Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1919, Page 7, Image 7
1 ' t THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1919. Brief City News Royal lwpm, Burtess-Qreoden Co. Have Root Print It Beacon Press. Wins Popularity Contest Miss trances Krlenbrlnk won the popu larity contest at St. Rose church festival. " IT. W. Douglas Burns ha re turned from the dental corps of the army and resumed practice. 658 Erandeis Theater Bldg. Tyler 424SW, Many Hullillnir Permits The ad vent or March is Annual Election of Elks 'Lodge Officers Will Be Held Fridav John C. Barrett will be selected as exalted ruler by Omaha lodge No. 39, B. P. O. E., Friday night, when they hold their annual election and meeting in the Elks home, 313 South Fifteenth street. ' Charles R. Docherty will be se brlneinar inaica- I i..j i j Mom of a busy bu.MinK season. Per-1 TTn 1 "! ?" " nate representative to the grand OBITUARY- MRS. HELEN KOLANCX, 24 years old, died Monday evening of Influenza at her home, 2456 South Twentieth street. She is survived by her husband, Walter Kolancx, a daughter, Frances, her mother, Mrs. Frank. Morrel, and, three sisters and one brother. The funeral was held Wednesday at 2 p. m. In Korisko Brothers' chapel and Interment in the Bohemian cemetery. ' Born in Flattsburjc, Mo., he later made his home in St. Joseph, Mo., and at one time was engaged In the banking; business In Kansas, moving to Omaha in 1890. For years he conducted a cigar store at Fifteenth and Dodge streets. He retired from active business seen years ago. Mr. Davis is survived by his 'widow, who was before her mar riape Miss Harriet Green, and three children, Mrs. Minnie O'Shaughnes sv, Mrs, Grace Epworth and AVil liam R. Davis, jr., all of Omaha. ' WIMJAM R. DAVIS, 72 years old, retired business man and for. 29 ears a resident of Omaha, died Wednesday morning at his home, J.562 Harney street. mam (J III f Hit ) .J ' mlta were issued Tuesday afternoon l.v the city building department for io new dwellings to cost 140,000. Careys Have Spot You can have your spots cieanea, pressed, altered or repaired at Carey Cleaning Co., 2401 No. 24th St., Web. S92. The charge for cleaning is 35o only. Zionists Rata $1,000 Although there were only about 50 men and women at the Zionist meeting Wed nesday night in the synagogue at Nineteenth and Burt streets, $1,000 was raised for the Palestine restora tion fund. Holds $700 Bond Money Samuel Cohen, clerk at Central police court, is carrying a fund of nearly $700 which represents bond money not called for by persons who were dis missed in court or otherwise were disposed of. Presented with a Shotgun Elmer K. Phlvely. formerly connected with the paawenser department of the Union Pacific, Is leaving for Bread water, Neb., where he will engage in forming. Co-workers of Mr. Shive ly presented him with a double-barrel, breech-loading shotgun. Will Join Husband Mrs. C. M. Hyland, stenographer in County At torney Shotwell's ofllce, will leave Saturday for Carlisle. Pa., where hor husband, Dr. Hyland, of the army, has been placed in charge of the laboratory of the general army hospital established at the CarlfRle , Indian school. She will be succeeded as stenographer by Miss Nora Moriarity. Mother Recks Son Sheriff Clark ' has been asked by Mrs. C. L. Por ter, 250R Ames avenue to find her son, 19 years old, and tell him to hurry home. Mrs. Porter is very sick at Immanuel hospital. The son was heard of Inst in December when he was working for the street rail way company in Kansas City. Open Sub-Stations There will bo several branches and sub-stations of the Omaha army recruiting station. Four men have been sent from Oma ha to open sub-stations in the fol lowing cities: Sergt. F. Halls, Sioux City, la.: Sergt. Joe Weir, Fort Dodge, la.; Sergt. C. H. Booth, Mason City, la. Dog; Wants Horn An attractive ' ' cocker spaniel dog, about 8 months old. .wants a home. The animal is being cared for by City Veterinarian Hall at his canine hospital. 2 8 58 Farnam street. The dog suffered a slight leg injury and found its way Into the shorthand school in the Omaha National Bunk building. The humane officers were notified and Dr. Hall responded. The dog may be adopted by someone who will promise to, give it a good home, unless the' rightful" owner should claim it. Sam t Burns Heads Victory Loan Drive Organization Sam Burns will head the local or ganization (or the victory loan ' drive opening April 21. Harvey Milliken will serve as secretary treasurer; Fred Cuscadcn, chairman of supplies, information and ad justment; A. A. Allwine, account ing, Kay Young, speakers; Arthur Thomas, publicity; Leo Borcllc, ad vertising, stunts and paradejf Majors of divisions will be T. I-. Davis,, Guy Cramer, C. O. Tal madge with George Gibbs for the South Side. W. B. Cheek will have charge of the packing houses, and William H. Wood the Live Stock exchange.' W. J, Coad heads the central com mittee and J. H. MithentheDoug las county organization. Omaha Italians Praise Efforts of the President President Wilson was praised for his efforts in behalf of humanity and urged to protect Italy's claims the Adriatic in a telegram sent from Omaha yesterday by a com mittee representing 200 members of the Christopher Columbus Mutual Benefit society. This action was taken following the "unanimous sentiment expressed at the regular monthly meeting, of the society last night. The message was signed bySalvatore Pisci, Bia gio Cardcllo, Garmelo Falcone and Caniglia Goetono. lodge, The other officers will be Willis G. Sears, esteemed leading knight; Ot to Nielson, esteemed loyal knight; Walter C. Nelson, esteemed lectur ing knight; Isaac W. Miner, secre tary; Charles L. Saunders, treasurer; E. F. Brailej, trustee, and John H. Killian, tiler. ' , Martin Sugar-man Family to Spend Few Weeks in Florida Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Sugar man and children will leave in the next day or so for Palm Beach, Fla., for a week's stay. They expect to visit several Florida, winter resorts and other southern points before re turning home. Mr, Sugarman says he can now take a well earned rest in view of the fact that his brother, Lieut. George Sugarman, has re turned from the navy and can handle his law business while he is away. Cut Me Out and mail me to Carey Cleaning- Cn 2401 No. 24th St. Web. 692, (Dept. 'B.), with your name and address and I will bring you free a smu'l vest pocket or puree aize, "Guide to Omaha," containing a Street Directory, 1919 calendar card and s bujineis block directory. ENGINEER WEEKS GAINS 20 POUNDS TAKING TANLAG Wouldn't Take All Money in Universe for Good It Did Him. Everybody in Jacksonville, Fla., either knows or has heard of Engi neer Chas. J. Weeks, who runs the Seaboard Air Line fast train "Fox" between Jacksonville and Tampa. Mr. Weeks bears the distinction of being the second oldest engineer in point of service with his foad, hav ing been with the company thirty five years. He is a man of very temperate habits, few words and strong' convictions. According to his 6wn statement he has never taken a drink or used tobacco in any form. He not only has a splendid record for efficiency as a railroad man, but is held in the very highest esteem by his fellow citizens in Jack sonville. "I've gained twenty pounds on seven bottles of Tanlac and feel as well and happy as I did when a boy," said Mr. Weeks to the Tanlac representative who had called by special invitation at his attractive residence, 2139 Lydia Street, for his statement a few days ago.' "For twenty years I suffered with nervous indigestion of the worst sort," he continued, "and at times during the past fifteen years I didn't think I would last much loneer. To tell you the truth, I fi nally reached the point where I didn't much care whether I lived or died. "After eating I would have so much gas on my stomach and would get so puffed up I could hardly fasten my clothes on. My food would sour and curdle, and I would have heartburn so bad I would feel like a piece of hot iron was laying in my stomach, and the pains were simply awful. To tell you the truth, I just don't know how I lived. I could eat no meats or sweets of any kind, and for days I would have to live almost entirely on bread and water. God only knows how I suf fered. I just can't describe it. The pains around my heart and the pal pitation were 'so intense I thoueht at times I must have heart trouble. I couldn't find anything to relieve my troubles, although I tried hard. "Tanlac was so highly recom mended to me that I bought a bot tle and cannot express in words how grateful I feel for the good it has done me. Just think of it a few bottles of this medicine has made me feel better than I have in fifteen years it seems almost unbelievable, but it's the plain, simple truth. I can now eat anything placed before me, and everything agrees with me perfectly, and. I enjoy my sleep as much as a child, and I'm feeling just fine in every way. J feel so nimble I think I could hold a good runner a tieht foot-race. "Tanlac has entirely relieved me of the things that troubled me so long, and I just don't know how to express my gratitude. I wouldn't be in the same shape I was in before forfait the money in the universe. "If anybody doubts my statement you can just telr them to write me a personal letter and I'll answer it. I'll be only too glad to have the op portunity of telling them what this great medicine has done for me." - Tanlac is sold in Omaha by all Sherman & McConnell Drug Com pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy and West End Pharmacy. Also For rest and Meany Drug Company in South Omaha and the leading drug gist in each city and town through out the state of Nebraska. Adv. "BALMWORT" PLEASES MANY . Hundreds of thousands are afflicted with irregularities of the Kidneys, urinary passage and bladder. s Thousands have found true comfort and benefit using Balmwort Kidney Tablets, sold by all druggists. Mrs. Frank Monehan, 1519 Penrose St., St. Louis, writes: "I tm taking Balmwort Kidney Tab lets and must say they are the finest thing on the marketand I feel I could not live if I had to be "without them." Ask Mr. Foster for information about California, Florida, etc. No charge. Main Floor Balcony. Wednesday, March 5, 1919- V EYERYBODYS STORE For Men Lounging room and splendidly appointed barber shop. Fourth Flow. -STORE NEWS FOR THURSDAY- Phone D. 2100. A Remarkable Purchase and Sale of Smart, New Involving the Season's Cleverest Ideas for Present and Early Spring Wear at Prices That Are Extremely Low. Three Groups: . GOOD things come to him who goes after them is twisting an old saw slightly, but that's what our millinery representative did, with the result that he secured through several purchases the most charming assortment of trimmed hats we've ever shown at such low prices. Hats that will appeal to everyone at ' Savings of 4 to in Many Instances The materials are lisere straw, Milans, real hair, and Jap straws in black anJ almost every imaginable color. Newest shapes. Hats trimmed with paradise FLOWER HATS WING HATS DRESS HATS STREET HATS HATS FOR WOMEN HATS FOR MISSES HATS FOR MATRONS ' Every que brand new, no two alike, and every one a wonderful value'. Three groups, at $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Burtres-Nh Co. SeeonJ Floor ' Continuing for Thursday, the PI? uc Vi N 77 on in the Turkish Towels 19c Bleached Turkish Towels, size 18x34 inches. A fine quality of heavy weight, specially priced at 19e each or 6 for $1.00. Burfwi-Nuh Co. Downatalri Stort. 39-Inch Unbleached Muslin 19c Yard One big lot of 39-inch un bleached muslin, a good quality for sheets, cases, etc. At the extremely low price of 19c yard. Burfeaa-Naah Co. Downstairs Stare. mjr v m Women's and Misses , Mina Taylor Bungalow Aprons $1195 i Ii They are made by the manufacturer of this well-known brand of 'aprons and (Jresses, but are the samples used for" tak ing orders, and we offer them for Thurs day at about half the usual. Made 'of percale in light and dark colors, big va riety of patterns. Very special at $1.93. Burgen-Nash Co. Downstairs Store. Reductions on Women's Silk Kimonos s A wonderful array of colors in plain or dainty floral ' effects. Trimmed in contrasting colored satins. , Crepe Kimonos $1.95 Women's Dainty Kimonos mad( of Japanese crepe in dainty floral designs. Very specially priced. Burfsss-Nasb Co. Downstairs Store. 7-Inch Dress, Chambray 10lc Yard 27-inch dreBs chambray, lifht and dark blue, pink, gray and tan, suitable for women's dresses and children's dresses, etc. Very special at 1016 c a yd. Bur(esa-Nash Co. Downstairs 5 tore. Yards and Yards of Challies lfii2 Yard Best quality 36-inch Passaic cotton challies for comfort cov erings, kimonos, etc. In a won derful lot of new patterns for your selection. In this sale priced at 16 c per yard. Burfass-Nash Co. Downstairs Store. Damask Remnants $U5 Each Bleached table damask lengths of heavy weight and splendid quality. The lengths come in different patterns and are sizes 64x64 inches, much less than egular at $1.05 per length. Buress-Nah Co. Downstairs Store. 42x36-Inch Pillow Cases 42x3 6-inch pillow" cases with wide hem, for this sale have been priced at 29c each, which is very special. Burfess-Nash Co. Downstair Storo 29c Each Women s Bloomers Made of tub satin and witchery crepe, with full elastic top, knee length, with lace ruffle or cuff. $1 65 Burgoss-Nash Co. Downstair Store. Muslin Petticoats Innumerable ' styles with flounces of M lace and em broidery. . J. : Bursu.Nsih Co. DowMtafra Store. - Crepe de Chine Camisoles Made of crepe de chine ' and satin trimmed with lace, hand embroidered motifs and ribbon. ' Burges-Nah Co. Downstair Store 99c 27-Inch Dress Gingham 27c Yard Aurora dress ginghams in a beautiful lot of plaids, includ ing small checks, plain Colors, etc. Special at 27c yard. . Biu-ftss-Nash Co. Downstair Store. 'i" r i. Men'sNeckwearin the Downstairs Store at it k 19m Brand new, spic and span four-in-hands in pretty spring colorings and designs. Narrow; straight, medium straight and wide flowing ends. The materials are silk fibres, poplins and real silks. Every tie standard cut," slip easy, stitched band. The values are most extreme at l$c each. Burf es-Nash Co. Downstairs Store. ' Children's Hose ' Boys' and girls'"1 Black Cotton fr Hose, seamless ; various weights in the lot. Burg-ess-Nash Co. Downstair Store Wool Dress Goods Plain shades, suit- able for dresses and skirts; serges, m g plain and check ' granite, etc., navy TTtt blue and black, 49e yard. . Burcess-Naab. Co. Downstair Store Envelope Chemise . Sheer Nainsook,! daintily tfimmed in lace or em broidery inser tion, ribbon run beading. Bsrgen-Ntih Ce. Dowattalrt Stars. 99c Nainsook Gowns Dozens of styles to select from in empire, chem ise, slip-on and kimono effects, trimmed with embroidery and lace. BuriMi-Niilt Co. Dowaitfln Store. 99 c Remarkable Sale of Children's Dresses At 39cy 3 tor $1.00 A special selection of dresses made of light and dark percales, medium colored backgrounds, with pretty checks, stripes and plain colors. Sizes 6 to 12 years. Spe cial at 39c tach, or 3 for $1.00. At $1.59, 2 for $3. 00 This lot includes gingham, chambray and galatea dresses in smocked, belted and Norfolk styles. They come in sizes from 7 to 14 years. Priced special at $1.59 each, or 2 for $3.00. Burgesa-Naih Co. Downstair Store. It