Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1919. If It ba my lot to crawl. I will crawl , contentedly; if to fly, I wilt fly with alacrity; but, as long ai I can avoid it, I will never ba iinhappy. Sydney Smith. I navar trod a rock eo bare, Unbleieed by verdure brightened od, But tome email flower, half hidden there Exhaled the fragrant bieath of Cod. "TIZ" GLADDENS SORE, TIRED FEET No puf fed-up, burning, ten der, aching feet' no corns or callduses. . "Haapyl Happyt V TIT" "Tiz" makes sore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight. Away go the aches and pains, the corns, callouses, blisters, bunions and chil blains. "Tiz" draws out the acids and prisons that puff up your feet. No matter how hard you work, how long you dance, how far you walk, or how long you remain on your feet, "Tiz" brings restful foot com fort. "Tiz" is magical, grand, won derful for tired, aching, swollen, smarting feet. Ah! how comfort able, how happy you feel. Your feet just tingle for joy; shoes never hurt or seem tight. Get a 25-cent box of "Tiz" now from any druggist or department store. End foot torture forever wear smaller shoes, kep your feet fresh, sweet and, happy. Just think! a whole year's foot comfort for only 25 cents. Adv. Doctor Tells How To Strengthen Eyesight tmpleuKOf Bon-Up to, s a y Dr. Lewta.lhava seen eye sight ttreng thened 50 A in week's lime in many instances, and quick relief brought to . H - - J V J innimcu, ching, itching, burning, work-stf 'ned. water? eve. Red the doctor'- full tttement toon to ppeir in thii paper. Bon-Opto i -old and recom mended everywhere by Dqpusu BIG EATERS GET: KIDNEY, TROUBLE Take a glass of Salts before breakfast if your Back hurts or Bladder - bothers you. The American men and women must guard constantly against Kid ney trouble, because we eat too much and all our food is rich.' Our blood is filled with uric acid which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken f rem overwprk, become sluggish; thfe eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general de cline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of read; your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, get from yoir phar macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no, longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bjadder disorders. Jad Salts Is inexpensive; cannot injure, makes a delightful efferves cent lithia-water beverage, and be longs in every honre, because nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. Adv. ir J Tjin itching head to most uncomfortable and annoying That itching is not always entirely due to dandruff oftentimes the irrita tion is caused by a mild form of eczema. Resinol Ointment is usually most suc cessful in clearing up a trouble such as this, and speedier results are generally obtained by washing the hair occasion ally with Resinol Soap. Their taint nee ttldom fil to brine utia lictonr results in the treatment of all alria disorders on limba, body and face.. S'tir mil Jrmeti'tl. Ftrfrtt mmpUi writ i?je, Baltimarl. Md. t IAULC.I3-) I BEATCN DR'JG CO, OMAHA. NEB. Bee Want Ars are the Bdst Busi ness Boosters. SOCIETY Miss Menie Davis Finds Work of Entertaining Soldiers Very Fine Miss Menie Davis, who is at military hospital No. 1 in New York City, finds her work'intensely interesting. Her duties consist of entertaining the wounded men, in making the long, dull hours pass pleasantly for the warriors who find the days dull and irksome. Miss Davis is known as a volunteer Red Cross worker and is on duty from 11 to 6 o'clock each day. She will not. remain many mouths longer, however, as she expects to return about the first of May. Miss Daphne Peters, who is at the government hospital at Camp Dix, N. J., is also delighted with her chosen work. She is assisting in' the training of soldiers who have returned maimed. Many of these men find that due to their injuries they are incapacitated for resuming their former work and Miss Peters assists in teaching them new trades. It is not expected that she will re turn with Miss Davis, but will prob ably remain another six months. Theater Parties. I Many parties will be given dur ing the David Warlield engagement at the Brandeis. Those who will entertain include: Edson Rich, T. F. Stroud, Mary S. Silver, G. A. Rohr bough. Miss M. C. Wieck, Max Qr kin, D. O'Sullivan, Mrs. E. H. Sprague, Mr. E. W. Julian, E. W. Dixon, Miss Hayden, M. M. Robert son, Mrs. C. H. Brown, Mr. Ferciot, Dr. Loughbridge, Clara Southard VV. S. Gentry, Robert Patrick, D. R. Hogan, E. E. Pollock, Mrs. Frank Shotwell, John Madden, E. A, Schureman, Mr. Fitzgerald, Henriet ta Swartzland, C. L. Modisette, Charles A. Eyre, King M. Cleeves, Clarence Rubendall, Dr. B. B. Davis, E. M. Curtin, Mrs. L. H. Berg, W. P. Thomas, Mr. Harry Pierpont, Art Smith, L. V. Nicholas, Mrs. I. Adams, Mr. L. Anderson, Mable A1-. lison, Geo. A. Roberts, Florence" Steadman, Mrs. L. R. Newburn, Mrs. VV. A. Redick, George B. Thummell, MacIIarding, W. C. Fla- ft) it lr ' ClnrArxn -c JJVif T Learned, Mrs. A. S. Rodeers. Mrs. T. Brown, A. M. Rodgers, Dr. J. T. Matthews, Mrs. A. M. Jeffery, D. A. Johnson, C. Parker, IoneDuffv, Mrs. J. J. Brown and Dr. A. P. Overgaard. Masquerade Party. Under the soft glow of gay Jap anese lanterns, 40 kiddies in fancy dress will give a dancing program Saturday evening at the Prettiest Mile club. Many unique costumes are being planned for the children and this promises to be one of the most enjoyable affairs ever given at the club. Mrs. C. J.-Parrott, who is the instructor for the children's dancing classes, will introduce each tiny dancer as they are unmasked. Don't Change Your Husband. Adv. rCstMrFi.-.v.S ' : I A A Do You Look As Young As t You Feel? , T TAYBE because IV A you feel fine you fail to notice as others ' do the little lines stealthily forming in your face.- Take care of your skin now. Try thii eimple formula "A little CREME ELCAYA rubbed gently into the akin: -theo if you need color, a very . little Elcaya rouge ipreed cere, fully over the check before tbe cream ii quite dry; and after that tbe film of face ponder over ail. ELCAYA is a delightful, nongieasy, dis. appearing toilet cream that makes tbe skin like velvet. your dealer hat ELCA YA and hat sold it for yean. Ask him. . JameiC. Crane, Soltjftnt Crcme Elcaya Clean Route Ekeya Face PowUer 143 Madison Ave., New York mm 1L. if ii: IlMadoonlv! 1 dfsCHULZSj V PAKING COJ j Fashionable . Nancy It really isn't very hard To see why Nancy ch6se foulard, The faithful sort, that's sure to wear, And had it draped with greatest care. All said and done, she can rejoice, The gown has justified her choice. (Copyright applied for.) N Heart Beats By A. K. A situation Desperate in the Extreme Has arisen Bu 'women must Shoulder the burden And face forward The period of Reconstruction There are Ten thousand' things I To be readjusted And it is terrifying To think That we must ' Alter (as it were) Our whole program Of life X Our knitting fingers , Must learn to pour Tea and beat the Fudge and manipulate The fanV For we shall give back The jobs That we have been holding To the soldier man We've got to stay At home And mind the babies And watch the bills And pad the pills As of yore Our comfy low heels Must give way To the fashionable French Stilts And our warm uniforms Are a thing of the Past - ' . For the chiffons AntJrills I Are on the way back ' And it looks to us v As though we'd have To forget, about Red Crossing And cantecning And motor corpsing And office working ; And farmetetting . , At least we've heard That these sacrifices Come under the head ' Of Reconstruction But there is one . Colossal grief , One terrorizing task Wwien 'must reconstruct They, are banding togefller To force the Restaurant keepers To serve us . Just a little food With our bills.k Selah! . Personals r , A baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. U. t. Bradford Tuesday. Mrs. A. t. Reed has been moved from the Methodist hospital to the Blackstone. The Ja De club will give a dan cing party at Kel-Fine's academy, Wednesday evening. ' Mrs. Charles T. Kountze, who is at Excelsior Springs, will remain for another 10 days. Miss Marguerite Young, who is appearing at the Orpheum this week, is a cousin of Miss-Adele Cullen. v Omahans who are stopping at the Hotel Clark in Los Angeles include Mr. and Mrs. William Archibald Smith, . T. Hayden, John Judd, W. Hellwig and O E. Berg. Lt. H. C. De Lamatre has received his honorable discharge and will resume his law practice in Omaha. Corporal Howard W. De Lamatre, who has also been released from military service .leaves Wednesday evening for Kimball, O., whete he will engage in farming. Mrs. Ralph Hart left , for New York Tuesday evening to meet Cap tain Hart, who has returned from 9 months' service overseas. When Captain Hart receives his discharge he will return to Omaha with Mrs. Hart and they will make their home at 1304 Park avenue. For Bridal Couple. Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Os tenberg will entertain at dinner at the Athletic, club Wednesday eve ning in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Campbell, whose marriage took place Monday. The guests will include the members of the bridal party and following the dinner they will be entertained at a box party at the Brandeis. . Many other affairs are being planned for Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, as they will not take a wedding trip at this time but will be at home at the- Fontenelle, LOVELORN By BEATRICE FAIRFAX Two Married Men. Dear Mies Fairfax: I am unde cided and come to yom (or advice. I am' a young college girl, 17 years old, ambitious to marry well and raise a large family. There is one thing which has always puzzled me and thut is that sometimes I am popular with the boys and other times I am not. Whenever I am alone with one of them, he tells me how nice I am. But on he street or in school they wont have anything to do with me. They won't take me anywhere. Can a person be nice when alone and then not nice when there are several people around? There is only one consolation and that is that there are two men in love with me; both of them are mar ried but I like them. Now, Miss Fairfax, which one. shall I marry? Either one will divorce his woman the minute I say the word. One of them sells perfume and the other works in the livery stable. The lat ter is the bent looking, but I feel better when with the perfume man, Hoping to see this in The Bee. B. D. U. You are very young and moody, perhrrps, this wrild account for the changeable attitude of the boys. It is not much consolation, to have two married men ia love with you. Do not be too sure that either Vf them would divorce his wife for you. That is easier said than done and I doubt very much if either ot them wish to divorce their wives. I suggest the stable man by all means, if you de cide to rob his' family as he would probably "treat you rough," and I imagine that Is what you need. I suppose you don't realize that xyou are dreadfully silly. I don't wonder that you are unpopular with the single boys. , rrn a linn -A 1 Dear Mies Fairfax: I being a con stant readef of your column was very much interested in Alice A's let ter and hope this will be printed for her sake. Alice is lonely a great part of the time. Now I think it would be a nice thing for her to take up music. If she does she will never re gret it. I am a musician myself and know I never get lonely. It is cer tainly a sorrow to lose your mother. Now I hope to see this in print soon. Thanking you very kindly. A SOLDIER AT FOKT OMAHA. Young Artist. My Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a high school girl and very much in terested in art. I love to paint and thought maybe I could earn a little spending money by painting place cards, favors, etc. So won't you please advise me as to who to go to for information or could you get some small orders for me? Here is a minor question When the high school boys come-to see me in their tilts, should I go out to the car (as customary); or would it be "''.'"'l-ViL i. ". feu 1. hi Who BenefitsbyHigh Prices? You feel that retail meat prices are too high. Your retailer says he has to pay higher prices to the packers. . ' Swift & Company prove that out of every dollar the retailer pays to the packers for meat, 2 cents is for packers' profit, 13 cents is for operating ex penses, and 85 cents goes to the stock raiser; and that the prices of live stock and meat move up and down together. v The live-stock raiser points to rising costs or raising live stock'. Labor reminds us that higher wages must go hand in hand with the new cost of living. . ' ' v (a Ntfone, apparently is responsible. No one, ap parently, is benefited by higher prices and higher in come. " ' ' ' We are all living on a high-priced scale, One trouble is. that the number of dollars has multiplied faster than the quantity of goods, so that each dollar buys less than formerly. . 11 '9 NOTICE Please confine your letters to not more than 200 words if you wish to see them in print. This becomes necessary because of the great number of letters arriving on every jnail. , best to make them come up to the house to talk to me? Won't you please-answer this real soon? As I would Value the infor mation. I kindly thank you in ad vance. S. O. S. Matthews' Book Store might con sider your work. Also the heads of women's clubs. Watch the paper for names ot women who give parties and work in the clubs. Then write notes to these women asking ttiem to consider your work. x "Mnxlne." Dear Miss Fairfax: Kindly tell me the origination of the name "Maxine," what nationality it be longs too and is it a Holy name? Thanking you for your kindness, l am, A SUBSCRIBER. Maxmillian dates back to the Holy Roman empire. The abbreviation became Max, the fenynine of which is Maxine. MaiT.riiiK Cousins. Dear Miss Fairfax: I'm in love with two brothers, they are my tirst cousins. Both were in the service, one come back and spent a week at our home. Told me he would like me for his steady. His brother wrote and told me he, can't wait to see me again. Am writing to both, OVER . 57 BASKET Wednesday, March 5th, at all our Omaha and Gouncil Bluffs Stores we will sell BASKO FLOUR 48-lb. Cotton Bags $2.69 24-lb. Cotton Bags 1.35 48-lb. Paper . . . . . . . 2i59 ' 24-lb. Paper 1.30 ' ALSO Simon Pure Lard, l-lb'. Pail . 50c Best Lard packed in Omaha Armour's best quality. f " - The above items are for Wednesday, March 5th, only and the supply at each store i3 limited. y7EBBA8KET U. S. License G2S403 ?Tl fill' ' TiS Swift & Company, U. S.A. Omaha Local Branch, 13th & Leavenworth Streets F. J. Souders, Manager N L as they do not live here. I think a great deal of both. One thinks I ove him more and the other like wise. Life to me is not worth living withoait marrying ono'of them. I've found out where first cousins ca get married. The boys ages are 23 and 25. I'm 18 years of age. Flense ad vise we what to do, for I'm kind of worried tloping to find my answer in the Wednesday paper. Thanking you very much for advice. Yours truly, BETTY. Don't take your cousin's letters too seriously. They may be Just good cousins. Anyway, you couH not marry both and the one left single would grieve. That you have found out whare cousins may marry would not help matters much if your chil dren were mental jlefectlves or phys ical weaklings. This is, too often, ihe terrible price cousins pay for marrying each other. Be calm and think the matter over carefully. There are many other men who will come intSyour life, so Tie hopeful. r.oletta Lune: l'lcusc semi mc your correct nniuo nnil address, There is u message hero for you. v Ktiiliiette. Dear Miss Fairfax: How should a girl thank a young man when he escorts her home? If he takes her to a show would it be proper to tell him you enjoyed it, even though you didn't? Please answer in The Omaha Bee. ANXIOUS. Thaaik him for the evening's en tertainment, say you enjoyed the show, but do not gush over it. Don't Change Your Husband. Adv. STORE! STOiWT Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. -iliar i r ; ft n'i , I. l ; 1 - Our system of "twin" equip ment makes that steady flow of crispy, rich brown, crusty loaveaof Hard Roll Bread a certainty. No matter what misfortune befalls any one piece of our equipment, we just switch in the "twin" and . our output runs on unmo-n lested. Remember, there are no disappointments in v By Vour Grocer Has it. laaaiiEXFESg --My . 4 . Prompt deliveries-can now be made Complete with case Central Typewriter Exchange Doug. 4121. v Corona Agency. 1905 Farnam St. DRUGGISTS! VICK'S SHORTAGE The Deal Scheduled For Last November, Which Was Post poned on Account of the In fluenza Epidemic, Is Now Re-instated Good During the Month of March. OVER ONE MILLION JARS OF VAPORUB PRODUCED EACH WEEK. It is with pride that we announce to tire drug trade that the shortage of Vick's VanoRub, which has lasted s'nee last October, is now overcome. Since January 1st. we have been running our laboratory twenty-three and a half hours out of every twen- to install it on Christmas Day, so as ty-four. Last week we shipped the not to interfere with our daily pro last of our back orders, and. retail duction. druggists, therefore, are no longer,. 143 jars OF VAPORUB EVERY requested to order in small quanti- MINUTE DAY AND NIGHT 4ies only. ' ' By January 1st we had every- November Ideal reinstated thinK ady to put on our night . . shift, and since then our laboratorv This desl, which we had expected to nut on last November and which had to be postponed on account of the shortage of VapoRufi, is re instated for the month of March. This allows a discount of 10 on shipments Itvm jobbers stocK 01 quar-tities of from 1 to 4 gross. 5 ated for th( benefit of these work of this, discount is allowed by the erS) served 7000 meals during the jobber and 5 by us. month of January alone. we aavise ins reuau urunsisis tu place their orders immediately, so. that the jobbers will be able to get prompt shipments to them. THANKS OF THE PUBLIC DUE THE DRUG TRADE DURING' THE INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC The thanks of the American pub- lie are certainly due the entire drug trade re'tail, wholesale and manu- facturing for, what they accom plished during the recent influenza epidemic. The war caused a short age of physicians nurses were al most' impossible to obtain the de mand on the drug trade was unex pected and overwhelming, and to this demand they responded nobly. Retail druggists kept onen day and night and slept where they dropped behind the prescription counter. Wholesale druggists called their salesmen off the road to help fill orders -hundreds wired us to ship Vick's VapoRub -by the quickest route, regardless of expense. HERE'S WARMING, SOOTHING RELIEF FROM YOUR RHEUMATIC ACHES For prompt relief from Rheuma tism, Neuralgia or Lumbago, you can .depend on Sloan's Lininient. Ihe warming, soothing, counter-irritant effect is the quickest way to overcome the inflammation, swelling or stiffness. A few drops go right to the sore part, draw the blood from the congested place and re move the cause of the ache. The great penetrating power of ) f ..ft f nTTi (& , ... Petersen & Pegau Baking Co. T;h Buy a ' fUr.!k. Tltif ft Pntinrl.l ifennnl Wrtrinn 1i1tlliino lie a toiaunui riiiiiiigiituviunv The same service at half the price and in a more convenient form. $50.00 i VAPORUB OVERCOME AT LAST A TREMENDOUS JOB TO IN CREASE OUR PRODUCTION In this emergency we have tried to do our part. We scoured the . country for raw materials our Traffic Manager spent his days rid ing freight cars in we shipped raw materials in carload lots by express and pleaded with manufacturers to increase their deliveries to us.: -1 But it was a slow process. Somr of our raw materials are produced only in Japan sunnlies in this coun try were low and shipments required three months to come from the Far East. Then we had to recruit ami train skilled labor. We brought our salesmen into the factory and iramea mem as loremen. We m- vented new machinery, and manaeed has been runninj: day and nieht. To feed our automatic machines, which drop out one hundred and forty three jars of VanoRub a minute or one million and eichtv thousand weekly, has required a force of 500 neonle. Our Cafa n-,rtman 13 MILLION JARS OF VAPORUB DISTRIBUTED SINCE OCTOBER An idea of the work we have ac complished this Fall may be given by our production figures 13,028, 976 jars of VapoRub manufactured anu pisiriDuteu since Jast October- one jar for every two families in the entire. United States. if ,,.lnn.8r the influenza epidemic, Vick s VanoRub was used as an ex ternal application in connection with the physician's treatment, and thou sands of people, unable to obtain a doctor, relied on Vick's almost ex clusively. Literally millions of families all over the country from California to Maine, and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf, have found Vick's VapoRub the ideal home remedy for croup and cold 1 troubles. Sloan's Liniment makes rubbing needless. It is easier and cleaner to use than plasters or poultices. It does not stain the skin or clog ths pores. A bottle of Sloan's Liniment is all you need for quick rest and relief from, the pains of sprains, bruises, backache, stiffneck, and most forms of rheumatic twinges. Generous size bottles at druggists everywhere. 30c, 60c, $1.20. 1ULLS na iki r J Mm try u j K