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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MARCH C, 1919. y Want Ad Rates (Cash With Order.) te per word oni Insertion r 4a pr word for 1 consecutive insertion le per word for eacb additional insertion No ad taken for less than a total of XQc, or lea than 10c per tiny. CHARGE. 1 2c per lln (eoiurf 6 worda to line) 1 time e per line each time, g consecutive time so per una each time. 7 consecutive times 7 per line earb time. 80 consecutive times CARDS OF-THANKS AND. FUNERAL NOTICES. 10s per line eacb inaertlon Minimum charge, 60 centa. Contract Ratea on Application. For convenience of advertisers, want ads will be accepted at the following offices: 1HA1M UKIU.( Bee Building Ames Office 4410 North 20th St. Lake Office 2518 North 24th St. Vinton Office.. 2467 South 16th St. Park Office 2616 Leavenworth St. Walnut Office 819 North 40th St, South Side 281!) N St. Council Bluffs 14 Main St. THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad vertisement ordered for mora than one time. PHONE TYLER 1000. Evening Editions 13:00 M. Morning .Editions 10:00 P. M. Sunday Editions 10 P. M. Saturday. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. HirKLKV lira. Katharine M., ago 03 years, at San Diego, Cal., February 26. She la aurvived by two sons, John F., of Omaha, and Joseph P., of Mounts. 111.; two daughters, Mrs. J. F. Casey, Farley, la., anil Mrs. J. J. Corso of New York City; two brothers, M. J, Casey of Cygnet. O., and John Casey of Jackson.; vllle, Cal. I , Funeral Thursday morning from John A. lientleman's mortuary, 3411 Farnam street, at 8:30 a, m. to St. Phllomena's , chur h at a. in. Interment St. Mary's'-t'-y, . XAOU Lowell A., -on of sirs. Noma Tagg, aged 21 years. Died at Seattle, Wash., February 2s. Funeral from .St. Martin church. Twenty-fourth and F streets. Thursday at 1:30 p. m. Rev. A. if. Marsden of ficiating. Burial nt Graceland Park cemetery, with military eseort. CARD OF THANKS. V wish to thank vu.' friends ami neighbors who kindlX assisted ua in our sad bereavement, especially J. B. Knot & Co. ami Loyal Order of Moose, No. SOU. Also for the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. Kthel Churchwell and Family and Al. 1,. Churchwell and Fam ily. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and embiamere. TeL R. 65. Office, 2(11 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN , Pioneer Funeral Dtrectora 701 S Kith St. Phone Doug 1226. STACK & FALCONER Independent Unaertakers.S3d-Far. H 400 HOFFMAN FUNERAiThOME. Hoffman quality service ests fesa. 24th and Podge. Douglas J9ftl. E. L. DODDER COT, IjaTneral Iilrectora F L. Fero, Mgr., 22d and Cuming 3ta. Phone Douglas 677. Auto ambulance. JOHN A GENTLEMAN. Undertaker and Embalmer. Nv 2411 Farnam St. Harney 892. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 1SI4 Iourrlas S"t Douglas 8244 ' JOHN HATH. Kthnd Farnam. D. sntm iHVndrson. 151 Farnam- D 124T MON U MENTS & CEMETERIES. THE larsr-st display- of monuments in the United SiUes. FRANK SWOBODA. ISt 8 Dtlh Phone Douclas' 1R72-5216. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Hlrtlis Joseph and Madaline DeWitt, 208 South 41st St., girl;rl)arton and Flor; encs Holes. 25ii4 Marcy St.. boy; Benjamin nnd Margaret Bennett, 2605 Hickory St., boy; Wilk L. and Joslo I'arsloy, 4215 South Mth St., boy; George and Zou I'loriu. J113 South 10th St., girl; Frank and Bessie Milacek, B 101 Hickory St.. boy. Deaths Patrick Haynes, 87, 2107 North 18th St.; Alexander B. McCain, 84. 8467 North 421 St.: Delbart L. Kandlg. S mos., hospital; Amy E. Van Lenven. 82, 2621 Capitol Ave.: James Rosa, 60 Oxford hotel. - MARRIAGE LICENSES. Licenses to wed have been issued to the following: s Name and Residence. Age. Manuel J. Caldwell. Omaha 37 Maggie, Riddels. Omaha &S Filadelfo OuIiBiaf Omaha 24 Lucia Castro, Omaha ". 19 Anton Kahoun. Weston, Neb .30 Mary Rezek, Weston, Neb, .......... 14 Clinton E. Ppotts. Boon. Ia. 26 Esther Haller, Boone, Ia 23 Herman D. tonge, Tender, Keb 23 Esther A. Morrell, Emerson. N 13 S. I Wassermann, Washington D. C....29 Dora, Zteginan, Omaha 24 Lester A. Kelsey, Broken Bow, Neb 21 Eunice Nelson. Boyd, Wis ,...19 K. D. Shostrl, New York, N. Y...over 21 Minnie Jensen, Omaha over 18 SPECIAL NOTICES. HELP KILL SUN ATE FILE NO. 165. . This Is a bill that takes the right of petition away from tho taxpayer regard in all street improvements, and still forces him to foot tho bill. If this bill passes your taxes will be enormous. FcNiitiotiS can be signed In the World-Herald Bldg., at elevator .-entrance, and ' Bee Want Ad counter, In lobby of ' Bee Bldg., from 12 o'clock till '9 p. m. I WILL not be responsible for any bills contracted by Mrs. Barbara D. Ekman Onm this dite on. Carl E. Ekman. LOST FOUND REWARDS. LOST Thursday afternoon probably be tween 49th and Davenport and 49th and Chicago, a pair of ladies' tortoise shell rimmed glasses. In a black case. Finder please notify Walnut 1458 and re ceive reward. LOST, A heart-shaped pearl pin. Finder will receive liberal .reward If returned to Mr. Shellds, hcy( Hotel. LOST Round gold brooch sot with cres cent of pearls, large baroquo pearl and small diamond somewhere downtown district, or on way to depot. Reward. Mrs. J. Mi Huberle, Nebraska City. FOR ARTICLES LOSJtTon street cars, tele phone Tyler 800. W are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful ' owners. OMAHA & CO BLUFFS ST RY. Ctf. LOST By working boy Saturday after noon, 621 In bills bound round door key with rubber band; liberal reward. Call Douglas 7304. . STRA YED Durk bay mare, colt with halter on, about 3 years old. Has 3-lnch scar on left aide. Reward for return. South 4114. LOST Breast pui, between 35tb aud Laurel Ave., and 20th and Browne. Re ward. Mrs E. Black, Cqlfax 623. LOST A lady purse containing 69 ou PapiUion car or in South Omaha. Re ward.' Benson 467 J. a LOST A small gold air service insignia pin. Please return to LL R. A. Rey nolds, Fort Omaha. LOST Fraternity pin set with pearls and diamond on Farnam street car; reward. Tel Harney 613. LOST Oold Masonic watchfou. Suitable reward for return to owner. William L. Holgman. Nebraska Clqthing Cfp. LOST On Jlurney oar, black leather manicure case. Reward. Harney 5165. LOST Eiks double Phone. Wal. S39. tooth pin; reward. LOST Pearl necklace'.-, ward. Weo. 2i20. Re- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION In our auction house Located at 1620 Cuming St, on Friday March', J, 1919. at 1 p. . m., we will bold our first sale consisting of beds, mattresses and springs;, dressers commodrs, rugs, coal ranges, beating stoves, tables, chairs, rockers,' bed linens drapery, cooking utensila -and many articles too numer ous to mention.. If you have any furniture sou wish lo turn into money. Call Mr. J. U. Silvers. Auctioneer. OMAHA AUOTIOKKERI.r COMPANY, E34 PAX TON BLOCK. TIED .2 6.2 HARVEY t!7 H. DOLOOFF. Furniture, stoves, rugs, linoleum. Vic trnius. trunks, aultcas, bedding, linen ..itn iroods for less money Credit If 1 9 wish Ooen evenings 139-47 N. 24th 1 'house; Web, liul. Web.MSJi. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods, OUR MARCH FL'RNITURBfsTLK Should suggest to you remarkable savings on your furniture requirement for spring. We are offering a great spe cial on 2u dressers at half price; also a remarkable sale In Uitchen cabinets, strictly high class $15 values at 129.79. Ws specialise on complete outfits for the borne, rooming housrs and hotels. We pay .the freight. Liberty bonds taken. f STATE FURNITURE COMPANY," 14th and Dodge Sts. Opp. U. P. Bldg. WE buy. sell and make desks, safes, show oases, shelving, stc. Oinaba Fixture A Supply Co., 11th and Douglae. D 2724 Pianos and Musical Instruments PHONOGRAPHS, RECORDS, RECORDS, IN ALL LANGUAGES, ClfEAP. v RIALTO MUSIC SHOP,' 1416 Douglas St. PIANOS for rent 64 per nwa. Hospe Co. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS "from factory to you." the wonderful new Improved 1919 Na tional Combination typewriter, with nice traveling case. For office, home and traveling, Weigha 914 pounds. Will to all that any largo office typewriter will sells for less than one-half the price the leader oft small typewriters. Catalog mailed on request. Wrrlte for our at tractive proposition to agents and deal ers. J. C Chapeck, director of sales, National Typewriter Company, Fond du Lac. Wis. TiPEWRITKRS.AND ADDING) MACHINES NEW AND REBUILT The most complete line of Typewriters and Adding Machines west of Chicago Can furnish anv make at moat any price you desire to pay We, rent and "apalr all makes and win buy or trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed See us before you buy. 1 CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over 15 years.) Dougla s 4121 1905 Farngm St REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired Carbon paper, ribbons and supplies Service guaranteed. Try us. " Phone Doug.- 6031 OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 106 North 15th St. TYPEWRITERS all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THE W N LONG COMPANY, 205 So. 18th St. Tel. D. 396. W 10 buy, sell and exchange typewriters. . d'-sks and office furn.tur-. Midland of fice Supply Co., 1404 Dodge St Tel. Douglas 2147. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three month for 66.00. Oliver Agency. 1906 Farnam Street. Citr " Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts MICK EL'S v NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney Sts Doug. 1662 Nursery and Seech; FOR SALE Quality mrfsery stock that produces results; catalogue free. Hutch' ison Nurseries. Kearney. Neb. Miscellaneous. ' THE war training department of the Uni versity of Nebraska bus for sale: 2 1,000 gal, pressure tanks. $160; 2, 40-gal. pres sure tanks, 85; 2 No. -15 Illinois hot water -heaters, 675; 1 No. 739 Peck-Wil-liamsnn unflerfeed furnace, 6160; 1 No. 735 Feck-Williamson Underfeed furnace, 3110; 1 Torrid Zone steel furnace, 665. A numbec of Kazoo closet combination sets with low tank and hydraulic valve, complete, 613. Write J. N. Brldgman, 204 Mechanic Arts Bldg., Lincoln Neb. AMERICAN RAILWAY EX PRESS Co. has for sale, dry goods, hardware, atno parts, clothing and miscellaneous merchandise to dealers and jobbers. On Hand Sules Bureau, 1109 Harney St., Omaha. PUBLIC SALE Saturday, March 8. 35 head of live stoek, all my farm imple ments, one mile south of Q St., on 60th, at Sarpy Mills! Free hinch at 11. Sale starts at 12. Mike Smith, Owner. Col. Amos Iske, Auctioneer; W. A. C, John son, Clerk! DRINK RELIABLE OLD PORT. It has that good old spicy wine taste. In 10 and 16 gal kegs, only 61.25 per gal. PURE APPLE CIDER, 10 and 16 gal. kegs, 60 dents per gal. Porto Beverage Co., -6444 Burt St., Omaha. Neb. Phone Doug. 3642. NO CHARGE FOR KEG WITH FIRST WAR 4 OUDEIi Pictures for sale; Pictures of up-to-date, department store, . genuine mahogany 'partitions. sitting room - bureaus, pedestals, railing, office partition, mil linery table, inlaid linoleum. T 4090-W FOR SALE 6-chair barber shop and 6- table pool hall. Rent 660 per month. Lease for 5 or 10 years. H. L. McCor mick. 430 Norfolk, Ave., Norfolk, Neb. OMAHA PtLLOW CO. Mattresses made o'er In new ticking at hlf the price of new ones 1907 Cuming Douglas 2467 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Complete set of hand-painted , dishes, 65. Tel. Doug. 8997. ' , COMPLETE dining ipom set of fumed oak for sale, can l-'ougias 0100. U-DELL KINDLER -Starts coal-flrea without wood." Colfax 3476. DRIED kindling wood fo sale. Acme Box Co. Harney 1137. POOL TABLES T. F Hall. Doug. 7406. WANTED TO BUY. "LIBERTY BONDS, PARTIAL PAYMENT RECEIPTS will bring the highest market with' us. . NATIONAL BOND CO.; 610 World-Herald -Bldg., 15th and Farnam. Offices in four principal cities. LIBEBTY JBONDS v WE PAY . K I . SPOT ; 1 cash for Liberty bonds. PARTbY , , paid upreceplts for bonds. LEWIS & CO.. brokers: 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. -WE FAY ASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS, PARTLY PAID UP BONDS, s ' ' Room 108, McCague Bldg. t N. W. COR. ISTH AND DODGE. Gut our yriuea before You eell your '-' v LIBERTY BONDS and bonds partly paid for. We pay highest , CASHf PRICES of Xay firm' In Omaha. Ws add interest, nd no commission charged., 642 Securities Bidir. WANT TCvBUY HOMES H." A. WOLF -CO.." MEMBERS, OMAHA REAL ( EST.VrE BOARD. 512 E'LEGTRJC BLDG. TYLER 85. DON'T SELL your Liberty.'' buiics withoui good reason. It vou cannot afford to carry them, get the mar'tit price. W will give tho. New York Slock ei change price pius accru-d mtenst for a nominal commission. Your $50 bond ' will receive the same consideration as a 41. OoO bond, , E. H. LOUOEE. Ine - MS-40 Kelllie Wdg I WASTED TO"BD Harney 41T4. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146 JENKINS. JOS iSouth 16th. will pay best price for old clothes, shoes, Job lots of all kinds Residence, Douglas 1032. Of fice. Douglas 8093 ELITE FURNITURE CO. Ws pay best prices for furniture, rugs, stoves, etc. Ail kinds of job lots. Doag- Us 2451, Web. 304 5. Ws pay th highest price tor second-hand furniture In good, condition. W. M Franklin, 14U N. ih St. Webster 4206. WE buy wasta paper und pay good pncea i'none or writ omana paper Stock Co Douglas 16 5 000 lon country mixed iron; also rub ' ber and metals. J. Katelman. 1125 S. 6th Council Bluffs. P. 650. LIBERTY loan bought. Ill South 16th ANNOUNCEMENTS. BAKKES TOP-NOTCH BREAD. NEW. ON THE MARKET. ASK YOUR GROCERY x MAN FOR IT. SOUTH 1-9-7 Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating, covered buttons, all size and atylea; hemstitching, picot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-306 Brown Bldg. Phone. D. 19S6. t HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTON3. O U VanArnam Pleating1 CtfT, 412-17 Paxtnn Block. Phone Doug. SIM. Awntngs. AWN1'GS AND PORCH FURNITURE Auto touring tents snd camping supplies SCOTT-OMAHA TENT AWNINO CO. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way" Ticket 296. Omaha Transfer Co. Bath and Massage. Miss Fisher. 379Brandels Theater. Brass'and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-M ITCH ELL CO., 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Butterine. THE famous "Pure GoId" Margarine an Omaha product fresh mttly, delivered at yftif door once a week. You save the middleman'a profit. Also genuine purl buttermilk. Phone us your order, Tyler 2364. , OMAHA PURE FOOD CO., Caroenters and Interior Decorators. LES.-ARD & SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632 Fixtures and Wiring. T"VT TTr'r'TVjElectrlo washing machines, electric Irons and reading lamps 23 Cuming St Douglas 2619 Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby. D. C, 312 Bee Blag. D. 3072. Dr J C. Lawrence. Baird Bldg. D. 8461. SPINOGRAPH, Dr. Edwards 24th. Farnam. Costumes. FULL dress suits for rent, 109 N. 16th St.. -opposite Postoffice. John Feldman. Dancing Acaoemles, KEL-PINE DANCING ACADEMY, 2424 Farnam. Class and prlv. lessons. D. 7S50. Delicatessen. . SpOcJel salad for sale Illalto Delicatessen. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W, Bldg. Taft's Dental Rlns. 308 Rose BTCTg. D. 2186 Detectives. JAMES 11.1. AN. 312 Neville Bis. Ev. dene secured In all cases Tyler 1136 Film Developing. FILMS developed freo with order fur prints; we answer questions on kodak troubles .mail orders only. McCullough, 5125 S. '39th St. South 2608. Send, for price list; all work guaranteed. - FILMS developed, rolls Hr; packs, 15c, one-day service. Ease Studio, Neville Blk. ' IF you would like to learn photo finishing apply at once. The Hopson Co., 209 S. isth St. DEVELOPING and printing. One-day service Photo Craft Shop. 1408 Farnam FILMS developed free Mall orders so licited. THE ENSIGN CO.. 1607 Howard Flags. SILK flags, all slses, to order for church es, clubs, etc. E. E. See. 119 No. 16th St Historical -Costumes. COSTUMES of all ages from Adam and Eve to the world war; costumes for theatricals and masquerades; In a out shell, costumes for everything can be . leased at Theo. Lteben & Son, 1516 Howard St. Omaha Jewelry. DIAMONDS the best price privilege to boy Back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th. Bed 60S! Lawyers. 1 . J. M 'GUI RE, Lawyer, i'Om. Nat. Office, Tyler 759, R S. 3218 Medical. PILES, fisfula and other rtictahdis- eases cured without surgical oper ation, pure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. , . DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Ostconatiis DR MABEL WESSON. 614 Brandels Bldg. T i960. H. 4741 Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold In ternational Patent Co., -652 Brandels D. 6691. Printing. Wedding Stationery V. B. Printing Co Bee Bldg., Phone D. 1178. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 414 S. 13th St. Restaurants. TRY our good meals at new Hungarian Kosher restaurant, 31(1 S. 15th. upstairs Shoe Repr'fing WE do all kinds of snoe repairing; all work guaranteed; give us a trial. Coal man Dangerfleld, 1415 North 24th. Sates. BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. J J Derlght Safe Co SAFES Tailors. DidHck. P L. 216 8. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432 Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 S. 11th. D. 582 'Wedding Stationery. WIDDINO announcements and printing Touelns Printing Co Tel Dolielns M4 BUSINESS CHANCES. GOOD HOTEL J FIFTEEN ROOMS EAT CKNTRAL WYOMING TEN MILKS FROM FAMOUS OIL FIELDS. BIO BOOH EXPECTHD IN THE SPRIfiO. J10.000 if sold quick. Ill health reason; fi per cent discount for cash. Good place for beginners. Adddcss Box Y-369, Omaha Bee. FARM IMPLEMENT BUSINESS tor sale: Good town, good territory, good stock of practicably all new up-to-date ma chinery. Only Implement business In town. Will bear the Inspection. If In terested, address The Stewart Lumber Co.. Iienlson, Ia. 11,000 CASH, buys well established law and land business; also smsll library, if sold by March -4 5, possession May 1. Business running 1250 per month this year. Not in a county seat town. Ad dress. Box Y-374, Omaha Bee. FOR .SALE Restaurant and pool hall.M . good transfer corner, rent 5 per month Douglas S283. FOR SALE Barber shop. If 1 Interested write. G. W. Maple, Belvidere. Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THE BEE-wlil publish free a situation wanted ad under thia classification- for soldiers, sailors snd marines who will show their discharge papers at our office In the lobby of the Bee building. Seventeeenth and Farnam. YOUNO mas 30 years old. single, .. five years nanaung cretins ana collections. .Would like sslcswork; can leave city. Borrtfts and references. Box 34S, Keen Hotel. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. CARPENTER work by day or Job; prices reasonsble; &atisf,ictiou guaranteed. Phone Douglas 4379. SITUATION WANTED Hy A-l auto me-' chanic 011 all cars. Address, Box Y-373, Omaha Bee. PAINTING, paper cleaning, odd jobs, Web ster 1302. Female. WILL care for chlldn at the home day or evening. Cau give reference. Har ney 5t5i5. GIRL with 4 s'' stenographic expert- ence: real estate or insurance office preferred Call Douglas Sllili. Bundles carefully laundered. Cull and deliver? Web. 4183. Drssniai'g cleaning, pressing. Har. 69lfs Laundry and Lay Work1V EXPERIENCED colored lady wants bun dle washing or dfty work. Webster li-O. COLORED lady wishes day work; satis faction given. Phone Webster 3264. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants day work. Webster 2151. CURTAINS laundered. 2614 Dodge. Harney 11311. WANTED Day work; bundle washing, , 611 So. 33d, rear. Call any time. RELIABLE colored woman wants ironing by the hour. Webster 2612. Rel. lady wts ironing, day w'k. Web. 608. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young men who desire to learn bookkeeping to enter in our short course of office training. You train at liome at your spare time. By our methods you will succeed, ou learn in few months what would require years to attain in office. Write at once for further par ticulars. DWpRAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, lfiih and Farnam Sts.. Omaha. CORRESPONDENT, qualified to develop business by mall, $150-$:00; traveling salesman, automobiles, $200; account ants. $150; stenographer1 and bookkeep er, $100; shipping clerk, railroad rate experience, $150-$175; stenographer and clerk, $75-85. Western Reference & Bond Assn. BILCfNO CLERK; must be able to figure extensions on machine, $S&-$90. Office clork, $60. Salesmen, good propositions. THEIARTI COMPANY. ' ' 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Men troubled with rheuma tism, constipation, lumbago, headache. Indigestion, neuralgia or heart to call on Dr. Hanks, chiropractor, and have the cause removed. 305 CroUnse Block, 16th and Capitol Ave. YOUNG MAN Stenographer. Good propo sition. Experienced window trimmer and show card writer, salary depends ou ability. In good sized city In Ne braska. Employer's Reference Company, 605 Bee Bldg. BECOME Railway Mail Clerks. 92 month. Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 230 M.. Rochester, N. Y RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED $92 month.. Sample examination ques tions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 230-N., Rochester N. Y. - - MANAGER for general store, salary and commission. WATTS REF. CO., 1 15S 1ST NATL. BK. Professions and Trades. JEWELERS WANTED Setters un close- set and crown settings, pearl work; workers on gold Greek letter fraternity emblems; also men for making gold class rings; two polishers; muht be first class workmen; excellent working con ditions; steady work and good wages. Spies Bros., 27 E. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. PRINTER-OPERATOR Model S Elec trically equipped', machine; accuracy more essential than speed; part time on floor; well-equipped office and pleasant working conditions; permanent to right man; chance lo do some outside work. The Beacon, Tabor,. Ia. MEN WANTED to learn the tire repair and retreading trade In one of tlje most up-to-date repair shops. Three weeks tuition $25 Clyde Eller, Instructor, form erly with National Auto Training School ' NATIONAL TIRE SHOP 17th and Capitol Ave. WANTED Immediately, first-class press man, cylinder and Gordon work. Per manent $25 job. If you can make good let us hear from you at once. Oliver Brown. Kearney, Neb. WANTED Good blacksmith at Anoka, Neb.; good, large farming community and no shop at present; excellent op portunity for right man. Address Sec retary Community Club of Anoka. SHOEMAKERS WANTED One at once and one on or about June 1; boih must be first-class; salary $25 to $35 per week. Tho Modern Shoe Shop, Clarlu da. Iowa. WANTED Competent meat cuttol in our meat department. Apply Mr. Cone, Munager, Courtney & Co., 17th and Douglas Sts., Opinha. EXPERIENCED stenographer. Apply Western Smelting and Refining Co., 7th and Douglas. Douglas 3424. (BARBER WANTED; GOOD MAN GOOD EDGE- PAY. FRED L. COOPER, MONT, S. D. WANTED, Tailors, pressers and busbelmen. DKKS1IER BROS., 2217 FARNAM REGISTERED DRUGGIST- In Nebraska. Prrfer man living in Omaha. Employer's Reference Company, 605 Bee Bldg. EXPERIENCED photographer In -printing and dark wanted. Call Douglas 354H. WANTED Urholsterer for furniture de- psrtment. Bx 41405. Bee '' Salesmen and . Solicitors. SALESMEN Real money for real, live salesmen Article has thousands of friends; ad vanco man or men who are looking for snaps, don't come near as we can't use youy- but men who are winners; men who have made good id other lines, we want you. W E. SHETTLEMORE, Manager. 407 S. 16TH.ST. CITY NAT. BK. BLDO WE WANT TWO LIVE AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN . to sell Nebraska and westorn 'Iowa; prefer men acquainted with dealers and with previous experience; salary , ami commission. ft APPLY IN PERSON WESTERN ELGIN MOTOR CO., 2415 Farnam St. MEN One man in eacb cptmty as exclu sive representative to sell complets line of merchandise to consumer; samples, catalogs and Instructions free; must fur nish conveyance and have good refer ences; $40 to $90 weekly; experience not necessary. Write or call for salesmao ager. Ryan Co., 1102-4-6 Harney St. H'B WANT -Tw'O ENERGETIC CITY AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN , to handle retail trade In Omaha and Council Bluffs: splendid opportunity to right men; prefer men with some experi ence. ' APPLY IN PERSON WESTERN ELGIN MOTOR CO.,.. 2415 Farnam St. SALESMEN Two young men desirous of getting traveling sales positions. No experience necessary, as training is given. $100 and expenses to start. Write at once, or call on Employer's Reference Company, 605 Bee Bldg. WANTED Young single men of good ap pearance to travel with manager and sales organization"; experience unneces sary u only hustlers wanted for a few (openings. Call from to 12. Mr. I5as sett, Henshaw . Hotel. ' WANTED Experienced salesman with established trade to sell a line of work and semi-dress shoes in Nebraska; com mission basts; give reference and expe rience In first letter. The E. B. Pleben! brock Shoe Mfg: Co., Dubuque, Ia SALESMAN, Nebraska territory, experi enced desired, but not essential Line consists of gas engines, farm light plants" and feed mills; salary, expenses and bonus; state full particulars In first letter. Address Box B-4. Omiiha Bee. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN $125 and expenses. Employer's RefereneaCo. 605 Bee Bldg. WANTED Representative " for manufac turer. Address, E. F. Bornemann Corp.. Paterson, N. J. Boys. i OFFICE BOY Good future for right boy. $50 to sfart. Employer's inference Company, 605 Bee Bldg. 1 Miscellaneous. WANT to hire responsible, - experienced farm band to take full charge of stocl and spring work; have good outfit of farm equipment; furm 160 'acres, nnd will pay good wages to good man, and want him at once. Caii on phone N-53, ..Adair, W R. E. Mickey. WANTED An experienced farm hand by month or year; good wages. Box 214, Sutheriand, Neb. Bee Want Ads Are Business Get ters. Try One and See. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young ladies 10 iearn how to operate Comptomerers an t Burroughs calculating and bookkeeping machines A good oosltlon absolutely guaranteed td 1 enery. graduate. Time required 10 com plots course, 8 weeks to 3 months Day and evening classes. Call and see us or telephone Douglas 7415 for particulars DWOliAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING. Second Floor Wead Bldg., Isth ana Farnam Sts WANTED Young women who desire to learn bookkeeping to enroll in our short course of office training. You train at homo at your spare time. By our method you will succeed. You iearn In few months what would require years to ob tain In office. Write at once for further particulars. x DWORAK SCHOOL .OF ACCOUNTING, 18th and Farnanl Sts. Omaha. STENOGRAPHER to manager, $S5-$90; stenographer, investment brokers' office, $90; stenographer, lumber experience, $i5-$90; stenographer, credit denart - -5; stenographer and comp liant, f 75-185 ; stenographer and comp tometer operator, $85; bookkeeper and stenographer, $30. Western Reference Ht Bond Assn. ATTENTION, STENOGS., CLERKS. Slenographer, small office, $20 week. Stenographer, auto CO., $75. Stenographer, good beginner, $65. Typist, $60 to $75; clerk. $55. BUSINESS MEN'S REF. ASS'N., 1307 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, private secretary. $90; stenographer, A-l future, $S5; stenog rapher, fvh!sale, $85; stenographer, n surance, $80; stenographer, wholesale, $75: P. B. X. opr., $!. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1I3H First National Bank Bldg. STRNOURAiniEitS Living out of Om aha, who have had some experience, write us regarding the many Bplendid stenographic positions now opening up In Omaha, due to the opening of busi ness apain. Employer's Reference Com pany. (i5 Hee Hidg. WANTED Ladies troubled with headache, nervousness. Indigestion, heart trouble, constipation, neuralgia to' call and have Dr. Hanks, chiropractor, remove the cause. 306 Crounso Block, 16th and Capftol avenue. PRIVATE stenographer, JS,6-$90. Stenographer, insurance office, $75. Stenographer, lumber exp., $8a-$100. Stenographer, Implements, $75. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg, WANTED Intelligent young lady, who writes neat - hand, to assist in office work. Single lady only, who lives at home with parents. Apply Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., General Office, 2d floor, 19th and Farnam streets. LADY For fitting ladles ready-to-wear clothing, and saleslady for ladies' ready-to-wear clothing. For fine store in good Blzed city out of Omaha. Employer's Reference Company, 605 Bee Bldg. WANTED, i Office girls, spotters and a wet cleaner. Dresher Bros., 2217 Farnam. Professions and Trades, TELEPHONE OPERATORS PERMANENT POSITIONS v- ; UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES ROR ADVANCEMENT Liberal pay while learning and fre qirSnt Increase In salary. Work is clean, pleasant and Inter'' ""meals at cost YOUNG WOMEN 17 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER, APPLY TO C. F. LAMBERT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO., 613 NewTelephone Bldg. 19th and Douglas. WANTED Girls to take nurses' training. Must have finished one year high school. Course consists, of three years. Salary paid. First year, $10 per month; second year, $12 per month; third year, $15 per month. Can only accommodate a small number. Thosa wishing to enter at onceJ- address Supt. City Hospital, Norfolk, Neb. Household and Domestic. WANTED Efficient girl for general housework for family of three; give references; good wages, no laundry. Mrs. 8. H. Meyers, 1026 S. 32d St. Harney 274S. WANTED An experienced maid for downstairs second work, with good rcfereucas.v Apply- Mrs. W. II. McCord, 5201 Davefiport. WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing, and no Ironing; 4 in family; 2 small children. Call Web. 3439. L WANWSD Girl for general Iiousework, small family, no laundry work. Walnut . 984. Mrs. Abe Herzberg. GIRL to help with housework and the care of 4-year-old chtid. Harney 694 1S1 North 32d Ave. EXPERIENCED white girl or woman, general housework; two in family. Walnut 2.873. WANTED Housemaid. No washing. 3 in family J916 Lothrop St. Call Web ster 4166. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework, small family. Harney 2609. WANTED fy competent girl for general housewoslf; good wages. Phone Walnut 117. GIRL for housework until April 15; good wages; small family. Xvainut 3636. A GIRL WANTED For housework; no cooking. Call Walnut 1176. WHITE cook, 3 inrfamily. -507 South 38th St. Halftey 3i09. HELP WANTED. Male and Fpemale. WANT ED M en. ladles and boys to iearn v barber trade; big demand wages while learning, sirlctly modern. Call or write S402 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College ' Thone D 2147 - V MOLER Barber College wants young men and iadiea to learn the barber trade. Call or write 'for free catalogue 110 S 14th St. Omalfa Neb EDUCATIONAL. DAY6CHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. 30YLES COLLEGE Students are admitted at an; time Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short band and typewriting, stenotypy. rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and .commercial branches. Write, call or phone Doag as 1565 for large" Illustrated catalogue. Address BOYLE'S COLLEGE. Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb. go. 111. STOP work; learn a trade; fit yourself for the future; no book work; quick and easy; free catalog. National Auto Training Ass'a 2814 N SOth. rlmaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 230 Omaha, National Bank Bldg Douglae 6890 LEARN Moaher shorthand and typewrit ing Day an night classes Omaha Shorthand College Bee Bl-le.. D 6628 Musical. 7T7B0URicnjs 1511 Dodge. Phone'D. 2171. 3d Floor Arlington Block ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach Block. Studio phpne. Red 185. FOR KENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. BEAUTIFUL -home-tike room, for business man Walking distance. Tyler 4256. ROOMS for rent in new Bungalow, 4326 Cass street. Call mornings. LARGE front room in private Harney 3056. . Housekeeping Rooms. ONE large modern front room. Complete for housekeeping. Wehstr 247. Board and Rooms. ONE room for two girls, dinner. 1103 S. sth. ' 8339 Breakfast and Phona Douglas FRONT ROOM Steam heat; plent: yol hot water. . Suitable for two. board. 2124 Douglas. Oocd Unfurnished Rooms. UEATEO rooms. Creighton Block, 16th . and Douglas tits. WORLD REALTY i COM PANT, Phone, Douglas 6342. FOR RENT ROOMS. Hotels. HEATED rooms $2.50 week. Apartments jMth kitchenette. Ogden Hotel,. Council Bluffs, la. FOR RENT HOUSES. i'JUl -ill 4 FURNISHED rooms and garden spot; private home, inquire at 505 North 34th St. about ' p. 111 , or Sunday. Guod proposition. '' South. 07 S. 25th Ave,, 9 rins,, $45.00. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536.- .' 333 Securities ftldg, HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF TUB) CITY. CRE1GH SONS & CO.. Bee. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment nianagement. LIST your proporty for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 1Zt Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Ben Hur Hall, 28th and Farnam Sts., Wednesday and Friday nights. Best dance floor In tha state. Call Tyler 3538 or Tyler 4251. B1RKETT & CO. Care of property and Insurance, 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633, FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. $125 and some furniture will make you $30 per month net, and 3 rooms to live in. Tha $125 buys the lease and aome furniture in a- three-apt. cottage, tho two apts. now rented at these figures. Inquire Sunday, or after 1 o'clock eve nings, at the apt. In the rear. 2322 Harney street ; "tIZARD PALACE BLOCK CENTRAL, All mVlern 3-room apartment, tiled bath and hall. Apply 22014 No. 23d. 2568 Douglas St., 9 rms ....$33.00 1516 Sherman Ave. 12 mis 30.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 554. North. ESTAHROOK apts., 4 rooms. Stebbns. 1610 Chicago St. Gt P. Miscellaneous. MODERN furnished and unfurnished heat ed apartment for rent. Tyler 657 J. FOR RENT 3 und 5-room brick apart ments. Call' Harney 199S evenings. FOR RENT-SUBURBAN. FIVE ACRES, well Improved, fruit, ber ries, etc. Can give possession at once. Call Douglas 526. FOR RENT Business Property. 'Stores. $115 per mo., 116 8 15th St. 2060 ft., full basement, steam heat. D. 6342. WORLD REALTY CO. 703 and 706 North 16thStreet. Weh. 3314 WANTED TO RENT. SIX or seven-room house, modern, close Jn, by reliable family. No children. Best of references. Web, lgCO. Furnished Apartments and Houses. SMALL furnished house; good yard; must be reasonable; best of rare. Hurny 5621. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 16TH AND JACKSON DOUG. 288. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VaCaNI HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. r GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. " For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 23p or D. 433S. auto or wepon service FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. -Separate locked rooms (or houifholrt goods and pianos; moving, packing au dhln-lng OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. S06 S 16h - Douglas 416$ WE haul furniture, light and heavy hauling. Live stock hauling a specialty CALDWELL TRANS. CO. Office Tyler 673 Res Douglas S1S1 MAN with one truck. ri.4irpi freight nr other hauling. Douglas S711 - REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. WALNUT HILL BRICK BUNGALOW 5-room strictly modern bungalow all on one floor; full basement; furnace heat; large floored attic; nice lot on paved street, paving patrt; near car and school; price, $f,000 cash. This is a snap. Payne Investment Co. . Realtors 537 0m. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 171. 4609 DODGE ST., $3,750 SIX ROOMS - 2-STORY This home Is on a lot D0xl28 feet Has oak finish and floors downstairs, plno finish upstairs. Paving all paid.- Full two-story. Very good value at the price. $750 down. Call Tyler 50 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. Hastings & Heyden, ' 1(114 Harney St. NWE have plans and .specifications for several good homes In Lockwood and Dundee Heights, to be 'built at once. See us. Sliuler & Cary, Realtors, 204 Keellne Bldg. A SPLENDID 11-room residence. Nilsson, 422 Securities Bldg. Elof North. PUBLIC SALE CITY PROPERTY On Wie 5th day of March, 1919, I will offer for sale at the east door of the nourt, house of Douglas county a nine room brick house and two. rots, located at 42S No. 39th street, also lot 16 in Florence, containing seven and a frac tion acres, just on top , of the bill In the suburb of Florence. This Is a beautiful Bite for a hone with a view of the river both; north and south. For. further In formation see 1 ALFRED THOMAS;' Referee, 604 First National Bank Bidg. , 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3,950 Attractive B-room strictly modern bun galow, close to Kouhtze park. Oak throughout, full basement, furnace heat, corner lot. -Property in fins repair. Reas onable terms. J. L. HIATT CO., qnn fRist national phone o "UV BANK BLDO TYLER V" PRICE-$1,700.00 CASH $250,00 . Balance SIS per month, fV a good 6 roora cottage, modern except heat, near 20th and Sewnrd Sts. ... H. A, Wolf Co., E lectrlc Bldg. ' ,f ' Tyler 6 BUNGALOW BARGAIN Five rooms and bath, all on one floor: oak finish; full cement basement; lot . 42x139;' price only 13,160; $360 cash down and $30 monthly, OSBORNE REALTY CO. 5S8 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496 $100 CAMir OR BOND. 6-R. mod. except Keat; cor. near 31st and Maple; price only $1,500; posses sion March 20. 6-R. mod. ex. heat; fins large lot; plenty of fruit; on Miami; only, $1,600. RASP BROS, 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. 6-R. FULLY MODERN on large east front lot; fenced; near 33d and Lako Sts. ; big bargains at $2,000 about $200 cash, bal. monthly. R ASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. FOR sTu.rJ Six-room modern hou, 2Sf.8 Meredith avenue. Large lot, paved street ;"all special taxes paid. Price, $3,200; one-half cash, balance $18.90 per month. Telephone Colfax 2905. NEW 7-Toom. oaksflnish: large lot: dou ble parage: prlc? $0,760; terms 6137 North 24th St NORR1S &' N0RRI3 Douglns 4270 ' FOR SALE By owner, li-room house, modern except heat; paved street; near car line. Terms. Phone Tyler 620 Wal. 359. MINNE LUSA homes Jiid lols offer the best opportunity to Invest vour money JPiione Tyler x7 , 7-room modern house, with furnace; one block from street carT $2,800. 222'J Ornoe St. WK hve a dandy .seven-room bungalow at 2S16 Franklin' street, for $1,660; terms to suit. DouglAS Wauhington In vestment company, 113 North 21th St. Webster 4206. ' , . REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. 6-ROOM niod.M-u house, first-class von ditlon, $2,100; rasy .payments. Will soon vaeate 1316 North SS'.h.' is 12-J. Tyler YOl'NO it DOUKRTY REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 823 UKAN'DEIS THEATER. D. 1571. South FIELD CLUB $fit250 buys a well constructed, 2-story and (irttie 7-room modern house, fin ished in utiriur sawed oak and plno having 4 btdrooina on 2d floor, located on 30th St., on east front lot, btweii Populeton and Woolworth aves. Keusjn ablo terms. 16,500 buys & 2-story and attic, -room modern house, finished In oak jnd birch, located between Poopleton aJ Woolworih aves,, on east front lot 67 fet wide, paved alley, arago for 1 cir. Something desirable. GEORGE & CO., Phone D. T56. 902 City Nat'l Rlf. Bldg. $300 CASH er Liberty bonds for. the firat payment on any one of these Inur houses on tno southwest corner of K'th and Castellnr streets and the balance payable month ly. These places each have 4 rooms and are partially modern. They are worth buying If you want a home. Plenty of ground lor a garden. For price call Creigh, Sons & Company, Keauors. Douglas 200. 50J Bee Bldg. WE SELL, rent. Insure and make loans on city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 21lh and Ames Ave. Col. 217 WELL improved 6-acro farm 2 lulles nouth of Q on 30th fit. Phone South 2709. FOR SALE Six-room modern house, fire place. Garage, trees. Field club district. $5,500. C. D. ARMSTRONG Douglas 1280. 826 Securities Bldg. FIVE-ROOM house; elect! i lliil.ts and city water; lot, 40x150; near St. Joseph hospi tal; 2416 South Eighth St.; a bargain. Douglas 8i12. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES. COTTAGES ft APARTMENTS AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 10$ S. 17th St. - Douglas 6013 Miscellaneous. Elegant, home of fifteen rooms, partly furnlslrtd, in fine condition, a very large yard of a little over three acres with lots ofNhada trees and shrubbery, must be seen to be appreciated. Owner will lease It for two years or longer at $100.00 per month. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Douglas 664. 1320 Farnam St. We have a large number of attractive homes, modern In every respect, In all parts of the city, for sale on easy terms. Also a number of choice lots. Call us for appointment to see these houses. List your property with JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1803 Farnam St. Douglas 629. WE BUY and sell real estate: we want some good houses to rent to colored peo ple. Call and see us. THE DOUGLAS. WASHINGTON INV. CO.. Webster 4206. 1413 North 24th St. Flv room stucco, oak floors throughout oak and white enamel finish. Fine lo cation. Price 4.600 or terms. BENSON & CARMICH AEL Doug 1722 643 Paxlon Block BARGAINS In homes. Investments proi artles and acreage near OmihA. Han" son & Morton. 916 Omaha Nit Bk. Bd A NEW 6-rm. bungalow for Bale, $3,600; terms. A. W. Tolar & Co., 694 Brandeis Bldg. Dg. 6707. BARGAIN" in homes, all parts of city. gT P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. REAL ESTATE-Business Property OFFER WANTED. 3-story brick build ing down town; closing' estate; Income $1.400; sell $10.000. Terms. Doug. 1734. BUSINESS property and Investments. A P TUKEY & 80N. 420 First National Bank Hid REAL ES ATE INVESTMENT FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Two lots In Overlook addition, Just south of Elmwood, park. Full size Iota, g 60x150. For sale, or aa first payment with some cash, on a bungalow In the south part of town. Address, Box T-362. Omaha Bee. WE HAVE six 5-room bouses and one 8 room house; also two mighty good brick store buildings well rented; In come $2,916 per year; will exchange any part or all of these for good farm or ranch. Owner nonresident. S. S. and R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City Nat'l Bank Bldg Douglas 131$. 4C0 ACRES south of Seneca, Neb., grass and grazing land. Owner wants city property or might accept commercial stock as part payment. F. M. MICHAEL CO., 610 Electric Bldg., Omaha, Neb. THREE 9-room flats, thoroughly modern, well located. Will trade tor eastern Nebraska or Iowa farm. F. M. Mich ael Co.. 510 Electric Bldg., Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED. North. LOTS on 25th Ave. and Pinkney St., $550 to $850. T RAVER BROS., Doug. 6886. 819 First National Bank. South. BIG BARGAIN LOTS, i $1 00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK, buys fine garden tract, 47xl92r only 2 blocks from West Center car line and one block to paved street; high and sightly; black soil; prices $295 and $310. THE BYRON REED CO., 1612 Farnam. . Douglas 297. LEAVENWORTH ST. INVESTMENTS. S. W. corner of 25th Ave. and Leaven worth St.; 63x121. 60 ft. between 24th and 25th; some Im provements. PAXNE & SLATER CO. Douglas 1016. Miscellaneous. 5 ACRES, $4,000 ReduoecTfrom $5,000. 'Owner, leav ing for Poland, wants quick action, -band lies well near street can Act quickly. ' HARRISON & MORTON 91 OMAHA NAT. DOUG. 314. 113 FEET of trackage on paved street. 43,000, 3. P. BOSTWICK SON, 300 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1506. 113 feet trackage, paved street, $3,500. S. P. 440STWICK & SON, 300 Bee BWlg. Tvler 1506. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. ! $3,250 . Alf modern 6-room, 14 -story, rl03e to car, In Benson. A bargain. Terms $600 jsh, balance $25 per month. - - Benson & Carmichael,' D. 1722. 642 Paxton Block. Dundee. DUNDEE SPECIAL REDUCED $500 t rooms. Including sun room and sleep ing porch; practically new, large rooms and nicely finished; fireplace In living room; large corner lot. overlooking Hap py Hollow. Price $6,800; $1,500 cash. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 918-20 City National, THREE up-to-date medium priced resi dences, also some choice vacant lots & Nlisson. 422 Securities Bldg South Side JAS J. FITZGERALD. 4931 South 24th St., "Insurance." Buy and sell property Real estate mortgage loans promptly made. A- W JONES,' South Omaha, buys seTis. exchanges all kinds of property Fot ..!.' nmelr t(nn set. lie KKAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIFS FOR SALK Aurora, March 3, 1919. Custer rolmty land, miles from Am-ley, Neb. 720 acres pasture an J hay tend. Borne alfalfa; ail fenced except SO acres, which Is used for hay land. 'I good wells and wind mills; 2 bi cisterns nnd tanks;, small house and barn. Will pasture 2f0 head of rnUle. Owner, A, B. Anderson, Aurora. Neb. ' BiGTAlsTPENING" Large body farm land In tho southwest to bo ontned by allotment, ,not required to live -on lantL Send for' information, get your allotment blanks sent free. Ad dress P. H. Fitzgerald, ilgf, Indianap olis, Ind. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Ill NO A LOWS IVA.NI'liU. We have cash buyers fur v. sll locaicd bungalows and residences worth Irs money For quick results list with us. ' O'NEIL S It. V.. A LNS AGENCY, 632-6 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel Tyler 1024. I II AVE a man who will buy your Im proved properly nnd p;iy cash for It, but the price must be right. GEORGE F. JONES. REALTOR. 2 Oily Nat, BI(.lHlg. Doug.1946, WANTED TO BUY SQte 160-acre farm Eastern Nebraska or western lowu. Must be a bargain. F. M. Michael, 6111 Electric Mldg , Omaha, NVb UAVE iiiqulriea lor good homes In good locations. Do you want to sell yout properly? List It with C. A. Urlmmcl, K49 Omaha Nat. Bk Bldg. WE have buyers lor good homes. List your property with us. Call Douglas 46. I. V. Slides Co. 915 City National, WE have cash buyers for 6 or 7-r. mod home in or near Kountze Place. Kat Bros , 212 Keellne Hid g. Tyler 721 WANT listing on your property. Hav buyers. Eugene Thomas. 41 Karbach Blk., Douglas 3607. i LIST your property for sale with J. B, Roblnaon for quick aalea 442 Bee Bide. Phone Doug 809? FINANCIAL. Wanted. Private Money. 3HOPEN ft COMPANY, Doug, 42$. $100 to $10.1100' MADE promptly W D Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. RealEstate Loans and Mortgages. ONE and oiH'e);ilf shares North American Hotel Preferred slock at a bargain. First reasonable bid gets It. L.. C. Oliver Inv. Co., 603 Waldhcim DldgA Kansas City, Mo. CONVERT that Installment luan on your home ito a straight five-year mortgage and avoid those monthly payments. E. II. LOUOEK.' INC. 688 Keellne Bldg. rCITY and farm loans; 5 and 6 per cent; no delay. J, II. Dumont & Co., 41$ Keeltno Bldg. No Delay Closing Loans. W T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1633. LOW ratoB without delay. v., C. G CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son., Keeline gldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. O'KEHFE REAL ESTATE CO. Stocks and Bonds. $500 WORTH of stock in richest oi fields. Make offer. What have you to exchange. Address Box C-85, Omaha Bee. WE BUY and sell. Liberty Bonds. Hack's Bond House. 14il First Nat Bk Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acrgage. SPECIALLY priced 1-acre tract and 4 room mod. house; full basement; close In on paved road; terms. Call Mr. Hrowne, Douglas 6236. Canadian Lands. ALBERTA LANDS. Grain, Mlxex Farming, Ranching Any Acreage. Values Right Easy Terms. Write us for what you want. We have it. THURBER & CAMERON, 46 Canada Lite Building. Calgary, Al berta. Colorado Lands. CHOICE lmp. or raw quarter, half see, or larger, Lincoln Co., bargains; easy terms J L. Maurer. Arriba. Colo Iowa Lands. E.OELLENT 520-acre stock and grain farm with two sets buildings on rural telephone line, R. F. D. ; In good locali ty; nice distance from growing town having one of the best 12 graded schools in the county: listed at sacrificed price to produce quick results; this Is one of the best stock farms In eastern Iowa . and a money -jnaker at a bargain price if sold at once; price $140 or $150 per acre with horses, implements, feed, seed, etc., necessary to operate place. E. Gii rrftre, Moiftnouth, Ia. FOR SALE 340 acres, a fine farm high bottom land, 25 miles from Oms hi. Some alfalfa and pasture, balance corn land. Price $150 per acre. $16,00 will handle. Possession at once. Address Box Y-375, Omaha Bee EIGHT ACRE tTuck ftrm, 25 mes from Omaha, nicely improved, all good garden land; some fruit. Price $3,600. Would consider small Omaha cottage or good auto as part. Address Box Y-374, Omaha Bee. Michigan Lands. CLOVERLAND, upper Michigan. Special GRAZING proposition, 1,000 acres or larger, A-l CLTOVER, $8.75 A. Smaller tracts, some Improvement, $18.50 A. tip, Charles Conro, Rhinelander, Wis. Nebraska Lands. BARGAINS IN RANCHES. 2,400 acres KeyaPaha county. Neb. 3,920 acres Arthur county. Neb. 1,136 acres Buffalo county, Neb. 960 acres Loup county. Neb. 2.400 acres Lincoln county, Neb. 720 acres Frontier county, Neb. 2,800 acres McPherson county, Neb.- Well improved and occupied. Easy"' terms. - A. A. PATZMAN, 301 Karbach Block. FOR SALE Nino acre fruit farm Im provements worth more than price ask ed. This Is your chance to get an IdeaL home cheap Must be sold at once. Brownvllle Fruit Co., Ilrownvlle, Neb. FOR SALIi Five sections, fenced, livin water; 1,000 acres tillable! long grass pasture. A real stocli nrMfgraln propo sltlon. J R Carter. Bush ell. Neb WRITE me for pictures and prices of rcy farms and ranches .In good old Dawn county Arab i. Hungerford, Crawford, Neb IERRIOK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price IL A. LARSON. Central City. Neb IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms' Kimball Co., Nebraska R E. Holme ' Dushnell. Neb. New York Lands. " $16,000 BUYS 403 acres 4 mile from town 3.700 population; 109 acres level, 803 rolling, 175 acres valuable timber, good 14-room house, good barn 44x113, silo 16x32, horse 'barn 24x50, running water ; in buildings, also gas lights, abundance of fruit, I tenant houses, cheese fac tory, etc. Including hay, griin, straw,, 27 head registered cows, bull, -10 year lings, 6 calves, 5 horses. 4 hogs, to hens, sugar tools, farming equipment. To set tle estate. Easy terms. Free list. El lls Bros., Sprlngvllle, N. T, - Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLKV. Oregon, offers you a home In the land of sunshine, where conditions are right for raising alfalfa and cattle Address, Jordan Valley Farms, Boise. Idaho. Tex?s ?ni??- BRAZOS VALLft' PLANTATION. 650 acres rich, productive land JUS acres ready for, cultivation. No, 1 fo cotlon, sui;ar cane, corn and potatoes; good drainage. H4 miles .from railway station, 6 miles from oil " well flowlns; 10,000 barrels dally; oil Indication. Price per aero or mineral right ro. served. $30 per acre, terms. Chas. Peter, son, 319 First National Bank Bldg., Houston, Tex. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $50 per a., including paid up water right. -lenrjr Levi & C M Rylander. 854 Omaha . PINK BLUFFS. Wyoming", farms, good crop and water, $10 per-acre. C V. Nelson. 618 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. FARM LANDS WANTED. WB will sell your farm; timely sales-, quick returns. Held Lantl Co.. 664 Ttrandels Hldg. AUTOMOBILES. AUTO RfnTF Two Ford touring bodies; new Ford truck cabs and del. bodies, ready for deliveryi6 special I-ton flare board express bodies, 46 Ins. wide, ft. 8 Ins. long; $50. VVm. Weiffer Auto & Carriage Wks. .'Sth Ave, end Leavenworth' St. Tyler 701. ENCLOSE DmCAKS! 18 Studebaker 6, 7-pass., $750. 1' ford Sedan. like new, $SS5. lTTJulck light 6, S)0, 17Ford Coupo, $500.'. Trawver AtitojCo., 1910 Farnam St." MGKKS AVTO CO'. w. bcuM- I1 and exchanged. We buy for .isb and sen on time, Full io7s s 1 from .Mldlil Stat. Oarage. J026-I Farnam St Douglas 4101 mr,r.K AUTO CO f V, ; -Paasena;er. high! ' t ?'j 7ly.Tw- If ou " to buy a SLih " r"nn"y from private In- EXPERT Repairing-. Guaranty aervloS ., SBRVICB QAKAOE. isth. and Leavenworth. Dout iiR ' v ' . k 1 i- ir 1; A. i .I ?.. I -1 f 11 If,