THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919. t 4 . I- ! : s i. ; TIIMSIIISf.BI :. UPON LEAVING :? CAMPRJilSTOfl Ma). Gen. Leonard Wood Praises High Morale of the Men in Fourteenth Na tional Army Camp. v. Camp Fun stem, Kan., March 4- ; i (Special.) UpoaTelief from duty as J commanding general of the 14th na tional army cantonment, Camp Funston, Kan., Maj. Gen. Leonard 'Wood expressed his sincere appre ciation of the soldierly and loyal spirit of the officers and men of his ... command. According to the general they have done their best under all T conditions and made possible what , ever degree of success has been at .'r taincd. Co-operation has been earn s' est and sincere, and fine spirit and f "high seii(c of duty have character ized the command from the first, General Wood said. He also thanked the Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., Knights ' of Columbus, Y. W. C. A., Salvation ;'.rmy, Jewish Welfare league, t; Community service and other or ie ganizations interested in the welfare !': of the troops. n The general continued saying that Lihe feels that he has been singularly .i fortunate in having been assigned to, hi command in this section of the esc'ountry, for in addition to the ex occtlent qualities of the men ; who came for training, there has been the Y heartiest and most sincere co-operation on the part of the civil coni tnunitics from which the men came. v V. Loan Drive Workers ' Relate Hardship They : Will Have to Overcome ,), Hardships that women overcome in their efforts to promote Liberty . loan drives were detailed in the n closing session of the state confer ' ence of Victory loan workers, in session at the Jlotel Fontenell, Thursday morning. Mrs. F. if. Wallace of Harrison, Sioux county, said she had to travel . ,iS miles in order to reac'u a point 10 miles frorti her home on account of the sandhills. Mrs. C- L. Alden of Kimball, Kimball county, related there Kvere - women on her county committee who received mail only once a week. Mrs. K. E. Dietrick of Spring , view, Keyapaha county, lives 25 miles from a railroad. She started i the drive before coming to Omaha c 24 hours ahead of time to permit .j of delay in case of a gtorm Pledge cards and other supplies ,, for the coming drive" were dis tributed before the conference adjourned. If you would be cheerful and happy keep your bowels regular. Proper diet and exercise is usually all that is, re quired. When a medicine is needed you . will find that Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent. They are 'easy to take and most agreeable in effect. This JO "VIRTUOUS WIVES" CHAPTER XLVI At 10 o'clock Monte Bracken had arrived in his automobile, and five minutes later Morley, pale and frightened, had brought down her mistress' luggage and seen to its storing. Bracken, who remained in the back seat without descending, made no offer of explanation. "Good evening, Morley." "Good evening, sir," she had re plied, and to herself she thought, "He looks more like a ghost than she does." "Put the bags in front." "Yes, sir. Mrs. Forrester said to say she'd be right down." "Very well." It was all done quite openly. There could be no question of what was happening. Gregory, who was aiding with the bags, did not dare to question Mr. Bracken's chauffeur, even with his eyes. Among the ser vants was the terrified calm, the panic of all the senses, that comes below stairs with the approach of a catastrophe above. Morley hesi tated as though half expecting some explanation would be volunteered some plausible lie that would de ceive no one. Then she ran back upstairs hurriedly, out of breath. Amy, cloaked and veiled, was waiting by the trunks. She had been entirely calm and matter-of-fact until now, but at the last moment her fingers faltered on the keys. Try as she might, she could not manage the lock. "The key sticks; lock the trunks," she said hastily. Morley obeyed. One lock stuck. She was quite a moment before she rose. "You will join me later with the trunks," said her mistress slowly. "I will telegraph you in a day or so. You understand?" "Yes, madame yes." "That is all now," she said, look ing around and going over to the desk. She took up the letter she had written Andrew. "You wilf give this to Mr. Forrester immedi ately when he returns. ' Or, no you need not stay up; Gregory will attend to that." , She gave the letter to Morley, who stood transfixed, turning it over in her hafid. "Well, I am quite calm," she thought. "It's strange, I am doing something that is going to unset everything, and I don't feel as Business Man to Deliver . Sermon in Church Sunday Sunday morning William F. Bax ter, business man and economist, will conduct the services at the First Unitarian churcn at Turner boulevard and Harney street, and will deliver a sermon entitled "Thy Kingdom Come." Mr. Baxter is one. of "the best known advocates of the single tax system in the United States. Capes and Dolmans have proved themselves so charming and practical that "Madam Fashion " has wisely placed her cachet of approval upon them for Spring, 1919. t i r An'Inimitable Assemblage of Capes and Dolmans .With "Specialty Shop" exclusiveness as the keynote at Benson & Thome's. rpHIS Spring the yery smartest dressers here and in Europe will envelope themselves in Capes and Dolmans with such engaging ways as those shown in our Individual Coat Shop. A Dolman-Cape, a garment with the fascination of a cape and the snugness of a coat is shown in blue serge. An interesting feature is a plaid yarn collar that crushes becomingly about the face. A strikingly smart Dolman fashioned by an Artist Designing Tailleur, is of soft Evora cloth, softly'crushed collar and loose, graceful sleeves, fitted at the hand. Beautiful fanciful silk lining. A cape, the most flattering of all garments, is at its best shown here in a heavy quality of Poiret Twill. The crushed collar edged with fringe, arm opening and t attractive back are important style details of this model announcement gives you a hint of the charm of Capes, Dolmans and Wrap-Coats. - j CONSERVATIVELY PRICED. Tolte Som of Specially Shop "(Copyright, ISIS, ajr LltUa. Brown ft Co.)" though it were anything out of the prdinary. I am calm, and I know just what I am doing." Nevertheless, as she was descend ing the stairs, Morley came running after her with her handbag, which she had forgotten. She took it with a first feeling of agitation. She was annoyed to have betrayed an emotion before a servant emo tion which she was certain she did not feel. She passed through the hallway. Outside, standing by the door, Monte was waiting for her. She nodded, took his hand and stepped immediately into the car. Each in stant seemed long and horribly de cisive. She heard them as though a clock were ticking them off. He entered, closing the door. "Well, I am here," she said in a low voice. "You are qnite quite sure?" "Absolutely." It never occurred to her that he also might have been hesitating be fore the cost, before what he too might have to face. She was not thinking of him at all, only herself was important The one thing that was important was that she should prove to herself that she had the heroism to make the great sacri fice. "Drive onl" she heard him say. The next moment they were moving out from the region of light into the darkness ahead. 1 "Well, it's over I have had the courage," she said to herself. "It's decided now. I wonder what they'll say?" From the moment she had come to him at the edge of the pier and held out her hand, it had all been settled. It could, not be otherwise. She had seen hirri again the evening of the second day after, and all had been said. It was out on the veran da of the Challoner's, where they hadVmet for dinner. "You know what it meant when I came to you the other day?" she said directly. "I know." "I came because I could not help it because I found I could not live without you." T too " he began hurriedly. "Yes, I know I saw," she said, nodding. Monte, all that you said of me was true at least, was true then. Now I ask only one thing of you." Sunday Top' Concerts in Parks and Theaters; War Community Plan Sunday afternoon "pop" concerts, such as have been promoted in lead ing cities of the country , to gjye music lovers an opportunity to hear good music free of charge, will be in augurated in Omaha by the War Camp Community service song de partment, headed by Harry Murri son. The concerts will be given iij theaters until the parks open, when they will be taken out of doors, ac cording to the present plan. Seven-Year-Old Boy Hurt When Struck by Automobile Aaron Zack, ' 7 years old, 915 South Twentieth street, suffered cuts and bruises about the head and body at South Twentieth and Leav enworth streets, when he was run down by an automobile driven4 by Harry Wyman, 814 South Twenty seventh street. i W J V3lXoo...... Owen Johnson' Sparkling So ciety NotbI, which is making uch a hit in the movies. He looked at her apprehensively, struck by the note of exaltation in her manner. "I want to leave openly with you. I want the world to know that it is my act my responsibility, and that I am not afraid to take it on my self." He was silent a long moment "Do you realize what all this would mean?" he said slowly. "Yes. all." she said firmly, "But I am tired of cheating, tired of being just what you told me I was. I don't want to fall back on subter fuges sacrifice others, I want to do what J do proudly I want to believe in myself." "Yes, I see," he said gravely. "And then, it is only fair to him." "And after?" "I-shall go to a hotel in New York to Europe perhaps. Andrew will sue at once for a divorce on the grounds of desertion. J think it would be better for you not to join me until then. As long as I bear his name I shan't do anything against that. You would not want me to either I" "You have thought this all over, Amy?" hesaid again. "All! Again and again!" "When" He hesitated, "when do you want to go away?" "Andrew will arrive Friday the next night." He was surprised at the immi nence of the thing, at every word she had said, at the complete as sumption of his acceptance of what she had decided. Down the porch a door opened and Kitty's voice call- "What are vou two whispering about down there? Come in, you're necessary! "And Monte." she said, quickly, her voice growing gentle, "when I do, then you will believe that 1 am capable of love won't ypu?" He nodded, touching her hand lightly. He would have liked to have said a hundred things that were in his:, perturbed mind but others were bearing down on them. He felt as though he were strug gling hopelessly against something that could not be avoided, livery word he had said had been en forced on him every action dictat ed by his code of honor, which was the Samurai creed of his kind. (To Be Continued Tomorrow.) Y. Secretaries of State to Have 3 Days' Meet Here Next Monday district and county secretaries of the Young Men's Christian association, working in Nebraska will gather in Omaha for a three-days' convention and con ference. Leaders in the work in other states will be in attendance and detail what has betn accomp lished in the fields where they have been working. In Nebraska a number f county associations have been organized with secretaries in charge and the idea is to push the campaign until each county has an effective working organization. "Meanest Thieves" Again Rob Rooms of Visiting Nurses J Thieves again have broken into e rooms of the Visiting Nurse as ciation in the city hall, this time taking alcohol which was kept for medicinal purposes. Two weeks ago intruders took aprons and baby gar ments. Don't Change Your Husband Adv x our OkMAIIA GIRL TO WED PROMINENT lllfJDIJJOCTOR Associate of Rabindranath Tagore Secures License to . Marry Miss Minnie Jensen, Daughter of Isaac Kahn. An "international marriage" will take place in Omaha in the near future, when Miss Minnie Jensen, 2015 Sherman avenue, weds Dr. Keshava Shastri of India. The marriage license was taken out in county court Thursday. Dr. Shastri is a Hindu of high caste and is said to be a man of "great learning and deep research Into the mysteries of theosophy." He is now in this country on a lec iuring tour. 'He has lectured in Omaha several times and he met Miss Jensen here. Miss Jensen is an adopted daugh ter of Isaac Kahn, president of the Megeath Stationery company Secrecy Surrounds Event, Great secrecy surrounds the ap proaching marriage. The family merely say "that it will not take place for several weeks.. Dr. Shas tri is now on an extensive lecturing tour which will take him through J the north and northwest. He is recognized as one of the leading ex ponents of theosophy in the world. .He is closely associated with Rabindranath Tagore, the best known of the Hindu mystics," said Mr. Kahn. Father Is Prominent. Miss Jensen was born in Norway but has lived in Omaha in the fam ily of Mr. Kahn for 13 years. Mr. Kahn is wealthy. He was formerly interested in the Storz Brewing company and is now owner of the Megeath Stationery company. jjr. snastn is tne son ot suKKana Shastri and his mother's name be fore marriage was Shrimati Bhagivati. He is 38 years old. To Make Analysis of "Beer" to Find Out Amount of "Kick" Buried in the cellar of John Pear son s home, ilJis south .twenty fourth street, South N Side, state agents Wednesday night discovered 30 quarts and 35 pints of home-made beer. Pearson, who was not at home when the search was made, later gave himself up to the police. An analysis of the beer will be made to discover whether there is a large enough percentage of alco hol to warrant a prosecution. Don't Change Your Husband. Adv. rfjtfSjls A Bash -1 2SiMr Yon' v'-; : . All foods are flavored to make them palatable. All smoking tobaccos are treated with some flavoring for the same reason. But there is a big difference in the Quality and kind of tobacco flavorings. Tuxedo, the finest of properly aged burley tobacco, uses the purest, most wholesome and delicious of all flavorings choc olate! That is why "Your Nose Knows" Tuxedo from all other tobaccos by its delicious pure fragrance ' I "'I'M j ))J The Perfect n . Guararrted,by Our "What Is www c AWARDS WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER, So many good answers have been bubmitted in this contest that we will continue to print them from day to day as space permits and announce awards at the conclusion, not later than March 20. No. 160. We said that we would forget, dear heart; We would bid good bye and go our sways. Leading us steadily far apart, 'Twas easy, it seemed, the resolve to make: 'Twas harder, I grant, the resolve to keep For memory, soon or late, will wake, Keen as it was when it sank to sleep. I thought I had triumphedj your sten. vour face I dreamed I had l?ft Ihent behind at last: Forgotten the thrill of your warm embrace. Forgotten tne hours of the tender past. But sudden, today, 'mid the hurry ing throng The careless, joyous one lost to view were whistled the notes of an old sweet song, and straight I was crying for you Just you! And it came back. Ah, how strange, how strange That no matter how hard we try and try, a love once given, through stress and change, lives on for ever and will not die; A smile in the crowd a voice half heard. A poise of the head or a well known strain, A jest, a laugh or a subtle word And the years of forgetting have been jn vain. Author Unknown. No. 161. LQve in this era,' a great many know Is experience only when a bank balance can show. I an heir or an heiress, the affec tion's not lacking As long as funds last, a good time have, that's "cracking." When there's no balance and naught left for the cost "Dan Cupid" is missing, love's la bor is lost, No. 162. Love is sincerity of the heart. Love is confidence in each other. Other love overcomes all obstacles. Love ig a burden of the heart, When none but God is near. No. 163. Love is a feeling which combines two hearts closely together. Some times we speak of love as a likeness, but it is much greater. Love is a feeling of strong per. Try This Test: Rub a little Tuxedo briskly in the palm of your hand to bring out its full aroma. Then smell it deep its delicious," pure fragrance will convince you. Try this test with any other tobacco and we' will let Tuxedo stand or fall on your judgment. "Your FJose Knows" i Tobacco for Pipe Love?" Contest sonal attachment induced by that which delights or commands admira tion by great sympathetic under standing. It is also spoken of as warm affection and sometimes ties of kinship. No. 164. True love's the gift which God has given To man alone beneath the heaven; It is not fantasy's hot fire Whose wishes soon as granted fly ; It liveth not in fierce desire, With dead desire it doth not die; It is the secret sympathy, The silver link, the Silken tie, Which heart to heart and mind to mind In body and in soul can bind. Scott. No. 165. Love is the delight of being use ful to ourselves and others, origin ating in good will and operating by wisdom. This is the very soul anil lit? ot love. No. 166. There is a bond of affection called love existing between the true lov er and his pure sweetheart, and surely there is nothing more beauti ful on earth as such love: which one can hardly fathom in its every mean ing. Love is a deep affection which de mands the giving and taking of heart, body and soul of those in volved, A willingness to suffer even to die to secure the peace and hap piness of those we love. Love from the deen nassionate heart is a beautiful, ever-flowing spring ot all that is nest in it and seeking only that which is best and noblest in another soul, causing it to shina with the light of love and Joy. Love is a deep, fierce, passionate affection of one heart for another, a willingness to surrender all for the one beloved. Love from the heart cannot be quenched without pain and suffering and jf lost the soul can almost welcome death. Love demands the best and mst in the soul and without love we cannot live our best, for love is the tultilment of the law. bod is love How wonderful is love. No. 177.- And if I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and it 1 give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth me nothing. Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed ?Sik i.IHi. .....Ill I D WRANTEEO TO SATlSF OR YOUP MONEY BACK .1 A Id; : (B ft up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not its own, it not provoked, taketh not iccount of evil; rejoiceth not in unrighteousness, but rejoiceth with tin truth; beareth til things, be. lieveth til things, hopcth all things, endurtth all things. Love never fail eth. 1 Cor. 13:3-8, R. V- Member of Czccho-Slovak Commission to Speak Here Charles I'ergler, . t member of the Czeeho-Slovak commission in the United States, will be in Omaha Wednesday. He will speak at a public affairs luncheon in the Chamber of Commerce. Arrange ments for an r.diress to be given by him for the Tine Arts society are pending. LEMON JuWiiH SKIN WHITENED Cheap home-made beauty lo tion to remove tan, freckles, allowness At the cost of a small jar of ordi nary cold cream one can prepare a full quarter pint of the most won derful lemon skin whitcner and com plexion beautifier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bot tle containing three ounces of or chard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep frerh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach a darkened skin and remove such blemishet as freckles, sallowness and tan, and is the Ideal skin softener and beautifier. Just try It! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fraerant lemon lot! massage it daily into the face, neck, arms ana nanus. It is marvelous to whiten rough, red hands. Adv. Almost til over husband's body. Treated but got worse. In rash form and fckiii was sore and red. Burned and itched and he scratched very much. Sleep was broken and hit clothes aggravated till trouble became very severe. At last used Cuticura Soap and Ointment and one cake Soap and one box Oint. ment healed him entirely. From signed statement of Mrs. R. H. Finney, Reelsvllle, Ind., July 18. 1918. Use Cuticura Soap and Ointment for all toilet purposea. Do not f.fl to tlt th faaHnatfa? fraffrano) of Cuucur. Tatoum, an exquisitely acented faca and kin perfuming powder, 26 cnta everywiiara. 17110.' AMI? Permit me to introduce myself "Fm the little doctor" the friend of all Big Doctors and Nurses the enemy to all pain. MY HOME The medicine cabinet. MY ANCESTOR The Mustard Plaster. MY JOB To give quick relief for Neuralgia, Rheu matism, Sore Throat, Croup, Bronchitis, Colds on the Chest, Sore Joints, and mus cles. I'm the 20th Century Mustard Plaster with out the blister and come all dolled up in tidy white jars, both 25c and 60c sizes At your druggist or sent prepaid to any part of the U. S. A. MAC LAREfTsfi 1 MAC LAREN DRUG CO- TRINIDAD, COLO 4 V PS V7