado. And at that moment, below, a door Love?" Contest all the power in th4 universe. It is the power that yo tomquer with; it is your power of defense; it is the power that lifts you up and sus tains you. If you have an enemy think what a mean man he is, and go througawith the whole cata logue of bad words that you can think of, and what is the result? The very thoughts that you have in your mind register themselves in hi mind, and the very thoughts that you have against him he has against yam. That is not Love. But if you kave an enemy and you want to con querhim, love him. Peace oh earth and'goo.d will to men wasJhe song the angels sang; was the harbinger of Universal Love. If you want to conquer your enemy, love him; throw it out into the vibrations; what is the result? He will come and love you in return, for as the seed you sow, that is what you reap. It is. the power that conquers ev erything, carried out through all the ramifications of everyday life. Love and you conquer; hate and you are always left behind. Love is all; hate 1 I i a 1522 Farnam I Avenue summed witn tne suddenness of a pistol shot. She shrieked, and in a blind, un reasoning panic, ran down the stairs, crying his name, and flung into the library. He stood up, staring at her in surprise. She put out her hands as though to touch him, and fell back against the wall, her hands to her heart. "Andrew! Andrew I heard I thought Good God, I thought you had killed vourseitr He had started hurriedly to her side. At her words he drew back. "I am not made of that stuff,'' he said, cut to the quick. I should think you would have known that." She looked at bim and shook her head sadly, oncej twice. His pride could no longer wound her. She had seen, beneath' the mask, the raw wound in his soul. What she did came on the impulse of the moment, born in the revealing horror in her soul. A moment before she had seen him stretched before her on the car pet, deada bleeding, trickling gash across the forehead which he had held so high. "Andrew, listen!" she cried in an guish, as though there in the room the shadow of death were: still lurk ing. "Andrew, listen to me answer me! Oh, don't be hard don't be bitter: answer me honestly." He stood staring at her. no long er defiant, but so broken that in his need he put out his arm, seizing the table to steady himself. "Andrew, is it too late?" A look of fear, as though before an impossible solution, came to him. He put his hand to his eyes weari ly. "What do you mean?" he said in a whisper. "Oh, Andrew, if you'll onty hold out your hand to me! sfie said inco herently. If you II only do that, 111 come, I'll stand by you, I'll make you forget it all! Can't you won't you just hold out Vour hand to show vou want me?" And all at once the bars broke in his soul. He tried to speak nodded, and held out his arms to her. THE END. J is the opposite, nothingness. He who Loves gets all; he who hates gets nothing. Love is God and God is all. Bishop Sabin, in "Washing ton News Letter. No. 891. Love is a feeling so intense That it oft destroys our reason, Tends to shatter common sense; Still our lives are naught with out it. 'Tis a gift from heaven, above, And it either makes or mars jus, Is Jhat feeling we call love, y No. 90S. What is love that all the world Talks so much about it? What is love, that neither you Nor I, can do without it? Love is a pearl of purest hue. But stormy waves are round it, Ancr dearly may a woman rue The hour that first she found it. No. 894. Love is the faith, hope and char ity of lite. The most beautiful of God criven gifts. Love is the uViknown quan tity of self-sacrifice given to insure happiness to others. Without love we lose all faith. without faith all hope is gone and charity of good thoughts and good will would be gone. Love ranks supreme, is divine, emotional, humorous, pathetic, up lifting, superb, the one true- effort of life to have and hold forever. God is love, love is life. No. 908. Love is that form of insanity that one tellow gets when he takes a notion to support another fellow's daughter. No. 897. Love leaps lightning-like, leonine, luminous, luscious, lively, labynn thian. Love lingers life-long, lazy, leis urely, lambent, languid, lustrous, lavish, lenient, liberal, luxurious, lachrymose, lapidescent. , Loves language lisps Iabient legends; lilts liturgies, litanies: lec- ! tures lords, ladies, laymen; laments lapses linguae; lampoons law, lore, learning. Love's lips lacerate; love's liba tion lightens loads. Love lowers lofty levels, lifts leviathans, leads little lilioutians. ! lariats lunging lions, leopards, lynx. Let lethe lave lewd lecherous libidinous lust lying love. Love likes lottery: laughs lattice, latches, locks; loathes lout; lures luck. Love liquidates loans, liberates legions, lands laurels. Love looses lunacy, leavens long evity, links me, liberty, loyalty. . No. 847. ' The Bible says "God is love," but all love is not god-like. The love rof God represents only one kind of love, mere are many kinds. Our love for God is our love for all that : is holy, supreme and unearthlv. ! How different, then, is the love for ia mate, which is passionate, pro j tectmg, dominant always. Different : still, is the love for little babies, : love tor all that is tinv. so irr sta- bly helpless and awkward. The.: there is parental love, love for the two who bfought you into the world and suffered, perhaps, for vou There is love for your brothers and doors and boundless nature. All thesejoves are simply forms of emotion and they affect different persons differently. They are just so many tugs at your heartstrings. iou cant explain them, but you nave mem just the same. No. 592. . Love between the sexes is a com 1 r.-. ... - pouna anecuon consisting ot es teem, benevolence and animal de sire. Some say love is the universal passion, courtship is tlje most inter esting vocation oi numan lite. some say love is a disease and that two years is too long to court a girl and not tell her why you are courting her (well she generally Knows wnat torj. it courtship is the most interesting vocation in hu man life then why not keep it up as long as possible? Lovers are drawn together by an invisible cord which makes them extremely atten tive and agreeable to each other. Dreams and visionrwf happiness fill their, icalaofcith. scuatic. deiigh ' if Any tire soon proves' the truth of the statement, "The better the tire the better the truck service." For you know that damage to mechan ism is often trace able to inferior tire " equipment--just as disease of one organ ofttimes owes its origin to a defect .-elsewhere. That's why you should choose truck tires on a quality basis. You do so when you select GOODRICH , DE LUXE Truck Tires. They em - body the best that a , half-century of rub ber science can pro duce. Are long wearing, lively and i flexible every one a guardian of the GOODRICH repu tation. Let us apply them to your truck, J OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO. Henry Nygaard, Prop. 2201 Farnam St. Phone Tyler 1552. ill i 1