Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
AMOUNT OF TAX ON AUTOS FIXED BY LEGISLATURE Cost of Mailing Out Licenses Is ErWmous, 25 Per Cent Goes to Road Drag ing Fund. From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Neb., March iO. Despite ! lie intensive lobbying clone among the members by Secretary of State Amsberry to make "his office etisto- THE SPRINGTIME TONIC For Nervous, Weak Men and Women It CADOMENE TABLETS Sold by All Druggists. (Tight to Win! The Nation demands strong men strong women and robust children. Wisdom suggests that every proper means of safeguard ing the vital forces and buildinf. up of resistance, be utilized. affords definite help to those who are "fighting to win" against the inroads of weakness. Scott's, abundant in tonic nutrient properties, builds up the body by Nature's methods. jcottitBowne.Bomfield.N.J. 18-14 Give TJw Skin Neiv Life WHEN you first observe your com ' plexion beginning to lose its youthful freshness don't neglect it. A little care each day will keep you youthful for years. Try lbi simple formula "A little CREMEELCAYA robbed gently into th. tkin; then if yon aeed eolor, s verr little Elcaya rouf e spread care fully over the ehrake before the eream ia quite dry: and iter that the film oi (ace powder over all." 1 ' Is a delightful, non-greasy, dis appearing toilet cream that makes the skin like velvet. Your dealer has ELCA YA and hat sold it for years. Atk him. v James C Crane, SoliAgtnt Creme Elcaya Elcaya Rouge Klciya Face Powder 148 Madison Are., New York A Lot of Folks Are Already Thinking o f Having Their Spring Clothes Altered, Cleaned, Pressed, Repaired, Remodeled, etc. How About You? Phone Us Tyler 345. Dresher Bros. - Dyers Dry Cleaners. 2211-17 Farnam St. Omaha. ov5f BASKET Tuesday, March 11th, at all our Omaha and Council Bluffs Stores, we will sell CrystalWhite Soap 10 Bars .56c 100 Bars $5.55 Cod Fish, lib. box 25c The above are for Tuesday, March 11th, only and the supply at each store is limited. "Do As Mother Did Carry the Basket" 53ERDASET STORES s8ER U. S. License G2S403 Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. dian of the funds drawn into the state treasury by the sale of auto mobile license olates, the lower house of the legislature, in com mittee of the whole, and in debating house roll No. 299, the first of the series of good roads bills, passed adversel yon this. The secretary of state, through Representative Sturtevant of Cherry county proposed the amendment in opposition to the provision of the bill which decreed that the state board of irrigation, highways and drainage should be custodian of the funds. McLaughlin of Hall county, father of the bill, showed that by making the irrigation and highway board custodian of the fund a large sum could be saved the highway fund that is now debected to the general fund. He said that field men in the employ of the highway department could be used for this work during bad weather and the winter months and it was the only logical place the money should go and be ac counted for. He estimated that the office cost would be decreased to $5,000 per annum where it now in volves an annual expenditure of $18,791. i Wants Probe Into Office. When he mentioned that the sec retary of state paid out-in postage lor mailing license olates the sum of $21,940 per' year, Fults, of Furnas, exclaimed! "If that is the case it is time for use to order the examina tion ot tne omce ot the secretary of state." This was the only hitch that oc curred in the consideration of the. bill. All .of the proposed amend ments were adopted as follows: No transfer of hcense plates will be legal unless certified to; motor cycles will pay a license of $5 per year, all other vehicles $10 per year, except cars weighing in excess of 2,000 pounds when there shall be an additional license of 50 cents per 100 pounds; motor vehicles used for the carrying of passengers in excess of 7 per car, and trucks shall be taxed at capacity weight. Twenty-five per cent of all regis tration fees shall be paid into the respective counties for a road drag ging fund. Duplicate numbers will cost $1 each, and duplicates of num bers lost shall be charged for at the same rate. An attempt was made by Rod man of Kimball to have the age limit of boys permitted to drive motor vehicles .reduced from 16 years to 12. He explained that in the western part of the state a shortage of help made it imperative that the younger boys be impressed in the service and he suggested a saving clause be put in the bill making the county judge pass upon the ability of boys to drive and to issue 12-year-olds permits if. they proved competent The majority of the members thought the responsibility too great and the amendment was lost by a decisive vote. Denver Carpenters Strike for an Increase of Wapes Denver, Colo., .March' 10. Six hundred carpenters struck here to day as a result of the refusal of gen eral contractors of Denver to grant an increase of wages. Almost all the buildine in Denver is affected. LEMONS BRING OUT THE HIDDEN BEAUTY Make this lotion for very little cost and Just see for yourself. An attractive skin wins admira tion. In social life and in business the girl or woman whose face and hands show evidence of constant care enjoys a tremendous advan tage over those who do not realize the value of a healthy skin and a spotless complexion. At the cost of a small jar of or dinary cold cream one can prepare a full quarter pint of the most won derful lemon skin softener and com plexion beautifier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bot tle containing three ounces of or chard white. Care should be taken to, strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and re move such blemishes as freckles, sal lowness and tan, and is the ideal skin softener, smoothener and beau tifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It naturally should help to soften, freshen, bleach and bring out the roses and beauty of any skin. Adv. Too Fal? ft. a bu& in O.I Of A niR (la cpules at any dm? ore. Follow miple korein ytrtem and nduoe lu to J0 ll.. or more, undsr $100 uarartM. Absolutely iHilenome: endorsed ny physicians. The fat aetmi melt away, ur proper re duction too will tnatte wonderful gain In physic! and men ml energy. Add years to your lift. Re member Oil of Korein. Non-purgative; no thyroid. B?t method In the world to become slender qulckiy, safely, inexpensively and stay thin. At all Susy druggists'; or write now for KRKE BRUCni'Rti to Korvm Company, JiC-301, Station K. ew York City. G7aini?00VER 58 GOVERNOR ASKS FUNDSFORIK BOUflDJROOPS Wants $15,000 for Active Fund for New York Com mittee Assisting Corn husker Soldiers. From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, March 10. (Special.) Gov. S. H. McKelvie will ask the Nebraska legislature for an active fund of $15,000 for the New York committee looking after home bound Nebraska soldiers, an addi tional $10,000 emergency fund to meet any extraordinary circum stances, and an emergency approp riation of $3,000 to provide the com mittee with immediate funds. This action follows a report from Norris A. Huse, chairman of the committee, announcing the opening of Nebraska headquarters in the Hall of States, No. 27, West Twenty fifth street, and giving an estimate of future needs based upon a year's activities. The Hall of States is financed by the War Camp Community service, and quarters, including desk room, lights, telephone, heat and janitor service are provided free to . the committee. Mrs. Effie Leese Scott, formerly of Lincoln, was made permanent secretary of the Nebraska headquar ters, at a salary of $.50 a week. The headquarters opened March 1. In addition to the secretary, the committee will employ a pier direc tor to visit incoming ships and get a line on returning Nebraskans, and a "hospital visitor," to call on Nebraska sick and wounded in the vicinity. The committee will also utilize all of the available volunteer service of former Nebraskans in New York, Mr. Huse says. Burt Whedon has been made treasurer of the commit tee and Emory R. Buckner and Robert T. Hill, auditors. Parent and Teacher . Association Has Been Formed at Tecumseh Tecumseh, Neb., March 10. (Spe cial). A Parent-Teacher associa tion has been organized in connec tion with the Tecumseh schools. It is proposed that the parents keep in closer touch with the school work, and with their children. The follow ing officers were elected: President, A. B. Allen: first vice president. Miss Otilla Schmidt: second vice president, Mrs. Daisy Hervey; secretary-treasurer, Lloyd D. Halsted; first assistant secretary, Mrs. C. W. Graff; second assistant secretary, Miss Ella Sandusky; member board of directors, Rev. Thomas Barren. The slogan adopted by the new as sociation is "One hour each month for the children of this community." The Tecumseh board of education has named Prof. L. R. Gregory of fcxeter school superintendent. Would Compel Users of Phone Line to Stop Talking in German Lincoln, March 10. (Special) Nineteen subscribers, including two of German blood, on the S. & Q. telephone lines out of Arapahoe, Neb., have petitioned the Nebraska Railway commission to do some thing abojt the persistent use of German on the lines bv people who can use English. less H. Dunlap, chairman of the protesting committee, which in cludes "all but one or two" of the patrons, says .'.t a family on the "S" line and another on the "Q" line boast that there is no law to keep them from using German. "Isn't there some unwritten law to help us?" pleads the chairman. "If there isn't, there ought to be. "Nobody but a German sympath izer of the type of old Kaiser Bill wc. d uphold some of the remarks that have been made over these lines." Beatrice Man Finds Three Oil Wells on Farm Near Douglas Beatrice, Neb., March 10. (Spe cial.) Thomas Whiteside, a-Beatrice resident who located on a claim some time ago near Douglas, Wyo., has three flowing oil wells on his farm and more are being put down. A number of Beatrice residents are planning to move there as soon as they can dispose of their property here. John Riddle of Creighton, Neb., has been awarded the contract for constructing the Holmesville con soldiated school building, the amount being $49,021. F. W. Barclay of this city will install the heating and ventilation plant for $11,500. Work is to-be started on the build ing at once. Nebraska Not Ready to Quit the Primary System Lincoln, March 10. According to the temper of the house of represen tatives of the legislature it is not yet time to depart from the primary system of making nominations and return to the old time convention system. In debate ' on the Hardin-Byrum bill it was admitted t'..a the pri mary system of nominating candi dates for public office had its faults, but despite this, the members of the house love it still. The amended bill up for final ' passage, received only 37 votes with 36 against it. In order to pass the bill a vote of 51 members would have to be registered for it. I There is still a likelihood that the ' primary law may be amended and this may be done in the senate where a bill forbidding candidates to do newspaper advertising, and providing for state wide registration of voters will come up tomorrow. THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1919. HOUSE FAVORS BILL TO STOP NEPOTISM GRAFT Effort of Members From Smaller Counties to Alter Slightly Succeeds and . It Is Recommended. From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, March 10. Despite the efforts of Representatives Osterman and Jacobson, democratic leaders, to defeat the bill in committee of the whole of the house today, House Roll 260, Foster's anti-nepotism bill, was ordered for engross ment and third reading by a de cisive vote. Osterman and Jacombson both contended that the bill was purely a Douglas county measure and that there was np demand for it out in the state, and that its passage would work a hardship in some of the smaller counties and would work against efficiency. Foster denied that the bill was a Douglas county measure and de clared that it was a progressive piece of legislation evolved by the opportunities of the republican par ty to make good where the demo crats had failed, and that it was the work of the committee on privi leges and elections made up of men from all over the state. Carroll sought to kill the bill by indefinite postponment, but his mo tion lost, 23 for and 41 against. The bill as it came from the com mittee prohibited any state, county or municipal officer from appointing any relative tovoffice where the sal ary of such office was over $600 per annum. Osterman tried to amend this by increasing the exemption to $1,000, but this was defeated. The compromise amendment of Wilman of York that the exemption be made on offices drawing less than $800 per annum carried almost unanimously. The Columbia Is Different. You will find it unmistakably different visibly and audibly different from any phonograph you have ever known A demonstration will convince you. See us today. We cordially invite you to call and hear the late records. KOUTSKY-PAVLIK CO. SOUTH SIDE. Entertain Your Friends 1 Great Western Wm Bredehoeft, Sole THE COLUMBIA makes the world's best music possible for home enjoyment. " You ere cordially invited to visit our store for an inspection of the very latest models in all woods and for a review) of the newest records. Robert Goodall, Ogs.lls.le, Neb. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS The one incomparable musical in strument that every music-loving home should have. Our record department is a favorite spot for all Grafonola owners AUBLE BROS., ORD, NEB.. Columbia Records make the world's best music possible for home enjoyment You are cor dially invited to call and inspect oui line of machines and hear the latest records. We invite you to pay us a visit. No obligation to buy, but let us demon strate the wonders of the Coulmbia. Manuel Scoonover Co. Kearney, Neb. jVotet Musical History in the Making. As result of the World War there have been written most en joyable songs all with appealing patriotic note as well as infinite home appeal. The Columbia offers the very best that can be obtained. We invite you to hear a demonstration of our complete line New records received on the 1st, 10th and 20th of each month. Q STREET PHARMACY Frank J. Hermaneky, Prop., South S'de Dealer. 2725 Q Street. PtArfS TO HOLD PUBLIC PROBE OF CONTROL BOARD Joint Senate and House Com mittee Decides to Let Mem bers Come Before It and Examine Witnesses. From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Neb., M?ri-h 10. Believ ing, after .. .,encs of secret investi gation of the Board of Control, and the institutions under its super vision, that there is enough to justi fy further investigation, and that the latter shall be open to the pub lic, Senator Ncal, chairman of the joint senate and house investigating committee, has submitted the fol lowing official statement to the press: Tho joint committee appointed hy the present legislature to Investigate the Htate Board of Control flealres to mtike the following statement: At the time of the appointment of this committee It was illfflcult for tho com mittee to determine what lie procedure ought to be, what things It ought to In vestigate and how it should proceed to sift out the various complaints which It had received so as to determine which were meritorious. The committee was so undecided as to what matters de served serious attention that it was de cided to pursue a course .f preliminary secret investigation In order to eliminate a great many Irrelevant complaints and unfounded charges ,vhlcli had been made against the board. Therefore, the com mittee has been ' occupied for the last three weeks and thinks that it has suc ceeded in eliminating all of the matters which are not worthy of serious con sideration at a formal hearing. Call rubllc Hearing. The committee will therefore now pro ceed to hold a complete public investi gation of tho Board of Control in the usual manner, giving the board full opportunity to be present. In a body or individually as they see fit. and to have counsel am) cross-examine witnesses if they desire, and of calling any witnesses whose testimony they consider materia). The hearing, which will commence March 12, 1919. at 9 a. m.. at room 120, Lincoln hotel, Lincoln, Neb., will, of course, be open to the public, and it ! the desire and purpose of the committee to hear fully, at that time, any and all is always obtainable on Columbia Records, whether it be jazz opera, or sacred. Call and hearthe late hits 't is always a pleasure to demon strate the merits of the Colum bia. HARRY DIXON, North Platte, Neb. iaThe Latest W Music With late selections on your Columbia Grafonola. One of the largest lines in the West from which to make your se lection. If you can't come and see our immense stock of machines and records, write us for prices and particulars. We will be pleased to send a list of the latest records to your address. Novelty Company Owner, Beemer, Nebraska. NO MACHINE LIKE A COLUMBIA. A demonstration convinces Our line,of machines and records is complete. THOMPSON BROS. West Point, Neb. Which Columbia Will You Buy? There remains the selection of the right Columbia model for your family You will get your full money's worth whatever Columbia you choose. We carry complete stock of machines ind records for your selection. Opera House Pharmacy Schuyler, Nebraska. VISIT OUR DAILY CONCERTS EVERY HOME SHOULD HAVE A COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA You'll enjoy the demonstrations oi songs and recitations by the world's artists given by the Columbia Grafo nolaa in our store this month. Place your order now. N. EDWARDS, Brady Island, Neb. w) WITHOUT MUSIC ONE IS LOST AND WHY BE LOST 1 when it's so easy to own Columbia Grafonola then, too, thi Columbia Records produce any music you desire instru mental, vocal, etc We are always pleased to give demon strations. Neil P. Brennan O'Neill, Neb. persona who may desire to appear on be half of or against the Klate Hoard of Control, or any member thereof, or who may desire to present to the committee any matter touching this investigation During this hearing all matters con sidered, and all testimony adduced hy the commltteo In 11a preliminary investiga tion, will be fully und completely con sidered. Mayfield Before Board. Commissioner Mayfield was be fore the Board of Control a third time, today, when several hours were consumed in examining him in "star chamber." None of the results of the hcarin ghas yet been di vulged. Heard at the Capital. Lincoln, Neb., March JO. -Jesse D. Craig, whom (Speaker Dalby announced was not a seeker for the place, waa nominated by a unanimous vote of the house second as sistant chief clerk to fill the vacancy cre ated by the resignation of E. K. Ridge. way. Lieut. Chandler Trimble of Omaha, who Is now in tho aero service at Kelly Field, San Antonio, was In Lincoln today. He called on Governor McKelvie and paid his respects Lieutenant Trimble wae campaign manager for Governor McKel vie In the primary campaign. The lower house of the legislature to day shook a plum of juicy ripeness Into the laps of the county Judges of th state when, in committee of the whole t endorsed House Roll No. "30, which a. Iowa the Judges a perquisite of 2& cents for a report of the issuance of each mar riage license to the Htate Board of Health. Charles Per tier, commissioner of the new Czecho-Slnvak republic of Washington has been Invited to address the lower house of the legislature and give lnforma- tion as to the status of his country at tomorrow ariei uuuii. r iiw iiiviiauuu was in the form of a resolution present ed hy Representative Berka, and was unanimously adopted. Soldiers' Home Notes (Irand Island, March 10. (Special.) Word has been received from Lexington of tho serious Illness of ex-Commandant Zlmmerer at his home In that city. All members of his family are at his bed side. Mr. Zlmmeror waa formerly con i nerted with this institution and has a host ot friends among the membership. It Is reported that Dr. Muler of Mil ford has returned from France and prob ably will be one of us in the near future, as he has had some experience with the old vets at Mllford. Mr. Chapman, the new farm superin tendent. Is busy building shelter for the oncoming of young stock. He has not lost any stock this week. it 'Nit. aa- ".jr -"lav .JT It i l. aa)jj(ia'' aitaBw' (VsMaai3 gjtf iaaaasnasS aaallAaeaiiaZ Wo a?w wJSm -J ' "Your Boy Is i On the Goal Pile Now" Perfectly content to work on the coal file to get a chance to sail for dear old ranee is this patriotic young naval recruit. You'll laugh and sympathize. On the back: "Look What My Boy Got in France." A.2688-85c I ill III1 URN The New Columbia Grtfbnoha Sltndmrd iiodmlm bp ro 9300 Period DatHna up to t3i00 Use'The Bee Want Ads to Boost Fairbury Farmer Buys Half Interest in Hardware Store Fairbury, Neb., March 10, (Spe cial.) O. R. Jones, a prosperous farmer, residing near Fairbury, has purchased a half interest in the hard ware store of C. F. White of this city. He will leave the farm to his sons. AH Omaha This beautiful cabinet style Columbia Grafonola t- easily equal to the $200 Phono graphs of other makes com plete 'with, ten of the latest Columbia Records, for $98.50 Don't Fail to See It. Mid-Month Columbia Records are in come to our store and in our sound proof parlors hear the very latest and most popular-song hits of the month all num bers included in the large ad on this page ire ready for your selection. Sciimollerd iwlueller Mill's,. PIANO CO. t-dt Exclusive Steinway Representatives for Nebraska and Western Iowa. Mid-Month List 1 An NORABAfES. asks How You Gonna? Sweet Home.' indapore - a Fox-trot from. Harem-land gets into your neeis. ine horns, the sustained melody sweep you along in a whirlwind dance. On the back: "Out of the East." A-2686 85c s A Few More Magic of Your Eye .... Hear Uld Pal of Mine Tambourin Chinois . Thait Meditation . . . . . ... ... It's Worth While Waiting For Someone Worth ) While ...... . . . Campbell & Burr Down the Lane and Home Again . Samuel AshJ Columbia Record on Sale the 10th and 20th of Every Montlt, COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY. New York Tells Sheriff Mexican Had Attacked Her Week Ago Lincoln, 'March 10. (Special.) osj Lodiazes, a Mexican of I'rairie lome, Neb., is beiufc held by the sheriff's office on suspicion of be ing the man who attacked Miss Bertha Wuesthoff near the Rock Island tracks here a week ago. Attention! Cabinet Style Grafonola $98.50 With 10 Records of I I skfceTj1 KeBassaaaassV' atkaKBaaeksV Our Nora, mimicking the rollick ing rube, inquires: "How You Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm away from Broadway away from harm -after they ve seen raree. Other side: "When Yankee Doodle Sails Upon the Good Ship Home A-2687 85c ?r. '? if- . n " I The syncopation of this jolly medW head as well as your neat or it, tne Dens, the Mid-Month Hits Oscar Seag'e ) A-2684 . Oscar Seaglej Jl CO Sascha Jacobsen ) A-6093 Sascha Jacobsen j $150 A-2SS9 85c Your Business.