Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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For Cod hath marked each sorrowing day,
And numbered every secret tear;
And heaven's long age of bliss shall pay
For all His children suffer hers.
la alt the affair of human life, social a well as
political, I have remarked that courtesies ol a small
and trivial character art the one which atria deep
est to the grateful and appreciating heart.
Mendelssohn's Wedding
March Greets Miss r
; Howland at Parties
Zlendeissohn and his wedding
march, how many young hearts has
the famous composer set in tune
with his immortal notes! The brides
and their charming attendants en
deavor to keep in perfect step with
the dulcet tones of the organ and
if practice makes perfect in this en
Omaha's Foremost
New Suit
Spring's Smartest at
Ultra Modest Prices
MONPLACE who demand
CHIC THINGS in the way of apparel-
top your shopping list.'
You 11 always find here those things
distinctive that emphasize the axiom that
in feminine apparel chic is synonymous with
charm and at a PRICE LESS no doubt
than you had expected to pay. SEEING IS
New Spring Suits and Capes
24.75, 29.75, 34.75 to 69.00
Values 35.00 to 85.00.
New Spring Frocks
19.90, 24.75, 27.75 to 49.50
Values 25.00 to 65.00.'
Thome's, West
17 L
fT-Jr&jiAa ffilikl Mil TUSJ 1 LIB, J?ri w C
mar w iii v m m w w vb wt mm m mm mm. v mm. m " i Bt.a
Prices Will Never Be Lower For Months to Come
Drugs and Sundries
20c Pears' Unscented Soap
$2.00 American Alarm
Clocks $1.30
DeMar's Benzoin and Al-
mond Lotion 50
15c Sterna Heat 10
25 cases Favorite Crepe
Toilet Paper, 8 a roll;
14 for $1.0087.00
for case of 100 rolls.
$3.75 Horlick's Hospital
size Malted Milk $2.90
25o Herpicide Soap 16
25c Half ina Soap 16
20c Pears' Unscented Gly
cerine Soap 14
30c Woodbury's Facial
Soap at , . .23
60c Lavoris 48
60c Listerine at. .38
25c Nail Files..' 12
$1.40 2-qt. Wellington Hot
Water Bottles at OS
2oc Large Turkish Wash
Cloths at 12
50c Hay's Hair Health... 23
60c 8-P Capsules...... 29
35c Castoria for 24
60c Orazin Tooth Paste. .34
$1.00 Nuxated Iron 89
15th and Farnanr -
Hosiery Special
Regular $1.00 "Onyx" Ladies
lose in all colors and sizes, special
Tor Saturday, 59c.
Julius Orkin,
1503-10 Douglas.
SuddyCheeks SparklingEyes
Most Women Can Have
Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known
Ohio Physician
Dr.F.M. Edwards for 17 years treated
tcores of women for liver and bowel ail
ments. During these years he gave to
his patients a prescription made of a
few well-known vegetable ingredients
tnted with olive oil, naming them
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. You will
1 know them by their olive color.
. These tablets are wonder-workers on
the liver and bowels, which cause a
normal action, carrying oil the waste
and poisonous matter in one's system.
If you have a pale face, sallow look,
& u 11 eyes, pimples, coated tongue, head
aches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out
of sorts, inactive bowels, you take one of
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for
a time and note the pleasicg results.
Thousands of women as well as men
take Dr. Edward's Olive Tablets the
auecessf ul substitute for calomel now
and then just tokeepinthepinkof condi
fcjo. 10c and 25c per box. AUdrugsista
deavor as in all others Miss Marjorie
Howland, who will be a March
bride, will accomplish the feat with
out difficulty.
When Mr. and Mrs. Will Wood
entertained Wednesday evening at
the Athletic club for Miss Howland
and her fiance, Mr. Richard Payne,
the orchestra played the first lilting
notes of the wedding march just as
the party entered the dining-room.
The honorees were not at all abash
ed by the special attention, Miss
Howland blushed very prettily and
the partyseated themselves at the
flower laden table amid gales of
Fashion Shop ESSI
the SMART,
.mi n
of City Hall
Drugs and Sundries
$1.25 Pint Imported Olive
Oil for . 69
25c Nature's Remedy Tab
lets for 16
25c Beeeham's Pills 17
25c DeWitt's Cold Tablets
for 19
8 5c 2-oz. Bottle Fluid Cas
cara Aromatic 23
$1.00 Pinaud's Lilas Veg
etal for . . . . .69
30c Putnam Dry Cleaner. .19
10c La Flor De Intal
Special, 5 for 25
7c Little Chancellors Spe
cial, 5 for. .25
Mosher's Guarantee Spe
cial 5 for ...25
15c Mozart, Magic 9
Edison Mazda'
,10 to 50-Watt Mazda ' 6
Lamps, for --35
60-Watt Mazda Lamps. . . .40
We carry a stock of all
lamps, up to 500-watt.
Wraps $ .
af 3
Furs At Cost
Saturday we will close out the
remainder of our furs at actual cost.
Do not delay, but come early.
Julius Orkin,
150S-151O Douglas
A Word With Yen
About Year Skin
HY not make Cuti
cura Soap your
every day toilet
soap, assisted by
Cuticura Ointment
and Cuticura Tal
cum, now and then
a needed, andhava
in meat cues a
dear fresh complexion, a clean scalp
free from dandruff and itching, good
hair, soft white hands and a wholesome
skin free from blemish, without resort
ing to tiresome, expensive, "beauty"
fads? Cuticura costs little and does
much. Sample each free by mail of
"Cuticura, Dpt. G, Boston." Sold
everywhere, price 25 cents each.
BCafeuTa Talcum Powder
Do not 'fail to test the fascinating fra
grance of this exquisitely scented face,
baby, dusting and skin perfuming pow
der, delicate, delightful, distingue, it
imparts to the person a charm incom
parable and peculiar to itself.
Mrs. W. J. Hynes has returned
from California.
Mr. and -Mrs. E. M. Myers are in
Tampa. Fla.
Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Mack have re
turned from California.
Dr. J. K. Muldoon has recently
purchased the home of Dr. F. S.
Mrs. J. E. House, of Omaha, re
turned Friday from.a two week's
visit in Excelsior Springs.
A baby boy was bom Friday
morning to Mr. and Mrs. P. E.
McGovern, 3921 South 26th street.
Captain and Mrs. Howard White
are planning to leave for the south
in about a month, as Captain White
lias been released from military
duty. .
For Bride-To-Be.
One of the prettiest parties of the
week was the luncheon given by
Miss Margaret Gamble Friday at
the Athletic club, when Miss Mar
jorie' Howland was honor guest.
The centerpieces for the small
tables were most artistic. At first
glance they resembled a mound of
roses and violets but when each
guest pulled the ribbon streamers
at her plate she found a lovely cor
sage bouquet. ,
The guests included:
Misses Misses
Helen Kaatman.
Hazel Peterson.
Marlon Weller.
Carlta O'Brien.
Eleanor Austin.
Ed. P. Boyer.
Will Wood.
GeorgeH. Payne.
J. A. Henske.
H. M. MeClanahan.
E. H. Howland.
Adelyn Wood.
Evelyn Ledwich.
Beatrice Johnson.
Ueraldlne Johnson.
Frank Selby.
J. J. HanlRhen, Jr.
Clarence Sibbernsen.
A. R. Bush.
Alexander Loomls.
W. L. Selby.
For Bride Elect.
Miss Ruth Dutcher, whose en
gagement to Mr. W. I. Irey was re
cently announced was honor guest
at a luncheon and miscellaneous
shower given Thursday at the
Union Pacific headquarters by a
number of friends. American flags
were used in the decorations honor
ing Miss Dutcher's fiance who has
recently receieved his discharge
from the Fort Omaha balloon
school. The guests included
Clalrs Trummy,
Helen Carlson,.
Mf ssrH.-i-
E. O. Davis,
J. E. Bmith,
F. Chalfont,
J. W. Broad,
Daisy Wyer,
Elizabeth Chalfont,
Otto Summers,
George Miller.
I Heckle,
R. Bock.
P. F, Atkins,
For Major Lazar.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Gordon Sanders
entertained at a , whist party
Wednesday evenins: at their home
in honor of Maj. Eugene Lazar, of
Washington, D. C, who is here on
official business. Prizes were won
bv Mrs. George H. Thorpe and
Major Lazar. The guests included:
Messrs. and Mesdames toward f.
Kulha, George H. Thorpe, Hugh T.
Cutler; Misses May Jacobsen,
Frances Sanders; Messrs. Frank H.
Gulgara, sr.; Albert A. Davis, of
Kansas City.
Box Parties.
Many box parties will be given
for the Jascha Heifetz concert,
Mnnrlav eveninc at the Erandeis.
Mrs. F. A. Nash will entertain, also
Mrs. Lharies Urown, Air. and Mrs.
R. Beecher Howell and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Cox.
Books for Our Soldiers.
Service to the American army of
Heart Beats
By A. K.
I've a terrible
Of a woman's
Or lament
To impart to my
This woman had
A hat last spring
And ere the
Season passed
The chapeau
Lost its "lines"
And she cast
It aside
For a newer
And brighter
And fresher
And she was happy
Once again.
And she had
An automobile
That had given
Good service but
Last season it was
Discarded for
A newer
And brighter
And fresher carN '
And she was happy
Once again.
And she had
A Dachshund
And this breed
Went out of fashion
And no woman
Of patriotic
Tendencies' could own
A canine like this
Two dogs long
And half a dog high
So she kindly
Exchanged him
For a Chow
With some extra
And she was happy
Once again.
But the dear soul
Has another grief
Much greater
Than any of the
Her husband has lost
, His chic
His popularity
His favor
And his "lines"
And she cannot
Give him away
Or exchange him
For another '
Or have him
Made over
Or brightened
Dearl Dearl
What can she do
With that
Will she -
Ever be happy
Again? - 5ELAH.
!l Fashionable
v j
i --fir -.-- - Ti
Breathes there a girl with soul so
That she can scorn Artillery Red?
Especially when that shade is seen
Embroidered on blue crepe de chene.
This gown of Nancy's shows beside,
A narrow ribbon sash that's tied.
(Copyright applied for.)
occupation is being given from cen
tral libraries in Coblenz and Trier
with branches up and down the
Rhine. More than 50,000 books have
gone into Germany. In the first four
days after the library was opened
in Coblenz, more than 2,000 volumes
were drawn out by men doing gar
rison duty there.
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. Charles Everson entertained
at her home Thursday in Jjonor of
Miss Fern Schrieber, who is the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. George For
cade. Miss, Schreiber will leave soon
for her home in St. Joseph. The
evening was spent with music and
dancing, Mr. Stephen Broad giving
several violin solos. Twenty guests
were present.
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Chase en
tertained at dinner at their home
Thursday evening in honor of Mrs.
Carrie Miller, the occasion being
her birthday. Covers were laid
for 12 guests. -
Dinner Party."
Mr. Wayne . Selby and Mr. Robert
Thompson entertained at dinner
at the Athletic club Friday evening
in honor of Miss Marjorie How
land and Mr. Richard Payne. Fol
lowing, the dinner the guests were
entertained at the Brandeis. The
party included:
Messrs. and Mesdames
Will Wood. Clarence Sibbernsen.
E. P. Boyer. Frank Selby.
Misses Misses
Margaret Gamble. Euth Anderson.
Miss Belle Hatch entertained at
dinner Tuesday evening at the Fon
tenelle in honor of Miss Etta
Thompson, who will be a spring
bride, and Mrs. J. Massey, a recent
bride. The other guests included:
Misses Misses '
Nellie Buckley Helen Fyock
Marie Hazel ('
Mesdames Mesdames
C. M. Dahl M. Dunham
Martin Talem
Timely Tips.
Condensed milk will help stretch
a small amoufof salad dressing.
An easy way to prepare cranber
ries for sauce is to put them through
the fine part of the meat grinder.
Gingerbread is better baked in
several layer cake tins than in one
sheet for it has more crisp crust that
A little lemon juice sprinkled over
banana or apple in fruit salad will
keep the fruit from darkening before
it is served.
Add salt to starch water and it
will prevent the starch from freez
ing out.
ache, acidity of the stomach, heartburn, offensive breath, anemia,
loss of weight and muscular power, decrease of vitality or lowering
of resistance to infectious diseases, disturbance of the eye, dyspepsia,
indigestion, gastritis, many forms of catarrh, asthma, ear afiections
and allied ailments result from auto-intoxication or self-poisoning.
Take castor nil. or a nleasant vegetable laxative, called Dr. laerce 3
Pleasant Pellcta, which are composed of May-apple, aloes and jalap.
One of the very best treatments which all doctors will agree upon
is to take caster oil or P. P. P. (Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.)
Advice to the Lovelorn
Love Comes Unbidden and, "To Love or Not We Are
No More Free Than the Ripplftsto Rise and Leave
- the Sea." ,
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: 1
have recently been readinp your let
ters and answers to the "Lovelorn"
in The Bee, which seem to b very
Instructive. I observed In today's
issue a letter by Betsy B. on stam
mering and stuttering, (same here
with enclosed). Your answer is very
complete, but does not point to any
Institution. In my younger years I
was very much afflicted with the
impediment until I attended three
institutions. The first one in ' De-
troit;second, Indianapolis; third in
Milwaukee, and will say I was cured
at the last mentioned seven years
ago, and sincerely thank God and
the method which is used there, you
may hand or mail this letter to the,
party, "Betsy B.," and I shall be
glad to answer any correspondence
in regard to same. I sympathize with
any one so afflicted and know what it
means In life. Very cordially your,
Doesn't Wish to Be One of the "ST."
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
Althnntrh I am somewhat new to
bmaha, I have been here long
enough to become greatly interested
in your column, In which you surely
do give good advice.
One reason I have for writing is
to congratulate Lolette Lane, who,
in my opinion, certainly has the
right Idea. Jftst of the girls I
have ever known have been the
"soft" type, to whom a good name
seems to be anything but "the im
mediate jewel of the souls."
Speaking for myself, I never could
stand a girl who would cheapen her
self to the extent of allowing a boy
to become overly familiar with her.
Whenever I see a girl allowing a
boy to put his arm around her I
think of how many other fellows
she has preyiously encouraged to do
the same thing. For myself, I pre
fer not to be "one of the 57."
I wonder if you would kindly tell
me where in Omaha can a self
respecting young man meet the type
of girl which Miss Lane's letter sug
gests? Dancing doesn't appeal to me, but
I'm in for everything else skating,
rowing, swimming, golf, tennis, etc.
I can talk fairly intelligently on
most any every-day subject.
I am nearly 20, rather, tall and
am neither cross-eyed, pigeon-toed,
nor have I a broken nose or any
missirftr teeth.
As I suggested before, I am com
paratively a stranger here and
would like some help In meeting
Miss Lane's type of young people.
Hoping to see a reply soon in your
column, I sincerely thank you for
any advice you may have for me.
X. T. Z.
Boys in Poor Health.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
We are two boys of 20 in poor
health. The doctor suggested that
we go to a western climate, near the
mountains, and, as we have just a
little money that could cover travel
ing expenses, we would have to And
work. On account of our health,
liffht and outdoor work, such as
sheep herder, and is there such
places? As we haven't anyone to
help us out, we wish you could kind
ly advise us. Thanking you in ad
vance and hoping that this appears
In the paper soon, very respectfully,
your obedient servants,
There are many such places, I am
sure, but the government employ
ment bureau would be able to give
you more accurate information.'
In liovc with Beatrice.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
am a constant reader of your col
umns in The Bee and, Judging you
from the answers you give, I
Imagine you must resemble a girl
with whom I was formerly very
much in love. Her name was Bea
trice, too, so is it any wonder that
I have fallen very deeply in love
with you, though I have never had
the pleasure of looking upon your
dear face. Can I, may I, I beg of
you, nope ror some encouragement?
Please, my dear Miss Fairfax (may
1 some day call you my own Bea
trice), print this epistle in the next
edition ol The Bee. Your most de
P. S. How is rpy writing and
grammar? do you think you could
love me?
Hope on, dear heart, for encour
agement, and you may cajl me "my
own dear Beatrice" is much as you
like so long as I do not hear it No
wonder you are in love with me I
am so irresistible the men follow
me. My languid beauty, my strong,
lithe form, my golden hair, through
which the sun shines every night, is
only part of the charm. My eye are
Hike deep-set blue lakes fringed by
When the head feels thick
or aches, when one feels all
out - of - sorts perhaps a
coated tongue it is the
signal poisons are accumu
lating in the system, and
should be cleaned out at
once. When the system is
on what is often called "a
low tone" when toxins
(poisons)' cause headache,
bad taste in the tnouth,
poor appetite, it is time to
"clean house."
Auto-intoxication can be
best ascribed to our own
neglect or carelessness.
When the organs falter or
fail in the discharge of
their duties, the putrefac
tive germs setin and gen
erate, toxins actual poi
sons, which fill one's own
body. It is then that the
more serious consequences
begin. s
Sleepiness after 'meals,
flushing of the face, ex
treme lassitude, bilious
ness, dizziness, sick head
mossy-moss, and my teeth well,
only the dentist knows their defects.
Your writing is perfect, and your
grammar! Oh my! But 1 could not
love you, for I, Beatrice Fairfax, am
a phantom creature."
His Age.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
As I have been a reader of your
paper for some time, I thought I
would come to you for advice. I am
a farmer girl 18 years old, and have
been going with a boy for about six
Now Miss Fairfax, I would like to
know how old he is. I have asked
him different times, but he won't
say. Now how could I find out.
I am five feet, two Inches tall and
rather stout. How long should I
weaf my dresses. I also have a dark
complexion. How could I lighten it
without using powder.
Why bother about his age? He is
as old as ha looks and seems. Wear
yaur skirt long and narrow. You
cannot lighten your complexion with
out powder unless it is tanned or
sunburned. , In these cases use a
good almond lotion.
Who is Truthful?
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
have often read your advice to oth
ers, so now I come to you.
I am a girl of 17 and have been
going with a boy of 23. He went
away about five months ago and I
have been receiving letters from him
every week. But there is another
girl he writes to quite frequently.
He tells nie he writes to her and
says he writes her friendly letters. I
There is a girl that rooms near this
girl she says the letters are not
friendly, but more than that. I
Now whom am I to believe and !
It is difficult to prove a man's love
or his statements, but it is usually as
safe to believe the man as the "other
woman." Time will tell who Is truth
ful. A Crime.
Dear Miss Fairfax: We are two
girls, 12 and 13 years of age. We
are the two belles of the town and
the boys are all crazy over us, hav
ing two special friends. Do you
think we are to young to attend the
dance which is held in our town
each Friday evening?
How should we fix our hair?
Should we wear hair ribbon?
Hoping to see this in an early ad
dition, we are
It is nothing short of a crime for
your parents or guardian to permit
you to attend these dances. You are
mere children and will be haggard
and worn before you reach maturity.
Wear your hair down with a bar
rette. A Reader What do I think about
an 18-year-old boy with $200 for
worldly wealth worrying his poor lit
tle head about whether to elope or
ask the consent of his fiancee's fath
er for an "immediate marriage?" I
Just think that $200 would not last
long enough why, boy, you couldn't
buy a wedding ring for your 16-year-old
bride, a cigar for yourself and
If your digestion ever goes back
on you, you'll be a grouch, too. You
can't be happy when your digestion
is out of order.
There is no reason why anybody
should let constipation ruin their
lives. Keep the bowels free from
food-waste and your life will be
brighter, better and more enjoyable.
People who enjoy life don't grouch.
Your druggist has a product
called SALINOS which will com
pletely empty the bowels, including
the lower bowel where the trouble
usually starts. It is pleasant in
taste and action. It creates no
habit. '
Get a bottle. Get it and sweeten
up! Adv.
or Tonsilitis, gargle
with warm salt
water, then apply
"YOUR BODYGUARD" -30 60. H.20
Ten Years' Suffering from
Itching Burning Skin Trou
ble, Stopped by Resinol
Gretna, Va., Oct 20: "I suf
fered for over ten' years with itch
ing and burning of my skin. It never
broke out at all but just itched and
burned terribly. I
tried almost every
thing, but got no
relief. As soon as
I began using Res
inol Ointment and
Resinol Soap the
itching and burn
ing left me almost
at once. I used
one jar of Resinol
Ointment and two
cakes of Resinol
Soap and was
completely cured." (Signed) Rich
ard T. Shelton.
Resinol Ointment and Resinol
Soap sold by all druggists. Adv,
and neuralgia are usually
quickly dispersed with
one application pt
Kin'i Catarrh Crnm
lb. j
Free at Shu-man A McConnaU Drui Ca,
Please confine your letters to
not more than 200 words if you
wish to see them in print. This
becomes necessary because of the
great number of letters arriving
on every mail.
have enough to buy precious egps
for your breakfast! I should indeed
ask the father's consent, but bettor
still, use the $200 as a start, before
getting mnrried have the best time
you can together while you are get
ting it.
Throe Anxious Girls. You might
tell these young men in a Joking way
that they had not asked your per
mission to smoke. You can do this
without offending them if you ac
company it with a smile. If the
other girls allow liberties I "would
Inform this young fellow that he had
better seek their company if he pre
ferred it.
A. B. T. I should hate to tell
you what I think of a boy of 17 who
swears at his mother and sisters and
is a chronic grouch. Really it would
not be complimentary. This is a
habit, and the more that sister and
mother do the less it Is appreciated
Just now. Maybe he is a "spoiled
child" and needs to be left alone for
several weeks.
A letter sealed with the white of
an egg cannot be steamed open.
Living Room
combined with beauty and
found on our large display floor.
Our new I nes are I'aily arriving
from the factories, all oj
values; in the very latest
designs in woods and
coverings. Our immense
stock simplifies the selec
t on ot your furnish ngs,
giving you your individual
des re in style and pr ce.
You may also find, if you
wish to, complete a suite
you now have, jus the piece
you want in our drop patterns or odd pieces. Do not
buy until y u see the value? the Central is now offering
We are showing beautifully des gned sofas and chain
to match, n the soft tone velours and tapestries. Oa
Rockers from $.5p, to the large Wing ftockers in ma
hogany at $29.75. Library Tables in' mahogany, wal
nut and oak finishes, at $8.00, $12.00, $16.50 and
$n.75. We list other values below.
Mahogany Tapestry Arm Chair, William and Mary design. '. 32.50
Mahogany Rocker, cane back, tapestry seat. , 12.50
Fumed Oak Rocker, genuine leather seat 11.00
Fumed Oak Rocker, gerjiine leather seat ad back. 12.50
Fumed Oak Chair, genuine leather seat , . . . . 12.50
Fumed Oak Rocker, tapestry seat 12.00
Jacobean Rocker, genuine leather seat.... 12.00
T?,.. J n1. T 1. 1 i-l a. - .
, . -
Mahogany Dav
enport, 72-inch
mulberry velour
Rocker and
Chair to match.
Each ...$35.00
Mahogany Set
tee, tapestry
seat, cane back
.... ...$47.50
Damask, 72-
Mahogany Sofa, blue velour, Queen Anne design $60.(M)
Mahogany Bed Davenport . . . 1. 49.50
Fumed Oak Davenport, genuine leather 45.00
t uoiaen uaK uavenport
Ij You Plan on Furnish ng Your Home Complete,
Have the CENTRAL Figure Your Bill.
Mahogany Windsor Chairf. 3 9,
Mahogany Sewing Cabinet WW .
Mahogany Lamps, silk shades, in all coloring, $1500.
$17.50, $32.50 and 47.
Rockers, high back, in oak finishes 5,
Costumer, in oak and mahogany, $1.25, $1.75 and 3,
Music Cabinets in all finishes, $13.50, $16.75 and 27
yTip Top Table, in mahoganyQueen Anne design." ..... . .$14.
: Extraordinary Values in Blankets
in wool and cotton, full size, carefully selected materials, shown in
the best colors of blue, gray, tan and pink, in stripe and plain
Blankets, in plaid, medium weight, a value at ...$1.85 '
Blankets, in plaid, wool nap, heavy; a value, at 325
Blankets, in assorted colors, extra heavy wool naD. a value 3 95 !
Blankets, in assorted colors, medium weight, extra good, at 4.65
Blanketa, in assorted colors, extra heavy wool nap, a value at 5.25y
Splendid Values in Aluminum
e-quart stew Kettle
6-quart Stew Kettle with handle.
10-quart Dishpan ,
Values That Point the
ll. R. BOWEN, Pres.
Ti:5 V.'.
Lika t!ia Blast of Heavenly Trumpet
Whan Call of Motherhood I Felt.
Cf nil the most viuil time .11 a w.muu
life the cominst of baby Is frauulit with
the greatest meaninB. Care nhoulil he ex
ercised to insure- that the crista ia rasst'd
in aafety.
Apprehension Is avotiiel by the timelj
use nt Mother's Friend, a preparation ol
penetrating oila and medicinal ingredients,
renders the muscles, cords, tendons and
liiraments plialile, and thus tension ia
avoided. The usual nervousness, nausea,
bearing-down and .stretching pains era
counteracted and the period is one of calm
The broad, flat abdominal muscles reins
with ease, and when baby comes the time
at the crista is less and pain and danger
la avoided. '
Thousands at women for half a century
have used this penetrating external appli
cation, prepared especially for expectant
mothers, and every woman awaiting the
crisis should civ nature a helping hand.
Write the Bradfield Regulator Company,
Dept. F, Lamar Building, Atlanta, Georgia,
for their Motherhood Book, of great value
to all women, and obtain a bottle of Moth
er's Friend from the druggist and begin Its
application regularly night and morning.
'2 -W V
comjori can be
' $29.75
Mahogany Tapestry Rocker
William and Mary design
.(.(,.,...,, J. . J J
3-piece parlor
suits in mahog
a n y, genuine
leather; $49.50.
Mahogany sofa
table in Queen
Anne design,.
$30 Pedestals
in mahogany,
walnut and oak
finishes, $2.75,
$3.60, $4.75,
Sofa, Blue
nch, $95.00
$9.50, $12.50,
t S7.50
. Values in
Necess ties
Bed Spreads, full
size, cut cor
ners . . . .$2.55
Door Mats,
16x27 ....85c
Remnants Lino
levita, 1 yard
square ...39c
Sweepers. $4.95,
Way to Greater Savings.
. fi