THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH. 11. 191!). It FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. i"OH BALE Ktv suction, fenctd, llvimf trt l.flftf acre tillable; long (rasa pasture. A real Atock and grntn propo. anion. J. n Carter. Bush ell. Neb VlUTE in for picture sod prices uf n-y farm and rancbc In pood old Daw,, county. Arab U Hunierford. Crawford. Men, NEbltXsKA LAND lilt acrea. Holt county, for 11,600; bartaln. llobart, Thoenix Bid-., Mlnna spoln. FUR NEBRASKA LANDS SEtJ A. A. PATZMA.V. S11 Ksrbsrh Blk. Tvl'r Ml. MKRKICK COUNTY, Improved corn &.id Itarfa farm at the right prlc. L A LARSON. Central City, Neb IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farm Kimball Co., Nebraaka R E. Holme Bushnell. Neb New Vork Lands. IIS.UOO BUYS 403 acres 4 milt from town S,"ou population; lOu acres level, 303 rolling, 174 acres valuable timber, food It-room house, good barn 44x112, alio 1(1x33, horse barn 24x50, running water in buildings, also gas lights, abundance of fruit, 3 tenant houses, cheese fac tory, etc. Including hay, grain, straw !7 head registered cows, bull, JO year lings. 8 ralves. S horses, 4 hogs, (0 bens, wear tools, farming equipment. To set tle eatate. Easy terms. Free Hat. El Is Bros,, Sprlngvllle. N. Y. Oregon Lands. 40RDA.N VALLEY. Oregon, offers you a home In tb land of sunshine, where conditions r right for raising alfalfa and cattle Address. Jordan Valley Farms. Holse. Idaho South Dakota Lands. 160 ACRES land, SO acres broken, 8o acres hay. All level snn tine soil. Uoon ' fence, one-half mile from good school, Tripp county. South Dakota. Telephone and dally mail route. Income. 12. son lact year on 80 seres. Owner Pat Davis, S:7 West Twenty-first St., Loa Angles, t"J. JTexas Lands. BRAZOS VALLEY PLANTATION. odd sores rich, productive land !S5 acres ready for cultivation. No. 1 for cotton, sugar cane.' corn and potatoes. - good drainage, 1 mites from railway station, 8 miles from oil well flowing 10.000 barrel dally; oil Indication Prlc $35 per acre or mineral right re served. 130 per acre, terms Cbas. Peter son, 319 First National Bank bidg Houston. Tex. Wyoming Lands. WHKATLAND Wyoming farms. 150 ei a.. Including paid up water right. .lemy '.! A C M. Kylander. lb Omaha PINE BLUFFS. Wyoming, farms, good crop and water. 140 per acre. C V. Nelson, MS Omaha Nat Hank Hlds. AUTOMOBILES. Special Sale March 10th to March 15th of Used Cars Overhauled and Refinished With the Following Unpre cedented Offer and Guaran tee : Your Money Returned On Any USED CAR pur chased From Us After Seven Days If The Car Is Not All That We Represent It To Be. HUDSON SUPER-SIX CARS Carry The Same Guarantee as New Cars. Hudson Super-Sixes Touring Cars Touring Sedans Roadsters Cadillac Touring Car Liberty Touring Car a ""I - 1'aige Touring ar Enger Touring Car Maxwell Sedan Exceptional Values at Unheard Prices. Guy L. Smith "Service First" 2563 Farnam Street, S. E. Cor. of 26th Street. , Douglas 1970. DON'T MISS US We are running a uaed car show all week. Have all late model cars. Priced to aell. Money back guarantee on all TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1910 Karnaro. AUTO BODIES. Two For touring bodies; new Ford truck cabs and del. bodies, ready for delivery; 6 special H4-ton flare board express bodies, 46 Ins. wide, ft. t Ins long; 150. vVm. Pfeiffer Auto & Carriage Wks. .'5th Ave, and Leavenworth St. Tyler 701. MAKE YOUR old Ford new, O'Rourke Ooldstrom Auto Co.. distributor of Ame Bllt touring nd commercial bodies. 3701 South S4th street, phone South 399. 90S North 16th, phone iiS-t New nd used Fords. Time payment. MEEK3 AUTO CO. Used csr bought, sold snd exchanged W buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Oarage I02S-1 rarnam St. Douglas 4101. MEEKS AtJTO CO. FOR SALS &-pasasnger, hlgh-grsde se dan, nearly new. It you want to buy a car worth th money from private In dividual who wishes to leave the city call South 80. FOR SALE Buick light six touring car, overhauled and repainted. Price $S0. Car ran be seen at Buick repair shop, inn LV,rnpui, iiiKi. 5EW retreader; latest and best out; costs less; make seven different treads. Write, wire or calL Duplex Tire Co.. 114 South 17th St. WANTED FOR SPOT CASU. 10 USED CARS; quick, action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co. thhi Farnam St. D AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs: service station for Rayfieid cariur,iors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards, BRINGING UP FATHER j ILL THROW ME HAJ ) jj ill II gf , 1 I PARDON-ft,: ROT YOUR Hf.T WO KJ III I llji I IW7 I C , JT") AN' COAT OUT THE X Mto? VJiS CZ 1 COA.T MUST HA.VE TALLEN OUT THE. HJffl - J S THt VALET L. WINDOV THEN 0 1 Kp' KfS !.! wiNOOW . FOUND THEM IN THE YARD I I tISiL- THEM- . " ' V -' " AUTOMOBILES. $100-FORD-$100 Balance in monthly pay ments, will buy a used Ford car of real value. New cars also sold on time payment plan. Ford repairing and Ford parts. 1 Tandy Ford Service Sta tion, 15th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 3500. McCaffrey Motor Company I'SKD CARS AND TRl'CKS AT BARGAIN PRICES STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 20?0 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. wll, store your auto. Rates for Ford car. S3 a month; large car. S5 month DoukIus 43.1S. NEW and used Ford. Ames oodies, Im mediate delivery. O'Rourke Ooldstrom Auto Co.. 3701 So 24tb. So 399 BARGAINS IN UST CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 15th and Jackson Ford Atrents. D. 3500 WE ARI2 TIIR USED CAR MEN TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. Harney 414. SELLING only privately-owned used cars. The Omaha Used Car Market, 2517 Leavenworth St. Tyler 2347. EXPERT Repairing Guaranteed ervlce SERVICE GARAGE, 11th and Leavenworth. Doug 7000. "AUTO STORAGli24THOUR SERVICEr SERVICE GARAGE. 16th and Leavenworth. Doug. 7000 OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 220O Fnrnam St QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 2562 FARNAM. $100 for magneto we can't fix; patentee Affinity Spark Plug O. Bays- dorfer. 210 N. ISth. DODGE touring; Webster 2075. first class condition. FORD MARKET New Ford to out of town customers. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. THREE-QUARTER TON Stewart truck, $375. Dreibus Candy Co., Douglas 4372. FORD TOURING car for sale. Good con dition. South 59. NEW Ford touring bodies, 1135. Farnam St. 2230 Tires and Supplies. WE WILL hlp, ' subject to examination, our 3,500-mile guaranteed tires at these, prices: . Plain. Rib Tread. Nonskid. 30x3 $7.25 9.55 $10.00 30X3H-..- 10 1125 12.00 These prices, without old tires, express prepaid, when full amount accompanies order. " STANDARD TIRE CO., TIRES ONE-HAIF PRICB. GUARANTEED 3.000 MILES. Mi t 7.6030x3H I t- J2x3 . 10.2632x4 11.76 32x4 11.50184x4 11.00 We furnish the old tire. Agents wanted. 3 IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANT, 1516 Davenport Street WE do casing and tube repairing. We guarantee our work. New and second tire. URBAN TIRE A VULCANIZING CO., 2223 Harney 8t Phone Douglas 3413 NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone, Congress, Lee Pullman. Flsk. Write for prices. Mention size. KA1MAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2018 FARNAM BARGAINS, new No. 1 tires and tube. Tire 45 per cent off. List tubes 35 per cent, write or phone Webster 1034. Day 1808 No. 24th. GAIN more mile; nave your tire is treaded by O AG. Tire Co. S415 Leevenworth. Tyler 1261-W. Repairing and P,iir.ting. WE NOT ONLY REPAIR YOUR RADIATOR, BUT CAN BUILD YOU A NEW ONE. RADIATOR REPAIR SHOPS and DEALERS: Write us for prices on new cores. No weeks of waiting for that new radiator or fender. Built to your order, any style, for automobile, truck or tra-tor, in 24 hours. Patronize your home industry. The only Radiator and Fender manu facturing company in the west. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE COMPANY, 1819 Cuming. 2054 Farnam. Omaha, Neb. F. P. Barnum Co., 2123 Cunv.nR. D 3044, High grade Automobile Palntlng: Repairing and Painting. 1918 FORD SEDAN Electric starter, demountable rims, Kelly-Sprlngfleld tires. Excellent condi tion. NEBRASKA BUICK AUTO CO. Phone Tyler 1760. 19th and Howard. EXPERT radlatura. tender and auto bodtea; repairing at reasonable price. Prompt attention given to garage work, hip your radiator direct to us. NEBRASKA SERVICE GARAGE, Doug. 7S90. 318 8. 19th Bt Autos for Hire. RENT A FORD DRIVE YOURSELF. 12o PER MILE. You're covered by Insurance against accident. 50 new 1919 model Ford cars. Ford Livery Co. . Doug. 3622. 1314 Howard. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WILL SACRIFICE ruy twin cylinder three speed 1918 Excelsior motorcycle, new nonskid tires, electric equipped, light, horn spot lfeght, antimeeter, speedom eter, also leather air cushion tanrleu seat and pump; run only 5,000 miles. Cost $425, first 3273 takes outfit. Your check returned it sold. "Good reason for selliag. Address Box B-44, Omaha Bee. H A RLE Y -DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargsina in used machine. Vlrtor R Roos. the Motorcycle Man. 17tb and Lesveuworla, Market and Industrial News of LIVE STOCK Omaha, March 10, 1919. Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Estimate Monday... 8,200 15,5i0 4,900 Same day last week. 6.977 15.S22 S.373 Same two weeks ago. 9,787 25,234 14,195 Same 3 weeks ago.. 6.173 10,310 1,758 Same day year ago.. 6,439 12,117 19,65t Receipls and dispofltlo-i of live stock at ihe Union Stock Yards. Omaha, Neb., for Iwinty-fotir hours ending at 3 o'clock p. in., March 10, 1919. RECEIPTS CARS. Hrs. Z Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Mules. C. M. ft St. P 14 3 Missouri Pacific .... 1 Union Pacific 77 44 22 C. & N. W.j east. . .. 24 7 C. & N. W west lti9 101 3 C St. P., M. O.. 39 34 3 C, B. Q., east 3 . . . . 4 C, B. & Q., west.... 58 42 1 C. R. I. H P., east.. 10 2 1 Illinois Central .... 7 Chi. Gt. West 10 3 Total receipt ....352 236 23 5 DISPOSITIONHEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris ft Co Sll 1.270 4 1.1 Swift & Co i.W) 3.342 956 Cudahy Pack. Co.... l.llls :!,1U9 SM Armour & Co 1.396 2,:;48 1,391 Schwartz & Co 2,041 J. W. Murphy 5,636 .... Lincoln Pack. Co. .. 68 So. Om. Pack Co 17 Hoffman Bros 35 John Roth & Sons... 18 Haycrowlch & Vail. . 37 Glassberg 14 P. O'Dea 1 3?9 .... " .... W. B. V. 8. & Co 102 F. P. Lewis 409 J. B. Root & Co 195 .... .... J. II. Bulla 6 Rosenstock Bros. ... 517 F. G. Kellogg 126 Wertheimer & Degen 531 Ellis & Co 16 Sullvan Bros 71 A. Rothschild 5 Mo.-Kan. C. & C. Co. 79 Banner Bros. ...... 24 John Harvey 1,001 Jensen & Lundgren.. 15 Dennis & Francis .. i 28 ' Cheek & Krebs 50 Omaha Pack. Co 8 Other Buyers 1,875 678 Total 10,422 17,746 4,873 Cattle A fair sized run of 8,200 head of cattle, or 324 cara, arrived today, and trading opened up slow and steady to 10 and 15 cents lower on the steers. Butcher stock, outside of the best cows, was draggy and 10 and 15 cents lower, best cows selling up to $14.00, steady with last week. The demand for canners and cutters was extremely limited, with prices $5.75 up. Stot'kers and feeders National Spark Plugs One-Inch Firing Surface. MUELLER LOCKS Ford Steering Wheel. Approved Underwriters W. S. LOVEJOY, Dutrib. TROUP AUTO SUPP. PERSONAL THE SALVATION Army Industrial Home solicits your old clothing, furniture magazines. Wa collect. We distribute Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. RICHARD HARRISON, Englishman, age" 38, bricklayer. In Omaha, 1916. Anyone knowing his address please write, Har rlson McNIsh, Asslnlboia, Sask., Canada. "PURE GOLD"MH.rpine; freoh daily, de livered to your door once a week; worth more; cost less; also real buttermilk Tyler 2364, WANTED, a home for an infant boy. Ad dress B-47, Omaha. POULTRY AND PET STOCX. FOR SALE Plymouth Rocks or Reds. pullets and roosters. Douglas 2740 Whit- ney. Tyler 102 1-J. BARRED ROCK egcrs for hatching, $1.25 per setting or $6 per hundred. Call South 2917. WHEAT screenings $2.25 per hundred. A. W Wagner. 801 N. 16th St.. Doug. 1142 WHITE ROCK HATCHING EGGS from Omaha ehow winners Benson 288. WHITE rock eggs, $1.50 per setting; also cockerels. Phone South 3139. BARRED ROCK cockerels. Best quality. Ahlqulst Bros., Colfax 4356. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. HARNESS, SADDLES and TRAVELING GOODS. We make them ourselves and sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you car. get high grade good at first costT, ALFRED CORNISH & CO.. Phone Doug 2314. 1210 Farnam. DON'T FORGET the big horse am" mule auctions st stock yards stable next Wednesday. Expect a good run of choice farm mares, matched team of farm chunks and one carload of farm mule. Sale starts at 10 o'clock. L C Gallup, Auctioneer. MONEY TO LOAN. Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes a ecu Uy, $40. mo.. H. good, total, $3.50 PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 432 Security Bids . 16th ft Farnam. Ty. 666 LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND 11 CI LIBERTY BONDS. O C? A 72 1 W. C. FLATAU. EST. 1893," t'O 6TH FLR. SECURITY BLDO.. TT. 360 Lowest rate. Private loan booth. Barry Maleshock, 1514 Podge, D. 6613. Est. 1891 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Joseph Kobiclski and wife to Simon Friedrlcks and wife, .",9th St., 65 ft. s. of H St., w. ., 50x130 $1,200 Jan Opocensky and wife to Joseph Prchal and wife. 19th St., 200 ft. s. of U et., w. s., 50x130 1.600 Mallnda K. O'Brien and husband to Charles O. Bergstrom et at., Atason St., 80 ft. a. of 27th St., n. s.. 40tixD0 3.100 Hans Guldo and wife to Abraham Herman, n. w. cor. 25th and N sts., 81x104 10,000 Asel Steer, jr.. referee, to Ella Croft, 16th st 309 ft. . of Pierce St., e. s 43.8x140 2,500 Hastings ft Hoyden to Harry O. Pet erson, 37th st., 190 ft. n. ot Glen dale ave., w. .. 40x146 U 275 Isabell Campbell Reed and husband to Michael Tomanio, 28th St., 66 ft. n. of Mason St., r. ., 28x140.4 " 359 James G. Martin to Wheeler Grant, . e. cor. :3d and fc it., l-'SxlSO., 7.000 Copyright. 1017. were steady to strong, with a larger sup ply than any day last week. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $17.60 18.76; fair to good be. re. $15.25(ft 17.25; common to fair beeves. $13.75915.00; good to choice yearlings, $14.7517.25; fair to good yearlings, $12.50 vl8.50; common to fair yearlings, $9.O03 12.25; good to choice heifers, $12.504p 15.00 ; prime cows, $12.5014.00; good to choice cows, $ 1 0. 25 12.00 ; fair to good cows, $8.509'10.00; common to fair cows, $5.75 7.50; choice to prime feeders, $14.0015,75: good to choice feeders. fll.50$13.7S; medium to good feeders, $10.505i 11.5ti; good to choice stockers, $1 0.00 1 2.0(1 ; fair to good stockers. $9.0010.00; common to fair stockers, $7.00S.60; stock heifers. $7.0038.50; stock cows, $6. 7587.50; stock calves, $8. OA'S 11.50; veal calves, $8.00' 14.00; bulls, stags, etc., $9.2512.00. Hogs Today's hog receipts were 220 loads, estimated at 15,500 head. Shippers were well supplied with orders this morn ing and started out bidding 10 15c higher than Saturday. Packers did not show an Inclination to pay quite these prices al though their purchases were steady to 5c higher, the market gradually strengthen ing until packers were bidding close to 10 16c higher than Saturday, the general market being steady to 1015c higher. Bulk of today's sales was $17.60 18.00 and top $18.15. Sheep There was a light run of sheep and lambs hero today, only 21 loads, esti mated at 4,900 head. Packers did not seem to be In very urgent need of sup plies this morning and as consequence trading was rather sticky. There were not many cholco lambs Included In tr.'e re ceipts, most of the supplies changing hands at is. 20 His. 60. Generally steady with Friday's prices. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, $18.75 19.00; lambs, fair to good, $18.:i54j'18 85; lamb feeders. $16.5017.75, yearlings, good to choice. $16.5017.75; wethers, fat, $13.00fl4.30; ews, good to choice, $12.76 13.00; ewes, fair to good, $12.00fl2.75; ewe feeders, $7.00g8.50. Chicago Live Htock. Chicago, March 10. Cattle Receipts, 21,000 head; market good and choice and beef steers and butcher cattle fully steady; other grades slow, 15c to 25c lower; calves 25c lower; estimated tomorrow 11, 000 head; day prices stand except, cows and heifers, $7.00615.00; canners and cut ters, $5.507.00. Hogs Receipls, 58,000 head: market opened steady; closed mostly 10c higher; estimated tomorrow 40.000 head; bulk of sales, $18.751.18.95; 'butchers, $18.85 19.00; light, $18.36fJ18.9V packing, $17.85 (ftl8.80; throwouts, $17.2.iS 17.75; pigs, good to choice, $16.50 U' 17.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 22,000 head; market fully steady; estimated to morrow 13,000 head; lambs, quality poor; lambs, ohoice and prime, $19.40(519.50; medium and good, ggB18.00fi 19.40; ewes, choice and prime, $12.5014,00; medium and good, $11.0Q313.60; culls. $6.0069.00. New lork Cotton. New York, March 10. Cotton tutur-s rlo.ud sUad: ; March, old, 21.45c; Maiv old, 2J.0o: new, 23.15c: July, old, 22.20c: ntw, 22 42c: October, old, 20.90c; hew, 21.0f,c: December, old, 20.90r; new. 20.90c. Cotton Spot, quiet; middling 27.15c. Vitrified Tile Silo Built Complete Upon Your Farm. Absolutely Guaranteed to Stand, A Silo saves feed. Paving feed saves money. The money saved on the feed bill in one season will pay the cost of the Silo and A TURNER TILE SILO LASTS A LIFETIME. J. F. Turner Sib Ca. 16th Ave. & 4th St., Council Bluffs, la. p -'tiwj1'-i If; s I 3- '-,... ..: REAL ESTATE LOANS Wanted on Omaha Property Easy Re-Payment Terms. Attractive Rate of tiyiiiciM 6 h Interest No The Conservative Savings & Loan Association. 1614 Harney Street. IUJJbUaad JztctJiV 526 -527 GRAIN MARKET Omaha, March 10, 1919. Wheat and corn receipts were. Mime lighter than a. week ago, while outs iv, re slightly larger. Arrivals were 30 cars of wheat, 71 cars of corn, 59 cars of oats. 5 cars of ryo and 1 car of barley. There vas a fairly good demand for cm. with prices running from unchanged to 4 cents higher, the bulk from 2 lo 4 'ents up. The t;i!lfs v''r clean 1 up In good season. Oats Avcre 1 It 1 tj cvuls higher. Offerings had a rather slow sale at the advance. One car of No, 3 white for seed sold at cents over Saturday's top. Rye prices were 2 cents up and barley 1 to 2 cents higher. Milling grades of wheat advanced 2 cents. $2.31 being obtained for No. 2 hard and $2.30 for No. 3 hard. OMAHA FUTURE MARKET Art. Open, j High. Low. Close. I Sat'y. Corn Mar. May July Oats Mar. May July 1 41 1.38 1.31 1.38 1.344 1.29 .60 .61 .60 'i 61 MM 61 '4 OMAHA GRAIN "MOVEMENT Receipts Today Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. 9 f.lll li 11 6 Wheat 30 Corn 71 Oats 59 Rye 5 Barley 1 Shipments Wheat 14 rorn 68 Oats 27 Rye Barley 7 37 77 42 4 4 9 40 13 ' 3 320 13 3 1 RECEIPT8 IN OTHER MARKETS Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 29 Kansas City 29 St. Louis 50 Minneapolis 370 Dluth 3 81 66 65 Wlninpeg 57 Corn No. 3 white, 4 cars $1.37, 1 car $1.38. 3 cars $1.36; No. 4 white, 2 cars $1.34; No. 5 white, 1 car $1.29; No. 2 yel low, 1 car $1.43; No. 3 yellow, 2 cars $1.41. 3 cars $1.40; No. t yellow, 1 car $1.42 (old), 3 cars $1 38, 2 cars $1.37; No. 5 yel low, 2 cars $1.34. 8 cars $1.33; No. 6 yel low, 1 car $1.30; sample yellow, 1 car $1.15, 1 car $1.16, 1 car $1.20; No. 3 mixed, 1 car $1.36. 1 car $1.37; No. 4 mixexd, 1 car $1.34, 2 cars $1.32, 1 car $1.40 (old, near yellow), 1 car $1.34 (s. w.), 1 car $1.32; No. 5 mixed, 1 car $1.31, 4 cars $1.30; sample mixed, 1 car $1.26. Oats No. 2 white, 1 car 63c; standard, 1 cat 63c; N o 3. white, 1 car 6214c, 6 cars 62c, 4 cars 61ifcr. Rye No. 3, 1 car $1.37. Barley No. 3, 1 car 96c (shipper's weights); No. 4, 1 car 94 (s. w.), 2 cars 94c, 1 car 93c; sample, 1 car 91c. Wheat No. 2 hard, 1 car $2.31, 1 car $2.31 (smutty); No. 3 hard, 1 car $3.28, 1 car $2.30; No. 1 northern spring, 1 car $2.31, 1 car $2.29 (smutty): No. 2 spring, 1 car $2.27 (smutty), 1 car $2.24 (smutty); No. 3 northern spring, 2 cars $2.24; 6 cars $2.23 (smutty); No. 2 durum, 1 car $2.17; No. 1 mixed, 1 car $2.25; No. 2 mixed, 1 car $2.15 (durum); No. 3 mixed, 1 car $2.13 (durum). Chicago drain and Provisions. Chicago, March 10. Authoritative sug gestion that wheat might command as high SI Federal Taxes We should like to help you with your tax problem. We will send on re quest a copy of the new law, digest, primer, suggestions to business men, or required forms for returns. TheNationalGty Company Ctrntponitnt Ofici in u Cllits Omaha First Nat'l Bank Bldg. TBltphene Tyler 2732 Commission. VS355Sl. crfv ME &fnma stemy -528 -529 -530 3eo 5hdnpS Drawn for The Bee by the Day a3 $3.50 a bushel gave the corn market today a forcible upturn. The close was strong at 2fac to 4I-so net advance, with May $1.35? to $1.35, and July $1.29 to 1.294. Oais gained 1 to 2c, and provisions, 60a to $1. Buying of corn took on immense pro portions chiefly as a result of statement from Director General' Hoover of the inter-allied relief organization to the prico effect of greater European needs than had been expected. Bullish sentl no'tit was powerfully stimulated slsa by announcement uf the allied agreement to feed Germany. In addition, thst,batf condi tion of country roads wlng to heavy snowfalls and to warm temperatures threatened to Interfere further with the domestic crop movement. Profit taking on the advance led to only a moderate reac tion, despite word that 250,000 bushels of Argentine corn, March. April shipment, had been purchased at'the seabosrd, and much more offered at four cents under the current price of Chclago May de livery. Oats were strengthened decidedly bf the same influences that affected corn. Provisions jumped quickly to the max imum limit. Big clearances from New York spurred the market upward, and so too did higher prices for corn and hogs. Bullish sentiment was Increased by the allied agreement to feed Germany. Profit taking, however, led to something of a reaction. The close was firm, to 4c net hiKher, with May $1.3694 to $1.35, and July $1.29 to $1.29. Shorts covered freely, but on the ex treme advance there was some pressuru from recent buyers. Chicago closing prices, furnished The lii e ly Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 315 South Sixteenth street, Oma ha: Art. 1 open. High. Low. Close. Sat'y Com Mar. May July Oats Mar. May July Pork May May July Itihs May July 1.42 1.44 1.41 1.33 1.33 1.43 1.35 1299 .61 .63 .63 44.00 41.05 26.62 25.97 1.39 1.3234 1.26 .59 .61 .61 41.00 40.05 26.12 25.47 23.77 22.62 1.29 1.30 1.27 I .61 .62 .62 .61 .62 .62) 44.00 41.00 26.62 .62 .64 .63 41.06 41.00 !25.97 24-.27 23.02 .-124.27 ..123.02 Loral Stocks and Bonds. Furnished by Peter Trust Co. Bid Ask. First Liberty 3s $98.64 Second Liberty 4s ,.. 93.62 Third Liberty 4s 95.20 Fourth Liberty 4 Vis 94 00 Am. Foreign Securities (1919) 98 99 Am. Tel. & Tel 6S (1925). .103 108 Am. Telephone 6s (1924) 99 99 Am. Tobacco 7s (1922) 102 103 Am. Tobacco. 7s (1923) 103 103 Anaconda Copper 6s (1929) .. 97 97 Anglo French 5s (1920) .... 97 97 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s (1919) ..100 100 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s (1922).. 100 100 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s (1923) ..100 100 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s. (1924) 100 100 Beth. Steel 7s (1919) 100 100 Beth. Steel 7 (1922) 101 101 Beth. Steel 7s (1923) 101 101 14 Canada 5s (1921) 98 98 Cudahy 7s (1923) 101 102 Int. R. T. 5s (1921) 90 91 Kan. City Ter. 6s (1923) 100 100 3-16 Proctor & G. 7s (1919) 102 Proctor & G. 7s (1922) 103 Russian Rubles 6s (1936). 136 Union Pacific 6s (1928) 103 Wilson & Co.. 6s (1928) 94 103 104 142 104 94 Turpentine and Rosin, Savannah, March 10. Turpentine Firm, at 64c; pales, 224 bbla; receipts, 53 bbls.; shipments, 313 bbls.; stock, 25,200. Rosin Nominal; sales, none; receipts, 214 casks; shipments, 393 casks; stock, 66,292 casks. Quote: B, $13.10: D, E, $13.15; F, $13.20; G, $13.25; H. $13.30; I, $13.65; K, $16.26; N. VG, $16.30; WW. $16.75. . Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., Marc 10. Eggs Market unchanged; firsts, 36c; creamery butter 1 to lc higher; extras, 6656c; firsts, 53c; seconds, 61c. Poultry Market unchanged; hens, 27c; springs, 33c; roosters, 16('21c. Dry Goods. New York, March 10. Cotton goods and yarn markets today showed more anima tion. Southern staple ginghlms were re duced to a basis of 11 ami 10 cents for the better grades and a revision In price i was announced in some lines or wnne slp-etlngs and low count domestics. Raw silk was unchanged. Dress goods were bought more generally for fall. Rangerburk- Contraction Company 316 Main St., Ft. Worth, Texaa. This is not a gamble, this is a cinch. We collect the money from a dry hole as if we hit a pusher. Ve drill wells for the public. AGENTS WANTED to sell this stock at $10.00 par value. Capitalization at $98,000. Liberty Bonds and other investment Bought For Cash New York market price paid on all issues. Mack's Bond House 1421 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 3644 George McManus FINANCIAL New York, March 10 Financial and In dustrial developments over the wcok-end were sufficiently favorable to carry prices forward again at the lively opening of to day's stock market. Last week's favorite issues led the further advance. Crucible, Lackawanna and Mldvalo Steels, Inspira tion Copper, American International, Hide and Leather preferred and Sumatra and American tobaccos gaining 1 to 4 points. United States Steel anil Investment rails were barely steady, however, and oil yielded lo pressure with several of the motor specialties. Sale of the first hour exceeded 400.000 shales. Indicating the most active session o far this year. Temporary reaction among leader were occaa'oned by the heaviness of Mexican Petroleum. Marine preferred, United Cigars snd Kelly Sprlngflcld. which fell 1 to 3 point. Rails led the second advance, low priced issues strengthening with dividend paying snares, steels, equipments, coppers, mo tors, shippings and utilities, all at mate rially higher level, were freely absorbed toward midday, activity continuing at high pressure. Steels eased moderately on publication of the United States Steel decreased ton nage statement for February, but else where the morning's gains were generally extended. Oils, motors and distilling shares were added to the unusual array of strong stocks, also People' Gas and Amer ican Telephone. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low. Hid Am. Beet Sugar.. 3,8"0 75 73 73 American Can ... 16,200 49 4S 48 Am. Car & F'dry 3.900 93 93 93 American Loco.. 5,300 68 67 67 Am Smelt Ref 12,700 71 69 70 Am. Sugar Ref 120 Am. Tel. & Tel 3.SO0 108 107 106 Am. Z., L. and S. Anaconda Copper Atchison A G & W I S 8 L Bait. & Ohio.... B. & 8. Copper. . Cal. Petroleum . . Canadian Pacific. Central Leather. Ches. & Ohio 200 13 13 12 3,Sl0 63 61 62 13,200 94 92 93 6,200 109 107 108 700 4li 47 48 1,000 2014 19 20 1,500 27 27 27 1,400 163 162 162 6,500 67 67 67 2.500 69 59 59 C, M. & S. P C. & N. W C R I & P ctfs Chlno Copper . . .. Colo. Fuel & Iron 10,300 7.SO0 2,300 3,400 39 36 95 25 34 41 48 66 23 60 38 96 25 36 41 48 66 23 62 17 166 158 94 41 99 47 107 25 47 20 31 115 97 26 35 42 49 6S 29 63 IS . 2,400 Corn Prod. Ret. 21.600 Crucible Steel 24.400 4.900 26,000 4,200 Cuba Cane Sugar Distiller's Sec Krie 17 General Electric .. 300 156 lu General Motors. 17,600 100 157 Gt. Northern pfd 2,600 95 94 Gt, N. Ore ctfs. 16,600 41 39 40 Illinois Central 400 99 Inspiration Cop.. 11,800 48 47 Int. M. M. pfd.. 33,600 108 106 Inter. Paper Inter. Paper 3,500 26 24 4,600 48 47 K. C. Southern . . Kennerott Copper Louisville & Nash Maxwell Motors.. Mex. Petroleum Miami Copper . . . Missouri Pacific. . Nevada Copper . , N. Y. Central .. N. Y., N. H. & H. Norfolk & West.. Northern Pacific. Pennsylvania ... Pittsburgh Coal.. Ray Con. Copper.. ,1,100 20 20 7,100 32 31 200 115 115 800 36 36 36 75,400 1S9 180 187 1,400 23 23 23 6,800 25 24 25 700 16 16 16 75 32 105 94 45 49 20 84 83 4,900 76 75 9.300 34 1,200 105 32 105 93 44 48 20 84 81 3,100 94 6.000 1,700 3,500 45 49 20 85 85 Reading 25.800 Rep. Iron & Steel 19,600 Shat. Ariz. fop. . Southern Pacific, Southern Ry 500 10 10 10 27,800 104 600 29 102 102 29 29 Studebaker Corp.. 18,700 62 60 61 Texas Co. 16,600 197 193 195 Union Pacific 11,000 131 129 130 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 8,300 121 118 119 U. S. Steel 120,900 97 96 U. 8. Steel pfd Utah Copper . 400 114 114 114 10,600 74 73 73 Western Union .. 200 89 Westlng'use Elcc. 10,800 46 Bethlehem B ... 37,600 70 69 89 45 46 69 70 National Lead 6S Total sales for the day 1,260.000 shares New York Sugar, New York, March 10. Sugar Raw. market steady; centrifugal, 7.28c. Refined, steodv; cut loaf, 10,50c; crushed, 10.25c; mould A, 9.50c; cubes, 9.75c; XXXX powdered, 9.20c; powdered, 9.15c; fine granulated and Diamond A. 9.00o; con fectioners' A, 8.90c; No. 1, 8.85c. London Money. London. March 10. Money Discount Short bills snd bills, 3 17-32 per cent. 8 per cent, three-month AMUSEMENTS, "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" PURPOSELY BOOKED FOR AUTO SHOW WEEK 1919 Edition ot i IT d film Muilcal The New " J Burleiau Smond only to tin big Auto Show ItMlt. Tht (Sal dine Comedians, lint CoughllR, 8am Howard and nearly fltty other ipeed manlace. Big Beauty Cho rut of Joy Rldere: Butterfly Ballet; I960 Model Auto. Fun for All; All for Fun, MATINEE EVERY DAY Sat. Mat and Wk: The New "Folllei ol the Day." 1 nu a.,,, in Ut.. G. S WAYNE GORDON Comedy Sketch. MOWATI & MULLEN ; KIMIWA TRIO; BOOTHLY t EVERDEEN, Photoplay Attri tion May Allison in "In For Thirty Oayi." Keystone Comedy. Pathe WceMy. rlrZMIllHlJ THREE DAYS, Starting Thursday MARCH 13. Matinee Daily, 2:30. Evenings, 8:20. SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF Harold Bell Wright' Picturixation Reserved Seats ".Sf'isr Evening, 25c, 35c and 50c. Tonight WNE Wednesday Matine DAVID BELASCO PRESENTS David Usrlisld -IN- "THE AUCTIONEER" Nights 75c to $2.50; Mat, 50c to $2.00. Second Balcony Reserved. Special Tuesday Reservation May HOTEL AMI'SHMFSm Phone DotiflM 40 SilPtltlOR VAUDEVILLE. Dally Matinee. 2 It. Nlhl. :I5. This Week. GUS EDWARDS' ANNUAL SONG REVIEW Swer 4 Any: Built Bmwnlno: Clara a Imlly Berry, (mini fc ErJdlo Adulr: OtlM Tiki: Wlluin Aukrey lno. Klnogremt; Orphtum Travel Weekly. Metlnpei 10. 29 and 50e. Bote and Stalls 5t) and ;5e. Nllihtl 10, 25, 60, 76 and $1.00. TONIGHT ALL WEEK Mata. Wednesday, Saturday, , Messrs. Lee end I. J. Shubert Present the Molt Sucreislul Minimi Play Ever staged In America Ik A V T I HI T WITH 10HN 11 n I l I IT MU CHARLIS IHOMAS. Carolyn Thompson, John T. Murray snd New York Cast In Its tntirety. 3 Days, Starting Next Monday. MATINEE WEDNESDAY. SEAT SALE TOMORROW Season' Comedy Sensation. "NOT A MOVIE" PJCHABD WALTON TUUY Prwmrs Mrf.Si.3HEy DREW "SwKEtPHERSMIUHG Nights 50c, 75c, SI. $1.60, $Z. Wednesday Matinee 50c to $1.50. I'HOTO-I'I.AYS. LOTIIROP 24th and Lothrop Last Time Today Harold Iickwood 'in "Paradise Garden" Big V Comedy . I A. H. Blank. Cecilda MMe's 00H'T CHANGE YOUR IZUSBAHD" MUSE SessueUsyskawa in "The Heart In Pawn" Pauline Frederick in "Out of the Shadow" First Time Showing of "PRIZM A" Natural color photography, the wonder of the silver sheet. Pathe New and Lloyd Comedy. SUBL IN "GAMBLING l SOULS" Next Sunday and All Week; "IT'S THE BIG GEST THING ON EARTH." Evenings at 8:20 25c, S0c. 75c. Boxes, $1.00. Matinees at 2:30 25c, 50c. Reserved Seats. Supper Dance Night, March 11 Be Made by Phone Douglas 3207. FONTENELLE Tues. 5 Lttheatre: ' wJ PS) I .yen i1---, .. ' - .. ,' I rvi si