THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 9. 1919. m a; if I 4 i IV ' (' V i I FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. 5 ACRES 6-ROOM BUNGALOW WEST DODGE ROAD To th city man who dtlrt a country home tocMt'A on or dost, to a main traveled, paved road, we offer on of th choicest liropvrOva In th Weal l)odK4 dutrlrt. Immediately north of V. H. M-Cord'a country home, on tha croat cf a beautiful rtrir commanding a view of tha entire west pnrtion of Omaha and miles of country In avery direction. H a us contains every convenience ob tainable in the city, with the exception of electric light. The electric line la lesa than ino feet from the houae. and this can be secured at any time. House la ideally arranged, la finished through out In hardwood, haa fireplace In living 1 room, large baa ment, eyolon rave or fruit cellar, about 15 ft, below iurfnr of ground, garage for two care, with apace fr cow and pony underneath; plenty of shrubbery, amal! fruit, etc. The roadvvuy to the house la cindered and It la located 1m than 2 block north of the Lincoln Highway. Price $9,000. R.-?i?rnnl!H t"rms to the rlrht party . THE BYRON REED CO. Doue, :T. I'll 2 Farnam St. ACREAGE WEST OM DODGE STREET, IMPROVED 20 ACRES Facing south, on the highway, slopes east and south; orchard, oni acre; nn ture, m acres; aprintf water; 5-room house; larr chirken houne and 2 nmnlt er hn houses; corn crib, garage and barn. Price, $'flf per acre. ON PACIFIC STREET 20 acres, 5 miles out, improved. 30 acres, miles out, im proved. Very choice, high and sightly, the best view west of Dunclee. 40 acres, 4 miles out, improved. 60 acres, miles out, unim proved. We can quote attractive prices on above. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 1018 Omaha Nat. Tiank Bldg. 1 )oukIhs 27 1 5. "FIVE ACRE TRACT- With 6-room modern bungalow and out buildings; between Dundee and the Country club; Improvements are prac tically new and coat $4,000 a fow yeara hko; entire property will be sold for $7,000, One-third or lees cash will handle. SHULER & CARY, VIember of Omaha Real Estate Board. Phone Doug, 6074. Keollne III rig iOA-C-R-E-S For Rent or Sale This trai t of land la located on 4Mb. Ft., about "4 mile aouth of Q St., on the B. & M. It. R. Una good house and barn. A splendid stock-feeding propo sition. Particulars at 0'Neil's Real Estate and L Insurance Agency RKAI.TORS, J33-4-S Brandels Theater. Tel. Tyler 1024. VOR SALK 3'4 acrea. Ideal place for chicken or hogs. Just aouth of pack ing houses. Adjoining city limits. Good 6-room cottage, law barn, large chick en house. Address 1) it. Tebault, Route 3, Sarpy county. I ACRES," 6Sth and i inkney, rh'h soil, cement walks, water main 1 block, car S blocks. Oouk. or Rd 7J2S. , Arkansas Lands. MARCH 18. Our next round trip $30 excursion to McOehee, Ark. For homeseekers only. W. S. FRANK, jnj Neville Mik . Omaha; California Lands. NORTH KKN CALIFORNIA LAND FOR SALE: Ctxi acrea of unimproved sage, brush land, about S milea from railroad. SkirMnc public range on one side of a mile. About M0 acrea can be gotten under cultivation. No incumbrances. $7 per acre. Will give abstract of title. Owner, John K. Kneboe, Red Rock, Lassen county, California; Colorado Lands. . 320 ACRES CMOICH FARM LAND FOR SALE. On account of old age I will sacrifice choice H section 7 miles to railroad town; 3 seta of improvements; land all fenced and cross-fenced; 14 head horses, 6 marcs, S horses; harness: all ma chinery to run this farm Boil suitable for corn to make 35 to 5tl "bus. per acre; wheat, potatoes and alfalfa. This farm Is cheaper than they are asking for raw land here. Price $55 acre, wltt stock, and machinery, etc. For other Informa tion address Box T9, 1). P.. Logan coun ty, Froefor. Colo. 120 Acres deeded, well Improved; close to school; 7 miles of town; good land; price, $12 50 per acre, 320 acres, relin quishment; well Improved; close to school and 7 miles to town; price, $1,600, both In Kiowa county. For ssle by fc, Thornton. Haswell. Colo. (tlOICB Imp. or raw quarter, half aec. or larger, Lincoln Co., bargains: easy terms J L Maurer. Arriba. Colo Iowa Lands. TOR SALE 340 acrts, a fine farm, high bottom land. 26 miles from Oman. Some alfalfa and pasture, balance com land. Price 1150 per acre. $16,000 ll handle. Possession at once. Addiees Bon T-375, Omaha Bee. SIGHT ACRE truck farm, S5 miles from Omaha, nicely Improved, all good garden land: some fruit. Price $3,500. Y.'ould consider small Omaha cottage or good auto as part. Address Box Y-JT4, Omaha Bee. 1 Montana Lands. MONTANA. For sale, 800-acre grain and stock farm, 560 acres tillable. 160 acres under cultivation, 60 acres wheat, plenty good spring water; priced very reasonable. Write C. H. Combs. Roundup, Mont. Kansas Lands. t20 ACRES at $18 per; 60 acrea broke: 20 second bottom; 8 alfalfa. Good fences. Inexhaustible sheet water. House, barn, granary, hen house. Rural route; telephone; railroad 6 miles. F. B. Robblns, Oberlln, Kansas, Decatur County. Missouri Lands. FARM FOR SALE 265 ACRES Southern Missouri, Joining the town. No. 1 land, no stones, level. 185 acres under cultivation. 5 acres orchard, 8 room house; big barn: everything paint ed; clean water for human and stock. A modern fence all round. 25 acres In heavy timber. Land plowed for corn and oats. $0 acres In wheat. No. 1 windmill goes In the bargain, besides lota of other things. Balance of land tame grass. Bank on corner of the farm. There Is about SO head Short horn cattle on the place, which can be bought reasonable. Buyer can take possession at once. Price $40 per acre, If taken at once. No real estate agent connected with It. This Is a bargain for a No. 1 farm on the Oiarks. Terms reasonable. Inquire of Paul W. Rothe, 175. Newell Mills. Newell, 8. D. FOR QUICK SALE. 180 acres, located 14 miles from good county-seat town of about 2,000. 1 mile from a small town. This land In a free range district. Dally mall service. $6 acres under cultivation, balance good timber. Part of this land in email val ley. Fine hog and cattle country. Hog house and barn. About 100 fruit trees. Watered by spring. Decided bargain at $1,000. One-half down, two years on balance. Good warranty deed. Clear. No trades. Oeorge Turner, 5123 North 15th street, Omaha. Neb. Minnesota Lands. RED RIVKR VALLEY FARMS 30,000 acres; selected wheat lands, $35 to $75 per acre: 40 bushels per acre. Want agents. W. M. Rybaskl, Argyle. Minn. Nebraska Lands. DOUGLAS COUNTY BARGAIN 11 acres Improved, located rear Wa terloo, Neb., 24 miles to Omaha; half In cultivation, balance, hay and pasture: dandy clock and grain farm. Price $160 per acre, for particulars see Held Land Company eit Btandtls Eld Sous. $1 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. At Auction Tues,, Mar. 11, 3 P. M. Well Improved Farm On the above date, on the premises located 46 miles northeaat of Central City, Neb., we will fell at Public Auc tion to the hlKhst bidder, regardles of price, the following described real es tate: The northeast Quarter of Bee. 24, Township 14. Range (, west of the sth P. M., Merrick county, Nebrsska, een talning 140 acres, more or less, accord ing to government survey. Terms: 1$ per cent of the purchase price cash day of sale, purchaser to assume a mort gage of $11.0ii0 due March 1, 123. bearing Interest at the rate of ( per cent annually: remainder of (urchaae price March 21, 119, when possession will be given. Good and sufficient ab stract of title, together with warranty deed, delivered to purchaser day of set tlement. Improvements: Five-room cement block house, 28x36; $ bedrooms, each with good closet; larga living room, kitchen with pantry, nice sun porch on southeast, with cement floor; good oave, 8x13; good water within 20 feet of house; one of the very best dairy barns In the atate. This barn was modeled from the Kansas stats farm barn and Is a cement block building, 36x10 ft., ce ment floor and stanchions for 24 cows and 22 calves; $ box stalls, stalls for I head of horses 2 grain bins; mow for 100 tons hay; carrier and rope; silo, 16x32; shed on the east side of barn made of lumber, 12x60; good hog house made of cement blocks, 24x30, cement tloor: pens, 6x8; bin for 300 bushels of grain, two rowa of windows on the south; chicken house, 12x3. cement floor: wood shed, 12x24; combination building of cement blocks. 24x48, with engine room and scale office; garage, Ire house and milk room, good, big store room upatatrs. Buildings are well shel tered by about 13,000 troes, 11,000 ot which are pines; cement walk running from house to all outbuildings; land lies level; soil black sandy loam; 2 acres of rye, 40 acrea alfalfa, 17 acres of which la fenced hog-tight; 40 seres of pasture, balance under plow; 600 rods of woven wire on the place; never-falling supply of pure water. if yc want a real pairy farm with $10,000 worth of im- PRciVKMKNTS. PON T GO TO 8LKKP, BUT ATTK.N1 THIS SALK. ALL PER SONAL PROPERTY WILL BF! SOLD TI1K SAMK DAY PREVIOUS TO SALE OP LAND. For further Information address NEBRASKA RKALTT AUCTION CO., CENTRAL CITY, NEB. MARK CARRA1IER, Auctioneer, M. A. LARSON. Mgr. PAKL MAC.F1, Owner. A Real Bargain in Kimball County, Neb., Wheat Farm. Fine section, some Improvements, t6 acres in winter wheat and winter rye. all fenced and cross-fenced, 6 per cent of land lays level to slightly rolling, balance slightly broken. Rural route, telephone line, near school. Will sell on easy terms to anyone wanting to inove on land, possession at once. Here's a chance for a good hustler with amall means to make good. Don't write, but come and look at this good farm. Prlco $42 per acre. $1 500 cash, $1,000 tnls fall, balance $1,000 yearly at per cent. UNIMPROVED HALF SECTION. 320 acres, close In; 80 per cent level to rolling, balance rough. The good land Is of the finest quality of wheat land, balance good pasture and hay land. Lo cated on rural route, telephone, main road. This Is a real bargain at the pries of $31 per acre, on easy terms. $1,600 cash, snd $1,500 yoa-ly at per oent In terest on deferred payments. Toil art hard to suit If you don't like this. Security Land and Loan Co., Kimball. Neb. THIS WEEK ONLY. ACT QUICK 160 acre highly Improved fans Bear Omaha. Neb. Close to 1 good small towns. mile from school, good neigh borhood, land lies perfect, best of aotl, In high state of cultivation. This Is one of the beet farms ever offered for sale In Sarpy county. Can give possession within 10 days. For prlco and particu lars see Held Land Company, Omaha, Neb. Phone D. 14t. 664 Brandela Bids. 2.840 acrea located 14 milea north of Hemlngford. Will sell all or any portion of suit. Not a quarter on the entire tract but what is at least 6 per cent tillable and from that up to $0 per cent. No better soil In Nebraska; same class of land close to Hemlngford selling at $in an acre. Will sell on exceptionally easy terms: down, and carry balance to suit buyer. Prices, $1 to $35 an acre. Here is an exceptional opportunity for a man of small means to get a horns of his own. Write us for full particu- KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA FARMS EASY TERMS 160-320 or (4 tracts of level dark sandy loam soil, best part of Holt county, eleven miles northeast of Atkin son; 25 feet to sheet water Unimproved tracta $40 and Improved tracts, $45 per acre, ten per cent cash, balance, nine equal annual payments. Interest, per cent. We have 2,000 acrea In a body for you to choose from, and we are going to sell. J. O. PATTERSON aV CO., Owners. 1008 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 160-ACRE1 SARPY COUNTY FARM. Possession If taken soon. This farm Is highly Improved, perhaps $6,000 worth of improvements. Tanks and supply tanks, water rendered Into tha build ings. It Is fenced and crossed fenced. It must be seen to be appreciated. IVt miles to a good K. R. town and 4 VI to another. Well located, surrounded by high priced farms. On main road. Price $250 per acre. $14,000 will be carried back on the place, balance cash, so write quick If you want a splendid farm, snd possession this year. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTT CO. $! Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. TWO Improved farms. Possession If pur chased before April 1. 320 acres, small improvements; IS miles from town; all fenced and cross fenced. 120 acres winter wheat. Close to school. $35 per acre: half cash, balance t years. ( per cent. 820 acres corners first farm! 10 acrea under plow; dandy S-room house, good barns and eheds. A fine home In a good neighborhood. Price $30 per acre, $3,000 cash, balance I years. If you want a farm where on crop will pay for the land and where you have a chance to doubls your money on the advance In land In the next year write, Guy Forsllng, BushnelLNeb, FOR SALE 160 acres, miles from Kearney, In Kearnsy county. Neb., 66 acres In cultivation, 4 acres sowed Into rye, 20 acres in alfalfa, 0 acres In pas ture, a 4-room house, stable for $ bead and other buildings, wall and mill. Half of this year's crop goes with the farm. Prices $7,500. easy terms. A. NELSON, Kearney, Neb. 6-SKCTION RAKCH. Lincoln county. Neb., t milea from Sutherland on tha main Una of the C. P. Ry. Land blocked solid, 400 acrea good farm land. Will give good terms on sale. Write owner for tnformstlon. JOHN W. BAUOHMAN, LIBERAL. KAN. A FINE, level 160-acre farm, can give poaaesslon at once; 10 acres In good , wheat, lots of snow on tha ground now; well fenced: other Improvements small; wheat should pay for tha land; $3,000 cash, balance on time. Box No. $4, Kimball, Neb. FOR RENT 160-acre farm; best of soil. Improved; party to buy stock, machin ery, household goods, fall wheat; pos session at once. Address R. K. 1, Box 17, Phillips, Neb. FOR SALE Five sections, fenced, living water; 1,000 acres tillable; long grass pasture A real stock and grain propo sition J R Carter. Bush ell. Neb WRITE me for pictures and prices uf my farms and ranches) In good old Dawes county Arab L. Hungerford. Crawford Neb FOR SALE 644 acrea with Improvements, 30 miles asst of Mascot, Harlan county $60 per acre. Write H. W. Hawklnton, Upland, Cal. NEBRASKA LAND 16 acres. Holt county, for $1,600; bargain. Hobart, Phoenix Bldg., Minneapolis FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. MERRICK COUNTY, improved corn oJ alfalfa farma at the right prloa IL A LARSON. Central City. Neb IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farma Kimball Co., Nebraska R. B. Holmes Bushnell. Neb New York Lands. $14,000 BUYS 403 acres i miles from town $.700 population; 100 acres level, 303 rolling, 176 acres valuable timber, good 1 4-room house, good barn 44x113, silo 16x31, horse barn 24x60, running water In buildings, also gas lights, abundance of fruit, $ tenant houses, cheese fac tory, etc. Including hay, grain, straw. 27 head registered cows, bull, 1 year lings, ( calves, 6 horses, 4 hogs, 50 bens, sugar tools, farming equipment. To set tle estate. Easy terms. Free list El lis Bros., Sprlngvllle, N. T. Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLUY. Oregon, offers you a boms In the land of sunshine, where conditions ara right for raising alfalfa and cattle Andreas, Jordan Valley Farms, Boise. Idaho Texas Lands, The new Shattuck branch of the Santa Fa railroad will open for settlement and development a wheat and atock-farmlng aectlon In Northwest Texas near Okla homa state line. Thirty milea of rail road now completed. Land of a prairie character, ready for tha plow, no stone, stumps, nor brush to be cleared, at attractive prices on essy terms. Climate healthful, rain falls during growing season. Write for free Illustrated (old er giving expsrlence and results set tlers have secured In short time on small capital. T. C. Spearman, (50 Railway Exchange, Chicago. III. BRAZOS' VALLEY PLANTATION. 650 acrea rich, productive land 186 acres ready for cultivation. No. 1 for cotton, sugar cane, corn and potatoes, good drainage, 1ft miles from railway station, miles from oil well flowing 10,000 barrels dally; oil Indications Price $36 per acre or mineral right re served. $30 per acre, terms. Chas. Peter eon, 31 First National Bank Bldg.. Houston, lex 5c AN ACRE CASH Texas achool lands for sale by the State at $3 per acre; 5c per acre cash and no more for 40 years, but I per eent Interest. Send 6o postage for fur ther Information. Investor Publishing Co., Dept. 26. San Antonio, Texas. FOR SALE Picos valley Toxaa farm land In proven oil field. Big boom now on. salesman's opportunity. Ira J. Bell Broadwoll Bldg., Springfield, III Wisconsin Lands. FARM AND LANDS FOR SALE New Wisconsin corporation will finance worthy reliable farm seekers, with best clover land, house and employment. Money is least consideration. Write Box 178, Waukesha, Wisconsin. SEND FOR our big spring bargain list ot guaranteed Wisconsin stock and dairy farms on easy terms. Hardy & Ryan, Waukesha, Wisconsin. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farma. $60 pel a., Including paid up water right. Jeur r.evl C. M. Rylander. 54 Omaha a PINK BLUFFS, Wyoming, farma, good crops and water, $40 per acre. C V. Nelson. 61 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Miscellaneous. A BARGAIN 320 acres S ml. from Pine Bluff, Wyo. fenced, well improved, $70 per acre; $5,000 cash; good terms on balance. Title Includes 11 acres growing wheat, ' 4 horses, 15 cattle, grain, seed and complete line Implements; new Avery tractor, plows, dlso; possession given BuMect to prior sale. C. V. NELSON, 616 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. BEST FARM bargains in United States. Write for pictures of Improvements, descriptions of land, lowest prices, easy terms. Highly Improved farms, ioine with Implements, stock, crops, etc. Eastern, southern, western, northern and central states. Be the best In formed man. Information la knowledge, power, action, success. American Land Svstem. Box 78, Columbus, Neb. Center of U. S. BEST ALL-AROUND farming country in south; good land. $10 acrs up; no hills, rocks, malaria or negroes; fine climate, schools and markets, Blount A Cauble, Searcy, Ark. A SECTION OR half section; big bargain; best Canadian wheat land, Joins good town. C. E. Thomas, Brueo Webb Bldg., Tampa, Fla. FARM LANDS WANTED. WANT western Nebraska, about 10,000 acres; must cut 1,200 tons native hay; quote price, exact location, Improve ments. Nymich Exchange, 402A Symee, Denver, Colo. WANTED A lease to clear up timber land. What have yon? B. F. Chaney, Omaha. Neb..( gen'l. delivery. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. QUALITY CHICKS of egg-laying strains In order to place a better grade of poul try on our middle west farma ana ranches we are offering at cost day-old chicks hatched from eggs selected from producing flocks of our Poultry Exten sion Department Experts. Write today for particulars. M. C. Petera Mill Co., Omaha, Neb. Makera of Peters Quality Feeds for Poultry. DAY-OLD CHIX, BOOKING NOW For spring; delivered alive, prepaid, S. C. white and brown leghorns, 18c. Rose and single comb reds, barred and white rocks, 20a. Black Mlnorcas, 21c. Left overs, 16c. Edward Steiuhotf, Leon, Kan. ROSE-COMB RHODE ISLAND RED cock erels, $3 and $5; also eggs from birds ot superior quality, prlxe winners Omaha shows. W. O. Schorls, 480$ North 42d St. .Colfax 2823. HOW many baby chtcks did you lose last year? Pratta Baby Chick Food saves chicks, trouble and worry. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Bold by first class dealers everywhere. YOUR FOWLS need Pratta Poultry Regu lator now to produce mors agga and build up your brsedlng stock. Sold on money back guarantee by first class dealers everywhere. FOR SALE Plymouth Rocks or Reds, pullets and roosters, Douglas 274 Whit ney. Tyler 1081-J, TWO NEW INCUBATORS, dining room table, plush covered skirt box. Colfax 1990. BaRRED ROCK eggs tor batching. $1.25 per setting or $6 per hundred. Call South 2917. ROSE Comb Rhode Island red eggs for hatching. Baby ohlcks when ordered. Colfax 1041. FOR SALE Fancy pigeons; also white Leghorn cockerels. Benson 6R3-W. WHEAT screenings $2 25 per hundred A W Wagner. 801 N 16th St, Doug. 1142. WHITE ROCK HATCHING EGGS from Omaha show winners Benson 288 WHITE rock eggs, $1.60 per setting; also cockerels. Phone South J13. BARRED ROCK cockerels. Best quality. Ahlqulst Bros., Colfax 4356. PURE New Zealand Hare $3 pair H, B. Rounds. Oakland. Ia. - Horses Live Stock Vehicles. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Just think of this offer 50 seta of well made plain farm and concord har ness of all kinds at a saving of $25 on each and every set Also some used brewery and dray harness at a sacrifice. We have no high downtown rent to pay reason (or low price. Call at our resi dence, 2124 Lake St HARNESS. SADDLES and TRAVELING GOODS Ws make them ourselves and ssll them direct to consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods waen you can get high grade goods at first cost? ALFRED CORNISH A CO., Phone Doug 2314 1210 Fsrnam DON'T FORGET ths big horse an. mule auctions at stork yards stables next Wednesday. Expect a good run of choice farm mares, matched teams of faim chunks and on carload of farm mules Sals starts at 10 o'clock. L C Gallup. Aoctloneer 1.000 1-YEAR-OLD aieeis, Hereford breed Ing; $00 3-year-old, aame; heavily caked (ed roughness, April 15 delivery, at $110 and $60. T. H. Corkhlll, Jr., Dalhart, Texaa YOUNG COW FOR SALE Call Colfax lo. MONEY TO LOAN. Organised by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notea as secui Ity. $40 mo., H. goods, totsl, IS 10 PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 4S2 Security Bldg . 16th A Fsrnam. Ty LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND 1 LIBERTY BONDS Ofw 2 1 W C. FLATAU. EST 181 .0 TH FLR. SECURITY BLDG.. TY 5 Lowest rstes. Private loan booths. Barry Maleabock, 1614 Todgc, D 661 Est 1811 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. COMMERCIAL GUIDE. Automobile. U'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. 10th and How ary Doug $500 ord cars and repair. Authorised agents for Ford cars. m'intItrIs'h ay ward" motor CO.. 2427 Farnam. Douglaa 240$. Steams-Knight and Regal car. AMERICAN STATE BANK. 18th and Far nam. Wead Block Phone Tylir (0. Auto Repairs. AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS. 110 I. 11th. D. 4831 Automlle work. eyL bor ing, pistons fitted, auto parts made to order. Auto Painting. ROKSSIG, W F.. 144 8 40th. Bar. 144 We make old autos look like new ones BEHTSCHY MFG. A ElNEErUNGCO d E Cor 20th and Harney Sts, old parts made new. new parts msde. ten. D. 2661 Auto Tires. tWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO.. 161 Davenport St Douglas 214. Auto Tops and Trimmings. ENGLISH, THOS F.. 231 Harney Doug las 1781 Satisfaction guaranteed. Ths best Is none too good. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY. "THE ONLY WAY." Telephone Doug. 295. I4th and Jackson. Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY, 2Sth Ave. and Sahler St Colfax 88. Attorneys. F-IBHER, 11.. 1418 First Nat Bank Bldg. D. 196 Attorney and counsellor at law GRAY A BRUM BAUGH. $1 314 Oma ha Nat Bank Bldg Red 316? General prac tice In state and federal courts. FORD TRANSFERCO. 817 Douglas St. Tyler t "Always at your service.'' Butter (Wholesale). ALFALFA BUTTER CO., 120-24 N lltb st. Doug 3!ini w W Richardson. Pres Biscuit Manufacturers. ITEN BISCUIT CO.. Capitol Ave.. 12tb to lltb St. Doug 2123 Snow White bakery Mfrs of crackers, cakee and cookies. Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE WILLIAMS" MOUNT CO., 23d and Hickory. D. 1043. Mfrs. of boilers, tanks, smokestacks; oxy-scetyiene weld Cash Registers. MOHRIL CASH AND CREDIT REGI8 ISTER'CO.. 219-221 City Nst'l Bank Bldg Douglas 4403 E. W Hart. Pres Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle work guaranteed. Miss Allender. 624 Hee Bldg. Hardware. 4'KTKKSON A MICHBLSON HARDWARE CO. THE. 4916-18 S 24tb St.. South Nide Phone South 171 Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. 19th and Nicholas. J L. Baker. Pres. Chiropractors. 10TH YEAR IN OMAHA; fired out of Continental Blk.; new location, 494-49 Brandela Th. Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpen ter D. 6381. Dry Goods (Wholesale). BYRNE A HAMMER DRY GOODS CO.. 6th and Howard Sts. Douglas 206, Cloaks, suits, ladles' and men's furnishings, art goods, millinery and draperies; all kinds of fancy and staple Dry Goods. Electrical Goods. LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 318 S. 12th. Douglas 217. Largest elec trical repair works and contracting com pany In the middle west. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising HENNINOoON ENGINEERING Company 12th and Harney streets, Douglaa $229. Skilled municipal lmprovem nt en gineers, sewer, paving, electric light, waterworks, appraisals, reports. ANDERSON A BENNETT, 14 Bee Bldg Douglas 1430. Hosting, . Jtilatlng and power plants. Engineers and draftsmen. Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAX TON-MITCH ELL CO., 2614 Martha st Harney lOl. Machine, gray iron. bras, bronze snd aluminum castings. OLSEN A SCH LINGER, 1407 Jackson. D. 7491. Brass, bronie and aluminum cast ' ins. Hospitals. FORD HOSPITAL, 20th and Douglas Sts. Douglas 240. In charge of Dr. Michael J. Ford, surgeon-in-chief. Th most com plete hospital in the west. Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO., McCague Blk., 16th and Dodge. Douglas 654. Wholesale and retail Ice. Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BROS., 126 Exchange Bldg.. Omaha. Stockers A feeders our specialty Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO., Douglas 6626 1614 Cuming St Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter nat'l Patent Co., 683 Brandela. D. 6691 Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO., THE 307-30 8.. 17th Douglas 806. Offlcs. typewriter, architects' and engineers' supplies. Loose-leaf devices. Printers' Supplies. BARNHART BROS. A SPINDLER 1114 Howard St Douglas 107. Printers supplies Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA A IOWA STEEL TANK CO., 1301 Willlas Ave, Webster 171. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO., 108-10-12 S. 10th St. Douglaa 602 Skylights, steel ceilings and galvanised sheets. Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAM'S DRESS PLEATING. HEMSTITCHING AND BUTTON CO., D $109 Rms 836-37 Paxton Blk., Id floor CAMPBELL, DR S M. Physician and Surgeon, 1804 Farnam St Douglaa 122 School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO.. 1108-12 Ntcbolas St. Douglas Kit. "Everything for schools." DOUGLAS PRINTING CO.. 109-11 N 18th Douglas 644 Fine commercial printing EDDY PRINTING CO., 322 Bes Bldg. Douglas 8647 Fine commercial printing Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO South 2340 ' South Omaha. Paints, Oils and Glass, BARKER BROS PAINT CO.. Doug. 4760 16H9H Farnam 8t Printers. OMAHA PRINTING CO., 12th and Far nam. Douglas 84 Printing, stationery and office furniture. Undertakers. HULSE A RISPEN. 701 S. 16th, D. 122. Undertakers and embalmers Personal attention given to all calls and funerals HEAFEY A HEAFEY. 2611 Farnam Har ney 266 Undertakers snd emnalmera. CROSBY WILLIS C. 2611-13 N 34th St Phone Webster 47. Council Bluffs Directory. Coal and Ice. Phone 2860 Caterers to heat and cold PROOR BT.F.VATOR CO. Pearl St New York Coffee. New York. Mar. Tha market for oof fee futures showed renewed steadiness to day on moderate buying by houses with Wall Street and New Orleans oonnectlona The opening was 4 to 5 points higher, but there was enough realising to check the advance around 14.60c for July, and lS.96c for December, and the market showed lit tle further Changs, closing 4 to 7 points net higher. There were exchanges of May for December at 130 to 131 points and of July for December at 66 points. Closing bids: May. 16.25c; July, 14.68c; Septem ber. 14.23c; October, 14.14c ; December, 13 (6c; January, 11.90c; March, 13.90a. Spot coffee, quiet; Rio 7s, 15ic; Santos 4s. 21 Mo. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, March I. Turpentine Firm; $4c; sales, 64 bbla. ; receipts, 77 bbls.; ship ments, 281 bbla; stock, 26,46 bbla Rosin Nominal; sales, none; receipts, 104 bbls.; shipments, 140 bbls.; stock 66, 47 bbls. Quote: B. 113.10; D, E, $13.16; F, $13.25; H, $13.30; I, $13 65; K, $15.76: M, $16.15; N, WQ, $1130; WO, $16.75. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City. Mo., ' March I. Butter, Egga and Poultry Unchanged. . Unseed, Duluth, Minn., March , Linseed $3.7 Market and LIVE STOCK Oman's, March 1, Cattle. Hogs. 11. Receipts were: Official Monday .. Official Tuesday . Official Wednesday Official Thuraday Official Friday .. Estimate Saturday Sheep. 8,373 12.533 8.240 (.894 3.562 '$8, Vol 46.347 10,003 40,676 77.87 .... 6,77 16,821 11.966 11.452 7.164 $.263 4.791 $.497 12. 661 12,381 250 14.000 Six days this week. IS, m 101,482 Same days laat week. 29.120 101.714 Same two wks. ago.. 83, 467 99,106 Same three wks. ago. 87, 093 88.38 Same a year ago. ,. .36,669 10,96$ Receipts and disposition of live stock at tha Union Stock Yards. Omaha. Neb., tor twenty-four hours ending at $ o'clock p. m.. March 8, 1919. RECEIPTS CARS. Hrs. A Cattle. Hogs. Mules. Union Pacific ( 55 1 C. A N. W., east... 6 C. A N. W., west.... 4 83 C, St. P.. M A O.... 1 28 C, B, A Q , east 1 C, B. A Q , west 3 28 C, R. I. A P., eaet....y I C, R. I. A P., west.. .. Total receipts 17 211 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Hogn. 1,67 . 3.SS3 . 8,969 , 7.08C . 1.253 . 3,231 Morris A Co Swift A Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Schwarti A Co .1. W. Murphy Total 15,095 Cattle Only nine loads of cattle were reported this morning, estimated at 25a head. Supplies for tha week was soiuo 3,000 short of last welt and nearly lO.uuo short of the corresponding week last year. Best beof steers are strong to a quarter higher this week but plain, medium warmed up grades that much lower. Butcher stock was unevenly steady to 2615 50o lower. Stockers and feeders were steady to a quarter lower on a very light supply. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $17.60)18.75; fair to good beeves, $15. 25 17.25; common to fair beeves. $13.75(15.00; good to choice yearlings, $14. 75(17. 25; fair to good yearlings, $12.50 14.60; common to fair yearliiiRs, $9 00 12.25 good to choice heifers, $12.76 Jj.15. 00; prime cows, $12.5014.60; good to choice cows, $10.25(12.00: fair to good cows, $9.0010.00; common to fair cowb, $5.76 7.60; choice to prime feeders, $14.00ft 15,75; good to choice feeders, $11.50) 13.75; medium to good feeders, $10.6iiffc 11.60; good to choice stockers, $10.00 12.00; fair to good stockers, $9. 00 in 10.00; common to fair stockers, $7.008.50; stork heifers, $7.008.60 stock cows, $6.76(97.50; stock calves, lS.00ffll.5i); veal calves. $8.0014.00; bulls, stags, etc., $9.25 12.00. Hogs There was a good sized run on hogs for a Saturday, 200 loads, estimated at 14,000 head, the largeat receipts at any of the five markets. Trade was rather erratic and unevenly higher, shipper buy ers were active purchasers this morning, making strong competitors for the good light and butcher weight hogs at pricea that were generally 25o and possibly more higher than yesterday. The packer market opened with a few sales 1020c higher, the market gradually grew atronger until sales were reported fully 30 40c higher than yesterday. Ths general market was from 1635c higher with bulk of sales from $17.40 17.90, quite a few at even money and tops at $18.10. There has been a broad demand all week and the market has gradually de veloped strength from day to day until It closes at the high time of the week with prices fully 4060o higher than last Saturday. Sheep There were no aheep-here Satur day, the run for the week amounting to 38,60 head. The first half of the week was by far the beat In the sheep bsrn, prices recording sharp advances Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday's market opened fully steady at the high point but soon breaking and the latter half of the work trade has been slow and dull with a gradu al weakening In values, prices on the cIobc being 95 60c lower than the best time of the week but at that fully 26 35c high er than last week's close. Handy weight lambs are quotable from $18.75 19.00, with heavies down to $18.35. The sheep market has been fairly ac tive, ewes selling at ths highest point of tha week on Wednesday, making a top of $13.40, Not so much of a decline was shown on sheep on the closs as on fat lambs. Ewes being quotable from $12.00 13.0. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, $18,713)19.00; lambs, fair to good, $18.35018.86; lamb, feeders, $16.60 17.75; yearlings good to choice, $16 603) 17.00; wethers, fst, $13 00 (3 14.50; 'es, good to. choice, $12.75011.15; ewes, fair to good, $12.00311.76; owe feeders, $7.0 418.60. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. March S. (U. S. Bureau of Marketa) Cattle Receipts, 1,000 head; compared with a week ago, good and choice beef steers and butcher cattle, steady; others unevenly 25 to 60 cents lower: cannerB, 60 cents lower; deslrabls feed ers, steady to strong; light stockers, 26 cents lower; calvea, 60 to 76 cents higher. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 head; market 25 to 40 cents higher than yesterday's aver age; bulk of sales, $18.6518.90; butchers, I18.758.65; light, $18.2518.86; packing, $17. 76g 18.75; throwouta, $17.00 17.76: pigs, good to choice, $16.26(917.75. Sheep Receipts, 1,000 head; compared with a week ago, market mostly 60 to 75 cents higher. Eansas City Live Stock, Kansas City, Mo., March i. Cattle Re ceipts, 600 head; market ateady; steers, $18.001.00; western, $12.0017.00; cows, $8.6014.60; heifers, $3.5014.60; stockers. $12.0016.60; calves, $10.0019 14.00. Hogs Receipts, 800 hesd; market steady; heavy, $17.B0 18.26 ; butchers, $17.601S.15; lights, $17.3013)17.80; pigs, $12.00(316.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 60 head; market steady; lambs, $18.76(3)19.00: year lings, $15.00917.60: wethers, $13.50 14.60; ewes, $12.001913.00. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, March $. Receipts, 1,200 head; market ateady; beef steers, $11.60 16.26; fat cows and heifers. $7.50313.00 canners, $(.60g7.00; atockers and feeders 18. 60(5 13.60; feeding cows and heifers, $6.76 68.26. Hogs Receipts, 8.O0O head; market 16c higher; light, $17.25117.50: mixed, $17.40 $17.75; heavy, $17.50(917.90; bulk of sales, $17.40(917.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 500 head; market steady. St. Joseph Live Stock. St Joseph, Mo., March 8. Cattle Re ceipts, 100 head; market strong, steers, $11.80(911.00; cows and belters, $6,603) 15.00; calves, $6.00 14.00. Hogs Receipts, 8,200 hesd; market 10 to It cents higher; top, $18.30; bulk of sales, $17.85018.20. , Sheep and Lsmbs Receipts, 400 head market steady; lambs, $17.60 19.60; ewes, $11.60(911.60. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, March I. Corn dropped sharply In value today as a result of a government report showing farm reserves to be larger than had been looked for. On ths setback, however, a good demand developed owing to assertions that the government report did not alter the fact that there was an acute shortage of corn In the hog states. Rallies were fostered, too, by knowledge that there were no stocks hers available (or delivery, and little prospscts of any accumulation. Opening prices, which ranged from IK to 340 lower, with May $1.32 to $1.33, and July. $1.2614 to $1.28, were followed oy reactions which wiped out much of the Initial decline. Oats weakened with corn and on the bearish showing of farm reserves of oata. After opening o to 24c lower, with May (11 to 6 Hie, ths market recovered somo what Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bes by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain,M lit Gnlk ai.,An.,k . . , ha: - Art. Open High. Low, IClose. Yes'y" Corn I I Mar l.SI 1.40 1.17; 1.3 1.4 Jay l.SI 1.13H 1.301, 1.32, 1.34'A J'ly 1.2 1.2314. 1.25V 1.26 1.29 V Oats Mar .91 .61H .69 .69 .61 H May .624 , .!! 0 .61 ,3H J'ly .61141 ! VI . .01a -2 Pork i ' May 41.10 141.1 142. TS 43.00 42.1 J'ly 19.40 4.0t 139.60 31.06 Lard I I May H.10 2 12 2.10 IS6.1S 25.60 J'ly 36.4? 26.47 125.40 25.47 24.97 Ribs f May 2I.7T ll.IT 11.77 i$.7T 11.17 J'ly 21.5 22.60 22.87 122.17 22.01 Industrial News of the Day FINANCIAL New York, March 1. Ths brief session of th stock market today was charac terized by extraordinary activity and fur ther bullish enthusiasm which lifted many Issuea to top levels of tha year, with hers and there aome actual new high records. Among the Influences which gave (reah stimulus to the sdvancs was the report that ths administration had ordered an other poatponement In the pending anti trust litigation. Indications that the rail roads would soon be provided with (unds was another hopeful factor. There was a noticeable Increase of out side interest In the market which center ed largely In steels, equipments and ship pings, rails falling to fulfill their early promise of strength. United States Steel contributed almost one-fifth to th day's business at an ex treme advance of-lH points to 97, but affiliated stocks, particularly Midvale, Bethlehem, Crucible and Lackawanna Steels and Baldwin Locomotive gained 2 to i points. Marine preferred yielded part of Ita 3-polnt Han, but other alilpplntis, Including American International,- Atlantic Gulf and United Fruit, were less susceptible to realizing. Sugars, fertilizers, coppers, and utilities helped to swell tho advance, but motors, oils and tobaccos were irregular. Last week's large actual loan expansion of clearing house banks was materially reduced today, excess reserves showing a further moderate gain. Liberty bonds held steady, other domes tic Issues were firm and foreign flotations made slight gains. Total sales? par value, aggregated $6,350,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call during the week. Number ot sales and quotations on lead ing stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar 1,2.10 70 7414 74 American Can .. 11.000 48 4714 4814 Am, Car A F'dry 1,600 93 9214 3t Ain. Locomotive 10,500 68 6714 Am. Smelt A Ket 8,300 70 69 70 Am Sugar Ref. 700 119 11 11 Am. Tel. A Tel. 700 105 10 106 Anaconda Copper ,60 61 61 6 Atchison 200 93 92 2 AGAWISSL 8,800 10 107 10 Halt. A Ohio 1,100 48 47 48 H. A 8. Copper.. 300 19 19 1 California Pet... 700 27 27 27 Canadian Plciflc. 400 163 162 163 Central Leather . 3,200 6S 68 68 Ches. & Ohio .. 900 59 58 58 C. M. Z S. P... 1,900 37 86 37 C. It. I. A P. ctfs. 1,200 25 24 24(4 Cliino Copper .. 2.300 34 34 34 Chino Copper ... 2,300 34 34 34 Col. Fuel & Iron. 1,400 41 40 40 Corn Prod. Ref... 4,900 4S 47 48 Crucible Steel ... 13.600 05 63 60 Cuba Cane Sugar 6.500 24 23 21 Distiller's Secur.. 4,30 61 60 61 Erie 2,20 17 17 17 General Electric 165 General Motors . 8,600 167 155 156 O. North. O. ctfs. 5,000 40 39 40 Illinois Central .. - 99 Inspiration Cop... 9,600 48 47 47 Int. Mer. M. pfd.. 37,700 108 107 108 In. Nickel 6.900 26 25 26 In. Paper 5,000 48 47 48 Kan. City South. 200 19 19 19 Ken. Copper 4,100 31 30 31 L. A Nash 113 Maxwell .Motors . 900 36 36 36 Mexican Pt 12,10 184 111 183 Miami Copper ... 1,100 23 23 23 Missouri Pacific 4 2,200 24 24 24 Montana Power.. 300 76 76 76 Nevada Copper . 200 16 16 16 New York Cen... 1,300 75 7 75 N. Y. N. H. A H. 13,700 34 32 32 Nor. A West. 200 104 104 104 Northern Pacific 300 93 93 93 Pacific Matl .... 200 33 S3 33 Pennsylvania ... 900 44 44 44 Pittsburg Coal ... 1.200 48 48 4 Ray. Con. Copper 3.400 19 19 19 Reading- 7,600 84 84 84 Rep. Iron A Steel (.300 81 79 81 Shat. Ariz. Cop.. 600 10 10 10 Southern Paoiflc. 12,600 103 102 103 Southern Railway 2,000 29 29 29 Studebaker Cor. 1,200 61 69 61 Texaa Co 1,10 193 193 193 Union Paclfto ... 6,700 131 130 130 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 7,300 121 120 120 U. S. Steel 101,500 97 95 97 U. S. Steel, pfd 114 Utah Copper .... 6,300 73 70 82 Westlng'use Elec. 2,70 45 45 45 Total sales for the day 100,000 shares. Local Stocks and Bonds. Quotations furnished by Burns. Brlnker A Co., 449 Omaha National Bank building: STOCKS. t Burgess-Nash 7 P. c pfd 10 .... Cudahy Packing) pfd 10 10! Deere A Co. pfd 94 96 Gooch Food Prod. pfd. bonus. 99 100 Gooch Food Prod, com 60 77 Harding Cream 7 p. a pfd.. 100 13 Lincoln T. A T. com. 7 p. c. 95 98 Om. A C. B. SL Ry. pfd 53 Om. A C. B. St. Ry. common, .. 85 Om. A C. B. Ry. A Bd. pfd. .. 55 Orchard A Wilhelm 7 p c pfd.100 101 Union Stock Yds. Om 10 101 Un. P. A Lt 7 p. c. pfd 98 100 BONDS. Brunswick-Balks (a (1923).. 97 (8 Chi., R. I. A P. 6s (1922) 98 98 Colum. Lt Ht. A P. 6s (1924). 9$ 9 Canada 6s (1937) 96 96 Cudahy Pkg. 6s (1946) 92 94 Iowa Portland Cement 6s.... 98 10 Lincoln Joint Stock Land 6s. 101 101 Louisiana 6s 99 100 Morrla A Co. 4s (1938) 85 66 Nebraska' City 6s (1919) 99 100 Pugot So'd. T. L. P. 7s (1921) 97 99 Om. Athletic Club 6s (1921-32) .. 100 Om. A C. B. St Ry. 6s (1928). 78 81 Omaha Sewer 5s (1939) 101 103 Swift A Co. 6s, Aug. (1921).. 99 99 Swift A Co. 5s (1944) 96 96 Southern Ry. 6s (1922) 98 99 New York Bonds. TJ. S. 2s, reg.. 97Gt. N. 1st 4s.. 86 V. S. 2s, coup. 97 I. C. ref. 4s.. 81 11. 8. 3s, reg.. 89 Int 41. M. 6s ..99 U. S. 8s, coup. 89 "K C 8 ret 8s 83 U. S Lib. fis 98.52L. A N. un. 4s 84 !'. S. 4a. reg..l04M K A T 1st 4s 66 U, S. 4s, coup. 104 M Pac gen 4s.. 61 Am F Sec 5s 99 11-16 Mont Power Es 91 Am T A T 0 Es 90 N Y Cen deb 6s 98 Anglo-French 6s 97N. Paclfio 4a... 81 Arm. & Co. 4 Its 88 N. Paclfio 3s.. 68 Atchison gen. 4s 820. S. L. ref. 4s 85 B. A O. cv. 4s 77'Pao. T. A T. 6s 92 Beth Steel r 5s 89Penn. con. 4s 95 Cen. Leather 6s 96'Penn. gen. 4s 8 Cen. Pac. 1st.. 74 Reading gen. 4a 84 C A O cv. 6s.. 85 S L A S F a 6s 65 C B A CJ joint 4s 95S. Pacific cv. 6s 104 C M A 8 P o 4 79 S. Railway 6a.. 94 C R I A P r 4s 72"T. A P. 1st.. 90 CAS ref 4s 78 Union Paclfio 4a 8 D A R O ref 6a 49 U. S. Rubber 6s 86 D of C 6s (1931) 97U. S. Steel 6s. .100 Erie gen. 4s.. 54 'Wabash 1st .. 94 Gen. Eleo. 5s.... 99 French 5s 105 3-16 BidOffered. New York Money. I New York, March 8. Mercantile Paper -Unchanged. Sterling Unchanged. Flrancs Demand, 16.48; cables, $5.47. Guilders Demand, 41c; cables, 41c. Lire Unchanged. Mexican Dollars Unchanged. New York Cotton. New York. March 8. Cotton futures closed firm; March, old, 23.60c; May, new, 22.76c; old, 22.46c; July, new, 21.82c; old. 21.75c; October, new, 20.65c; old, 20.33c; December, new, 20.23c; old, 20.12c. New York, March 8. Cotton Spot steady; middling, 26.75c. New York Coffee. New York, March $. Coffee Rio No. 7. !5c; futures, steady; July, 14.58o. imiunu ozfudiU, GRAIN MARKET Omaha. March 1. 191. Recslpts of grain today ware light, though slightly larger than last Saturday. Arrivals were 29 cars of wheat, 36 cars ot corn, 11 cars of oata, no rys and 4 cars or barley. There was a fair demand (or corn, with prices ranging unchanged to 1 cents off. Oood grades of yellow were aoout uncnangea, while white and mix ad of this kind were generally lower. The tables were about all cleaned up at the Close. Oats wsra to 1 eent off. This cereal had a slow sals and considerable wss carried over. Rys was unchanged to 1 cent lower and barley nominally firm. Milling grades ot wheat were about 1 cents up, while the rest' was unchanged. OMAHA FUTURES MAR KET A"rt. I Open. High. Low Close. Yest'y Corn I 1 I I Mar. 1 38 Ill 1.$? May 1.14 1.34 1.14 July 1.29 1.2 1.29 Oats Mar. .60 , 60 .6 May .61 61 ,61 July .60 :o ,0 OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts Todsy Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wheat 39 22 Corn 3 96 07 oats 31 24 16 Ry .. 1 Barley 4 17 Shipments Wheat Corn 47 35 174 Oats 31 2$ 26 Rye .. .. 4 Barley 6 2 1 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS Wheat. Com. Oata Chicago 23 68 Kansas City 25 21 17 St. Louis 34 6! 48 Minneapolis $04 ., .. Dululh 1 Winnipeg Corn No. I whits: 1 car, (old). No. 1 white: 1 csr, $1.15; I cars. $1 14; 1 cars, $1.$$. No. 4 white: 1 car, 11.13 (old); 1 car, $1.80; $ cars, $1.1. No. white: 1 car, $1.2 (dry); 1 car, $1.28. No. white: 1 car, $1.2. Sample white: 1 car, $1.35 (dry). No. t yellow: 1 car, $1.40 (old): 1 car, $1.88; 3 cars, $1.88. No. 4 yellow: t cars, $1.36; I cars, $1 15 No. t yellow; 1 cars. $1.80. Sampls yel low: 1 car, $1.14. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.35; 1 car, $114 (near white); I cars, $1.34. No. 4 mixed: I cars, $1.14; 1 car, 11.33: 8 cars, $1.32; 1 car, $1.10. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.28; 2 cara, $1.17; 1 car, $1.26. No. mixed: 1 car, $1.$$ (old). Sample mixed: 3-5 car, $1.20. Oats No. 3 white: 2 cars, 90o; 1 car, 60o (shippers' weights); 1 car, 6O0, No. 4 white: 1 car, tOc. Sampls white: 1 ear, 60c Rye No. 2: 2 cars, $1.1. No. I: 1 car, $1.35. Wheat No. t hard: 1 ear, $210. No. 3 hard: 1 car, $2.21; i cara, $3.2; 1 ear, $2.25 (smutty), Sampls hard: 1 car, $2.26. No. I northern spring: 1 car, $2.25; cara, $2.22 (smutty); 1-6 ear, $2.12 (smutty). No. 4 spring: 1 ear, $3.17 (northern); 1 car, $2.07 (smutty). Sample spring: 1 csr, $2.05 (frosted.) No. I mixed: 1 car, $2.29. Ns. I mixed: 1 car, $2.1 (smutty); 1 car, $1.07. d, . ,k7;lfgcmfwyp LOANS on RESIDENCES Low Semi-Annual Interest HOME-OWNER LOANS Up to 60 on resi dence les than f ivo year old. Monthly Payment. J-4- .fT- :.,J.raJf(ts)g, J INVESTMENT SECURITIES LIBERTY BONDS Bought and Sold Mack's Bond House 1421 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 3644 United States Ownership by United State 1612 Farnam Street VI. if Income Tax Exemption The advantages of haying income which is exempt faom Fed. eral Income Tax should be obvious to everyone who ha made their 1918 Income Tax return. Ak for our list of bond investment exempt from Federal Income Taxation. Liberty Bonds. Don't eell tem unlet it i necetiary. If you mint ell, deliver or transmit them by registered mail to u and we will pay you prevailing New York price and accrued interest, let a nominal handling charge bated upon the amount of bond (old. First Trust Company of Omaha Firet National Bank Building. Bond Department. C. J. THORSON, Manager. 3tnance &jitem (Sfficteney 32efJume3yler3C66 Dry Goods. New York. March $ Cotton good and yarns today were steadier with trade quiet Linens were held very firm. Knit goods were sold In moderate lots for fall delivery with some Increase reported In the spot Inquiry. Burlaps wars qulst anij Ilka unsettled. Omaha Hay Market, Receipts light on both prairie tray and alfalfa. Demand good. . It has caused tha market to go higher on botb prairie hay and alfalfa Choice upland pralrts hay. $2$.; No. 1. $26.60 to $27.60; No. I. $14.00 to $21.00; No. t, $18. to 121.00. Increase Bank Reaerra, New York, March 1. The actual con dition of clearing house banks and trust companies for ths week shows that they hold $49,911,47 reserve In excess of legal requirements. This Is an lncrsass of $1,711,610 from last week. UPDIKE Ws Specialise la th Careful Handling of Order al Grains and Provisions Future Delivery All Important Markets We Ara Members alt Chicago Board of Trads Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce St. Louis Merrhents Exehsng Kansaa City Hoard of Trada Sioux City Board of Trad Omaha rein Exchange Ws Operate Offices at l Omaha, Neb. Sioux City, la. Lincoln, Neb, Atlantic, la. Hastings, Neb. Hamburg, la. Holdrege, Neb, Des Moines, Ia. Geneva, Neb. Milwaukee, Wis, Chicago, I1L and all of these offices ara con nected wtih each other by private wires. Ws Solicit Your Pstroneg. The Updike Grain Company Grain Exchange Building, Omaha, Nab. P. S. Cash Consignment Solicited HOW TO GET WEALTH HURDLE YOUR OM r.SSEl a Guaranteed Proposition on safe eon- servativs legitimate plan, by which you gel in on the ground with us, and make money ; even without investing. No Stock Proposition Wa own mora proven oil lease than wt can ever develop ourselves. It will pay every investor small and large to write tor Information. P. O. Box 450, Kansa City, Mo. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE OIL BUSINESS 12-Page Cooklet Furnishing Fact and Information About ths Oil Business. Oil Terms Explained; Value of an Oil Well; Flush Production: Ara Oil Stocks a Speculation? What should be earned to make Stocks Worth Par, ate, ete.T This Interesting Booklet and Map of Mid Continent Oil Fields in Colors sent FREE on renuext without obligation. CURRIER AND COMPANY, 685 Republic Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. DIVIDEND OIL STOCK. Ws offer at par in blocks of $10.00 stock paying good monthly dividends, with prospects for extra dividends. We recom mend this as a safe investment and invite inquiries and close investigation. Proceeds of sale of stock to be used ia further development. GUARANTY TRUST CO., Agts, 937 American Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City. $10 STOCK OPTIONS $20 Most satisfactory all methods speculation. Loss limited to small cost option, V PROFITS UNLIMITED Special letter 105 explains fully. RANDOLPH ROSE Available for You our facilities and exper ienced judgment as execu tor, guardian, administrator or trustee. Trust Company stockholders of National Bank Omaha, Nebraska i! f ' i